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preparing for the road to uni

Your future

Page 2: preparing for the road to uni - University of · Nutritionist 16 get hands-on occupational therapist exercise physiologist Dentist

“The huge range of student services was unexpected. The Uni has supported me with scholarships, career advice and mentoring. Now I am a mentor and have the opportunity to support others.”

humYara mahbub (right)Bachelor of arTs/Bachelor of laws

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about this guide

02 WeLCome02 how to use this guide

04 a day in the life of ... Mitchell skipsey

05 being a sYdneY uni student05 laura tells you about life on campus

06 Questions We hear a Lot06 how will uni help my career?06 how can uni help me personally?06 Is university really available to

everyone?07 what support can I get?07 what if I don’t get a high aTar?08 what does university cost?08 what is hecs-helP?08 what are helP loans?08 can I get a scholarship?

09 a day in the life of ... ashé DeBiasio

10 experienCes of a Lifetime The fhs abroad Program

ContaCt usIf you have any questions about becoming a student at sydney Uni, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

t 1300 362 006e [email protected]/future_students

find us on faCebooKwhere our students tell it like it is.Join in the conversation

taKe a tourUniversity tours run throughout the year. To book a time (friends and parents are welcome too), visit

12 Careers14 focus on health Doctor Veterinarian Nurse Pharmacist Nutritionist

16 get hands-on occupational therapist exercise physiologist Dentist

17 be caring Psychologist social worker

18 pursue justice lawyer forensic scientist

20 be constructive architect engineer IT specialist

21 Look at the big picture environmental scientist Marine biologist Medical scientist

22 get down to business accountant economist Business with a twist Project manager Marketer

23 be influential Teacher Journalist entrepreneur

24 be creative artist Graphic designer Interaction designer Musician Photographer

26 find a degree

28 a day in the life of ... ai-My le

29 Course tabLes

44 gLossarY

whenever you see this icon it means you can watch a related video on our website. explore videos of open Day 2011, see the sights and hear what our students have to say at

don’t miss our 2012 open daYsaturdaY 25 august

Talk to staff and students, attend a mini-lecture or two, take a tour of the colleges, labs, libraries, and much more, while enjoying plenty of live entertainment provided by sydney students. It’s your opportunity to soak up the unique sydney Uni atmosphere and get a glimpse into your future as a student


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hoW to use this guide

step 1To get started, read about some popular career options (starting on page 12), and let your curiosity loose. are any of these jobs something you can see yourself doing?

step 2Go to the course tables next (starting on page 29). They list all the courses we offer, how long they take to complete, study majors, aTar required, assumed knowledge, and possible careers.

University language can be complicated so we’ve included a glossary at the end of this guide to explain some terms you may not have heard before.


so you’re in Year 9 or 10, facing a couple more years of high school, and you’re wondering ‘what is this book, and why should I read it?’

although you may be still in school, now is a good time to start thinking about your future, especially if you like the idea of university. That’s because to get into the course you want, you need to choose certain elective subjects in years 9 and 10 at school.

This guide will help you prepare your road to uni.

Don’t worry if you haven’t figured out every last detail of your career yet. a lot of people don’t discover their real passion until they’ve been studying or working for a while.

lots of our students tell us that being at the University of sydney actually helped them decide what they wanted to do. That’s why our courses are flexible. You’ll be able to specialise more once you figure out what you enjoy most.

The main thing at this stage is to make sure your choice of high school subjects won’t close any doors later.



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10,600 INTerNaTIoNal sTUDeNTs, froM 134 COUNTRIES



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Page 6: preparing for the road to uni - University of · Nutritionist 16 get hands-on occupational therapist exercise physiologist Dentist

7.30am It seems too early for my alarm to be going off – I need a shower to wake up and start my day.

10am a coffee from the cafe gets me focused for my first lecture of the day – australia’s foreign and Defence Policy.

12pm lunch at wentworth begins as study time then morphs into a chat with friends about our last lecture. I’ll finish my readings later.

1pm Theatresports is on at Manning Bar. The teams this year are always good value, and I enjoy having something fun to break up my day before I dive into my next lecture on public international law.

4pm My tutorial on current global issues inspires a stimulating discussion of various sustainability mechanisms over the coming century. Now I’m off to the square for Ultimate frisbee training.

6pm exhausted and starving. It’s definitely home time. redfern station is just a tantalising 10-minute walk away.

6.30pm one of my housemates has cooked a fantastic curry for dinner. I’m on washing up duty, which I’ll do while we’re watching this week’s episode of The Walking Dead.

10pm finally finished my readings. Now time to wind down for bed.

a daY in the Life of …MITchell sKIPseYCombined bachelor of Laws/international and global studies

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being a sYdneY uni studentBY laUra MINchella

when I was a high school student I thought life at university would be purely academic, with a strict study curriculum. But there is so much more you can get out of your time here.

when I first started at sydney Uni, I was welcomed into a vibrant student community, filled with active and enthusiastic people who are passionate about what they do, and involved in a range of fun and interesting activities.

The University supports more than 200 clubs and societies, run by students, for students. whatever you’re interested in, whether it’s sport, photography, or comic books, there’s a club that you can join. It’s a great way to meet other students who share your interests, and get involved with the many social events organised by the clubs.

These events are amazing. from open-air movie screenings to theatre productions, and society balls and celebrations, there’s always something happening.

If you enjoy sport, you’ll love the fully-featured gym, plus three basketball courts, 16 tennis courts, three squash courts, an indoor climbing centre, and a 50m heated swimming pool!

one of the things I really appreciate is how close we are to the city. I love that it’s a quick walk to Newtown, redfern and central station, or a short bus ride to sydney’s cBD where I work and visit art galleries for assignments.

There are also many facilities to help with your studies, such as computer labs, free wi-fi, and huge libraries to research and meet up with study groups.

My favourite spot on campus to study and relax with friends is among the gardens and lawns around the Quadrangle. It is perfect any time of year.

lots of societies are based on a particular course, which is a fantastic support network for new students

– it helps you meet others in your class and get great advice about your studies from older students.

one great thing about participating in extra-curricular activities is that it enables you to develop useful skills outside of the classroom, such as representing the University in sport or public speaking or helping plan events.

In many ways, the University of sydney is like its own suburb – it even has its own postcode!

The main campus (camperdown) is filled with modern cafes and bars where you can catch up with friends. If you love art, our galleries host exhibitions for many of sydney’s art festivals.

health-wise, all kinds of services are right on your doorstep. There are doctors, dentists, optometrists, counsellors, physios, even chaplains, plus shops to cover all your needs: newsagents, banks, chemists, bookshops and a post office.

laura, a Design computing student, enjoys the liveliness of campus life through her roles as student ambassador, student union volunteer, and as an active member of several uni clubs.

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hoW WiLL uni heLp mY Career?

while there are plenty of options for school leavers, such as apprenticeships, Tafe courses, or ‘entry-level’ jobs, obtaining a university qualification has definite advantages.

have a look at the job ads on a website like seek. You’ll see that almost all of them require candidates to have a degree from a university or other tertiary institution.

as well as helping you get your foot in the door, a university qualification can increase your chance of promotion once you’re up and running. This means higher salaries and better job security.

Questions We hear a Lot

hoW Can uni heLp me personaLLY?

It’s not just about work prospects: academic study can also really help your personal development. You’ll develop skills in critical thinking and analysis, teamwork, research and writing.

at university you will meet people from many different backgrounds and have the chance to get involved in clubs, societies, sports and community volunteer work.

You’ll be exposed to the latest thinking in your field, hear from world experts and meet potential employers. some courses offer work-experience placements and the chance to travel interstate or overseas.

is uniVersitY reaLLY aVaiLabLe to eVerYone?

absolutely. Your potential to do well at university is not defined by where you come from or how much money you have. It’s what you do while you’re here that counts. having the widest possible mix of people, cultures and backgrounds in our classrooms and among our staff makes our university experience unique.

If you’re worried that university will be too expensive, remember we offer hundreds of scholarships … and no, they’re not just for high achievers.

we offer access scholarships, which are allocated based on your results and financial need. centrelink also offers the student start-Up and relocation scholarships. check with centrelink if you are eligible for these.


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What support Can i get?

There are many other ways we support you here. our careers centre will help you find part-time work while you study, or a permanent job after you graduate.

The accommodation Information service knows all about house hunting, has a huge database of places to rent, and will give you great advice.

If you find it difficult to get the hang of doing research or writing assignments, the learning centre and Mathematics learning centre run sessions to help you build your research, study and presentation skills.

counselling and Psychological services (caPs) run sessions to provide help and advice on your transition to university, and offer tips on how to avoid procrastination, manage your time, and work well in a group.

Indigenous students can get access and support through the cadigal alternative entry program, run by student support services (on the camperdown campus), and Yooroang Garang (on the health sciences campus). The Koori centre also provides resources such as tutorials, computer access, and an Indigenous research library.

What if i don’t get a high atar?

we realise your aTar is not always the best way to rate your potential to do well at university, so we offer several other entry pathways. flexible entry looks at the ‘whole you’ – we may ask you to present a portfolio or come in for an interview.

The Broadway scheme allocates uni places for students who have suffered long-term educational disadvantage.

The cadigal alternative entry Program provides access (and support) to aboriginal and Torres strait Islander students. all faculties participate in the program and the faculty of science and sydney Medical school have specific places available for aboriginal and Torres strait Islander students in the Bachelor of science (advanced)/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery and the Bachelor of Medical science/Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of surgery.

The rural entry scheme is for people from rural areas who want to study veterinary science or pharmacy. There is also an elite athletes and Performers scheme.


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8 QUesTIoNs we hear a loT

for most of these alternative entry schemes aTar is still important. It’s just that we consider your aTar results along with other factors when we look at your application.

for more info, visit

What does uniVersitY Cost?

all australian citizens, permanent resident visa holders (including permanent humanitarian visa holders), and New Zealand citizens, enrol as ‘commonwealth-supported’ students for their university studies in australia. This means the federal government pays most of your tuition costs and you pay the rest as a ‘top up’ amount.

The top-up cost is called the ‘student contribution’. The amount depends

on the subjects you study, as some courses are more expensive to teach than others.

In addition to the student contribution amount, you will need to pay the student services and amenities fee (ssa fee).

You will also need to budget for living costs: rent, food, phone, power, travel, entertainment, text books and so on. we estimate it adds up to around $350 a week for most students.

What are heLp Loans?

australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa are eligible for a loan to cover all or part of their student contribution through the federal government’s higher education loan Program (helP). a helP loan can also be provided for the ssa fee. You start paying your helP loan/s back when you begin working.

Can i get a sChoLarship?

If you do well at school, excel at sport or music, come from a rural area, identify as aboriginal or Torres strait Islander, or have major financial limitations, you should definitely try for a scholarship.

