principal report...2018 shool terms term 1 - wed 31st jan – thur 29th march (foundation begin 1st...

P: 03 9772 4139 e: [email protected] Chelsea Heights Primary School Newsleer Term 3, Issue 2 Thursday 13th September Blue Ribbon Day –Free-dress Thursday 20th September Level 2 Camp Breakfast Friday 21st September Fun Food Day Footy Dress-up Day Last day of term 2:30pm dismissal Monday 8th October Term 3 commences Friday 12th October Art Show 5pm—8pm Saturday 27th October School Trivia Night September 2018 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Principal Report As we head to the end of term 3 DET provides us with data analysis from both NAPLAN and the Atude to School Survey. We are extremely pleased with our results and I thought that you would like to share our celebraon: NAPLAN Although as a school we analyse the results of the Level 3 and Level 5 cohorts who have completed the NAPALN assessments in key subject areas including: Numeracy, Literacy, and Wring, the main focus for our improvement journey at CHPS is relave growth data. This data can be used in measuring the achievement of cohorts of students relave to the results they obtained in the previous tesng year. Put simply we are analysing the data of students who completed NAPLAN in Level 3 at CHPS to their achievement data in Level 5 to ensure they have achieved 2 or more years growth. DET provides schools with analysis which is put in context of schools in the following categories; like/ similar, network and state NUMERACY: The strong relave growth in Maths is indicave of the value add by the Maths Specialist Funding that we were successful in achieving in 2015 and 2016. This funding allowed two staff to be out of the classroom for 2 ½ days each week to work on; the explicit teaching of Maths, the use of manipulaves to solve equaons, the development of an understanding of the whybehind an answer and the ability of our students to idenfy the algorithms needed to solve mathemacal problems. READING: The strong relave growth data in Reading indicates to us that the introducon of CAFÉ / Daily 5 has impacted of our studentsreading ability. Although our growth data is strong against state and similar schools we believe that it could be improved. Discussions with the curriculum and sub school leaders have idenfied the need for group, point of need workshops to be included in the classrooms to compliment the individual student conferencing that occurs weekly. Principal Report Level 4 Camp School Council Meeng District Athlecs Level 2 Camp Breakfast Fun Food Day 2:30 dismissal cont…..

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Page 1: Principal Report...2018 SHOOL TERMS Term 1 - Wed 31st Jan – Thur 29th March (Foundation begin 1st Feb) Term 2 - Tuesday 17th April - Friday 29th June Term 3 - Monday 16th July -

P: 03 9772 4139 e: [email protected]

Chelsea Heights Primary School Newsletter Term 3, Issue 2

Thursday 13th September

Blue Ribbon Day –Free-dress

Thursday 20th September

Level 2 Camp Breakfast

Friday 21st September

Fun Food Day

Footy Dress-up Day

Last day of term

2:30pm dismissal

Monday 8th October

Term 3 commences

Friday 12th October

Art Show 5pm—8pm

Saturday 27th October

School Trivia Night

September 2018


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3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Principal Report

As we head to the end of term 3 DET provides us with data analysis from both

NAPLAN and the Attitude to School Survey. We are extremely pleased with our

results and I thought that you would like to share our celebration:

NAPLAN – Although as a school we analyse the results of the Level 3 and Level 5

cohorts who have completed the NAPALN assessments in key subject areas

including: Numeracy, Literacy, and Writing, the main focus for our improvement

journey at CHPS is relative growth data. This data can be used in measuring the

achievement of cohorts of students relative to the results they obtained in the

previous testing year. Put simply we are analysing the data of students who

completed NAPLAN in Level 3 at CHPS to their achievement data in Level 5 to

ensure they have achieved 2 or more years growth. DET provides schools with

analysis which is put in context of schools in the following categories; like/

similar, network and state

NUMERACY: The strong relative growth in Maths is indicative of the value add

by the Maths Specialist Funding that we were successful in achieving in 2015

and 2016. This funding allowed two staff to be out of the classroom for 2 ½ days

each week to work on; the explicit teaching of Maths, the use of manipulatives

to solve equations, the development of an understanding of the “why” behind an

answer and the ability of our students to identify the algorithms needed to solve

mathematical problems.

