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Earlier in my life I felt a particular interest for the healing power of nature and the Naturopathic system to prevent and treat disease. Back in the year 1962, recently emigrating from France and living in Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of the greatest pioneers in Iridology, and had an iris examination in his office where he suggested I change my dietary style and take some supplementation. Later on, Dr. Jensen invited me to come along with him to Hidden Valley Health Ranch in Escondido where I could immediately observe how patients were treated with natural food, diet, organic vegetable juice, chiropractic, detox, and colon irrigation, which was something new for me.

It could not have been more opportune for me to observe with my own eyes, during the several occasions that I stayed there, how patients with different types of disease would improve and get better without taking any pharmaceutical drugs. This personal training from Dr. Jensen, especially being directly in contact with patients, talking to them, asking questions, and observing how they were improving, was certainly the main reason for me to decide to pursue the same road and choose this as my profession. From this contact where Dr. Jensen was also teaching patients what to do to improve their lifestyle, definitely showed me that also I would need to teach people a better way of life, to eat better food, and how to change their mind and their spirit. This is what I followed for the past fifty years.

After graduating in Naturopathy, and later on in Homeopathic medicine, I started learning about other methods, other sciences, other medicines and theories, all of which took place over the past five decades, but of course Iridology remained to me of major interest, especially how the iris reveals your genetic stature, which I found incredible. My interest in treating disease drove me toward study, research, and the clinical application of new approaches to treat the disease of cancer. During the last several years I have been involved with molecular markers and molecular medicine. I am however still convinced that colon cleansing is still important, even for cancer patients, since years ago I learned about the cancer therapy method of Dr. Max Gerson who was using enema therapy for his patients. Later on I made the correlation between pre-cancerous signs visible in iris and molecular markers testing, mainly the P53 tumor suppressor gene, with additional details to follow in this book.

In 1978 I opened my first clinic in Lisbon, then in 1983 a much larger one outside of the city with more space, where I could have more treatment rooms, including ones for colon hydrotherapy. I have treated thousands of patients from all over the world with all types of diseases, but always had a particular interest in the field of Naturopathic Oncology. I have spent much time teaching people, taught so many doctors, and traveled to many countries around the world to lecture, but also to learn about other methods and diagnostics. For this reason, I introduced Live Blood Analysis and the oxidative dried blood test that I

pioneered, which really give me a better opportunity to better understand the role of natural food, diet, and detoxification over junk food. You observe before and then you observe after how the patient has done with a diet, or even a detox, how incredible is the change in blood status! Then you observe how medical doctors are not able to show interest or to observe since it is a way to learn and to grow. This is why I decided to introduce these two blood tests in this new English version of my book in Chapter III, so the reader will readily see the difference between clean blood and intoxicated blood, not even mentioning the change in free radical activity.

To begin with, in Chapters I and II, I discuss the gut system and the microbiome; in Chapter III, about all the intestinal problems including constipation and the link between breast cancer and constipation. In Chapter IV we have a large section about auto-intoxication and its consequences, which is one of the main pillars of my theory associated with disease. Chapter V is very important as it contains some approaches to Iridology from an embryonic standpoint, the intestine as our second brain, about our intestinal immune system, and a major explanation about the science of Iridology and how it can reflect genetic reflex disease, which is one important theory of Naturopathy. Finally, in Chapter VI, we focus on a detoxification program, dietary approach, the nutritional value of food, and different techniques such as colon hydrotherapy and other bowel management methods for those people who wish to cleanse their body.

Over the years I could observe in my patients the benefit of detoxification, no matter what the disease or just as a preventive measure. We can even approach disease from solely a molecular standpoint and proclaim that disease is just a problem associated with only four letters of the alphabet of our genome, such as ATCG and mutation of one of these letters, but we are still missing the total body and how to approach the disease and the patient. In fact, intoxication of the colon leads to intoxication of the blood and the body; a leaky gut increases the penetration of bacteria and Candida in the blood that can in turn intoxicate cells and even induce a P53 mutation that leads to cancer.