Best of all, it’s easy to apply. By filling in just one application form, you will be considered for the Merit and entry scholarships for school-leavers (Merit is worth $6000 per year and entry is $6000 for the first year only), plus the majority of faculty scholarships.

some bursaries are specifically for first-year students to help afford the cost of starting university.

You need to apply for scholarships in august and september of the year before you begin university. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the sydney Uni website ( as it will be updated with full details and application processes.

If you can, attend the University of sydney’s scholarships Information evening in June. also, make sure you talk to your careers adviser at school to find out whether you are eligible for a scholarship, and get advice on how to write a really good application.

staY in touCh

follow what we are doing at

see what our current students are up

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a daY in the Life of …ashé DeBIasIobachelor of science (advanced)

7am head downstairs to the dining hall at sancta sophia college to grab breakfast and catch up with some of the other girls.

9am Into the lab for our toxicology practical. Today we’re testing tablets to discover what kind of drug they are.

12pm walk next door to attend a pharmacology lecture. Now we’re in third year the lectures have become quite cosy, with almost everyone knowing each other.

1pm Get a coffee from ralph’s café on campus before having lunch with friends on one of the lawns.

3pm Time for my anatomy tutorial. I get to examine actual examples of the muscles and organs I’ve been learning about.

6pm Monday night is formal dinner at the college, so we arrive in academic robes and hear a speech by a special guest, as well as a musical performance.

8pm off to the gym with a few friends – great motivation to keep fit during times when we aren’t playing sport for the college.

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The fhs aBroaD ProGraMThis program offers faculty of health sciences students extraordinary opportunities to take part in community projects across south-east asia for up to six weeks, as part of their final year of undergraduate study. They can work in countries such as Vietnam, cambodia, India and Nepal, and each placement is tailored to a student’s area of study and career goals.

experienCes of a Lifetime

meet our peopLe: LeCturer dr aLex broom

Dr alex Broom, Director of fhs abroad, believes that students gain invaluable and unique experiences from working in developing countries through the program, and also deepen their understanding of health care.

“cultural practices, disease patterns and health care systems are vastly different in the developing world,” he says. “These aren’t things that can be taught in a classroom: they need to be experienced for students to have a true understanding of health and health care in the international context.”

Dr Broom adds that such initiatives challenge students to explore new ideas and thinking.

“These experiences really are an eye opener for our students, and force them to draw on their knowledge and experience in finding creative solutions within the constraints of new cultures and environments,” he adds.

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“I worked closely with four children and their caregiver to evaluate the children’s needs and implement occupational therapy programs which they could continue once I left, and which could be used with other children in the future.”

following this placement, Nicole worked on a disability tourism project to improve facilities for tourists with physical disabilities and visual impairments.

“Based on my research, I made recommendations which promoted disability access. It was rewarding to

see that most accommodation places I visited were very keen to take on board the ideas I suggested.”

Nicole says the experience provided her with a great stepping stone in terms of experience and contacts. To hear more about her experiences check out her video:

meet our peopLe: student niCoLe darCY

occupational Therapy student Nicole Darcy drew on both innovative thinking and her university training when she worked in a cambodia centre for orphaned, abused and neglected children with a range of physical and intellectual disabilities, as one of her two fhs abroad placements.

Nicole faced cultural and linguistic challenges, but overcame a lack of medical resources by adapting equipment with bamboo to assist children with disabilities. she has now given these children a brighter future.

“You get the chance to be challenged and to contribute in a very meaningful and satisfactory way.”

niCoLe darCY occUPaTIoNal TheraPY sTUDeNT, IN caMBoDIa

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pursue Your passions

The best advice we can give you is very simple: focus on what you love.

everything you choose to study at school, university and beyond should reflect who you are, what you enjoy, and what inspires you.

In the next few pages (from page 14) you’ll read about some popular careers. If any of these appeal to you, or are similar to other jobs you’re intrigued by, check out the course tables (from page 29) to see how sydney Uni can help you get there.

and don’t forget to visit our website. There are so many careers out there we couldn’t possibly fit them all in this book, so we’ve put heaps more online. Visit

Career profiLes14 focus on health Doctor Veterinarian Nurse Pharmacist Nutritionist

16 get hands-on occupational therapist exercise physiologist Dentist

17 be caring Psychologist social worker

18 pursue justice lawyer forensic scientist

20 be constructive architect engineer IT specialist

21 Look at the big picture environmental scientist Marine biologist Medical scientist

22 get down to business accountant economist Business with a twist Project manager Marketer

23 be influential Teacher Journalist entrepreneur

24 be creative artist Graphic designer Interaction designer Musician Photographer


every journey has to start somewhere. Perhaps your career path has already begun – set in motion by a book, a hobby, a character in a movie, an inspirational friend, or a place you visited. But what’s the next step?

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“coming here from a country town, it was very important for me to meet new people, and o-week was the best time to do it. a week of socialising at uni and college events meant there was a friendly face in every one of my classes on the first day.”

ashé debiasioBachelor of scIeNce (aDVaNceD)

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The sydney Medical Program is a four-year course that you can enrol in once you have completed another degree. or you can take it as a combined degree through combined Medicine.

To succeed in this career, you should have excellent communication skills, be quick on your feet, especially when it comes to making decisions, and have a good rapport with people. You also need to be able to work in a team, have a scientific mind and a passion for helping people.

foCus on heaLth


The Bachelor of Veterinary science is a five-year degree. when you graduate you are immediately ready to register and practise as a vet.

Vets often work in private practice or for government programs, looking after sick animals and giving advice on their ongoing health and care. You can also specialise in different areas, such as livestock, horses or exotic species.

Being a vet is a rewarding career, and a challenging one. There are times when you may work irregular or long hours.


sydney Nursing school offers a number of pathways to becoming a registered nurse, including a Bachelor of Nursing (advanced studies), combined nursing degrees (Master of Nursing with either a Bachelor of arts, health sciences or science), or a Master of Nursing.

These qualifications allow you to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of australia, to work as a registered nurse anywhere in australia.

career opportunities are many and varied. Nurses work in a range of specialty areas in hospitals and community health, and in city, regional and remote settings. In our state-of-the-art clinical simulation facilities you will develop excellent clinical skills as well as the communication and interpersonal skills you’ll need to provide the very best patient care.

as a nurse you will enjoy being part of a team as you work with and alongside other health care professionals.

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Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to take a more hands-on approach to health, as an occupational therapist, exercise physiologist or dentist (page 16), or help people through social work or psychology (page 17).


To register with the Pharmacy Board of australia and work in Nsw, you need to do a Bachelor of Pharmacy, followed by an Intern Training Program and a pre-registration training period.

as a pharmacist, you need to be careful and methodical, have good communication skills and be sensitive to people’s needs. You could work for government, pharmaceutical companies or in the research and development of health-related products. If you work as a community pharmacist, or within a hospital, your main role will be to prepare or supervise the dispensing of medicine and give advice on how to use them correctly.


The scope of human nutrition extends far beyond the classical study of physiological and biochemical processes. It now explores how all the components in food affect human health and function, including athletic performance, mental function, and resistance to infection.

Nutrition also looks at the role food plays in chronic degenerative illnesses such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. as these diseases have now reached epidemic levels around the world, they are major targets of current research.

Dietetics is the application of nutrition in the health services. To be a dietitian you could get a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, preceded by either a Bachelor of science, or a Bachelor of applied science (exercise and sports science).

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get hands-on

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you’re more intrigued by a career as a doctor, nurse (page 14) or pharmacist, (page 15), or a psychologist or social worker (page opposite).

oCCupationaL therapist

an occupational therapist helps people who are unable (or have limited ability) to do normal daily activities due to illness, injury or circumstances.

To do this, you will look at ‘the whole person’ – their physical, emotional, developmental and psychological capabilities, and then create a plan to help them return to an acceptable level of activity.

You can complete the Bachelor of applied science (occupational Therapy) or a Bachelor of health science with a graduate-entry Master of occupational Therapy to become accredited by the relevant industry bodies.

exerCise phYsioLogist

exercise physiology looks at how exercise and behaviour change can help prevent and manage conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, cancer, arthritis and many more.

exercise physiologists find work in many fields, such as health promotion, occupational health and safety, workplace rehabilitation, injury prevention (occupational ergonomics), personal fitness, sports, strength and conditioning training.

To become an exercise physiologist, you could enrol for the four-year Bachelor of applied science (exercise Physiology), or the Bachelor of health sciences followed by a graduate-entry Master of exercise Physiology (five years).


To study dentistry at sydney Uni, you need to have an undergraduate degree in medical sciences or health sciences, including pharmacy, nursing or physiotherapy, or any degree that includes a human biology subject.

The Doctor of Dental Medicine will give you the qualifications you need to register with the Dental Board of australia and start practising in the first year after you complete your studies. as a graduate you will undertake basic surgical treatment, make diagnoses, administer anaesthetics and take x-rays.

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be Caring

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you’d prefer to help people through the justice system (page 18) or by making them healthy (page 14).


as a psychologist, you should have a genuine interest in people and human behaviour. You will provide treatment, often in the form of counselling, to reduce distress and behavioural and psychological problems.

To become a qualified psychologist you’ll need to study for six years. This consists of three years focusing on psychology, an additional research-based year, followed by two years of supervised practical experience.

one option is the Bachelor of Psychology, or you could consider one of the many other degrees that offer psychology as a major, and then apply for the honours year.

soCiaL WorKer

social workers help people to deal with personal and social problems, either directly or by planning and carrying out community programs that benefit groups of people.

as a social worker you will have a strong commitment to social justice, an ability to identify with other people’s problems, and the emotional maturity to help them find workable solutions.

The Bachelor of social work, or combined Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of social work, is your pathway to this career. You will then be able to specialise in fields such as family, youth and child welfare, disability services, aged care and disabilities, and mental health services.

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18 CAREERScareers

pursue justiCe

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to widen your focus and look at ways to improve the world through engineering or architecture (page 20) or environmental science (page 21).


lawyers provide advice on matters relating to the law. You’ll need excellent writing and verbal communication skills, as your work will likely involve drafting legal documents, conducting negotiations, and appearing in court on behalf of your clients.

a law degree from sydney will develop your skills of analysis, research, writing and advocacy and prepare you to move with confidence across national boundaries. You can complete a Bachelor of laws with another degree in the combined law program, or study the Juris Doctor after you’ve completed any other degree.

once you have graduated, you can apply for admission to practise law (as a barrister or solicitor). Because legal skills are highly valued in a number of other areas beyond the traditional legal pathways, you might also choose to become a government policy adviser, teacher, business executive, journalist, or corporate counsel; work with international organisations like the United Nations or the world Bank; or undertake pro bono work for non-governmental organisations.

forensiC sCientist

forensic scientists help in legal investigations by using scientific procedures to analyse physical evidence. This can mean examining and identifying illicit drugs, organic and inorganic materials, assessing handwriting, determining the cause of fires and explosions, and DNa profiling. You may produce reports for court, or appear in person to testify about the evidence you have analysed.

