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  • Priority 1 Registration: Nov 28 - 29Priority 2 Registration: Nov 30Priority 3 Registration: Dec 1 - 5Priority 4 Registration: Dec 6Priority 5 Registration: Dec 7Schedule of Classes: Spring 2017


    Transf erable: BUS2, BUS SEQ A

    An introduction to accounting as an inf ormation sy stem, examining why it is important and how it is used by inv estors, creditors, and others to make decisions. The course cov ers the accounting inf ormation sy stem including the process, purpose, concepts, rules, and theory . The course will include the application of accounting principles, concepts, and theory used to accumulate and summarize f inancial data into f inancial statements. The course will include issues relating to asset, liability , and equity v aluation, rev enue and expense recognition, cash f low, internal controls, and ethics. The course will include the critical analy sis and interpretation of f inancial inf ormation and f inancial statements. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ACCT 110) ADVISORY: Intermediate Algebra (Math 233 or Math 240), English College Reading (English 260), English Practical Writing (English 250), and basic computerized spreadsheet knowledge.

    ACCT 20: Financial Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 MHG-805:00 pm - 07:00 pm W40129 1Wolowitz, Jason2.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 20 Wolowitz, Jason2.0Online:Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: BUS4, BUS SEQ A

    This course will study how managers use accounting inf ormation f or decision making, planning, directing and controlling. Topics will include managerial control methods, cost terms, cost concepts, cost behav iors, cost accounting, cost-v olume-prof it analy sis, v ariable costing, budgeting, decision making concepts and other related topics. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ACCT 120) PREREQUISITE: ACCT 20, Financial Accounting. ADVISORY: Intermediate Algebra (Math 233 or Math 240), English College Reading (English 260), English Practical Writing (English 250), and basic computerized spreadsheet knowledge.

    ACCT 21: Managerial Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 21 MHG-402:30 pm - 04:50 pm W40771 7Wolowitz, Jason2.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 21 Wolowitz, Jason2.0Online:Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, GAV-GE:D2, GAV-GE:F; CAN:AJ2

    The history and philosophy of justice as it ev olv ed throughout the world; in-depth study of the American sy stem and v arious sub-sy stems; roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society ; concepts of crime causations, punishments and rehabilitation; ethics, education and training f or prof essionalism in the social sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 10: Introduction to the Adm inistration of Justice

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    srsmith@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 MHG-509:45 am - 11:10 am TR40106 8Smith, Shelly3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    dpulido@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 MHG-306:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40120 14Pulido, Dav id3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Legal processes f rom pre-arrest, arrest through trial, sentencing and correctional procedures; a rev iew of the history of case and common law; conceptual interpretations of law as ref lected in court decisions; a study of case law methodology and case research as the decisions impact upon the procedures of the justice sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 122) ADVISORY: AJ 10; Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 12: Crim inal Procedures

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:06 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CBohn@gav ilan.eduAJ 12 MHG-408:00 am - 09:25 am MW40107 6Bohn, Charles3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course cov ers the origin, dev elopment, philosophy and basis of ev idence; constitutional and procedural considerations af f ecting arrest, search and seizure; ty pes of ev idence and rules gov erning admissibility ; judicial decisions interpreting indiv idual rights and case studies. In addition to the Federal Rules of Ev idence, the course also includes the Calif ornia law regarding the rules of ev idence. (C-ID: AJ 124) ADVISORY: AJ 10 and Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 16: Introduction to Evidence

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CBohn@gav ilan.eduAJ 16 MHG-409:45 am - 11:10 am MW40764 1Bohn, Charles3.0LecAbove class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course cov ers techniques of handling juv enile of f enders and v ictims; prev ention and repression of delinquency ; diagnosis and ref erral; and organization of community resources. The course also includes juv enile law and juv enile court procedure with a strong emphasis on Calif ornia law, including the Calif ornia Penal and Welf are and Institution Codes. (C-ID: AJ 220) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 20: Juvenile Law and Procedure

