prepared virginia and virginia 45.1-361 fileinstrument prepared by virginia gas and oil board order...

INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY VIRGINIA GAS AND OIL BOARD ORDER RECORDED UNDER CODE OF VIRGINIA SECTION 45.1-361.26 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE VIRGINIA GAS AND OIL BOARD IN RE: SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER REGARDING DOCKET NO. VGOB-12-1218-3098 ELECTIONS: Lovers Gap 40-CBM Unit AB-74 (hereinafter "Subject Drilling Unit" ) REPORT OF BOARD FINDINGS AND ORDER This Supplemental Order is entered by the Board sua sponte in the form authorized by the Board at its hearing held at 9:00 a.m. on October 20, 1992, Board of Supervisors Room, Courthouse, Grundy, Virginia, and pursuant to authority granted to the Board's Chairman at the hearing of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board on June 16, 1992 at 9:00 a.m. at the Rhododendron Restaurant at the Breaks Interstate Park, Breaks, Virginia; and this Supplemental Order is being recorded for the purpose of (1) complying with the requirements of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board Regulations, 4 VAC 25-160.70C by supplementing the Order previously issued by the Board for subject Docket on February 28, 2013, and recorded as Instrument No. 130001988 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Buchanan County, Virginia on October 11, 2013, (herein "Board Order" ) and (2) to complete the record regarding elections. The Board Order established a drilling unit and pooled all interests in Subject Drilling Unit including those of the Respondents more particularly set forth and identified by the Designated Operator in the affidavits attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Board finds it has jurisdiction over the subject matter pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Gas and Oil Act, g 45.1-361.1 et seq., Virginia Code, 1950 as amended. 2. Findinos: The Board finds that: (a) The Board Order directed Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc., (herein the "Designated Operator" ), to mail copies of the Board Order to all Respondents whose interests, if any, were pooled by said Board Order; Page Number l.

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Page 1: PREPARED VIRGINIA AND VIRGINIA 45.1-361 fileinstrument prepared by virginia gas and oil board order recorded under code of virginia section 45.1-361.26 virginia: before the virginia






SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER REGARDING DOCKET NO. VGOB-12-1218-3098ELECTIONS: Lovers Gap 40-CBM Unit AB-74(hereinafter "Subject Drilling Unit" )



This Supplemental Order is entered by the Board sua sponte in the formauthorized by the Board at its hearing held at 9:00 a.m. on October 20,1992, Board of Supervisors Room, Courthouse, Grundy, Virginia, andpursuant to authority granted to the Board's Chairman at the hearing ofthe Virginia Gas and Oil Board on June 16, 1992 at 9:00 a.m. at theRhododendron Restaurant at the Breaks Interstate Park, Breaks, Virginia;and this Supplemental Order is being recorded for the purpose of (1)complying with the requirements of the Virginia Gas and Oil BoardRegulations, 4 VAC 25-160.70C by supplementing the Order previouslyissued by the Board for subject Docket on February 28, 2013, andrecorded as Instrument No. 130001988 in the Office of the Clerk of theCircuit Court for Buchanan County, Virginia on October 11, 2013, (herein"Board Order" ) and (2) to complete the record regarding elections. TheBoard Order established a drilling unit and pooled all interests in SubjectDrilling Unit including those of the Respondents more particularly set forthand identified by the Designated Operator in the affidavits attached heretoand made a part hereof. The Board finds it has jurisdiction over thesubject matter pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Gas and Oil Act, g45.1-361.1et seq., Virginia Code, 1950 as amended.

2. Findinos: The Board finds that:

(a) The Board Order directed Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc.,(herein the "Designated Operator" ), to mail copies of the BoardOrder to all Respondents whose interests, if any, were pooled bysaid Board Order;

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140000727(b) The Designated Operator filed its affidavit of mailing dated January

30, 2014, disclosing that it had mailed a correct copy of the Board'sOrder to all Respondents whose interests, if any, were pooled bysaid Board Order;

(c) The Board Order required each Respondent whose interests, ifany, were pooled by the terms of said Board Order to make his orher election within thirty (30) days after the date of mailing orrecording, as applicable, of said Order; the Designated Operatorhas filed its affidavit dated January 30, 2014, in accordance with tJ7.C of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board Regulations and 4 VAC 25-160.7C (herein "Affidavit of Elections" annexed hereto), wherein ithas, for each Respondent whose interests, if any, were pooled bysaid Board Order, stated: (i) whether each Respondent has madeor failed to make a timely election; (ii) the nature of the election(s)made, if any; and (iii) whether, by reason of failure to elect or totimely elect one or more Respondents are deemed, under theterms of the Board's Order, to have leased all their rights, title,interests, estates and claims in Subject Drilling Unit to theDesignated Operator;

