pp vs gozo

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC  G.R. No. L-36409 October 26, 197 THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,  plaintif-app ellee, !s" LORETA GOZO, deendant-appellant " Oce o the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Assistant Solicitor Gen eral Jaime M. Lant in and Solicitor or! erto " . #d$a rdo or  plaintif-app ellee.  Jose % . er& or deen dant-appe llant.  D E C I S I O N F#'A(O, J.) Appellant see#s to set asi$e a %u$&'ent of the Cour t of (irs t )nstance of *a'bales, con!ictin& her of a !iolation of an or$inance of Olon&apo, *a'b ales , re+uirin& a per'it fro' the 'unicipal 'aor for the construction or erection of a buil$in&, as -ell as an 'o$i.cation, alterati on, repair or $e'olition thereof" /he +uestions its !ali$it, or at the !er least, its applicabilit to her, b in!o#in& $ue process,  1  a contention she -oul$ pre'ise on -hat for her is the teachin& of "eople *. Fa+ardo"  2  )f such a &roun$ -ere far fro' bein& i'presse$ -ith soli$it, she stan$s on +uic#san$ -hen she -oul$ $en the applicabilit of the or$inance to her, on the prete 0t that her house -as construct e$ -ithin the na!al base lease$ to the A'erican ar'e$ forces" hile iel$in& to the -ellsettle$ $octrine that it $oes not thereb cease to be Philippine terr itor, she -oul$, in e3ect, see# to e'asculate our so!erei&n ri&hts b the assertion that -e cannot e0ercise therein a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction" 4o state the pr opo sit ion is to 'a# e pat ent ho- 'uch it is tin &e$ -ith unortho$o 0 " Clearl then, the lo-er court $ecision 'ust be a5r'e$ -ith the sole 'o$i.cation that she is &i!en thirt $as fro' the .nalit of a %u$&'ent to obtain a per'it, failin& -hich, she is re+uire$ to $e'olish the sa'e"  4he facts are un$ispute$" As set forth in the $ecision of the lo-er court 4he accuse$ bou&ht a house an$ lot locate$ insi$e the 8nite$ /tates Na!al Reser!ation -ithin the territor ial %uris$iction of Olon&apo Cit" /he $e'olishe$ the house an$ built another one in its place, -ithout a buil$in& per'it fro' the Cit Maor of Olon&apo Cit, because she -as tol$ b one Ernesto E!alle, an assistant in the Cit Maors o5ce, as -ell as b her nei&hbors in the area, that such buil$in& per'it -as not necessar for the construction of the house" On :ece'ber 29, 1966, ;uan Malones, a buil$in& an$ lot inspector of the Cit En&ineers O5ce, Olon&apo Cit, to&ether -ith Pa tro l'an Ra'on Macahilas of the Olon&ap o Cit police forc e apprehen$e$ four carpenters -or#in& on the house of the accuse$ an$ the br ou& ht the car penters to the Olo n&a po Cit pol ice hea$+uar ters for interr o&ation" < Afte r $ue in!esti&at ion, =oreta >o?o -as char&e$ -ith !iolation of Municipal Or$inance No" 1@, /" of 196@ -ith the Cit (iscals O5ce"  3  4he Cit Court of Olon&apo Cit foun$ her &uilt of !iolatin& Municipal Or$inance No" 1@, /eries of 196@ an$ sentence$ her to an i'prison'ent of one 'onth as -ell as to pa the costs" 4he Court of )nstance of *a'bales, on app eal , fou n$ her &ui lt on the abo !e fac ts of !io lat in& such 'unicipal or$inance but -oul$ sentence her 'erel to pa a .ne of P2" an$ to $e'olish the house thus erecte$" /he ele!ate$ the case to the Court of Appeals but in her brief, she -oul$ put in issue the !ali$it of such an or$inance on constitutional &roun$ or at the !er least its applicabilit to her in !ie- of the location of her $-ellin& -ithin the na!al base" Accor$in&l, the Court of Appeals, in a resolution of ;anuar 29, 197, notin& the constitutional +uestion raise$, certi.e$ the case to this Court"

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7/21/2019 Pp vs Gozo

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Republic of the Philippines





G.R. No. L-36409 October 26, 197



LORETA GOZO, deendant-appellant "

Oce o the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Assistant Solicitor General Jaime M. Lantin and Solicitor or!erto ". #d$ardo or 


 Jose %. er& or deendant-appellant.



F#'A(O, J.)

Appellant see#s to set asi$e a %u$&'ent of the Court of (irst

)nstance of *a'bales, con!ictin& her of a !iolation of an or$inance

of Olon&apo, *a'bales, re+uirin& a per'it fro' the 'unicipal

'aor for the construction or erection of a buil$in&, as -ell as an

'o$i.cation, alteration, repair or $e'olition thereof" /he +uestions

its !ali$it, or at the !er least, its applicabilit to her, b in!o#in&

$ue process, 1 a contention she -oul$ pre'ise on -hat for her is

the teachin& of "eople *. Fa+ardo" 2 )f such a &roun$ -ere far fro'

bein& i'presse$ -ith soli$it, she stan$s on +uic#san$ -hen she

-oul$ $en the applicabilit of the or$inance to her, on the prete0t

that her house -as constructe$ -ithin the na!al base lease$ to the

A'erican ar'e$ forces" hile iel$in& to the -ellsettle$ $octrine

that it $oes not thereb cease to be Philippine territor, she -oul$,

in e3ect, see# to e'asculate our so!erei&n ri&hts b the assertion

that -e cannot e0ercise therein a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction" 4o state

the proposition is to 'a#e patent ho- 'uch it is tin&e$ -ith

unortho$o0" Clearl then, the lo-er court $ecision 'ust bea5r'e$ -ith the sole 'o$i.cation that she is &i!en thirt $as

fro' the .nalit of a %u$&'ent to obtain a per'it, failin& -hich, she

is re+uire$ to $e'olish the sa'e"

