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  • 8/3/2019 PRINTTTTT LAL


    Risk Management in Banking Sector.


    The significant transformation of the banking industry in India is clearly evident

    from the changes that have occurred in the financial markets, institutions and products.

    While deregulation has opened up new vistas for banks to argument revenues, it has

    entailed greater competition and consequently greater risks. Cross- border flows and entry

    of new products, particularly derivative instruments, have impacted significantly on the

    domestic banking sector forcing banks to adjust the product mix, as also to effect rapid

    changes in their processes and operations in order to remain competitive to the globalized

    environment. These developments have facilitated greater choice for consumers, who

    have become more discerning and demanding compelling banks to offer a broader range

    of products through diverse distribution channels. The traditional face of banks as mere

    financial intermediaries has since altered and risk management has emerged as their

    defining attribute.

    Currently, the most important factor shaping the world is globalization. The

    benefits of globalization have been well documented and are being increasingly

    recognized. Integration of domestic markets with international financial markets has been

    facilitated by tremendous advancement in information and communications technology.

    But, such an environment has also meant that a problem in one country can sometimesadversely impact one or more countries instantaneously, even if they are fundamentally


    There is a growing realisation that the ability of countries to conduct business

    across national borders and the ability to cope with the possible downside risks would

    depend, interalia, on the soundness of the financial system. This has consequently meantthe adoption of a strong and transparent, prudential, regulatory, supervisory, technological

    and institutional framework in the financial sector on par with international best practices.

    All this necessitates a transformation: a transformation in the mindset, a transformation in

    the business processes and finally, a transformation in knowledge management. This

    process is not a one shot affair; it needs to be appropriately phased in the least disruptive


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.


    The banking and financial crises in recent years in emerging economies have

    demonstrated that, when things go wrong with the financial system, they can result in a

    severe economic downturn. Furthermore, banking crises often impose substantial costs on

    the exchequer, the incidence of which is ultimately borne by the taxpayer. The World

    Bank Annual Report (2002) has observed that the loss of US $1 trillion in banking crisis

    in the 1980s and 1990s is equal to the total flow of official development assistance to

    developing countries from 1950s to the present date. As a consequence, the focus of

    financial market reform in many emerging economies has been towards increasing

    efficiency while at the same time ensuring stability in financial markets.

    From this perspective, financial sector reforms are essential in order to avoid such

    costs. It is, therefore, not surprising that financial market reform is at the forefront of

    public policy debate in recent years. The crucial role of sound financial markets in

    promoting rapid economic growth and ensuring financial stability. Financial sector

    reform, through the development of an efficient financial system, is thus perceived as a

    key element in raising countries out of their 'low level equilibrium trap'. As the World

    Bank Annual Report (2002) observes, a robust financial system is a precondition for a

    sound investment climate, growth and the reduction of poverty .

    Financial sector reforms were initiated in India a decade ago with a view to

    improving efficiency in the process of financial intermediation, enhancing the

    effectiveness in the conduct of monetary policy and creating conditions for integration of

    the domestic financial sector with the global system. The first phase of reforms was

    guided by the recommendations of Narasimham Committee.

    The approach was to ensure that the financial services industry operates on the

    basis of operational flexibility and functional autonomy with a view to enhancing

    efficiency, productivity and profitability'.

    The second phase, guided by Narasimham Committee II, focused on strengthening

    the foundations of the banking system and bringing about structural


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    improvements. Further intensive discussions are held on important issues related

    to corporate governance, reform of the capital structure, (in the context of Basel II

    norms), retail banking, risk management technology, and human resources

    development, among others.

    Since 1992, significant changes have been introduced in the Indian financial system.

    These changes have infused an element of competition in the financial system, marking

    the gradual end of financial repression characterized by price and non-price controls in the

    process of financial intermediation. While financial markets have been fairly developed,

    there still remains a large extent of segmentation of markets and non-level playing field

    among participants, which contribute to volatility in asset prices. This volatility is

    exacerbated by the lack of liquidity in the secondary markets. The purpose of this paper is

    to highlight the need for the regulator and market participants to recognize the risks in the

    financial system, the products available to hedge risks and the instruments, including

    derivatives that are required to be developed/introduced in the Indian system.

    The financial sector serves the economic function of intermediation by ensuring

    efficient allocation of resources in the economy. Financial intermediation is enabled

    through a four-pronged transformation mechanism consisting of liability-asset

    transformation, size transformation, maturity transformation and risk transformation.

    Risk is inherent in the very act of transformation. However, prior to reform of

    1991-92, banks were not exposed to diverse financial risks mainly because interest rates

    were regulated, financial asset prices moved within a narrow band and the roles of

    different categories of intermediaries were clearly defined. Credit risk was the major risk

    for which banks adopted certain appraisal standards.

    Several structural changes have taken place in the financial sector since 1992. Theoperating environment has undergone a vast change bringing to fore the critical

    importance of managing a whole range of financial risks. The key elements of this

    transformation process have been

    1. The deregulation of coupon rate on Government securities.


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    2. Substantial liberalization of bank deposit and lending rates.

    3. A gradual trend towards disintermediation in the financial system in the wake of

    increased access of corporates to capital markets.

    4. Blurring of distinction between activities of financial institutions.

    5. Greater integration among the various segments of financial markets and their

    increased order of globalisation, diversification of ownership of public sector


    6. Emergence of new private sector banks and other financial institutions, and,

    7. The rapid advancement of technology in the financial system.

    CHAPTER -1


    "What is risk?" And what is a pragmatic definition of risk? Risk means different

    things to different people. For some it is "financial (exchange rate, interest-call money

    rates), mergers of competitors globally to form more powerful entities and not leveraging

    IT optimally" and for someone else "an event or commitment which has the potential to


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    generate commercial liability or damage to the brand image". Since risk is accepted in

    business as a trade off between reward and threat, it does mean that taking risk bring forth

    benefits as well. In other words it is necessary to accept risks, if the desire is to reap the

    anticipated benefits.

    Risk in its pragmatic definition, therefore, includes both threats that can materialize

    and opportunities, which can be exploited. This definition of risk is very pertinent today as

    the current business environment offers both challenges and opportunities to organizations,

    and it is up to an organization to manage these to their competitive advantage.

    What is Risk Management - Does it eliminate risk?

    Risk management is a discipline for dealing with the possibility that some future

    event will cause harm. It provides strategies, techniques, and an approach to recognizing

    and confronting any threat faced by an organization in fulfilling its mission. Risk

    management may be as uncomplicated as asking and answering three basic questions:

    1. What can go wrong?

    2. What will we do (both to prevent the harm from occurring and in the aftermath of

    an "incident")?

    3. If something happens, how will we pay for it?

    Risk management does not aim at risk elimination, but enables the organization to

    bring their risks to manageable proportions while not severely affecting their income. This

    balancing act between the risk levels and profits needs to be well-planned. Apart from

    bringing the risks to manageable proportions, they should also ensure that one risk does not

    get transformed into any other undesirable risk. This transformation takes place due to the

    inter-linkage present among the various risks. The focal point in managing any risk will be

    to understand the nature of the transaction in a way to unbundled the risks it is exposed to.

    Risk Management is a more mature subject in the western world. This is largely a

    result of lessons from major corporate failures, most telling and visible being the Barings

    collapse. In addition, regulatory requirements have been introduced, which expect


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    organizations to have effective risk management practices. In India, whilst risk

    management is still in its infancy, there has been considerable debate on the need to

    introduce comprehensive risk management practices.