(d) Current Board standards requiring the escrow of funds and theBoard's agreement with its Escrow Agent, First Bank and TrustCompany, Trust Division, 38 East Valley Street, Bristol, Virginia24201; Tel: (276) 466-9222; Attn: Debbie Davis, or any successornamed by the Board, require the entry of a Supplemental Orderestablishing of record the elections made or deemed to have beenmade and specifying the sums or percentage thereof subject toescrow. Current Board escrow standards were made applicable toSubject Drilling Unit by a Board Order dated July 18, 2006. TheAffidavit of Elections indicates that the escrow of funds is notrequired with regard to Lovers Gap 40-CBM Unit AB-74.

Order: By this Order, the Board orders the Designated Operator to tender,consistent with and in accordance with the findings set forth at Paragraph2 above, to the extent escrow was required and to the extent it pertainedto the elections and interests of the Respondents who have entered into aroyalty split agreement and no longer require escrow of any funds, theApplicant is hereby directed to provide the Board with reconciliation of itsand the Escrow Agent's records so that any funds affected by this Ordermay be disbursed in an appropriate manner.

4. Mailina of Order and Filina of Affidavit: The Designated Operator underthe captioned Order or its Attorney shall file an affidavit with the Secretaryof the Board within ten (10) days after the date of receipt of this

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140000727Supplemental Order stating that a true and correct copy of thisSupplemental Order was mailed within seven {7) days from the date ofreceipt of this Supplemental Order to each Respondent whose address isknown.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the findings and all terms and provisions set forthabove be and hereby are granted and IT IS SO ORDERED.

6. Effective Date: This Order shall be effective as of the date of the Board'sapproval of this Application, which is set forth at Paragraph 1 above.

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140000727DONE ANO EXECUTED this 28 dsy of Nlarch, 2014 by a majority of the Virginia Gas and Oil



Chairman, Bradley C. Lambert


Acknowledged on thiscr tkty of f 11~fr g~pwaonslly before me a notary ~in and for the Commonwealth of Virginia, appeared Bradley C. Lambert, being duly sfgy „„<< Qdepose and say that he is the chairman of the virginia Gas and oil Board, that he ebcu<tfIf'o ra@>, @@'~the same and wss authorized to do so.

Q~- 0 DM'4'~'::,=.'iane

J. Davis, Notpry PubliC c<: <tra<, 'K+~

kty Commission expires: September Sg, 201T

DONE AND PERFORktED this 20 day of March, 2014 by Order of ths Virginia Gas and 8ltBoard.

Rick CooperPrincipal Executive to thestslf, Virginia Gas and Oil Board

Iay Commission expires: September 30, 2017


Acknowledged on this'ay of <'E/~~l Xv personally before ms a notary putdicIn and for the Commonwealth of Virginia. appeared Rick Coopa; being duly sworn diddepess and say that he is Principal Executhre to the staff of the Virginia Gss and Oil Board,that he executed the same and was authorized to do so.

c).Z wl««< ~ «u< <O<pf<tE «I >rrr

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IN RE: Application of Range Resources-Pine Mountain. Inc, for the Forced Pooling ofInterests in Lovers Gap 40-CBM Unit AB-74, Docket No. VGOB-12-1218-3098 in thePrater District, Prater Quadrangle, Buchanan County, Virginia.


Timothy E. Scott (herein Affiant), being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:

1. That the Affiant is an attorney in the law firm of MCKINNIS 8 SCOTT, theAgent for the Designated Operator, with offices located at 135 W. MainStreet, Suite 200, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660, and is authorized to givethis Affidavit in its behalf;

That the Order entered on February 28, 2013, by the Virginia Gas and OilBoard regarding the captioned conventional gas unit required theApplicant to mail a true and correct copy of said Order to each personpooled by said Order;

3. That within seven (7) days of the receipt of an executed and recordedcopy of the Order referred to at Paragraph 2, above, the Affiant wasdirected to cause a true and correct copy of said Order to be mailed viathe United States Postal Service to each Respondent, if known andlocatable, named in the captioned Application, whose address was known,and to all persons, if any, who are added as Respondents at the hearingheld in the captioned matter; that proof of such mailing has previouslybeen tendered to the Division of Gas and Oil, the Office of the Gas and Oil

