probabilistic user's guide in construction.pdf

7/27/2019 Probabilistic User's Guide in construction.pdf 1/20 1 Deterministic and Probabilistic Analysis CA4PRS estimates can be produced from two types of analysis methods: deterministic and probabilistic. Deterministic estimation treats all of the input parameters as constants during productivity calculation, which does not capture the variations frequently seen during construction. In contrast, probabilistic analysis treats all input parameters as variables that change according to an assigned probability distribution function. The  probability distribution predicts the likely behavior of an input parameter over a range of  potential input parameter values. Probabilistic estimation is the preferred means of CA4PRS analysis because this type of estimation can define and incorporate the uncertainty associated with determining each scheduling or resource input parameter. Probabilistic analysis also yields a more comprehensive estimate than deterministic analysis by providing a range of likely construction productivity, but requires more information about expected variable behavior and the likely variable probability distributions. Included in this documentation is a general description and guide on selecting and using appropriate distribution functions for the different CA4PRS input  parameters. Distribution and distribution parameter recommendations are based on data collected from rehabilitation projects on I-15 Devore and I-10 Pomona in California and the I-5 James to Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation project completed in Seattle, Washington. 2 Monte Carlo Simulation In a probabilistic analysis, CA4PRS combines probability distribution functions with Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulations refer to a stochastic problem-solving  process that is used for solving complex problems. The process is referred to as stochastic  because it is dependent upon the use of random numbers. Modeling construction  productivity is suited to Monte Carlo simulation because construction productivity is  based upon input parameters that will likely vary within a range of values. A Monte Carlo simulation consists of a series of iterations, or individual simulations which are used to  produce a most likely representation of contractor productivity. During one simulation iteration, random values are assigned to each input parameter according to their specified

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1 Determinist ic and Probabilistic Analysis

CA4PRS estimates can be produced from two types of analysis methods: deterministic

and probabilistic. Deterministic estimation treats all of the input parameters as constants

during productivity calculation, which does not capture the variations frequently seen

during construction. In contrast, probabilistic analysis treats all input parameters as

variables that change according to an assigned probability distribution function. The

 probability distribution predicts the likely behavior of an input parameter over a range of 

 potential input parameter values. Probabilistic estimation is the preferred means of 

CA4PRS analysis because this type of estimation can define and incorporate the

uncertainty associated with determining each scheduling or resource input parameter.

Probabilistic analysis also yields a more comprehensive estimate than deterministic

analysis by providing a range of likely construction productivity, but requires more

information about expected variable behavior and the likely variable probability

distributions. Included in this documentation is a general description and guide on

selecting and using appropriate distribution functions for the different CA4PRS input

 parameters. Distribution and distribution parameter recommendations are based on data

collected from rehabilitation projects on I-15 Devore and I-10 Pomona in California and

the I-5 James to Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation project completed in Seattle,


2 Monte Carlo Simulation

In a probabilistic analysis, CA4PRS combines probability distribution functions with

Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulations refer to a stochastic problem-solving

 process that is used for solving complex problems. The process is referred to as stochastic

 because it is dependent upon the use of random numbers. Modeling construction

 productivity is suited to Monte Carlo simulation because construction productivity is

 based upon input parameters that will likely vary within a range of values. A Monte Carlo

simulation consists of a series of iterations, or individual simulations which are used to

 produce a most likely representation of contractor productivity. During one simulation

iteration, random values are assigned to each input parameter according to their specified

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 probability distribution function. The random input parameters generated during one

Monte Carlo simulation iteration are placed into a CA4PRS estimate. This estimate

generates a contractor productivity estimate in lane-miles for that specific iteration. By

running up to as many as several thousand iterations during a Monte Carlo simulation,

CA4PRS produces an overall figure for the most likely production as well as a

distribution of likely productivity.

3 Probabili ty Distribut ion Functions

CA4PRS probabilistic estimation requires users to assign a probability distribution

function to the input parameters in both the scheduling and resource profiles. Probability

distributions are statistical functions that describe the probable behavior of a variable. In

a CA4PRS analysis, the variables are the input parameters. Input parameters assigned a

 probabilistic function will not have one precise value, but rather a range of possible or 

 potential values. The probability distribution function describes the probability of an

input parameter being assigned a particular value in this range of potential values.

