preserving culture and planning for the future · 2019. 2. 6. · 25 white earth tribal and...

Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future: An Exploration of Student Experiences at Tribal Colleges Methodology Supplement Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................. 2 Part 1: SENSE Survey Data ........................................................................ 4 SENSE Demographics .................................................................... 7 SENSE Tribal College Supplemental Items..................................... 13 SENSE Main Survey Items.............................................................. 56 Part 2: CCSSE Survey Data ....................................................................... 990 CCSSE Demographics ................................................................... 993 CCSSE Tribal College Supplemental Items..................................... 999 CCSSE Main Survey Items.............................................................. 1053 1

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  • Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future:

    An Exploration of Student Experiences at Tribal Colleges

    Methodology Supplement

    Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................. 2 Part 1: SENSE Survey Data ........................................................................ 4

    SENSE Demographics .................................................................... 7 SENSE Tribal College Supplemental Items..................................... 13 SENSE Main Survey Items.............................................................. 56

    Part 2: CCSSE Survey Data ....................................................................... 990 CCSSE Demographics ................................................................... 993 CCSSE Tribal College Supplemental Items..................................... 999 CCSSE Main Survey Items.............................................................. 1053





    According to the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), TCUs “operate more

    than 75 campuses in 16 states … and serve students from well more than 250 federally

    recognized Indian tribes.” Many of the colleges are located on or near tribal lands in rural

    locations with little economic development. Although not all students who attend tribal colleges

    are Native American, the vast majority are. This report aims to share a narrative of students

    who attend tribal colleges.

    The analyses performed for Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future were far more

    extensive than could be covered in the printed report; thus, this supplement provides a full set of

    analyses that were examined during the development of the report. This methods supplement

    also describes the data sources used. If you have any questions about the analyses or results

    in the report or this supplement, please contact Kyle Lovseth ([email protected]) or Mike

    Bohlig ([email protected]).


    Data Sources

    The data used in the analyses presented in the special report and this methodology supplement

    come from the Survey of Entering Students (SENSE) and the Community College Survey of

    Student Engagement (CCSSE) surveys as well as the tribal college SENSE special focus

    module (12 items) and the CCSSE additional item set (15 items) administered with these




    surveys. Twenty-five tribal colleges administered SENSE in fall 2017 and 22 tribal colleges

    administered CCSSE in spring 2018.

    Collectively, the 12 special focus module items and 15 additional items will be referred through

    this document as “supplemental items.” The supplemental items were administered only at the

    tribal colleges that participated in the 2017 SENSE and 2018 CCSSE administrations. A total of

    1,094 students responded to the SENSE items and 2,047 students responded to the CCSSE


    Comparison data include Native American students attending non-tribal colleges. Because the

    supplemental items sets were not administered at the non-tribal colleges, comparisons will be

    limited to items from the main SENSE or CCSSE surveys. The tribal college student experience

    is a unique one, which this comparison illustrates. Furthermore, the characteristics of students

    who attend tribal colleges are different from those of the comparison group: tribal college

    students are more likely to be enrolled full-time; are more likely to be 25 years or older; and, of

    those who responded to CCSSE, are more likely to be female.


    The analyses conducted for the main report and this supplement include simple frequencies,

    cross-tabulations (crosstabs) of pairs of items. All analyses were conducted in SAS 9.4.







    Part 1: SENSE Survey Data

    Data presented in this part of the methodology supplement are from the SENSE 2017 three-

    year cohort. As noted in the data sources section above, the responses to the tribal college

    special focus module items include only the 25 tribal colleges that administered the survey in

    2017. The comparison group of Native American students at non-tribal colleges included all

    Native American students in the full 2017 three-year cohort.


    The 25 tribal colleges that participated in this survey are listed in the table below.

    1 Aaniiih Nakoda College (MT)

    2 Bay Mills Community College (MI)

    3 Chief Dull Knife College (MT)

    4 College of The Muscogee Nation (OK)

    5 Dine College (AZ)

    6 Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (MN)

    7 Fort Peck Community College (MT)

    8 Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College (MI)

    9 Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College (WI)

    10 Leech Lake Tribal College (MN)

    11 Little Big Horn College (MT)

    12 Little Priest Tribal College (NE)

    13 Nebraska Indian Community College (NE)

    14 Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (ND)

    15 Red Lake Nation College (MN)

    16 Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College (MI)

    17 Salish Kootenai College (MT)

    18 Sisseton Wahpeton College (SD)

    19 Sitting Bull College (ND)




    20 Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (NM)

    21 Stone Child College (MT)

    22 Tohono O'odham Community College (AZ)

    23 Turtle Mountain Community College (ND)

    24 United Tribes Technical College (ND)

    25 White Earth Tribal and Community College (MN)

    The Native American non-tribal college students attended 232 colleges.

    The SENSE tribal supplemental items are presented in the table below.

    Item Responses

    1. How much does the college's focus on native language and culture improve your self-image/confidence?

    1 = A lot

    2 = A moderate amount

    3 = A little

    4 = Not at all

    5 = N.A.

    2. Within a class or through another experience at this college, I feel that this college has helped me develop Native American identity and values.

    1 = Strongly agree

    2 = Agree

    3 = Disagree

    4 = Strongly disagree

    3. Within a class or through another experience at this college, I have felt a sense of belonging.

    1 = Strongly agree

    2 = Agree

    3 = Disagree

    4 = Strongly disagree

    4. Within a class or through another experience at this college, I feel that this college has taken a holistic approach to student development (mind, body, and spirit).

    1 = Strongly agree

    2 = Agree

    3 = Disagree

    4 = Strongly disagree




    Item Responses

    5. How likely is it that the distance between this college and your home would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    1 = Very likely

    2 = Likely

    3 = Somewhat likely

    4 = Not likely

    6. How likely is it that the lack of reliable transportation would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    1 = Very likely

    2 = Likely

    3 = Somewhat likely

    4 = Not likely

    7. How likely is it that having limited access to a computer or electronic device at home would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    1 = Very likely

    2 = Likely

    3 = Somewhat likely

    4 = Not likely

    8. How likely is it that having limited access to the Internet at home would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    1 = Very likely

    2 = Likely

    3 = Somewhat likely

    4 = Not likely

    9. Please indicate whether the following statement is true for your household: Within the past 12 months, we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more.

