presentation for aswad (final draft).pptx

Discover How A Fresh Off The Boat, Frustrated Newbie Goes From $50.00 A Month To Over $2,600 In Just 120 Days

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Discover How A Fresh Off The Boat, Frustrated Newbie Goes From $50.00 A Month To Over $2,600 In Just 120 Days

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If you really knew me, you’d be like

“Oh my God! If this ding-a-ling can do that, damn

straight I can!”

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Dear Warriors,It just may save you from getting completely screwed over by all the so-called internet marketing expert money makers.

I got sucked into that game and you know it’s true…

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But what is it that we really see there?

A lot of frustrated folks trying to get the truth. Moving on…

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It’s also possible for you to: -• make some REAL

money,• pay down your debt,• work from the freedom

of your home, and • answer to no one but


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Who The Heck Am I?• I was stressed out for

real. • I literally felt like my

life was wasting away.

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• I hated having to get ready for a job that sucked,

• I hated having to sit at that job all day taking orders from my boss

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• I knew I could do so much better than this existence I was living.

• I just had no frigging idea how to do better.

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• I tried creating my own product and marketing it online

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• but after a year and countless hours of time I put into the project I came to the conclusion that I didn’t know what I was doing and this wasn’t going to work.

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• In that year I didn’t make 1 sale!!!

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• I tried affiliate marketing, but ended up spending WAY MORE than I made back.

• I was at the end of my rope and super frustrated because I could not get this stuff to work.

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Then By A Stroke Of Luck, Things Changed!

I met Mr. X right here in the Warrior Forum.

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• After one SKYPE call with this guy, I stopped paying attention to the stupid get rich bullcrap everyone was preaching. • I was on a clear path to making REAL money working home.

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• What I discovered was that internet marketers like you and I often live in a fantasy land created by the top selling “gurus”.

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• They paint this idealistic picture of what is possible so we buy their products.

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• Of course they live the lifestyle they describe because we buy their products, not because they do what they’re teaching.

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You Need A New Perspective To See Results!

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• What we need to do is take a Fresh, Objective, Completely Logical Look at what we’re doing to try and make money online.

• Then start exploring new, and better approaches that actually work.

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• Not only will I give you the strategies you need to make REAL money online,

• I will show you how to implement these strategies today, without spending your life savings!

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• I will reveal Mr. X’s identity and teach you exactly what he taught me.

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• You do not need to hire a coach or mentor for $150 per session because

• I’m going to give you the goods.• I have permission to do so.

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• Okay, Let's Get Down To What I Have For You…

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But first what this is NOT: • This is NOT a get rich quick system

that promises you’ll be working 2 hours a month while sitting on the beach drinking a pina colada.

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• This is NOT for the LAZY, UNMOTIVATED individual who lives in a fantasy world of some day discovering a magic bullet that will change everything and help them become rich for doing nothing.

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• This is NOT a system that someone who does everything half assed with 50% commitment can do.

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• This is not for a person who would rather sit online and spend hours looking for the next “miracle cure” to their financial troubles instead of actually taking action now to do something about it.

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What this is: • A 100% legitimate way to make a

great living online.

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• A completely detailed walk through of how to go from $0 to over $2000 per month in income

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• An easy to follow, non-abstract view of making money on the internet with techniques that actually work and aren’t just great in theory.

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• This is a system that a person with ANY skill level can do.

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• Most importantly this is a REAL solution to your problems.

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I would like to introduce you to:• Guru Slap Down is

the one of the few products out there that gives you actual steps you can take TODAY in order to start making money online.

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• I give you exact steps you need to take in order to re-create the system I used to make a full time income online.

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In these step by step, full detail, high quality videos I give you: • A detailed

description of how I did this EXACT process

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• A system that is totally customizable to YOUR skillset

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• Specific places to implement these strategies

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• Techniques to learn more skills you need to make more money

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• Ways to Diversify• How one simple

word document can make you thousands. (This technique alone could be worth the price of the course)

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• And of course you’ll get Mr. X’s true identity.