There are many pathways to a career in this area, including the Bachelor of science or Bachelor of Medical science. You can choose to focus on biological sciences, chemistry, molecular and biomedical sciences, pathology, physics, pharmacology, anatomy or physiology.

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a daY in the Life of …lachlaN Dellarbachelor of Veterinary science

7am since it’s sunny today I’m heading to the outdoor pool at Victoria Park for my morning swim. on colder days I go to the aquatic centre’s indoor pool.

9am first lecture is on animal nutrition. amazing lecturer knows all 46 hours of lectures off by heart. added bonus is that he sounds like David attenborough.

11am after a genetics lecture and a much-needed coffee we head into a statistics tutorial in the computer labs. here we get into groups to work through the exercises (and make a lot of noise).

1pm lunchtime entertainment is a guest lecturer giving a talk on emergency treatment of exotic pets. afterwards I run into some first years who are excited about visiting the University farms tomorrow for some large animal handling.

2pm on my way to an anatomy lecture I swing by Badham library to check emails and pick up a book. also find and borrow an awesome DVD on dissection.

3pm Time to swap thongs for shoes and put on my lab coat, as I’ve got two hours of dissection lab. Today is neuroanatomy of the dog and sheep.

5pm after washing up I meet up with some mates and head to Newtown for some Thai.

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be ConstruCtiVe

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to influence your world through education, journalism or entrepreneurship (see page 23) or find solutions to big picture medical or environmental issues (page opposite).


a good architect combines creativity, flair, design, attention to detail and project management skills in their pursuit of the best solution to meet a client’s brief.

The Bachelor of Design in architecture/Master of architecture is a five-year pathway to a career as an architect.

It will allow you to register in Nsw, and is recognised by the relevant national bodies.

another option is a five-year Bachelor of Design in architecture/Bachelor of laws combined degree.


an engineer is a problem solver, who may use machinery, computers or other materials and equipment to improve the way things work.

You can choose a major from a wide range of engineering specialisations, from aeronautical, civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical, mechatronics and power to biomedical and project

management. These courses can be combined with other degrees, such as arts, science, commerce, law, design in architecture, or medicine.

information teChnoLogY speCiaList

as a specialist in information technology (IT) you will play an important role in helping businesses build infrastructure, develop products, manage data, reduce wastage, analyse trends, strategise, communicate and conduct research.

IT offers a wide range of excellent career options. You could build or manage business applications, websites, communication systems, or IT infrastructure; or work as a computer programmer, systems administrator or IT manager.

To graduate with a highly respected qualification, in-depth knowledge and hands-on practical experience, look no further than the Bachelor of Information Technology or Bachelor of computer science and Technology.

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LooK at the big piCture

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you’d rather put your scientific skills to use in a more personal way, as a doctor, nurse or veterinarian (page 14), or engineer your way to a better world  (page opposite).

enVironmentaL sCientist

environmental science has a key part to play in determining our economic future – meeting our need for sustainable, environmentally conscious production – not just in australia but across the whole world.

The faculties of science and agriculture and environment offer a number of degrees in economics and science to prepare you for a career in this vitally important field.

The skills taught across a variety of science disciplines will enable you to dedicate your passion and insights to a range of environmental challenges, including climate change, food security, water management and carbon emissions.

Potential careers are plentiful in areas such as sustainable agriculture (in natural and managed environments), soil science, ecology, environmental management and protection, catchment management, land and water conservation, and hydrology.

marine bioLogist

a marine biologist’s job is to observe, measure and analyse all forms of life in marine habitats. You could work in a variety of areas, from government organisations and universities to zoos.

You can major in marine biology, marine geoscience or marine science within any Bachelor of science degrees, or the Bachelor of liberal arts and science. The courses involve practical field work and can be enhanced with an honours year, during which you carry out specific research and may participate in oceanographic expeditions.

mediCaL sCientist

Medical researchers employ their analytic skills to investigate problems associated with illnesses and injuries. for example, you may carry out laboratory experiments to find a cure for a certain disease, or research better ways for doctors to diagnose a variety of illnesses.

The best place to start is a Bachelor of Medical science, with a major in an area that interests you. Many students choose to continue with postgraduate research where they investigate a specific medical problem and look for solutions.

Medical researchers can be found in government groups, pharmaceutical companies and medical technology research organisations.

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get doWn to business

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to use your analytical skills in the cause of justice (page 18), or be successful and influential as an entrepreneur (page opposite).


accountants look at an organisation or individual’s finances, and provide detailed reports and analysis. They also give advice on record-keeping and compliance requirements.

To become a qualified accountant and be eligible to register with either cPa australia or the Institute of chartered accountants, you need to complete certain core subjects. This can be done through a Bachelor of commerce at the University of sydney Business school.


are you keen to play a part in influencing the economic policies that govern our lives? would you like to perform valuable public service within high-profile organisations such as federal and state governments, central banks, international agencies, financial markets and financial institutions?

an excellent start towards this career is a Bachelor of economics within the faculty of arts and social sciences.

business With a tWist

If you have an interest in business but want to combine that with a love of agriculture, the environment or resources, a specialist degree such as agricultural economics or resource economics is an excellent option.

These courses provide opportunities for a career in marketing, trade or the booming commodities market, in areas such as energy, mining or environmental consultancy.

If your passion is mathematics, you can major in financial mathematics and statistics through the Bachelor of science. This course gives you the expertise to operate and analyse investment portfolios, and establish

protocols for pricing traditional financial products such as options and futures, as well as the newer financial products like barriers, caps, swaps, exotics and other derivative securities.

projeCt manager

Project management involves planning, coordinating, budgeting and evaluating large-scale projects, as well as managing the risks and the people involved. It allows organisations to deliver new products and services, enhance their infrastructure, and implement new systems and processes to effect positive change.

To be successful in this field you need to be a strong leader with fundamental project management skills. completing a Bachelor of Project Management will help you develop these skills, which you can then apply across a wide range of sectors and industries.


far from being ‘just’ about promotion or publicity, marketing covers every step of the value chain. It looks at consumer behaviour and purchase practice from many branches of the social sciences.

In today’s fast-paced consumer world, the successful companies are those with brilliant marketing and a strong consumer focus. You can acquire these valuable skills by taking a Bachelor of commerce with a major in marketing.

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be infLuentiaL

Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to influence the world in more constructive ways, through architecture or engineering (see page 20), or environmental science (page 21).


whether you prefer primary or secondary teaching, a Bachelor of education is the right pathway to choose. each degree offers specialisation in one of six areas – early childhood, primary teaching, secondary humanities teaching, secondary physical education and health teaching, secondary mathematics or secondary science education.

further education and/or tests may be required to teach in other states or overseas. Patience, creativity and a high level of organisation is required, and you should be prepared to work outside of school hours to plan lessons.


Your main aim, if you wish to become a journalist, is to inform and educate the public through the written and spoken word. Practical experience, including getting published, is extremely important so make use of campus publications and websites.

Internships or work placements are a great way to increase experience and make contacts within the industry. an internship is provided through the Bachelor of arts (Media and communication). You could also complete other degrees with subjects focusing on english, social sciences or politics to improve your critical thinking and analytical skills.


an entrepreneur is somebody who has a never-ending desire to question the status quo and discover ways to improve it. There are no specific requirements for this type of career, but a good grounding in commerce makes sense, as many entrepreneurs either have their own businesses or liaise with large corporations regarding their ideas and concepts.

The University of sydney’s Young entrepreneurs society (Yes) is a forum to network and discuss entrepreneurial opportunities with like-minded people and all our students are welcome.

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artists are strong visual communicators, conveying their message through mediums such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpting, photography, glass, film-making, sound, animation and much more.

The Bachelor of Visual arts can provide the necessary training and skills to develop a career as a visual artist, with a variety of majors allowing you to specialise in your particular areas of interest.

In order to exhibit your work professionally in galleries, make a living as an artist or pursue a career in an arts-related field, it is essential to gain as much experience and exposure as possible in the visual arts industry. with further study, you could also follow your passion through to a career in art education, art writing, curating or arts administration.

be CreatiVe

graphiC designer

as a graphic designer, you might be responsible for producing artwork and text layouts for print, web and electronic publications. It involves taking a brief from a client, and working creatively to develop a solution that meets those needs.

sydney offers two pathways to a career in this field: the Bachelor of Visual arts or the Bachelor of Design computing. You could work as a part of a design team, in an agency or within the marketing department of an organisation.

interaCtion designer

If you’ve ever used an iPad, iPhone, Xbox Kinect or touchscreen system then you’ve used the work of an interaction designer. It is their job to create applications, games, environments and systems that are both fun and intuitive for someone to use.

In order to be successful in this field, you’ll need to combine an understanding of information technology and programming with psychology and design to ensure that users find your interface easy and enjoyable to use.

The Bachelor of Design computing is your ticket into the thrilling world of interaction design. You’ll learn how to design amazing products while acquiring the technical skills to make them work in real life. as a graduate you’ll have opportunities to work in marketing, advertising, games design and product design.

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Where to from here

found your dream job? work out how to get there by looking at the course tables (page 29). or perhaps you want to turn your creativity towards education, journalism or entrepreneurship. read about these influential careers on page 23.


The sydney conservatorium of Music offers a number of music degrees that can lead to a career in writing, arranging, orchestrating or performing musical compositions.

You will need stamina, skill and dedication to succeed as a musician, as working hours are often irregular and you’ll need to spend many hours practising and rehearsing. It is also helpful to have a flair for entertainment and performance.


Photographers operate cameras and lighting equipment to take photos of people, places, products and other subjects. creativity and a personal style are combined with technical skills, such as composition, production and image manipulation, which come from formal training.

The Bachelor of Visual arts is an excellent opportunity to enhance your photography skills in a supportive, state-of-the-art studio environment, where you can acquire the technical and conceptual skills to pursue a career as a photographer, artist or photojournalist.

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find a degree

The University of sydney currently offers more than 100 undergraduate degrees. That’s a lot of choice, so no wonder it can be a challenge for students to figure out which degree is the best fit for them.

