pr brief december 2012

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Monthly newsletter of the Public Relations Society of Jamaica


Page 1: PR Brief December 2012

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Page 2: PR Brief December 2012


State Minister for Tourism and Entertainment, Damion Crawford (right) discusses with Senior Brand Manager, Grace Foods,

Suwannee Stewart (left), a point that she had raised during a consultative meeting on events rating, while LIME's Events

Manager, Nathaniel Palmer listens in. Held at the Ministry in Kingston on December 17, the discussions are aimed at developing

clear guidelines for events rating in Jamaica.

INSIDE Corporate Canapé Conversations - Busy Signal reconnects with fans Topline market research results – radio Cover artwork uses courtesy of the National Gallery of Jamaica: French Set Girls by Isaac Menzez

Belisario (1837-1838)

Once again on the table are discussions that

are geared towards bringing a greater degree

of corporate social responsibility into Jamaica’s

entertainment industry. This through the

introduction of an event rating system in

addition to an entertainmentn registry and

amendments to noise abatement regulations.

The Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment

through its Entertainment Advisory Board,

expects that the rating system will allow

prospective sponsors, patrons and residents to

influence or discern the nature of events from

the planning stage, and allow sponsors and

partners to have a say in activities that can

affect their brand, and for residents, the

comfort of life in their communities.

If adopted, the rating system will impact the

wide range of events that are staged daily

across Jamaica. Many of these events impact

life in normally quiet, rural communities.

Headlining these discussions are

large outdoor musical events, but

spoken word events, food and film

festivals; art and craft fairs and

shows; dance parties; theatre and

sporting events will all be affected.

In 2005, an initiative by corporate

marketing executives in the

telecommunications and alcoholic

beverages industries sought to calm

the stageshow space following public

outrage from reports of unlawful

behaviour by entertainers at musical

and spoken word events – some of

which were co-promoted by public

sector organisations. The arrests

which followed soured relationships

between entertainers and the police.


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That move received a supportive

response from government, and led to

a period of voluntary self-regulation by

the largest promoters and sponsors -

under guidance from the police, and

the parish councils.

This 2012 move is expected to result in

a Cabinet note proposing that event

promoters must secure an event rating

from the relevant parish council, in

addition to the event license and

permit now required. The rating will

be based on three broad categories:

references (to alcohol, drugs, sex and

violence and tobacco); actions

(language and nudity); and cost

and type of marketing. The rating

range would start from being good

for all audiences (G), to being

heavily restricted for mature

adults only (R ). The proposal will

recommend that the named

promoter be sanctioned for

breaches of the rating, even if

committed by employees such as

musical and spoken word artistes,

disc jockeys and MCs.

This ratings system loosely follows

the movie ratings, as applied by

the Cinematographic Authority,

and the broadcasting Children’s


The current discussions include

marketing executives representing

major event sponsors, and the

Jamaica Alcoholic Beverage

Association. Other stakeholder

meetings are being held with

media practitioners, promoters

and event planners, including the


The Entertainment Advisory Board gives guidance on making the industry more effectively organised and productive for development. The Chairman is businessman Kingsley Cooper. Members include: musician and educator Ibo Cooper; musician Desmond “Desi Roots” Young; theatre practitioners Christopher Daley and Dahlia Harris; businessman Charles Campbell; promoters Sharon Burke and Ricardo Chin; gospel artiste/ businesswoman Dr. Carlene Davis; media marketing executives, Brian Schmidt and Roger Allen; filmmaker and festival organizer Justine Henzell; business executive Jacqueline Lynch-Stewart; recording artiste / businessmen, Orville “Shaggy” Burrell, Jeffrey “Assassin” Campbell and Patrick “Tony Rebel” Barrett; media and communications academic/ businessman Dr. Dennis Howard; and

attorney-atl-law, Kerry-Ann Heavens.


Christmas time in Jamaica is typically

characterized by the assembling of

families and friends; rekindling of

relationships that may have been

strained throughout the year; sharing of

joy and love and most important of all,

the gift of giving. It is my wish that as the

PRSJ family celebrates the season we

experience these things that make us

truly Jamaican.