Inspector, at Lebanon, Virginia;

That the Order of the Virginia Gas and Oil Board in the captioned matterrequired all persons pooled thereby to tender written notice of theirelection of the option selected under Paragraph 9 of the Order to theDesignated Operator within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of acopy of the recorded Order;

That the Designated Operator, by and through its agent, McKinnis 8 Scott,Attorneys-at-Law, has established procedures to review all mail receivedand all written documents received by means other than by mail toascertain whether parties whose interests have been pooled have made awritten election, in a timely fashion, as required by the captioned Order;

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~4oooov~7that said procedures were followed to identify the elections, if any, madewith regard to Subject Drilling Unit; that the following persons or entitiesdelivered, by mail or otherwise, written elections to the Unit Operator,within the thirty day elections period:


That the interest and/or claims of the following persons or entities (whomade timely elections, or who are deemed under the terms of the Board'sOrder to have leased, or who, subsequent to the pooling hearing held in

the captioned matter, have leased or otherwise entered into an agreementwith the Designated Operator) are subject to escrow under the Board'sOrder pooling the captioned Unit, as unknown or unlocatable:


7. That after the pooling hearing held in the captioned matter, the followingpersons or entities have leased or entered into a voluntary agreement with

the Designated Operator with regard to their interest and/or claims:


That the Designated Operator with regard to persons previously requiringthe services of the Escrow Agent have now reached an agreementregarding their interests or claims that allows Applicant/DesignatedOperator to make royalty distribution without the need to escrow fundswhich would otherwise be in conflict:


That the Respondents identified in Exhibit B-3 hereto have not made atimely election and have failed to enter into an agreement with theDesignated Operator and their respective oil and gas rights, interests andclaims shall be deemed to have leased to Applicant/Designated Operatorpursuant to and in accordance with Paragraph 10 of the Board Orderdated February 28, 2013:


10. The Designated Operator requests that the following persons bedismissed as Respondents:


That pursuant to the provisions of 4VAC 25-160.70.A.10 and .C and VAC 25-160-80, annexed hereto and incorporated herein is a proposed supplemental order to


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14000072Pbe entered to complete the record regarding elections; that said annexed supplementalorder sets forth that the services of the Escrow Agent is not required in this matterpursuant to the terms of 5tJ 45.1-361.21.D and 45.1-361.22.A.3and .4.

Dated at Kingsport, Tennessee, this 30m day of January, 2014

~ 'imothy E. Scott, Affiant

Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me by Timothy E. Scott, the Agent forRange Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc., a corporation, on behalf of the corporation, this30m day of January, 2014.

My commission expires:

,Q rr.Jfsr t r )( f'y r'(r,'Notary Public


rg';" STATE


~r ' g.—Skrv.uuoIIII I I I I i in

[f:msurord2000tpinemountainoaandgastpooling.v-530347.supporder&aff January 30, 20t4]

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CBN (Otitt/de 57'5'0"


Mineral Line

Surface L~tne


,"«'I Tr—


3121'I 19.87

Pt /

')/ ~/.Q

0 i+/


/ Q12





T/QSPi I I /

1 f I x / QsI I (I I I

I I I ~v- ~9f/Qa I=


t:-Note. See Attached TractOwnership Information Schedule j

Well Coordinalesi (Geographic N2i)37.2t3055'82.


of Unit = 5867 Ac


N t I Ih boundary lines shown hereon are basedoton deeds, pfats ond maps of record and do no

depict a current boundary survey

Nole 2T The weft will be drilled within f0'lthe permitted coordinates.

Iyell elevation deiermined by CPSsurvey from BARN Monument P-424

+Weft Caoidtnales (VA St Plone S. Zone,NAD 83)N 3,6'22,07788 E 10,410,93599e'elf Coordinates. (VA St. Plane S. Zone,AMD 27 Calculated from NAD 83)N 341,19990 E 927,950.31Well Coordinates (C(inchfield Coal Co)N 41,183'91 E 58659.12

IlPANY ll li P, I t N— . WELL .NA ME AND NUMBER Lovers Goo-40COM

ATO N AA~I. E=GUADRANGLE P ICDUNTY ll.,d„,. DISTRICT P,.I„SCALEtpt Pit I pit, pd id pl

Denotes the location of a well on United States topograohic Moos Rr nle I In

24,000, latitude and longitude Ines being represented

0 2'l~o.oi -- 0--i cn "Efveee—ae Lice nst

Form DGO —GD —7

Page Number g.