This page should help. here are all our undergraduate degrees, divided into subject categories. This lets you figure out what you enjoy studying, then see what degrees are available in that area.

once you’ve got some options, look them up in the course tables starting on page 29, to find out the assumed knowledge (hsc subjects), plus a guide to the aTar you need to get in.

degree page

arChiteCture, buiLding, design and pLanning

Design computing 32Design in architecture/Master of architecture


Design in architecture/laws 33engineering (civil) 35engineering (civil) (construction Management)


engineering (civil) (environmental) 35engineering (civil) (Geotechnical) 35engineering (civil) (structural) 35engineering (civil)/Design in architecture 36engineering/Project Management 37Project Management (built environment; civil engineering science)


arts, humanities

arts 30arts (Media and communications) 31arts (Media and communications)/laws 31arts (languages) 31arts/laws 31arts (advanced) (honours)/Medicine/surgery


arts/Nursing 31arts/social work 31commerce/arts 32commerce (liberal studies) 32education (secondary: humanities and social sciences)


education (Primary education) 33engineering/arts 36Information Technology/arts 37International and Global studies 38liberal arts and science 38Music studies/arts 40Political, economic and social sciences 40Psychology 41science/arts 42social work 43

business, CommerCe, eConomiCs, marKeting, management

agricultural economics 29arts (economics; industrial relations and human resource management; information systems; management; social policy)


arts/laws 31commerce 31commerce (liberal studies) 32commerce/arts 32commerce/science 32commerce/laws 32commerce/Medicine/surgery 32economics/laws 33economics/Medicine/surgery 33engineering/commerce 36environmental systems 37Information Technology/commerce 37Political, economic and social sciences 40Political, economic and social sciences/laws


Project Management 40

degree page

Psychology 41resource economics 41science (financial mathematics and statistics)


CommuniCations, media studies

arts 30arts (languages) 31arts/laws 31arts (Media and communications) 31arts (Media and communications)/laws 31commerce (liberal studies) 32Design computing 32economics 33liberal arts and science 38Psychology 41Visual arts (media arts) 43

CreatiVe and performing arts

arts (Media and communications) 31Design computing 32Diploma of Music 43education (early childhood) 33education (Primary education) 33Music (composition) 39Music (Musicology) 39Music studies 39Music studies/arts 40Music studies/Medicine/surgery 40Music (Music education) 39Music (Performance) 39Music (Performance – Jazz) 39Visual arts 43

earth and enVironmentaL studies

agricultural economics 29animal and Veterinary Bioscience 29arts (environmental studies; geography; geology; geophysics; plant science)


commerce 31commerce (liberal studies) 32engineering (civil) (environmental) 35environmental systems 37engineering (civil) (Geotechnical) 35liberal arts and science 38resource economics 41science 41science in agriculture 42

eduCation, teaChing, training

arts (education) 30arts/social work 31commerce/arts 32commerce (liberal studies) 32economics 33education (early childhood) 33education (Primary education) 33education (secondary: human Movement and health education)


education (secondary: humanities and social sciences)


education (secondary: humanities and social sciences)/arts


education (secondary: Mathematics)/science


Most of the entries in this list are bachelor’s degrees. The exceptions are diplomas music and a few examples of a bachelor/master combined. see the specific course tables for more details.

In some cases we list the relevant major (in italics), so it’s clear how certain degrees relate to the subject area.

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degree page

education (secondary: science)/science 34health sciences 37Music education 39Nursing (advanced studies) 40Psychology 41social work 43


engineering (aeronautical) 34engineering (aeronautical) (space) 35engineering (Biomedical) 35engineering (chemical and Biomolecular) 35engineering (civil) 35engineering (civil) (construction Management)


engineering (civil) (environmental) 35engineering (civil) (Geotechnical) 35engineering (civil) (structural) 35engineering (electrical) (Power) 35engineering (electrical) (Telecommunications, electrical, computer)


engineering (Mechanical) 35engineering (Mechanical) (space) 36engineering (Mechatronic) 36engineering (Mechatronic) (space) 36engineering (software) 36engineering/arts 36engineering/commerce 36engineering (civil)/Design in architecture 36engineering/laws 36engineering/Medical science 36engineering/Project Management 37engineering/science 37Project Management (civil engineering; built environment; software)


heaLth sCienCes

applied science (exercise and sport science)


applied science (exercise and sport science)/Nutrition and Dietetics


applied science (exercise Physiology) 29applied science (Medical radiation science)


applied science (occupational Therapy) 30applied science (Physiotherapy) 30applied science (speech Pathology) 30arts/Nursing 31arts/social work 31engineering (Biomedical) 35health sciences 37health sciences/Nursing 40Nursing (advanced studies) 40oral health 40Pharmacy 40Psychology 41science 41science/Nursing 42science/Nutrition and Dietetics 42

degree page

human moVement, sport sCienCes, phYsiCaL eduCation

applied science (exercise and sport science)


applied science (exercise and sports science)/Nutrition and Dietetics


applied science (exercise Physiology) 29applied science (occupational Therapy) 30applied science (Physiotherapy) 30education (secondary: human Movement and health education)


engineering (Biomedical) 35Medical science 38Psychology 41science 41science/Nutrition and Dietetics 42

information teChnoLogY

arts (digital cultures) 30commerce (business information systems)


computer science and Technology 32Design computing 32engineering (electrical) (Telecommunications, electrical, computer)


engineering (software) 36Information Technology 37Information Technology/arts 37Information Technology/commerce 37Information Technology/laws 38Information Technology/Medical science 38Information Technology/science 38liberal arts and science 38Music (composition; electroacoustic) 39Project Management (software) 40science 41Visual arts (media arts) 43


arts (Media and communications)/laws 31arts/laws 31commerce/laws 32Design in architecture/laws 33economics/laws 33engineering/laws 36Information Technology/laws 38International and Global studies/laws 38Political, economic and social sciences/laws


science/laws 42

mediCaL sCienCes

animal and Veterinary Bioscience 29applied science (Medical radiation science)


Medicine/surgery (all combined courses) 39engineering/Medical science 36engineering (Biomedical) 35Information Technology/Medical science 38liberal arts and science 38Medical science 38Pharmacy 40science 41Veterinary science 43

degree page


arts/Nursing 31health sciences/Nursing 37Nursing (advanced studies) 40science/Nursing 42

sCienCe, appLied sCienCe, teChnoLogY

animal and Veterinary Bioscience 29applied science (all degrees) 29commerce/science 32engineering (chemical and Biomolecular) 35engineering (all degrees in the electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronic streams)


engineering/arts 36engineering/laws 36engineering/science 37environmental systems 37exercise and sports science/Nutrition and Dietetics


liberal arts and science 39Medical science 38science 41science (advanced Mathematics) 41science in agriculture 42science/arts 42science/laws 42science/Nursing 42science (advanced)/Medicine/surgery 42science/Nutrition and Dietetics 42Veterinary science 43

soCiaL sCienCes

arts 30arts (languages) 31arts/laws 31arts (Media and communications) 31arts (Media and communications)/laws 31commerce 31commerce (liberal studies) 32commerce/arts 32commerce/science 32commerce/laws 32economics 33economics/laws 33education (secondary: humanities and social sciences)


environmental systems 37International and Global studies 38liberal arts and science 38Political, economic and social sciences 40Psychology 41resource economics 41science 34science/arts 42

soCiaL WorK, WeLfare WorK

arts/social work 31health sciences 37health sciences/Nursing 37Nursing (advanced studies) 40Psychology 41social work 43

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2828 course tables

a daY in the Life of …aI-MY leCombined bachelor of Commerce/science

9am head over to the computer labs to discuss an econometrics assignment with my group. we’re using software packages to calculate a statistical model for real-life stock prices.

12am catch up with friends at the cubby for a quick round of three-way pool, followed by a cheap and tasty chicken pad thai up the road at one of Newtown’s many Thai restaurants.

1pm statistics tutorial. My tutor helps us solve questions based on the previous lecture, which was about calculating the probability of certain poker hands.

2pm attend an executive meeting with the statistics society (a student-run club) to organise an upcoming event. we’ve been working hard to host a careers event with employers from the australian Bureau of statistics.

3pm last class of the day is economics. Today there’s a guest lecture by a leading australian economics researcher. afterwards we have a lively discussion about the importance of capital in the economic production process, conjuring much debate from different perspectives!

5pm Visit the fisher library to borrow a book mentioned in the last lecture. I skim an article on the train while I’m on my way to a local touch footy game with friends.

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Course tabLes

These tables list all the undergraduate courses you can study at the University of sydney. except where stated, they are all bachelor’s degrees.

for each course we show assumed knowledge (the subjects we expect you to have taken at hsc level), and a guide to the aTar you will need to successfully apply.

The 2012 aTar cutoffs listed below are a good indicator, but these vary each year.

Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of agricultural economics(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Mathematics agribusiness, agricultural economics, agricultural finance, agricultural marketing, agricultural science, commercial law, econometrics, economics, finance, geography, government and international relations, management, marketing, psychology. subject to aTar: accounting.

80.70 agribusiness management, commercial and merchant banking, consulting, corporate farm management, derivatives and commodity trading, government relations, market analysis, public policy analysis, resource and environmental management, risk management.

Bachelor of animal and Veterinary Bioscience(4 years full time)

Mathematics and chemistry recommended: Biology

animal behaviour and welfare; animal biotechnology; animal genetics; animal health and diseases; animal nutrition; animal reproduction; animal structure and function; aquaculture; cattle, pig, poultry and sheep science and production.

84.40 animal breeding, animal nutrition, biosecurity, biotechnology (animal and microbial), captive animal breeding programs and research, food safety, intensive and extensive animal production, management or research in animal health and quarantine, marketing, medical research, microbiology, molecular genetics (animal and human), national parks and wildlife services, native animal research, pharmaceutical industry, reproductive technology (animal and human), rural consultancy and extension (domestic and international), sustainable agriculture.

Bachelor of applied science (exercise and sport science)(3 years full time)

chemistry and Mathematics recommended: Physics

anatomy, biochemistry, biomechanics, learning and control of human movement, nutrition, physiology/exercise physiology, and the application of these fundamental sciences to ageing, exercise, public health, rehabilitation, research and sport.

88.75 community health promotions; disease prevention, exercise rehabilitation with clinical populations and in the workplace; fitness industry (corporate fitness manager, personal fitness promotion); medical scientist; occupational health and safety and injury prevention (occupational ergonomics), sports performance (sport scientist, coach, strength and fitness conditioner and trainer).

Bachelor of applied science (exercise and sport science)/ Master of Nutrition and Dietetics(5 years full time)

chemistry, Mathematics recommended: Physics

Biology, biomechanics, chemistry, dietetics, food science, nutrition, physiology/exercise physiology and sport science.

97.75 exercise in the workplace, fitness industry (corporate fitness manager, personal fitness promotion), injury prevention (occupational ergonomics), occupational health and safety, sports performance (sport scientist, coach, and trainer). specific nutrition and dietetics-related careers include community health promotion, food industry and food science, health and disease, hospital, community and private practice.

