presentation from 2002 dinner meeting

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  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Analysis of the RationalAnalysis of the Rational

    Unified ProcessUnified ProcessJames N MartinJames N Martin

    The Aerospace CorporationThe Aerospace Corporation

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Documentation for the RUPDocumentation for the RUP

    The Rational Unified Process: AnThe Rational Unified Process: AnIntroduction, 2Introduction, 2ndnd editionedition AuthorAuthor Philippe KruchtenPhilippe Kruchten

    Addison Wesley, 2000Addison Wesley, 2000

    Rational Unified Process for SystemsRational Unified Process for SystemsEngineering: RUP SE1.1Engineering: RUP SE1.1 White Paper, TP 165A, May 2002White Paper, TP 165A, May 2002

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting



    The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is aThe Rational Unified Process (RUP) is aSWSW--engineering process developed andengineering process developed andmarketed by Rational Softwaremarketed by Rational Software

    DescribesDescribes workflowsworkflows, worker , worker rolesroles, &, &

    artifactsartifacts (ie, products of each workflow)(ie, products of each workflow)

    Also, containsAlso, contains templatestemplates for each artifact andfor each artifact andtipstips for using Rationalfor using Rational--supplied toolssupplied tools

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    The Rational Unified ProcessThe Rational Unified Process

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    RUP for Systems EngineeringRUP for Systems Engineering

    (RUP(RUP--SE) is an elaboration of RUPSE) is an elaboration of RUP

    RUPRUP--SW principles are carried forward inSW principles are carried forward inRUPRUP--SESE

    Added the following elements:Added the following elements:

    RUPRUP--SE requirements modelsSE requirements models

    UMLUML--based artifacts for system architecturebased artifacts for system architecturemodelingmodeling

    Workflows for creating these artifactsWorkflows for creating these artifacts

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Analysis ApproachAnalysis Approach

    Elements of RUPElements of RUP--SE were comparedSE were comparedagainst two industry SE standardsagainst two industry SE standards

    ANSI/EIA 632, Processes forANSI/EIA 632, Processes for

    Engineering a SystemEngineering a System

    C4ISR Architecture FrameworkC4ISR Architecture Framework

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Comparison against the ANSI/EIAComparison against the ANSI/EIA

    632 Standard632 Standard

    Contains 13 separate processes andContains 13 separate processes and33 requirements33 requirements

    Comparison was done at theComparison was done at the

    requirement levelrequirement levelRUPRUP--SE covers only aboutSE covers only about halfhalf ofof

    these requirementsthese requirements

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    Examples of 632 Requirements NotExamples of 632 Requirements Not



    Product AcquisitionProduct Acquisition


    Technical ReviewsTechnical Reviews


    Enabling ProductEnabling ProductReadinessReadiness

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Comparison against the C4ISRComparison against the C4ISR

    Architecture FrameworkArchitecture Framework

    Defines 26 standard work productsDefines 26 standard work productswithin 3 major viewswithin 3 major views

    Operational, Systems, and Technical ViewsOperational, Systems, and Technical Views

    RUP covers aboutRUP covers about oneone--thirdthird of theseof theseproductsproducts

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    Examples ofC4ISR Products NotExamples ofC4ISR Products Not


    OperationalOperationalConcept GraphicConcept Graphic

    Operational NodeOperational Node

    ConnectivityConnectivity Operational InfoOperational Info

    Exchange MatrixExchange Matrix

    Logical Data ModelLogical Data Model System InterfaceSystem Interface


    System EvolutionSystem EvolutionDescriptionDescription

    TechnicalTechnicalArchitecture ProfileArchitecture Profile

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    The GoodThe Good

    RUP is very well constructedRUP is very well constructed

    Thorough job of describing the necessaryThorough job of describing the necessaryactivities, roles, artifacts, and resultsactivities, roles, artifacts, and results

    Extensively documented in many books,Extensively documented in many books,white papers, and other suchwhite papers, and other such

    documentationdocumentation Emphasizes the development of anEmphasizes the development of anoperational concept for the systemoperational concept for the system

  • 8/9/2019 Presentation from 2002 Dinner Meeting


    The BadThe Bad

    RUP needs expanded scopeRUP needs expanded scope

    Consistent with SE standardsConsistent with SE standards

    Technical leadership provided by SETechnical leadership provided by SE

    Entire system, entire life cycleEntire system, entire life cycle

    Systems are more than merelySystems are more than merelysoftware, hardware, and peoplesoftware, hardware, and people

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    And The UglyAnd The Ugly

    Systems from a software point of viewSystems from a software point of view

    Focus is on business application type systemsFocus is on business application type systems Much discussion of how to handle the software issuesMuch discussion of how to handle the software issues

    Little discussion on how to handle the systems issuesLittle discussion on how to handle the systems issueslike performance, robustness, dependability, usability,like performance, robustness, dependability, usability,security, etcsecurity, etc

    Nothing said about systemNothing said about system--ofof--systems typesystems typeissues like collaboration, control, diversity, etcissues like collaboration, control, diversity, etc

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    RUP for SE is most applicable forRUP for SE is most applicable forBusiness Application Software SystemsBusiness Application Software Systems

    Needs further elaboration of how to dealNeeds further elaboration of how to deal

    with hardware, facilities, operators, andwith hardware, facilities, operators, andother systems issuesother systems issues

    RUP needs to be made more consistentRUP needs to be made more consistentwith SE standardswith SE standards