Probability distributions are commonly described using graphical representation. Figure 1

depicts the behavior of an unknown input parameter over a range of possible values. For 

this example, a common distribution called a normal distribution is depicted. Normal

distributions are defined through two statistical parameters: the mean (µ) and the standard

deviation (σ). The mean value is the most likely or probable value in the probability

distribution being modeled. The standard deviation describes the width of the distribution

and how far values are likely to be from the mean. Standard deviations can be used for 

assigning the probability of a value for being within a range. For instance, for a normal

distribution, 68.2% of the area under the curve is within one standard deviation whereas

95.4% of the area under the curve is within two standard deviations. Other distributions

will have different shapes and descriptive parameters but are used for describing the probability of an input parameter having different values within a specified range.

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Figure 2 – A uniform distribution (Wikipedia contributors, 2006)

3.3 Normal Distribution

 Normal distributions are one of the most frequently used forms of distribution and are

commonly known as bell curves (Weisstein, 2004). A normal distribution is a distribution

that is symmetric about the mean. The distribution of values around the mean is described

 by the standard deviation of the sample data being represented. Assigning a normal

distribution to any of the CA4PRS inputs requires input of both the mean and the

standard deviation for the input being modeled. Normal distributions typically arise

where a large number of small effects act additively or independently upon a variable

(Wikipedia contributors, 2006). In using this type of distribution, users are required to

identify an appropriate standard deviation that will describe how the input parameter will

vary. If the input parameter is predicted to be fairly consistent, then a smaller standard

deviation should be used. At greater levels of uncertainty, the standard deviation should

 be increased for CA4PRS input parameters. A recommended arbitrary starting point for 

unknown data is to assume the value of the standard deviation will be 10-20% of the

expected input parameter mean.

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3.5 Triangular Distribution

A triangular distribution is a continuous probability distribution that can be used when

relatively little information exists about the behavior of an input parameter (Wikipedia

contributors, 2006). To use this type of distribution, only the maximum and minimum

values for a range of potential input parameters values need to be known or 

approximated. This type of distribution can be used with almost any construction input as

long as the user has a reasonable estimate for maximum and minimum input parameter 


Figure 5 - Triangular distribution (Wikipedia contributors, 2006)

3.6 Beta Distribution

Beta distributions are most commonly used to describe intervals defined by the maximum

and minimum value of a variable. Beta distributions can be used to describe the

relationship between two variables, commonly referred to as the α variable and β 

variable. Modeling this type of distribution in CA4PRS requires inputting values for both

α and β. Because of its complexity and potential for different shapes, the beta distribution

in CA4PRS should only be used where necessary and if the more commonly used

normal, lognormal, and triangular distributions do not apply.

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Figure 6 - Beta distribution (Wikipedia contributors, 2006)

3.7 Geometric Distribution

A geometric distribution refers to a unique type of distribution that is modeled with the

statistical equation:

P(X=n) = (1- p)n-1


This equation describes the probability of achieving a success or outcome “ p”, for a

statistical event on the nth attempt. The probability of a failure on the first try would be 1-

 p. The probability of a failure on n-1 trials would be (1-p)n-1

. Accordingly, the probability

of a success on the nth attempt would be  p, leading to the distribution described by the

 previously depicted equation. This distribution is commonly described through a coin flip

analogy. The probability of flipping heads on any trial is ½, so  p = 0.5. A success P will

 be defined as flipping the coin with the head up. The probability of a success P on the

first trial is 0.5. The probability of seeing a success on the second trial is:

P = (1-0.5)(2-1) × 0.5.

The probability of a success on the third trial would be:

P= (1-0.5)(3-1)

× 0.5.

The probability for achieving a success on trials one through six are displayed in Table 1.

Input parameters that display this type of behavior can be graphically modeled with the

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distribution shape shown in Figure 7. None of the CA4PRS input parameters will likely

 be modeled by this type of distribution.

Table 1 - Geometric Distribution Probability Distribution For A Coin Toss

nth TrialProbability of a

Success on nth trial

1 0.5

2 0.25

3 0.125

4 0.0625

5 0.0313

6 0.0156








1 2 3 4 5 6

Trial Number 

   P  r  o   b  a   b   i   l   i   t  y  o   f   S  u  c  c  e  s  s   O  n

  n   t   h

   T  r   i  a   l


Figure 7 - Graphical representation of a geometric distribution.

3.8 Truncated Normal Distribution

A truncated normal distribution is very similar to a normal distribution, but is confined

 between an upper and a lower limit. To use this type of distribution CA4PRS requires

inputting the mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values for an input

 parameter. This type of distribution could be used to describe an input parameter such as

truck arrival rates when a minimum or maximum number of truck arrivals is known.

3.9 Truncated Log Normal Distribution

A truncated log normal distributions is very similar to a log normal distribution, but is

confined between an upper and a lower limit. The value of a variable will change

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logarithmically according to the probability function, but input parameter values will be

confined to an upper and lower limit.

