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  • 1. Molecular Biology NEWS Genomes 3D Structure shapes how genes are expressed. Down syndrome gene suppresed by scientists. Maria Isabel Palacio Meja Medical Student in 3rd Semester ECS UPB. 2013 II

2. Molecular Biology NEWS 3. Molecular Biology NEWS 4. Molecular Biology NEWS Cooper GM, Hausman RF. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 3. ed. Washington, DC, USA: ASM Press; 2007. The histones package DNA in an ordely manner in the nucleus of the cell, resulting chomosomes. In molecular terms, a gene can define like a segment of DNA, that is expressed to yeild in a final product. Genes are composed of coding segmente (exons), wich are separated by non-coding segments (intrones). 5. Molecular Biology NEWS Genomes 3D Structure Shapes How Genes Are Expressed [Internet]. Asian Sci. Mag. Sci. Technol. Med. News Updat. Asia. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: We understan relatively little about the 3D structure of the genoma. As international team of scientists has analysed the genomes 3D structure of high resolution 6. Molecular Biology NEWS Genomes 3D Structure Shapes How Genes Are Expressed [Internet]. Asian Sci. Mag. Sci. Technol. Med. News Updat. Asia. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: In this study, researchers used the vast amount of data from the ENCODE project to infer how the genome is folded up. The same gene can generete different proteins. From this analysis, found that even within a gene, there are selected exons wich are more easily exposed compared to others. 7. Molecular Biology NEWS Genomes 3D Structure Shapes How Genes Are Expressed [Internet]. Asian Sci. Mag. Sci. Technol. Med. News Updat. Asia. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: 3D structure of the genoma can influence the wich exons of the genes are included in the final protein product 8. Molecular Biology NEWS Genomes 3D Structure Shapes How Genes Are Expressed [Internet]. Asian Sci. Mag. Sci. Technol. Med. News Updat. Asia. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: Different versions of the protein maybe produced by the same gene under different conditions, depending on the structure of the genoma at the time. 9. Molecular Biology NEWS PERSONAL OPINION This news show us the knowledge is in continuosly evolution, now we know that our genetic code have a organization form that expand the posibility of combinations and of course the results, this represent new oportunities, the door of the future. This news show us the knowledge is in continuosly evolution, now we know that our genetic code have a organization form that expand the posibility of combinations and of course the results, this represent new oportunities, the door of the future. 10. Molecular Biology NEWS Down syndrome cells suppressed by scientists - Technology & Science - CBC News [Internet]. Cbcnews Technol. Sci. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: The University of Massachusetts Medical School say they have found a way to supress the effect of the extra chromosome that causes Down Syndrome. 11. Molecular Biology NEWS Down syndrome cells suppressed by scientists - Technology & Science - CBC News [Internet]. Cbcnews Technol. Sci. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: Brings into the realm of consideration research an the concept of chromosome therapy in the future said Jeanne Lawrence. 12. Molecular Biology NEWS Down syndrome cells suppressed by scientists - Technology & Science - CBC News [Internet]. Cbcnews Technol. Sci. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: Using lab-grown stem cells with Down syndrome, Lawrences team spliced in a RNA gene called Xirst, wich normally functions to muzzle one of the two X chromosomes found in famale embryos. 13. Molecular Biology NEWS Down syndrome cells suppressed by scientists - Technology & Science - CBC News [Internet]. Cbcnews Technol. Sci. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: Xist functioned to modify the structure of the estra chromosome to desactivate most of its genes and prevent the production of proteins and other elements. 14. Molecular Biology NEWS PERSONAL OPINION This news shows us the importance of research, wich blurs the limits and allows us to advance more and more; creating new possibilities and become real things that at some point were dreams as gene therapy. It is the biginning of new forms of therapeutic This news shows us the importance of research, wich blurs the limits and allows us to advance more and more; creating new possibilities and become real things that at some point were dreams as gene therapy. It is the biginning of new forms of therapeutic 15. Molecular Biology NEWS MEDICAL UTILITY This news shows us that the future is as big as our imagination allows. This results are importante because represent the biginning of a new era. 16. Molecular Biology NEWS MEDICAL UTILITY The new research opens a door for us like Doctors, for new knowlege to understantand the human body and with that the tools for new intervention, in the search of better quality of life. 17. Molecular Biology NEWS MEDICAL UTILITY Now we can talk about a new form of gene expression, and the possibility of a new therapeutic form that have a big impact in the society 18. Molecular Biology NEWS MEDICAL UTILITY 19. Molecular Biology NEWS REFERENCES Introduction Cooper GM, Hausman RF. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 3. ed. Washington, DC, USA: ASM Press; 2007. Genomes 3D structure Shapes how Genes Are Expressed Posted: July 4, 2013 Genomes 3D Structure Shapes How Genes Are Expressed [Internet]. Asian Sci. Mag. Sci. Technol. Med. News Updat. Asia. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: genes-expressed-2013/ Down sndrome gene suppressed by scientists. Posted: Jul 18, 2013 Down syndrome cells suppressed by scientists - Technology & Science - CBC News [Internet]. Cbcnews Technol. Sci. [cited 2013 Jul 28]. Available from: gene-suppressed.html 20. Molecualr Biology NEWS