presentation at sime 2011

Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma. Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC May 25 th , 2011 Will we brand or will we sell? Will we buy reach, or audience, or behaviour? Will we buy premium only or just inventory leftovers? Or will we spend every penny on retargeting and deep targeting? Will adservers become exchanges? Will we still be allowed to know anything about our target groups anyhow? Will we risk legal consequences if we know too much? THE FUTURE OF PERFORMANCE MARKETING Sheet 1 of

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Page 1: presentation at sime 2011

Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

Will we brand or will we sell? Will we buy reach, or audience, or behaviour? Will we buy premium only or just inventory leftovers? Or will we spend every penny on retargeting and deep targeting? Will adservers become exchanges? Will we still be allowed to know anything about our target groups anyhow? Will we risk legal consequences if we know too much?


Sheet 1 of 174

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Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

?Panels’ profiles- name and believes.

Page 3: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

Online media spendings for direct response now allmost double the amount spent on branding or communication (premium display).


” is online doomed to be measured at the end of the cycle or will we attract serious premium budgets?”

Page 4: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

FACT:List rental companies and pure response networks claim that they can bring a positive R.O.I. for advertisers, but the nett results more often depends on the ‘cookie-window’ and measurement methodology then on reward. That brings my question:

“Are affiliates and list mailers just pure claiming sales and don’t bring any value?”

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Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ end of 2011, over 50% of all media buys, (source: Comscore), 70% of US Display (source: SEW) is handled by google, and keeps growing towards an allmost completely automated sales where clients can buy their media online”


“ In the Dutch market, we have over 300 online sales networks. How do you stay relevant in a market where

media buys are largely automated?”

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Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

On performance based measurement: If I present you with a research paper that tells you "only 11% of all online users account for 75% all clicks, making display ads irrelevant"

Do you respond by:A) " Don't count clicks, it doesn’t matter"B) " Thats one of those social media guys again"C) " So the other 89% did not click. I can convince my client it had an effect by…

Page 7: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

Being stuck in the middle, sales networks either go ‘upwards’, i.e. offer creative concepts, – or ‘down’ towards integration and performance modells. If YOU are going up in the chain, the following question:

“ Are creative agencies still honest by dedicating often over 50% of total budgets to creation? Should that not be spent on



Creative/Media agency




Page 8: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ Does the personalisation of the web mean we are at the end of Mass Media - or even Audience targeting? “

Writer Eli Pariser suggests that the ‘customisation of the web, in which any page of information YOU receive will be totally different from someone else’s, will leave us only consuming information junk food.


Page 9: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ Online success can be measured in many ways, for example impact, clickthrough, sales (pv, pc), reach, impact, recognition, or fanbase.

“ Do you take responsibility for the nett result of your advertiser and have you ever done an adcampaign with a

pure positive R.O.I. ? ”

Page 10: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

If I present you with a research paper that tells you "only 11% of all online users account for 75% all clicks, making display ads irrelevant"

Do you respond by:A) " Don't count clicks, it doesn’t matter"B) " Thats one of those social media guys again"C) " So the other 89% did not click. I can convince my client it had an effect by…

Page 11: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ Are complying, avoiding, or ignoring this law?”2nd:

“Does this law bring an unfair disadvantage to EU based technology companies and kill startups?”

As of today (!) the On May 25, a new European Union law will require all websites to get the “explicit consent” of viewers any time information is stored on their computers using text files called “cookies,” which are often used to track web usage, and deliver relevant advertising

Page 12: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ Can you guarantee me- as an advertiser, the investment I do in advertising does not generate data or profiles that will be resold to my competitor”

Networks typically do not disclaim how they gather their data, nor where they store it. But data is often built on previous media campaigns – so..

Page 13: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

“ Did you ever use this picture to scare a prospect?

And where do you fit in?“

Page 14: presentation at sime 2011


Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

Page 15: presentation at sime 2011

Antoinette Hoes, Head of Strategy Tribal/DDB; Auke Boersma, CEO Scoot Media; Bart Pluis, CEO EuroClix; Johan van Mil, founder Adatus; Bram Smits, Sales Director National Accounts & Clearsense DTG; Ulke Verkerk, Managing Director Quisma.Moderator: Maarten Roelofs, owner Depascor Media, MM1X, VC

May 25th, 2011

My daughter (6yrs) adding Kurt Cobain to her Youtube Channel (

On my computer, at my office I receive ads for books for third graders while doing research on

Page 16: presentation at sime 2011

Thank you!