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140000727I.overs Gap-40


I . John D. Justice

106.34 Acres

ACIN LLC. - coal

Alplm Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LI.C - coalDtckenson - Russell Coal Cvunpmty LI.C - coal lesseeRange Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil &. CHMIcosa No. 450270001Mazel Jean Decl - su(i'ace & gss15 Acres

(ias 2.83 ac. 4.82'/v

2 . Julat D. Justice

348.61 Acres

ACIN I.LC - coal

Alpha Land &. Reserves I.LC —coal lessee

WBRD LLC - costDickenson - Russell Coal Company I.I.C - coal lessee

Range Resources-Ptne Mountain, inc. - oil & CBMLease No.450270479Wayne K. & Margie Lowe - surface & gas13 Acres

(iss 11.47ac. 19.55'/v

3 . John D.)ustice348.61 Acres

ACIN LI.C - coal

Alpha lsmd & Reserves I.I.C - coal lessee

WHRD I,I.C - cnal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Compnny LLC - coal tcssec

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil & CBMLease No. 450270478Lydia Deal - cur thee & gas6.85 Acres

(rro 5.57 ac. 9.4958

4 . John D.Justice348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LI,C - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company I.LC - coal lessee

Range Resourcewpine Mountain. Inc. - oil &. CHMI.ease No. 450271056Dottie Chambers - surfncc & gss1.75 Acres

Gas 1.19ac. 2.03sa

5 . John D. Justice348.61 Acres

ACIN I.I.C- coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company I.I.C - coal lessee

Range Rcsourcvs-I'ine Mountain, Inc. - oil &. CHM

leave No.450271056Dogie Chanthers - surface & gas5 Acres

Gss 1.70ac. 2.89/v

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1400007276 . Big Snndy Fuel Corporntion

638.51 AcresACIN LL(.' crmi (except Splashrhnn seam)

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coa! lessee

WBRD I.I,C - coal (except Splashdam seam)

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LI.C - coal lessee

Penn Virginia Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splashdam only)Wellmore Coal Company - conl lessee

Range Resources. Pine Mountain, lnc. - CBMLease No.JcA'rcy Shane 13ailey - surface. oil & gas3.92 Acres

Oas 0.98 ac 1.67'Y»

7 . Big Sandy ihrel Corporation638 51 Acres

ACIN LI,C - coal (except Splashdam seam)

Alpha Land & Reserves LI.C - coal lnxsee

WBRD LI.C - coal (except Splashdmn seam)l>ickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Penn Virginia Operating Company, i.LC - coal {Splashdam only)Wellmorc Cuai Company - coal lessee

Rnnge Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - CBMLease No.(.'harles Cecil & Jcwana Vicki Viers - surface, oil & gss0.75 Acres

(ins 0.02 ae. 0.03'Ys

8 . 13ig Sandy Fuel Corporation

638.51 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal (except Splashdam seam)

Alpha I.and & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal (except Splsshdam scant)

Diekenson - Russell Coal Compmy LLC - coal lessee

Penn Virgima Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splashdam only)Wellmore Cual Company - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, lnc. - CBMI.ease No.Charles Cecil &, Jewana Vicki Viers - surface, oil & gas1.33Acres

Oas OA3 ac. 0.73%

9 Big Sandy Fuel Corporation

638 51 Acres

AC IN LLC - coal (except Splsshdam scant)

Aiplm Land & Reserves I.I.C - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal (except Splashdam seam)Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Penn Virginia Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splashdam only)Wellmore Coal Conrpsny - coal lessee

Range Rmnurces-Pine Mouaiain, inc. - CBMLease No.(.'harles Cecil & Jewann Vicki Viers - surface, oil & gas

0 05 Acres

(ias 0.03 sc. 0.04'Yv

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14000072710 . Big Sandy Fuel Corporation

638.51 AcresACIN LLC - coal (except Splashdam semn)Alpha Lend & Reserves LLC - cool lesseeWBRD LLC - coal (nacept Splashdam seam}Dickensun - Russell Coal Company LI.C - coal lesseePenn Virginia Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splashdam only)Wellmore Coal Company - coal lcasceRange Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - CBMLease No.Arnold Bailey - surface, oil & gasPmt of 7 AcresGas 0 32 ac 0 55o&o

10a John D. Justice348.61 AcmsACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Land &. Reserves LLC - coal lesseeJVBRD LLC - coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lesseeRaage Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil & CBMLease No.Arnold Bailey - surface &, gasPart of 7 AcresGas 0.24 ac. 0.41s&

I I . John D. Justice3 18.61 AcresACIN LI.C - coalAlpha Lond & Reserves LLC - coal hoseaWBRD I.LC - coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lesseeRange Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc, - otl & CBMLease No.