• You’re actually going to get an interview I taped with him where he shares A TON of his money-making secrets.

• Priceless! This guy saved my ASS.

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• The cost of this mind blowing information is just $19 today.

• I think you’ll agree this is a tremendous value.

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• I'm going to be selling this on Clickbank for $97 in the coming weeks.

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PLUS If you order now you’ll also get 2 VERY valuable bonuses:• FREE BONUS #1 –

Interview with Mr.X – worth at least $300.

• In this interview you’ll hear directly from Mr. X, and get many valuable ideas on how to make money online TODAY.

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• FREE BONUS #2 – A 1 Phone Consult With Me (up to 1 hour) – worth $150

• This information you can get from this consult is worth the price of the package alone. (Limited to the first 25 people)

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• I'm Not Done Yet!Things change, it's a fact of life. The internet is no exception.

• As I develop new ways of doing things, of course I'll need to update the material. When you buy today, you'll also get FREE PRODUCT UPDATES FOR LIFE!

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So let’s recap… IF you buy NOW you get:- • Over 70 minutes of

high quality video that leaves no stone unturned

• Specific techniques to make money online that you can use TODAY

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• Free Bonus #1 – Mind blowing interview with Mr. X

• Free Bonus #2 –Phone Consult with me

• Free product updates for life

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• The consult with me and interview with Mr. X are worth well over $450,

• but you’ll get them today for FREE if you decide to


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It’s Easy To Get Started

• Getting started couldn’t be easier. • The cost of this powerful, results-

driven package is just $19.

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• Even though the price is extremely reasonable,

• here's what's really important.

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• If this program was just another set of abstract ideas and theories that didn’t show you precisely what to do...

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• another lightweight program that just leaves you broke and frustrated, it wouldn't matter what the price is. It wouldn't be worth it.

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• But if you can know with complete certainty that you could make a very DECENT LIVING working online and having the skills to do this year after year for as long as you're in business, WHAT IS THAT ACTUALLY WORTH TO YOU?

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• To get on your way to being your OWN BOSS and making REAL MONEY ONLINE, the easiest way to order is by clicking the button below.

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Try It Absolutely Risk Free!• If you’re still not sure about

whether this is for you, I’m going to shoulder all the risk to make this a no brainer for you.

• Take a full 30 days to examine and dissect all of the money-making information I’m going to give you.

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• Imagine the freedom you’ll experience the first year alone.

• No more dread when you get up in the morning,

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• You’ll easily make 10 times the cost of this course in the first year alone.

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• Plus if you aren’t satisfied for ANY reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations you won’t pay a dime!

• Just send me an email and I’ll refund your purchase price, no questions asked, no hard feelings. Right up to the final day of this 30 day guarantee.

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You MUST Act Fast!• Due to the fact

that there are only 24 hours in every day

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• I have to limit my phone consults to the first 25 people ready to take action now.

• Once the first 25 slots are filled, I’ll be removing my phone consult as a free bonus.

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Don’t Settle For Your Current Situation If You’re Not Happy • So now I’ve told you about a PROVEN way

that you can make legitimate money online, the next move is up to you.

• You and I already know that if you’ve read this far you have a strong interest in finding a process that actually WORKS.

• Now that you’ve found it, all that is left to do is to take the action to do it.

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If you want to • stop being frustrated;• wasting money ;• finally be your own boss;• and take control over your

personal and financial future

• you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this risk-free offer.

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It will change your life!

Here’s to your success.Jeff Wenberg!

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Remember:• I completely guarantee your success.

• You have 365 days to put this into play and start making real money online.

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Think of it this way:• If you take the information I have and put

it to use and you earn at the very least double what you paid for this course;

• wouldn’t that be a good investment?

• Plus you get me as a mentor. • I made a lot of mistakes so you won’t have to.