    Objectives of Risk Management Function

    Two distinct viewpoints emerge

    One which is about managing risks, maximizing profitability and creating

    opportunity out of risks

    And the other which is about minimizing risks/loss and protecting corporate assets.

    The management of an organization needs to consciously decide on whether they

    want their risk management function to 'manage' or 'mitigate' Risks.

    Managing risks essentially is about striking the right balance between risks and

    controls and taking informed management decisions on opportunities and threats

    facing an organization. Both situations, i.e. over or under controlling risks are

    highly undesirable as the former means higher costs and the latter means possible

    exposure to risk.

    Mitigating or minimizing risks, on the other hand, means mitigating all risks even if

    the cost of minimizing a risk may be excessive and outweighs the cost-benefit

    analysis. Further, it may mean that the opportunities are not adequately exploited.

    In the context of the risk management function, identification and management of

    Risk is more prominent for the financial services sector and less so for consumer products

    industry. What are the primary objectives of your risk management function? When

    specifically asked in a survey conducted, 33% of respondents stated that their risk

    management function is indeed expressly mandated to optimise risk.

    Risks in Banking

    Risks manifest themselves in many ways and the risks in banking are a result of

    many diverse activities, executed from many locations and by numerous people. As a

    financial intermediary, banks borrow funds and lend them as a part of their primary

    activity. This intermediation activity, of banks exposes them to a host of risks. The


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    volatility in the operating environment of banks will aggravate the effect of the various

    risks. The case discusses the various risks that arise due to financial intermediation and by

    highlighting the need for asset-liability management; it discusses the Gap Model for risk


    Typology of Risk Exposure

    Based on the origin and their nature, risks are classified into various categories. The

    most prominent financial risks to which the banks are exposed to taking into consideration

    practical issues including the limitations of models and theories, human factor, existence of

    frictions such as taxes and transaction cost and limitations on quality and quantity of

    information, as well as the cost of acquiring this information, and more.





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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.


    Liquidity risk comprises both

    Funding liquidity risk

    Trading-related liquidity risk.

    Funding liquidity risk relates to a financial institutions ability to raise the necessary

    cash to roll over its debt, to meet the cash, margin, and collateral requirements of

    counterparties, and (in the case of funds) to satisfy capital withdrawals. Funding liquidity

    risk is affected by various factors such as the maturities of the liabilities, the extent of

    reliance of secured sources of funding, the terms of financing, and the breadth of funding

    sources, including the ability to access public market such as commercial paper market.

    Funding can also be achieved through cash or cash equivalents, buying power, and

    available credit lines.

    Trading-related liquidity risk, often simply called as liquidity risk, is the risk that an

    institution will not be able to execute a transaction at the prevailing market price because

    there is, temporarily, no appetite for the deal on the other side of the market. If the

    transaction cannot be postponed its execution my lead to substantial losses on position.

    This risk is generally very hard to quantify. It may reduce an institutions ability to manage

    and hedge market risk as well as its capacity to satisfy any shortfall on the funding side

    through asset liquidation.


    Legal risk arises for a whole of variety of reasons. For example, counterparty might

    lack the legal or regulatory authority to engage in a transaction. Legal risks usually only

    become apparent when counterparty, or an investor, lose money on a transaction and

    decided to sue the bank to avoid meeting its obligations. Another aspect of regulatory risk

    is the potential impact of a change in tax law on the market value of a position.


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.


    Human factor risk is really a special form of operational risk. It relates to the losses

    that may result from human errors such as pushing the wrong button on a computer,

    inadvertently destroying files, or entering wrong value for the parameter input of a model.


    Market risk is that risk that changes in financial market prices and rates will reduce

    the value of the banks positions. Market risk for a fund is often measured relative to a

    benchmark index or portfolio, is referred to as a risk of tracking error market risk also

    includes basis risk, a term used in risk management industry to describe the chance of a

    breakdown in the relationship between price of a product, on the one hand, and the price of

    the instrument used to hedge that price exposure on the other. The market-Vary

    methodology attempts to capture multiple component of market such as directional risk,

    convexity risk, volatility risk, basis risk, etc


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    Market Risk may be defined as the possibility of loss to a bank caused by changes

    in the market variables. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) defines market risk as

    the risk that the value of 'on' or 'off' balance sheet positions will be adversely affected by

    movements in equity and interest rate markets, currency exchange rates and commodityprices". Thus, Market Risk is the risk to the bank's earnings and capital due to changes in

    the market level of interest rates or prices of securities, foreign exchange and equities, as

    well as the volatilities of those changes. Besides, it is equally concerned about the bank's

    ability to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. In other words, it should be

    ensured that the bank is not exposed to Liquidity Risk. Thus, focus on the management of

    Liquidity Risk and Market Risk, further categorized into interest rate risk, foreign exchange

    risk, commodity price risk and equity price risk. An effective market risk management

    framework in a bank comprises risk identification, setting up of limits and triggers, risk

    monitoring, models of analysis that value positions or measure market risk, risk reporting,


    Types of market risk

    Interest rate risk:

    Interest rate risk is the risk where changes in market interest rates might adversely

    affect a bank's financial condition. The immediate impact of changes in interest rates is on

    the Net Interest Income (NII). A long term impact of changing interest rates is on the

    bank's net worth since the economic value of a bank's assets, liabilities and off-balance

    sheet positions get affected due to variation in market interest rates. The interest rate risk

    when viewed from these two perspectives is known as 'earnings perspective' and 'economic

    value' perspective, respectively.


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    Management of interest rate risk aims at capturing the risks arising from the

    maturity and repricing mismatches and is measured both from the earnings and economic

    value perspective.

    Earnings perspective involves analyzing the impact of changes in interest rates onaccrual or reported earnings in the near term. This is measured by measuring the changes in

    the Net Interest Income (NII) or Net Interest Margin (NIM) i.e. the difference between the

    total interest income and the total interest expense.

    Economic Value perspective involves analyzing the changes of impact on interest

    on the expected cash flows on assets minus the expected cash flows on liabilities plus the

    net cash flows on off-balance sheet items. It focuses on the risk to net worth arising from

    all repricing mismatches and other interest rate sensitive positions. The economic value

    perspective identifies risk arising from long-term interest rate gaps.

    The management of Interest Rate Risk should be one of the critical components of

    market risk management in banks. The regulatory restrictions in the past had greatly

    reduced many of the risks in the banking system. Deregulation of interest rates has,

    however, exposed them to the adverse impacts of interest rate risk. The Net Interest Income

    (NII) or Net Interest Margin (NIM) of banks is dependent on the movements of interest

    rates. Any mismatches in the cash flows (fixed assets or liabilities) or repricing dates

    (floating assets or liabilities), expose bank's NII or NIM to variations. The earning of assets

    and the cost of liabilities are now closely related to market interest rate volatility

    Generally, the approach towards measurement and hedging of IRR varies with the

    segmentation of the balance sheet. In a well functioning risk management system, banks

    broadly position their balance sheet into Trading and Banking Books. While the assets in

    the trading book are held primarily for generating profit on short-term differences inprices/yields, the banking book comprises assets and liabilities, which are contracted

    basically on account of relationship or for steady income and statutory obligations and are

    generally held till maturity. Thus, while the price risk is the prime concern of banks in

    trading book, the earnings or economic value changes are the main focus of banking book.