Kathy Delane Owens - surface & gas0.25 AcresOss 0.32 ac. 0.559o

12 . John D. Justice348.61 AcmeACIN LI.C - coal

Alpha Land &. Reserves I.LC - coal lesseeWBRD LLU - coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company LI.C - coal lesseeRange Resources-Pine Mountam, inc. - oil & CBMLease No.Anthony Darrcll & Tami Viers - surface & gas10 AcresCise 2.90 ac. 4.94o/o

13 . John D. Jusrice348.61 AcresACIN LLC - coalAlpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWBRD LLC - coalDickcnson - Rusmll Coal Company LLC - coal lesseeRange Resources-Pine Mountain, inc. - oil & CBMLease No.Mary Riddle Viers - surl'ace &. gasParcel

Gas 0.90ac. 1.53'yo

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14000072713a . Big Sandy Fuel Corporation

63S 51 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal (except Splashdam seam)

Alpha Lmtd & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal (except Splmhdwn seam)

Dickenson - Rumoell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Penn Virginia Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splnohdam only)Wellmore Coal (.*ompany - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - CBMI.ease No.Mary Riddle Viers - surface, oil & gasParcelGas D.D I ac. 0.01%

14 . John D. Justice348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LI.C - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountain. Inc. —oil & NoBrian F. & Gracie (iail Batcher - surface & gas1.3 Acres

Oas 1.17ac. I.OOo/

14a Big Sandy Fuel Corporation

638.51 AcresAt 'IN I.I.C - coal (except Splsshdam scam)

Alpha Iumd & Reserves LLC - mal lessee

WORD LLC - coal (except Splnshdsm scam)

Dickettson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Penn Virginia Operating Company, LLC - coal (Splsshdam only)Wellmore Coal Company - coal lessee

Range Remurces-Pine Muuntain, htc. - CBMLowe No.Brian F. &.Gracie Gail Bcldter - surface, oil & gas1.3 Acres

(ias 0.02 ac. 0.03%o

15 . Joitn IJ. Justice

348.61 AcresACIN LI.C - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LI.C - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company I.LC - coal lesrxm

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil &. CBMLento No.Brady Scott & Tins Fay Fuller - surface & gasIS Acres

Gas 6,23 ac. 10 61o'6

. Jofm D. Judice348.61 AcresACIN I.I.(.' coal

Alpha Land & Rcservcs I.LC - coal lessee

WARD I.I.C- coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine lulountaitx lnr.. - oil & CBMLease No.

Brady Scon & Tins Fay Fulkr - surface & gasParcelGas 0.36ac. 0.61/

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14000072'717 John D. Justice

348.61 Acres

A(1N I.I.(,' coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWIJRD Llrg -coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lesseeRange Resources-Ptne Mountmn, inc. - oil & CBMI.esse No.Wayne K. & Margie Lowe - surface & gasParcel

Das 0.22 ac 0,38%

IS . John D. Justice348 61 AcresACIN LLC - coal

Alpha I.snd & Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWBRD LI.C - coalDickenson - Russell Coal Company LI.('-Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oilLeave No.Wayne K. &. Margie Iowa - surface & gssParcel(ias ((69 ac. 1.18%

coal lessee


19 . John D.Jusucc348.61 Acres

AC IN I.lrg - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves I.I.C - coal lesseeWBRD LLC - costDickenson - Rusmll Coal Company LI.C-Rmrge Remurces-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oilLease No.

Wayne K. & Margie lsowc - surface & gasParcel

(ras 0.07 ac. 0.12%v

rsml lessee


coal lessee


20 John D, Justice3411.61 AcresACIN I.LC - coal

Alpha Lend & Reserves I.I.C - <val lesseeWBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal (.'ompany LI,('.-Range Remurccs-Pine Mountain. Inc. - oillease No.