4 Assigning Probability Distributions Functions

Assigning a distribution to an input parameter is dependent upon how much information

is known about the input parameter being modeled or how confidently a user can predict

input parameter behavior. In general, the most commonly used distributions will likely be

the triangular, normal, and log normal distributions. If additional information such as a

maximum and a minimum value are known for an input, users can begin applying

truncated normal, truncated log normal, and beta distributions. The geometric and

uniform distributions do not appear to have as much relevance for modeling input

 behavior as the previously mentioned distributions.

While developing an estimate for a new project, most users will only have an expected

mean rate or approximate input parameter value. Assigning productivity rates,

distributions and distribution parameters can be a difficult task without information from

 past construction projects. This section provides input parameter distribution information

collected from three construction projects: (1) I-10 Pomona California (2) I-15 Devore

California and (3) I-5 James to Olive Streets in Seattle, Washington. Distribution data

 presented from these projects can be applied with user assumptions to assign proper input

 parameter distributions and distribution parameters for new estimates. Distribution

information is first presented for the input parameters found in the scheduling profile

window, followed by data for the resource profile input parameters.

4.1 Scheduling Input Parameter Profile

The scheduling profile is the second tab or window that a program user is required to fill

complete during development of a CA4PRS estimate. The scheduling profile window

contains 5 input parameters that can be assigned probability distributions:

(1) Mobilization time

(2) Demobilization time

(3) Demolition to new base lag time(4)  New base to PCCP installation lag time

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(5) Demolition to PCCP installation lag time

The type of distribution and distribution parameters applied to the input parameters will

 be strongly influenced by many factors including the type of construction closure and

construction sequencing. Readers should note that the data presented in the following

sections is specific to one project and is not necessarily applicable to a future projects

with significantly different conditions.

4.1.1 Mobilization

The documentation reviewed on the Californian reconstruction projects in Devore and

Pomona does not contain any information on the distribution of mobilization time

requirements. On the I-5 James to Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation project WSDOT

construction inspection personnel collected mobilization time requirements from four closure windows. A data sample from four construction closures does not provide a large

or comprehensive representation of input parameter variability and behavior. The

mobilization times observed on this project are depicted in Table 2. This limited data

does not depict an easily recognizable distribution. Mobilization times could be logically

assumed to have either a triangular, normal, and log-normal distributions.

Table 2 - Mobilization Times From The I-5 James

To Olive Pavement Reconstruction Project.




Time (hrs.)

Stage 1 0:30

Stage 2 1:00

Stage 3 1:00

Stage4 1:15  

4.1.2 Demobilization

Minimal distribution data exists for demobilization times similar to mobilization times.

Recorded demobilization times from the I-5 James to Olive Streets Pavement

Rehabilitation project are presented in Table 3. Demobilization times have been

calculated as the time that elapsed between the conclusion of PCC paving and the

completion of temporary barrier removal. The four available demobilization times do not

depict an easily recognizable distribution. Dependent on available information,

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demobilization times are suggested to be modeled with triangular, normal and log-normal


Table 3 - Demobilization Times From The I-5 James

To Olive Pavement Reconstruction Project.




Time (hrs.)

Stage 1 13:30

Stage 2 11:00

Stage 3 11:00

Stage4 11:00  

4.1.3 Demoli tion to New Base Installation

Conclusive distribution data has not been collected on demolition to new base installation

lag times. Users are recommended to apply either a triangular, normal or log-normal

distributions. The lag times observed during the four closures on the I-5 James to Olive

Streets Rehabilitation project are presented in Table 4 to provide program users an

indication of the magnitude and variability of this input parameter.

Table 4 - Demolition To New Base Installation Lag Times Observed On The

I-5 James To Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation Project.



End of Demo. To

Start of HMA

Paving (hrs)

Stage 1 4.5

Stage 2 0.55

Stage 3 3.25Stage4 4.08  

4.1.4 New Base Installation to PCCP Installation

Conclusive distribution data has not been collected on demolition to new base installation

lag times. Users are recommended to apply triangular, normal and log-normal

distributions. The lag times observed during the four closures on the I-5 James to Olive

Streets Rehabilitation project are presented in Table 4 to provide program users an

indication of the magnitude and variability of this input parameter.

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Table 5 – End Of Base Paving To Start OF PCCP Lag Times Observed On The

I-5 James To Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation Project



End of HMA Paving to Start

of PCCP Paving (hrs.)