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    srsmith@gav ilan.eduAJ 20 MHG-511:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40108 5Smith, Shelly3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course is designed to explore historical dev elopments, origins, philosophy and current trends and activ ities in criminal street gangs within Calif ornia. It will explore areas of v iolence, recruitment, drug use, graf f iti and attire; with emphasis placed on organization within gangs and their racial backgrounds. Ty pes of solutions within the criminal justice sy stem used to combat street gangs is also included. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 176: Crim inal Street Gangs

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dpulido@gav ilan.eduAJ 176 MHG-406:00 pm - 09:10 pm R40932 21Pulido, Dav id3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1, GAV-GE:F; CAN:ART2, ART SEQ A

    A critical surv ey of the inf luences and dev elopment of painting, architecture, sculpture, and minor arts f rom pre-history to the By zantine/Romanesque eras, including the art of primitiv e people. (C-ID: ARTH 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ART 1A: Art History

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    wangel@gav ilan.eduART 1A MHG-306:00 pm - 09:10 pm W40376 10Angel, Wendy3.0LecAbove class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:B1, IGETC:5A, GAV-GE:B1

    An introduction to the realm of astronomy and space science. Topics to be cov ered include the historical dev elopment of astronomy , the phy sics of grav itation and radiation, the solar sy stem, stellar astronomy , galactic and extragalactic astronomy , and cosmology . ADVISORY: Mathematics 205 and eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ASTR 1: Introduction to General Astronom y

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:06 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gmuro@gav ilan.eduASTR 1 MHG-1306:00 pm - 09:10 pm M40230 3Muro, Gabriel3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU

    This course introduces students to the concepts and issues related to teaching div erse learners in today 's contemporary schools, Kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12). Topics include teaching as a prof ession and career, historical and philosophical f oundations of the American education sy stem, contemporary educational issues, Calif ornia's content standards and f rameworks, and teacher perf ormance standards. In addition to class time, the course requires a minimum of 45 hours of structured f ieldwork in public school elementary classrooms that represent Calif ornia's div erse student population, and includes cooperation with at least one caref ully selected and campus-approv ed certif icated classroom teacher. (C-ID: EDUC 200) ADVISORY: English 1A

    CD 8C: Introduction to Elem entary Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CD 8C40119 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    A study of the methods and principles of superv ising student teachers, v olunteers, staf f and other adults in early childhood programs. Emphasis is on the roles and dev elopment of early childhood prof essionals as mentors and leaders. This course meets the requirement f or the State Dev elopment Permit matrix: "2 unit adult superv ision class" and Mentor Teacher program. Lectures, discussions, in class and out of class activ ities, role-play simulations, readings, indiv idual and group assignments as well as v ideo and guest presenters will be used. ADVISORY: Pref er that students meet the requirements f or the State Child Dev elopment Teacher Permit or completion of a college-lev el course of study in child dev elopment or early childhood education, or equiv alent, or permission of instructor.

    CD 11C: Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Childhood Program

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mlatta@gav ilan.eduCD 11C MHG-406:00 pm - 08:05 pm T40112 21Latta, Mary2.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1; CAN:SPCH4

    Basic principles of ef f ectiv e human communication and their f unction in contemporary public settings; emphasis is on the speeches to inf orm and persuade, with special consideration giv en to f undamental communication skills, including organization, reasoning, explanation, rhetoric and listening. (C-ID: COMM 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 1A: Introduction to Public Speaking

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cav ila@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A MHG-1006:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40417 3Av ila, Christina3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    ktappmey er@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A MHG-1009:45 am - 11:10 am TR40420 13Tappmey er, Karie3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1; CAN:SPCH10

    An introductory course that dev elops basic indiv idual reasoning skills, insights and experiences in inf ormation-sharing, interacting, decision-making, problem-solv ing, persuasion, and resolution of disputes and other issues central to group processes. (C-ID: COMM 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 10: Sm all Group Com m unication

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:06 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ktappmey er@gav ilan.eduCMUN 10 MHG-1011:20 am - 12:45 pm TR40410 5Tappmey er, Karie3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Introduction to Jav a programming. Includes programming f undamentals, program design, and core computer concepts. Cov ers the basics of object-oriented programming in the Jav a env ironment. (C-ID: COMP 122) ADVISORY: CSIS 10 or CSIS 42.