Therefore, without a doubt, diet, detoxification, colon cleansing, and liver detox remain an important approach to improving health condition. Each time I have a patient in my clinic, no matter what the disease, I first check through Iridology the main elimination channels which are the colon, kidney, lungs, skin, liver, and lymphatic system, along with a Live Blood Analysis observation through a special microscope which may show how much the blood is intoxicated. You can also be sure that the patient has a bad bowel function. Being a specialist in Naturopathic Oncology and molecular markers, we also cannot forget we can target cancer cells in several simultaneous directions with a molecular approach, while also not forgetting the emunctory organs and detoxifying the body, all of which in turn synergistically increases immune defense.

Finally, we have to remember one thing. Our health status depends on what we eat, how we absorb food, and how much foreign waste and toxins are eliminated. Healthy cells make healthy tissues, healthy tissues make healthy organs, and healthy organs make a healthy body. This can only be achieved through a diet of natural food, oxygen, and

exercise for the sake of the body’s own detoxification and clean blood. It cannot be any other way. For this reason I decided to write this book to present my clinical and experimental observations about how our digestive system functions, about some new facts and discoveries, about our intestinal system, and how it can be associated with disease, reflex disease, and how we can treat our bodies better through detoxification and in return improve our health status.

As an underlying foundation, I teach that Iridology is the most important method to visualize the whole body, especially the organs that carry on the duty to detoxify then expulse waste matter and keep the body in harmony, even without the perspective of disease. The last chapter shows interesting iris clinical cases, although I finally decided to include some real patient cases to demonstrate how we can really treat disease with a natural approach and keep some patients healthy for many years to come.


First of all, it is necessary to understand that, whatever the disease, there is always a certain degree of intoxication and/or stage of inflammation which can be observed through the irises and also through other medical apparatus like the Vega or Mora system. Very rarely can a disease trigger, without first having chronic intoxication and oxidative stress, a condition ranging from mid to strong. In time, chronic intoxication can trigger serious problems and give rise to disease, some of which are still little known. Let us use fibromyalgia as an example. This is a fairly recent disease, the pathogenesis of which is not yet well understood. However, it is known that fibromyalgia is characterized by an inflammation of the connective tissue associated with damaged mitochondria components from excessive free radical activity and loss of ATP energy. Damaged mitochondria are unable to fully use oxygen, where we have the non-breakdown of pyruvate, an end product of glycolysis. As a consequence, it produces high levels of lactic acid responsible for muscle pains and fatigue, very similar to what athletes experience after an Olympic competition.

Let us talk further about this disease. This inflammation may be also largely a consequence of a diet rich in red meat, industrial foods, an excess of toxins, and free radical activity. It attacks muscles, tendons as well as neurons, where this excess consumption becomes another factor that may trigger an inflammatory process that in turn, generating more free radicals and increasing more inflammation in tissue, mainly within the extra cellular matrix.

The patient with fibromyalgia feels very tired and has pains throughout their body. As the disease only appears in adulthood, it is apparent that an accumulation of a quantity of toxins is the logical cause of intoxication and inflammation of the tissues. Today, it is easier to carry out tests and analysis to check the condition of kidney elimination, liver detox, and intestinal permeability. At the same time, the function of mitochondria could be monitored to verify if it is working, accepting oxygen and producing ATP energy, whether at a high level or a lower output.

Therefore, we can say that, if patients are affected by fibromyalgia they do not suffer from one cause or condition of intoxication alone but also from social life style, nutrient deficiency and oxidative stress that also plays a key role in this syndrome. Mitochondrial dysfunction is usually associated with fibromyalgia, along with lower production of ATP energy and increasing lactic acid in the tissues. Mitochondria are essential to anaerobic life on this planet using oxygen as fuel to burn food and generating metabolic energy. ATP is absolutely necessary for all of the body’s functions and for the regulatory systems.