READING: The strong relative growth data in Reading indicates to us that the

introduction of CAFÉ / Daily 5 has impacted of our students’ reading ability.

Although our growth data is strong against state and similar schools we believe

that it could be improved. Discussions with the curriculum and sub school

leaders have identified the need for group, point of need workshops to be

included in the classrooms to compliment the individual student

conferencing that occurs weekly.

Principal Report

Level 4 Camp

School Council Meeting

District Athletics

Level 2 Camp Breakfast

Fun Food Day 2:30 dismissal


Page 2: Principal Report...2018 SHOOL TERMS Term 1 - Wed 31st Jan – Thur 29th March (Foundation begin 1st Feb) Term 2 - Tuesday 17th April - Friday 29th June Term 3 - Monday 16th July -

WRITING: In response to the state-wide NAPLAN data indicating a drop rather than growth in performance of

Victorian student is writing as they move through to year 9, the Kingston Network of schools have been working

to enhance and develop our teachers’ practice through actively participating in:

1. A series of workshops initially for leadership and then from teaching staff with Dr. Misty Adoniou

on writing instruction and grammar.

2. Bastow’s “Leading Literacy” sessions

3. Termly writing moderation session with network Secondary and Primary schools

Writing has been the main focus of the CHPS Annual Implementation Plan with teachers’ performance reviews

centring on writing growth.

Attitude to School Data:

Each year DET mandates the collection of data from all key stakeholders within Victorian schools i.e. The

Parent Opinion Survey, The Staff Opinion Survey and The Attitude to School Survey.

All of these surveys are confidential and it is not possible for the school to identify the responses with an

individual parent, teacher or student.

The Attitude to School Survey is completed by students in years 4, 5 and 6. It asks students to respond to

questions which identify their thoughts around safety, relationships at school and learning. The parents and

staff survey responses correlate with the student survey, allowing us to triangulate the data and either respond

at point of need or celebrate.

I have included below the graphs for the following areas: school safety and effective teaching practice which

include a number of question areas. I have also included bullying individually to celebrate the success we are

having with The Play is the Way program. It is evident that as a school we need to continue to embed the skills

students need to self-regulate however when put into context with like, network and state wide primary

school data CHPS is definitely on track when building prosocial behaviours.

Principal Report cont….

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Principal Report cont….

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2018 SCHOOL TERMS Term 1 - Wed 31st Jan – Thur 29th March (Foundation begin 1st Feb) Term 2 - Tuesday 17th April - Friday 29th June Term 3 - Monday 16th July - Friday 21st Sept Term 4 - Monday 8th Oct - Friday 21st Dec

Curriculum Days: Friday 2nd November

The School Day Start of School Bell: 9am (8:50 doors open

for Students’ Morning Process)

Fruit break: 10am

Morning Recess: 11am to 11.30am

(children eat 10-15 minutes before bell)

Lunch Recess: (split lunch—to be confirmed)

1pm—2pm Senior & Middle

1.30pm to 2.30pm Foundation & Junior

End of School Bell: 3.30pm

Jane Satchwell


Principal Report cont….

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Assistant Principal’s Report

Child Safety at Chelsea Heights Primary School

Everyone shares the responsibility for keeping our children safe. Children have the right to be protected wherever they are, including their time at home, school and in other education and learning environments.

For this reason, new and compulsory Child Safe Standards were introduced in 2016. These standards apply to all registered schools and other organisations that work with children and young people up to 18 years old. There is a requirement to have new accountabilities for minimising the risk of child abuse in every organisation.

Our school already has structures in place to prevent and respond to child abuse, but compliance with the new standards will provide increased accountability and consistency. Victoria’s new Child Safe Standards require schools to have particular measures in place to prevent and respond to child abuse, sending a clear message that abuse will not be tolerated. These measures include documented Child Safe Policies, a Code of Conduct, Statement of Commitment and clear strategies for responding to suspected abuse.

The new standards emphasise the importance of empowering children to understand their rights and know how to raise concerns and we know this is a powerful protective factor against child abuse.

