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  1. 1. *
  3. 3. * UNIT: 10 Breakfast Service In this unit we have seen varieties of breakfast service and pinciplales ingredients to make breakfast.
  4. 4. la carte Bagel Brunch Continental breakfast Coupons Fried eggs Pancakes Pastry Refill Scrambled eggs Voucher Toast
  5. 5. la carte if something is la carte , it is offered from a menu and paid for separately and not as part of a package. This type of food it served in good restaurants
  6. 6. * Sugar donut contains much that is very coveted by children
  7. 7. * Lunch is a type of highly nutritious food that day servivos us
  8. 8. * Continental breakfast is served in hotels and restaurants contains healthy food
  9. 9. * A coupon is a document which it restaurants used as an extra benefit when going to a meal.
  10. 10. * These eggs are made to a customer's order at a restaurant.
  11. 11. * This type of food is the most used at lunch.
  12. 12. * He is a very sweet food and you can take it with age.
  13. 13. * The use cakes to celebrate a loved one on their birthday.
  14. 14. * Being in a restaurant I can call the waiter to serve me a coffee can.
  15. 15. * A bonus would be used as a mode of payment in a hotel.
  16. 16. * Scrambled eggs are part of a proper breakfast.
  17. 17. * Toasts are more appropriate eating at breakfast time.
  18. 18. * The bar is a place where you can buy all service drink, wine generalities,wiskit and other drinks as: Glossary:
  19. 19. Glossary Domestic Beer Cocktail Bartender Happy Hour House Wine Pitcher Red Wine Top Shelf Well Drink White Wine Champagne Water Mint Juices Ices Milkshakes Lemons Flamed drinks Glasses
  20. 20. * The waiter is the right person to serve food properly.
  21. 21. * A coktel is a fresh, low alcohol drink.
  22. 22. * The beer is the most consumed in our country.
  23. 23. * This time must be used within each person to give us some quiet time.
  24. 24. * The house wine uses it for family reunions.
  25. 25. * Peter fills the pitcher with water.
  26. 26. * Red wine it is used in some foods for better seasoning.
  27. 27. * top shelf . This wine it is used in business meetings to be of good quality.
  28. 28. * Juan need a drink to soothe my sorrows.
  29. 29. * Wines for cold dishes, hot entrees with fish, chicken or other poultry with light sauces.
  30. 30. * This type of liquor is served at social events within a company or family reunion.
  31. 31. * It is the vital fluid that helps us to quench our thirst.
  32. 32. * It is a plant that serves to decorate drinks in a bar.
  33. 33. * These juices are served by the food ordered by a customer in a lounge.
  34. 34. * It served alongside a drink for it to be a bit colder.
  35. 35. * This nutritious drink that helps us to strengthen the body.
  36. 36. * It is a fruit that used to give a touch grasped the food.
  37. 37. * They are very nice drinks little alcohol.
  38. 38. * They are where we can serve all types of beverages.
  39. 39. In unit 12 we see how important are the staff in the kitchen. *Unit 12 HOTELS & CATERING
  40. 40. * If something happens in the kitchen employees divulgers not drink what happened.
  41. 41. * Don Juan two pounds of beef please.
  42. 42. * It is used inside a restaurant to order.
  43. 43. * It is in charge of bringing order into the kitchen and make different kinds of food.
  44. 44. * A cook should know that complies function within kitchen.
  45. 45. * He is in charge of putting the seasoning at all meals.
  46. 46. * Who helps prepare the food to cook.
  47. 47. * It is the special menu of the day inside the restaurant for its customers.
  48. 48. * Where food is prepared to be served.
  49. 49. * It is the most agile person in the kitchen because it makes what is needed.
  50. 50. * The person commissioned to deliver the services provided by the restaurant.
  51. 51. * This person receives the payment of maintenance ordered by the customer.
  52. 52. * This person handles clean all the kitchen implements special dishes and base.
  53. 53. * This facility should be adequate to serve food in a neat and cultured.
  54. 54. * It is responsible for serving food to be served
  55. 55. * All business must have customers to surge ahead.
  56. 56. * Usually the dessert should be healthy and nutritious as fruits.
  57. 57. * The meats are important for the whole meal.
  58. 58. * The Cooking utensils are fundamental to the kitchen. the verdurasy fruits vegetables are very healthy.
  59. 59. * The Fruits, vegetables and legumes are very healthy
  60. 60. *
  61. 61. *UNIT 10 TOURISM BOOK In unit 10 we learned how to pay with credit cards with cash or checkbooks.
  62. 62. Charge card: A charge card is small card from a bank or shop that allows you to buy items and pay for them later. Cash-only: A cash only business only accepts cash as a method of payment. It is the most common way to make actual payments. This luxurious places used to pay the bill.
  63. 63. Checking account: A checking account is a type of bank account. You can withdraw money using checks. Check in : To check in is to get the boarding pass from the airport worker. it is a requirement asking us when traveling to another country. It is a way to withdraw or deposit money in banks.
  64. 64. *It allows us to draw money from a bank through this card Through this we can buy clothes cusine implements among other things. Debit card: A debit card is a small card that takes money out of a bank account. Credit card: A credid card is a small card that allows you to buy something at a lower price.