    1 = Yes

    2 = No

    10. Please indicate whether the following statement is true for your household: Within the past 12 months, the food we bought didn’t last and we didn’t have money to get more.

    1 = Yes

    2 = No

    11. How long does it take you to travel from your home to this college for classes?

    1 = Less than 15 minutes

    2 = 15 to 30 minutes

    3 = 31 to 60 minutes

    4 = 61 to 90 minutes

    5 = More than 90 minutes




    Item Responses

    12. About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week providing care for dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse, etc.)?

    1 = None

    2 = 1 to 5 hours

    3 = 6 to 10 hours

    4 = 11 to 20 hours

    5 = More than 20 hours




    SENSE Demographics

    The following are demographic frequencies for all entering students who completed SENSE .

    There are two comparison groups: 1) Students at tribal colleges that participated in the 2017

    SENSE administration. 2) American Indian or Native American students at non-tribal colleges in

    the 2017 SENSE 3-year cohort. Demographic frequencies for all students are presented, as well

    as demographic frequencies broken out by enrollment status, age (traditional vs. non-

    traditional), sex, and race/ethnicity.


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Demographic Frequencies for Students Who Completed the SENSE Survey 

    Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges 

    dset_name  Frequency  Percent Cumulative Frequency 

    Cumulative Percent 

    Students at Tribal Colleges  1094  36.65  1094  36.65 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  1891  63.35  2985  100.00  


    Table of enrlment by dset_name 

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how would you describe your enrollment at this 


    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal 


    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 

    Students at Tribal Colleges 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  Total 

    Part‐Time  147 4.92 

    23.15 13.44 

    488 16.35 76.85 25.81 

    635 21.27 


    Full‐Time  947 31.73 40.30 86.56 

    1403 47.00 59.70 74.19 

    2350 78.73 


    Total  1094 36.65 

    1891 63.35 

    2985 100.00 




  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Demographic Frequencies for Students Who Completed the SENSE Survey 

    Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of studage by dset_name 

    studage(Traditional Age vs. Non‐

    Traditional Age) 

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal 


    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 

    Students at Tribal Colleges 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  Total 

    .  12 . . . 

    6 . . . 


    Traditional‐Age  783 26.39 32.69 72.37 

    1612 54.33 67.31 85.52 

    2395 80.72 


    Nontraditional‐Age  299 10.08 52.27 27.63 

    273 9.20 

    47.73 14.48 

    572 19.28 


    Total  1082 36.47 

    1885 63.53 

    2967 100.00 

    Frequency Missing = 18  



  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Demographic Frequencies for Students Who Completed the SENSE Survey 

    Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of sex by dset_name 

    sex(Your Sex) 

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal 


    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 

    Students at Tribal Colleges 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  Total 

    .  31 . . . 

    45 . . . 


    Male  475 16.33 36.99 44.68 

    809 27.81 63.01 43.82 

    1284 44.14 


    Female  588 20.21 36.18 55.32 

    1037 35.65 63.82 56.18 

    1625 55.86 


    Total  1063 36.54 

    1846 63.46 

    2909 100.00 

    Frequency Missing = 76  



  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Demographic Frequencies for Students Who Completed the SENSE Survey 

    Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of diversit by dset_name 

    diversit(What is your racial/ethnic identification?) 

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal 


    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 

    Students at Tribal Colleges 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  Total 

    .  26 . . . 

    0 . . . 


    American Indian or Native American  907 30.65 32.42 84.93 

    1891 63.91 67.58 


    2798 94.56 


    Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander  7 0.24 

    100.00 0.66 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    7 0.24 


    Native Hawaiian  1 0.03 

    100.00 0.09 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    1 0.03 


    Black or African American, Non‐Hispanic  23 0.78 

    100.00 2.15 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    23 0.78 



  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Demographic Frequencies for Students Who Completed the SENSE Survey 

    Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of diversit by dset_name 

    diversit(What is your racial/ethnic identification?) 

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non‐Tribal 


    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 

    Students at Tribal Colleges 

    Native Students at non‐Tribal Colleges  Total 

    White, Non‐Hispanic  98 3.31 

    100.00 9.18 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    98 3.31 


    Hispanic, Latino, Spanish  17 0.57 

    100.00 1.59 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    17 0.57 


    Other  15 0.51 

    100.00 1.40 

    0 0.00 0.00 0.00 

    15 0.51 


    Total  1068 36.09 

    1891 63.91 

    2959 100.00 

    Frequency Missing = 26 




    SENSE Tribal College Supplemental Items

    Following are frequencies of responses by entering students for all supplemental items

    administered to tribal colleges. Additionally, frequencies for all supplemental items are broken

    out by enrollment status, age (traditional vs. non-traditional), and sex. Breakouts by race and

    ethnicity were not conducted because of low n-values for non-native students at tribal colleges.


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    How much does the college's focus on native language and culture improve your self-image/confidence?

    q1 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 61 . . .

    A lot 433 41.92 433 41.92

    A moderate amount 321 31.07 754 72.99

    A little 155 15.00 909 88.00

    Not at all 63 6.10 972 94.09

    N.A. 61 5.91 1033 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 61

    Within a class or through another experience at this college, I feel that this college has helped me develop Native American identity

    and values.

    q2 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 81 . . .

    Strongly agree 291 28.73 291 28.73

    Agree 524 51.73 815 80.45

    Disagree 157 15.50 972 95.95

    Strongly disagree 41 4.05 1013 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 81


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Within a class or through another experience at this college, I have felt a sense of belonging.

    q3 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 70 . . .

    Strongly agree 366 35.74 366 35.74

    Agree 537 52.44 903 88.18

    Disagree 103 10.06 1006 98.24

    Strongly disagree 18 1.76 1024 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 70

    Within a class or through another experience at this college, I feel that this college has taken a holistic approach to student

    development (mind, body, and spirit).

    q4 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 81 . . .

