primary years - · the anton bruckner international school language scope and...

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.” 1 Primary Years Curriculum Handbook 2018/19 How we express ourselves Sharing the planet concepts skills attitude action knowledge Where we are in place and time How the world works How we organize ourselves Who we are languages social studies personal, social & physical education arts science & technology mathematics

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Page 1: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Primary Years Curriculum Handbook 2018/19

How we express ourselves

Sharing the planet



attitude action






in p













How we organize ourselves


o w

e ar



social studies

personal, social & physical education


science & technology mathematics

Page 2: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


The Primary Years Curriculum

Our Primary Students aged 4.5 to 12 study through the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of

the International Baccalaureate Organization. The philosophy of this programme and mode

of teaching correlate with our aims to inspire students, develop open-mindedness and

intercultural understanding and for learning that is based on transdisciplinary inquiry.

The PYP combines the best research and practice from different curricula from all over the

world, with the resources of knowledge and experience from international schools to create

an ambitious and engaging educational programme.

Page 3: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL seeks to promote the education of the whole

child, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of

knowledge. By focusing on the dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, independent

critical and creative thought and international mindedness the IB supports the principle of

education the whole person for a life of active, responsible citizenship.

Page 4: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


The Programme

The structure of our Primary Years Programme is an expression of three interrelated

questions: What do we want to learn? How best will we learn? How will we know what we

have learned?

What do we want our students to learn?

The Written Curriculum

Our programme strives for a balance between the search for understanding, the acquisition

of essential knowledge and skills, the development of positive attitudes and the opportunity

for positive action.

In order to achieve this balance, the IB PYP consists of five pillars. These are referred to as

the essential elements of the written curriculum and are listed below.

• Concepts: Powerful ideas which have relevance in and across the disciplines and which

children must explore in order to develop understanding. Key concepts are expressed as


form (what is it like?) function (how does it work?) causation (why is it like it is?) change (how is it changing?) connection (how is it connected to other things?) perspective (what are the points of view?) responsibility (what is our responsibility?) reflection (how do we know?)

• Skills: These are acquired in the process of structured inquiry. They are the skills of

Thinking: including acquiring knowledge, comprehending, application analysis, synthesis, evaluation,

thinking about different points of view and thinking about how we learn.

Communication: including listening, speaking, reading, writing and non verbal communication


Page 5: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Social: including accepting responsibility, respecting others, cooperation, resolving conflict, decision

making and adopting a variety of group roles.

Research: including formulating questions, observing, planning, collecting, organizing, recording and

interpreting data, and presenting findings.

Self-management: including gross and fine motor skills, special awareness, organization, time

management, safety, healthy lifestyles, and codes of behaviour and making informed decisions.

• Attitudes: fundamental values, beliefs and feelings about learning, the environment and

people. Students develop attitudes of appreciation, cooperation, curiosity, empathy,

enthusiasm, independence, integrity, respect, and tolerance.

• Actions: Demonstration of positive action and service. Students are encouraged to

reflect, choose wisely and to act responsibly with their peers, teachers and in the wider


• Knowledge: Significant and relevant contents we wish the students to explore and know

about, taking into consideration their prior experience and understanding. The

traditional subject disciplines are addressed in an integrated programme of inquiry

arranged is six trans-disciplinary themes. These themes provide the main structure for

the school’s framework of content or programme of inquiry.

Page 6: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


PYP Transdisciplinary Themes

Who we are

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and culture; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Where we are in place and time

An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal history; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationship between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

How we express ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

How the world works

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how human use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances and on society and on the environment.

How we organize ourselves

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Sharing the planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationship between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Page 7: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


How will we know what the children have learned?

The Assessed Curriculum

• Assessment: At ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL assessment is a

collaborative process which occurs at all stages of the learning cycle. It is used to

provide feedback on the learning process and to judge the effectiveness of both

teaching and learning.

• Written Assessment: A variety of assessment strategies are used in assessing the

student’s progress. These include student-teacher-consultation, structured

observations, written assignments, performance tasks evaluated by means of

assessment criteria and various forms of student self assessment. We also use

externally published standardized test materials (currently in year 4 only).

• Formative Assessment: aids the process of learning; it is interwoven into daily

learning and helps teachers and children plan each stage of learning. Formative

assessment and teaching are directly linked: neither can function effectively or

purposefully without the other.

• Summative Assessment: takes place at the end of the teaching and gives the children

opportunities to demonstrate what has been learned. It also aids teachers to analyse

the effectiveness of their teaching and of the programme.

ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL stresses the importance of peer and self-

assessment and reflection.

There is one parent consultation evening and one portfolio conference during the year.

Parents may also make appointments to see teachers at any stage throughout the year

to discuss concerns. Parents also receive detailed written reports twice a year.

Page 8: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


How best will our students learn?

The Taught Curriculum

We are committed to structured, purposeful inquiry which involves students actively in

their own learning. The teacher facilitates the process of students becoming seekers

rather than followers by asking carefully planned

open-ended questions. We believe that this is the

way in which students learn in the most

constructive manner. Students participate in

engaging and motivational activities that enable

them to develop a deep level of understanding.

Student’s learning is characterized by the long-

term retention of ideas and by an awareness of its

connection with other things, including life in the

real world.