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    Equity price risk:

    The price risk associated with equities also has two components General market

    risk refers to the sensitivity of an instrument / portfolio value to the change in the level of

    broad stock market indices. Specific / Idiosyncratic risk refers to that portion of thestocks price volatility that is determined by characteristics specific to the firm, such as its

    line of business, the quality of its management, or a breakdown in its production process.

    The general market risk cannot be eliminated through portfolio diversification while

    specific risk can be diversified away.

    Foreign exchange risk:

    Foreign Exchange Risk maybe defined as the risk that a bank may suffer losses as a

    result of adverse exchange rate movements during a period in which it has an open

    position, either spot or forward, or a combination of the two, in an individual foreign

    currency. The banks are also exposed to interest rate risk, which arises from the maturity

    mismatching of foreign currency positions. Even in cases where spot and forward positions

    in individual currencies are balanced, the maturity pattern of forward transactions may

    produce mismatches. As a result, banks may suffer losses as a result of changes in

    premia/discounts of the currencies concerned.

    In the forex business, banks also face the risk of default of the counterparties or

    settlement risk. While such type of risk crystallization does not cause principal loss, banks

    may have to undertake fresh transactions in the cash/spot market for replacing the failed

    transactions. Thus, banks may incur replacement cost, which depends upon the currency

    rate movements. Banks also face another risk called time-zone risk or Herstatt risk which

    arises out of time-lags in settlement of one currency in one center and the settlement of

    another currency in another time-zone. The forex transactions with counterparties from

    another country also trigger sovereign or country risk (dealt with in details in the guidance

    note on credit risk).

    The three important issues that need to be addressed in this regard are:


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    Nature and magnitude of exchange risk

    Exchange managing or hedging for adopted be to strategy>

    The tools of managing exchange risk


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    Commodity price risk:

    The price of the commodities differs considerably from its interest rate risk and

    foreign exchange risk, since most commodities are traded in the market in which the

    concentration of supply can magnify price volatility. Moreover, fluctuations in the depth of

    trading in the market (i.e., market liquidity) often accompany and exacerbate high levels of

    price volatility. Therefore, commodity prices generally have higher volatilities and larger

    price discontinuities.

    Measuring Market Risk

    The measurement of risk has changed over time. It has evolved from the simple

    indicators, such as Face value/ Notional amount for an individual security to the latest

    methodologies of computing VaR. the quest for better and more accurate measure of

    market risk is ongoing; each new market turmoil reveals the limitations of even the most

    sophisticated measure of market risk.

    The Notional Amount Approach:

    Until recently, trading desks in major banks were allocated economic capital by

    reference to notional amount. The notional approach measures risk as the notional, or

    nominal, amount of a security, or the sum of the notional values of the holdings for a


    This method is flawed since it does not:

    Differentiate between short and long positions.

    Reflect price volatility and correlation between prices.

    Moreover, in the case of derivative positions in the over the counter market, there

    are often very large discrepancies between true amount of market exposure, which is often


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    small, and the notional amount which may be huge. For example, two call options on the

    same underlying instrument with the same notional value and same maturity, with one

    option being in the money and the other one out-of-the-money, have very different market

    values and risk exposures.

    Value At Risk (VaR):

    Value at risk can be defined as the worst loss that might be expected from holding

    a security or portfolio over a given period of time (say a single day, 10 days for the purpose

    of regulatory capital reporting), given a specified level of probability (known as the

    confidence level)

    For example, if we say that a position has a daily VaR of Rs. 10 million at the 99%confidence level, we mean that the realized daily losses from the position will, on average,

    be higher than Rs. 10 million on only one day every 100 trading days (i.e., two to three

    days each year).VaR offers probability statement about the potential change in the value of

    a portfolio resulting from a change in the market factors, over a specified period of time.

    VaR is the answer to the following question: What is the maximum loss over a

    given period of time period such that there is a low probability, say a 1% probability, that

    the actual loss over the given period will be larger?

    Treatment of Market Risk in the Proposed Basel Capital Accord

    The Basle Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) had issued comprehensive

    guidelines to provide an explicit capital cushion for the price risks to which banks are

    exposed, particularly those arising from their trading activities. The banks have been given

    flexibility to use in-house models based on VaR for measuring market risk as an alternative

    to a standardized measurement framework suggested by Basle Committee. The internal

    models should, however, comply with quantitative and qualitative criteria prescribed by

    Basle Committee.

    Reserve Bank of India has accepted the general framework suggested by the Basle

    Committee. RBI has also initiated various steps in moving towards prescribing capital for


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    market risk. As an initial step, a risk weight of 2.5% has been prescribed for investments in

    Government and other approved securities, besides a risk weight each of 100% on the open

    position limits in forex and gold. RBI has also prescribed detailed operating guidelines for

    Asset-Liability Management System in banks. As the ability of banks to identify and

    measure market risk improves, it would be necessary to assign explicit capital charge for

    market risk. While the small banks operating predominantly in India could adopt the

    standardized methodology, large banks and those banks operating in international markets

    should develop expertise in evolving internal models for measurement of market risk.

    The Basle Committee on Banking Supervision proposes to develop capital charge

    for interest rate risk in the banking book as well for banks where the interest rate risks are

    significantly above average ('outliers'). The Committee is now exploring various

    methodologies for identifying 'outliers' and how best to apply and calibrate a capital charge

    for interest rate risk for banks. Once the Committee finalizes the modalities, it may be

    necessary, at least for banks operating in the international markets to comply with the

    explicit capital charge requirements for interest rate risk in the banking book. As the

    valuation norms on banks' investment portfolio have already been put in place and aligned

    with the international best practices, it is appropriate to adopt the Basel norms on capital

    for market risk. In view of this, banks should study the Basel framework on capital for

    market risk as envisaged in Amendment to the Capital Accord to incorporate market risks

    published in January 1996 by BCBS and prepare themselves to follow the international

    practices in this regard at a suitable date to be announced by RBI.

    The Proposed New Capital Adequacy Framework

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has released a Second Consultative

    Document, which contains refined proposals for the three pillars of the New Accord -

    Minimum Capital Requirements, Supervisory Review and Market Discipline. It may be

    recalled that the Basel Committee had released in June 1999 the first Consultative Paper on

    a New Capital Adequacy Framework for comments. However, the proposal to provide

    explicit capital charge for market risk in the banking book which was included in the Pillar

    I of the June 1999 Document has been shifted to Pillar II in the second Consultative Paper

    issued in January 2001. The Committee has also provided a technical paper on evaluation


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    of interest rate risk management techniques. The Document has defined the criteria for

    identifying outlier banks. According to the proposal, a bank may be defined as an outlier

    whose economic value declined by more than 20% of the sum of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital

    as a result of a standardized interest rate shock (200 bps.)

    The second Consultative Paper on the New Capital Adequacy framework issued in

    January, 2001 has laid down 13 principles intended to be of general application for the

    management of interest rate risk, independent of whether the positions are part of the

    trading book or reflect banks' non-trading activities. They refer to an interest rate risk

    management process, which includes the development of a business strategy, the

    assumption of assets and liabilities in banking and trading activities, as well as a system of

    internal controls. In particular, they address the need for effective interest rate risk

    measurement, monitoring and control functions within the interest rate risk management

    process. The principles are intended to be of general application, based as they are on

    practices currently used by many international banks, even though their specific application

    will depend to some extent on the complexity and range of activities undertaken by

    individual banks. Under the New Basel Capital Accord, they form minimum standards

    expected of internationally active banks. The principles are given in Annexure II.