    Strongly agree 247 24.38 247 24.38

    Agree 538 53.11 785 77.49

    Disagree 194 19.15 979 96.64

    Strongly disagree 34 3.36 1013 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 81


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    How likely is it that the distance between this college and your home would cause you to withdraw from class or from this


    q5 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 120 . . .

    Very likely 60 6.16 60 6.16

    Likely 91 9.34 151 15.50

    Somewhat likely 195 20.02 346 35.52

    Not likely 628 64.48 974 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 120

    How likely is it that the lack of reliable transportation would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    q6 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 111 . . .

    Very likely 74 7.53 74 7.53

    Likely 110 11.19 184 18.72

    Somewhat likely 218 22.18 402 40.90

    Not likely 581 59.10 983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    How likely is it that having limited access to a computer or electronic device at home would cause you to withdraw from

    class or from this college?

    q7 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 111 . . .

    Very likely 69 7.02 69 7.02

    Likely 120 12.21 189 19.23

    Somewhat likely 219 22.28 408 41.51

    Not likely 575 58.49 983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111

    How likely is it that having limited access to the Internet at home would cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?

    q8 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 111 . . .

    Very likely 83 8.44 83 8.44

    Likely 107 10.89 190 19.33

    Somewhat likely 214 21.77 404 41.10

    Not likely 579 58.90 983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Please indicate whether the following statement is true for your household: Within the past 12 months, we worried whether our food would run out before

    we got money to buy more.

    q9 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 95 . . .

    Yes 372 37.24 372 37.24

    No 627 62.76 999 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 95

    Please indicate whether the following statement is true for your household: Within the past 12 months,

    the food we bought didn’t last and we didn’t have money to get more.

    q10 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 96 . . .

    Yes 249 24.95 249 24.95

    No 749 75.05 998 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 96


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Frequencies for All Students Who Completed the Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    How long does it take you to travel from your home to this college for classes?

    q11 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 82 . . .

    Less than 15 minutes 455 44.96 455 44.96

    15 to 30 minutes 301 29.74 756 74.70

    31 to 60 minutes 152 15.02 908 89.72

    61 to 90 minutes 46 4.55 954 94.27

    More than 90 minutes 58 5.73 1012 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 82

    About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week providing care for dependents living with you (parents, children,

    spouse, etc.)?

    q12 Frequency Percent Cumulative Frequency

    Cumulative Percent

    . 85 . . .

    None 417 41.33 417 41.33

    1 to 5 hours 181 17.94 598 59.27

    6 to 10 hours 108 10.70 706 69.97

    11 to 20 hours 64 6.34 770 76.31

    More than 20 hours 239 23.69 1009 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 85


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q1 by enrlment q1(How much does the college's focus on native

    language and culture improve your self-image/confidence?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 9




    52 . . .



    A lot 50 4.84

    11.55 36.23

    383 37.08 88.45 42.79

    433 41.92

    A moderate amount 47 4.55

    14.64 34.06

    274 26.52 85.36 30.61

    321 31.07

    A little 23 2.23

    14.84 16.67

    132 12.78 85.16 14.75

    155 15.00

    Not at all 8 0.77

    12.70 5.80

    55 5.32

    87.30 6.15

    63 6.10

    N.A. 10 0.97

    16.39 7.25

    51 4.94

    83.61 5.70

    61 5.91

    Total 138 13.36

    895 86.64

    1033 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 61


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q2 by enrlment q2(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I feel that

    this college has helped me

    develop Native American

    identity and values.)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 13




    68 . . .



    Strongly agree 28 2.76 9.62


    263 25.96 90.38 29.92

    291 28.73

    Agree 79 7.80

    15.08 58.96

    445 43.93 84.92 50.63

    524 51.73

    Disagree 20 1.97

    12.74 14.93

    137 13.52 87.26 15.59

    157 15.50

    Strongly disagree 7 0.69

    17.07 5.22

    34 3.36

    82.93 3.87

    41 4.05

    Total 134 13.23

    879 86.77

    1013 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 81


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q3 by enrlment q3(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I have felt

    a sense of belonging.)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 11




    59 . . .



    Strongly agree 53 5.18

    14.48 38.97

    313 30.57 85.52 35.25

    366 35.74

    Agree 68 6.64

    12.66 50.00

    469 45.80 87.34 52.82

    537 52.44

    Disagree 12 1.17

    11.65 8.82

    91 8.89

    88.35 10.25

    103 10.06

    Strongly disagree 3 0.29

    16.67 2.21

    15 1.46

    83.33 1.69

    18 1.76

    Total 136 13.28

    888 86.72

    1024 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 70


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q4 by enrlment q4(Within a class or through

    another experience at this college, I feel that this college

    has taken a holistic approach to student development (mind,

    body, and spirit).)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 12




    69 . . .



    Strongly agree 33 3.26

    13.36 24.44

    214 21.13 86.64 24.37

    247 24.38

    Agree 76 7.50

    14.13 56.30

    462 45.61 85.87 52.62

    538 53.11

    Disagree 21 2.07

    10.82 15.56

    173 17.08 89.18 19.70

    194 19.15

    Strongly disagree 5 0.49

    14.71 3.70

    29 2.86

    85.29 3.30

    34 3.36

    Total 135 13.33

    878 86.67

    1013 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 81


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q5 by enrlment q5(How likely is

    it that the distance

    between this college and your

    home would cause you to

    withdraw from class or from this college?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 15




    105 . . .



    Very likely 4 0.41 6.67 3.03

    56 5.75

    93.33 6.65

    60 6.16

    Likely 12 1.23

    13.19 9.09

    79 8.11

    86.81 9.38

    91 9.34

    Somewhat likely 32 3.29

    16.41 24.24

    163 16.74 83.59 19.36

    195 20.02

    Not likely 84 8.62

    13.38 63.64

    544 55.85 86.62 64.61

    628 64.48

    Total 132 13.55

    842 86.45

    974 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 120


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q6 by enrlment q6(How likely is it that the lack

    of reliable transportation

    would cause you to withdraw from class or

    from this college?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 13




    98 . . .