Many diseases have an origin with damaged mitochondrial function from oxidative stress including diabetes, arthritis, asthma, chronic kidney disease, and cancer. We age

through the mitochondria under free radical attack that damages their components leading to a dramatic decrease in ATP energy, cognitive disorders, and loss of vision, hearing, and muscles is associated with the loss of mitochondrial function.

This last decade’s science has made important discoveries in the mechanism of how a normal cell can turn into cancer cell, although more recent research now points out the mitochondria are involved in the causation of cancer (see “Mitochondria, Oxygen and Cancer” – Townsend Letter – August/September 2006 – www.sergejurasunas .com). However, putting together and explaining the causes and the reasons remains a big challenge.

Cancer and Intoxication of the Tissues

Let us talk a bit more about this disease and try to explain, not from a cellular standpoint but from a different basis that implicates the environmental tissue known as the Extra Cellular Matrix that seems to have a major influence on the cell's behavior itself.

New lines of research show that the auto-intoxication and inflammation of the ECM is associated with tumorogenesis. Cancer initiation may have a link with the intoxication of the surrounding tissues, which now is supported by many researchers. For instance, according to Prof. W. Kostler, president of the Austrian Cancer Association, whom I had met several times during various congresses, there is no direct link between epithelial cells, blood vessels, or lymphatic vessels because of the inter-positioned connective tissue, the ECM. All nutrients, hormones, oxygen supply, enzymes, needed by the epithelial cells, including for detoxification, have to pass through this matrix.

Unfortunately, the accumulation of toxic waste, excess free radicals and lack of oxygen may have a negative effect on the components and consistency of the ECM. A state of auto-intoxication and high oxidative stress triggers a chronic inflammation that modifies the fluid consistency of the ECM, a semi gelatinous ground to become much stiffer, causing an edema. Consequently the edema leads to a total blockage of nearly all the exchange procedures between the body and the epithelial cells. This leads to an alteration of the epithelial cell metabolism, sending it on its way to gain a stepwise cancerous attitude, especially for a cell with a genomic instability. Malfunction of the connective tissue is responsible for nutritional deficiency and decreasing oxygen supply to epithelial cells, turning into an auto-intoxication of these cells from accumulations of waste produced from cellular metabolism. These wastes may have a negative impact on a cell’s nutrient supply including electrolytes, trace elements, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes.


Without intending to first give a lecture on embryology, it is however necessary to impart some basic knowledge on the role the intestinal system from an embryological perspective. This knowledge will lead us to a better understanding of the importance of the intestinal system in maintaining health and above all in relation to the colon and the other organs that make up our body. We have always had an idea of this relationship, but what I am going to present follows the theories on the specialization of organs according to conventional medicine.

First of all, I would like to consider the first element in the treatment of a disease: the cause. In Western medicine the body is merely reduced to a box divided into compartments, ignoring that one certainly affects the other, which gives rise to medical specialties and total misunderstanding of the real conception of our organism.

Each day we are faced with miracles which often seem hard to explain simply because we do not understand or we forget about the mystery and the power which created life. Life is something more transcendental than the creation of a medication to which beneficial qualities are attributed. Whether we consider a tree, an egg in a nest, or the miracles of the human body, where is the force from which they originated?

Apparently, everything derives from nothing, but in reality everything is triggered by a complicated force that is beyond our imagination.

In the beginning there is simply a fertilized egg, a mixture of twenty-three chromosomes from the father and twenty-three chromosomes from the mother. When these two halves unite creating a fertilized egg, the chromosomes join together to create a combination of hereditary traits from the father and from the mother that at the same time contain the hereditary traits of their predecessors. Each organ, each System, will develop in accordance with the hereditary conditions, good or bad, transported and transmitted by the parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

The more aggression an organism suffers, the greater the possibility of creating new organisms, which are increasingly more frail and prone to disease.

The chromosomes are made up of thousands of genes that represent our genetic inheritance, or our hereditary traits, and are found within each cell. It is our greatest wealth.