 4he facts are un$ispute$" As set forth in the $ecision of the lo-er

court 4he accuse$ bou&ht a house an$ lot locate$ insi$e the

8nite$ /tates Na!al Reser!ation -ithin the territorial %uris$iction of 

Olon&apo Cit" /he $e'olishe$ the house an$ built another one in

its place, -ithout a buil$in& per'it fro' the Cit Maor of Olon&apo

Cit, because she -as tol$ b one Ernesto E!alle, an assistant in

the Cit Maors o5ce, as -ell as b her nei&hbors in the area, that

such buil$in& per'it -as not necessar for the construction of the

house" On :ece'ber 29, 1966, ;uan Malones, a buil$in& an$ lot

inspector of the Cit En&ineers O5ce, Olon&apo Cit, to&ether -ith

Patrol'an Ra'on Macahilas of the Olon&apo Cit police force

apprehen$e$ four carpenters -or#in& on the house of the accuse$

an$ the brou&ht the carpenters to the Olon&apo Cit police

hea$+uarters for interro&ation" < After $ue in!esti&ation, =oreta

>o?o -as char&e$ -ith !iolation of Municipal Or$inance No" 1@, /"

of 196@ -ith the Cit (iscals O5ce" 3 4he Cit Court of Olon&apo

Cit foun$ her &uilt of !iolatin& Municipal Or$inance No" 1@, /eriesof 196@ an$ sentence$ her to an i'prison'ent of one 'onth as

-ell as to pa the costs" 4he Court of )nstance of *a'bales, on

appeal, foun$ her &uilt on the abo!e facts of !iolatin& such

'unicipal or$inance but -oul$ sentence her 'erel to pa a .ne of 

P2" an$ to $e'olish the house thus erecte$" /he ele!ate$ the

case to the Court of Appeals but in her brief, she -oul$ put in issue

the !ali$it of such an or$inance on constitutional &roun$ or at the

!er least its applicabilit to her in !ie- of the location of her

$-ellin& -ithin the na!al base" Accor$in&l, the Court of Appeals, in

a resolution of ;anuar 29, 197, notin& the constitutional +uestion

raise$, certi.e$ the case to this Court"

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 4here is, as 'entione$ in the openin& para&raph of this petition, no

support in la- for the stan$ ta#en b appellant"

1" )t -oul$ be fruitless for her to assert that local &o!ern'ent units

are $e!oi$ of authorit to re+uire buil$in& per'its" 4his Court,

fro' Siter *. M$nicipalit& o e!$, 4 $eci$e$ in 1911, has

sanctione$ the !ali$it of such 'easures" )t is 'uch too late in the

$a to conten$ that such a re+uire'ent cannot be !ali$l i'pose$"E!en appellant, %usti.abl concerne$ about the unfa!orable

i'pression that coul$ be create$ if she -ere to $en that such

co'petence is !este$ in 'unicipal corporations an$ chartere$

cities, ha$ to conce$e in her brief )f, at all the +uestione$

or$inance 'a be pre$icate$ un$er the &eneral -elfare clause

< " 5 )ts scope is -i$e, -ellni&h all e'bracin&, co!erin& e!er

aspect of public health, public 'orals, public safet, an$ the -ell

bein& an$ &oo$ or$er of the co''unit"  6

)t &oes -ithout sain& that such a po-er is sub%ect to li'itations"

Certainl, if its e0ercise is !iolati!e of an constitutional ri&ht, then

its !ali$it coul$ be i'pu&ne$, or at the !er least, its applicabilit

to the person a$!ersel a3ecte$ coul$ be +uestione$" /o 'uch is

settle$ la-" Apparentl, appellant has a$opte$ the !ie- that a $ue

process +uestion 'a in$ee$ be raise$ in !ie- of -hat for her is its

oppressi!e character" /he is le$ to such a conclusion, relin&

on "eople *. Fa+ardo"  A 'ore careful scrutin of such a $ecision

-oul$ not ha!e le$ her astra, for that case is easil

$istin&uishable" 4he facts as set forth in the opinion follo- )t

appears that on Au&ust 1D, 19D, $urin& the incu'benc of 

$efen$antappellant ;uan (" (a%ar$o as 'aor of the 'unicipalit of Baao, Ca'arines /ur, the 'unicipal council passe$ the or$inance in

+uestion pro!i$in& as follo-s < 1" An person or persons -ho -ill

construct or repair a buil$in& shoul$, before constructin& or

repairin&, obtain a -ritten per'it fro' the Municipal Maor" < 2" A

fee of not less than P2" shoul$ be char&e$ for each buil$in&

per'it an$ P1" for each repair per'it issue$" < " PenaltFAn

!iolation of the pro!isions of the abo!e, this or$inance, shall 'a#e

the !iolator liable to pa a .ne of not less than P2D nor 'ore than

PD or i'prison'ent of not less than 12 $as nor 'ore than 2@

$as or both, at the $iscretion of the court" )f sai$ buil$in& $estros

the !ie- of the Public Pla?a or occupies an public propert, it shall

be re'o!e$ at the e0pense of the o-ner of the buil$in& or house"

< " (our ears later, after the ter' of appellant (a%ar$o as 'aor

ha$ e0pire$, he an$ his soninla-, appellant Babilonia, .le$ a

-ritten re+uest -ith the incu'bent 'unicipal 'aor for a per'it to

construct a buil$in& a$%acent to their &asoline station on a parcel of 

lan$ re&istere$ in (a%ar$os na'e, locate$ alon& the national

hi&h-a an$ separate$ fro' the public pla?a b a cree# < " On

 ;anuar 16, 19D@, the re+uest -as $enie$, for the reason a'on&others that the propose$ buil$in& -oul$ $estro the !ie- or beaut

of the public pla?a < " On ;anuar 1G, 19D@, $efen$ants reiterate$

their re+uest for a buil$in& per'it <, but a&ain the re+uest -as

turne$ $o-n b the 'aor" hereupon, appellants procee$e$ -ith

the construction of the buil$in& -ithout a per'it, because the

nee$e$ a place of resi$ence !er ba$l, their for'er house ha!in&

been $estroe$ b a tphoon an$ hitherto the ha$ been li!in& on

lease$ propert" !