Bachelor of applied science (exercise Physiology)(4 years full time)

Mathematics and chemistry recommended: Physics, PDhPe, Biology

Biomechanics, clinical exercise practice, ergonomics, exercise physiology, functional anatomy, motor control.

91.30 community health promotions, exercise rehabilitation, fitness industry, medical scientist, occupational health and safety and injury prevention (occupational ergonomics), personal fitness promotion, sport scientist, strength and conditioning coach or trainer.

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30 course tables

Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of applied science (Medical radiation science) – Diagnostic radiography(3 years full time)

Mathematics plus one of Physics, chemistry or Biology

anatomy, biological sciences, clinical education, equipment and imaging techniques, image processing, pathology, physics, psychology, radiation biology.

95.10 Diagnostic radiographers in the hospital system and private practice.

Bachelor of applied science (occupational Therapy)(4 years full time)

Biology or chemistry

Biological sciences; occupational therapy, theory and practice; social sciences.

92.20 occupational therapist in community centres, hospitals, schools, private practice, private industry and work rehabilitation.

Bachelor of applied science (Physiotherapy)(4 years full time)

chemistry and Physics recommended: Mathematics

Biomechanics, exercise physiology, human anatomy, human physiology, measurement of human performance, motor performance and learning, neuroscience, psychology, research design and statistics.

98.35 Physiotherapy practice within public, private and community health-care sectors, health administration, consultancy within industry, education, and research.

Bachelor of applied science (speech Pathology)(4 years full time)

recommended: english (advanced)

audiology, biomedical sciences, linguistics and language development, neurobiology, phonetics, psychology, research methods, sociology, and specialist areas (aphasia, dysarthria, dyslexia, stuttering).

92.60 community health centres, disability services, hospitals, mental health services, private practice, public health, schools and rehabilitation centres. speech pathology is an expanding profession with many opportunities for working in private practice.

Bachelor of arts(3 years full time/ 5–9 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

Table a: at least one of the following majors must be completed: american studies; ancient history; anthropology; arab world, Islam and the Middle east; arabic language and literature; archaeology; art history; asian studies; australian literature; Biblical studies; celtic studies; chinese studies; classical studies; cultural studies; digital cultures; economics; english; european studies; film studies; french studies; gender studies; Germanic studies; government and international relations; Greek (ancient); hebrew (classical and modern); hebrew (modern); history; Indigenous australian studies; Indonesian studies; international and comparative literary studies; Italian studies; Japanese studies; Jewish civilisation, thought and culture; Korean studies; latin; linguistics; medieval studies; modern Greek studies; music; performance studies; philosophy; political economy; sanskrit; social policy; sociology; socio-legal studies; spanish and latin american studies; studies in religion.

Table B: Provided a major is completed in at least one of the subject areas listed in Table a, units of study (sufficient to complete a major, but no more than one major) may also be chosen from biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, chemistry, computer science, education, environmental studies, geography, geology and geophysics, history and philosophy of science, industrial relations and human resource management, information systems, management, mathematics, microbiology, physics, plant science, psychology, statistics.

80.05 Depends on majors, and could include: anthropologist; archaeologist; archivist, art historian, business administration and management, historians and heritage specialists; foreign affairs and trade, government policy, information specialist, journalists; museum/gallery curator, language specialist, media and communications, publishing, research, sociologist.

Bachelor of arts (advanced) (honours)(3 years full time/ 5–9 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

This is an accelerated program for talented students, with an honours year in third year. refer to Bachelor of arts.

98.55 Depends on majors, and could include: anthropologist; archaeologist; archivist, art historian, business administration and management, historians and heritage specialists; foreign affairs and trade, government policy, information specialist, journalists; museum/gallery curator, language specialist, media and communications, publishing, research, sociologist.

Bachelor of arts (advanced) (honours)/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery (7 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

refer to Bachelor of arts and the faculty of Medicine website at all students must take some study in biology, chemistry and physics.

a+c General practice or specialisation after compulsory internship and/or further specialist experience and training. other careers include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communications or journalism. also refer to Bachelor of arts.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of arts (languages)(4 years full time/ 5–9 years part time)

It is strongly recommended that students have some prior experience of language-learning and therefore some familiarity with the kind of study necessary to succeed in language acquisition.

as for Bachelor of arts. Two majors from Table a with at least one major from the following subject areas: arabic language and literature, chinese studies, french studies, Germanic studies, hebrew (modern), Indonesian studies, Italian studies, Japanese studies, Korean studies, Modern Greek studies, spanish and latin american studies. candidates have the option of completing a third major from Table a or Table B.

98.70 Depends on majors, and could include: anthropologist; archaeologist; archivist, art historian, business administration and management, historians and heritage specialists; foreign affairs and trade, government policy, information specialist, journalists; museum/gallery curator, language specialist, media and communications, publishing, research, sociologist.

Bachelor of arts (Media and communications)(4 years full time/ 5–9 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

all students complete a core program of study in media and communications and a major from the Bachelor of arts. a second major may be taken from either the faculty of arts and social sciences or another faculty within the University, as listed in Table B.

98.50 corporate communications, journalism (print, online, radio, print, television), media research and production, public relations and public policy.

Bachelor of arts (Media and communications)/Bachelor of laws(6 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fifth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of arts (Media and communications)

Bachelor of arts/ Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

as for Bachelor of arts. first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of arts

Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of social work(5 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

for arts: refer to Bachelor of arts; includes Indigenous australian studies, sociology and/or psychology. for social work: Professional two-year program, including research skills, social policy and social work.

83.00 refer to Bachelor of arts and Bachelor of social work.

Bachelor of arts/Master of Nursing(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

Nursing: human bioscence, illness experience, acute care, mental health nursing, drug therapy, inquiry and research in nursing, care and chronic conditions, community health care, global health and nursing, nursing practice options, mental health, paediatrics, high acuity or clinical nursing, social contexts of health, nursing and the politics of health care, professional practice experience. arts: refer to Bachelor of arts.

80.15 registered nurse working in aged care, clinical trials, community health, education and health promotion, emergency, health policy, hospices, hospitals, intensive care, mental health, neo-natal, operating rooms, pharmaceutical industries, rural and remote area health.

Bachelor of commerce(3 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

accounting, business information systems, commercial law, econometrics, economics, finance, industrial relations and human resource management, international business, management, marketing, quantitative business analysis. a second major may be chosen from the above list or from other faculties within the University (depending on the first major chosen). as an alternative to a second major, students may complete a sequence of elective units.

94.05 accounting, advertising and market research, auditing, banking and financial management, business analysis, consulting, corporate banking, human resource management and industrial relations, investment banking, marketing and sales, media research, policy analysis and formulation, public sector management, research analysis, and securities.

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32 course tables

Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of commerce (liberal studies)(4 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

students can complete up to three majors, at least one from accounting, business information systems, commercial law, finance, industrial relations and human resource management, international business, management, marketing and quantitative business analysis. The other majors can be drawn from a broader list, which includes all of the above areas as well as agricultural economics, computer science, econometrics, economics, financial mathematics, government and international relations, mathematics, and political economy. additional units must also be undertaken from the faculties of arts and social sciences and science.

97.50 accounting, advertising and market research, auditing, banking and financial management, business analysis, consulting, corporate banking, human resource management and industrial relations, investment banking, marketing and sales, media research, policy analysis and formulation, public sector management, research analysis, and securities.

Bachelor of commerce/Bachelor of arts(5 years full time)

Mathematics refer to Bachelor of arts and Bachelor of commerce.

94.00 refer to Bachelor of commerce and Bachelor of arts.

Bachelor of commerce/Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Mathematics first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of commerce.

Bachelor of commerce/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery(7 years full time)

Mathematics refer to Bachelor of commerce and the faculty of Medicine website at students must undertake some study of biology, physics and chemistry.

admission based on aTar plus interview.

General practice or specialisation after compulsory internship and/or further specialist experience and training. other careers include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communications or journalism. also refer to Bachelor of commerce.

Bachelor of commerce/Bachelor of science(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

refer to Bachelor of science and Bachelor of commerce.

94.15 refer to Bachelor of commerce and Bachelor of science.

Bachelor of computer science and Technology(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

core studies in computer science, information systems, databases, mathematics, programming and systems analysis. electives include artificial intelligence, e-business analysis and design, graphics, human-computer interaction, internet software platforms, networking, object-oriented design. electives may also be taken from other faculties within the University.

80.15 computer programmers, computer systems administrators, systems analysts, software engineers.

Bachelor of computer science and Technology (advanced)(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1

as for Bachelor of computer science and Technology, but with study at an advanced level.

97.95 computer programmers, computer systems administrators, systems analysts, software engineers.

Bachelor of Design computing(3 years full time)

Mathematics Design, electronic media, digital modelling and programming, human and computer interaction. other related units and majors may be taken from fields including arts and social sciences, business, engineering, information technologies and science.

80.15 3d modeller, advertising and marketing, digital media production, games design, information design, interactive media, interactive products and services, marketing and communications, software developer, special effects and animation, user experience design, web design and development

Bachelor of Design in architecture(3 years full time)

english (advanced) and Mathematics

architectural design, architectural history and theory, architectural technologies, art workshops, communications, environment, environment and sustainability, management in architecture. elective units in allied arts, digital architecture, urban design and planning, or from any faculty in the University. students seeking professional accreditation follow this degree with the two-year Master of architecture.

96.95 architectural practice, art practice, heritage conservation, journalism, project management, research and urban design.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of Design in architecture/ Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of Design in architecture

Bachelor of economics(3 years full time)

Mathematics all students complete one core major from econometrics, economics or financial economics. a second major may be chosen from the core majors, or from the majors offered by the Business school (eg accounting or finance). alternatively, a second major may be selected from Bachelor of arts Table a or Table B, so long as students have completed sufficient units of study from the school of economics and the Business school.

90.25 accounting, business consulting, business information systems, corporate and retail banking, economic analysis and modelling, financial management, human resource management, industrial relations, research, social policy and teaching.

Bachelor of economics/Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Mathematics first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of economics

Bachelor of economics/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery(7 years full time)

Mathematics refer to Bachelor of economics and the faculty of Medicine website at students must undertake some study of biology, physics and chemistry.

admission based on aTar plus interview.

General practice or specialisation after compulsory internship and/or further specialist experience and training. other careers include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communications or journalism. also refer to Bachelor of economics.

Bachelor of education (early childhood)(4 years full time)

General units in education and professional studies including child development and learning; early childhood curriculum and teaching; early childhood management and leadership; families, community and diversity; and study in key learning areas (eg arts, health and wellbeing, language, mathematics and science). Units in the humanities, sciences and social sciences are offered by the faculties of arts and social sciences, science and the Business school.