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    Credit risk is that risk that a change in the credit quality of a

    counterparty will affect the value of a banks position. Default, whereby

    counterparty is unwilling or unable to fulfill its contractual obligations, is the

    extreme case; however banks are also exposed to the risk that the counterparty

    might downgraded by a rating agency.

    Credit risk is only an issue when the position is an asset, i.e., when it

    exhibits a positive replacement value. In that instance if the counterparty

    defaults, the bank either loses all of the market value of the position or, more

    commonly, the part of the value that it cannot recover following the credit

    event. However, the credit exposure induced by the replacement values of

    derivative instruments is dynamic: they can be negative at one point of time,

    and yet become positive at a later point in time after market conditions have

    changed. Therefore the banks must examine not only the current exposure,

    measured by the current replacement value, but also the profile of future

    exposures up to the termination of the deal.

    Credit risk is defined as the possibility of losses associated with

    diminution in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties. In a bank's

    portfolio, losses stem from outright default due to inability or unwillingness of

    a customer or counterparty to meet commitments in relation to lending,

    trading, settlement and other financial transactions. Alternatively, losses result

    from reduction in portfolio value arising from actual or perceived

    deterioration in credit quality. Credit risk emanates from a bank's dealings


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    with an individual, corporate, bank, financial institution or a sovereign. Credit

    risk may take the following forms

    In the case of direct lending: principal/and or interest amount may not

    be repaid;

    In the case of guarantees or letters of credit: funds may not be

    forthcoming from the constituents upon crystallization of the liability;

    In the case of treasury operations: the payment or series of payments

    due from the counter parties under the respective contracts may not be

    forthcoming or ceases;

    In the case of securities trading businesses: funds/ securities settlement

    may not be effected;

    In the case of cross-border exposure: the availability and free transfer of

    foreign currency funds may either cease or the sovereign may impose


    Types of Credit Rating

    Credit rating can be classified as:1. External credit rating.

    2. Internal credit rating

    External credit rating:

    A credit rating is not, in general, an investment recommendation

    concerning a given security. In the words of S&P, A credit rating is S&P's

    opinion of the general creditworthiness of an obligor, or the creditworthiness

    of an obligor with respect to a particular debt security or other financial

    obligation, based on relevant risk factors. In Moody's words, a rating is, an

    opinion on the future ability and legal obligation of an issuer to make timely

    payments of principal and interest on a specific fixed-income security.


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    Since S&P and Moody's are considered to have expertise in credit

    rating and are regarded as unbiased evaluators, there ratings are widely

    accepted by market participants and regulatory agencies. Financial

    institutions, when required to hold investment grade bonds by their regulatorsuse the rating of credit agencies such as S&P and Moody's to determine which

    bonds are of investment grade.

    The subject of credit rating might be a company issuing debt

    obligations. In the case of such issuer credit ratings the rating is an opinion

    on the obligors overall capacity to meet its financial obligations. The

    opinion is not specific to any particular liability of the company, nor does it

    consider merits of having guarantors for some of the obligations. In the issuer

    credit rating categories are

    a) Counterparty ratings

    b) Corporate credit ratings

    c) Sovereign credit ratings

    The rating process includes quantitative, qualitative, and legal analyses.

    The quantitative analyses. The quantitative analysis is mainly financial

    analysis and is based on the firms financial reports. The qualitative analysis is

    concerned with the quality of management, and includes a through review of

    the firms competitiveness within its industry as well as the expected growth

    of the industry and its vulnerability to technological changes, regulatory

    changes, and labor relations.

    Internal credit rating:

    A typical risk rating system (RRS) will assign both an obligor rating to

    each borrower (or group of borrowers), and a facility rating to each available

    facility. A risk rating (RR) is designed to depict the risk of loss in a credit


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    facility. A robust RRS should offer a carefully designed, structured, and

    documented series of steps for the assessment of each rating.

    The following are the steps for assessment of rating:

    a) Objectivity and Methodology:The goal is to generate accurate and consistent risk rating, yet also to

    allow professional judgment to significantly influence a rating where it is

    appropriate. The expected loss is the product of an exposure (say, Rs. 100)

    and the probability of default (say, 2%) of an obligor (or borrower) and the

    loss rate given default (say, 50%) in any specific credit facility. In this


    The expected loss = 100*.02*.50 = Rs. 1

    A typical risk rating methodology (RRM)

    a. Initial assign an obligor rating that identifies the expected

    probability of default by that borrower (or group) in repaying its

    obligations in normal course of business.

    b. The RRS then identifies the risk loss (principle/interest) by assigning

    an RR to each individual credit facility granted to an obligor.

    The obligor rating represents the probability of default by a borrower in

    repaying its obligation in the normal course of business. The facility rating

    represents the expected loss of principal and/ or interest on any business credit

    facility. It combines the likelihood of default by a borrower and conditional

    severity of loss, should default occur, from the credit facilities available to the



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    Risk Rating Continuum (Prototype Risk Rating System)

    RISK RR Corresponding

    Probable S&P or

    Moody's Rating

    Sovereign 0 Not Applicable

    Low 1 AAA2 AA Investment Grade3 A

    4 BBB+/BBBAverage 5 BBB-

    6 BB+/BB7 BB-

    High 8






    Below Investment

    Grade11 CC-

    12 In Default

    The steps in the RRS (nine, in our prototype system) typically start with

    a financial assessment of the borrower (initial obligor rating), which sets a

    floor on the obligor rating (OR). A series of further steps (four) arrive at the

    final obligor rating. Each one of steps 2 to 5 may result in the downgrade of

    the initial rating attributed at step 1. These steps include analyzing the

    managerial capability of the borrower (step 2), examining the borrowers

    absolute and relative position within the industry (step 3), reviewing the

    quality of the financial information (step 4) and the country risk (step 5). The

    process ensures that all credits are objectively rated using a consistent process

    to arrive at the accurate rating.


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    Additional steps (four, in our example) are associated with arriving at a final

    facility rating, which may be above OR below the final obligor rating. These

    steps include examining third-party support (step 6), factoring in the maturity

    of the transaction (step 7), reviewing how strongly the transaction isstructured. (Step 8), and assessing the amount of collateral (step 9).

    Credit Risk Management

    In this backdrop, it is imperative that banks have a robust credit risk

    management system which is sensitive and responsive to these factors. The

    effective management of credit risk is a critical component of comprehensive

    risk management and is essential for the long term success of any banking

    organization. Credit risk management encompasses identification,

    measurement, monitoring and control of the credit risk exposures.

    Credit Risk Policy

    1. Every bank should have a credit risk policy document approved by the

    Board. The document should include risk identification, risk

    measurement, risk grading/ aggregation techniques, reporting and risk

    control/ mitigation techniques, documentation, legal issues and

    management of problem loans.

    2. Credit risk policies should also define target markets, risk acceptance

    criteria, credit approval authority, credit origination/ maintenance

    procedures and guidelines for portfolio management.

    3. The credit risk policies approved by the Board should be communicated

    to branches/controlling offices. All dealing officials should clearly

    understand the bank's approach for credit sanction and should be held

    accountable for complying with established policies and procedures.


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    4. Senior management of a bank shall be responsible for implementing the

    credit risk policy approved by the Board.


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    Each bank should develop, with the approval of its Board, its own credit risk

    strategy or plan that establishes the objectives guiding the bank's credit-

    granting activities and adopt necessary policies/ procedures for conducting

    such activities. This strategy should spell out clearly the organizations credit

    appetite and the acceptable level of risk-reward trade-off for its activities.