    CSIS 24: Java Program m ing I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 24 MHG-804:30 pm - 05:50 pm M40741 14Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 24 Stoy kov , AlexandreOnline:Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course is a continuation of Jav a Programming I, intended f or students majoring in programming and/or planning to transf er to a 4-y ear college or univ ersity . This course will cov er topics discussed in Jav a Programming I in more detail. Emphasis will be placed on implementation and analy sis of algorithms and abstract data ty pes: lists, queues, stacks, array s, trees, priority queues, heaps, tables, hashing, balanced trees, graphs, searching and sorting, and recursion. (C-ID: COMP 132) PREREQUISITE: CSIS 24 Jav a Programming I or equiv alent experience.

    CSIS 27: Java Program m ing II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 27 MHG-806:00 pm - 07:30 pm M40767 22Stoy kov , Alexandre2.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    CSIS 27 STAFF, S1.0Online:Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course is f or those new to programming and is the recommended f irst course to take bef ore taking other programming classes. No prev ious programming background is assumed. The course introduces students to the f undamental concepts of computer programming using Py thon. Students will learn the procedural and object- oriented programming design methodology . Topics cov ered include: output, input, v ariables, selection, repetition, f unctions, recursion, lists, strings, f ile manipulation, internet scripting, regular expressions, data mining and GUI. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: COMP 112)

    CSIS 42: Python Program m ing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 42 MHG-804:30 pm - 05:50 pm R40765 19Stoy kov , Alexandre1.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 42 Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Online:Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:E2; CAN:CSCI18

    An introduction to the concepts and methods of computer programming using C++. Students will be introduced to procedural and object-oriented programming design methodology . Topics cov ered include v ariable and constant declarations, selection statements, repetition, f unctions and recursion, array s, strings, pointers, and an introduction to classes and objects. This course will prepare students f or the Programming II class. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: COMP 122) ADVISORY: CSIS 42

    CSIS 45: C++ Program m ing I

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:06 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 45 MHG-806:00 pm - 08:00 pm R40790 25Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 45 Stoy kov , Alexandre

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:C1

    This is an entry lev el course in mastering Adobe's Photoshop sof tware. Students will learn creativ e and f undamental processes in prof essional digital image editing. Hands on lessons prov ide students with skills to manage today 's image libraries. Students will be introduced to Photoshop's Bridge and Camera Raw utilities while craf ting state of the art compositions f or print, v ideo, animation and the web. There is a f ocus on basic tonal and color adaptations, digital painting, black and white conv ersion, special ef f ects, and correction and restoration techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as DM 75. ADVISORY: CSIS 124 (Windows Fundamentals), CSIS 2L

    CSIS 75: Photoshop I - Adobe Photoshop

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduCSIS 75 MHG-506:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40869 20Grzan, Ray mond3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:C1

    The study of digital photography f rom digital camera to the computer-based printer or digital media. Artistic, theoretical, and technical aspects will be considered. Topics include inf ormation about ty pes and purchasing of digital cameras; theory , mechanics, and art of digital imagery ; digital darkroom; eccentricities of digital photo taking; stitching photos f or v irtual reality ; and preparing digital images f or print, World Wide Web and other digital media. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as DM 80. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2/2L or ART 8A or equiv alent computer experience.

    CSIS 80: Digital Photography

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduCSIS 80 MHG-506:00 pm - 07:55 pm R41080 22Grzan, Ray mond3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduCSIS 80 MHG-508:00 pm - 09:10 pm R Grzan, Ray mondLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduCSIS 80 Grzan, Ray mond

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU

    An introduction to database sy stems, including the design, use and administration of databases. This course has the option of a standard letter grade or pass/no pass. PREREQUISITE: CSIS 45, CSIS 5, or CSIS 24.