Victoria’s Child Safe Standards include special protections for children with a disability, Aboriginal children and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. These measures are designed to ensure all our children, regardless of their background and needs, are protected in our learning environments.

The safety of our children is a top priority for Victoria and for our school. They deserve nothing less.

Parents – What the Child Safe Standards mean for your child and school.

Ensuring student safety is a top priority for Chelsea Heights Primary School.

Students have the right to be safe and protected at all times. Child abuse will not be tolerated.

Chelsea Heights Primary School has comprehensive policies, safety procedures and practices in place which aim to keep students safe.

Measures that will be taken by the school include:

Promoting the empowerment and participation of students in their school

Building confidence in students to understand their rights and responsibilities

Encouraging students to raise any concern they may have as a powerful protective factor against child abuse

Reporting concerns about a student’s safety to staff, parents and guardians, and if necessary the Victoria Police, Child Protection and other agencies.

What we do to prevent abuse at Chelsea Heights Primary School.

Chelsea Heights Primary School supports all students through a preventative and intervention approach. Teachers deliver classroom social skills, wellbeing programs and activities at each level which build positive relationships, self-confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness skills. Teachers provide curriculum and extra-curricular programs in which diversity is discussed and valued. We actively promote an environment in all school activities which is safe, supportive and inclusive.

Programs to support child safety and positive relationships include: ‘Transition to School Program (for Pre-school children transitioning to school), the KidsMatter Program, Grade 6 Transition Program (for children moving from grade 6 into secondary school), the Buddy Program, Solving the Jigsaw, Preparation for Puberty Program (Grade 5/6 students), Inter-school Sports Program, School Concert and Junior School Council. Teachers and students design their classroom procedures and regularly discuss and review class, school rules and expectations, student rights and responsibilities.

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Assistant Principal’s Report cont...

Chelsea Heights Primary School employs strategies to embed a strong organisational culture of child safety. The school has developed a Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and is developing a Child Safe Code of Conduct that apply to all members of the school community, a comprehensive Student Engagement Policy and clearly communicated Child Safe policies and procedures which outline reporting and intervention practices.

The safety and wellbeing of students and all other members of the school community are supported by the Principal, staff, School Council, DET’s allied health workers, outside allied health professionals and specialists agencies. The Principal has the responsibility of Child Safety Officer in the school.

All teaching staff hold current VIT registration, which includes a compulsory police check. All Education Support staff hold current Working with Children Checks. Volunteers are supervised when working with children and required to hold a current Working with Children Check. All workers are required to sign in at the school office and obtain a “Visitor” sticker. Workers are supervised when working around children or screened to work on the school site with approved Working with Children Checks.

Staff undertake regular Mandatory Reporting training and understand their individual responsibility to report serious student wellbeing, health and safety concerns. The individual responsibility of all adults at school to report serious student wellbeing, health and safety concerns is communicated via the school newsletter, webpage and induction processes.

Students – What the Child Safe Standards mean for you.

Every child has the right to be safe and know what to do if something doesn’t feel OK. This means that it is your right to be safe and to feel safe and free from abuse everywhere, including at school. Schools and other child-related organisations have to follow laws to protect children in their organisations from abuse.

Who can I talk to about this?

If you are worried about child abuse, for you or someone you know, there are people you can talk to. It’s a good idea to talk to an adult you trust about any concerns you have. That person might be a parent or relative, a teacher, or someone who works at your school. You may want to talk to more than one person about your concerns, particularly if you think that the first person you chose is not taking your concerns seriously.

At school, please talk about any concerns you have with the Principal, any teacher or any other staff member that you trust. Let this person know that you want to talk about something that is very important. If you are still concerned or you feel that this adult has not been able to help, then please speak to another trusted adult.

Pia Licciardo Assistant Principal

Student Academic Reports—Survey

We want to gather some feedback from our community regarding student reports, as we will be moving to more regular reporting of student progress in the future.

Below is the link to a short survey about student reports – there are only 6 questions and results are anonymous. The link will be open until Wednesday 19th September.

We value your feedback and thank you in advance for your time.