Each cell contains forty-six human chromosomes, between 10,000 to 30,000 genes, and 3 billion DNA subunits (the base: ATCG), which seems difficult to believe especially when we consider that this is all contained in the nucleus of a cell which is microscopic and invisible to the naked eye. The genes are made up of DNA and each DNA nucleus

contains the basis of the genetic program which is responsible for the color of our eyes, our hair, our organs, and hence our health. Our genes hold the information necessary for the formation and maintenance of our cells.

DNA sequences are read like the letters of the alphabet, but four letters are enough to program the diversity of the living being, represented in the double helixes of DNA.

After: Detoxification and treatment.

We observe a 100% modification with the condition of the red blood cells, which now show a very normal shape. The patient followed a two-month treatment that includes enzyme yeast cells, Sun-Chlorella, probiotics, and organic fresh vegetable juices.

Figure 13

This slide indicates a major fungal invasion, bowel dysfunction, constipation, immune deficiency, and low O2 status.

More cases may be viewed at (Click on “Blood Tests”)

Oxidative Dried Blood Layer Test

This is only a short introduction about this technique. Here it shows the intake of a drop of blood taken from the small finger and transferred onto seven layers of blood smears on glass slides and allowed to dry and coagulate at air temperature. After the various dried

blood layer are carefully examined under a microscope, each layer represents specific characteristics with different sizes and shapes of PPPs (Polymerized protein puddles). Here is the research I developed after hundreds of examinations, clinical work-ups, and correlations with other diagnostics including Iridology that has permitted the localized organ body dysfunction in the various dried drops of blood and segmentations (For instruction contact: sergejurasunas@

A classification of the study of the Metabolic Blood Test includes:

A – Increased number of white clot areas and the leaking of fibrin nets. B – Density and size of white clot area. C – Localization of white clot area within the drops of blood. D – The presence of metabolic by-products such as necrotic tissue, degenerating red

cells, within the white blood clot. E – The density or destruction of the fibrin network. F – Any additional colors inside the white blood clot.

Figure 1

Normal blood pattern

Figure 2

We observe a total dissemination of PPPs from 20 to 30 microns size showing a major inflammatory process in a prostate cancer. Very small PPPs of 2 microns are associated

with allergy.

Figure 2B

After about one month of treatment we observe an improvement with a significant decrease of the PPPs and inflammatory process.

Figure 3

6th drop layer of dried blood – intestinal polyps – fibrin nets are totally non-existent showing deficiency of proteins and hormones.

Figure 4

Liver congestion with congested lymph circulation.

A prolapsed transverse colon can trigger unsuspected situations. The pressure exhorted affects the pelvic area influencing the ovaries in women and the prostate in men. This pressure interferes with the blood and lymphatic circulation of the lower limbs. Bad circulation in the legs is often caused by the consequences of a prolapsed transverse colon. An irregular menstrual cycle can also be caused by the consequences of this disorder.

Figure 7

Prolapse of the Transverse Colon (Intestinal view)

Figure 8

Prolapse of the Sigmoid Colon

Case #5 Female: Twenty-six-years old

Depression Nervousness Clinical story: Depression, nervousness, stress, pain in the legs, chronic constipation. Patient is under medical care with psychiatric medications. Restricted collarette associated with psycho-emotional imbalance affecting the hypothalamus. The patient inherited many characteristics from her mother as shown in the photo #B.

Case #5 Photo #A – Patient

Iris sign: Restricted collarette, an indication of constipation and sluggishness of the intestine – stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestines – Bowel flora imbalance – It also disturbs the central nervous system and increase nervousness and psychological behavior – Deep contraction furrows are a visible indication of stress status and muscle contraction – Restricted collarette often formed embryologically or inherited in this case from her mother.

Case # 5 Photo #B – Mother

Photo shows central heterochromia indication of toxic colon, restricted collarette, intestinal pains, nervousness, and aging process.