prezi evaluation software

Prezi Software evaluation

Upload: harriettodd123

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Software evaluation

This is the home screen when logged to prezi to start my prezi presentations I clicked the new prezi option on the page.

Adding text was simple I just had to click where I wanted the text the start typing r pates the text I had already written.the I could change the settings othe text yto ajust the over all look of the text.the bar that shows up when tyepin g assisted in doing this.

Certain style text is set for each of the following title subtitle and bod text by clicking any of these it allowed the text to be changed in to these this helped me differentiate between the title and other text.

Here is what happened when I wanted to add one of my own images to the presentation. When you click select files it allows you the option to browse your own files the you select the image you would like then I resized and cropped the images to fit the box and how I wanted them.

By clicking customize this allowed me to change the color and style of the boxes and text changing fonts for headings body text and subtitles this allowed me to change the presentation so it looked how I wanted it to.

By clicking this button it gives you more boxes/circles this was useful when I used a temple and when I didn’t as it allowed me to add as many boxes as I required.

By clicking the insert button it gave me an options to add arrow pictures and other useful items.This helped me add the images to illustrate the point made on each slide/box.