    CSIS 162: Introduction to Database System s

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CSIS 16240841 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: GAV-GE:C1

    This is an entry lev el course in mastering Adobe's Photoshop sof tware. Students will learn creativ e and f undamental processes in prof essional digital image editing. Hands on lessons prov ide students with skills to manage today 's image libraries. Students will be introduced to Photoshop's Bridge and Camera Raw utilities while craf ting state of the art compositions f or print, v ideo, animation and the web. There is a f ocus on basic tonal and color adaptations, digital painting, black and white conv ersion, special ef f ects, and correction and restoration techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 75. ADVISORY: CSIS 124 (Windows Fundamentals), CSIS 2L

    DM 75: Photoshop I - Adobe PhotoShop

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduDM 75 MHG-506:00 pm - 09:10 pm T40946 15Grzan, Ray mond3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:C1

    The study of digital photography f rom digital camera to the computer-based printer or digital media. Artistic, theoretical, and technical aspects will be considered. Topics include inf ormation about ty pes and purchasing of digital cameras; theory , mechanics, and art of digital imagery ; digital darkroom; eccentricities of digital photo taking; stitching photos f or v irtual reality ; and preparing digital images f or print, World Wide Web and other digital media. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 80. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2/2L or ART 8A or equiv alent computer experience.

    DM 80: Digital Photography

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduDM 80 MHG-506:00 pm - 07:55 pm R40780 15Grzan, Ray mond3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduDM 80 MHG-508:00 pm - 09:10 pm R Grzan, Ray mondLabAbove class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    rgrzan@gav ilan.eduDM 80 Grzan, Ray mond

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:A2, IGETC:1A, GAV-GE:A2; CAN:ENGL2, ENGL SEQ A

    This is a writing course which emphasizes expository writing, argumentativ e writing, and critical reading of expository prose. It is meant to train students in clear thinking and reasoned support of ideas. Students will be giv en the opportunity to read models of good expository and argumentativ e prose and learn the techniques of good writing. These include choosing appropriate subjects, dev eloping restricted, unif ied, and precise theses and presenting supporting ev idence in a logical, lucid, and ef f ectiv e manner. To achiev e this end, students write no f ewer than six essay s (a minimum of 6,000 words) and read at least f iv e works, two of which are book length. (C-ID: ENGL 100) PREREQUISITE: English 250 and English 260 or equiv alent with grade of 'C' or better or satisf actory score on the English placement examination.

    ENGL 1A: Com position

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tpalsgrov e@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A MHG-1008:10 am - 09:35 am MW40004 8Palsgrov e, Tif f any3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.This class is part of a learning community . If y ou enroll y ou must also enroll in LIB 200, CRN#40528.

    msny der@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A MHG-1306:00 pm - 09:10 pm W40018 2Sny der, Mary3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.Explore the conf luence of culture, community , and humanity .

    moral@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A MHG-1002:30 pm - 03:55 pm MW40019 4Oral, Martha3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.Examine social justice issues such as the death penalty , racial terrorism, racial prof iling, and the prison sy stem. Recommended f or students interested in administration of justice and law.

    Transf erable: CSU-GE:A3, IGETC:1B, GAV-GE:C2

    This course is designed to dev elop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills bey ond the lev el achiev ed in English 1A. The emphasis is on critical analy sis of arguments and the dev elopment of the ability to integrate the principles of critical thinking into essay writing. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words. (C-ID: ENGL 105) PREREQUISITE: English 1A with a grade of "C" or better.

    ENGL 1C: Critical Reasoning and Writing

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    moral@gav ilan.eduENGL 1C MHG-1204:05 pm - 05:30 pm MW40042 1Oral, Martha3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course cov ers writing clear, correct, ef f ectiv e essay s and learning preliminary research skills. Also listed as English 250P. PREREQUISITE: English 440 or ESL 563 with a grade of 'C' or better or satisf actory score on the English placement examination.