CHPS Leadership team

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Curriculum News


Learning the essential skills and knowledge in fractions and decimals has been the major focus for most sub-schools this term. A key part of any mathematics unit is the vocabulary students need to know to be able to successfully learn the skills and knowledge. Some of the key terms for fractions and decimals are:

half, halfway, whole, equal, quarter, eights, fifths, thirds, denominator, numerator, equivalent, improper, mixed number, decimal, tenths, hundredths, unit fraction, simplify, percent, lowest common multiple


What a term of writing it has been! A major focus this term has been Recount and Persuasive writing. Students have been learning the structure of these genres, as well as the language features contained in them. One highlight of my term has been seeing the amazing progress of our Foundation students! From beginning to write with strings of letters, they are now writing multiple sentences and are able to talk about their personal writing goals using proficiency scales.

Examples of class displays in Foundation that show

the skills on the proficiency scale, with examples of

what it looks like. Students are using these to reflect

on their own writing.


2018 student NAPLAN results have been sent out to parents and carers. Students will receive a result in the following areas: Reading, Writing, Grammar & Punctuation, Spelling and Numeracy. It is important to remember that these results are a ‘snapshot’ of your child’s achievement at one point of the year.

You may have seen on the news some discussion about NAPLAN tests that were taken online. This year, a small number of schools in each state and territory sat the tests online. Next year, a much larger number of schools will also take the tests online, and Chelsea Heights PS is among this group. By 2020, it is expected that all schools will take the NAPLAN tests online. There will be a number of advantages to this, one being more timely reporting of student achievement. We are already in the process of ensuring our technical capabilities will support this, and further information will be provided in 2019.

Special Events

Book Week 2018 was a hit at Chelsea Heights PS, with so many things going on! We had our Book Week Parade, whole school incursion, daily quizzes and students engaging with quality literature.

I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Foundation to Year 3 incursion, and it was fantastic to see how engaged the students were. The books that formed the performance had been read and discussed in classes, and students were excited to see the books coming to life! A big thanks to Natalie Peacock for organising Book Week.

Book Week Parade highlight ….

Seeing our teachers ’pop’ into their favourite books!

Bec Garrow

Curriculum Leader

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Play is the Way

WHAT’S IN A SMILE? By Wilson McCaskill

I have been saying for quite some time now, that

children are smiling less and less and the more

students I work with, especially junior primary

students, the more convinced I become. Something is

robbing children of this crucial means to connect with

others, self soothe and convey warmth, openness and

belonging. Everyone benefits from smiling. Making

yourself smile can change your mood; receiving a

smile is invariably uplifting and sharing a smile makes

you feel good about yourself. Of all the human social

interaction tools, none transcends smiling. The

importance of this facial expression is best measured

by simply asking ourselves if we would rather live in

relationships, families, communities that have a

propensity to smile or ones that do not. The answer is

obvious, even if you smile little and justify that by

saying you have little to smile about. (I dare say that a

prisoner in solitary confinement with only a mirror for

company would prefer to see his own smile than a

scowl, assuming he could find the means to

manufacture a smile.) I have been pointing the finger

of blame at our adult addiction to digital devices and

more specifically smart phones. When I raise this issue

with parents and press home the belief that their

phone addictions maybe creating the first generation

of children without the natural impulse to smile, I am

often met with looks of disbelief and sometimes

accused of being alarmist without the hard facts to

back my assertion. Sadly, research is starting to

confirm that smiling in babies and children is on the

decline. The Origins Project, a $26 million, decade long

investigation into the impact and influence of

electronics and the environment on a child’s risk of

chronic health problems, delivers some unsettling


Professor Desiree Silva, Head of Paediatrics,

Joondalup Health Campus, Perth, WA.

“Social interaction from an early age is changing and

we are finding that some babies at six weeks of age

are not smiling… and smiling at six weeks old is a key

milestone. What we have noticed is a lot of parents

are holding their phone or iPad and not actually

looking at their child. What worries us as pediatricians,

is that platform of the child’s brain might be affected.

That early brain development could be affected by that

lack of interaction, or reduced amount of interaction,

because parents are distracted by their phone. These

devices are very addictive. So, what does it replace?