    The strategy would, therefore, include a statement of the bank's willingness to

    grant loans based on the type of economic activity, geographical location,

    currency, market, maturity and anticipated profitability. This would

    necessarily translate into the identification of target markets and business

    sectors, preferred levels of diversification and concentration, the cost of

    capital in granting credit and the cost of bad debts.

    The credit risk strategy should provide continuity in approach as also take into

    account the cyclical aspects of the economy and the resulting shifts in the

    composition/ quality of the overall credit portfolio. This strategy should be

    viable in the long run and through various credit cycles.

    Senior management of a bank shall be responsible for implementing the credit

    risk strategy approved by the Board.


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    Organizational Structure

    Sound organizational structure is sine qua non for successful implementation

    of an effective credit risk management system. The organizational structure

    for credit risk management should have the following basic features:

    1. The Board of Directors should have the overall responsibility for

    management of risks. The Board should decide the risk management

    policy of the bank and set limits for liquidity, interest rate, foreign

    exchange and equity price risks.

    The Risk Management Committee will be a Board level Sub committeeincluding CEO and heads of Credit, Market and Operational Risk

    Management Committees. It will devise the policy and strategy for integrated

    risk management containing various risk exposures of the bank including the

    credit risk. For this purpose, this Committee should effectively coordinate

    between the Credit Risk Management Committee (CRMC), the Asset

    Liability Management Committee and other risk committees of the bank, if

    any. It is imperative that the independence of this Committee is preserved.

    The Board should, therefore, ensure that this is not compromised at any cost.

    In the event of the Board not accepting any recommendation of this

    Committee, systems should be put in place to spell out the rationale for such

    an action and should be properly documented. This document should be made

    available to the internal and external auditors for their scrutiny and comments.

    The credit risk strategy and policies adopted by the committee should be



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    Operations / Systems

    Banks should have in place an appropriate credit administration, credit

    risk measurement and monitoring processes. The credit administration process

    typically involves the following phases:

    1. Relationship management phase i.e. business development.

    2. Transaction management phase covers risk assessment, loan pricing,

    structuring the facilities, internal approvals, documentation, loan

    administration, on going monitoring and risk measurement.

    3. Portfolio management phase entails monitoring of the portfolio at a

    macro level and the management of problem loans

    4. On the basis of the broad management framework stated above, the

    banks should have the following credit risk measurement and

    monitoring procedures:

    5. Banks should establish proactive credit risk management practices like

    annual / half yearly industry studies and individual obligor reviews,

    periodic credit calls that are documented, periodic visits of plant andbusiness site, and at least quarterly management reviews of troubled

    exposures/weak credits


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    Credit Risk Models

    A credit risk model seeks to determine, directly or indirectly, the answer to the

    following question: Given our past experience and our assumptions about the

    future, what is the present value of a given loan or fixed income security? A

    credit risk model would also seek to determine the (quantifiable) risk that the

    promised cash flows will not be forthcoming. The techniques for measuring

    credit risk that have evolved over the last twenty years are prompted by these

    questions and dynamic changes in the loan market.

    The increasing importance of credit risk modeling should be seen as the

    consequence of the following three factors:

    1. Banks are becoming increasingly quantitative in their treatment of

    credit risk.

    2. New markets are emerging in credit derivatives and the marketability of

    existing loans is increasing through securitization/ loan sales market."

    3. Regulators are concerned to improve the current system of bank capitalrequirements especially as it relates to credit risk.

    CHAPTER - 5



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    Credit Risk Models have assumed importance because they provide the

    decision maker with insight or knowledge that would not otherwise be readily

    available or that could be marshalled at prohibitive cost. In a marketplace

    where margins are fast disappearing and the pressure to lower pricing isunrelenting, models give their users a competitive edge. The credit risk

    models are intended to aid banks in quantifying, aggregating and managing

    risk across geographical and product lines. The outputs of these models also

    play increasingly important roles in banks' risk management and performance

    measurement processes, customer profitability analysis, risk-based pricing,

    active portfolio management and capital structure decisions. Credit risk

    modeling may result in better internal risk management and may have the

    potential to be used in the supervisory oversight of banking organizations.

    Techniques for Measuring Credit Risk

    In the measurement of credit risk, models may be classified along three

    different dimensions:

    1. the techniques employed,

    2. the domain of applications in the credit process and

    3. The products to which they are applied.

    CHAPTER - 6


    New Capital Accord: Implications for Credit Risk Management


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    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision had released in June

    1999 the first Consultative Paper on a New Capital Adequacy Framework

    with the intention of replacing the current broad-brush 1988 Accord. The

    Basel Committee has released a Second Consultative Document in January2001, which contains refined proposals for the three pillars of the New Accord

    - Minimum Capital Requirements, Supervisory Review and Market


    The Committee proposes two approaches, for estimating regulatory

    capital. Viz.,

    1. Standardized and

    2. Internal Rating Based (IRB)

    Under the standardized approach, the Committee desires neither to

    produce a net increase nor a net decrease, on an average, in minimum

    regulatory capital, even after accounting for operational risk. Under the

    Internal Rating Based (IRB) approach, the Committee's ultimate goals are to

    ensure that the overall level of regulatory capital is sufficient to address the

    underlying credit risks and also provides capital incentives relative to the

    standardized approach, i.e., a reduction in the risk weighted assets of 2% to

    3% (foundation IRB approach) and 90% of the capital requirement under

    foundation approach for advanced IRB approach to encourage banks to adopt

    IRB approach for providing capital.

    The minimum capital adequacy ratio would continue to be 8% of the

    risk-weighted assets, which cover capital requirements for market (trading

    book), credit and operational risks. For credit risk, the range of options to

    estimate capital extends to include a standardized, a foundation IRB and an

    advanced IRB approaches.


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    CHAPTER - 7


    Credit Rating FrameworkA Credit-risk Rating Framework (CRF) is necessary to avoid the limitations

    associated with a simplistic and broad classification of loans/exposures into a

    "good" or a "bad" category. The CRF deploys a number/ alphabet/ symbol as

    a primary summary indicator of risks associated with a credit exposure. Such

    a rating framework is the basic module for developing a credit risk

    management system and all advanced models/approaches are based on this

    structure. In spite of the advancement in risk management techniques, CRF is

    continued to be used to a great extent. These frameworks have been primarily

    driven by a need to standardize and uniformly communicate the "judgment" in

    credit selection procedures and are not a substitute to the vast lending

    experience accumulated by the banks' professional staff.

    Broadly, CRF can be used for the following purposes:

    1. Individual credit selection, wherein either a borrower or a particular

    exposure/ facility is rated on the CRF

    2. Pricing (credit spread) and specific features of the loan facility. This

    would largely constitute transaction-level analysis.

    3. Portfolio-level analysis.

    4. Surveillance, monitoring and internal MIS

    Assessing the aggregate risk profile of bank/ lender. These would be relevant

    for portfolio-level analysis. For instance, the spread of credit exposures across

    various CRF categories, the mean and the standard deviation of losses


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    occurring in each CRF category and the overall migration of exposures would

    highlight the aggregated credit-risk for the entire portfolio of the bank.

    CHAPTER - 8



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    It refers to potential losses resulting from inadequate systems, management

    failure, faulty control, fraud and human error. Many of the recent large losses

    related to derivatives are the direct consequences of operational failure.

