presentation m. manouvrier #apidays 2013

Transactional Internet Service Composition Maude Manouvrier APIdays 2013

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Page 1: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Transactional Internet

Service Composition

Maude Manouvrier

APIdays 2013

Page 2: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Outline • Research team presentation

• Global view of the project

• Service registry – QoS properties

– Transactional properties

– Registry organization

• Our approach – Planer engine

– Executor engine

• Future project – Service discovery

– Composite service selection

– Composite service execution


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• Researchers from

• Project initiated in 2006 by:


Research team presentation

Marta Rukoz

(Univ. Paris X) Joyce El Haddad Maude Manouvrier

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• French-venezuelian cooperation with the Universidad Simón

Bolívar, team of Y. Cardinale:

• Submission in Oct. 2013 to the ANR (Agence Nationale de la

Recherche) of an extension of the project, including Operational

Research, multi-criteria and, simulation/evaluation colleagues of:


Research team presentation


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Global view of the project

From El Haddad, J., Manouvrier, M., & Rukoz, M. TQoS: Transactional and QoS-Aware Selection Algorithm for

Automatic Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: 3(1), 73-85 (2010) - 108

citations according to Google Scholar in Nov. 2013.

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Global view of the project

From El Haddad, J., Manouvrier, M., & Rukoz, M. TQoS: Transactional and QoS-Aware Selection Algorithm for

Automatic Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: 3(1), 73-85 (2010) - 108

citations according to Google Scholar in Nov. 2013.

Input and output attributes

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Set of services, each service being described by:

• Quality of Service (QoS) properties

– Price: Fee that a requester has to pay for invoking of the


– Duration: Time taken to send a request and receive a


– Reliability: Ratio of the number of error messages to total


– …

QWS Dataset: QoS values extracted from 5,000 web services


• Transactional properties : to ensure reliable execution of the

service 7

Service registry

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Set of services, each service being described by:

• Quality of Service (QoS) properties

– Price: Fee that a requester has to pay for invoking of the


– Duration: Time taken to send a request and receive a


– Reliability: Ratio of the number of error messages to total


– …

QWS Dataset: QoS values extracted from 5,000 web services


• Transactional properties : to ensure reliable execution of the

service 8

Service registry

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Transactional properties

From Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz. Transactional-aware Web Service Composition: A

Survey, Book chapter, pp 116-141, 2011. Handbook of Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-

oriented Systems: Future Directions, IGI Global. S. Reiff-Marganiec and M. Tilly, editor(s)

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Transactional properties

Properties used in:

Bhiri, S., Perrin, O. & Godart, C. (2005). Ensuring required failure atomicity of composite Web services. In

International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 138-147). ACM

Maamar, Z., Narendra, N. C., Benslimane, D., & Subramanian, S. (2007). Policies for context-driven

transactional web services. In International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering (pp.

249-263). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

Montagut, F., Molva, R., & Tecumseh Golega, S. (2008). Automating the Composition of Transactional Web

Services. International Journal Web Service Research, 5(1), 24-41. IGI Global

Zhao, Z., Wei, J., Lin, L., & Ding, X. (2008). A Concurrency Control Mechanism for Composite Service

Supporting User-Defined Relaxed Atomicity. In IEEE international Computer Software and Applications

Conference (pp. 275-278).

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Transactional properties

Properties used in:

Bhiri, S., Perrin, O. & Godart, C. (2005). Ensuring required failure atomicity of composite Web services. In International Conference on World

Wide Web (pp. 138-147). ACM

Maamar, Z., Narendra, N. C., Benslimane, D., & Subramanian, S. (2007). Policies for context-driven transactional web services. In

International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering (pp. 249-263). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin,

Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

Montagut, F., Molva, R., & Tecumseh Golega, S. (2008). Automating the Composition of Transactional Web Services. International Journal

Web Service Research, 5(1), 24-41. IGI Global

Zhao, Z., Wei, J., Lin, L., & Ding, X. (2008). A Concurrency Control Mechanism for Composite Service Supporting User-Defined Relaxed

Atomicity. In IEEE international Computer Software and Applications Conference (pp. 275-278).