    ENGL 250: Practical Writing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kdiehl@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-1009:45 am - 11:10 am MW40053 5Diehl, Karen3.0LecAbove class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    kdiehl@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-511:25 am - 12:15 pm M Diehl, KarenLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    kdiehl@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-1009:45 am - 11:10 am MW40054 11Diehl, Karen3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    kdiehl@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-511:25 am - 12:15 pm W Diehl, KarenLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    wcudaldeocera@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-1104:05 pm - 05:30 pm TR40057 8Cudal De Ocera, Wilson Ky le3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    wcudaldeocera@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-803:00 pm - 03:50 pm T Cudal De Ocera, Wilson Ky leLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    wcudaldeocera@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-1104:05 pm - 05:30 pm TR40058 8Cudal De Ocera, Wilson Ky le3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    wcudaldeocera@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 MHG-803:00 pm - 03:50 pm R Cudal De Ocera, Wilson Ky leLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Students will acquaint themselv es with college and univ ersity requirements, educational alternativ es, and strategies f or academic success. This will include an orientation to college programs, serv ices, policies and f acilities. Students will apply assessment test results, dev elop an indiv idualized education plan and class schedule, and/or enroll in f irst semester classes. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    GUID 210: First Year College Student Sem inar

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    GUID 21040758 STAFF, S Cancelled

    2/1/2017 - 3/1/2017 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:C2, CSU-GE:D, IGETC:3B, IGETC:4F, GAV-GE:C2, GAV-GE:D1, GAV-GE:D2, GAV-GE:F, US:1, US:2; CAN:HIST8, HIST SEQ B

    History of the United States f rom the time bef ore European contact with the Americas through Reconstruction. Emphasis will be placed on distinctiv e patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual, and geographic dev elopments within their global context. At the conclusion of the course, the student should understand major themes in the history of the United States, and be able to explain v arious way s in which ideas about f ederal v s. state power, ethnicity , class, and gender div isions hav e inf luenced the nation's dev elopment. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: HIST 130) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    HIST 1: United States History through Reconstruction

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cmosher@gav ilan.eduHIST 1 MHG-1211:20 am - 12:45 pm MW40159 3Mosher, Timothy3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU-GE:C2, CSU-GE:D, IGETC:3B, IGETC:4F, IGETC:7B, GAV-GE:C2, GAV-GE:D1, GAV-GE:D2, US:1, US:3; CAN:HIST10, HIST SEQ B

    History of the United States f rom Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis will be placed on distinctiv e patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual, and geographic dev elopments within their global context. At the conclusion of the course, the student should understand major themes in the history of the United States, and be able to explain v arious way s in which ideas about f ederal v s. state power, ethnicity , class, and gender div isions hav e inf luenced the nation's dev elopment. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: HIST 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A.

    HIST 2: United States History Reconstruction to the Present

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cmosher@gav ilan.eduHIST 2 MHG-1209:45 am - 11:10 am MW40171 9Mosher, Timothy3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    Coeducational activ ity designed f or beginning y oga students. The emphasis will be on phy sical alignment and f orm, accessing postures through the use of props. This is a program designed to improv e f lexibility and reduce stress by learning a series of poses and f ocusing on the proper breathing techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as KIN 62. Courses should be taken in sequential order.

    KIN 62A: Yoga - Beginning

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nf ortino@gav ilan.eduKIN 62A MHG-1005:00 pm - 06:25 pm MW40096 15Fortino, Frank1.0Lab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    Coeducational activ ity designed f or intermediate y oga students. Emphasis will be on strength, stamina, and f lexibility . This is a program designed to improv e f lexibility and reduce stress by learning a series of poses and f ocusing on proper breathing techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as KIN 62. Courses should be taken in sequential order.

    KIN 62B: Yoga - Interm ediate

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nf ortino@gav ilan.eduKIN 62B MHG-1105:00 pm - 06:25 pm MW40097 20Fortino, Frank1.0Lab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    Coeducational activ ity designed f or adv anced y oga students. Emphasis will be on linking the breath, drishti, and mudras with the appropriate pose. This is a program designed to improv e f lexibility and reduce stress by learning a series of poses and f ocusing on proper breathing techniques. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as KIN 62. Courses should be taken in sequential order.

