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Press “Esc” to exit REVENUE-PLUS Generating maximum revenue for your property… AUCTIONEERING

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Generating maximum revenue for your property…


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Jerry Scott here. I’d like

to tell you aboutREVENUE-PLUS


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Is appealing to a wide-rangeof potential buyers, and…

If you are sellinga property


can be advertised for saleat least one month prior

to the actualdate of sale….

Is large enough to besub-divided…

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AUCTIONEERING is a great wayto generate

maximum dollarsfor your property.

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it is a type of auction;

2nd,it levels the playing field

for potential buyers,and I’ll explain howin a moment; and

3rd, it typically

generates more revenue than any other type

of property sale.

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•Beautiful Knox Co., Ohio

Let’s look at areal-life example…

Here’s a typicalproperty…

•45 acres total

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Parcel #5 is primarily scrub brush

Which can besubdivided into

five parcels.

Parcel #1 once had a house on it, so even though the structure

is no longer there, the basic utility hookups are.

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If you wantedto sell this property,you have two basic


Conventional Sale



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If you sell it conventionally, you’d have to

decide whetherto offer it

as a whole…or subdivided

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Then, you would choose either to sell

it yourself (“for sale by owner”),

or to list itwith a realtor.

Either way,you’ll have to come upwith an “asking price.”

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Let’s say theproperty has been

appraised for$225,000…

If you are listing it yourself,you might offer it for $225,000.

If you are listing it with a realtor,you might offer it for $250,000to cover additional expenses,including realtor commissions.

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From this pointforward, pricenegotiationsare generally



or less…

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The property may sell quickly or not,and there may be

contingencies delaying its eventual


1 month…

2 months…

4 months…6 months…

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You aresaddled withnegotiations,

even if you list the property


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Your otheroption to sellyour propertyis to utilize the

auction method.

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Auctionscreate a degree of


Once the gavel falls,your property is sold.

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With an auction, you can normally

haveyour money within60 days from the

signing of the contract.

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Or more…



Once the auction begins, all price

negotiations are upward.

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And…the property

may be offeredboth as a whole

and in lots simultaneously

to see which will generate a higher

selling price.

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Let’s start the auction…

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“What will someone give for Lot #1?”

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Bidding forParcel #1

stopped at $40,000and is held

by the familypictured here.

•$40,000 •$8,000/acre

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Now the auction continues with

Parcel #2, then #3and so forth,until all lotshave been offered…

•$40,000 •$8,000/acre

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Once we’ve finished the

preliminary auction of each individual

parcel,you might have a scenario like the one shown here.

•$40,000 •$8,000/acre



•$38,000 •$7,600/acre



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Together,these lots

will generate $167,000.00,







•$40,000 •$8,000/acre

•$38,000 •$7,600/acre

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The next stepin a conventional auction is to offer

the propertyas a whole, to seeif it will generatemore revenue.

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“What will someone give for all five

parcels?The minimum bidhas to be at least


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This lady,perhaps a

speculator, is now in control of the property at




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And everyother bidder

has been eliminated over an extra

$1000, because in a conventional

auction the gavel now falls….

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… and we say goodbye to all the

individuals who attended the


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…except thehigh bidder.

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This is the point where REVENUE -


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knows that individuals…

always have more moneyto invest, and

usually have more money collectively than any one individual


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system enables all registered bidders

to stay in the auctionfor the entire length

of the auction.

How does this work?….

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This familyhad their heart set

on Parcel #1(the gentleman’s

grandparentshad lived there).

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they nowhave the option of

increasing their previous bid of

$40,000 which had been eliminated

by the speculator…

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All bids must be a minimum of

$1000 over a tie bid.In order to regain control

of the parcel,figuring on a per acre basis,

their new bid must be$42,000…

(a bid of $41,000 would havebeen a tie…)

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Now that the family has raised their bid, together

these lots total $169,000.00,

which exceeds the speculator’s bid of $168,000.00, and

places the previous bidders back in control of the other parcels at their original






•$38,000 •$7,600/acre




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“This is where the fun begins…”

All registered bidders are back in the game, even if they had not

initially placed a bid.

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REVENUE-PLUS AUCTIONEERING allows such people to join in at any



It is typical at auctions for people to hang back for a while, get the “lay of the land,” and only join in once

they see where the bidding is leveling off…

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“I bid $64,000 for Parcels #1 & #5.”

A new bidder might bid on a

combination of parcels….

For instance: A Farmer might decide that he

wants two of the parcels… one to live on and the other to farm.

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The farmer’s bid gives him

control of Parcels #1 & #5, while the other bidders retain control

of their parcels.


•$38,000 •$7,600/acre




•$64,000 (#1 & #5, $2,133.33/acre)

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A totallydifferent bidder,

perhaps a developer, may

jump in now and try to control

the board…

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“I bid $200,000 for the whole property.”

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This new bidder now controls all the parcels at $200,000.00,

or $4,444.00/acre


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Now anything could happen…A young Amish fellow solicits the assistance of his brother…

And they decide to team up and bid on Parcels #3, #4, & #5… In order to gain control of these parcels, figuring on a per acre

basis, their bid must be $121,000, or $3,457/acre…

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Incidentally, all of these calculations – minimum bids needed, combinations, etc. – are created electronically on the spot and in real time by sophisticated software packages we use during all of our REVENUE-PLUS auctions. And these calculations are displayed for all attendees to see.

It is not uncommon for a potential bidder to ask a question like, “What would I need to bid to control a particular parcel or combination of parcels?”

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With theAmish brothers’ bid, the family that had

their heart seton Parcel #1

is now back in control of it again, and they did not

have to raise their bid any further.

•$42,000 •$8,400/acre

•$121,000 (#3, #4, #5)•$3,457/acre

•$38,000 •$7,600/acre


Nor did the single ladylooking to build a home.

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And the bidding

continues until everyone has had a chance to secure a parcel or

parcels of their choice.In reality, we had a

REVENUE-PLUS auction of a property just like the one

we’ve used as an example.

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Here’s how it went….

At the 20 minute mark,the bidding looked like this,for a total of $167,000.00,

or $3,711.11 per acre.


Total = $167,000

$36,000 $32,000 $38,000 $40,000

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At the 40 minute mark, we were at $250,000.00,or $5,555.55 per acre,

from a bidder who wantedthe entire property.

Total = $250,000

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One hour and fifty-two minutes into the auction,

the gavel fell.


Total = $319,500$7,100/acre

$68,000 $58,000 $60,000 $52,000

The final selling pricewas $319,500.00,

or $7,100.00 per acre. Incidentally, the original bidder of Parcel #1 at

$40,000.00 was the last bidder of the sale, and purchased the

parcel for $52,000.

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allows potential bidders to stayin the auction,

even after someonehas stepped

forwardto purchase

the entire propertyat a higher price.

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Competitive bidding creates a

fair market value,and individuals

collectivelycan usually generate

a higher sale pricethan one person

buying the propertyas a whole.

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In a conventional auction, the

property might have sold for


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propertyto generate

$319,500.00,or an additional

$151,500.This is thepower of


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LetScott Auction’s

professional teamhelp you earn thehighest revenue

for the saleof your property.

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