Clearl then, the application of such an or$inance to (a%ar$o -as

oppressi!e" A con!iction therefore for a !iolation thereof both in the

 %ustice of the peace court of Baao, Ca'arines /ur as -ell as in the

Court of (irst )nstance coul$ not be sustaine$" )n this case, on the

contrar, appellant ne!er bothere$ to co'pl -ith the or$inance"

Perhaps a-are of such a crucial $istinction, she -oul$ assert in her

brief 4he e!i$ence sho-e$ that e!en if the accuse$ -ere to

secure a per'it fro' the Maor, the sa'e -oul$ not ha!e been

&rante$" 4o re+uire the accuse$ to obtain a per'it before

constructin& her house -oul$ be an e0ercise in futilit" 4he la- -ill

not re+uire anone to perfor' an i'possibilit, neither in la- or in

fact < " 9 )t -oul$ be fro' her o-n !ersion, at the !er least then,pre'ature to anticipate such an a$!erse result, an$ thus to

con$e'n an or$inance -hich certainl len$s itself to an

interpretation that is neither oppressi!e, unfair, or unreasonable"

 4hat #in$ of interpretation su5ces to re'o!e an possible +uestion

of its !ali$it, as -as e0pressl announce$ in "rimicias *.

F$/oso" 10 /o it appears fro' this portion of the opinion of ;ustice

(eria, spea#in& for the Court /ai$ pro!ision is susceptible of t-o

constructions one is that the Maor of the Cit of Manila is !este$

-ith unre&ulate$ $iscretion to &rant or refuse to &rant per'it for

the hol$in& of a la-ful asse'bl or 'eetin&, para$e, or procession

in the streets an$ other public places of the Cit of Manila an$ the

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other is that the applicant has the ri&ht to a per'it -hich shall be

&rante$ b the Maor, sub%ect onl to the latters reasonable

$iscretion to $eter'ine or specif the streets or public places to be

use$ for the purpose, -ith a !ie- to pre!ent confusion b

o!erlappin&, to secure con!enient use of the streets an$ public

places b others, an$ to pro!i$e a$e+uate an$ proper policin& to

'ini'i?e the ris# of $isor$er" After a 'ature $eliberation, -e ha!e

arri!e$ at the conclusion that -e 'ust a$opt the secon$construction, that is, construe the pro!isions of the sai$ or$inance

to 'ean that it $oes not confer upon the Maor the po-er to refuse

to &rant the per'it, but onl the $iscretion, in issuin& the per'it, to

$eter'ine or specif the streets or public places -here the para$e

or procession 'a pass or the 'eetin& 'a be hel$" 11 )f, in a case

a3ectin& such a preferre$ free$o' as the ri&ht to asse'bl, this

Court coul$ construe an or$inance of the Cit of Manila so as to

a!oi$ o3en$in& a&ainst a constitutional pro!ision, there is nothin&

to preclu$e it fro' a si'ilar 'o$e of approach in or$er to sho- the

lac# of 'erit of an attac# a&ainst an or$inance re+uirin& a per'it"

Appellant cannot therefore ta#e co'fort fro' an broa$ state'ent

in the (a%ar$o opinion, -hich inci$entall is ta#en out of conte0t,

consi$erin& the a$'itte$ oppressi!e application of the challen&e$

'easure in that liti&ation" /o 'uch then for the contention that she

coul$ not ha!e been !ali$l con!icte$ for a !iolation of such

or$inance" Nor shoul$ it be for&otten that she $i$ su3er the sa'e

fate t-ice, once fro' the Cit Court an$ thereafter fro' the Court

of (irst )nstance" 4he reason is ob!ious" /uch or$inance applies to


2" Much less is a re!ersal in$icate$ because of the alle&e$ absenceof the rather no!el concept of a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction on the part

of Olon&apo Cit" Nor is no!elt the onl thin& that 'a be sai$

a&ainst it" (ar -orse is the assu'ption at -ar -ith controllin& an$

authoritati!e $octrines that the 'ere e0istence of 'ilitar or na!al

bases of a forei&n countr cuts $eepl into the po-er to &o!ern"

 4-o lea$in& cases 'a be cite$ to sho- ho- o3ensi!e is such

thin#in& to the %uristic concept of so!erei&nt, "eople *.

 Acierto, 12 an$ 'ea/an *. ommissioner o 0nternal 'e*en$e" 13 As

-as so e'phaticall set forth b ;ustice 4uason in Acierto B the

A&ree'ent, it shoul$ be note$, the Philippine >o!ern'ent 'erel

consents that the 8nite$ /tates e0ercise %uris$iction in certain

cases" 4he consent -as &i!en purel as a 'atter of co'it,

courtes, or e0pe$ienc" 4he Philippine >o!ern'ent has not

ab$icate$ its so!erei&nt o!er the bases as part of the Philippine

territor or $i!este$ itself co'pletel of %uris$iction o!er o3enses

co''itte$ therein" 8n$er the ter's of the treat, the 8nite$ /tates

>o!ern'ent has prior or preferential but not e0clusi!e %uris$iction

of such o3enses" 4he Philippine >o!ern'ent retains not onl

 %uris$ictional ri&hts not &rante$, but also all such ce$e$ ri&hts asthe 8nite$ /tates Militar authorities for reasons of their o-n

$ecline to 'a#e use of" 4he .rst proposition is i'plie$ fro' the fact

of Philippine so!erei&nt o!er the bases the secon$ fro' the

e0press pro!isions of the treat" 14 4here -as a reiteration of such

a !ie- in Rea&an" 4hus Nothin& is better settle$ than that the

Philippines bein& in$epen$ent an$ so!erei&n, its authorit 'a be

e0ercise$ o!er its entire $o'ain" 4here is no portion thereof that is

beon$ its po-er" ithin its li'its, its $ecrees are supre'e, its

co''an$s para'ount" )ts la-s &o!ern therein, an$ e!erone to

-ho' it applies 'ust sub'it to its ter's" 4hat is the e0tent of its

 %uris$iction, both territorial an$ personal" Necessaril, li#e-ise, it

has to be e0clusi!e" )f it -ere not thus, there is a $i'inution of 

so!erei&nt" 15 4hen ca'e this para&raph $ealin& -ith the

principle of autoli'itation )t is to be a$'itte$ an state 'a, b

its consent, e0press or i'plie$, sub'it to a restriction of its

so!erei&n ri&hts" 4here 'a thus be a curtail'ent of -hat

other-ise is a po-er plenar in character" 4hat is the concept of 

so!erei&nt as autoli'itation, -hich, in the succinct lan&ua&e of 

 ;elline#, is the propert of a stateforce $ue to -hich it has the

e0clusi!e capacit of le&al self$eter'ination an$ selfrestriction" A

state then, if it chooses to, 'a refrain fro' the e0ercise of -hatother-ise is illi'itable co'petence" 16 4he opinion -as at pains to

point out thou&h that e!en then, there is at the 'ost $i'inution of 

 %uris$ictional ri&hts, not its $isappearance" 4he -or$s e'ploe$

follo- )ts la-s 'a as to so'e persons foun$ -ithin its territor

no lon&er control" Nor $oes the 'atter en$ there" )t is not preclu$e$

fro' allo-in& another po-er to participate in the e0ercise of 

 %uris$ictional ri&ht o!er certain portions of its territor" )f it $oes so,

it b no 'eans follo-s that such areas beco'e i'presse$ -ith an

alien character" 4he retain their status as nati!e soil" 4he are still

sub%ect to its authorit" )ts %uris$iction 'a be $i'inishe$, but it

$oes not $isappear" /o it is -ith the bases un$er lease to the

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A'erican ar'e$ forces b !irtue of the 'ilitar bases a&ree'ent of 

