principles of biology biol 100c: introductory biology iii plant hormones & plant defenses dr. p....

Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology Introductory Biology III III Plant Hormones & Plant Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

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Page 1: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Principles of Biology

BIOL 100C:BIOL 100C:Introductory Biology IIIIntroductory Biology IIIPlant Hormones & Plant DefensesPlant Hormones & Plant Defenses

Dr. P. NarguizianFall 2012

Page 2: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012


Phototropism is a phenomenon by which plants grow toward a light source

Phototropism occurs when the cells on the dark side of a plant stem elongate faster than those on the light side

Charles Darwin and his son Francis conducted experiments that showed that the shoot tips of plants controlled their ability to grow toward light

Peter Boysen-Jensen later conducted experiments that showed that chemical signals produced in shoot tips were responsible for phototropism

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Shadedside of shoot

Illuminatedside ofshoot

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The Darwins’ experiment

– When plant tips were removed, plants did not grow toward light

– When plant tips were covered with an opaque cap, they did not grow toward light

– When plant tips were covered with a clear tip, they did grow toward light

Experiments on how plants turn toward light led to the discovery of a plant hormone

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Jensen’s experiment

– When a gelatin block that allowed chemical diffusion was placed below the shoot tip, plants grew toward light

– When a mica block that prevented chemical diffusion was placed below the shoot tip, plants did not grow toward light

Experiments on how plants turn toward light led to the discovery of a plant hormone

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Tip coveredby opaquecap

Tip coveredby trans-parent cap

Basecovered by opaqueshield

Tip sepa-rated bygelatinblock

Tip separatedby mica

Boysen-Jensen (1913)Darwin and Darwin (1880)

Page 7: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Five major types of hormones regulate plant growth and development

A hormone is a chemical signal that is produced in one part of the body and transported to another, where it triggers responses in target cells

Binding of hormones to specific cellular receptors triggers a signal transduction pathway

Tiny amounts of hormone can have a big effect

Page 8: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

All aspects of plant growth and development are affected by hormones

There are five classes of plant hormones and each class can have multiple effects on plant growth and development

Five major types of hormones regulate plant growth and development

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Page 10: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Auxin stimulates the elongation of cells in young shoots

Indoleacetic acid (IAA) is a naturally occurring auxin that promotes seedling elongation

Auxin is produced in shoot apical meristems and transported downward through a plant

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Auxin stimulates the elongation of cells in young shoots

Concentration of auxin and site of activity are important to auxin’s effects

– In moderate concentrations, auxin promotes cell elongation in stems

– In high concentrations, auxin reduces cell elongation in stems

– Auxins affects cell elongation in roots at lower concentrations

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Page 13: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

A hypothesis for the action of auxin

– Auxins stimulate plant cells to take up H+ ions, lowering pH

– Acidity causes separation of cross linkages in cellulose

– As the cell takes up water, the cell elongates because of weakening of the cellulose cell wall

– Auxins stimulate the plant to produce additional cell wall material

– As pH decreases, the larger cell wall restabilizes

Auxin stimulates the elongation of cells in young shoots

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Proton pump(protein)





Cell wall






Cellulose loosens;cell can elongate Cellulose


Page 15: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Cytokinins stimulate cell division

Cytokinins promote cytokinesis, or cell division


– Are produced in actively growing organs such as roots, embryos, and fruits

– Produced in roots move upward through the plant

– Retard aging in leaves and flowers

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Cytokinins and auxins interact to control apical dominance

– Auxins inhibit axillary bud growth, reducing lateral branching

– Cytokinins counter the action of auxin by promoting axillary bud growth

– The ratio of auxins to cytokinins controls axillary bud growth

33.4 Cytokinins stimulate cell division

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Terminal bud

No terminal bud

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Gibberellins affect stem elongation and have numerous other effects

Gibberellins are plant hormones that promote stem elongation by increasing cell division and elongation

Gibberellins were named for a genus of fungi that produce the same chemical and cause “foolish seedling” disease

There are more than 100 distinct gibberellins produced primarily in roots and young leaves

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Gibberellins also promote fruit development and seed germination

Gibberellins act antagonistically against another plant hormone called abscisic acid

Gibberellins affect stem elongation and have numerous other effects

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Page 21: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012
Page 22: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Abscisic acid inhibits many plant processes

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone that inhibits growth

High concentrations of ABA promote seed dormancy

– ABA must be removed for germination to occur

– The ratio of ABA to gibberellins controls germination

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ABA also influences plant water relations

– Accumulation of ABA in wilted leaves promotes stomatal closure

– ABA produced in roots can signal low soil moisture conditions and triggers plants to conserve water by closing stomata

Abscisic acid inhibits many plant processes

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Page 25: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Ethylene triggers fruit ripening and other aging processes

Ethylene is a gaseous by-product of natural gas combustion and a naturally occurring plant hormone

Plants produce ethylene in response to stresses such as mechanical pressure, injury, infection, and drought or flood

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Ethylene promotes aging processes such as fruit ripening and natural cell death

– It is used commercially to ripen fruits

– Growers inhibit ethylene production using CO2 to inhibit ripening in stored fruit

Ethylene promotes leaf abscission in fall by breaking down cells at the base of the petiole

Ethylene triggers fruit ripening and other aging processes

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Page 29: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

Tropisms orient plant growth toward or away from environmental stimuli

Tropisms are responses that cause plants to grow in response to environmental stimuli

– Positive tropisms cause plants to grow toward a stimulus

– Negative tropisms cause plants to grow away from a stimulus

Plants respond to various environmental stimuli

– Phototropism—response to light

– Gravitropism—response to gravity

– Thigmotropism—response to touchCopyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Gravitropism Thigmotropism

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Page 34: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Defenses against herbivores and infectious microbes have evolved in plants

Herbivores are organisms that feed on plants; many plant adaptations have evolved to defend against herbivores

– Production of distasteful or poisonous compounds

– Symbioses with organisms that defend plants

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Plants have also evolved defenses against pathogens

– The epidermis is the first line of defense against infection

– Chemical defenses offer a way to fight pathogens that enter the plant

EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Defenses against herbivores and infectious microbes have evolved in plants

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Damage to plantand chemical incaterpillar saliva

Synthesisand releaseof chemicalattractants


Plant cell

Recruitment of wasp

Page 37: Principles of Biology BIOL 100C: Introductory Biology III Plant Hormones & Plant Defenses Dr. P. Narguizian Fall 2012

TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE: Plant biochemist Eloy Rodriguez studies how animals use defensive chemicals made by plants

Animals may “medicate” themselves with chemicals produced by plants

Scientists observe which plants animals eat for “medicinal” purposes and how much of each plant they eat

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Observation of such animal behavior has led scientists to study how such chemicals might benefit humans

– Plant chemicals can kill animal parasites

– Some may be useful for treatment of tumors

TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE: Plant biochemist Eloy Rodriguez studies how animals use defensive chemicals made by plants

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