Wayne K. & Margie Lowe - surface & gasParcel

(Im 0 20 sc 0 35o&

21 . John D. Justice348.61 AcresACIN LIE' coal

Alpha lmtd &. Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWBRD LI.(..- coalDickcnson - Russell Coal Company LLC-Range Resources-Pine Mountain, inc. - oilLease No.Barry lsv & Mary Sue Owens - surface, &0.10Arrow

Dss 0.09ac. 0.16%v

coal lessee


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14000072722 . John D. Justice

348.61 Acres

ACIN I,LC - coalAlpha Land & Reserves I,LC - coal lesseeWBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Compmry LLC - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountmn, inc. - oil &. CBMLease No.

Barry Lee & Mary Sue Orvens - surface & gas


Gas 0.09an 0.16%

23 . John D. Iustice

348.61 Acres

ACIN LI,C - coal

Alpha I.snd & Reserves LI.C - coal lessee

WORD LLC - coalDickensnn - Russell Coal Company I.LC-Range Resources-Pine Muuntatn, inc. - oil

Lease No.Barry & Mary Sue Owens - surface &Parcel

Gns 0.10ac. 0.18%

coal Icssec


24 . John D Jusuce348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha l,and & Reserves LIRC - coal lessee

WBRD I JLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LLC-Range Remurcct-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil

I ease No

Bmry Inc & Mary Sue Owem - surface &6,000 Square Feet

Cras0.19 ac. 0.32%

coal lessee


25 . IohnD Justice348 61 Acres

ACIN Ll.f'. - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LI.C - ssral lessee

WBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Cornpmry LLC-Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil

Leram No.

Barry iree & Mary Sue Ovvens - surface &4 Acres

(ias 2.11 ac. 3.59%

coal &csee& CBM

26 John D. Justim

348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha I.and & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WORD LLC - coal

Dickenson - Russell Cont Company LLC-l4nge Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc, - oil

I.ease No.

Avery Gohel Yatcs - surface & gas

FermiOas 0.15ac. 0 25%

coal lessee


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27 . John D. Justice

348.61 Acres

ACIN I.LC - coul

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWBRD LLC - coalDtckenson - Russell Coal Company LI.C - coal learns

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil & CBMlease No.

Avery Nobel Yates - surface &. gasParcel

(ias 0.15 ac. 0.25v/s

28 . John D. Justice

348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves I.l.(.' coal lesseeWBRD I.I.C- coal

Dickenson - Rmsell Coal Contpnny I.I.C ~ coal lesseeRange Resources-Pine Mnuntain, Inc. - oil & CBMlmase No.Robert & Kegcy Lowery - surface & gas0.12AcresDas 0.14ac. 0.25v/,

29 . John D. luetic«

348.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lesseeWBRI) LI.C - coal

Dickenson - Russell Coal Company LL(J - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pmc Mountain, Inc. - oil & CBhlI ease No 450270467Woody Dales - surlncc & gss2 Acres

(las 3.72 ac. 6.3556

30 . John D. Justice:l4S.GI AcresAC IN LLC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD I.LC ~ coalDickenson - Russell Cord Cmnpany I.I.C - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, inc. - oil & CBMLeaseNo 450270467Woody Dales - swfsce & gas3 Acres(ias 0.37 ac 0 64o/v

31 . John D. Justice348.61 AcresACIN LIJC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves I.I.C - coal lesseeWBRD 1&C - omlDickcnson - Russell Coal Company LLC - cual lessee

Range Resources-Pine Mountain, inc, - oil & CBMleam No.

Cheryl A. Brindusc & Donna C Bahil - surface & gns1.75 AcresDes 069 ac I Igo/

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Page 16: PREPARED VIRGINIA AND VIRGINIA 45.1-361 fileinstrument prepared by virginia gas and oil board order recorded under code of virginia section 45.1-361.26 virginia: before the virginia

32 . John D.Justice340.61 Acres

ACIN LLC - coal

Alpha Istnd &. Reserves LLC - coal Iesscc

WBRD I.LC - coalDickenmn ~ Russell Coal Company I.LC - coal lessee

Range Resources-Pine Jvlountain. Inc. - oil & CBMInure No.

Stefan Craig Compton - surface & gas

2 5 Acres

(Jas 1.37ac. 2.34oro


33 . John D. Justice

340.61 AcresACIN LIJC - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LI.C - coal

Dickenswr - Russell Coal Contpany LLC - coal lessee

l4nge Rom>urcou-Pine Mountain, Ine. - oil & CIRM

Lease No.