    Very likely 10 1.02

    13.51 7.46

    64 6.51

    86.49 7.54

    74 7.53

    Likely 16 1.63

    14.55 11.94

    94 9.56

    85.45 11.07

    110 11.19

    Somewhat likely 32 3.26

    14.68 23.88

    186 18.92 85.32 21.91

    218 22.18

    Not likely 76 7.73

    13.08 56.72

    505 51.37 86.92 59.48

    581 59.10

    Total 134 13.63

    849 86.37

    983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q7 by enrlment q7(How likely is

    it that having limited access to a computer or

    electronic device at home would

    cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 11




    100 . . .



    Very likely 8 0.81

    11.59 5.88

    61 6.21

    88.41 7.20

    69 7.02

    Likely 16 1.63

    13.33 11.76

    104 10.58 86.67 12.28

    120 12.21

    Somewhat likely 30 3.05

    13.70 22.06

    189 19.23 86.30 22.31

    219 22.28

    Not likely 82 8.34

    14.26 60.29

    493 50.15 85.74 58.21

    575 58.49

    Total 136 13.84

    847 86.16

    983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q8 by enrlment q8(How likely is it that having limited access to

    the Internet at home would cause you to

    withdraw from class or from this college?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 13




    98 . . .



    Very likely 11 1.12

    13.25 8.21

    72 7.32

    86.75 8.48

    83 8.44

    Likely 11 1.12

    10.28 8.21

    96 9.77

    89.72 11.31

    107 10.89

    Somewhat likely 32 3.26

    14.95 23.88

    182 18.51 85.05 21.44

    214 21.77

    Not likely 80 8.14

    13.82 59.70

    499 50.76 86.18 58.78

    579 58.90

    Total 134 13.63

    849 86.37

    983 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 111


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q9 by enrlment q9(Please indicate

    whether the following statement is true for your

    household: Within the past 12 months, we

    worried whether our food would run out

    before we got money to buy more.)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 10




    85 . . .



    Yes 49 4.90

    13.17 35.77

    323 32.33 86.83 37.47

    372 37.24

    No 88 8.81

    14.04 64.23

    539 53.95 85.96 62.53

    627 62.76

    Total 137 13.71

    862 86.29

    999 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 95


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q10 by enrlment q10(Please

    indicate whether

    the following statement is true for

    your household: Within the

    past 12 months, the food

    we bought didn’t last

    and we didn’t have

    money to get more.)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 10




    86 . . .



    Yes 33 3.31

    13.25 24.09

    216 21.64 86.75 25.09

    249 24.95

    No 104 10.42 13.89 75.91

    645 64.63 86.11 74.91

    749 75.05

    Total 137 13.73

    861 86.27

    998 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 96


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q11 by enrlment

    q11(How long does it take you to travel from your home to this college for classes?)

    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 8




    74 . . .



    Less than 15 minutes 64 6.32

    14.07 46.04

    391 38.64 85.93 44.79

    455 44.96

    15 to 30 minutes 41 4.05

    13.62 29.50

    260 25.69 86.38 29.78

    301 29.74

    31 to 60 minutes 23 2.27

    15.13 16.55

    129 12.75 84.87 14.78

    152 15.02

    61 to 90 minutes 6 0.59

    13.04 4.32

    40 3.95

    86.96 4.58

    46 4.55

    More than 90 minutes 5 0.49 8.62 3.60

    53 5.24

    91.38 6.07

    58 5.73

    Total 139 13.74

    873 86.26

    1012 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 82


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Enrollment status 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q12 by enrlment q12(About how many hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week providing care for dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse,


    enrlment(Thinking about THIS SEMESTER/QUARTER, how

    would you describe your enrollment at this college?)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct Part-Time Full-Time Total . 9




    76 . . .



    None 48 4.76

    11.51 34.78

    369 36.57 88.49 42.37

    417 41.33

    1 to 5 hours 21 2.08

    11.60 15.22

    160 15.86 88.40 18.37

    181 17.94

    6 to 10 hours 15 1.49

    13.89 10.87

    93 9.22

    86.11 10.68

    108 10.70

    11 to 20 hours 8 0.79

    12.50 5.80

    56 5.55

    87.50 6.43

    64 6.34

    More than 20 hours 46 4.56

    19.25 33.33

    193 19.13 80.75 22.16

    239 23.69

    Total 138 13.68

    871 86.32

    1009 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 85


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q1 by studage q1(How much does the college's focus on native

    language and culture improve your self-image/confidence?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    40 . . .

    19 . . .



    A lot 3 . . .

    282 27.57 65.58 37.95

    148 14.47 34.42 52.86

    430 42.03

    A moderate amount 3 . . .

    255 24.93 80.19 34.32

    63 6.16

    19.81 22.50

    318 31.09

    A little 3 . . .

    117 11.44 76.97 15.75

    35 3.42

    23.03 12.50

    152 14.86

    Not at all 0 . . .

    46 4.50

    73.02 6.19

    17 1.66

    26.98 6.07

    63 6.16

    N.A. 1 . . .

    43 4.20

    71.67 5.79

    17 1.66

    28.33 6.07

    60 5.87

    Total . .

    743 72.63

    280 27.37

    1023 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 71


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q2 by studage q2(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I feel that

    this college has helped me

    develop Native American

    identity and values.) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    51 . . .

    28 . . .



    Strongly agree 3 . . .

    198 19.74 68.75 27.05

    90 8.97

    31.25 33.21

    288 28.71

    Agree 3 . . .

    386 38.48 74.09 52.73

    135 13.46 25.91 49.82

    521 51.94

    Disagree 3 . . .

    118 11.76 76.62 16.12

    36 3.59

    23.38 13.28

    154 15.35

    Strongly disagree 1 . . .

