ppt on democracy and diversity class x july


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Civil Rights Movement was started by Martin Luther king Jr. against the social discrimination. Black people were poor and given no rights, not even right to vote. Thats why he started this movement to raise voice against discrimination.

AFRICAN-AMERICAN-Black people whose forefathers were brought into US by colonial rulers as slave b/w 17& 19 century are called African-American.

A STORY FROM MEXICO OLYMPICS-(1968)-Held in Mexico CityThe gold medal was won by Tommy Smith in 200m race.The bronze medal was won by Carlos 400m race in 1968.Tommie Smith & John Carlos were African- Americans.The two athletes raised the civil right issues in the Mexico Olympics.Tommy smith and John Carlos received their medal wearing black socks and no shoes to represent black poverty.

They wore black gloves and clenched fists during the ceremony to symbolize Black Power.Smith wore black scarf around his neck represent Black Pride.Carlos wore a string of beads in the memory ofblack people who had been killed in the USA.

Their aim was- To draw international attention to racial discrimination in USA.The Silver medalist, white Australian athlete, Peter Norman wore Human Rights badge on his shirt during the medal ceremony of 200 m race to show his support to the African-American.The International Olympic Association held Smith and Carlos guilty of violating the Olympic spirit by making political statement and action was taken against the athlete for raising the civil right issue at Mexico Olympics.From Tommie Smith & John Carlos medals were taken back and Peter Norman was not included in the Australian team for the next Olympic.

Two similarities between John Carlos & Tommie Smith a.) Both were African-American.b.) Both were athletes.

BLACK POWERBlack Power was a militant & anti-racist movement which was started in 1966 to end racism in the United States with the help of even violence. It was started in 1966 and lasted in 1975.SIMILIRITIES B/W SMITH AND CARLOS

ORIGIN OF SOCIAL DIFFERENCES-Social differences are mostly based on accident of birth, at the same time, some of the differences are based on our choices, religion or on economic status.

RELIGION: - It is common for people belonging to the same religion feel that they dont belong to the same community because their caste or sect is different.

ECONOMICS STATUS :- Rich and poor persons from the same family often do not have close relations with each other for they feel they are very different.

SOCIAL DIVISIONS OF ONE KIND OR ANOTHER EXIST IN MOST COUNTRIES. Most of the countries of the world are heterogeneous or multi-cultural. India is a vast country with many religious communities living side by side.Belgium, a small country is also a multi-cultural country.Even those countries like Germany & Sweden, that were once homogenous, are undergoing rapid change with the influx of people from other parts of the world. Migrants bring with them their own culture, and tend to form a different social community.

Heterogeneous society

Overlapping Difference:-Under this a social difference overlaps another difference. Under this people start feeling that they belong to different communities sides. These create possibilities of deep social divisions. Example: - Difference between black & white in USA is an overlapping difference because black tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated. In India Dalits tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated.

Homogeneous Society-Homogeneous society is that society whose people are of same kind and where there is no value of ethnic difference. Example: - Germany & Sweden.

Migration And Its Impacts-Shifting of people from one region to another within country or to another country, usually for work or other economic opportunities is known as migration.Impact-The process of migration is converting homogenous countries to heterogeneous countries because migrants bring with them their own culture and tend to form a different social community.

In Yugoslavia, the political competition along religious and ethnic lines led to the disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent countries.

First of all, the outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people see their identities in singular and exclusive terms it becomes very difficult to accommodate. But if they see their identities in as a part of a larger society, it helps them to stay together.

Second, it depends on how political parties raise the demands of any community. It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and are not at the cost of another community. The demand for only Sinhala was at the cost of interest and identity of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka led to the civil war.

Third, it depends on how the government reacts to demands of different groups. If the rulers are willing to share power and accommodate the reasonable demands of minority community, social divisions become less threatening for the country.

For example the Belgian government amended the Constitution 4 times to accommodate the Dutch and the French speaking people. They gave equal representation to both the Dutch and the French speaking people in the centre as well as in the capital city.

Social Differences Exist In All The Countries- Social differences exists in almost all the countries. Actually, social differences are based on many bases like race, culture, religion, language etc. Belgium also has this difference on the basis of language. In the same way, Sri Lanka also has these differences on the basis or religion or culture.

Social Divisions And Politics Are Related With Each Other- N0, all social differences do not lead to divisions. Social divisions of some or the other kind of exist in every society of the world and are reflected in politics. In democracy, political parties talk of these divisions, make different promises to different communities, look after due representation of various communities and make politics to redress the grievances of disadvantaged communities.

A Person Have Different Roles Or Multiple Identities- A person can have different roles or multiple identities because people of different religion, even the people of same family can have different economic status.

Democracy Could Be Strengthened With Social Difference- Democracy allows various disadvantaged social groups to express their views and grievances and get the government to attend to these.With this expression of different types of social division in politics, intensity of conflict can be reduced and people will stop cutting each other. It can lead to strengthening of democracy.