19@7" 4he are not an$ cannot be forei&n territor" 1

Can there be anthin& clearer, therefore, than that onl a

turnabout, un-arrante$ an$ un%usti.e$, fro' -hat is settle$ an$

ortho$o0 la- can len$ the sli&htest $e&ree of plausibilit to the

contention of absence of a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction" )f it -ere

other-ise, -hat -as aptl referre$ to b ;ustice 4uason as a'atter of co'it, courtes, or e0pe$ienc beco'es one of 

obeisance an$ sub'ission" )f on a concern purel $o'estic in its

i'plications, $e!oi$ of an connection -ith national securit, the

MilitarBases A&ree'ent coul$ be thus interprete$, then

so!erei&nt in$ee$ beco'es a 'oc#er an$ an illusion" Nor $oes

appellants thesis rest on less sha# foun$ation b the 'ere fact

that Acierto an$ Rea&an $ealt -ith the co'petence of the national

&o!ern'ent, -hile -hat is sou&ht to be e'asculate$ in this case is

the socalle$ a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction of a 'unicipal corporation"

ithin the li'its of its territor, -hate!er statutor po-ers are

!este$ upon it 'a be !ali$l e0ercise$" An resi$ual authorit an$

therein conferre$, -hether e0pressl or i'plie$l, belon&s to the

national &o!ern'ent, not to an alien countr" hat is e!en 'ore to

be $eplore$ in this stan$ of appellant is that no such clai' is 'a$e

b the A'erican na!al authorities, not that it -oul$ $o the' an

&oo$ if it -ere so asserte$" 4o +uote fro' Acierto ane- 4he

carrin& out of the pro!isions of the Bases A&ree'ent is the

concern of the contractin& parties alone" hether, therefore, a

&i!en case -hich b the treat co'es -ithin the 8nite$ /tates

 %uris$iction shoul$ be transferre$ to the Philippine authorities is a

'atter about -hich the accuse$ has nothin& to $o or sa" )n other-or$s, the ri&hts &rante$ to the 8nite$ /tates b the treat insure

solel to that countr an$ cannot be raise$ b the o3en$er" 1! )f an

accuse$ -oul$ su3er fro' such $isabilit, e!en if the A'erican

ar'e$ forces -ere the bene.ciar of a treat pri!ile&e, -hat is

there for appellant to ta#e hol$ of -hen there is absolutel no

sho-in& of an alle&e$ &rant of -hat is +uaintl referre$ to as

a$'inistrati!e %uris$ictionH 4hat is all, an$ it is 'ore than enou&h,

to 'a#e 'anifest the futilit of see#in& a re!ersal"

"HEREFORE, the appeale$ $ecision of No!e'ber 11, 1969

is AFFIRMED  insofar as it foun$ the accuse$, =oreta >o?o, &uilt

beon$ reasonable $oubt of a !iolation of Municipal Or$inance No"

1@, series of 196@ an$ sentencin& her to pa a .ne of P2" -ith

subsi$iar i'prison'ent in case of insol!enc, an$ 'o$i.e$ insofar

as she is re+uire$ to $e'olish the house that is the sub%ect 'atter

of the case, she bein& &i!en a perio$ of thirt $as fro' the .nalit

of this $ecision -ithin -hich to obtain the re+uire$ per'it" Onl

upon her failure to $o so -ill that portion of the appeale$ $ecision

re+uirin& $e'olition be enforce$" Costs a&ainst the accuse$"

Ma1alintal, .J., 2aldi*ar, astro, %eehan1ee, Ma1asiar, Antonio and

#s/$erra, JJ., conc$r.

3arredo, J., too1 no part.


F#$%&' =oreta  >o?o bou&ht a house an$ lot -hich -as locate$

insi$e the 8/ Na!alReser!ation -hich is -ithin the territorial

 %uris$iction of Olon&apo Cit" 8pon the a$!ice of an assistant in the

Maors O5ce an$ so'e nei&hbors, she $e'olishe$ the house

stan$in& thereon -ithout ac+uirin& the necessar per'its an$ then

later on erecte$ another house" /he -as then char&e$ b the Cit

En&ineers O5ce for !iolatin& a 'unicipal or$er -hich re+uires her

to secure per'its for an $e'olition an$Ior construction -ithin the

Cit" /he -as con!icte$ in !iolation thereof b the lo-er court" /heappeale$ an$ countere$ that the Cit of Olon&apo has no

a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction o!er the sai$ lot because it is -ithin a

Na!al Base of a forei&n countr"

ISSUE' )s the Municipal Or$inance enforceable -ithin the 8/ Na!al


HELD' Jes" 4he Philippine >o!ern'ent has not ab$icate$ its

so!erei&nt o!er the bases as part of the Philippine territor or

$i!este$ itself co'pletel of %uris$iction o!er o3enses co''itte$therein" 8n$er the ter's of the treat, the 8nite$ /tates

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>o!ern'ent has prior or preferential but not e0clusi!e %uris$iction

of such o3enses" 4he Philippine >o!ern'ent retains not onl

 %uris$ictional ri&hts not &rante$, but also all such ce$e$ ri&hts as

the 8nite$ /tates Militar authorities for reasons of their o-n

$ecline to 'a#e use of KMilitar Bases A&ree'entL" ence, in the

e0ercise of its so!erei&nt, the /tate throu&h the Cit of Olon&apo

$oes ha!e a$'inistrati!e %uris$iction o!er the lot locate$ -ithin the

8/ Na!al Base"