    30 2.99

    75.00 4.10

    10 1.00

    25.00 3.69

    40 3.99

    Total . .

    732 72.98

    271 27.02

    1003 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 91


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q3 by studage q3(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I have felt

    a sense of belonging.) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    47 . . .

    21 . . .



    Strongly agree 2 . . .

    230 22.68 63.19 31.25

    134 13.21 36.81 48.20

    364 35.90

    Agree 8 . . .

    406 40.04 76.75 55.16

    123 12.13 23.25 44.24

    529 52.17

    Disagree 0 . . .

    87 8.58

    84.47 11.82

    16 1.58

    15.53 5.76

    103 10.16

    Strongly disagree 0 . . .

    13 1.28

    72.22 1.77

    5 0.49

    27.78 1.80

    18 1.78

    Total . .

    736 72.58

    278 27.42

    1014 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 80


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q4 by studage q4(Within a class or

    through another experience at this college, I

    feel that this college has taken a holistic approach to student development

    (mind, body, and spirit).) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    53 . . .

    26 . . .



    Strongly agree 2 . . .

    157 15.65 64.08 21.51

    88 8.77

    35.92 32.23

    245 24.43

    Agree 4 . . .

    390 38.88 73.03 53.42

    144 14.36 26.97 52.75

    534 53.24

    Disagree 2 . . .

    158 15.75 82.29 21.64

    34 3.39

    17.71 12.45

    192 19.14

    Strongly disagree 2 . . .

    25 2.49

    78.13 3.42

    7 0.70

    21.88 2.56

    32 3.19

    Total . .

    730 72.78

    273 27.22

    1003 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 91


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q5 by studage q5(How likely is

    it that the distance

    between this college and your

    home would cause you to

    withdraw from class or from this college?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    77 . . .

    41 . . .



    Very likely 1 . . .

    41 4.25

    69.49 5.81

    18 1.87

    30.51 6.98

    59 6.12

    Likely 1 . . .

    70 7.26

    77.78 9.92

    20 2.07

    22.22 7.75

    90 9.34

    Somewhat likely 2 . . .

    147 15.25 76.17 20.82

    46 4.77

    23.83 17.83

    193 20.02

    Not likely 6 . . .

    448 46.47 72.03 63.46

    174 18.05 27.97 67.44

    622 64.52

    Total . .

    706 73.24

    258 26.76

    964 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 130


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q6 by studage q6(How likely is it that the lack

    of reliable transportation

    would cause you to withdraw from class or

    from this college?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    74 . . .

    35 . . .



    Very likely 0 . . .

    43 4.42

    58.11 6.06

    31 3.19

    41.89 11.74

    74 7.61

    Likely 2 . . .

    79 8.12

    73.15 11.14

    29 2.98

    26.85 10.98

    108 11.10

    Somewhat likely 0 . . .

    162 16.65 74.31 22.85

    56 5.76

    25.69 21.21

    218 22.40

    Not likely 8 . . .

    425 43.68 74.17 59.94

    148 15.21 25.83 56.06

    573 58.89

    Total . .

    709 72.87

    264 27.13

    973 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 121


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q7 by studage q7(How likely is

    it that having limited access to a computer or

    electronic device at home would

    cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    76 . . .

    33 . . .



    Very likely 0 . . .

    49 5.04

    71.01 6.93

    20 2.06

    28.99 7.52

    69 7.09

    Likely 1 . . .

    89 9.15

    74.79 12.59

    30 3.08

    25.21 11.28

    119 12.23

    Somewhat likely 4 . . .

    161 16.55 74.88 22.77

    54 5.55

    25.12 20.30

    215 22.10

    Not likely 5 . . .

    408 41.93 71.58 57.71

    162 16.65 28.42 60.90

    570 58.58

    Total . .

    707 72.66

    266 27.34

    973 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 121


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q8 by studage q8(How likely is it that having limited access to

    the Internet at home would cause you to

    withdraw from class or from this college?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 3




    75 . . .

    33 . . .



    Very likely 0 . . .

    56 5.75

    67.47 7.91

    27 2.77

    32.53 10.15

    83 8.52

    Likely 1 . . .

    81 8.32

    76.42 11.44

    25 2.57

    23.58 9.40

    106 10.88

    Somewhat likely 2 . . .

    159 16.32 75.00 22.46

    53 5.44

    25.00 19.92

    212 21.77

    Not likely 6 . . .

    412 42.30 71.90 58.19

    161 16.53 28.10 60.53

    573 58.83

    Total . .

    708 72.69

    266 27.31

    974 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 120


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q9 by studage q9(Please indicate

    whether the following statement is true for

    your household: Within the past 12 months, we worried whether our food would run out

    before we got money to buy more.) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    59 . . .

    34 . . .



    Yes 1 . . .

    244 24.67 65.77 33.70

    127 12.84 34.23 47.92

    371 37.51

    No 9 . . .

    480 48.53 77.67 66.30

    138 13.95 22.33 52.08

    618 62.49

    Total . .

    724 73.21

    265 26.79

    989 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 105


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q10 by studage q10(Please

    indicate whether

    the following statement is true for

    your household: Within the

    past 12 months, the food

    we bought didn’t last

    and we didn’t have

    money to get more.) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    63 . . .

    31 . . .



    Yes 0 . . .

    159 16.09 63.86 22.08

    90 9.11

    36.14 33.58

    249 25.20

    No 10 . . .

    561 56.78 75.91 77.92

    178 18.02 24.09 66.42

    739 74.80

    Total . .

    720 72.87

    268 27.13

    988 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 106


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q11 by studage

    q11(How long does it take you to travel from your home to this college for classes?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    49 . . .

    31 . . .



    Less than 15 minutes 5 . . .

    322 32.14 71.56 43.87

    128 12.77 28.44 47.76

    450 44.91

    15 to 30 minutes 3 . . .

    216 21.56 72.48 29.43

    82 8.18

    27.52 30.60

    298 29.74

    31 to 60 minutes 1 . . .