Page 17: presentation at sime 2011

Media Case: WE Fashion

Run an international campaign, during 3 months, and reach at

least 30 million


• For 5 countries (NL/DE/CH/FR/BE)

• 85 shops: close targeting• Use ALL video banners (+4Mb)• Target 2 groups & Events

o Parents (kids 6-12)o Shoppers (sale!)

Page 18: presentation at sime 2011

Media Case: WE Fashion solutionSolution: KIDS Campaign:

o Target audiences on kids sites with (irrelevant) banners at very low CPM

o Any day, any time, targeted on game portals 6-12 yrs

o Retarget these computers during school times

School Times:Nederland: ma-di,do,vrij: 8.30 – 12.15 / 13.30-15.30 / woe 8.30 -12.15 Frankrijk: ma-vrij : 8.45 – 16.30Belgie: ma,di, do, vrij: 8-16.00, woe: 8 -12.00Duitsland: ma-vrij: 8-14.00Zwitserland: herfstvakantie: twee weken, varieert per kanton van 28/9 t/m 2-11

(Low) cost spread

Retarget with High Impact Ads




Page 19: presentation at sime 2011

Media Case: WE FashionEffects: 30 million reach Database with active

cookies Now running 5th campaign > 140 million ads /mo AVG CPM: 1,40 (video)

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Media Case: Zonneradar

Introduction of

88 weather stations sendingin data regarding:o Temperatureo Sunshineo Humidity

How do you buy LOW-COST, Premium media inventory depending on 4 variables, (incl. time >12.00)?

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Prices keep dropping..

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A few sales networks (of 300)1EuroCPMAcquire DigitalAd2OneAdfabAdfactorAdmostAdLINK MediaAdSeven Media / HiAutoscout24AutotraderBannerConnectBDUBom MemdiaClickdistrictCoolconceptsDe Winter MediagroepDM3E Power Online]Elma MultimediaEredivisie MediaEbuddyErdee Media GroupEtno mediaFD Mediagroep

Fox MediaGoogleHachette Filipacchi MediaHDCHolland CombinatieHUBHyvesIDGINTERTUBEImnetworksMarktplaats mediaMassMediaMicrosoftMister MediaMixxedMediaMotomediaMUZZYNDCNews MediaPCM MediaPersgroep advertisingRed ChocolateReed Business MediaRS Media SalesRTL Nederland

Sanoma DigitalSBS mediaSemiloSmartclipSpill gamesSTERStudenten.netTelegraafTibacoTruvoUnicemYieldivisionYoungadvertisingYoutubeVideostripVNU MediaWebAdsAd2OneWeekblad persWegenerZOOMIN

Page 23: presentation at sime 2011

Media Case: Zonneradar• We programmed the RMX

(yahoo) adserver with a python script

• Bought inventory (dynamic) with 2 large media traders (clickdistrict and yieldivision)

• Thereby having access to over 90% of all Dutch users

• And serving only ads when all 4 variables were ‘go’


• Over 45 mio ads/month

SOAPpy.Config.debug = 0SOAP_BASE = ''data1file = open('/PATH/data1.txt')DATA1 = base64.b64decode( = open('/PATH/data2.txt')DATA2 = base64.b64decode( = SOAPProxy(SOAP_BASE + 'contact.php')token = contact_client.login(DATA1, DATA2)time.sleep(2)url = ""filehandle = urllib.urlopen(url)result = filehandle.readline()while True: try: resultint = int(result) break except ValueError: print "error retrieving status from website" sys.exit(result) breakresultint = int(result)if resultint == -1: approved = 0elif resultint == 1: approved = 1elif resultint == 2: approved = 1elif resultint == 3:

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Audience/Profile targeting

Page 25: presentation at sime 2011

Real Time Bidding

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Real Time Bidding (cont.)

Page 27: presentation at sime 2011

Dataverrijking ten behoeve van RTB

Prestaties van banners

Prestaties van uitgevers

Inkoop externe


Retargeting gegevens

Campagne gegevens Google


Contextuele gegevens

Gedrag gegevens

Database met individuele of

groeps- gegevens

Data loop van adverteerder