primary research

Title Sequences- Primary Research By carrying out the following survey it allows me to get an understanding of people’s views and opinions on the form of product i’m aiming to produce as well as the demographic I’m targeting it at based on their responses. The first question allows me to determine who my respondents are so I can establish whether the results of the rest of the survey will be biased or not. As the above graph shows I had had gender balance making it fairly reliable in terms of getting an honest viewpoint and valuable input from a multitude of people. The purpose of the survey was to gather results from people of all ages and gender and whilst I did get the latter aspect I was let down by the fact that only those between the ages of

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Page 1: Primary research

Title Sequences- Primary Research

By carrying out the following survey it allows me to get an understanding of people’s views and opinions on the form of product i’m aiming to produce as well as the demographic I’m targeting it at based on their responses.

The first question allows me to determine who my respondents are so I can establish whether the results of the rest of the survey will be biased or not. As the above graph shows I had had gender balance making it fairly reliable in terms of getting an honest viewpoint and valuable input from a multitude of people.

The purpose of the survey was to gather results from people of all ages and gender and whilst I did get the latter aspect I was let down by the fact that only those between the ages of 16-18 responded. Due to this factor I’m only generating opinions and feedback from this particular age category which will differ from others meaning i’m not able to get a mixed and honest set of results.

Page 2: Primary research

Although the following question may seem fairly basic, the reasoning behind it was to simply determine whether I was gaining results from the right ‘type’ of people. My chosen product is designed to attract those that take enjoyment in watching movies, therefore implying that my respondents would ideally need to have an interest in them, otherwise I’d be gaining results from a group of people in an area that has no appeal factor for them. As the above graph showcases this is the outcome I received. By making it a close ended question I’m able to analyse the response more easily rather than dealing with complicated statistical data or complex responses.

By asking whether they believe title sequences to be an important aspect of a movie, it was a simple way for me to determine whether audiences had an understanding of them and their purpose. The results I received were fairly positive with only 33% disregarding the relevance of them, allowing me to come to the assumption that a large percentage of people can respect the motive of them.

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Looking back on this particular question I could have probably structured it slightly better as no respondent adapted on the question within the comment box, however I was still able to generate some form of (inconclusive) conclusion based on the above graph. Whilst the previous question allowed me to determine whether audiences understood the relevance of a title sequence, this one was slightly more personal and allowed me to gain an insight as to whether they actually enjoyed watching them. Responses were fairly mixed, however I’m pleased with the outcome as only 16% chose to say no- I can only assume the reasoning behind this to be because they either find them boring, time consuming, or a waste of space? 33% said they only enjoyed watching the sequence sometimes- I can again only base this on factors I believe it to be such as they don’t like them if they’re too long, boring, don’t showcase any movie themes, build enigma or provide an insight. This leaves 50% who said that they enjoyed watching the sequence, which overall is a positive outcome as it tells me that my product has a chance of being well received and there is a plce for it within the movie industry.

All the answer choice to the following question were correct par one; it was simply a way for me to determine what audiences perceived the purpose of a title sequence to be so that I could make this factor obvious within my own.

Page 4: Primary research

As well as finding out whether people enjoyed watching the sequences, I also wanted to discover what they believed the perfect length to be in order to meet their needs. The results I received were fairly similar with thirty seconds to two minutes being the median, therefore allowing me to determine that this is the time frame I should keep my product within in order to keep them interested.

The final question was again a way of me to gain an insight in order to adapt my own sequence to suit the needs of my audience. The following results shows me that the most popular aspect is the movie hints provided, therefore allowing me to determine this is a factor I should incorporate in my final product, whilst the other elements would be secondary features.