R()* +. Co+(%

Po&%(* o S(%(/( 16, 2014  Co&%)%%)o# L# 

 T#&' Co&%)%%)o# L# C#&( )(7&

D@ 8"/" 1 K19D7L

F#$%&' Mrs" Co!ert #ille$ her husban$ on an airbase in En&lan$"

Pursuant to a statusofforces e0ecuti!e a&ree'ent -ith En&lan$,she -as trie$ an$ con!icte$ b 8/ court'artial -ithout a %ur trial

un$er the 8CM;" /he petitione$ a -rit of habeus corpus on the

&roun$s that the con!iction !iolate$ her Dth  6th A'en$'ent ri&hts

to be trie$ b a %ur after in$ict'ent b a &ran$ %ur"

I&&('  hether the e0ecuti!e a&ree'ent is restraine$ b

constitutional li'itations"

Ho*)' Jes" 4he Constitution in its entiret applies to the trials"

/ince their court'artial $i$ not 'eet the re+uire'ents of Art" ))) 2

or the Dth an$ 6th A'en$'ents the court -as co'pelle$ to

$eter'ine if there is anthin& -ithin the Constitution -hichauthori?es the 'ilitar trial of $epen$ents acco'panin& the

ar'e$ forces o!erseas" No a&ree'ent -ith a forei&n nation can

confer po-er on the Con&ress, or on an other branch of

>o!ern'ent, -hich is free fro' the restraints of the Constitution"

)n &eneral, the presi$ent cannot contract a-a in$i!i$ual

constitutional ri&hts" )t is -ithin the Presi$ents po-er to enter into

these a&ree'ents, ho-e!er, but the a&ree'ent cannot conict

-ith enacte$ statute or the constitution"

T##*# +& A##, 22 SCRA 1!, M#8 2, 199

F#$%& ' 4his is a petition see#in& to nullif the Philippine rati.cation

of the orl$ 4ra$e Or&ani?ation K4OL A&ree'ent" Petitioners

+uestion the concurrence of herein respon$ents actin& in their

capacities as /enators !ia si&nin& the sai$ a&ree'ent"

 4he 4O opens access to forei&n 'ar#ets, especiall its 'a%or

tra$in& partners, throu&h the re$uction of tari3s on its e0ports,

particularl a&ricultural an$ in$ustrial pro$ucts" 4hus, pro!i$es ne-opportunities for the ser!ice sector cost an$ uncertaint associate$

-ith e0portin& an$ 'ore in!est'ent in the countr" 4hese are the

pre$icte$ bene.ts as reecte$ in the a&ree'ent an$ as !ie-e$ b

the si&nator /enators, a free 'ar#et espouse$ b 4O"

Petitioners on the other han$ !ie-e$ the 4O a&ree'ent as one

that li'its, restricts an$ i'pair Philippine econo'ic so!erei&nt an$

le&islati!e po-er" 4hat the (ilipino (irst polic of the Constitution

-as ta#en for &rante$ as it &i!es forei&n tra$in& inter!ention"

I&&( ' hether or not there has been a &ra!e abuse of $iscretion

a'ountin& to lac# or e0cess of %uris$iction on the part of the /enate

in &i!in& its concurrence of the sai$ 4O a&ree'ent"

H(*' )n its :eclaration of Principles an$ state policies, the

Constitution a$opts the &enerall accepte$ principles of

international la- as part of the la- of the lan$, an$ a$heres to the

polic of peace, e+ualit, %ustice, free$o', cooperation an$ a'it ,

-ith all nations" B the $octrine of incorporation, the countr is

boun$ b &enerall accepte$ principles of international la-, -hich

are consi$ere$ auto'aticall part of our o-n la-s" Pacta suntser!an$a Q international a&ree'ents 'ust be perfor'e$ in &oo$

faith" A treat is not a 'ere 'oral obli&ation but creates a le&all

bin$in& obli&ation on the parties"

 4hrou&h 4O the so!erei&nt of the state cannot in fact an$ realit

be consi$ere$ as absolute because it is a re&ulation of co''ercial

relations a'on& nations" /uch as -hen Philippines %oine$ the

8nite$ Nations K8NL it consente$ to restrict its so!erei&nt ri&ht

un$er the concept of so!erei&nt as autoli'itation" hat /enate

$i$ -as a !ali$ e0ercise of authorit" As to $eter'ine -hether such

e0ercise is -ise, bene.cial or !iable is outsi$e the real' of %u$icial

in+uir an$ re!ie-" 4he act of si&nin& the sai$ a&ree'ent is not a

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le&islati!e restriction as 4O allo-s -ith$ra-al of 'e'bership

shoul$ this be the political $esire of a 'e'ber" Also, it shoul$ not

be !ie-e$ as a li'itation of econo'ic so!erei&nt" 4O re'ains as

the onl !iable structure for 'ultilateral tra$in& an$ the !eritable

foru' for the $e!elop'ent of international tra$e la-" )ts alternati!e

is isolation, sta&nation if not econo'ic self$estruction" 4hus, the

people be allo-e$, throu&h their $ul electe$ o5cers, 'a#e their

free choice"Petition is :)/M)//E: for lac# of 'erit"

>o!ern'ent Of 4he 8/A " on" Pur&anan K22L

>o!ern'ent of the 8/A !" on" Pur&anan

>R" NO" 1@GD71 /ept" 2@ 22


=essons E0tra$ition Process, Bail on E0tra$ition, Ri&ht of :ue

Process an$ (un$a'ental (airness in E0tra$ition

=a-s Bill of Ri&hts, P: 169, 8/Phil E0tra$ition 4reat


  Petition is a se+uel to the case /ec" of ;ustice !" on" =antion"

 4he /ecretar -as or$ere$ to furnish Mr" ;i'ene? copies of thee0tra$ition re+uest an$ its supportin& papers an$ to &rant the

latter a reasonableperio$ -ithin -hich to .le a co''ent an$

supportin& e!i$ence" But, on 'otion for reconsi$eration b the

/ec" of ;ustice, it re!erse$ its $ecision but hel$ that the Mr" ;i'ene?