Basically, interacting with your child, or looking at

what your child’s needs are, or responding to what

your child is doing.”

You will have noticed, I am sure, the increasing

number of mothers who breastfeed and fathers who

bottle feed while looking at their phone, thereby

giving baby no option but to look at a frozen face

rather than one that looks back lovingly, deeply and

responsively. Being genuinely present during intimate

moments allows the transfer of emotions that help to

establish empathy, understanding, acceptance and

belonging…. especially in the first one thousand days

of a child’s life. This interference of face-to-face

contact, from an addiction to digital devices, has been

given the name “techno-ference” and as it is an

addiction, it is hard to believe that the damage it is

causing will diminish simply because addicts are made

aware of the consequences of their addiction. While

we wait for some intervention (medical or otherwise)

to cure or at least curb this addiction, it might be wise

to make a conscious effort to increase the exposure of

young children to smiling.

I believe schools can play a significant role here by

ensuring that staff makes the conscious effort to be

perceived by students and parents as a happy and

smiling community of educators. “Smile and the whole

world smiles with you” may be decidedly unrealistic

but giving it a go is certainly better for you and the

collective health of your school community than the


I think the evidence that babies as young as six weeks

old are not smiling is the canary in the coalmine of

modern existence, and it is time to return to our

children what has been stolen from them. It is time to

make smiling the most common behaviour in our

schools and for educators to lead by example. It is

time to give and receive smiles and as much as

possible be fully present when we do so. Quite

simply…more than we can afford to lose.

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Level 6



Dear CHPS Families,

As we are now approaching the end of the year, this is when our Level 6 students begin fundraising for

their graduation celebrations.

This year we will be running a Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser.

Families can choose between three varieties of boxes to sell, or a combination if you order more than

one box.

Alternatively, you can make a donation for the Level 6 students on QKR! if you prefer not to sell


If you are able to assist our Level 6 students by selling chocolates, please log into QKR! and order NO

LATER THAN 10 am Friday 14th September.

You have the choice to pay the $60 Up-front or Later.

We hope to send home boxes in the last 2 days of Term 3.

Thank you for your support,

The Level 6 students and teachers of CHPS

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Staff Carpark

The staff car park is designated for teachers, staff and

school business related visitors. It is also there for

school members that have approved disabled parking

permits. Due to limited spaces, PARENTS AND



8:30am until 9:30am and then from 3:00pm – 4:00pm

unless specific arrangements have been made with the


Parent Payments 2018

Parent Payments are important in enabling us to

provide the best learning environment for the

children at Chelsea Heights Primary School. Thank you

to the families who have already paid their

contributions. Parent Payments are now due. These

can be paid via QKR! or by calling the office with a

credit card or over the counter. If you are

experiencing financial difficulties please contact our

Business Manager, Anne Leggett, to discuss a

payment plan.

The CSEF (Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund) is

available to Concession Card holders. The government

pays $125 per child if you are eligible. Please let us

know when you want to utilise your CSEF payments

ie. for camps, swimming, excursions or sports.

Collecting your Child Early

If you are collecting your child early, report to the

school office, tell office staff the arrangements and

sign-out your child in the Early Leavers Book.

Monitors will bring your child to the office.

Student Absences

It is vital that you let the office know (not just the

teacher) when your child does not attend school. The

easiest way to let us know is to SMS our mobile

number 0455 070 159 with your child’s name, grade

and reason for absence. Please let us know before


NOTE: this is for SMS only and cannot receive calls.

You can also call the school and leave a message on

9772 4139 if the office is not attended.

Incursion/Excursion Payments

This year, excursions, incursions, swimming and

camps will be on a ‘user-pays’ basis and information

will be sent home electronically (NO PAPER) before

each event with permission forms available on QKR!

