pray united | prayer guide

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Post on 27-Jul-2016




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This is an international Christian movement that leads people around the world to pray for one of its most influential countries, United States of America. We will meet to cry out for the United States at 6:00 am and 6:00 pm each day and set aside 3 days of complete fasting every Thursday of each week | Find us on Facebook: Pray United |


Page 1: Pray United | Prayer Guide

- a wolrd united in prayer -

- prayer guide -

Page 2: Pray United | Prayer Guide

| 21 days of prayer and intercession | March 11-31 | 6:00 am and 6:00 pm | 3 days of complete fasting [every Thursday of each week]

Would you like to know more about Pray United? Find us on Facebook: Pray United.

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and

will forgive their sins and heal their land.II Chronicles 7:14

is an international Christian movement to pray and intercede for the United States of America over 21 days.

Pray for the United States of America’s three main pillars (Family, Church and Nation) for 21 days at 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Union within the Body of Christ around the world to cry out with one voice that God is the Lord of the United States.

Recognize the gospel as a benchmark of moral influence on society.




pray day

fast day

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Page 3: Pray United | Prayer Guide

Father, today I come before you to say a prayer of gratitude and joy for the great things that you are doing in America. I speak to this earth and say, "America, get ready to see the goodness of God upon us Father, thank you for our country; bless us and fill us with your glory. Restore for us what the caterpillar, the jumpy and the lobster ate. " Joel 2:21-26

Joel 2:21-26

day 1 Father, we pray for the salvation of all Americans. You were sent into the world to save us and give us eternal life. May your forgiveness comes to us now. Make us instru-ments of your word and lead us to where the gospel needs to be pro-claimed, so that through us, others might be saved.

Matthew 28:18-20

day 2

Father, we thank you for our chil-dren, for they are a gift from You. We pray that you will bless them and guide them and teach them Your ways. We also pray that you will give us, the parents, the ability to teach them and lead them in your ways. Above all, we pray that we would be good exam-ples of love and reflect you in all that we do, so our children will have an example to follow.

Psalms 127:3-5

day 3 Father, we give you thanks for the lives of our president and vice pres-ident. We ask you to give them wisdom and direction for our great country. May all the decisions they make be for the benefit of our nation, for living in harmony and peace.

I Peter 2:13-14

day 4

Our Father , we pray for the fami-lies in the United States. May each head of the house teach their children about you, and may their children tell their children’s children to make your name known in every generation. We know that America needs you, and if there is no teacher, generations will no longer find you and our country will go to ruin. We declare that every American who knows you ought to speak your word at home and everywhere.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

day 5 Father, we pray for your light to shine in the darkness of violence that covers the United States. May every person who lives in our nation receive the good news of the Gospel and welcome it in their hearts. We ask that they would receive the knowledge of your glory through Jesus and become a committed citizen to our country.

2 Corinthians 4:6

day 6

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Would you like to know more about Pray United? Find us on Facebook: Pray United.

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We pray today that Americans will learn to recognize their earthly authorities with the respect and honor they deserve. We also pray for all those who hold public office. Put the wisdom of the Lord in the hearts of the men and women in gov-ernment to make the right decisions. Romans 13:1-2

romans 13:1-2

day 8

Father, we come before you humbly recognizing that the strength of man is in his youth. We pray for every young American, that they might withdraw from evil and walk in a way that is worthy of you. Guard their hearts and help them to walk in a way that is pleasing to you. We pray for each young person to do good works in obedience to you, increasing in the knowledge of your Word. Help them to walk in your mercy, love, and integrity.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

day 9 Father, we give thanks for the United States Armed Forces. We ask you to protect them and keep them from the evil they encounter. We lift up your plan for them, and we pray for wisdom for all of the decisions they make.