-as bereft of the ri&ht to notice an$ hearin& $urin& the e!aluation

sta&e of the e0tra$ition process" On Ma 1G, 21,

the >o!ern'ent of the8/A, represente$ b the Philippine

:epart'ent of ;ustice, .le$ -ith the R4C, the Petition for E0tra$ition

prain& for the issuance of an or$er for his i''e$iate arrest

pursuant to /ec" 6 of P: 169 in or$er to pre!ent the i&ht of

 ;i'ene?" Before the R4C coul$ act on the petition, Mr" ;i'ene? .le$

before it an 8r&ent ManifestationIE0Parte Motion prain& for his

application for an arrest -arrant be set for hearin&" After the

hearin&, as re+uire$ b the court, Mr" ;i'ene? sub'itte$ his

Me'oran$u'" 4herein see#in& an alternati!e praer that in case a

-arrant shoul$ issue, he be allo-e$ to post bail in the a'ount of

P1," 4he court or$ere$ the issuance of a -arrant for

his arrest an$ .0in& bail for his te'porar libert at P1M in cash"

After he ha$ surren$ere$ his passport an$ poste$ the re+uire$ cashbon$, ;i'ene? -as &rante$ pro!isional libert"

>o!ern'ent of the 8/A .le$ a petition for Certiorari un$er Rule

6D of the Rules of Court to set asi$e the or$er for the issuance of a

-arrant for his arrest an$ .0in& bail for his te'porar libert at

P1M in cash -hich the court $ee's best to ta#e co&ni?ance as

there is still no local %urispru$ence to &ui$e lo-er court"



i" hether or NO4 on" Pur&anan acte$ -ithout or in e0cess of

 %uris$iction or -ith &ra!e abuse of $iscretion a'ountin& to lac# ore0cess of %uris$iction in a$optin& a proce$ure of .rst hearin& a

potential e0tra$itee before issuin& an arrest -arrant un$er /ection

6 of P: No" 169

ii" hether or NO4 on" Pur&anan acte$ -ithout or in e0cess of

 %uris$iction or -ith &ra!e abuse of $iscretion a'ountin& to lac# or

e0cess of %uris$iction in &rantin& the praer for bail

iii" hether or NO4 there is a !iolation of $ue process

E=: Petition is >RAN4E:" Bail bon$ poste$ is CANCE==E:"

Re&ional 4rial Court of   Manila is $irecte$ to con$uct the e0tra$ition procee$in&s before


i" JE/"

B usin& the phrase if it appears, the la- further con!es that

accurac is not as

i'portant as spee$ at such earl sta&e" (ro' the #no-le$&e an$

the 'aterial then a!ailable to it, the court is e0pecte$ 'erel to &et

a &oo$ .rst i'pression or a pri'a facie .n$in& su5cient to 'a#e a

spee$ initial $eter'ination as re&ar$s the arrest an$ $etention of

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the accuse$" 4he pri'a facie e0istence of probable cause for

hearin& the petition an$, a priori, for issuin& an arrest -arrant -as

alrea$ e!i$ent fro' the Petition itself an$ its supportin&

$ocu'ents" ence, after ha!in& alrea$ $eter'ine$ therefro' that

a pri'a facie .n$in& $i$ e0ist, respon$ent %u$&e &ra!el abuse$ his

$iscretion -hen he set the 'atter for hearin& upon 'otion of

 ;i'ene?" 4he silence of the =a- an$ the 4reat leans to the

'ore reasonableinterpretation that there is no intention topunctuate -ith a hearin& e!er little step in the entire

procee$in&s" )t also bears e'phasi?in& at this point that

e0tra$ition procee$in&s are su''ar in nature" /en$in& to

persons sou&ht to be e0tra$ite$ a notice of the re+uest for

their arrest an$ settin& it for hearin& at so'e future $ate -oul$

&i!e the' a'ple opportunit to prepare an$ e0ecute an escape

-hich neither the 4reat nor the =a- coul$ ha!e inten$e$"

  E!en /ection 2 of Article ))) of our Constitution, -hich is in!o#e$

b ;i'ene?, $oes not re+uire a notice or a hearin& before the

issuance of a -arrant of arrest" 4o $eter'ine probable cause forthe issuance ofarrest -arrants, the Constitution itself re+uires onl

the e0a'ination un$er oath or a5r'ation of co'plainants an$ the

-itnesses the 'a pro$uce"

 4he Proper Proce$ure to Best /er!e 4he En$s Of ;ustice )n

E0tra$ition Cases

  8pon receipt of a petition for e0tra$ition an$ its supportin&

$ocu'ents, the %u$&e 'ust stu$ the' an$ 'a#e, as soon as

possible, a pri'a facie .n$in& -hether

aL the are su5cient in for' an$ substancebL the sho- co'pliance -ith the E0tra$ition 4reat an$ =a-

cL the person sou&ht is e0tra$itable

At his $iscretion, the %u$&e 'a re+uire the sub'ission of further

$ocu'entation or 'a personall e0a'ine the a5ants an$

-itnesses of the petitioner" )f, in spite of this stu$ an$

e0a'ination, no pri'a facie .n$in& is possible, the petition 'a be

$is'isse$ at the $iscretion of the %u$&e" On the other han$, if the

presence of a pri'a facie case is $eter'ine$, then the 'a&istrate

'ust i''e$iatel issue a -arrant for the arrest of the e0tra$itee,

-ho is at the sa'e ti'e su''one$ to ans-er the petition an$ to

appear at sche$ule$ su''ar hearin&s" Prior to the issuance of

the -arrant, the %u$&e 'ust not infor' or notif the potential

e0tra$itee of the pen$enc of the petition, lest the latter be &i!en

the opportunit to escape an$ frustrate the procee$in&s"

ii" Jes"

 4he constitutional pro!ision on bail on Article ))), /ection 1 of theConstitution, as -ell

as /ection @ of Rule 11@ of the Rules of Court, applies onl -hen a

person has been arreste$ an$ $etaine$ for !iolation of Philippine

cri'inal la-s" )t $oes not appl to e0tra$ition procee$in&s,

because e0tra$ition courts $o not ren$er %u$&'ents of con!iction

or ac+uittal" Moreo!er, the constitutional ri&ht to bail o-s fro'

the presu'ption of innocence in fa!or of e!er accuse$ -ho shoul$

not be sub%ecte$ to the loss of free$o' as thereafter he -oul$ be

entitle$ to ac+uittal, unless his &uilt be pro!e$

beon$ reasonable$oubt" )n e0tra$ition, the presu'ption of

innocence is not at issue" 4he pro!ision in the Constitution statin&that the ri&ht to bail shall not be i'paire$ e!en -hen the pri!ile&e

of the -rit of habeas corpus is suspen$e$ .n$s application onl

to persons %u$iciall char&e$ for rebellion or o3enses inherent in or

$irectl connecte$ -ith in!asion"