We currently have numerous excursions and

Foundation Swimming that are all on QKR! Relevant

notices are on the Notices webpage. Payment must

be made by due date in order for your child to


Foundation Chesterfield Farm Excursion

Date: Friday 19th October

Cost: $23

Due by Friday 12th October

Foundation Swimming

Date: Commences Monday 22nd October

Cost: $42

Due by Friday 12th October

Level 1 and 2 Robtics Incursion

Date: 16th and 17th October

Cost: $18

Due by Tuesday 9th October

Level 2 Camp Breakfast

Date: Thursday 20th October

Cost: $2

Due by Tuesday 9th October

Level 3 and 4 Scienceworks Excursion

Date: Thursday 1st November

Cost: $22.60

Due by 20th September

Art Show

Date: Friday 12th October

Cost: $25

Parent Contact Details

It is vital we have up to date phone numbers for

families. In emergency situations and if your child is

sick, it is crucial that we can contact you easily. If

you have changed your phone number or your

Emergency Contacts have altered, please either use

the Sentral Parent Portal to update these or send

the school an email

mailto:[email protected].

Some Reminders from the Office

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We are going paperless in 2019

…. we need your help today!

As a sustainable school who has an environmental focus and after discussions with School

Council, we have identified the need to address our excessive use of paper.

Our office aims to be paperless by the commencement of 2019.

Our first step will be to email all invoices, statements and absence letters to our families.

Our second step is to use the Updat-ed and Qkr! Apps as our communication and payment


Your role is to :

1. Update your email address through the SENTRAL Parent Portal

2. Download both the Qkr! and Updat-ed Apps.

3. Continue to sign electronic permission forms for excursions on Qkr!

These actions will ensure you avoid missing out on important information relating to your child

and events around the school.

We will continue to publish notices and newsletters on the school website which can also be

viewed easily on phone or tablet using the Updat-ed app.

No more lost notices not reaching home and no more paper waste.

Thank you

Chelsea Heights Primary School

School Council

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If you have any queries, questions, concerns

or suggestions then please feel free to contact

Mandy Munroe at email address

[email protected]

Chelsea Heights Primary School

Parents and Friends Association.

Where everyone is welcome.


We have had a wonderful Term 3 for our PFA. An

amazing Silent Disco, on Friday 4th August. First for its

kind ever held at our school. It was a great

success. Well done to Nicole Everett, PFA, parent

helpers & teachers for a great start to the term. Great

night had by all.

Fathers’ Day Stall

On Tuesday 21st August PFA held Fathers’ day Stall for

the whole school. It was a great fun, successful day.

There was a great variety of gifts to choose from. A

huge thank you to Bernadette Burton & Leanne O'Neill

for organising & sourcing the gifts, setting up & helping

to running it with the great help from our committee &

parent helpers. Also thank you to Elda Kimberlee for

organising wonderful plants to be donated for gifts for

the stall too from her family.

Thanks to all the teachers & children that came

through from each class so smoothly & very well-

mannered. It was also fantastic to see a male from our

committee, Greg Eshman, on the stall helping

throughout the day and giving advice to those wanting

help choosing something for their Dad, Grandpas etc.

Great stuff! We made a healthy profit too.

Thank you!

A huge thank you to my PFA Committee, other parent

helpers, teaching staff & others throughout this term

& the year so far. Amazing job.

2018 Events


Friday 12th October—Art Show

Saturday 27th October—Trivia Night—HALLOWEEN

Friday 16th November - Colour Fun Run

Sat 24th November—Christmas Market & Election


Sat 16th March 2019—Proposed date School Fete

Entertainment Books

Entertainment books are now available online

and from the school office. See link for details.


Mandy Munroe

President of PFA

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The Foundation students have been learning several

colours using the catchy にじを見て Niji o mite or

“I can see a rainbow” song, using the sign language

for the colours to help memorise red, yellow, pink,

green, purple, orange and blue - maybe ask for a

demonstration from your child and sing along?

Deanna Wegman

Specialist Teacher Japanese

Level 1 and 2 students are continuing to learn about

what they ‘like’ and ‘don’t like’, or 好き suki and 好き

じゃない suki ja nai, practising the use of these phrases in conversation

with one another. Many students liked foods like ice cream and pasta.

They did not like brussel sprouts and fish eggs, quite understandably…

When they did like a food they would finish by saying たべましょう

tabemashoo! Or “let’s dig in!”