Bobby & Sherden Comptun - surface & gmS Acres

Gas 0.26 nc. 0.44%

34 . Jolm D. Justice34S.61 Acres

AGIN LLC - rsx 0

Alpha Land &. Reserves I.l.t.' coal leaoce

WBRD Ll.(,' coal

Dickensou - Russell Coal Company LLC —coal teams

Range Resources-Pine Mounmux Inc. - oil & CBMLease No.Bobby & Sherden Conrpton - surface & gas10 Acres

(Jss 11.22am 19.13oyo

35 . John D. Justice106.34A«esACIN LI.C - coal

Alpha Land & Reserves LLC - coal lessee

WBRD LLC - coal

Dickenson ~ Russell Coal Company LLC - coal lessee

Range Reswuces-Pine Mountain, Inc. - oil &. CBM

I.ease No. 450270064Douglas & Rebel Deal - surface & gas15 Acres

Gas 0.15 ac. 0.25%v

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Eythibik "B"LDWRB Gatg 80 Revised 12/17I2D1 2

interest Vermin Green Aerengethvh in Unit

Metal Jean Deal1'iyo Bear Smnch Rdvmwrmt VA 2485s

Wayne K 8 Margie Lowe7ri27 Levers Gap RdVanssnt, VA 248Qf

Lydia Deaf7424 tnvns Gap RdVanssnt, VA 24856

Dahe Chsmbrm1145 Klnghsher RdVarrsant VA 24856

Dshs Ctlambers1145 Wnghshar RdVernant VA 24858

Jemey Ohrvw Betsy2083 Smwsl Hngnw RdGnhvdy, VA 24614

Gaa Estate Only

19.55000000 11.47000000

9,4900MOO 5.57000MO

2.03000000 1.19000000

2.89000000 1 70000000

1.87000000 0. I!OOOODO

Charles Cath 8 Jewana Vldrl Vlms30945~RdVammnL YA 24856

Chwles csrg 6 Jewans vttm viers1094 Btsambesl RdVarnmn, VA 24666

Charles Cent 8 Jewsne Viral Vlers1094 Stesmbvst Rdvmlsanl. VA 34858



O.oyoooooo 0.02oooooa

0.73000000 023000000

0.04000000 O,OOOOOOOO

Anmm Ballsy7294 Levsm Gap RdVansenl, VA 24858

Arnold Bagey7294 Lnvsm Gap RdVansslrt, VA 24656

Unieassd 0,550000DD 0 32XOODO

untested 0 41000000 024000000

page 1 013

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Kathy Dslsne Owwa7STS Lovers Gap RdVanaanb VA 24858

Anowny osrreS 8 Teal Vista1081 Bhn Owl RdVansant, VA 24556

Mary RidNa Vaa7391 Lnvws Gsp RdVsnssnL VA 24858


0 5500000D D 32000000

4.94000000 2.90000000

1 53000000 0.90000000


Mary Ihddte Vbes7391 Loves Gsp RdVansant. VA 24668

Bnan F d Gratis Gas Betshw7413 Lewra GRt Rdveneers, vA 24858

Bnsn F & Gsssle Gwl Belabor7413 Lovers Gap Rd~VA 24656

Brady Snnh 8 Tlha Fay Fuller7493 Levsa Gap RdVarasnL VA 24656


0 01DDDODD 0 01000000

1.9900000D 1.1700DDOD

0.03000000 0.02000000

tD 6100DDDD IL23000000

16 Brady Snnn 6 Taa Fey Fuher7493 levers Gap RdYareanh VA 24658

Unloosed 0 61000000 tL39000000

17 Wayne K & MsrOts Laws7527 tnvws Gsp RdVansanL VA 248SS

0 38000000 0.2200MDD




wayne K & shhrDte Lnva7527 Lovws Gap RdvsnsanL vA 24656

wayne K h ntwoa Lnvre7527 lovers Gsp RdVanwaL VA 24858

Wayne K & Martyn Lnwe7527 Lnvera Gap RdYtwssnb VA 24856

Bsny Lss & Mary Bue Owsra7568 Lyrwes Gap RdYstwsnb VA 24656

IMm Les 8 May Ga thaas7589 Ltrvsrs Gsp Rdvansant, YA 248M


t.18000000 0 89000000

0.'t2000000 0.07000006

0.35000000 D.20000000

D 16MDDDD 0.0900NDD

0 18000000 009000000

Pane 2 nl 3

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8 ny L«a tumor Sue Owww7580 lovers Gap RdVanasnl VA 24656