Stage 1 7:40

Stage 2 2:33

Stage 3 0:54Stage4 2:35  

4.1.5 Demolit ion to PCCP Installation

Conclusive distribution data has not been collected on demolition to new base installation

lag times. Users are recommended to apply triangular, normal and log-normal


4.2 Resource Input Parameter Profi le

The scheduling profile is the second tab or window that a program user is required to fill

complete during development of a CA4PRS estimate. The scheduling profile window

contains 10 input parameters that can be assigned probability distributions:

(1)  Demolition trucks per team

(2)  Demolition packing efficiency

(3)   Number of demolition teams

(4)  Demolition team efficiency(5)  Base delivery truck arrival rate

(6)  Base delivery efficiency

(7)  Batch plant capacity(8)  Concrete delivery truck arrival rate

(9)  Concrete packing efficiency(10)  Paver speed

The distribution information presented in the following sections has been collected from

only three construction projects and represents only a small fraction of possible

construction conditions and equipment. This guide only presents distribution

recommendations based on these projects. Users of this guide should make certain that

conditions, construction operations, equipment and other factors are similar between

referenced projects and future projects when applying distribution recommendations.

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4.2.1 Demoli tion Hauling Trucks Trucks Per Hour Per Team

Researchers working during construction on I-10 collected demolition truck distribution

information based on 466 truck trips. Analysis of the data showed that on average, 9

demolition trucks arrived per hour per team with a 2.3 truck standard deviation. The

graphical distribution of truck arrival rates shows something like normal or log-normal

 behavior. Based on these findings, future program users are recommended to apply

normal or log-normal distributions to demolition truck arrival rates.

Figure 8 - Distribution of demolition truck arrival rates recorded during construction

of the I-10 Pomona, California project. Packing Efficiency

During construction on I-10 in Pomona, California, researchers found that demolition

trucks with a 22-ton capacity (9m3

or 2.7 slabs) carried loads that ranged from 8 to 12

metric tons (3.3m3

to 4.9m3). The observed decrease in capacity was due to the inefficient

 packing caused by large bulky pavement sections. Although researchers collected

detailed information, no data is provided for the distribution or the distribution

 parameters associated with demolition truck packing efficiency. Program users are

recommended to apply triangular, normal and log-normal distributions.

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7/27/2019 Probabilistic User's Guide in construction.pdf 14/20 Number of Teams

On most construction projects the number of demolition teams will be best represented as

a deterministic quantity. In order to efficiently manage costs and resources, the number of 

demolition teams will most likely remain constant. Team Efficiency

CA4PRS provides users with the option of establishing a team efficiency and team

efficiency distribution. On the I-10 Pomona project, team efficiency was calculated based

upon loading rates and the number of trucks loaded per hour. The average loading time

for a demolition truck was found to be 5.5 minutes, or 10.90 demolition trucks per hour.

Because each team loaded an average of 9 trucks per hour, team efficiency was

calculated as 82.5% (9/10.9). Because team efficiency calculation is based upon loading

rate, the distribution of team efficiency can be related to the distribution of demolition

loading rates. The average load time of 5.5 minutes was found to have a standard

deviation of 0.9 minutes. Based upon the distribution of truck loading times shown in

Figure 9, team efficiency can accurately be represented by a log-normal distribution.

Figure 9 - The distribution of demolition loading times observed

on the I-10 project in Pomona, California.

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4.2.2 Base Delivery Truck Trucks Per Hour

A distribution of base delivery truck arrivals can be seen in the data collected from the I-5

James to Olive Streets pavement rehabilitation project. On this project base paving

 progressed relatively rapidly, which limited the calculation of truck arrivals on an hourly

 basis. Instead, HMA truck arrival rates have been modeled using minutes between truck 

arrivals as opposed to truck arrivals per hour. Truck arrivals should exhibit the same

arrival distribution regardless if arrival rates are considered using either minutes or hours.

HMA truck arrival behavior depicts a distinctly lognormal distribution (Figure 10).









0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 More

Time Between Truck Arrivals In Minutes

   F  r  e  q  u  e  n  c  y


Figure 10 -HMA truck arrival rates for trucks carrying 26.5 to 33.5 tons of HMA.