We don’t have snow but we surely can

have breadfruits roasting on an open

fire. Santa Claus will definitely not be

going down chimneys but smiles we

definitely can make. Let us reach out to

each other this Christmas by calling or

writing a member you haven’t seen or

heard from in a while. As we go about,

let us remember the persons who are in

need and offer where we can. And for

those in need of comfort, reach out and

lend a shoulder or a listening ear (real or


As we live in this time of “Great

Expectations” we know not where our

paths may take us, however we must

continue striving to uphold the good

customs of Public Relations. As 2013 fast

approaches, pushing 2012 into the

annals of history, we must continue

maintaining the high standards of the

profession, employing new strategies

where necessary to enhance our service

delivery to our clients and employers.

As the New Year approaches I entreat us

to embrace the technologies and new

media platforms that are emerging. Each

of us should have a twitter handle, a

facebook page, a linkedin profile or any

of the other myriad social presence that

now constitutes the social media

landscape. Our clients and employers

are moving to, or have already,

embraced these technologies as they

seek to stay in touch with their publics. It

is incumbent on us to do no less!

The challenges are there but we have

always provided the strategies to

overcome them. Allow me to hope that

2013 will be no different.

To you PRSJ family,

Merry Christmas and a most productive

and rewarding 2013!

Chris Benjamin


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– Provided by LOVE TV

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Corporate Canapé

Press Secretary to the Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen is Marcia Ormsby.

Former PR Mgr for the Office of the Prime Minister, Gwyneth Davidson is now the Communications Specialist at the

National Security Policy Co-ordination Unit, Cabinet Office;

Director, Communications and PR in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Relations, Ann Marie Mittoo is

now assigned to the Local Government Reform Unit. Janett Peters now acts as head;

Keneshia Nooks from the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) is now the communications officer at the

Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC);

Judith Alberga, formerly of PBCJ is now Programmes Manager at TVJ;

Elizabeth Bennett Marsh, formerly the Producer at Nationwide News Network is now the The Public Education Specialist

at the Office of Utilities Regulation.

The Jamaica Observer is now doing broadcast tests of JA105FM. Industry insiders speculate that a former financial editor

and tv executive is presumed to be closely associated with the station.

The RJR Group has indicated that one of its radio stations will have a Standard English policy for broadcasters very soon.

Jamaica Epicurean Escape (Touchstone Productions) will be an annual event and is a good place to sample a wide variety

of catering offerings.


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Entertainer Busy Signal Reconnects with


From: Klao Bell

Hasn't Busy Signal handled this whole thing really well? -He has taken responsibility, said all the right things, shared openly and honestly and has had a humble attitude. -Also, leaving his Twitter page open and managed by someone; preceded by a pre-departure note that someone will be managing the site. Brilliant case study. Following that powerful song "nah go a jail again", his treatment of this issue endears folks to him (even old fogies like me who is not up to date on the dance hall scene but recognised the potency of Nah Go A Jail..".) The press has been very supportive, and the length and breadth of coverage has allowed me, the reader, to really get a good sense of what happened and form my opinions. the Gleaner recording on Youtube is a pretty good clip too. I wish him well.

From Christopher Benjamin: I must I have been following the case from the moment of his arrest particularly because he is one of my favourite artistes and the manner in which it has been handled is the basis for a case. Looking at the interviews since his release I am particularly heartened by his acceptance of the situation and that he now needs to move on. No need for spin and evasive maneuvers. Well done I say to his team. Chris Benjamin

From: Jennifer Small

Will share it with him however is immersion in work is exactly what he needs. The 12:50 performance at Sting is a wise move to signify recovery removal and readiness. Jukke Box is quite strategic.


Note from Ed:

Entertainer Busy Signal had been in conflict with the law in the USA and was deported to Jamaica. Immediately on return he made himself available for interviews with entertainment editors, including one with his mother for CVM TV’s On Stage with Winford Williams. These appearances have allowed him to build sympathy for his personal experience not only with fans, but across the wider Jamaican public.

Public Relations Society of Jamaica

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