    107 10.68 70.86 14.58

    44 4.39

    29.14 16.42

    151 15.07

    61 to 90 minutes 0 . . .

    37 3.69

    80.43 5.04

    9 0.90

    19.57 3.36

    46 4.59

    More than 90 minutes 1 . . .

    52 5.19

    91.23 7.08

    5 0.50 8.77 1.87

    57 5.69

    Total . .

    734 73.25

    268 26.75

    1002 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 92


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Student Age 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q12 by studage q12(About how many

    hours do you spend in a typical 7-day week providing care for

    dependents living with you (parents, children, spouse,

    etc.)?) studage(Traditional Age vs. Non-Traditional Age) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Traditional-Age Nontraditional-Age Total . 2




    54 . . .

    29 . . .



    None 4 . . .

    364 36.44 88.14 49.93

    49 4.90

    11.86 18.15

    413 41.34

    1 to 5 hours 0 . . .

    153 15.32 84.53 20.99

    28 2.80

    15.47 10.37

    181 18.12

    6 to 10 hours 2 . . .

    78 7.81

    73.58 10.70

    28 2.80

    26.42 10.37

    106 10.61

    11 to 20 hours 2 . . .

    34 3.40

    54.84 4.66

    28 2.80

    45.16 10.37

    62 6.21

    More than 20 hours 2 . . .

    100 10.01 42.19 13.72

    137 13.71 57.81 50.74

    237 23.72

    Total . .

    729 72.97

    270 27.03

    999 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 95


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q1 by sex q1(How much does the college's focus on native

    language and culture improve your self-image/confidence?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    35 . . .

    23 . . .



    A lot 10 . . .

    165 16.42 39.01 37.50

    258 25.67 60.99 45.66

    423 42.09

    A moderate amount 6 . . .

    131 13.03 41.59 29.77

    184 18.31 58.41 32.57

    315 31.34

    A little 9 . . .

    76 7.56

    52.05 17.27

    70 6.97

    47.95 12.39

    146 14.53

    Not at all 2 . . .

    35 3.48

    57.38 7.95

    26 2.59

    42.62 4.60

    61 6.07

    N.A. 1 . . .

    33 3.28

    55.00 7.50

    27 2.69

    45.00 4.78

    60 5.97

    Total . .

    440 43.78

    565 56.22

    1005 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 89


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q2 by sex q2(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I feel that

    this college has helped me

    develop Native American

    identity and values.) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    44 . . .

    34 . . .



    Strongly agree 7 . . .

    102 10.36 35.92 23.67

    182 18.48 64.08 32.85

    284 28.83

    Agree 11 . . .

    223 22.64 43.47 51.74

    290 29.44 56.53 52.35

    513 52.08

    Disagree 9 . . .

    76 7.72

    51.35 17.63

    72 7.31

    48.65 13.00

    148 15.03

    Strongly disagree 1 . . .

    30 3.05

    75.00 6.96

    10 1.02

    25.00 1.81

    40 4.06

    Total . .

    431 43.76

    554 56.24

    985 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 109


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q3 by sex q3(Within a class

    or through another

    experience at this college, I have felt

    a sense of belonging.) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    38 . . .

    29 . . .



    Strongly agree 6 . . .

    134 13.45 37.22 30.66

    226 22.69 62.78 40.43

    360 36.14

    Agree 20 . . .

    241 24.20 46.62 55.15

    276 27.71 53.38 49.37

    517 51.91

    Disagree 2 . . .

    54 5.42

    53.47 12.36

    47 4.72

    46.53 8.41

    101 10.14

    Strongly disagree 0 . . .

    8 0.80

    44.44 1.83

    10 1.00

    55.56 1.79

    18 1.81

    Total . .

    437 43.88

    559 56.12

    996 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 98


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q4 by sex q4(Within a class or

    through another experience at this college, I

    feel that this college has taken a holistic approach to student development

    (mind, body, and spirit).) sex(Your Sex) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    44 . . .

    34 . . .



    Strongly agree 5 . . .

    87 8.83

    35.95 20.19

    155 15.74 64.05 27.98

    242 24.57

    Agree 12 . . .

    243 24.67 46.20 56.38

    283 28.73 53.80 51.08

    526 53.40

    Disagree 7 . . .

    87 8.83

    46.52 20.19

    100 10.15 53.48 18.05

    187 18.98

    Strongly disagree 4 . . .

    14 1.42

    46.67 3.25

    16 1.62

    53.33 2.89

    30 3.05

    Total . .

    431 43.76

    554 56.24

    985 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 109


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q5 by sex q5(How likely is

    it that the distance

    between this college and your

    home would cause you to

    withdraw from class or from this college?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    65 . . .

    52 . . .



    Very likely 2 . . .

    26 2.75

    44.83 6.34

    32 3.38

    55.17 5.97

    58 6.13

    Likely 3 . . .

    38 4.02

    43.18 9.27

    50 5.29

    56.82 9.33

    88 9.30

    Somewhat likely 7 . . .

    78 8.25

    41.49 19.02

    110 11.63 58.51 20.52

    188 19.87

    Not likely 16 . . .

    268 28.33 43.79 65.37

    344 36.36 56.21 64.18

    612 64.69

    Total . .

    410 43.34

    536 56.66

    946 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 148


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q6 by sex q6(How likely is it that the lack

    of reliable transportation

    would cause you to withdraw from class or

    from this college?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    61 . . .

    47 . . .



    Very likely 1 . . .

    30 3.14

    41.10 7.25

    43 4.50

    58.90 7.95

    73 7.64

    Likely 6 . . .

    42 4.40

    40.38 10.14

    62 6.49

    59.62 11.46

    104 10.89

    Somewhat likely 5 . . .

    98 10.26 46.01 23.67

    115 12.04 53.99 21.26

    213 22.30

    Not likely 16 . . .

    244 25.55 43.19 58.94

    321 33.61 56.81 59.33

    565 59.16

    Total . .