Psalm 37:5

day 10

Our Father, we pray for all those church leaders that You have appointed for the building, resto-ration, and salvation of your people. Guide them with your Holy Spirit to care for your people. We ask you to be leaders according to your heart so that we can feed on your knowledge and understanding. Take care of them and their fami-lies . Jeremiah 3:15

Jeremiah 3:15

day 11 Our Father, we come before you know-ing that you are the only one who is able to free us from all the people and things of the world which will try to harm us. We pray that you will protect our nation and surround our country from border to border. We ask that you would enlighten the minds of those who still do not know you and of those who use violence as a means to make themselves heard. We pray that you would show them your life-changing love so they may repent of their actions and turn to you.

Psalm 91: 1-7

day 12

Our Father, we pray that the American people will come back to you, repent of their evil ways, and choose to obey you. We pray that what is said in Your word will be fulfilled in the United States: “You will heal our land if we look and forget our evil ways. Father, bless the United States. We fix our eyes on you, and proclaim that You will restore our land. Amen!

ii Chronicles 7:14

day 7

- a wolrd united in prayer -

Would you like to know more about Pray United? Find us on Facebook: Pray United.

Page 5: Pray United | Prayer Guide

Our Father, today we ask for financial wisdom. Show us how to correctly use all of our goods for the provision of our homes and nation. We also ask you to appoint wise administrators of state resources, having good judgment that meets our demands to benefit the progress of all Americans. hank you for your provision!

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

day 13

We pray that you would restore and renew the love and commitment between spouses in the United States. The stability of the family depends on couple’s healthy relationships and the development of their children. We pray that you would anoint the marriage and the couples in our country.

Mark 10:5-9

day 14

We pray for every family that is hurting, every child that is aban-doned, and every parent who is away from their children. We pray that you would restore the fami-lies in the United States and bring back lost members. Help us to forgive others as you forgave us. I pray that lost families would find you and your love and never doubt you, Lord.

Malachi 4:6

day 15 Our Father, help us to be a reflection of your help to others and to show your wonders to all in conduct, love, faith, and purity. May we never be a stumbling block to anyone, for we have been placed in this country to publicize your love and Gospel. We understand that we do not live for our own benefit; rather, we live that the world would be saved.

1 Corinthias 10:33

day 16

Our Father, allow us to keep your commandments and do your will. Other nations see the United States and respect it’s name. We pray that you would bless this nation and, through its platform as a leader in the world, other nations would see your grace and kindness. Father, allow America to be an example of a Christ-centered nation who loves and seeks you. Raise up the U.S. to influence the world for Christ! Amen.

Deuteronomy 28:9.10

day 17 Father, thank you for this blessed land which you have given us. Thank you for being a part of this land, which is full of opportunities. Teach us to bless others with love and peace and to show tolerance to any person who has come to this nation, recognizing that we are one in You. We will also ask for you to give the necessary strength to all people entering our country. Allow their wellness goals, faith, mercy, and hope to align with you.

exodus 23:9

day 18

Would you like to know more about Pray United? Find us on Facebook: Pray United.

Page 6: Pray United | Prayer Guide

We pray for the young Christian leaders in the United States. We pray that you would create a lasting change inside their hearts. Help them to follow you by conviction and not by emotion or peer pressure. Give them favor and confidence to preach your word, and grant them efficiency in reaching others who do not know you.

1 timothy 4:12Hebrews 4:12-13

day 19 Father, we ask that you would bless this country and wrap your arms around it. Bless the work of those who are your people and be faithful to them. We pray for the unemploy-ment issues and ask that you would provide jobs for those without if it be your will. We trust your perfect plan, Lord, and know that you are with us. Amen.

Deuteronomy 28:12 Psalms 90:17

day 20

Our Father, we pray that you would dwell in the midst of the United States and that your presence would be among us. Open the eyes of the unbelievers and pour your spirit out on this country. Allow us to turn to your word and not forsake you. Bless this country and the families living inside. Holy Spirit come to America. Amen!

Acts 2:1-21

day 21

día de oración

día de ayuno

| 21 days of prayer and intercession | March 11-31 | 6:00 am and 6:00 pm | 3 days of complete fasting [every Thursday of each week]

- Find us on Facebook: Pray United -

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and

will forgive their sins and heal their land.II Chronicles 7:14

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Would you like to know more about Pray United? Find us on Facebook: Pray United.