• Pivot: once successfully completes, its effects remain and cannot be semantically

undone - In case of failure: backward recovery

• Compensatable: it exists another service, or compensation policies, which can

semantically undo the service execution (semantic recovery) - In case of failure:

backward recovery

• Retriable: guarantee of a successfully termination after a finite number of

invocations - May be combined as pivot retriable or compensatable retriable

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• Classes of services:

– grouping services with similar functionalities (e.g. services

sending email or weather services)

– When user input is a workflow (business process

decomposed into activities, each activity corresponding to a

set of services)


Service registry organization

Service composition: selection of one service per activity

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• Dependency graph:

– Services linked by their inputs and outputs

– When user query is composed of input and output attributes


Service registry organization

Service composition: selection of a set of paths in the graph

allowing to obtain the user output attributes from the input ones

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Planner engine:

• Inputs:

– A user query (workflow or I/O attributes)

– A service registry (set of classes or dependency graph)

• Outputs: A composite service

– Corresponding to user query

– Reliable (all component services successfully executed or

none of them) selecting services with appropriate

transactional properties

– Locally (using heuristic) or globally (using linear

programming – cplex solver) optimizing the QoS


Our approach

Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, Marta Rukoz: CPN-TWS: a coloured petri-net approach for transactional-

QoS driven Web Service composition. IJWGS 7(1): 91-115 (2011)

V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier, I. Megdiche, C. Murat: A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-aware web

service composition. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ICCS) : 845-850, 2012

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Planner engine:

• Inputs:

– A user query (workflow or I/O attributes)

– A service registry (set of classes or dependency graph)

• Outputs: A composite service

– Corresponding to user query

– Reliable (all component services successfully executed or

none of them) selecting services with appropriate

transactional properties

– Locally (using heuristic) or globally (using linear

programming – cplex solver) optimizing the QoS


Our approach

Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, Marta Rukoz: CPN-TWS: a coloured petri-net approach for transactional-

QoS driven Web Service composition. IJWGS 7(1): 91-115 (2011)

V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier, I. Megdiche, C. Murat: A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-aware web

service composition. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ICCS) : 845-850, 2012

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Executor engine:

• Inputs: a reliable composite service

• Outputs: a fault-tolerant execution of the composite service

• In case of failure:

– Mechanisms to substitute the failed service by another one,

guaranteeing a similar QoS (forward recovery)

– Mechanisms to compensate the results of the component

service executed before the failure (semantic recovery)

– Checkpoint mechanisms to restart the execution from an

advanced point of execution (checkpoint) corresponding to

a reliable execution of a subset of the components


Our approach

Y. Cardinale, M. Rukoz: A framework for reliable execution of transactional composite web services. Proc. Of the Intt. Conf.

on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, MEDES : 129-136, 2011

M. Rukoz, Y. Cardinale, R. Angarita: FACETA*: Checkpointing for Transactional Composite Web Service Execution based

on Petri-Nets. Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2012), the 9th Int. Conf. on

Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS-2012): 874-879, 2012

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Future project

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Service discovery:

• New models for Services-Users Social Network Ecosystem

• To boost the service discovery process, to propose recommendation

techniques to enhance reliable service composition and, to manage

fault-tolerant execution

• Input:

– the web (i.e. the set of available internet services)

– a user query specifying the composition he wants, the quality of

service he needs and, the fault tolerance level he may accept

• Output:

a specific view or a filtering mechanism to identify the services

(and their properties) that may answer the user’s requirements

• Based on social networking organizing previously successful

service interactions and on historical usage of services


Future project

A. Louati, J. El Haddad, S. Pinson: Trust-Based Service Discovery in Multi-relation Social Networks. Proc. of 10th Int.

Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC): 664-671, 2012

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Composite service selection:

• New robust solutions by applying optimization approaches of

operational research

• For better understanding the combinatorial and multi-criteria

dimensions of the transactional service composition problem

in various contexts

• Input: subset of existing services discovered and/or

recommended during the discovery phase

• Output: A reliable composite service

• Service recommendation mechanisms can also be used during

this step to facilitate the service selection


Future project

Page 20: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Composite service execution:

• Fault tolerance control execution mechanisms and a

quantitative and qualitative multi-criteria evaluation

allowing recommended composite services according to the

user’s goal

• Inputs: The selected service components

• Outputs: Results obtained by the reliable execution of the

composite service

• Using evaluation and fault-tolerance mechanisms associated

with operational research and recommendation-based



Future project

Page 21: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

• Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz. Transactional-aware

Web Service Composition: A Survey, Book chapter, pp 116-141. Handbook of

Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-oriented Systems: Future

Directions, IGI Global. S. Reiff-Marganiec and M. Tilly, editor(s), 2011

• Papazoglou, M.; Pohl, K.; Parkin, M.; Metzger, A. (Eds.), Service Research

Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet: S-Cube - Towards

Engineering, Managing and Adapting Service-Based Systems, Series: Lecture

Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6500 Subseries: Computer Communication

Networks and Telecommunications, 2010

• Y. Syu, S.-P. Ma, J.-Y. Kuo, and Y.-Y FanJiang. A Survey on Automated Service

Composition Methods and Related Techniques. In Proc. of the 2012 IEEE 9th

Int. Conf. on Services Computing (SCC '12). IEEE Computer Society,

Washington, DC, USA, 290-297, 2012

• A. Aleti, B. Buhnova, L. Grunske, A. Koziolek, and I. Meedeniya. Software

Architecture Optimization Methods: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE

Trans. Softw. Eng. 39, 5 (May 2013), 658-683, 2013.


To go further

[email protected]

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Questions ?


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Workflow-based service selection:

• Scenario 1:

– Nb of activities from 1 to 62

– Nb of services per activity and per transactional property from 1

to 2

Total of 712 services


Experimental results

From El Haddad, J., Manouvrier, M., & Rukoz, M. TQoS: Transactional and QoS-Aware Selection Algorithm for

Automatic Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: 3(1), 73-85 (2010) - 108

citations according to Google Scholar in Nov. 2013.


cost almost


from the

workflow size

Page 24: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Workflow-based service selection:

• Scenario 1:

– Nb of activities from 1 to 62

– Nb of services per activity and per transactional property from 1

to 2

Total of 712 services


Experimental results

From El Haddad, J., Manouvrier, M., & Rukoz, M. TQoS: Transactional and QoS-Aware Selection Algorithm for

Automatic Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: 3(1), 73-85 (2010) - 108

citations according to Google Scholar in Nov. 2013.


cost almost


from the

workflow size

Page 25: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Workflow-based service selection:

• Scenario 2:

– Nb of services per activity and per transactional property from 1

to 8 with steps of 2

Between 712 (min) to 3602 (max) services


Experimental results

From El Haddad, J., Manouvrier, M., & Rukoz, M. TQoS: Transactional and QoS-Aware Selection Algorithm for

Automatic Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: 3(1), 73-85 (2010) - 108

citations according to Google Scholar in Nov. 2013.

Increase of the

computational cost with

the number of WSs

(e.g. 1,15s for 2651 WSs

= 30 to 36 potential

WSs/activity for a 40

activities workflow)

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Workflow-based service selection:

• 100 activities and 50 x 4 WS per activity 20000 services

• Optimal solution found in less than 5s


Experimental results

V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier, I. Megdiche, C. Murat: A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-

aware web service composition. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ICCS) : 845-850,


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Workflow-based service selection:

• 100 activities

• Complex workflows (combining parallel and XOR choice)


Experimental results

V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier, I. Megdiche, C. Murat: A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-

aware web service composition. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ICCS) : 845-850,


Page 28: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Workflow-based service selection:

• By varying the number of activities

• Optimal solution found in maximum 120s for big instances


Experimental results

V. Gabrel, M. Manouvrier, I. Megdiche, C. Murat: A new 0-1 linear program for QoS and transactional-

aware web service composition. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ICCS) : 845-850,


Page 29: Presentation M. Manouvrier #apidays 2013

Dependency graph-based service selection:

• Problem complexity: O(card(S)2), with card(S) the registry


• No increase of execution time increase due to transactional



Experimental results

Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, Marta Rukoz: CPN-TWS: a coloured petri-net

approach for transactional-QoS driven Web Service composition. IJWGS 7(1): 91-115 (2011)

R0 : guarantee of a

compensatable resulting

composite service

R1 : no guarantee of a

compensatable resulting

composite service

NT: without considering

transactional properties

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Y. Cardinale, J. El Haddad, M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz. Transactional-aware Web Service Composition: A

Survey, Book chapter, pp 116-141. Handbook of Research on Non-Functional Properties for Service-

oriented Systems: Future Directions, IGI Global. S. Reiff-Marganiec and M. Tilly, editor(s), 2011