 4hat the o3enses for -hich ;i'ene? is sou&ht to be e0tra$ite$

are bailable in the 8nite$ /tates is not an ar&u'ent to &rant hi'

one in the present case" E0tra$ition procee$in&s are separate an$

$istinct fro' the trial for the o3enses for -hich he is char&e$" e

shoul$ appl for bail before the courts trin& the cri'inal casesa&ainst hi', not before the e0tra$ition court"

E0ceptions to the No Bail Rule

  Bail is not a 'atter of ri&ht in e0tra$ition cases" )t is sub%ect to

 %u$icial $iscretion in the conte0t of the peculiar facts of each case"

Bail 'a be applie$ for an$ &rante$ as an e0ception, onl upon a

clear an$ con!incin& sho-in&

1L that, once &rante$ bail, the applicant -ill not be a i&ht ris# or

a $an&er to the co''unit an$

2L that there e0ist special, hu'anitarian an$ co'pellin&

circu'stances inclu$in&, as a 'atter of reciprocit, those cite$ b

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the hi&hest court in the re+uestin& state -hen it &rants pro!isional

libert in e0tra$ition cases therein

  /ince this e0ception has no e0press or speci.c statutor basis,

an$ since it is $eri!e$ essentiall fro' &eneral principles of %ustice

an$ fairness, the applicant bears the bur$en of pro!in& the abo!e

t-otiere$ re+uire'ent -ith clarit, precision an$ e'phatic


)t 'ust be note$ that e!en before pri!ate respon$ent ran for an$

-on a con&ressional seat in Manila, it -as alrea$ of public

#no-le$&e that the 8nite$ /tates -as re+uestin& his e0tra$ition"

 4herefore, his constituents -ere or shoul$ ha!e been prepare$ for

the conse+uences of the e0tra$ition case" 4hus, the court rule$

a&ainst his clai' that his election to public o5ce is b itself a

co'pellin& reason to &rant hi' bail"

>i!in& pre'iu' to $ela b consi$erin& it as a special

circu'stance for the &rant of bail -oul$ be tanta'ount to &i!in&hi' the po-er to &rant bail to hi'self" )t -oul$ also encoura&e hi'

to stretch out an$ unreasonabl $ela the e0tra$ition procee$in&s

e!en 'ore" E0tra$ition procee$in&s shoul$ be con$ucte$ -ith all

$eliberate spee$ to $eter'ine co'pliance -ith the E0tra$ition

 4reat an$ =a- an$, -hile safe&uar$in& basic in$i!i$ual ri&hts, to

a!oi$ the le&alistic contortions, $elas an$ technicalities that 'a

ne&ate that purpose"


 4hat he has not et e$ fro' the Philippines cannot be ta#en to

'ean that he -ill stan$ his &roun$ an$ still be -ithin reach of our&o!ern'ent if an$ -hen it 'atters that is, upon the resolution of

the Petition for E0tra$ition"


iii" NO"

  Potential e0tra$itees are entitle$ to the ri&hts to $ue process an$

to fun$a'ental fairness" 4he $octrine of ri&ht to $ue process an$

fun$a'ental fairness $oes not al-as call for a prior opportunit to

be hear$" A subse+uent opportunit to be hear$ is enou&h" e

-ill be &i!en full opportunit to be hear$ subse+uentl, -hen the

e0tra$ition court hears the Petition for E0tra$ition" )n$ee$,

a!ailable $urin& the hearin&s on the petition an$ the ans-er is the

full chance to be hear$ an$ to en%o fun$a'ental fairness that is

co'patible -ith the su''ar nature of e0tra$ition"

  )t is also -orth notin& that before the 8/ &o!ern'ent re+ueste$

the e0tra$ition of respon$ent, procee$in&s ha$ alrea$ been

con$ucte$ in that countr" e alrea$ ha$ that opportunit in the

re+uestin& state et, instea$ of ta#in& it, he ran a-a"

Other :octrines

(i!e Postulates of E0tra$ition

1L E0tra$ition )s a Ma%or )nstru'ent for the /uppression of Cri'e

)n this era of &lobali?ation, easier an$ faster international tra!el,

an$ an e0pan$in& rin& of

international cri'es an$ cri'inals, -e cannot a3or$ to be an

isolationist state" e nee$ to cooperate -ith other states in or$er

to i'pro!e our chances of suppressin& cri'e in our o-n countr"

2L 4he Re+uestin& /tate ill Accor$ :ue Process to the Accuse$

B enterin& into an e0tra$ition treat, the Philippines is $ee'e$ to

ha!e repose$ its trust

in the reliabilit or soun$ness of the le&al an$ %u$icial sste' of its

treat partner, as -ell as in the abilit an$ the -illin&ness of the

latter to &rant basic ri&hts to the accuse$ in the pen$in& cri'inal

case therein"

L 4he Procee$in&s Are /ui >eneris

An e0tra$ition procee$in& is sui &eneris

aL )t is not a cri'inal procee$in& -hich -ill call into operation all

the ri&hts of an accuse$ as &uarantee$ b the Bill of Ri&hts" )t $oes

not in!ol!e the $eter'ination of the &uilt or innocence of an

accuse$" is &uilt or innocence -ill be a$%u$&e$ in the court of the

state -here he -ill be e0tra$ite$"

bL An e0tra$ition procee$in& is su''ar in nature -hile cri'inal

procee$in&s in!ol!e a fullblo-n trial"

cL )n ter's of the +uantu' of e!i$ence to be satis.e$, a cri'inal

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case re+uires proof beon$ reasonable $oubt for con!iction -hile

a fu&iti!e 'a be or$ere$ e0tra$ite$ upon sho-in& of the

e0istence of a pri'a facie case

$L 8nli#e in a cri'inal case -here %u$&'ent beco'es e0ecutor

upon bein& ren$ere$ .nal, in an e0tra$ition procee$in&, our courts

'a a$%u$&e an in$i!i$ual e0tra$itable but the Presi$ent has the

.nal $iscretion to e0tra$ite hi'"