    414 43.35

    541 56.65

    955 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 139


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q7 by sex q7(How likely is

    it that having limited access to a computer or

    electronic device at home would

    cause you to withdraw from class or from this college?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    61 . . .

    47 . . .



    Very likely 1 . . .

    35 3.66

    51.47 8.45

    33 3.46

    48.53 6.10

    68 7.12

    Likely 7 . . .

    53 5.55

    46.90 12.80

    60 6.28

    53.10 11.09

    113 11.83

    Somewhat likely 8 . . .

    86 9.01

    40.76 20.77

    125 13.09 59.24 23.11

    211 22.09

    Not likely 12 . . .

    240 25.13 42.63 57.97

    323 33.82 57.37 59.70

    563 58.95

    Total . .

    414 43.35

    541 56.65

    955 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 139


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q8 by sex q8(How likely is it that having limited access to the Internet at

    home would cause you to withdraw from class or from

    this college?) sex(Your Sex) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 4




    59 . . .

    48 . . .



    Very likely 3 . . .

    40 4.18

    50.00 9.62

    40 4.18

    50.00 7.41

    80 8.37

    Likely 5 . . .

    48 5.02

    47.06 11.54

    54 5.65

    52.94 10.00

    102 10.67

    Somewhat likely 5 . . .

    87 9.10

    41.63 20.91

    122 12.76 58.37 22.59

    209 21.86

    Not likely 14 . . .

    241 25.21 42.65 57.93

    324 33.89 57.35 60.00

    565 59.10

    Total . .

    416 43.51

    540 56.49

    956 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 138


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q9 by sex q9(Please indicate

    whether the following statement is true for

    your household: Within the past 12

    months, we worried whether our food

    would run out before we got money to buy

    more.) sex(Your Sex) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 4




    47 . . .

    44 . . .



    Yes 11 . . .

    142 14.61 39.34 33.18

    219 22.53 60.66 40.26

    361 37.14

    No 16 . . .

    286 29.42 46.81 66.82

    325 33.44 53.19 59.74

    611 62.86

    Total . .

    428 44.03

    544 55.97

    972 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 122


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q10 by sex q10(Please

    indicate whether

    the following statement is true for

    your household: Within the

    past 12 months, the food

    we bought didn’t last

    and we didn’t have

    money to get more.) sex(Your Sex) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    49 . . .

    44 . . .



    Yes 6 . . .

    102 10.52 41.98 23.94

    141 14.54 58.02 25.92

    243 25.05

    No 22 . . .

    324 33.40 44.57 76.06

    403 41.55 55.43 74.08

    727 74.95

    Total . .

    426 43.92

    544 56.08

    970 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 124


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q11 by sex q11(How long does it take

    you to travel from your home to this college for classes?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    38 . . .

    41 . . .



    Less than 15 minutes 9 . . .

    193 19.61 43.27 44.16

    253 25.71 56.73 46.25

    446 45.33

    15 to 30 minutes 11 . . .

    130 13.21 44.83 29.75

    160 16.26 55.17 29.25

    290 29.47

    31 to 60 minutes 4 . . .

    65 6.61

    43.92 14.87

    83 8.43

    56.08 15.17

    148 15.04

    61 to 90 minutes 1 . . .

    21 2.13

    46.67 4.81

    24 2.44

    53.33 4.39

    45 4.57

    More than 90 minutes 3 . . .

    28 2.85

    50.91 6.41

    27 2.74

    49.09 4.94

    55 5.59

    Total . .

    437 44.41

    547 55.59

    984 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 110


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, Tribal Colleges Additional Questions (Q1‐Q12) by Sex 

    The Tribal Colleges Additional Question Set Was Administered at Tribal Colleges Only Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are from 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Not Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of q12 by sex q12(About how many hours do you

    spend in a typical 7-day week providing care for dependents

    living with you (parents, children, spouse, etc.)?) sex(Your Sex)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct . Male Female Total . 3




    41 . . .

    41 . . .



    None 13 . . .

    203 20.69 50.25 46.77

    201 20.49 49.75 36.75

    404 41.18

    1 to 5 hours 4 . . .

    87 8.87

    49.15 20.05

    90 9.17

    50.85 16.45

    177 18.04

    6 to 10 hours 3 . . .

    46 4.69

    43.81 10.60

    59 6.01

    56.19 10.79

    105 10.70

    11 to 20 hours 5 . . .

    26 2.65

    44.07 5.99

    33 3.36

    55.93 6.03

    59 6.01

    More than 20 hours 3 . . .

    72 7.34

    30.51 16.59

    164 16.72 69.49 29.98

    236 24.06

    Total . .

    434 44.24

    547 55.76

    981 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 113




    SENSE Main Survey Items

    Following are frequencies of responses by entering students for all variables from the main

    survey. Additionally, frequencies for all variables are broken out by enrollment status, age

    (traditional vs. non-traditional), and sex. Breakouts by race and ethnicity were not conducted as

    respondents in the comparison group are limited to Native American students.


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of enter by dset_name enter(Did you

    begin college at this college or elsewhere?)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 41.9396




    49.2078 . . .



    Started here 837.886 30.35 35.70 81.60

    1509.12 54.67 64.30 87.05

    2347.01 85.02

    Started elsewhere 188.995 6.85

    45.72 18.40

    224.412 8.13

    54.28 12.95

    413.407 14.98

    Total 1026.88 37.20

    1733.53 62.80

    2760.41 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 91.147363303


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of nohs by dset_name nohs(While

    in high school, I did

    not earn any earn college credit)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-

    Tribal Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 253.552

    8.89 36.02 23.72

    450.291 15.79 63.98 25.26

    703.843 24.68

    Response 815.268 28.59 37.96 76.28

    1332.45 46.73 62.04 74.74

    2147.72 75.32

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of thisc by dset_name thisc(While

    in high school, I earned college

    credit at this college)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-

    Tribal Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 1012.9

    35.52 38.43 94.77

    1622.78 56.91 61.57 91.03

    2635.68 92.43

    Response 55.9225 1.96

    25.90 5.23

    159.962 5.61

    74.10 8.97

    215.884 7.57

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of diffc by dset_name diffc(While

    in high school, I earned college

    credit at a different college)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-