    Derivative trading is more prone to operational risk than cash transactionsbecause derivatives are, by heir nature, leveraged transactions. This means

    that a trader can make very large commitment on behalf of the bank, and

    generate huge exposure in to the future, using only small amount of cash.

    Very tight controls are an absolute necessary if the bank is to avoid huge


    Operational risk includes fraud, for example when a trader or other

    employee intentionally falsifies and misrepresents the risk incurred in a

    transaction. Technology risk and principally computer system risk also fall

    into the operational risk category.

    Operational risk is the risk associated with operating a business. Operational

    risk covers such a wide area that it is useful to subdivide operational risk into

    two components:

    Operational failure risk.

    Operational strategic risk.

    Operational failure riskarises from the potential for failure in

    the course of operating the business. A firm uses people,

    processes and technology to achieve the business plans, and anyone of these factors may experience a failure of some kind.

    Accordingly, operational failure risk can be defined as the risk

    that there will be a failure of people, processes or technology

    within the business unit. A portion of failure may be anticipated,


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    and these risks should be built into the business plan. But it is

    unanticipated, and therefore uncertain, failures that give rise to

    key operational risks. These failures can be expected to occur

    periodically, although both their impact and their frequency maybe uncertain.

    The impact or severity of a financial loss can be divided into two


    An expected amount

    An unexpected amount.

    The latter is itself subdivided into two classes: an amount classed as severe,

    and a catastrophic amount. The firm should provide for the losses that arise

    from the expected component of these failures by charging expected revenues

    with a sufficient amount of reserves. In addition, the firm should set aside

    sufficient economic capital to cover the unexpected component, or resort to


    Operational strategic riskarises from environmental factors, such as

    a new competitor that changes the business paradigram, a major

    political and regulatory regime change, and earthquakes and other such

    factors that are outside the control of the firm. It also arises from major

    new strategic initiatives, such as developing a new line of business or

    re-engineering an existing business line. All business relies on people,

    processes and technology outside their business unit and the potentialfor failure exists there too, this type of risk is referred to as external

    dependency risk.


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    The figure above summarizes the relationship between operational failure risk

    and operational strategic risk. These two principal categories of risk are also

    sometimes defined as internal and external operational risk.

    Operational risk is often thought to be limited to losses that can occur in

    operating or processing centers. This type of operational risk, sometimes

    referred as operations risk, is an important component, but it by no means

    covers all of the operational risks facing the firm. Our definition ofoperational risk as the risk associated with operating the business means

    significant amounts of operational risk are also generated outside the

    processing centers.


    Figure: Two Broad Categories of Operational Risk

    Operational Risk

    Operational failure risk(Internal operational risk)

    The risk encountered in pursuitof a particular strategy due to:

    People Process Technology

    Operational strategic risk(External operational risk)

    The risk of choosing aninappropriate strategy inresponse to environmentalfactor, such as

    Political Taxation Regulation Government Societal Competition, etc.

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    Risk begins to accumulate even before the design of the potential

    transaction gets underway. It is present during negotiations with the client

    (regardless of whether the negotiation is a lengthy structuring exercise or a

    routine electronic negotiation.) and continues after the negotiation as thetransaction is serviced.

    A complete picture of operational risk can only be obtained if the

    banks activity is analyzed from beginning to end. Several things have to be in

    place before a transaction is negotiated, and each exposes the firm to

    operational risk. The activity carried on behalf of the client by the staff can

    expose the institution to people risk. People risk is not only in the form of

    risk found early in a transaction. But they further rely on using sophisticated

    financial models to price the transaction. This creates what is called as Model

    risk which can arise because of wrong parameters like input to the model, or

    because the model is used inappropriately and so on.

    Once the transaction is negotiated and a ticket is written, errors can

    occur as the transaction is recorded in various systems or reports. An error

    here may result in the delayed settlement of the transaction, which in turn can

    give rise to fines and other penalties. Further an error in market risk and credit

    risk report might lead to the exposures generated by the deal being

    understated. In turn this can lead to the execution of additional transactions

    that would otherwise not have been executed. These are examples of what is

    often called as process risk

    The system that records the transaction may not be capable of handlingthe transaction or it may not have the capacity to handle such transactions. If

    any one of the step is out-sourced, then external dependency risk also arises.

    However, each type of risk can be captured either as people, processes,


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    technology, or an external dependency risk, and each can be analyzed in terms

    of capacity, capability or availability

    Who Should Manage Operational Risk?

    The responsibility for setting policies concerning operational risk

    remains with the senior management, even though the development of those

    policies may be delegated, and submitted to the board of directors for

    approval. Appropriate policies must be put in place to limit the amount of

    operational risk that is assumed by an institution. Senior management needs

    to give authority to change the operational risk profile to those who are the

    best able to take action. They must also ensure that a methodology for the

    timely and effective monitoring of the risks that are incurred is in place. To

    avoid any conflict of interest, no single group within the bank should be

    responsible for simultaneously setting policies, taking action and monitoring



    Internal Audit

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    Policy Setting

    The authority to take action generally rests with business management,

    which is responsible for controlling the amount of operational risk taken

    within each business line. The infrastructure and the governance groups share

    with business management the responsibility for managing operational risk.

    The responsibility for the development of a methodology for measuring

    and monitoring operational risks resides most naturally with group risk

    management functions. The risk management function also needs to ensure

    the proper operational risk/ reward analysis is performed in the review of

    existing businesses and before the introduction of new initiatives andproducts. In this regard, the risk management function works very closely

    with, but independent from, business management, infrastructure, and other

    governance group


    Senior Management

    Business Management Risk Management






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    Senior management needs to know whether the responsibilities it has

    delegated are actually being tended to, and whether the resulting processes are

    effective. The internal audit function within the bank is charged with this



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    The eight key elements are necessary to successfully implement a bank-wide operational risk management framework. They involve setting policy

    and identifying risk as an outgrowth of having designed a common language,

    constructing business process maps, building a best measurement

    methodology, providing exposure management, installing a timely reporting

    capability, performing risk analysis inclusive of stress testing, and allocating

    economic capital as a function of operational risk.



    1. Develop well-defined operational risk policies. This includes explicitly

    articulating the desired standards for the risk measurement. One also


    1. Policy

    Best Practice

    2. Risk Identification

    3. Business Process

    4. Measuring Methodology

    8. Economic Capital

    7. Risk Analysis

    6. Reporting

    5. Exposure Management

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    needs to establish clear guidelines for practices that may contribute to a

    reduction of operational risk.

    2. Establish a common language of risk identification. For e.g., the term

    people risk includes a failure to deploy skilled staff. Technologyrisk would include system failure, and so on.

    3. Develop business process maps of each business. For e.g., one should

    create an operational risk catalogue which categories and defines the

    various operational risks arising from each organizational unit in terms

    of people, process, and technology risk. This catalogue should be tool

    to help with operational risk identification and assessment.

    4. Develop a comprehensible set of operational risk metrics. Operational

    risk assessment is a complex process. It needs to be performed on a

    firm-wide basis at regular intervals using standard metrics. In early

    days, business and infrastructure groups performed their own

    assessment of operational risk. Today, self-assessment has been

    discredited. Sophisticated financial institutions are trying to develop

    objective measures of operational risk that build significantly more

    reliability into the quantification of operational risk.

    5. Decide how to manage operational risk exposure and take appriate

    action to hedge the risks. The bank should address the economic

    question of the cost-benefit of insuring a given risk for those

    operational risks that can be insured.