    KIN 62C: Yoga - Advanced

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nf ortino@gav ilan.eduKIN 62C MHG-1005:00 pm - 06:25 pm MW40098 28Fortino, Frank1.0Lab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU-GE:B4, IGETC:2A, GAV-GE:B4; CAN:STAT2

    Descriptiv e analy sis and presentation of either single-v ariable data or biv ariate data, probability , probability distributions, normal probability distributions, sample v ariability , statistical inf erences inv olv ing one and two populations, analy sis of v ariance, linear correlation and regression analy sis. Statistical computer sof tware will be extensiv ely integrated as a tool in the description and analy sis of data. The instructor will be using and supporting a TI-83 Plus graphing calculator in all classroom demonstrations. PREREQUISITE: MATH 233, or MATH 240, or MATH 233A and MATH 233B, or MATH 242 with a grade of 'C' or better.

    MATH 5: Introduction to Statistics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    av iarengo@gav ilan.eduMATH 5 MHG-306:00 pm - 08:05 pm M40325 FULLViarengo, Alan3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    av iarengo@gav ilan.eduMATH 5 MHG-1206:00 pm - 07:05 pm W Viarengo, AlanLec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    av iarengo@gav ilan.eduMATH 5 MHG-1207:15 pm - 08:05 pm W Viarengo, AlanLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:B4

    This is a second course of algebra and is designed f or STEM and other math based majors. It will cov er solv ing sy stems of equations with matrices, graphs and f unctions, absolute v alue equations and inequalities, radical, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic expressions and f unctions, complex numbers, conic sections, and problem solv ing strategies. PREREQUISITE: Math 430 with a grade of C or better, or Math 205, Math 205B, or Math 233A with a grade of C or better, or assessment test recommendation.

    MATH 240: Algebra II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dmclennan@gav ilan.eduMATH 240 MHG-1312:55 pm - 02:05 pm MTWR40284 2McLennan, Deborah5.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This is the f irst course of algebra. It will cov er simplif y ing algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities, linear f unctions and their graphs, sy stems of equations, poly nomials, f actoring, rational expressions, and applications of all of the abov e. PREREQUISITE: Math 402 with a grade of "Pass", or Math 411 or Math 205A with a grade of C or better, or assessment test recommendation.

    MATH 430: Algebra I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mkmendoza@gav ilan.eduMATH 430 MHG-1206:00 pm - 08:30 pm TR40319 6Mendoza, Morgan5.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:A3, IGETC:1B, GAV-GE:C2

    This course is designed to introduce the relationship between critical thinking and critical writing in a way that will be both enjoy able to the student and helpf ul in other aspects of lif e. The student will learn techniques of critical thinking, play ing close attention to the current ev ents, mov ies and popular media, music ly rics, as well as the textbook. Students will learn to identif y deductiv e and inductiv e arguments and be able to ev aluate their strength, create a strong argument of their own on a giv en topic, as well become experts in the area of critical analy sis. The goal is to enable students to become strong, well inf ormed, articulate members of the community as well as indiv iduals with an empowered sense of self as an agent of change. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words. PREREQUISITE: English 1A

    PHIL 4: Critical Thinking and Writing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tle@gav ilan.eduPHIL 4 MHG-1106:30 pm - 07:55 pm TR40477 12Le, Trung3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, IGETC:7A, GAV-GE:D1, GAV-GE:D2, GAV-GE:F, US:2, US:3; CAN:GOVT2

    Explores the dev elopment of American political institutions and their utilization in dealing with issues arising at the international, national and state lev els. Emphasis is placed on those problems which hav e def ined our f ederal sy stem of gov ernment. Calif ornia gov ernment and appropriate state institutions will be included as a v ital part of our f ederal sy stem of gov ernment. (C-ID: POLS 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    POLS 1: Introduction to Am erican Governm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sbanks@gav ilan.eduPOLS 1 MHG-311:20 am - 12:45 pm MW40195 5Banks, Sonia3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4I, GAV-GE:D2, GAV-GE:F

    The nature, scope, methods, presuppositions, history , and f ields of psy chology together with the scientif ic study of f actors inf luencing human behav ior, human dev elopment, perception, learning, memory , emotion, personality , f rustration, and psy chotherapy . This course was prev iously listed as PSYC 1A. (C-ID: PSY 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    PSYC 10: Introduction to Psychology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jcampilli@gav ilan.eduPSYC 10 MHG-1209:45 am - 11:10 am TR40206 3Campilli, Julie3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    coler@gav ilan.eduPSYC 10 MHG-1006:00 pm - 09:10 pm R40209 12Oler, Carlton3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4J, GAV-GE:D2; CAN:SOC2

