progress on h/abb -> 4b’s channel for the ftk physics case ~ 4jets trigger w/ and w/o ftk ~

s channel for the FTK phys ics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w /o FTK ~ Kohei Yorita Young-Kee Kim University of Chicago

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Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~. Kohei Yorita Young-Kee Kim University of Chicago @ the FTK Meeting on October 19 th , 2006. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’schannel for the FTK physics case~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Kohei Yorita Young-Kee Kim University of Chicago @ the FTK Meeting on October 19th , 2006

Page 2: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Review of 4J Trigger (MC)We have looked at many variations of MC samples.> Sherpa - version (patch) change - different configuration - yt cut - w/ and w/o UE> Pythia - v6.2 (v10 Athena) - v6.3 (v11 Athena)

Now it is time to decide “default” sample to conclude studies. (whatever it is, big unknown factors (always) still remain.)

Now Default Sample : SHERPA 2->3, yt>25 ; 10M events

Page 3: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Systematics on MC ChoiceAgain, Default Sample : SHERPA 2->3, yt>25 ; 10M events

Comparison to 2->2+3+4

10% systematics 5% systematics

Comparison of yt cuts

Correlated & poor stat.

Page 4: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Comparison to PYTHIA

Pythia 6.2 Pythia 6.3 Old UE/MI New UE/MIPt>15 : +-30% x3~4Pt>20 : +-30% x2~3Pt>50 : +-20% x~1.4> Big Unknown : UE/MI tuning.> Why v6.3 changes so much by Ptcut ?> My Signal sample (H/Abb) is still v6.2. - so we should take +- 30%.

So total is ~32%. Might differ by ~2-3 though.

Page 5: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Issues on Underlying Events

Fit : Expo+Linear FunctionsFrom 20 GeV to 120 GeV.

After correction, fluctuationis at the level of 3-5% whichis negligible compared toother systematics (~32%).

Default Sherpa sample is w/o UE. Erik generated ~2M events w/ UE. Because some jobs are crashed and slow?, Here trying to get Scale Factor here.

Page 6: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Finalizing Trigger Rateas a function of ATLFAST Pt

1KHz (w/ FTK)

100Hz (w/o FTK)

30 50

So new working points : - 30 GeV (w/ FTK) and 50 GeV(w/o FTK).OLD setting : - 40 GeV (w/ FTK) and 70 GeV (w/o FTK)

-> All studies had to be redone !

* This is what we get withour current best knowledge.

Page 7: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Based on LVL1 8x8 Calorimeter Parameterization

UE scale factor

1KHz (w/ FTK)

200Hz (w/o FTK)

25 35

@LVL1,w/ FTK (1KHz) : 25 GeVThen btagging @LVL2

w/o FTK (200Hz) : 35 GeVThen Jet Pt>50-60 @LVL2

Page 8: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Summary of Trigger Rates & Threshold4Jet Trigger Rates 1KHz (LVL1 Max) 200Hz (LVL1 TDR) 100Hz (LVL2)

Atlfast Pt Thresh. > 30 GeV > 45 GeV > 50 GeV

8x8 Calo. Cluster E > 25 GeV (50% effi. to 30 GeV jet)

> 35 GeV (50% effi. to 45 GeV jet)


LVL1 Calo vs Atlfast Pt Correspondence * For Atlfast Jets, Assuming LVL2 Jet =~ Atlfast Jet

We need LVL2 reductionrate of 10 by either> Btagging (wFTK)> Raising Pt thresh (w/oFTK)

Is it possible (by FTK) ?Need mistag rate.(next page.)

Page 9: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Issues on LVL2 ReductionThe reduction rate depends on trigger strategy :i.e. btagging is applied for means (1) Only Leading jets. (e.g. 4b for 4 leading jets) OLD(2) Any fiducial jets (eta<2.5) NEW

(1) Updated to (2)Not straightforward like linear behavior.

Page 10: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

LVL2 Reduction (Cont.)> It depends on the number of fiducial jets and real b quark contents.> Pythia and Sherpa are not much different. But it seems PYTHIA gives lower reductioni.e. it has either more fiducial Jets or/and more real b quarks.

With FTK btagging at LVL2,We need a reduction factorof >10 in order to keep Jet Pt threshold.

So the following conditionwould be enough :> 2tag if Ru > 10 (10% mistag)> 3tag if Ru > 4 (25% mistag)> 4tag for any Ru (>2)


Working point in this talk.

Page 11: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Let’s Look at Signal Process

(each sample was generated with Atlfast simulation)

Coupling to up-typeis enhanced at low tan, so decay into ttbecomes large.

> bb decay : ~85-90% if tan >20


150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 900

No Pt cut

Pt > 10























Cross section BR (pb)

Page 12: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Signal Gain @ Trigger Level

Page 13: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

Signal Gain @ Trigger Level (Cont.)

Still expected N of background is ~1.5x10^9. So for the analysis, we have to optimize selection criteria.

Page 14: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

What if Trigger Rate is x3 higher ?If Trigger (Background) rate is x3 higher, Thresholds have to be

raised accordingly to keep LVL1 rate(1KHz) and LVL2 rate(100Hz).-> This is good study for uncertain QCD bkg & higher luminosity (10^34).

We lose signal acceptance, but relative improvement looks even powerful.

Page 15: Progress on H/Abb -> 4b’s channel for the FTK physics case ~ 4jets Trigger w/ and w/o FTK ~

(Offline) Optimization based onw/ and w/o FTK Conditions

> Requiring btag for “leading 3/4jets” for 3/4btags.> 1st,2nd ,3rd jet thresholds are optimized for different MA separately. > 4btag is more powerful than 3btag.

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(Offline) Optimization based onw/ & w/o FTK Conditions

Now results are not so good as before (which is more or less same asright plot (x3 bkg).). But I think that the most important thing is that even if the background rate is much higher due to high lum or MC miscalculation (in this case, x1 or x3) , FTK can provide almost same sensitivity ! But without FTK, very weak against higher background (compare dotted line.)

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Plan> Again, need inputs of realistic btagging efficiency and mistag rate to conclude. (Now @LVL2, 2tag with effb=50%, Ru=10 is required in order to reduce the rate by 10 (1KHz->100Hz).)

> Missing Pieces : - Complete & Summarize Multi-Threshold Study. - Dijet Mass Distribution

> Document it !

> FTK Simulation ?