    6. Decide how to report exposure.


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    Types of Operational Failure Risk

    1. People Risk 1. Incompetancy.

    2. Fraud.

    2. Process Risk

    Model Risk



    1. Model/ methodology error

    2. Mark-to-model error.

    1. Execution error.

    2. Product complexity.

    3. Booking error.

    4. Settlement error.1. Exceeding limits.

    2. Security risk.

    3. Volume risk.

    3. Technology Risk 1. System failure.

    2. Programming error.

    3. Information risk.

    4. Telecommunications failure.

    7. Develop tools for risk analysis, and procedures for when these tools

    should deploy. For e.g., risk analysis is typically performed as part of a

    new product process, periodic business reviews, and so on. Stress

    testing should be a standard part of risk analysis process. The frequency

    of risk assessment should be a function of the degree to which

    operational risks are expected to change over time as businesses

    undertake new initiatives, or as business circumstances evolve. This

    frequency might be reviewed as operational risk measurement is rolled

    out across the bank a bank should update its risk assessment more


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    frequently. Further one should reassess whenever the operational risk

    profile changes significantly.

    8. Develop techniques to translate the calculation of operational risk into a

    required amount of economic capital. Tools and procedures should bedeveloped to enable businesses to make decisions about operational risk

    based on risk/reward analysis.


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    CHAPTER 10



    Clear guiding principle for the operational risk measurement processshould be set to ensure that it provides an appropriate measure of operational

    risk across all business units throughout the bank. This problem of measuring

    operational risk can be best achieved by means of a four-step operational risk

    process. The following are the four steps involved in the process:

    1. Input.

    2. Risk assessment framework.

    3. Review and validation.

    4. Output.

    1. Input:

    The first step in the operational risk measurement process is to gather

    the information needed to perform a complete assessment of all significant

    operational risks. A key source of this information is often the finished

    product of other groups. For example, a unit that supports the business group

    often publishes report or documents that may provide an excellent starting

    point for the operational risk assessment.


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    Sources of Information in the Measurement Process of Operational Risk:

    The Inputs (for Assessment)

    Likelihood of Occurrence Severity Audit report Management interviews

    Regulatory report Loss history

    Management report

    Expert opinion

    Business Recovery Plan

    Business plans

    Budget plans

    Operations plans

    For example, if one is relying on audit documents as an indication of

    the degree of control, then one needs to ask if the audit assessment is current

    and sufficient. Have there been any significant changes made since the last

    audit assessment? Did the audit scope include the area of operational risk that

    is of concern to the present risk assessment? As one diligently works through

    available information, gaps often become apparent. These gaps in the

    information often need to be filled through discussion with the relevant


    Typically, there are not sufficient reliable historical data available to

    confidently project the likelihood or severity of operational losses. One often

    needs to rely on the expertise of business management, until reliable data are

    compiled to offer an assessment of the severity of the operational failure for

    each of the risks. The time frame employed for all aspects of the assessment

    process is typically one year. The one-year time horizon is usually selected to

    align with the business planning cycle of the bank.

    2. Risk Assessment Framework


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    The input information gathered in the above step needs to be analyzed

    and processed through the risk assessment framework. Risk assessment

    framework includes:

    1. Risk categories:The operational risk can be broken down into four headline risk categories

    like the risk of unexpected loss due to operational failure in people, process

    and technology deployed within the business

    Internal dependencies should each be reviewed according to a set of

    factors. We examine these 9nternal dependencies according to three key

    components of capability, capacity and availability.

    External dependencies can also be analyzed in terms of the specific type of

    external interaction.

    2. Connectivity and interdependencies

    The headline risk categories cannot be viewed in isolation from one

    another. One needs to examine the degree of interconnected risk exposures

    that cut across the headline operational risk categories, in order to

    understand the full impact of risk.

    3. Change, complexity, compliancy:

    One may view the sources that drive the headline risk categories as falling

    under the broad categories of Change refers to such items as introducing

    new technology or new products, a merger or acquisition, or moving from

    internal supply to outsourcing, etc. Complexity refers to such items as

    complexity of products, process or technology. Complacency refers toineffective management of the business.

    4. Net likelihood assessment

    The likelihood that an operational failure might occur within the next year

    should be assessed, net of risk mitigants such as insurance, for each


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    identified risk exposure and for each of the four headline risk categories.

    Since it is often unclear how to quantify risk, this assessment can be rated

    along five point likelihood continuum from very low, low, medium, high

    and very high.5. Severity assessment

    Severity describes the potential loss to the bank given that an operational

    risk failure has occurred. It should be assessed for each identified risk


    6. Combined likelihood and severity into the overall Operational Risk


    Operational risk measures are constrained in that there is not usually a

    defensible way to combine the individual likelihood of loss and severity

    assessments into overall measure of operational risk within a business unit.

    To do so, the likelihood of loss would need to be expressed in numerical

    terms. This cannot be accomplished without statistically significant

    historical data on operational losses.

    7. Defining Cause and Effect:

    Loss data are easier to collect than data associated with the cause of loss.

    This complicates the measurement of operational risk because each loss is

    likely to have several causes. This relationship between these causes, and

    the relative importance of each, can be difficult to assess in an objective



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    8. Sample of a risk assessment report.

    Risk Assessment Report





    Cause Effect Source ofProbability &

    Magnitude of Loss


    People Loss of key staff,due to defection toa competitor.

    Variance in revenue/ profit


    based onbusiness

    assessment.Process Declining

    productivity asvolume grows

    Variance in processcosts from predictedlevels, excluding





    Technology Year 2000upgrade


    Variance intechnology running

    costs from predictedlevels




    Review and validation:

    Once the report is generated. First the centralized operational risk

    management group (ORMG) reviews the assessment results with senior

    business unit management and key officers, in order to finalize the proposed

    operational risk rating. Second, one may want an operational risk rating

    committee to review the assessment a validation process similar to that

    followed by credit rating agencies. This takes the form of review of the

    individual risk assessments by knowledgeable senior committee personnel to


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    ensure that the framework has been consistently applied across businesses,

    that there has been sufficient scrutiny to remove any imperfections, and so on.

    The committee should have representation from business management, audit,

    and functional areas, and be chaired by risk management unit.3. Output

    The final assessment of operational risk will be formally reported to

    business management, the centralized risk-adjusted return on capital

    (RAROC) group, and the partners in corporate governance such as internal

    audit and compliance. The output of the assessment process has two main


    1. The assessment provides better operational risk information to

    management for use in improving risk management decisions.

    2. The assessment improves the allocation of economic capital to better

    reflect the extent of the operational riskier, being taken by a business


    3. The over all assessment of the likelihood of operational risk & severity

    of loss for a business unit can be shown as:

    Mgmt. Attention

    Severity of Loss ($)

    Likelihood of Loss ($)

    A business unit may address its operational risks in several ways. First,

    one can invest in business unit. Second, one can avoid the risk by withdrawing






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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    from business activity. Third, one can accept and manage risk through

    effective monitoring and control. Fourth, one can transfer risk to another

    party. Of course, not all-operational risks are insurable, and in that case of

    those that are insurable the required premium may be prohibitive. The strategyand eventually the decision should be based on cost benefit analysis.