78.40 Teaching in a range of early learning centres and preschools (birth to 5 years). early childhood education is a high priority for both commonwealth and state governments in australia. Qualified early childhood teachers are in high demand. This qualification is not suitable for teachers seeking employment in the K to 6 school sector.

Bachelor of education (Primary education)(4 years full time)

Graduates intending to seek employment in Nsw schools to teach at primary level must have achieved specific levels of study in english and mathematics at the Nsw hsc or equivalent.

General units in child development and learning, education and professional studies, specialist studies in key learning areas (eg language, arts, mathematics, health and wellbeing science). Units in the humanities, sciences and social sciences are offered by the faculties of arts and social sciences, science and the Business school.

90.00 Teaching and curriculum consultancy, corporate training and development, educational research, government (policy development), educational administration, management, and politics.

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34 course tables

Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of education (secondary: human Movement and health education)(4 years full time)

Graduates intending to seek employment in Nsw schools to teach at secondary level must have achieved specific levels of study in english at the Nsw hsc or equivalent.

health education and human movement education.

80.90 Teaching in secondary and primary schools or working in settings involved in community health, coaching, fitness, recreation and sport.

Bachelor of education (secondary: humanities and social sciences)/Bachelor of arts(5 years full time)

Graduates intending to seek employment in Nsw schools to teach at secondary level must have achieved specific levels of study in english at the Nsw hsc or equivalent.

all students follow a core program of study in education, along with intensive study and professional experience in teaching areas. all students must select two teaching areas. These may include drama, business studies/commerce, economics/commerce, english, geography, history, languages. a major must be taken in one or two teaching areas. students may qualify to teach in a third teaching area (Tesol only). Geography, mathematics, business studies/commerce or Tesol may be taken as a second teaching area only.

80.30 Teaching and curriculum consultancy, educational research, corporate training, government and business administration, and human resource management.

Bachelor of education (secondary: Mathematics)/ Bachelor of science(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1. Graduates intending to seek employment in Nsw schools to teach at secondary level must have achieved specific levels of study in english at the Nsw hsc or equivalent.

all students follow a core program of study in education, along with intensive study and professional experience in teaching areas. a major must be taken in mathematics. a second teaching area can be taken in one of the following: biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, geography or physics.

82.45 Teaching and curriculum consultancy, corporate training, educational research, government and business administration, and human resource management.

Bachelor of education (secondary: science)/Bachelor of science(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1. all students must take some units of study in mathematics. Graduates intending to seek employment in Nsw schools to teach at secondary level must have achieved specific levels of study in english at the Nsw hsc or equivalent.

all students follow a core program of study in education, along with intensive study and professional experience in teaching areas. all students must select two teaching areas from the following: biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, geography, mathematics and physics. a major must be taken in a science teaching area.

82.15 Teaching, curriculum consultancy, educational research, corporate training.

Bachelor of engineering (aeronautical)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

aerospace technology, aircraft design and operations, control systems, low-speed aerodynamics, materials, structural analysis.

90.35 employment in manufacturing and assembly, design, research and certification in the airline/aerospace industry and general engineering positions. aeronautical engineers are employed in australia and overseas with government, the airline industry and private consultant companies.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of engineering (aeronautical) (space)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

aerospace structures, composite materials, mechanics, propulsion, space electronics, space engineering.

99.35 career paths open to aeronautical engineering and the design, analysis and manufacture of rocket propulsion systems, satellite structures, re-entry platforms and interplanetary systems; and the design of flight control systems for space vehicles and their aerodynamic properties. students find careers within the aerospace, defence, environmental and research sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Bachelor of engineering (Biomedical)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, chemistry, Physics

anatomy and physiology, biology, biomaterials, biomechanics, bioelectronics, biomedical design, biomedical engineering systems, medical technology, orthopaedic engineering.

93.10 working in areas similar to mechanical engineers, as well as in biomedical instrumentation design, design, ergonomics, hospital marketing, research, safety.

Bachelor of engineering (chemical and Biomolecular) (4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, chemistry

chemical process case studies, computations, flow sheets and optimisation, materials and corrosion, solid mechanics.

86.80 all sectors of the process industries, from primary resource industries through to fine chemicals and sophisticated manufacturing.

Bachelor of engineering (civil)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

civil engineering design, concrete and steel structures, engineering geology, fluids, introduction to structural concepts, soil mechanics.

90.15 airport and harbour authorities, banks, construction and mining companies, engineering and infrastructure consultants, municipal councils, project management consultants, public works.

Bachelor of engineering (civil) (construction Management)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

Project formulation, project management IT, project planning and tendering, structural mechanics, surveying, transport engineering and planning.

90.90 construction companies, government organisations at all levels, large corporations including mining and industrial companies, local councils, project management specialists.

Bachelor of engineering (civil) (environmental)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

chemistry, environmental decision-making, environmental mechanics, geotechnics, introduction to structural concepts, water resources engineering.

92.10 Developing environmental impact studies, monitoring environmental problems, cleaning up the environment and overcoming major environmental damage. This can involve work with government agencies and consultancies specialising in remediation of groundwater and surface water pollution, sewerage and drainage works, and disposal of municipal and mining waste.

Bachelor of engineering (civil) (Geotechnical)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

concrete and steel structures, environmental geotechnics, finite element methods, geology, geotechnical engineering, structural mechanics.

98.85 Mining industry, petroleum industry, specialist geotechnical consulting firms.

Bachelor of engineering (civil) (structural)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

civil engineering, structural engineering. 93.80 Design of major structures including bridges, high-rise buildings, industrial buildings, stadiums, and sporting and exhibition centres. structural engineers need to show innovation and apply artistic, creative and technical skills to design. Many find employment in specialist consulting structural engineering firms.

Bachelor of engineering (electrical) (Power)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

communications, digital signal processing, electrical energy systems and management, electronic circuit design, embedded computing, engineering and electromagnetics, management for engineers, power electronics and drives.

90.15 Power transmission and generating systems engineer, grid maintenance and stability contractor, and industry power supply engineer, particularly in the development of alternative power sources and the fine tuning of smart-grid intelligence.

Bachelor of engineering (electrical) (Telecommunications, electrical, computer)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

circuit analysis, data communications and the internet, digital devices and circuits, digital system design, electronic devices and circuits, foundation of computer systems, foundations of electrical circuits, fundamentals of feedback control, microcomputer systems, operating systems, optical systems, real-time computing, satellite systems, signals and systems, software development, switching devices and circuits.

86.15 Industrial automation and power industries, telecommunications, and specialised consulting companies.

Bachelor of engineering (Mechanical)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

Industrial management, materials, mechanical design, mechanics of solids, system control, thermodynamics.

90.10 employment in the fields of automated port facilities, automatic control systems, biomedical implant design, building industry, design of automotive undersea exploration and space vehicles, environmental pollution control, manufacturing industry, mineral and oil exploration, power generation, process industry, transportation.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

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Career opportunities

Bachelor of engineering (Mechanical) (space)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

flight mechanics, satellite communications systems, smart materials and structures, space engineering, system dynamics.

98.95 career paths open to mechanical engineering and in aerospace, defence, design of environmental systems for space missions, design of rocket propulsion systems, environmental research, structure and thermal design of space systems.

Bachelor of engineering (Mechatronic)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

electronic devices and circuits, industrial management, introductory electrics, mechanical design, power electronics and drives.

90.70 automatic control systems, product design and development, robotics and automation for advanced manufacturing, software design and development for real-time computer systems.

Bachelor of engineering (Mechatronic) (space)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

computers in real time, mechatronics, satellite communications systems, space engineering.

99.80 aerospace manufacturing and assembly, certification, design and innovation emerging technology industries, research.

Bachelor of engineering (software)(4 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics

Data communications and the internet, network programming, operating systems, signals and systems, software validation and verification.

91.80 control systems, database management, information technology, internet programming, language compilers, multimedia and telecommunication software systems, real-time software engineering, reliable biomedical systems and artificial intelligence.

Bachelor of engineering, Bachelor of computer science and Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology flexible first Year Program(1 year full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

The fully flexible first Year Program allows you to decide your eventual engineering specialisation after completing one year of full-time study.

87.60 refer to Bachelor of engineering streams, Bachelor of computer science and Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology.

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of arts(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

This course allows students to combine core technology-based engineering skills with those from the humanities, social sciences and languages. students can complete one major and one minor study in arts areas such as linguistics, anthropology, cultural studies, digital cultures, film studies, a language or linguistics. refer to Bachelor of arts for the complete list.

90.40 refer to Bachelor of engineering and Bachelor of arts

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of commerce(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

allows for major study in two areas of commerce, including accounting and economics, econometrics, finance, human resources management, industrial relations and marketing. refer to Bachelor of commerce for available majors.

94.45 refer to Bachelor of engineering streams and Bachelor of commerce. examples include engineering management and consultancy.

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of Design in architecture(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics english (advanced) and Mathematics

only available in the civil engineering stream. The degree develops professionals who work with architectural and structural engineering design. The emphasis is on conceptual and aesthetic aspects of the design process (architecture), analysis of forces within the structure, and how to proportion the structural skeleton to support these forces (engineering).

97.25 refer to Bachelor of engineering (civil) and Bachelor of Design in architecture

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of laws(6 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fifth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of engineering

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of Medical science(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

This interdisciplinary program combines core elements of engineering and medical science.

92.25 refer Bachelor of engineering and Bachelor of Medical science. examples include engineering and/or medical science in the areas of biological systems or applications and medical technology and emerging biomedical technology industries.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of engineering/ Bachelor of science(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

The degree allows major study in two areas of science not necessarily in common with engineering (eg biochemistry, geology, biology or psychology. refer to Bachelor of science for the complete list.

90.15 refer to Bachelor of engineering and Bachelor of science.

Bachelor of engineering/Bachelor of Project Management(5 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1, Physics and/or chemistry

This degree provides foundation skills in engineering and project management. core units include client management, conflict resolution, leadership, project initiation and planning, and risk management and mitigation in the workplace.

92.00 refer to Bachelor of engineering and Bachelor of Project Management. examples include banking and finance, construction, engineering leadership and management, federal and state government organisations, management, mining, property development.

Bachelor of environmental systems(3 years full time/6 years part time)

Mathematics and chemistry

agricultural systems, including: agronomy, agro-forestry, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, hydrology, plant pathology, plant science, soil science, spatial information systems; Natural terrestrial systems, including: biogeochemistry, ecology, environmetrics, fluvial systems, geomorphology.

83.05 catchment management, ecology, environmental management and protection, land and water conservation and hydrology, sustainable agriculture and production in natural and managed environments, soil science.

Bachelor of health sciences(3 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

health sciences, and a second major from the following list: anatomy and histology, hearing and speech, industrial relations and human resources, languages, management, marketing, movement science, psychology, sociology.

