preparing for cascadia 9 - southwest neighborhoods, inc. · § prioritize. start small. every...

March 10, 2019 | Portland Bureau of Emergency Management | 1 Preparing for Cascadia 9.0 Individual, Household, and Community Preparedness Bill Hasan Hillsdale Neighborhood Emergency Team members [email protected]

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Page 1: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

March 10, 2019 | Portland Bureau of Emergency Management | 1

Preparing for Cascadia 9.0 Individual, Household, and Community Preparedness

Bill Hasan Hillsdale Neighborhood Emergency Team members [email protected]

Page 2: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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1.  Why prepare for an earthquake?

2.  What to expect and how to prepare.

3.  Additional optional steps.

Who do you think are the first responders to an emergency?

Fire Dept., Ambulance, Police, National Guard,….?

Page 3: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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First Responders are us

95% of people are rescued by their neighbors after an emergency. After a disaster like an earthquake, it takes time for first responders and federal agencies to get help to everyone who needs it – but we can help each other. In fact, most Portland neighborhoods already have what we need to recover from a disaster together. We just have to take a few easy steps to get ready: a shared contact list; a household plan for what to do if power, phones, and clean water aren’t available; and a quick inventory of what resources we have within walking distance.

Let’s get ready together.

Page 4: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Q: Why prepare for an


A: You will be prepared for anything.

Why Prepare

Page 5: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Fault zone image

Page 6: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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What do you do during an earthquake?

Page 7: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Let’s get personal: Who is relying on you?

Page 8: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Prepare: Make a plan

§  If I am stuck across a river, do I have what I need?

§ Who is authorized to pick up my kids from school?

§ Who is my out-of-state contact?

§ Where should I store my emergency water/food?

§ Do I know my neighbors? §  How many people in each home? §  Medical needs? §  Skills? Medical, ham radio, construction… §  Map Your Neighborhood:

Page 9: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Make a plan

Partner’s work

My work Kid’s school


Sister in NJ

Page 10: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Basic go kits for work and car

Page 11: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Shoes / socks / gloves / flashlight / dust mask / helmet / water / whistle

Basic home preparation: Under the bed

Page 12: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Basic home water and food prep

§ Water, food, shelter § First aid and supplies § Twin bucket toilets § Storage § Non-structural and

structural seismic mitigation

2 weeks or more

Page 13: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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#1 Priority is Water: 1 gallon per person, per day, for 14 days+

Option 1: Buy it

Option 2: Store it yourself

Page 14: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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#2 Priority is #2

§ 2 x five-gallon buckets

§ 2 seat cover lids

§  Toilet paper/wipes

§ Heavy duty garbage bags

§ Disposable gloves

§ Hand sanitizer

§ Carbon (sawdust, shredded paper)

Page 15: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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#3 Priority is Shelter

§ Are you a happy camper?

Page 16: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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#4 Priority is Food

Page 17: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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First Aid

Page 18: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Money, Medical, Documents

Send copies out of state!

Page 19: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Page 20: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Storage options

Page 21: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Low-cost, non-structural mitigation

Page 22: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Floating shelves

Page 23: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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A post-earthquake kitchen

Page 24: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Seismic retrofitting (structural mitigation)

§ Was your home built pre-1974?

§ DIY ($300-500)

§ Contractor ($3-8K)

§  Earthquake insurance?

Page 25: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Don’t panic.

§ Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts!

§  Talk with your family, make a plan, practice.

§ Water, Sanitation, Shelter, Food

§  Start building your work/car/home kits.

§  Strap your furniture. Non-structural mitigation.

§  Learn to shut off your utilities.

And then consider . . .

Page 26: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Easy additional steps :

Page 27: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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BEECN (Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Nodes)

§ 50 locations across Portland

§  Free 1½ hour training, minimum of 8 people

§ Radios, canopy, notice boards, forms, visual translator

Page 28: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Portland NET (Neighborhood Emergency Teams) §  NETs are trained by PBEM and Portland

Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance in their own neighborhoods.

§  95% of people are rescued by neighbors in a disaster

§  Firefighters to residents: 1:280

§  EMTs to residents: 1:374

§  Our essential mission is to do the most good for the greatest number of people in the least amount of time

Page 29: Preparing for Cascadia 9 - Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. · § Prioritize. Start small. Every little step counts! § Talk with your family, make a plan, practice. § Water, Sanitation,

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Portland NET

§  Free 30 hour training §  Fire Safety & Utility Control, Light

Search & Rescue, First Aid, Disaster Psychology, Radio, Terrorism, Community Outreach, ICS, Final Field Exercise!

§  Ongoing Advanced Training opportunities §  Scenario Village §  Hands-on classes

§  12-hour, 2-meeting commitment §  Skills are perishable, practice

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§ Be Prepared! Weekly steps for emergency preparedness

§  FEEMA Preparation guide

§ Public Alerts: Additional Needs Registry

§ How to access water from your water heater during an emergency

§ PBEM brochure: NETs, BEECNs & Public Alerts

§  Emergency Toilet instructions

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Questions? [email protected]