    Analy sis of the structure and dy namics of human society f ocusing on basic concepts, theories and methods; the dev elopment of culture; the socialization process; group behav ior; social inequality , dev iance; sexism, racism, and ageism; major social structures and social institutions; human ecology , and global dy namics. Emphasizes contemporary American society . (C-ID: SOCI 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    SOC 1A: Introduction to Sociology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    npark@gav ilan.eduSOC 1A MHG-1206:00 pm - 09:10 pm M40216 15Park, Nicholas3.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Transf erable: CSU-GE:C2, IGETC:6A, GAV-GE:C2, GAV-GE:F; CAN:SPAN4, SPAN SEQ A

    Continuation of Spanish 1A. Further dev elopment of the f our skills of understanding, speaking, reading and writing Spanish. This course will continue to emphasize the study of Hispanic culture and institutions. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Spanish 1A or equiv alent.

    SPAN 1B: Elem entary Spanish

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cschalesky @gav ilan.eduSPAN 1B MHG-1306:00 pm - 08:30 pm TR40474 11Schalesky , Claudia5.0Lec

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.


    Prev ocational skills f or adults with impaired cognitiv e f unctioning. Entry lev el work preparation is emphasized. Skills taught include basic work routine orientation, communication skills, job ability assessment, and self -management skills.

    AE 600: Vocational Training I

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tmerrill@gav ilan.eduAE 600 MHG-308:10 am - 11:10 am M40618 7Merrill, TamaraLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.Students are required to register with a DRC Counselor f or this section. Contact the DRC Of f ice (LI 117).

    cbrown@gav ilan.eduAE 600 MHG-811:20 am - 12:45 pm M Brown, Chery lLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    AE 603 is a job readiness course which prov ides opportunities f or indiv iduals with disabilities to participate in serv ice-learning activ ities and job readiness training leading to job dev elopment and placement in a community setting.

    AE 603: Vocational Training IV

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tmerrill@gav ilan.eduAE 603 MHG-509:45 am - 12:55 pm F40638 16Merrill, TamaraLab

    Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.Students are required to register with a DRC Counselor f or this section.Contact the DRC Of f ice (LI 117).


    This course is designed f or second language learners that want to prepare f or the United States Citizenship test giv en by the Department of Immigration and U. S. Naturalization Serv ices. The f ocus will be on communicativ e English skills and knowledge of American History and Gov ernment required f or passing the test to become a citizen of the United States. Readings are at the high-beginning/low-intermediate ESL lev el and will f ocus on the historical period beginning in the 1600's on through to 1980.

    ESL 702A: ESL Citizenship

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sav ila@gav ilan.eduESL 702A MHG-10/1106:30 pm - 07:55 pm MW40368 7Av ila, SaraLec

    1/30/2017 - 5/26/2017 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This is the f irst course in a series of integrated skills courses designed to dev elop the reading, writing and grammar skills of ESL students. This beginning course f ocuses on v ocabulary dev elopment, basic reading strategies and comprehension, basic grammar and beginning writing skills (sentence lev el and basic paragraphs.) The aim of this course is to assist beginning lev el students in becoming more literate while participating in holistic reading and writing activ ities based on engaging multicultural topics. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 727: NC Integrated Reading, Writing I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    LHasbany @gav ilan.eduESL 727 MHG-309:00 am - 12:05 pm TR40839 FULLBowles Hasbany , Ly nnLec

    1/30/2017 - 5/26/2017 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This is the second course in a series of English classes f or students with basic oral or written English competency . It will giv e students basic v ocabulary and f amiliarity in lif e skill areas such as daily routines, f ood work, and health to manage in the English speaking community . This course integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 785: NC ESL Lifeskills 1B

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    eporcella@gav ilan.eduESL 785 MHG-506:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW40382 FULLPorcella, ElizabethLec

    1/30/2017 - 5/26/2017 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Page 12 of 12

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 4/6/2017 5:05:07 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]