80.60 corporate health; disability and ageing management and research; global health research and policy analyst; government health analyst and policy officer; health and medical researcher; health prevention research and marketing; health promotion officer in research and education; hospital management; indigenous health; mental health prevention and promotion; occupational health and safety; pharmaceutical research and management; rehabilitation officer.

Bachelor of health sciences/ Master of Nursing(4 years full time/ 8 part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

Nursing: human bioscence, illness experience, acute care, mental health nursing, drug therapy, inquiry and research in nursing, care and chronic conditions, community health care, global health and nursing, nursing practice options, mental health, paediatrics, high acuity or clinical nursing, social contexts of health, nursing and the politics of health care, professional practice experience. health sciences: refer to Bachelor of health sciences.

81.65 registered nurse working in aged care, clinical research, community health, education and health promotion, emergency, health policy, hospices, hospitals, intensive care, mental health, neo-natal, operating rooms, pharmaceutical industries, rural and remote area health.

Bachelor of Information Technology(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

core studies in computer science, information systems, databases, mathematics, programming and systems analysis. a research-based final year of studies is available to eligible students. electives include advanced data models, data mining, high-performance network computing knowledge management, mobile networking, multimedia storage and retrieval, natural language processing software architecture. electives may also be taken from other faculties within the University.

92.00 consultancy, information services management, software architecture, web development and management. also refer to Bachelor of computer science and Technology.

Bachelor of Information Technology/ Bachelor of arts(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

This course allows students to combine technology skills with those from the humanities, social sciences and languages. students can complete one major and one minor study in arts areas such as linguistics, anthropology, cultural studies, digital cultures, film studies, a language or linguistics. refer to Bachelor of arts for the complete list.

98.35 refer to Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of arts. examples include computational linguistics and media, consulting, and professions linking arts and IT.

Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of commerce(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

The five-year combined degree provides a structured program in information technology and commerce. all students undertake core study in computer science, information systems, accounting and economics.

94.45 refer to Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of commerce. examples include management and technical consulting, electronic commerce, information services management, information architecture, web development and management.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

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Career opportunities

Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of laws(6 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

This six-year combined degree program will provide students with a comprehensive study in various aspects of computer science and information systems, as well as first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fifth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Technology/ Bachelor of Medical science(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

The five-year degree develops skills in biomedicine, bioinformatics, information technology and medical sciences.

93.40 refer to Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Medical science. examples include the biomedical or bioinformatics industries, government health services.

Bachelor of Information Technology/ Bachelor of science(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1 (depending on subjects chosen)

all students undertake a major in computer science and/or information systems and can select a science major from an extensive list, including biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and psychology. Please refer to the Bachelor of science for a complete list.

93.05 refer to Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of science. examples include those in IT and science, research, consulting and technology solutions.

Bachelor of International and Global studies(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

all students follow an interdisciplinary core program in international and global studies with a major chosen from: anthropology, government and international relations, international business, political economy, sociology or an area study (american studies, arab world, Islam and the Middle east, asian studies, or european studies). There is an optional major/minor from a wide range of subjects including a second language. a second major or electives may be chosen from Bachelor of arts Table a or Table B.

95.05 Key international advisory and management positions in the business sector, government, non-government agencies and australian or international organisations with a specific global or regional dimension to their work. Graduate studies can be pursued in areas such as cultural studies, development, human rights, international law, migration studies and social policy.

Bachelor of International and Global studies/ Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of International and Global studies.

Bachelor of liberal arts and science(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

at least one major must be chosen from the major studies as listed for Bachelor of arts or Bachelor of science. In addition, a sequence of subjects in science (if an arts major is chosen), or in arts (if a science major is chosen), and a sequence in the liberal studies stream is taken.

70.05 refer to Bachelor of arts and Bachelor of science.

Bachelor of Medical science (first-Year entry)(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

anatomy, biochemistry, biology, cell pathology, histology, immunology, infectious diseases, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics, pharmacology, physiology. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

92.05 health departments, medical research, the pharmaceutical industry, research organisations and hospitals. Graduates are well prepared for the University’s graduate medical and dentistry programs.

Bachelor of Medical science (second-Year entry)(2 years full time/ 4 years part time)

Mathematics, chemistry and Biology or Physics

anatomy, biochemistry, biology, cell pathology, histology, immunology, infectious diseases, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics, pharmacology, physiology, psychology (subject to final approval). In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

admission based on high aTar plus interview.

health departments, medical research, the pharmaceutical industry, research organisations and hospitals. Graduates are well prepared for the University’s graduate medical and dentistry programs.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery(4 years full time)

Graduate entry refer to the sydney Medical school website at

admission based on high aTar plus interview.

General practice or specialisation. following one year’s compulsory internship, a doctor may enter private practice but most doctors undertake further hospital experience before commencing independent practice. further experience and study under the supervision of one of the specialist colleges is required before specialist qualifications or vocational registration as a general practitioner can be obtained. other careers for graduates include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communication or journalism.

Bachelor of Medical science/ Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of surgery(7 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

refer to Bachelor of Medical science (first-Year entry). and the sydney Medical school website at

admission based on high aTar plus interview.

General practice or specialisation. following one year’s compulsory internship, a doctor may enter private practice but most doctors undertake further hospital experience before commencing independent practice. further experience and study under the supervision of one of the specialist colleges is required before specialist qualifications or vocational registration as a general practitioner can be obtained. other careers for graduates include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communication or journalism.

Bachelor of Music (composition)(4 years full time)

Music 2 composition plus compositional techniques and analysis, electroacoustic music and composer performer workshop. study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, performance and music skills.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

composers in diverse industries and related areas, such as music technology and teaching.

Bachelor of Music (Music education)(4 years full time)

Music 2 Music education, plus instrument, voice or academic study selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), composition, early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), jazz studies, musicology, percussion, piano, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), vocal studies (classical or jazz), woodwind (bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone). study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, performance and music skills.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

Primary and secondary classroom teachers, music therapy, studio music teachers and education officer roles with music performance and development bodies.

Bachelor of Music (Musicology)(4 years full time)

Music 2 Musicology plus musicology workshops and analysis, history and cultural studies. students also undertake studies in music skills, pedagogy, performance and subjects from other faculties.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

Music-research; musicology; and music-related careers such as music journalism, music administration, music librarianship, music technology.

Bachelor of Music (Performance – Jazz)(4 years full time)

Music 2 Jazz performance (bass, brass, drums, guitar, piano, vibraphone or woodwind), jazz improvisation and jazz ensemble. study is also undertaken in jazz history, music skills, transcription and analysis and music business skills.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

solo and ensemble jazz performance and arranging; and in music-related careers such as music administration, music journalism, music librarianship, music technology.

Bachelor of Music (Performance)(4 years full time)

Music 2 Instrument or voice selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), piano, percussion, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), vocal studies (classical) and woodwind (bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone), study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, pedagogy, performance and music skills.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

Performers (ensemble, solo instrumental, symphonic, and vocal), musicology and music-related careers such as music journalism, music administration, music librarianship, music technology, and studio music teaching.

Bachelor of Music studies(3 years full time)

Music 2 academic study, instrument or voice selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), piano, musicology, composition, percussion, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), voice (classical or jazz) and woodwind (bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone). study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, performance, music skills and subjects from other faculties.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

Music administration, music journalism, music librarianship, music teaching, music technology, studio music.

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Career opportunities

Bachelor of Music studies/Bachelor of arts(5 years full time)

Music 2 Music studies: instrument, voice or academic study selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), composition, early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), musicology, percussion, piano, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), voice (classical or jazz) and woodwind (bassoon, flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone). study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, performance and music skills. for majors in the arts component refer to Bachelor of arts.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

refer to Bachelor of Music studies and Bachelor of arts. examples include arts administrators, arts policy advisers, composer (depending on appropriate majors), journalists, music teachers, and performers (depending on appropriate majors).

Bachelor of Music studies/Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery(7 years full time)

Music 2 Music studies: instrument, voice or academic study selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), composition, early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), piano, musicology, percussion, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), voice (classical and jazz) and woodwind (bassoon, flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone). study is also undertaken in analysis, history and cultural studies, performance and music skills. all students must take some study in physics, biology and chemistry.

admission based on high aTar, audition and/or interview.

General practice or specialisation after compulsory internship and/or further specialist experience and training. other careers include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communications, music therapy. students would be eligible to continue their music study as postgraduates and pursue research careers.

Bachelor of Nursing (advanced studies)(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

health and human biology, population health, nursing knowledge, practice and policy, illness experience, child and adolescent health, indigenous health, mental health, palliative care, leadership in health, chronic care, first line intervention, community health care, politics, policy and health, professional practice experience.

84.05 registered nurse working in aged care, clinical trials, community health, education, emergency, hospices, hospitals, intensive care, mental health, neo-natal, operating rooms, pharmaceutical industries, rural and remote area health.

Bachelor of oral health(3 years full time)

chemistry Dental hygiene, dental therapy and oral health promotion.

admission is based on aTar, an interview and personal qualities assessment.

Dental hygiene in private and public sector dental practice; dental therapy in the public sector in Nsw, and in the private and public sectors in other states and territories of australia and New Zealand; oral health promotion.

Bachelor of Pharmacy(4 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

subject areas: biology, chemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmacy practice. optional majors in fourth year: rural or industrial pharmacy or international exchange.

admission based on high aTar and a special Tertiary admissions Test

retail pharmacy (community practice); hospital or rural pharmacy; research positions within universities or research institutes; industrial pharmacy positions, including drug production, marketing or drug development and work with government agencies.

Bachelor of Political, economic and social sciences(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

students must complete at least two years of study in government and international relations, political economy, and either sociology or anthropology. one of these four subject areas must be selected as a major. a second major or electives may be chosen from Bachelor of arts Table a or Table B.

85.05 Private and public sector employment such as consultancy, human resource management, industrial relations journalism, policy and analysis.

Bachelor of Political, economic and social sciences/Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law a, seven optional units of study.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of Political, economic and social sciences.

Bachelor of Project Management(3 years full time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1

available streams: built environment, civil engineering science or software. studies include: complex project coordination, management data and analytics, organisational behaviour, project finance, project management, psychology, quality management and negotiating and contracting project services, risk management, statistics. a capstone project is taken in the final year. Built environment stream units and capstone projects are taken in the faculty of architecture, Design and Planning.

87.85 architecture and related industries, banking and finance, construction, consultancy, energy sector, engineering, mining and resources sector, professional project management, property development, technology project management.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of Psychology(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Depends on subjects chosen

The Bachelor of Psychology can be taken in either an arts or science stream. The science stream major is psychology. If you choose the arts stream you must take two majors: psychology, plus another chosen from Table a (see Bachelor of arts).