The distribution seen in Figure 10 has a mean time of nine minutes between truck 

arrivals with a standard deviation of about eight minutes. If the distribution could be

accurately calculated on an hourly basis, the standard deviation would not likely be as

large. On an hourly basis, the extremes in fast or slow arrival times would probably be

more balanced with one another. The high deviation associated with truck arrivals in

minutes should be ignored. Because the distribution of HMA truck arrivals is similar to

that of demolition trucks shown in, HMA trucks arrivals should be assigned an

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average load and the maximum load is 0.2 tons. For HMA trucks carrying 31.9 to 33.5

tons of HMA, truck load sizes are consistent, and by correlation, packing efficiencies

should also be consistent. The tight clustering of HMA loads can be explained by the fact

that trucks are probably loaded close to the legal axle weight limit permissible on

Washington State roads. Because of the minimal variation, HMA packing efficiency

should be assigned a deterministic distribution with a mean value of 100%.







31.9 32.1 32.3 32.5 32.7 More

HMA Truck Load Size (tons)

   N  u  m   b  e  r  o   f   O  c  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e  s


Figure 12 - Distribution of HMA truck load size.

4.2.3 Batch Plant Capacity

For most rapid rehabilitation projects, large stationary concrete plants will likely have a

 production capacity that exceeds the material handling capacity of the contractor.

Equipment availability, access, space restrictions and other factors will limit how much

material a contractor can place. The contractor who completed the paving work on the I-

10 rehabilitation project only utilized half the hourly capacity of a plant capable of 

 producing 170m3

of material per hour. The tight specifications and high costs associated

with rapid construction projects also decrease production variability. Contractors will

likely have backup production plants and access to sufficient material supplies to meet

contract quantities. Batch plant capacity should be treated as deterministic or a normal

distribution with only small variation (low standard deviation).

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4.2.4 PCC Delivery Trucks Trucks Per Hour

Data collected during construction of the I-10 project completed in Pomona, California, is

 presented in Figure 13. The data depicts an average truck arrival rate of 10 mixer trucks

 per hour, with a standard deviation of 2.1.

Figure 13 - Distribution of PCC delivery truck arrivals.

On the I-5 James to Olive Streets Pavement Rehabilitation project, PCC paving took 

 place over extended periods of time, producing a large data set of truck tickets. The large

collection of truck ticket data facilitated the calculation of truck arrival rates on an hourly

 basis from multiple construction stages (Table 6). The hourly arrival rates in Table 6 have

 been used to create a graphical representation for the distribution of truck arrival rates

(Figure 14). The distribution in Figure 14 shows a distinct normal distribution. The

modeled distribution has a mean of 12.5 truck arrivals per hour and a standard deviation

of 2.7 trucks per hour.

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 Table 6 - PCC Truck Arrival Rates Per Hour Based Upon Truck Ticket Information


1:00AM -


2:00AM -


3:00AM -


4:00AM -


5:00AM -


Trucks Per Hour 12 13 15 17 15

6/18/20057:00PM -8:00PM

8:00PM -9:00PM

9:00PM -10:00PM

Trucks Per Hour 10 9 9


8:00PM -


9:00PM -


10:00PM -


11:00PM -


12:00AM -


1:00AM -


Trucks Per Hour 14 14 11 12 13 13


6:00PM -


7:00PM -


8:00PM -


9:00PM -


10:00AM -


11:00AM -


12:00PM -


Trucks Per Hour 8 14 9 11 16 11 15


5:00PM -


8:00PM -


Trucks Per Hour 16 17  









8 10 12 14 16 18 More

Truck Arrivals Per Hour 

   F  r  e

  q  u  e  n  c  y  o   f   O  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e

 Figure 14 - The distribution of hourly arrival rates for PCC delivery trucks.

Data collection from two different PCC paving projects depicts lognormal distribution for 

PCC truck arrival behavior. Users developing estimates for future are recommended to

apply lognormal distributions with arrival distributions that have a standard deviation

approximately 20% of the mean value. Packing Efficiency

CA4PRS includes a packing efficiency to address material buildup issues with Fast

Setting Hydraulic Cement (FSHC). The I-10 project completed in California used a

concrete pavement mix that had a four hour cure time. Due to the rapid set time, material

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would tend to set and adhere to the inside of the mixing drum. As more material

accumulated in the drum, less space was available for material. Because of the material

 buildup and expense of these materials, future construction projects are not likely to use

these types of materials exclusively. For non-FSHC projects users are recommended to

use a deterministic distribution and a packing efficiency of 1. For FSHC projects, a value

less than one with a 10% standard deviation is advised.

4.2.5 Paver Speed

For users developing future estimates on projects that contain hand and machine paving,

PCC paver speed should be represented by a deterministic rate or a probabilistic

distribution with a small standard deviation. Paving machines produces the best ride and

 pavement quality in terms of a roughness index when they maintain a consistent speed. Ineffort to deliver a high quality project, most contractors will try to maintain a constant

 paver speed.