presentation on present condition of environmental engineering problem, possibility and mitigate the...


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Page 1: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 2: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

cwi‡ek cÖ‡KŠkj

2005 (Lyjbv gwnjv/buIMv)



2009 - 1g e¨vP (2wU e¨vP)

2010 Ae¨vnZ (10wU e¨vP)

2010-2016 = 6wU e¨vP * (M‡o 50-60Rb) * 10 = 3000-

3500 QvÎQvÎx †ei n‡q‡Q|

Page 3: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

• we`¨gvb mgm¨vejx t

• PvKwii Afve/

• * †emiKvwi cÖwZôvb ¸wj Rv‡bbv Avgv‡`i K_v|* miKvi ¸iyZ¡ †`‡”Qbv|* wewfbœ

wb‡qv‡M Avgv‡`i wefvM D‡jøL K‡ibv|

• D”Pwk¶vi Afve/

• *miKvi D”P wk¶vi my‡hvM K‡i †`‡”Qbv| * hviv wk¶v wb‡q fv‡e ZvivI fve‡Q bv|

• wk¶‡Ki m¼‡Ui mgm¨v/

• * wk¶K bv _vKv * wb‡qvM bv †`qv * j¨ve BÝUª±i ev µ¨vdU& BÝUªv±i bv _vKv

• m‡PZbZvi Afve

• wb‡R‡`i mgm¨v

Page 4: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem


Page 5: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 6: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem




Page 7: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

Bangladesh Environmental Engineers Association

• 2011

• 20 Rb +/- Dcw¯’Z

• eZ©gvb m`m¨ - 150 +/-

• m`m¨ wd 150/=

• KwgwU Pvuv`v 50/=

• mvaviY Pvu`v 20/=

Page 8: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 9: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 10: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 11: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 12: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 13: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 14: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 15: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem


• 2016 ~

•Total participants

= 178 (up to now)

Charge 2013-2500









2013 2014 2015 2016

Participants Column1 Series 3

Page 16: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

PvKwii evRv‡ii mv‡_ cwiwPZ


cÖvß ZvwË¡K Áv‡bi mv‡_

e¨envwiK Áv‡bi mgš^q

ev¯Íe Ávb jvf

`ÿZv AR©b

nv‡Z Kj‡g wkÿv jvf

eûgywL aviYv AR©b

ev¯ÍeZv (cwi‡ek cÖ‡KŠkj wefv‡Mi


GKgywL B›Uvb©wkc


PvKwi cÖvwßi my‡hvM Kg

cwi‡ek †m±‡ii e„nËi †ÿÎ

m¤ú‡K © aviYv cvIqv hvqbv|

we‡kl cwiPh©vi Afve

Page 17: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program•Avgv‡`i B›Uvb©wk‡ci aviYv I ïiæ

• 2011-2012 Avgv‡`i ev¯Íe †cÖÿvc‡U B›Uvwb©i mgm¨v wPšÍv K‡i

Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ hviv B‡Zvg‡a¨ Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g `ÿZv AR©b K‡i‡Q

Zv‡`i w`‡q B›Uvb © Kiv‡bvi wPšÍv|

• ‡mvnive m¨v‡ii mv‡_ †dv‡b G e¨vcv‡i civgk©

•Ab¨vb¨ wkÿ‡`i mv‡_ civgk© I mn‡hvMxZv MÖnY

• weqvÕi wgwUs-G welqwU Dc¯’vcb

•AZ:ci mvn‡mi mv‡_ D‡`¨vM MÖnY

• 2012-13 †Z cÖ_g B›Uvb©wkc ïiæ Kiv‡bv...|

Page 18: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

Field ofBEEA







Page 19: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

Registration and Opening

Page 20: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program

ETP plant Visit in City Group

Page 21: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 22: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program

(Learning ) Renewable Energy

Page 23: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program

Solid Waste Management in DCC

Page 24: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program

Meteorological Department

Page 25: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEA Internship Program

Meteorological Department

Page 26: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem
Page 27: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

BEEASBEEA for Students



mKj ‡ÿ‡Î PvKwii `vex †Rviv‡jv I msnZ

AvÂwjK I RvZxq ch©v‡qi cwi‡ek mswkøó Kvh©vewj m¤úv`b

BEEA Gi Kvh©µg‡K mymsnZ Kiv

Page 28: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem

cÖwZwbwa KwgwU


(from Final Year)


Vice Repre.

(Final yr)


Vice Repre.

(3rd yr)


Vice Repre.

(1st yr)


Vice Repre.

(2nd yr)

Page 29: Presentation on present condition of Environmental Engineering Problem, Possibility and mitigate the problem