Level 3 and 4 students are practising their Japanese alphabet or hiragana writing

skills, by learning the writing stroke order, the pronunciation of the individual sym-

bols, and little mnemonics to help remember the 10 or so we have tackled so far.

Here in Australia the blossoms are abloom which in Japan would be a time for

hanami or “blossom viewing” with dancing and picnics under the cherry blossoms,

but in Japan right now it is of course autumn or あき“aki”.

Students keep practising the words you have learned and share your knowledge

with your parents, this is the best way to make progress—がんばりましょう

ganbarimashoo or “let’s persevere!”

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Sustainability Report September

It has been great to get out and about in the lovely spring weather

this this term in our gardens: building a scarecrow with the Year 6

Sustainability Leadership Team, maintaining our veggie patch and

building up our school gardens. The students are enjoying being part

of the Garden Club, finding worms, mini-beasts and even persistent

potatoes whilst gardening. We can’t wait to plant it up with fresh

herbs and vegetables!

Thank you to everyone who assisted with the Term 3 working bee – sheds look spotless and user friendly!

Any volunteers who are available to assist with Garden Club any Thursday 1:30-2:00/2:30 with planting

and maintaining would be warmly welcomed! We hope to have a good harvest to sell back to the

community at the end of the year. New herbs and veggies have been purchased and arrived waiting to be


We are continuing to develop guidelines for our bin processes at CHPS and how our actions impact the


We look forward to seeing you in our gardens!

Tessa Horkings

Sustainability Leader

Mixed recycles


We celebrated paper waste decreasing by 2 bins last week!

2 tin planter boxes installed out front of school leading to the office. They will be planted up with flowering Australian natives.

Garden Club

Plant up veggie patch with herbs/veggies.

Install storage hooks for garden tools.

Bins Continue to improve paper waste reduction and develop process-es for improvement.

Developing new policies and processes to manage overflow of waste outside.

Resource Smart

Core and Biodiversity modules

Student Sustainable Art Project

Ceres outreach mentor – new contact:

Next steps…


Develop process for use of broken down compost material for gardens.

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Performing Arts

It has been very noisy down in Performing Arts as some

of the children get to explore the musical instruments

for the first time.

The Foundation and Level 1 have been introduced to

the principles of music, with the focus on beat, tempo,

rhythm. They are currently learning to add sound to

the story “We are going on a Bear Hunt”, counting out

beats and identifying the difference between beat and

rhythm. They get very excited when they can add their

own movements as well.

Level 2 have embraced all of the music challenges this

term and participated in Tempo games with much

enthusiasm. They are working on the “Teddy Bear “

rap, with many different voice being explored for the 3


Level 3 & 4 are working well in pairs to write and

perform their own rap featuring their name and some

common interests! It has been very funny listening

them trying to rhyme words with Fortnite!

The Level 5 & 6 students are still working on their

individual task, that includes some monologues and

music pieces. Some students have decided that they

work better in small groups or partnerships, this has

provided them with security to step out into the

unknown a little bit more. If you get the chance ask

your child about the task and have them show you all

of their work. There are truly some great pieces coming


I was lucky enough to go with

the grade 6 students on their

excursion to see Beauty and

the Beast by Patterson River

Secondary College. It was

wonderful experience for the

students to see a semi-

professional show with live

orchestra. It gave them lots

of ideas for studying Drama

and Music in the future.

Lauren Heazlewood

Performing Arts Teacher

Students have settled well into Term Three and

have been busy experimenting with different

materials, techniques and processes to make

construction artworks.

Foundation to Level Four have been given the

opportunity to work with recycled materials to

create cardboard sculptures, with the students in

Levels Five and Six working with wire to create

sculptures demonstrating movement. It has been

very rewarding to see the differing ways each

student has responded to this unit.

Work for the Tea Party Art Show is humming along

nicely and the students are excited to share with

you all that they have been working on this year.

Tickets are $25 per family and there will be many

fantastic activities to partake in as well as the

viewing of some sensational artworks. A big shout

out to the all the parents who are volunteering to

help us on the night.