Bony leo 6 Mary Sue DwRIs7569 1.avws Gap Rdvsnsant, VA 24656

0.18000000 0 10000000

0.32000000 0.39XDDX



Bsny Loa & Mary Bue Owens7589 Lovers Gap RdVsnaanl, VA 24656

Awry Gobet Yateo'7817 Loons Gap RdVsnssnL VA 24655

Awny 4&dna Yates7617 Lovom thm Rd'Vanwml. VA 24658

3.59000000 2 11000DOO

0.2500tNOO 0.15000000

0.25DOXOO 0 15000000

Romm 6 t146ey Lowwy7627 Lowus Gep RdVansanl VA 24858

0.25000000 0.14000000

Wood V Dales7895 Lovws Gap Rdvsnosnt, vA 24858

6 3RN0000 3.72000XO

Woody Dales7S96 Lovwr Gap RdVansanL VA 24S6S

31 Chetyl A Brinduse & Donna C Bahil7840 Lovara Gep RdVanssnt, VA 24666

Unlea sod 1.18000000 0 SSOXXO

32 Stahm Cmig CompamT848 Lovws Gsp RdVensmrL vA 2485s

2.34XDXO 1.37000000



Bobby & Shonten Compton783e Lovwo Gop RdVanasnt. VA 24856

Bobby & Sherden Compmn7838 Lovers Gsp RdVansanl VA 24656

0.4WXIOOOO O.Zooooooo

tS.IXOOOOO 11.220000X

Douglas & Rebel Deel4027 Bwr Oaa RdHaysl VA 24258

0.2500000D 0.15000000


Pemsrasge of Ugt LeasedPercentage of Unit Unloaaod

Aorssge ln Unh LemwlAomwm In Une Urvooood



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Page 20: PREPARED VIRGINIA AND VIRGINIA 45.1-361 fileinstrument prepared by virginia gas and oil board order recorded under code of virginia section 45.1-361.26 virginia: before the virginia


Exhibit "B-3"Unleased OwnersLovers Gsp 40 Revised 12I1ll2012

bttsrest Within Gross AcreageLease Status Unit in Unit

CSttt Eststs Only

Jeffrey Shane Bailey2063 Sunset HoOuw RdGmndy, VA 24614

Charles Cecil 6 Jewana Vicki Viers1094Steamboat RdVsnaant, VA 24856

Charles Cecil 6 Jewans Vicki Ywm1094Steamboat RdVsnsant, VA 24658

Charles Cscir 8 Jewsna Yictu Vlers'l 094 Stesmbcmt RdVsnssnt, VA 24656

Amtdd 8aifsy7294 Lcwers Gap RdVansent. VA 24656

Arnold Bailey7294 Lovers Gap RdVanssnt, VA 24656

Kslhy Octane Owens7375 Lovers Gep RdVsnssnt VA 24656

Mary Rktdts Viers7391 Lovers Gap RdVsnsant, VA 24656

Mwy Riddle Yiers7391 Levers Gsp RdVanasnt, VA 248M

Brady scott 8 tins Fay Fuller7493 Lovers Gap RdYsnssnt, YA 24658

Brady Soott & Tina Fay Fuilsr7493 Lovers Gsp RdVsnssnt, VA 24656






t.67MOOOO 0.98000000

0.03000000 0 02000000

0.73000000 0.43000000

0.04000000 0.0300DOOO

0.55000000 0.32000000

0.41000000 0.24000000

0.55000000 0.32000000

1.53000000 0.900DOOOD

0.0100DODD 0,01000000

10.61000000 8.23000000

0.61000000 0.38000DOO

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Avery Gobsl Yatss7617 Lovers Gap RdVanssnt, VA 24658

Avery Gobst Yeses7817 Lovers Gsp RdVansant, VA 24858

Robert 8Kelley Lorrtay7827 Levers Gsp RdVsnssnt, VA 24656

Woody Dates7695 Lovers Gsp RdVsnaant, VA 24656

Woody Oales7865 Lovers Gap RdVansant, VA 24656


0.25000000 0.15000000

02M00000 0 15000000

0.25000000 0.14000000

8.35000000 3,T2000000

0,84000000 0.37000000

Cheiyt A Brinduae 8 Donna C Bshii Un!eased7849 Lovers Gep RdVan sant, VA 24868

i.t6000000 0.89000000




NAY '1 2D14 AT Drl: 1 rPN


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