  65. 65. *It is a payment method that we use in any establishment. It is an identity that allows us to enter restricted areas. Method of payment: A method of payment is a way to pay for items, which includes cash, charge cards, and checks. Identification: Identification is a document that proves who you are.
  66. 66. A check is widely used for long- distance travel. It is a type of payment used to cancel an account. Travelers check: Travelers Checks are used by travelers instead of cash. They are printed with a set amount. Personal check: A personal check is a method of payment that uses money from a checking account.
  67. 67. Through this we can pay a loan to long distance. It is a document that serves to identify the other. Transaction: A transaction occurs when someone buys or sell something. Photo ID: A photo ID is a card that proves who you are and has a photograph of you on it.
  68. 68. *UNIT 11 TOURISM BOOK IN unit 11 learn the ways to pay in a hotel, in a restaurant and how to transferences.
  69. 69. Usually it located anywhere in a modern building. We can make money from this device THROUGH. Branch: A branch is an office that is part of a bigger company. ATM: An ATM (automatick taller machine) is a machine that you use to acces and withdraw money from your bank account.
  70. 70. This serves to send emails to other people. It is the time in which the company provides its service. Electronically: To send something electronically is to send something using electric methods. Business hours: A company s business hours are the times that the company is open.
  71. 71. It is a code inserted in mobile devices Service charge: A service charge is a money that you pay to receive a service. PIN number: PIN (personal identification number) is a secret number that you use to access a bank account using an ATM. Thanks for your tip that Mr. Berry good.
  72. 72. You get the money after entering a password. It is to tranferido money from one city to another electronically. Withdraw: To withdraw is to take money out of your bank account. Wire transfer: A wire tranfer is a way to send money electronically.
  73. 73. Matthew cancel the account of service. It is a type of electronic payment widely used by people. Service fee: It is an amount that you must cancel by using a service. Money Electronically: Electronic money is a type of cash th at is used to pay but it is virtual.
  74. 74. The keyboard is very important to insert names, accounts. Ramiro money transfers them to his mother who is in another country. Keypad:Its a keyboard that is locate d in the cashier to enter your passwor d. Transfer: When is when someone mak es a move of money from one account to another.
  75. 75. Having an account is important because it can withdraw and deposit our money. At the bank we can save our money. Account: Is a espace in the bank is registrated the money. Bank: Its a company where they kee p the money.
  76. 76. The notes are very useful because we are so confident that our debts will be paid. It is sure to make cash payments. Promissory note: is used to contain a payment in the future. Cash payment: is used to make a pay ment with money physicist
  77. 77. Paying cash is to have cash compensation is to save time. It is good to have a user account at the bank. Cash clearing: a method to compensa te futures contracts in the positions are evaluated periodically User fee: fee for operation establishe d by the issuer of cards and that is paid by the card hold er to the originating institution in payments with withdrawals or card.
  78. 78. Having credit at a bank needs is good when we can withdraw. Transfers are also very beneficial to have money fast. Intraday credit:Is an intraday cre dit to the customer. Transferability: is a system of electro nic money, the grade in the an electronic balance can be transferr ed between devices without interaction with a cen tral entity.
  79. 79. *UNIT 12 TOURISM BOOK In unit 12 we saw the different ways to have diner do transfercias and about automatic teller machines
  80. 80. Back to repurchase is not good xq the product could be damaged. Commission: A commission is the amount of money a business charges for some types of service. Buy back: A buy back is a pilicy. Abusiness buys back something they previously sold you. Having commission is good that so we have more money.
  81. 81. Juan will become a philosopher. Currency: Currency is a word for money from particular place, like the euro and the dollar. Convert: Is to change money from one currency to another. The coin is a piece of durable material.
  82. 82. Miguel change currency banknotes sun. . Exchange rate: The exchange rate is the rate at which money from one country can be changed for the money from another country. Currency exchange office: A currency exchange office is a place where you can change money for another countrys money. Maria did with his money all exchange rate.
  83. 83. Mari has to pay a minimum charge of 5%. Diego has coins from his country and not be used in another country. Local currency: Local currency is the money from the country you are in. Minimum Charge: A minumum charge is the least amount of money you can pay for something.
  84. 84. Etiven have grades. Receipt: A receipt is a record of a something. Rate: A rate ia a measure of how much you pay for something Martha bought lots of fruits and gave him a Receipt.
  85. 85. Marcia select a bad race. The town was liberated by the President. Selection: A selection is the diferent items a shop sells. Release form: A releace form makes a person not responsible if something bad happens.
  86. 86. The employees are happy with their salary. Manuel have much money. Employees: They are people who work within the comp any. Money: Is an article which can be pu rchases and payments.
  87. 87. Rolando change your car for a truck. Currency rules: Are rules for c urrency exchange. Process of exchanging one for anoth er: Is the time in which changed th e foreign money by the national. Martina work hard to get money.
  88. 88. Juan a commission for their work won. Small payment: is a low cost payment. Commission fees: Is money that is gi ven to people who do a job. Daniela performed a small payment.
  89. 89. Andrea has money only in cash. Cash-only: A cash only business only accepts cash as a method of payment.
  90. 90. *Charge card: A charge card is small card from a bank or shop that allows you to buy items and pay for them later. Manuel acquired a charge card.