ppt of entrepreneureship

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  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    Needs And Significance Of Entrepreneurship Development InGlobal Contact

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y The word Entrepreneurship has been derived byFrench root which means To Undertake.

    y In this time this word named by another words e.g.

    risk taking innovating And so on.y This concept have evolved over more then two


  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y According to Higgins, Entrepreneurship is meantthe function of seeking investment and productionopportunity, organizing an enterprise to undertake a

    new production process , raising capital, hiringlabour ,arranging the supply of raw materials , findingsite ,introducing a new technique and commodities,discovering new sources of raw materials and selectingto managers day to day operation of the enterprise.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y In other words Entrepreneurship is the purposefulactivity of an individual or a group of associatedindividuals, undertaken to initiate ,maintain oraggrandise profit by production or distribution ofeconomic good and services.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y Caste origins

    y Entry into Entrepreneurship

    y Family back ground

    y Religious backgroundy Educational and technological knowledge

    y Occupation background


    Types of industry started

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y SIDBI


    y IDBI

    y NSIC

    y UPSIDC

    y NABAR

    y SIDO

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y Innovation : According to Schumpeter,Entrepreneurship is a creative activity. AnEntrepreneur is basically an innovator who introduce

    something new into the economy.y A function of high achievement : two characteristics of

    Entrepreneurship , namely doing thing in a new andbatter way and decision making under uncertainly.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y Organization building Function: Entrepreneurship

    implies the skill to build an organisation. Organisationbuilding ability is the most critical skill required forindustrial development.

    y A function of group level pattern : young suggests a

    casual sequence where transformation codes aredeveloped by the solidarity groups to improve theirsymbolic position in their large structure and become

    A function of leadership and managerial skills


  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y A function of leadership and managerial skills :managerial skill and leadership are the most

    important facets of Entrepreneurship. Financial skillare only of secondary importance.

    y A function of social political and economic structure :In this theory of Entrepreneurship supply, kunkel

    argues that marginality does note generateEntrepreneurship and there most be some additionalfactor at the work. Entrepreneurs are not equallydistribution in the population.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    y The supply of Entrepreneurship depend uponfour structures found in a society or community.

    1. Limitation structure : in this structure theEntrepreneur is viewed as the most importantdeviant individual and such behavioral patternis restricted

    2. Demand structure : it Is mainly economic andchange with economic progress andgovernment policy.

    3. opportunity structure : it consist of theavailability of capital, management andtechnological skills, information concerningproduction method labour and market.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship


    4.Labour structure : it is the concerned with the supplycompetent and willing labour.

    y A function of religious beliefs : religion and its impacton Entrepreneursing culture

    The theory based on the invalid assumption.

    a) There is a single system of Hindu value.

    b) The Indian community internalised those value andtranslate them to-day-to-day behaviour

    c) These value remained immune to and insulate

    against external pressures and change.

  • 8/9/2019 ppt of entrepreneureship