    Risk Management in Future


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    The bank of the future will be recognized around a new vision. To

    succeed, it will have to be able to respond to opportunities as they present

    themselves. And it will have to strive to improve the portfolio management of

    its balance sheet and capital.To manage conflicting objectives, it will need to determine a number of

    policy variables such as a target risk-adjusted rate of returns (RAROC), target

    regulatory return, target tier 1 ratio, target liquidity, and so on. (Figure 17.1)

    In turn, this will mean transforming the risk management function. Risk

    management will need to encompass limit management, risk analysis,

    RAROC, and active portfolio management of risk (APMR). These changes in

    the risk management will be induced by:


    Target RAROC by:TransactionCustomer

    ProductLine of Business

    Target RegulatoryReturn by:1. Transaction

    2. Customer3. Product4. Line of Business

    Target Return onEquity Target LiquidityTarget Tier 1


    Target Risk WeightedAssets (RWA)

    Target Leverage Ratio

    Target Senior DebtRating

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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    1. Advances in technology

    2. Introduction of more sophisticated regulatory measures

    3. Rapidly accelerating market forces

    4. Complex legal environment1. Advances in technology:

    Banking is moving into an era in which complex mathematical model

    programmed into risk engines will provide the foundation of portfolio

    management. Banks with sophisticated risk engine will be able to measure the

    risk of sophisticated products, compute and implement hedging strategies, and

    understand the relative risk-adjusted return almost instantaneously.

    Given the current trend toward consolidation, vast and complex

    organizations will demand the ability to quickly and consistently provide

    key decision-support tools for comparing profitability measures and risk

    tolerance for diverse businesses.

    Technology will allow risk management information to be integrated

    into overall management reporting- including intraday risk reporting. The

    Internet and intranet will become the delivery vehicles of choice for the results

    of risk analyses.

    Infrastructure investment will be required within many banks to

    improve performance in a variety of tasks. The task includes information

    collection and normalization, storage and dimensioning, and analytics

    processing as well as information sharing and distribution.

    One method of deployment for information, as shown in figure 17.3,will be via either the intranet or the Internet. There should only be official risk

    measure from a fully integrated risk infrastructure. Real-time access will be

    provided to the risk system via web-based technologies. Independent risk


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    calculators may exist for offline use, but these will be able to use the same

    analytics as the official reporting process.

    The benefits of this type of infrastructure are consistency-one source for

    one answer; efficiency work is executed once to serve multiple purposes;and ease of use- one place, one view. The risk database will include

    transaction details (e.g., cash flows, principle amount, currencies); cross-

    references to other internal systems, which house critical data (e.g., credit

    rating, counterparty, instrument); external data (e.g., yield curve, prices,

    industry classifications); and a variety of dimension indicators (e.g., product

    identification codes, asset class, currency).

    The infrastructure will include appropriate linkages within a robust

    environment for data collection and scrubbing, data warehousing, and risk

    analytics as well as the appropriate data and systems maintenance

    components. Above all, the risk management information system (risk MIS)

    should be designed to provide full risk transparency from the bottom to the

    top of the house.

    2. Regulatory Measures and Market Forces:

    In the future, the regulatory review process (e.g., review of bank

    internal models) will become more sophisticated. Regulators will hire staff

    with a greater risk management expertise. Regulators will increasingly sever

    as a catalyst for quantifying risk ( market, credit, operational, liquidity,etc.)

    through their imposition of new capital regimes as discussed in the Basle

    Accord Consultative Paper (Basle 1999).Market forces will also bring change. External users of financial

    information will demand better information on which to make investment

    decisions. In the future there will be more detailed and more frequent

    reporting of risk positions to company shareholders, creditors, etc. this will


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    lead to generally accepted reporting principles (GARP) for risk along the lines

    of the existing generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for financial


    There will be increasing growth in consulting services such as dataproviders, risk advisory service bureaus, treasury transaction services, etc.

    independent external reviewers may even be hooked up to a banks systems to

    allow them to offer regular automated independent risk reviews. The reviews

    will be intended to provide comfort to senior managers and regulators, and to

    show that internal systems provide sound risk measures.

    The risk management function will be fully independent from the

    business and centralized. Risk management processes will be fully and

    seamlessly integrated into the business process. Risk/ return will be assessed

    for new business opportunities and incorporated into the design of new

    products. All risks-credit, market, operational, liquidity, and so on will be

    combined, reported, and managed on an ever more integrated basis. The total

    figures for credit risk by counterparty will use credit value-at-risk

    methodologies to combine the risk arising from more traditional lending. The

    problem of liquidating portfolios during turbulent markets will also become an

    important factor in the total risk numbers.

    The banks of the future will have a sophisticated central risk engine

    capable of measuring the risk and the price of anything that the bank trades

    and originates. Risk management will be a value added never center for

    trading, ideas and deal structuring as well as provide the impetus for newmarketing initiatives, while pricing will become more complex and


    The risk management function will become much more tightly

    integrated with profit & loss reporting. Risk capital will be charged to a


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    business unit according to its contribution to the total risk of the firm, not

    according to its contribution to the total risk of the firm, not according to the

    volatility of the business lines revenues. And the balance sheet will be

    supplemented by business unit value-at-risk (VaR) report. Information willpass back and forth between the risk management function and the business

    units, and they will work in parternership to balance risk and return.

    3. Legal Environment:

    Legal risk is the risk that contracts are not legally enforceable or

    documented correctly. Legal risks should be limited and managed through

    policies developed by the institution's legal counsel (typically in consultation

    with officers in the risk management process) that have been approved by the

    institution's senior management and board of directors. At a minimum, there

    should be guidelines and processes in place to ensure the enforceability of

    counterparty agreements. Prior to engaging in derivatives transactions, an

    institution should reasonably satisfy itself that its counterparties have the legal

    and necessary regulatory authority to engage in those transactions. In addition

    to determining the authority of a counterparty to enter into a derivatives

    transaction, an institution should also reasonably satisfy itself that the terms of

    any contract governing its derivatives activities with counterparty are legally


    An institution should adequately evaluate the enforceability of its

    agreements before individual transactions are consummated. Participants in

    the derivatives markets have experienced significant losses because they wereunable to recover losses from a defaulting counterparty when a court held the

    counterparty had acted outside of its authority in entering into such

    transactions. An institution should ensure that its counterparties have the

    power and authority to enter into derivatives transactions and that the


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    Risk Management in Banking Sector.

    counterparties' obligations arising from them are enforceable. Similarly, an

    institution should also ensure that its rights with respect to any margin or

    collateral received from counterparty are enforceable and exercisable.

    The advantages of netting arrangements can include a reduction incredit and liquidity risks, the potential to do more business with existing

    counterparties within existing credit lines and a reduced need for collateral to

    support counterparty obligations. The institution should ascertain that its

    netting agreements are adequately documented and that they have been

    executed properly. Only when a netting arrangement is legally enforceable in

    all relevant jurisdictions should an institution monitor its credit and liquidity

    risks on a net basis. The institution should have knowledge of relevant tax

    laws and interpretations governing the use of derivatives instruments.

    Knowledge of these laws is necessary not only for the institution's marketing

    activities but also for its own use of these products.

    4. Building Block to Create Shareholders Value:

    To use a sporting analogy, first-class risk management is not only about

    outstanding goal keeping, but also about the ability to move up field and help

    the team score. Advances in leading edge risk and capital management tools

    suggest that banks are ready to move to this next stage of implementation.

    RAROC will be used to drive pricing, performance measurement, portfolio

    management, and capital management. The new paradigm of a total risk

    enabled enterprise (TREE) will increase shareholders value at tactical and

    strategic level, as well as attracting