97.00 science stream: examples include clinical psychology, consulting, human resources, industrial relations, marketing and market research, medical research, public relations, teaching. Major employers include hospitals, government, private enterprise and the public service. Becoming a registered psychologist may lead to practising in large firms, alongside medical practitioners or in private practice arts stream: examples include administration, adult education, advertising, anthropology, archaeology, archives work, banking, business, community work, editing, industrial relations, journalism, librarianship, management, manufacturing, marketing, media (film, radio, television), museum/gallery management, personnel, print, psychology, public relations, public service, publishing, research, retail management, sales, teaching, tourism, training and development, translating. examples include administration, adult education, advertising, anthropology, archaeology, archives work, banking, business, community work, editing, industrial relations, journalism, librarianship, management, manufacturing, marketing, media (film, radio, television), museum/gallery management, personnel, print, psychology, public relations, public service, publishing, research, retail management, sales, teaching, tourism, training and development, translating.

Bachelor of resource economics(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

hsc Mathematics extension 1recommended: earth and environmental science and/or Biology

agribusiness, agricultural economics, agricultural finance, agricultural marketing, agricultural science, commercial law, econometrics, economics, finance, geography, government and international relations, management, marketing, psychology. subject to aTar: accounting

82.80 accounting, agribusiness, banking (commercial and merchant), business media, economic research, finance including risk management, government policy, government relations, resource economist.

Bachelor of science(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1other assumed knowledge depends on subjects chosen.

agricultural chemistry; anatomy and histology; biochemistry; bioinformatics; biology (animal, plant genetics); cell pathology; chemistry; computational science; computer science; environmental studies; financial mathematics and statistics; geography; geology and geophysics; history and philosophy of science; immunobiology; information systems; marine biology, marine geoscience, marine science; mathematics; medicinal chemistry; microbiology; molecular biology and genetics; nanoscience and technology; neuroscience; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant science; psychology; soil science; statistics. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

82.10 research and analysis in the csIro, finance sector, hospitals, private enterprise, other national and international science organisations in addition to work in administration, banking, biotechnology, business analysis, computing, forensic work, hospitals, human resource management, industry, information systems, librarianship, marketing, medical laboratory work, museum work, patent work, personnel, publishing, quality control, research, sales, universities and government bodies.

Bachelor of science (advanced Mathematics)(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

hsc Mathematics extension 2

financial mathematics and statistics, mathematics, statistics.

98.35 research in universities, private enterprise, the csIro and other national or international science organisations, teaching and finance, banking, investment, actuarial, insurance and statistics industries.

Bachelor of science (advanced)(3 years full time/ 6 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

refer to Bachelor of science. advanced majors include anatomy and histology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biology, chemistry, computational science, computer science, financial mathematics and statistics, geography, geology and geophysics, immunobiology, marine biology, marine geoscience, marine science, mathematics, medicinal chemistry, microbiology, nanoscience and technology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physics, physiology, plant science, statistics.

95.00 research and analysis in the csIro, finance sector, hospitals, private enterprise, other national and international science organisations.

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42 course tables

Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of science (advanced)/ Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of surgery(7 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

refer to Bachelor of science (advanced) and the sydney Medical school website at

admission based on high aTar plus interview.

General practice or specialisation. following one year’s compulsory internship, a doctor may enter private practice but most doctors undertake further hospital experience before commencing independent practice. further experience and study under the supervision of one of the specialist colleges is required before specialist qualifications or vocational registration as a general practitioner can be obtained. other careers for graduates include medical research, teaching, medical administration, medical communication or journalism.

Bachelor of science in agriculture(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)-should this be

Mathematics and chemistry

agricultural chemistry, agricultural economics, agricultural genetics, agronomy, entomology, environmetrics, farming systems, food science, horticulture, livestock production, plant pathology, soil science.

76.55 agribusiness and commodity trading, biotechnology, consulting, crop production and industry, crop and livestock management, education, environmental management, environmental protection, food and beverage industries, government, grains industries, horticulture, journalism and media research, land and water conservation, marketing, pest management, plant breeding, precision agriculture, science research, soil science, statistician, sustainable agriculture, technical expert.

Bachelor of science/ Bachelor of arts(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1other assumed knowledge depends on subjects chosen

refer to Bachelor of science and Bachelor of arts. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

80.50 administration and management in business, industry and in community organisations, book and magazine editing and publishing, community development, foreign affairs and trade, foreign languages experts working overseas or in international industry and commerce, historians and heritage specialists, journalists and researchers in the print, radio and TV media, policy development, research and administration in commonwealth, state and local governments, university research. refer to B science and B arts for other careers in science and arts.

Bachelor of science/ Bachelor of laws(5 years full time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

first year: foundations of law, legal research I, torts. second year: civil and criminal procedure, contracts, criminal law. Third year: legal research II, public international law, public law, torts and contracts II. fourth year: administrative law, corporations law, equity, evidence, federal constitutional law, introduction to property and commercial law, real property, the legal profession. final year: Private international law, seven optional units of study. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

99.70 legal practitioners in private and public practice, and in accounting, banking and finance, commerce and management, education, government administration, media and communications. refer to Bachelor of science

Bachelor of science/Master of Nutrition and Dietetics(5 years full time)

Mathematics, chemistry and Biology

Bachelor degree: students must complete a major in one of biochemistry, microbiology, physiology or psychology. Master’s degree: clinical nutrition, nutritional science and public health nutrition. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

96.85 education and public relations; food and pharmaceutical industries, private practice, research and policy development in either basic nutritional science or in industry. The five-year program (or six years including honours) opens up careers in clinical nutrition and dietetics in hospitals, community health centres, public health or other health-related industries.

Bachelor of science/Master of Nursing(4 years full time/ 8 years part time)

Mathematics or hsc Mathematics extension 1

Nursing: human bioscence, illness experience, acute care, mental health nursing, drug therapy, inquiry and research in nursing, care and chronic conditions, community health care, global health and nursing, nursing practice options, mental health, paediatrics, high acuity or clinical nursing, social contexts of health, nursing and the politics of health care, professional practice experience. science: refer to Bachelor of science. In addition, all students must take some units of study in mathematics.

82.05 registered nurse working in aged care, clinical trials, community health, education and health promotion, emergency, health policy, hospices, hospitals, intensive care, mental health, neo-natal, operating rooms, pharmaceutical industries, rural and remote area health.

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Course (duration) assumed KnoWLedge

majors 2012 atar Cutoff

Career opportunities

Bachelor of social work(4 years full time)

Depends on subjects chosen

Indigenous studies, psychology, social policy and social work, sociology. first and second year students may choose from the areas listed under Bachelor of arts. Third and fourth year students undertake a professional program including research skills, social policy and social work.

81.60 aged care, children and families, health and hospitals, programs for people with disabilities, services for migrant and refugee communities and in all areas of social policy and international development. examples of employers include advocacy and human rights organisations; community-based organisations; health organisations and local, state and commonwealth government.

Bachelor of Veterinary science(5 years full time)

chemistry, Mathematics and Physics recommended: Biology

animal diseases and pathology, animal husbandry, cell biology, clinical and professional practice, pharmacology, veterinary anatomy and physiology, veterinary conservation biology, veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery.

admission based on high aTar, a special Tertiary admissions Test and a commitment statement.

Diagnostic and research laboratories; organisations that investigate and control disease outbreaks, pharmaceutical companies, quarantine or the eradication of disease in farm animals; wildlife conservation departments; veterinary practice and zoos.

Bachelor of Visual arts(3 years full time)

Visual arts, and Design and Technology

fine art: painting, printmedia, sculpture, performance and installation. object art and design: ceramics, glass, jewellery and object media art: film and digital art, photomedia. Minor studies: a wide range of electives in fine art, media art and object art and design.

admission based on high aTar, portfolio and/or interview.

animator, arts administrator, arts writer, ceramicist, commercial photographer, curator, digital media artist, film maker, furniture and product designer, glass artist, jeweller, object designer, painter, photographer, photojournalist, primary, secondary and tertiary educator (with further tertiary qualifications), printmaker, public artist, publisher, sculptor, set and exhibition designer, sound artist, video and filmmaker, video and television production and post-production producer, web and multimedia designer.

Diploma of Music(2 years full time)

Music 2 Instrumental study selected from brass (french horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba), early music (baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, organ, recorder, viola da gamba), jazz studies, piano, percussion, strings (cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin), woodwind (bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone) or voice (classical). study is also undertaken in music skills, orchestral studies and chamber music.

a+c work as professional musicians

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The australian Tertiary admission rank (aTar) is the benchmark we use to assess applicants. It is a ranking between 0 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05 that provides a measure of your overall academic achievement at high school. It is calculated by the Universities admissions centre (Uac).

assumed KnoWLedge

for some units of study it is assumed that you have passed a relevant subject at hsc level. This is called ‘assumed knowledge’.

baCheLor’s degree

This is the highest undergraduate award we offer. a bachelor’s degree normally requires three or four years of full-time study (or the part-time equivalent).

Combined degree

a combined degree program (also called a ‘double degree’) lets you acquire a degree from two faculties at the same time. for example, a combined science/arts course means that you will graduate with a Bachelor of arts degree and a Bachelor of science degree.


If you receive an offer of admission to a course, you may apply to defer (postpone) your enrolment in that course for one semester, or one academic cycle (usually a year).


This is a large department responsible for all matters relating to the courses it supervises. faculties are headed by a dean, and mainly consist of academic staff (lecturers and tutors).


some degrees can be completed ‘with honours’. what this involves depends on your faculty. It usually means completing a separate honours year, or additional work in the later years of the course, or high-level achievement across all years of the course.


a lecture is a formal presentation to a large group of students by a lecturer.


Your ‘major’ is the main specialisation or primary subject area of your course. You can select and transfer between majors according to the units of study you select. You may be required to complete one or more majors in order to satisfy the course requirements.

reCommended subjeCt

This is a high school subject that is not a prerequisite (required) or assumed knowledge for your course, but is still very helpful to have done.


This is the academic teaching period, usually about 14 weeks in duration. There are two semesters each year.


This is a smaller and less formal learning session than a lecture. at tutorials students can ask questions, and have group discussions on relevant topics.


The Universities admissions centre (Uac) receives and processes applications to undergraduate courses at recognised universities in Nsw and the acT. The interstate equivalents to Uac include QTac (Queensland), VTac (Victoria), saTac (south australia) and TIsc (Tasmania).


This term is used to describe a course leading to a bachelor’s degree or a diploma. It also describes a student enrolled in such a course.


here is a list of common uni terms you may have come across. If you are not sure about any of them or need more info please visit our website, or call us on 1300 362 006.


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“at the end of school I felt like I simply wasn’t finished. Going to university seemed the best way to continue learning and evolving.”

Kath farreLLBachelor of arTs (hoNoUrs)

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