present it aku!

By: Ahmad Hariz Izzuddin Bin Abdul Aziz 931124115893

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By: Ahmad Hariz Izzuddin Bin Abdul Aziz931124115893

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History of the


what is


What is www


betweeninternet andwww

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� Star t in t he 1950s and t he 1960s tog e t her wi t h t hedevel op men t of t he c omput er, i t s s t ar t s wi t h po in t to po in t communica t ion be t ween t erminals andmain frames.

� In la t e 1960s and early 1970s packe t swi t chedne t work were devel op ed like; ARPANET and Telene t .

� In 1982 t he In t erne t Proto col Suit e (TCP/IP) wasst andardized and t he c once pt of a w orld-widene t work of fully in t erc onnec t ed TCP/IP ne t workscalled t he In t erne t was in t roduced.

When t he Na t ional Science F ounda t ion (N SF)devel op ed t he C omput er Science Ne t work(CSNET),access to t he ARPANET was ex pended in 1981 and1986

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� The ARPANET was dec ommissi oned in 1990.Commercial in t erne t service providers (I SPs) be gan to emer ge in t he la t e 1980s and 1990s and t he In t erne t wascommercialized in 1995 when N SFNET wasdec ommissi oned, rem oving t he las t res t ric t ions on t he use

of t he In t erne t to carry c ommercial t ra ff ic.� Since t he mid-1990s t he In t erne t has had a dras t ic im pac t

on cul t ure and c ommerce, includin g t he rise of nearins t an t communica t ion by elec t ronic mail, t ex t -baseddiscussi on fo rums, and t he World Wide Web. The researchand educa t ion c ommuni t y c ont inues to use advancedne t works

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� The Internet is a global sys t em of int erc onnec t ed c omput er ne t works t ha t use t hest andard In t erne t Proto col Sui t e (TCP/IP) to serve billi onsof users w orldwide. I t is a network of networks t ha t cont ain milli ons of priva t e, public, academic, business,and governmen t ne t works, of local to global sc op e, t ha t are linked by a br oad array of elec t ronic, wireless andopt ical ne t workin g t echn ologies. The In t erne t carries a

vas t ran ge of info rma t ion res ources and services, such ast he in t er-linked hy per t ex t documen t s of t he World WideWeb (WWW) and t he in fras t ruc t ure to suppo rt elec t ronicmail.

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� The Wo rld Wide Web ( sh ort enedas WWW or W3 and usually kn own as theWeb ), is a sys t em of in t erlinked hy per t ex t documen t s accessedusin g t he In t erne t . Wi t h a web br owser, onecan view web pages t ha t may include t ex t ,

ima ges, vide os, and ot her mul t imedia andnavi ga t e be t ween t hem by hy perlinks.

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� The in t erne t is a Big Co llect io n of Compu ters a nd C a bles.

� The Web Is a Big Co llect io n of


ges on the Internet.

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� The Web is a

bunch of "pa

ges" of in fo rm a t io n c onnected t o e a cho ther a rou nd the globe.

� The Internet's netw o rk is a t the c oreof the Web , a nd the Web is l ike a n

a ttr a ct ive p a r a site th a treq ui res the Net fo r s u rviv a l.

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