Students in Level Six have been very lucky to begin

working on their Mural under the guidance of local

artist Nathan Ferlazzo. We are very lucky to work

with such a talented artist who works tirelessly to

raise funds to support organisations that look after

Australian Wildlife. Keep your eyes posted for our

fundraising day where we are looking to support his

work and raise funds for the Australian Wildlife

Conservatory. Check out his work on the website

Visual Arts

Sneak Peek of Level 6 Mural

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This year’s Art Show will be held in the Green Zone on

Friday 12th October 5pm -8pm

Entry for each family is $25

This price includes 2 pieces of artwork for each child, one mounted piece of work and one 3D piece.

Participate in an art workshop, decorate shortbread or take time to investigate our other arty activities.

On the night you will have the chance to bid in the silent auction for one of the year level canvases worked on by all the children in that level, as well as many other fabulous goodies donated by the local community.

Enter the raffle for your chance to win some fantastic prizes also donated.

Feeling hungry? Then stop by to pick up some delicious refreshments arranged by our wonderful Parent Club

Come and help celebrate the amazing artists of

Chelsea Heights Primary School.

Art Show - 2018

The Art Show is our major fundraiser for the year and we look forward to you participating in this whole school event!

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Well another year and another Book Week and what a great week it was! In the library there were many characters from Harry Potter. I saw a couple of Captain Underpants, a few Mr Men and Little Miss characters, lots of Snow White characters and I even saw the book with no pictures! You all looked amazing and well done parents on your creativity and hard work on this year’s dress ups.


We have a few copies of shortlisted books so if anyone wants to borrow a shortlisted book please ask Miss Allsep.

We have a copy of the following winners if you would like to check them out:

Picture Book of the year winner:

A Walk in the Bush

by Gwyn Perkins

Little Iggy doesn’t want to leave the house, but Grandad insists – they always have fun together.

What follows is a wonderful journey in the great Australian outdoors with singing birds, wallaby surprises, secret caterpillar messages and oodles of grandad humour.

Here is a story about the wonders of nature, the funny side of life and spending time with the ones we love.

From an original and exciting new talent comes A Walk in the Bush, proudly the first picture book from Affirm Press.


The Eve Pownall Award winner: Entries in this category should be books which have the prime intention of documenting factual material with consideration given to imaginative presentation, interpretation and variation of style. Ages 0-18 years.

Do not lick this book. A brilliantly simple, funny, interactive picture book that introduces children to the strange, unseen world of microbes all around them by the award-winning author of Small Wonders and the animator of the insanely successful video 'Dumb Ways to Die'. Min is a microbe.

Redgum Book Club Feedback:

Book club orders have arrived and been distributed, if you have any feedback on our new supplier Redgum, I would be happy to hear it, please email your feedback to me at [email protected]

Story Dogs news:

Unfortunately one of our story dogs, Bonnie, has had an accident and broken her leg, so we have a replacement story dog team for the rest of this term. We all wish Bonnie the best in her recovery, and we welcome Jodie and her beautiful golden retriever Lola to CHPS.

Kym Allsep

Library Manager

Parent Volunteers:

I am always looking for helpers in the library, if you can spare an hour a week please come in

and see me from 11.30am.

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Physical Education

CHPS House Athletics

On Wednesday 22nd August, we held our annual CHPS House Athletics Carnival at Ballam Park, Frankston.

Students wore their house colours and competed in track and field events. It was great to see all the

students having a go and encouraging each other at all of the events. Well done to all of the students for

giving their best effort in the running, jumping and throwing events. Each student received one point for

every event that they participated in plus bonus points were given to students who finished with a top

four placing in any event. Congratulations to those students who qualified for the Chelsea and Patterson

District Athletics Carnival. A special thank you to all of the staff and parents who helped out on the day.

An event like this can’t happen without your support so it is greatly appreciated. It turned out to be a

cracker of a day and had a great school community feel to it.

Congratulations to Boardman for taking out this year’s CHPS House Athletics Carnival :

1st Place: Boardman (green) 630 points

2nd place: Robinson (red) 561 points

3rd place: Beazley (yellow) 515 points

4th place: Wells (blue) 489 points

Travis Stevenson

Physical Education Teacher