E0tra$ition is 'erel a 'easure of international %u$icial assistance

throu&h -hich a person char&e$ -ith or con!icte$ of a cri'e is

restore$ to a %uris$iction -ith the best clai' to tr that person" 4he

ulti'ate purpose of e0tra$ition procee$in&s in court is onl to

$eter'ine -hether the e0tra$ition re+uest co'plies -ith the

E0tra$ition 4reat, an$ -hether the person sou&ht is e0tra$itable"

@L Co'pliance /hall Be in >oo$ (aith"

e are boun$ b pacta sunt ser!an$a to co'pl in &oo$ faith -ith

our obli&ationsun$er the 4reat" Accor$in&l, the Philippines 'ust be rea$ an$ in

a position to $eli!er the

accuse$, shoul$ it be foun$ proper

DL 4here )s an 8n$erlin& Ris# of (li&ht

)n$ee$, e0tra$ition hearin&s -oul$ not e!en be&in, if onl the

accuse$ -ere

-illin& to sub'it to trial in the re+uestin& countr" Prior acts of

herein respon$entaL lea!in& the re+uestin& state ri&ht before the conclusion of his

in$ict'ent procee$in&s there an$

bL re'ainin& in the re+ueste$ state $espite learnin& that the

re+uestin& state is see#in& his return an$ that the cri'es he is

char&e$ -ith are bailable

E0tra$ition is Essentiall E0ecuti!e

E0tra$ition is essentiall an e0ecuti!e, not a %u$icial, responsibilit

arisin& out of the presi$ential po-er to con$uct forei&n relations

an$ to i'ple'ent treaties" 4hus, the E0ecuti!e :epart'ent of

&o!ern'ent has broa$ $iscretion in its $ut an$ po-er of


Go*ernment o 4on/1on/ *. Olalia, 567 S'A 89: ;6::9<

poste$ in CON=A2 cases



Pri!ate respon$ent MuSo? -as char&e$ before on& Ton& Court"

arrants of arrest -ere issue$ an$ b !irtue of a .nal $ecree the

!ali$it of the Or$er of Arrest -as uphel$" 4he petitioner on& Ton&

A$'inistrati!e Re&ion .le$ a petition for the e0tra$ition of the

pri!ate respon$ent" )n the sa'e case, a petition for bail -as .le$

b the pri!ate respon$ent"


 4he petition for bail -as $enie$ b reason that there -as no

Philippine la- &rantin& the sa'e in e0tra$ition cases an$ that the

respon$ent -as a hi&h i&ht ris#" Pri!ate respon$ent .le$ a

'otion for reconsi$eration an$ -as &rante$ b the respon$ent

 %u$&e sub%ect to the follo-in& con$itions

1" Bail is set at Php7D," in cash -ith the con$ition that

accuse$ hereb un$erta#es that he -ill appear an$ ans-er the

issues raise$ in these procee$in&s an$ -ill at all ti'es hol$ hi'selfa'enable to or$ers an$ processes of this Court, -ill further appear

for %u$&'ent" )f accuse$ fails in this un$erta#in&, the cash bon$ -ill

be forfeite$ in fa!or of the &o!ern'ent

2" Accuse$ 'ust surren$er his !ali$ passport to this Court

" 4he :epart'ent of ;ustice is &i!en i''e$iate notice an$

$iscretion of .lin& its o-n 'otion for hol$ $eparture or$er before

this Court e!en in e0tra$ition procee$in& an$

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@" Accuse$ is re+uire$ to report to the &o!ern'ent prosecutors

han$lin& this case or if the so $esire to the nearest o5ce, at an

ti'e an$ $a of the -ee# an$ if the further $esire, 'anifest

before this Court to re+uire that all the assets of accuse$, real an$

personal, be .le$ -ith this Court soonest, -ith the con$ition that if

the accuse$ ees fro' his un$erta#in&, sai$ assets be forfeite$ in

fa!or of the &o!ern'ent an$ that the correspon$in& lienIannotation

be note$ therein accor$in&l"

Petitioner .le$ a 'otion to !acate the sai$ or$er but -as $enie$ b

the respon$ent %u$&e" ence, this instant petition"

I&&( ON a potential e0tra$itee is entitle$ to post bail

 R)A potential e0tra$itee is entitle$ to bail"

R#%)o D($)*(*)

Petitioner alle&e$ that the trial court co''itte$ &ra!e abuse of

$iscretion a'ountin& to lac# or e0cess of %uris$iction in a$'ittin&

pri!ate respon$ent to bail that there is nothin& in the Constitution

or statutor la- pro!i$in& that a potential e0tra$itee has a ri&ht to

bail, the ri&ht bein& li'ite$ solel to cri'inal procee$in&s"

 On the other han$, pri!ate respon$ent 'aintaine$ that the ri&ht to

bail &uarantee$ un$er the Bill of Ri&hts e0ten$s to a prospecti!e

e0tra$itee an$ that e0tra$ition is a harsh process resultin& in aprolon&e$ $epri!ation of ones libert"

)n this case, the Court re!ie-e$ -hat -as hel$ in Go*ernment o

=nited States o America *. 4on. G$illermo G. "$r/anan, "residin/

 J$d/e, '% o Manila, 3ranch 86, and Mar1 3. Jimene, a.1.a. Mario

3atacan respo G' o. 75>?95 April 6::9, that the constitutional

pro!ision on bail $oes not appl to e0tra$ition procee$in&s, the

sa'e bein& a!ailable onl in cri'inal procee$in&s" 4he Court too#

co&ni?ance of the follo-in& tren$s in international la-

K1L the &ro-in& i'portance of the in$i!i$ual person in public


K2L the hi&her !alue no- bein& &i!en to hu'an ri&hts

KL the correspon$in& $ut of countries to obser!e these uni!ersal

hu'an ri&hts in ful.llin& their treat obli&ations an$

K@L the $ut of this Court to balance the ri&hts of the in$i!i$ual

un$er our fun$a'ental la-, on one han$, an$ the la- on

e0tra$ition, on the other"

)n li&ht of the recent $e!elop'ents in international la-, -here

e'phasis is &i!en to the -orth of the in$i!i$ual an$ the sanctit of

hu'an ri&hts, the Court $eparte$ fro' the rulin& in "$r/anan, an$

hel$ that an e0tra$itee 'a be allo-e$ to post bail"