    Tribal Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 985.913

    34.57 36.58 92.24

    1709.56 59.95 63.42 95.90

    2695.47 94.53

    Response 82.9073 2.91

    53.12 7.76

    73.1805 2.57

    46.88 4.10

    156.088 5.47

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of myhs by dset_name myhs(While

    in high school, I earned college

    credit at my high school)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or

    Native Students at Non-Tribal Colleges)

    Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 919.786

    32.26 37.67 86.06

    1522.09 53.38 62.33 85.38

    2441.87 85.63

    Response 149.034 5.23

    36.38 13.94

    260.653 9.14

    63.62 14.62

    409.687 14.37

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of otherenr by dset_name otherenr(In addition to taking courses at this

    college, were/are you also enrolled at a 4-year college or university during YOUR


    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 6.51798




    24.2696 . . .



    Yes 50.7917 1.80

    33.85 4.78

    99.2587 3.52

    66.15 5.64

    150.05 5.32

    No 1011.51 35.86 37.87 95.22

    1659.21 58.82 62.13 94.36

    2670.72 94.68

    Total 1062.3 37.66

    1758.47 62.34

    2820.77 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 30.787550547


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of courseno by dset_name courseno(How many

    courses did you enroll in for YOUR FIRST

    SEMESTER/QUARTER at this college?)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 0.8387




    1.12831 . . .



    One 64.4689 2.26

    37.91 6.04

    105.571 3.70

    62.09 5.93

    170.04 5.97

    Two 103.003 3.61

    22.53 9.64

    354.118 12.43 77.47 19.88

    457.121 16.04

    Three 155.192 5.45

    27.95 14.53

    399.986 14.04 72.05 22.45

    555.178 19.48

    Four or more 745.317 26.16 44.70 69.79

    921.938 32.35 55.30 51.75

    1667.26 58.51

    Total 1067.98 37.48

    1781.61 62.52

    2849.59 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 1.9670093036


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of addrop by dset_name

    addrop(Did you add or drop any classes within the FIRST THREE WEEKS OF YOUR FIRST SEMESTER/QUARTER at this college?)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 3.46204




    2.04653 . . .



    Yes, without discussing my decision with a college staff member or instructor 37.1437 1.31

    24.10 3.49

    116.994 4.11

    75.90 6.57

    154.138 5.42

    Yes, after discussing my decision with a college staff member or instructor 205.796 7.23

    52.94 19.32

    182.973 6.43

    47.06 10.28

    388.769 13.66

    No, I did not add or drop any courses 822.418 28.90 35.71 77.20

    1480.73 52.03 64.29 83.15

    2303.15 80.92

    Total 1065.36 37.43

    1780.7 62.57

    2846.05 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 5.5085717421


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of dropno by dset_name dropno(Of the courses you enrolled in

    during YOUR FIRST SEMESTER/QUARTER at this college, how many did you drop after the first day of class and before the end of the


    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 6.93504




    18.4354 . . .



    None 921.17 32.59 36.53 86.75

    1600.61 56.63 63.47 90.72

    2521.78 89.23

    One 108.25 3.83

    48.40 10.19

    115.414 4.08

    51.60 6.54

    223.664 7.91

    Two 21.2559 0.75

    41.69 2.00

    29.7346 1.05

    58.31 1.69

    50.9905 1.80

    Three 8.68304 0.31

    44.65 0.82

    10.766 0.38

    55.35 0.61

    19.449 0.69

    Four or more 2.52637 0.09

    24.50 0.24

    7.78358 0.28

    75.50 0.44

    10.31 0.36

    Total 1061.89 37.57

    1764.31 62.43

    2826.19 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 25.370430673


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of regclass by dset_name

    regclass(When did you register for your courses for YOUR FIRST

    SEMESTER/QUARTER at this college?)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total . 6.33351




    2.65862 . . .



    More than one week before classes began 657.485 23.13 30.16 61.88

    1522.4 53.56 69.84 85.52

    2179.88 76.69

    During the week before classes began 295.059 10.38 61.45 27.77

    185.097 6.51

    38.55 10.40

    480.156 16.89

    During the first week of classes 88.0718 3.10

    65.48 8.29

    46.4266 1.63

    34.52 2.61

    134.498 4.73

    After the first week of classes 21.8705 0.77

    45.53 2.06

    26.1638 0.92

    54.47 1.47

    48.0343 1.69

    Total 1062.49 37.38

    1780.08 62.62

    2842.57 100.00

    Frequency Missing = 8.992123164


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of onlorien by dset_name onlorien(Orientation Program: Took part

    in an online orientation prior to

    the beginning of classes)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 1044.57

    36.63 41.22 97.73

    1489.65 52.24 58.78 83.56

    2534.22 88.87

    Response 24.2467 0.85 7.64 2.27

    293.094 10.28 92.36 16.44

    317.341 11.13

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Variables by College Type 

    Comparing Students at Tribal Colleges vs. Native Students at Non‐Tribal Colleges Source: SENSE 2017 3‐Year Cohort, Tribal College Respondents Are From 2017 ONLY 

    =====   Weighted   =====  

    The FREQ Procedure  


    Table of oncorien by dset_name oncorien(Orientation Program: Attended

    an on-campus orientation program

    prior to the beginning of classes)

    dset_name(College Type: = Students at Tribal Colleges or Native Students at Non-Tribal

    Colleges) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct

    Students at Tribal Colleges

    Native Students

    at non-Tribal

    Colleges Total No response 481.805

    16.90 35.32 45.08

    882.469 30.95 64.68 49.50

    1364.27 47.84

    Response 587.015 20.59 39.47 54.92

    900.272 31.57 60.53 50.50

    1487.29 52.16

    Total 1068.82 37.48

    1782.74 62.52

    2851.56 100.00


  • 'Preserving Culture and Planning for the Future', Methods Supplement Crosstabs, SENSE Main Survey Var