project 2 board game individual proposal

Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014 1 | Page MY BOARD GAME IDEA My game is called : ______________________________________________ Student Name: Aida Junita binti Zulkiflee Proposal Number: Who is it for: What you need in order to play: What is it about: Aim of the game: BOARD GAME RULES: How to make a move: Other rules: 1 Recommended for couples in the age group of 17 years and up. Number of players: Two (2) to six (6) players. The box contains 276 number of cards (69 Question cards and 207 Answer cards) and an instruction manual. The aim of the game is to win the most rounds, by accumulating a pre-designated number of Question cards (or alternatively, by having the most number of Questions cards after a set number of rounds). How to start: All sixty nine (69) Question cards are to be placed face down in the middle as a single deck. To start the game, each player is dealt with five (5) Answer cards to make up their starting hand. The remaining Answer cards are placed face down next to the Question cards deck. This game is designed to be played by couples. Each round, one player draws a card from the Question cards deck, then everyone else puts down one Answer card (the funniest) from their hand. Genre - Multiplayer party game For the first round, one randomly chosen player will draw a card from the Question cards deck and place it face up to reveal the question to all players. Other players will then put down one Answer card from their hand, that they think is the best "match" for the chosen Question card. Winner of each round is determined by the group who will vote and decide on who has the best Answer card to match the Question card. The decision made by the group is subjective; players are encouraged to choose the match that is "most creative, humorous and/or interesting". The player who put down the chosen Answer card wins the round, and keeps the Question card to signify their win and to keep score. After each round, players will draw one card from the Answer cards deck to replenish their hand (Players must always have five (5) Answer cards on hand at the beginning of each round). Then, another player will draw a new Question card to start the next round. Cupid's Deck of Nonsense

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Page 1: Project 2   board game individual proposal

Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014

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My game is called :


Student Name: Aida Junita binti Zulkiflee



Who is it for: What you need in order to play:

What is it about: Aim of the game:


How to make a move:

Other rules:


Recommended for couples in the age group of 17 years and up.

Number of players: Two (2) to six (6) players.

The box contains 276 number of cards(69 Question cards and 207 Answer cards) and an instruction manual.

The aim of the game is to win the most rounds, by accumulating a pre-designated number of Question cards (or alternatively, by having the most number of Questions cards after a set number of rounds).

How to start:

All sixty nine (69) Question cards are to be placed face down in the middle as a single deck.

To start the game, each player is dealt with five (5) Answer cards to make up their starting hand. The remaining Answer cards are placed face down next to the Question cards deck.

This game is designed to be played by couples. Each round, one player draws a card from the Question cards deck, then everyone else puts down one Answer card (the funniest) from their hand.

Genre - Multiplayer party game

For the first round, one randomly chosen player will draw a card from the Question cards deck and place it face up to reveal the question to all players.

Other players will then put down one Answer card from their hand, that they think is the best "match" for the chosen Question card.

Winner of each round is determined by the group who will vote and decide on who has the best Answer card to match the Question card.

The decision made by the group is subjective; players are encouraged to choose the match that is "most creative, humorous and/or interesting".

The player who put down the chosen Answer card wins the round, and keeps the Question card to signify their win and to keep score.

After each round, players will draw one card from the Answer cards deck to replenish their hand (Players must always have five (5) Answer cards on hand at the beginning of each round).

Then, another player will draw a new Question card to start the next round.

Cupid's Deck of Nonsense

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Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014

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Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014

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(This may include the layout, 3D visualization and packaging)

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Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014

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Creative Thinking Skills | Board Game Proposal | FNBE February 2014

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WHAT IS A GAME? (To include your research and understanding on games.

MIND MAP format)