The learning environment is a place where attention is given to pursuit of knowledge and

acquisition of knowledge and skills. This is achieved through a variety of teaching and

grouping strategies which support the school’s defined goals.

Page 9: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


The Teaching of Language

At ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we believe language is fundamental to

learning and therefore permeates our whole programme. By learning language as well as

learning about or through language, we nurture an appreciation and love of literature.

To ensure the development of reading and writing, the framework used for the teaching of

language and our language documents take into account the expectations from the PYP

curriculum. Where possible our language curriculum is closely linked to our Programme of


The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents

identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP: oral communication

written communication

visual communication

The Teaching of Maths

The PYP is an approach to learning where the taught curriculum is a reflection of the written

curriculum. Each school identifies the learning outcomes for each subject with the key

questions driving student research in all areas of the curriculum.

The Mathematics Scope and Sequence Curriculum is based on the PYP expectations and uses

some resources from the Austrian Curriculum. It has the advantage of including relevant

questions, activities and assessment which help the teachers to support children’s learning.

The mathematics strands are:

Data Handling


Shapes and Space


Pattern and Function

Page 10: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Programme Support

English as a Second Language (ESL)

We offer support to non-native English speakers whose knowledge of the English language

may be weak on entering the school. ESL lessons provide new students with a supportive,

protective environment in which they can try out their language skills and develop

confidence in their abilities. In this way the child not only develops competency in meeting

academic goals, but is also able to participate in school culture and become a fully integrated

member of our community.

The support may be outside the classroom in small groups or within the classroom

depending on the needs of the individual child. The need for support may be determined

during the application process or within a few weeks of the child attendance at the school.

Parents will be informed of the school’s recommendation for language support. No

additional costs are made for this support.

We encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s progress in English and facilitate

liaison with educational staff.

Home languages

About 35 countries are represents with more than 30 different languages amongst students

at Anton Bruckner. We believe that language development is fundamental of learning,

understanding and communication. We encourage our students to use and understand their

languages at home. This enables them to learn about cultures and to share different

perspectives related to our units with each other. We support and encourage students to

develop vocabulary and improve their knowledge and understanding of their home

languages and cultures by organizing an external personal language tutor (additional costs) if


Page 11: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”



It is recognized the homework plays a key role in education and that it provides a liaison

between home and school. Homework that is assigned should be meaningful and it should

promote students’ abilities to master the skills and concepts taught in the classroom.

Homework at ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is seen as a way to reinforce,

enrich and extend classroom learning. It allows students to self-assess their understanding of

the work covered in class, fosters independence, and encourages ownership of work. We

encourage students to complete tasks on their own. Homework will vary according to

individual student needs and grade levels.

The following standards of homework have been established:

Approximate duration per grade level

PYP 1 • Reading aloud – English and German/ 10 minutes per day

• Up to 15 minutes of assignments per day

PYP 2 • Reading aloud – English and German/ 10 minutes per day

• Up to 15 minutes of assignments per day

PYP 3 • Daily reading – English and German

• 20-30 minutes of assignments per day

PYP 4 • Daily reading – English and German

• 30-40minutes of assignments per day

PYP 5 • Daily reading – English and German

• 40--50minutes of assignments per day This time does not include any additional preparation for summative assessments. The

teachers are aware that the mentioned times are not suitable for every child's work pace.

Therefore, they ask the parents to keep track of the time taken and contact the teaching

staff if the specified time is continuously exceeded.

Language is fundamental to help children become better learners.

Page 12: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


To support language acquisition we ask parents to read with their children on a regular basis.

We also encourage parents to talk with their children and to ask questions about what they

have done in school as this reinforces learning and is an invaluable time to connect with your

child's school experiences



participation in a wide variety of PE and sports activities. Our PE

timetable includes gymnastics and games in a balanced programme

throughout the year. In case of good snow conditions we arrange a

skiing/tobogganing day just a few kilometers outside of Linz and use

the environment around the school for snow activities. During winter

time we try to use the ice rink for ice-skating at

least twice per year.

We make the most of our facilities with a well-

arranged programme of after-school sport


Page 13: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is taught throughout the primary school,

from ELC to PYP 5, and is incorporated into each of the six units of inquiry.

Our ICT curriculum consists of two programmes:

• ICT as a stand-alone subject

• ICT integrated with each unit of inquiry.

ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is well equipped in terms of computers, having

one mobile data projector and a set of 24 laptops which can be used by each year group in

their own classroom. Students of PYP 1 and 5 will receive their own iPads and can from now

on be completely independent inquirers.

Students have access to Internet and the latest software.

In the rapidly changing electronic world ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL offers

unparalleled facilities for education

children in the 21st century.

Page 14: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts play an important part in the ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL

curriculum. In addition to the curriculum – based class assemblies there are several major

productions during the year involving all ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL


Music is taught by a music specialist who works closely with the classroom teachers in order

to integrate music with the units of inquiry. At other times music is taught as a stand-alone

subject and attention is given to developing musical skills, understanding and knowledge.

Page 15: Primary Years - · The ANTON BRUCKNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL language scope and sequence documents identify the major expectations considered essential in the PYP:

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.”


Field Trips

Field trips are an educational element of the curriculum and are linked to the units of

inquiry. They are planned in advance and, as far as possible, are included on the school

calendar. The complexity and duration of the field trips will increase as the children move up

the school with years. In grade 4 students are expected to

attend on overnight trip.