present indian society ppt

Present Indian Society Presentation in English and Marathi Language Created by: Mrs. Nausheen Parkar ( Asstt Prof.)

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Page 1: Present indian society ppt

Present Indian SocietyPresentation in English and Marathi Language

Created by: Mrs. Nausheen Parkar ( Asstt Prof.)

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•The community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.•The term "society" came from the Latin word societas which means interaction between parties that are friendly, or at least civil. •A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory.

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समाज,society: समाज, वि�शिष्ट ठीकाणचा समाजातील �रचा स्तर,

वि�शिष्ट उदे्दाने स्थापन केलेली संस्था, मंडळ, संगत, सह�ास 

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Indian society

Indian society may refer to:Culture of IndiaHindu societyculture: संस्कृती, सुसंस्कार, जमिमनीची मागत, बुद्धीचा

वि�कास, सुसंस्कृतपणा, जंतुंची कृवि(म �ाढ Hinduism: हिहंदू 

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Culture of India

The culture of India is the way of living of the people of India. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture,food, and customs differ from place to place within the country.

संगीत, गोंगाट, संगीत कला, अन्न, खादय, भक्ष्यआर्किकटेंक्चर, �ास्तुवि�द्या,

�ास्तुकला, स्थापत्यभाषासानुकूल, चाल, रुढी, दस्तुरी,

जकात, धंद्याला मिमळणारा विगर्‍हाइकांचा आश्रय 

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Hinduism is a religion, or a way of life, found most notably in India

Hindu practices include rituals such as puja (worship) and recitations, meditation, annual festivals, and occasional pilgrimages.

उपासना, पूजा, आराधना, ध्यान, चिचंतनअधूनमधून या(ेचे, तीर्थEटन�ार्किषंक सण

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Caste system

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Present Indian SocietyIndia is one of the world's oldest civilisations.

[3]The Indian culture, often labeled as an amalgamation (एक(ीकरण, ऐक्य, सम्मीलन,)of several various cultures, spans across the Indian subcontinent like Asia.(खंडप्राय दे, उपखंड)and has been influenced and shaped by a history that is several thousand years old

Modern or contemporary society (आधुविनक नवि�न समकालीन,एकाच�ेळचा)enjoys the usage of advanced technology. People have greater knowledge of the various components of nature.

A modern society is characterized by a variety of sub-cultures.

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Indian SocietyIn modern society, a large number of people

share knowledge एखाद्या वि�षयाचे ज्ञानthrough the books, internet, films, etc.

Modern societies are generally literate. (साक्षर)There is wider scope (संधी उपलब्ध) for

specialization (वि�ेषीकरण ). Each individual has certain roles to be played. The social structure सामाजिजक रचना is highly complex. जटिटल, समन्विQ�त, अनेक भाग असलेला

(consisting of many different and connected parts.)

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Multi-religious बहु धार्मिमंकReligion:- 

India is a secular (not connected with religious or spiritual matters.)धमE विनरपेक्षdemocracy जनतं(and is the home to Hinduism, Islam,Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and many other religions. In India religion is a way of life, an integral part of one's day to day activities, influencing every aspect of life. Common practices आम प्रविTया through ages had influenced most faiths and many festivals that mark each year with music, dance, and feasting are shared by all communities. समुदाय 

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religionReligion is a major concern of man. Religion is

universal, सा�Eवि(क permanent and perennial योनीमागाEतून interests of man. The institution of religion is universal. It is found in all the societies, past and present. Religious beliefs and practices are, however, far from being uniform. Religious dogmas हठधर्मिमंता, वि�शिष्ट शिक�णhave influenced and conditioned economic आर्थिर्थंक endeavors प्रयत्न, political movements, properly dealings, and educational tasks. The major religions in India are following: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Parsi, The basic ideas and faith of the each religion differs. But they co existently stood in Indian society.

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Multi cultural बहुसांस्कृवितक Culture:- 

India's cultural heritage �ारसा, वि�रासत dates back to 5000 years. Very few countries in the world has a social and religious structure which withstood invasions स्�ारी, आTमण and kept its identity. Indian culture is unique because of its diversity वि�वि�धताand variety in physical, religious, racial, जातीय linguistic भाषाईand artistic कलात्मक fields. Many dances, theatrics and folklore (the traditional beliefs, )लोकसाविहत्य are religious and based on Indian mythology( traditional story) पुराणand folk legends. लोक महापुरूष, आख्यामियका

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Multi lingual Languages :- 

India's original 14 states were formed mainly on language barriers. Hindi is the official language. Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati, , Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Rajasthani are the other languages to cite a few. 

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Linguistic Diversity LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY The high degree of large

diversity found in India is due to the existence of diverse population groups. The greatest variety in languages can be found in the one of the biggest democracies in the world. Most of these languages are distinct भिभन्न and have their own distinct form of writing and speech. The dictionary defines ‘Diversity’, as variety or different. Languages are defined as a system of arbitrary ( unpredictable,)अविनयंवि(त vocal (relating to the human voice.) मौखिखक symbols used for human communication.

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Indian society in Rural ग्रामीण India is a land of villagesAmong the earliest human groups, gathering was the

main source of food. Gradually man acquired the skill and knowledge in agriculture. With the development of agriculture, people began to lead a settled life

The major features of rural society are given below: 1. Small size of village community, 2. Intimate relations, 3. Jajmani System, 4. Isolation, 5. Social homogeneity, 6. Informal Social Control, 7. Dominance of Joint Family, 8. Legal Self Government 9. Occupation, 10. Role of neighborhood, 11. Faith in religion, 12. Self Sufficiency, 13. Widespread caste system, 14. Simplicity, 15. Feelings, 16.Poverty, 17. Illiteracy, 18. Desire for Independence, 19. Social Homogeneity, 20. Occupations, 21. Preservers of the Ancient culture of the society.

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Urban society हरी समाजMeaning of Urban Society :An urban area is characterized by higher

population density and vast human feature in comparison to area surrounding it. Urban areas are created and further developed by the process of urbanization.

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Major Features of Urban Society: The major features of urban society are given below:

1. Social Heterogeneity, 2. Secondary Relations, 3. Artificial life 4. Secondary Control, 5. Large- scale Division of Labour and Specialization, 6. Large-scale social mobility, 7. Individuation, 8. Voluntary ऐच्छि_क Association, 9. Social Reference सामाजिजक संदभE, 10. Unstable Family, 11. Dynamic life 12. Lack of community feeling, 13. Lack of unity in family, 14. Moral Laxity, नैवितक हलगजaपणा 15. Unbalanced personality, 16. High incidence of crime, 17. Social disorganization, 18. Peculiarities of marital life.

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