project on research methodology n data analysis

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As long journey of B.M.S.course draws to an end we are over whelmed with feelings of gratitude for all those who have made it possible for us to reach this stage. Some have helped us directly and some indirectly but one and all of them we are of our success in completing this course. There have been many speed breakers in route but all these people have helped to make the road sooth, helped us to speed on towards the goal. It is faith that gives us strength, it is faith that leads us onwards, it is faith that brings us success, and we bow to the GOD who is the inner self and seek his blessings for completing this course. First and foremost our heartfelt thanks go to our guide Prof. R.R.shah, Shri M.D. shah Mahila College, T.S. Bafna road, Malad west, Mumbai400064. For his guidance in the subject and technical knowledge this task would have remained incomplete. For inspiration, constant motivation and unceasing support, positive thinking, encouragement at all times, our special thanks goes to Smt.Bharati Akshay Naik, director of Janseva Samiti, c/o Shri M. D. Shah Mahila college, Malad West Mumbai 400064, who has been a pillar of strength through the ups and downs throughout our life also who have been a source of 1

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bachelor of management project contains information about brand product research n data analysis


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As long journey of B.M.S.course draws to an end we are over whelmed with feelings of gratitude for all those who have made it possible for us to reach this stage. Some have helped us directly and some indirectly but one and all of them we are of our success in completing this course.

There have been many speed breakers in route but all these people have helped to make the road sooth, helped us to speed on towards the goal. It is faith that gives us strength, it is faith that leads us onwards, it is faith that brings us success, and we bow to the GOD who is the inner self and seek his blessings for completing this course.

First and foremost our heartfelt thanks go to our guide Prof. R.R.shah, Shri M.D. shah Mahila College, T.S. Bafna road, Malad west, Mumbai400064. For his guidance in the subject and technical knowledge this task would have remained incomplete.

For inspiration, constant motivation and unceasing support, positive thinking, encouragement at all times, our special thanks goes to Smt.Bharati Akshay Naik, director of Janseva Samiti, c/o Shri M. D. Shah Mahila college, Malad West Mumbai 400064, who has been a pillar of strength through the ups and downs throughout our life also who have been a source of inspiration to me my team and to move further to meet my academic aims.

Our further thank to the following staff of Shri.M.D.Shah Mahila College, The management of janseva samiti. Dr.Deepa Sharma, Principal the teaching, library, administrative staff, support staff and students.

Similarly, we express our gratitude to the Management, coordinator Professor R.R.SHAH SIR Smt. Bharti A Naik and all the staff of Shri m.d. shah mahila college, malad west Mumbai 400064.


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It is the emotional and psychological relationship you have with your customers. Strong brands elicit thoughts, emotions, and sometimes physiological responses from customers. Examine the following logos:

Simply looking at these logos elicits an emotional response. You had thoughts and feelings about each company. In fact, when you looked at the A flac logo, you probably heard the duck in your mind saying "Ah Flack." When starting your own business, one of your most important concerns is to develop your company's face to the world. This is your brand. It is the company's name, how that name is visually expressed through a logo, and how that name and logo extend throughout an organization's communications. A brand is also how the company is perceived by its customers — the associations and inherent value they place on your business.

A brand is also a kind of promise. It is a set of fundamental principles as understood by anyone who comes into contact with a company. A brand is an organization's "reason for being"; it is how that reason is expressed through the various communications to its key audiences, including customers, shareholders, employees, and analysts. A brand should also represent the desired attributes of a company's products, services, and initiatives. Apple's brand is a great example. The Apple logo is clean, elegant, and easily implemented. Notice that the company has altered the use of the apple logo from rainbow-striped to monochromatic. In this way they keep their brand and signal in a new era for their expansive enterprise. Think about how you've seen the brand in advertising, trade shows, packaging, product design, and so on. It's distinctive and it all adds up to a particular promise. The Apple brand stands for quality of design and ease of use.


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Products and services have become so alike that they fail to distinguish themselves by their quality, efficacy, reliability, assurance and care. Brands add emotion and trust to these products and services, thus providing clues that simplify consumers’ choice.

(2) These added emotions and trust help create a relationship between brands and consumers, which ensures consumers’ loyalty to the brands.

(3) Brands create aspiration lifestyles based on these consumer relationships. Associating oneself with a brand transfers these lifestyles onto consumers.

(4) The branded lifestyles extol values over and above the brands’ product or service category that allow the brands to be extended into other product and service categories. Thus, saving companies, the trouble and costs of developing new brands while entering new lucrative markets.

(5) The combination of emotions, relationships, lifestyles and values allows brand owners to charge a price premium for their products and services, which otherwise are barely distinguishable from generics.

A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. A brand name is the name of the distinctive product, service, or concept. Branding is the process of creating and disseminating the brand name. Branding can be applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual product and service names.

Brands are usually protected from use by others by securing a trademark or service mark from an authorized agency, usually a government agency. Before applying for a trademark or service mark, you need to establish that someone else hasn't already obtained one for your name. Brands are often expressed in the form of logos, graphic representations of the brand. In computers, a recent example of widespread brand application was the "Intel Inside" label provided to manufacturers that use Intel's microchips .A company's brands and the public's awareness of them is often used as a factor in evaluating a company. Corporations sometimes hire market research firms to study public recognition of brand names as well as attitudes toward the brands.

Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the product's perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. This may increase sales by making a comparison with competing products more favorable. It may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer. This can result from a combination of increased sales and increased price, and/or reduced COGS (cost of goods sold), and/or reduced or more efficient marketing investment. All of these enhancements may improve the profitability of a brand, and thus, "Brand Managers" often carry line-management accountability for a brand's P&L (Profit and Loss) profitability, in contrast to marketing staff


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manager roles, which are allocated budgets from above, to manage and execute. In this regard, Brand Management is often viewed in organizations as a broader and more strategic role than Marketing alone.

Brand evaluation in the process of building and sustaining brands

A new role for brands—at the core of business4

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The time has come to recognize a new role for brands—and the brand team—at the core of business. As shown in the Brand Core Model below, brand building is moving to a crucial position at the strategic center of business operations. At this vital confluence of company, product and customer, the brand team provides the vision and the platforms to create new forms of value, and to create and grow the customers that will drive the business forward.

Brand Core Model

Creating value at the core

The Brand Core Model illustrates how brands have moved from symbols and slogans at the periphery of business to a value-creating activity at the heart of the enterprise. Brand practice belongs at the company core because the brand logic of creating customers shapes the allied fields of marketing, product development and customer development. From this central position, the brand team emerges as a key player in determining how customers are created, and how customers can be grown into new market opportunities.

Brand as the hub of a value network


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Within the brand-centric enterprise, the brand is the core of a value creation process and the hub of a value network, feeding the innovation pipeline within the company, and between the company and its customers. This new brand environment differs radically from that of traditional brands. The brands produced are action-based. They’ve moved beyond the symbols, gestures and identities of conventional brand campaigns. These new brands are digitally enabled platforms and programs of value innovation. They pump value through the company, into the customer, and back again, gaining power and reach via network effects. While old brands beg for attention, these new brands join their customers as allies, directly adding pop and pulse to their lives.

Brands move from periphery to core

For most companies, this will be a dramatic new role for brands and the brand team. It marks the progress of brands from a communication layer on the periphery of business to a value innovation engine at the core.

In this process, brands are finally emerging as a strategic business practice in their own right. They’re no longer a subset of marketing, advertising, design, packaging or communications. Brand strategy can drive the business. Brand practice brings its own vision, platform logic, customer creation process, methodology, tools and resources.

Brands reinvented

From their new locus, brands are situated to reinvent themselves, sloughing off antiquated, top-down approaches for a new fusion of culture, technology and social software. They’re free to morph to customer needs, large or small, from a panorama of the possible to pocket-size, a pin, or a pixel. As we’ve said before: “Brands are tools that enable customers to interoperate with the universe. The genius of brands is that they have no limits. The value of brands is that through them, customers have no limits.”

A new role for the brand team

The Brand Core Model illustrates the central importance of the brand team. Through a collaborative process, the brand team brings together company vision, business priorities, platform logic and freewheeling creativity, all focused on creating and growing customers. The role of the team is to guide and augment value innovation through the company, and then through the customer, insuring that resulting customer growth can return new forms of value back to the business.

Brand central: how it works


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The Brand Core Model illustrates how innovation and value are co-created by groups inside and outside the company, mediated by the brand. The brand provides a collaborative framework for value innovation, cutting across internal divisions and other boundaries, and speeding innovation to market.

At the intersection of Company and Product, the brand shapes Marketing by defining the platforms and programs that will create and grow the customers to grow the business. Brand platforms and programs become the structure for marketing imagination.

At the intersection of Product and Customer, the brand shapes Innovation in three ways: 1) by providing clear brand platform and customer platform direction to R&D, product development and engineering; 2) by helping develop cost-effective, high-value prototypes, and 3) by enlisting customer initiative and intelligence to augment the innovation process.

At the intersection of Customer And Company, the brand shapes Value by using collaborative methods and value networks to establish an exclusive context of mutual (company/customer) value. This helps synchronize brand platform deliverables with customer platform needs. Because the brand is committed to creating customer freedoms, it does not lead to backwater pools where innovation stagnates in an attempt to contain customers.


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The most common brand is that associated with a tangible product, such as a car or drink.  This can be very specific or may indicate a range of products. In any case, there is always a unifying element that is the 'brand' being referred to in the given case.

Individual product

Product brands can be very specific, indicating a single product, such as classic Coca-Cola. It can also include particular physical forms, such as Coca-cola in a traditional bottle or a can.

Product range

Product brands can also be associated with a range, such as the Mercedes S-class cars or all varieties of Colgate toothpaste.


As companies move from manufacturing products to delivering complete solutions and intangible services, the brand is about the 'service'.

Service brands are about what is done, when it is done, who does it, etc. It is much more variable than products brands, where variation can be eliminated on the production line. Even in companies such as McDonald's where the service has been standardized down to the eye contact and smile, variation still occurs.

Consistency can be a problem in service: we expect some variation, and the same smile every time can turn into an annoyance as we feel we are being manipulated. Service brands need a lot more understanding than product brands.


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Organizations are brands, whether it is a company that delivers products and services or some other group. Thus Greenpeace, Mercedes and the US Senate are all defined organizations and each has qualities associated with them that constitute the brand.

In once sense, the brand of the organization is created as the sum of its products and services. After all, this is all we can see and experience of the organization. Looking at it another way, the flow also goes the other way: the intent of the managers of the organization permeates downwards into the products and the services which project a common element of that intent.


The person brand is focused on one or a few individuals, where the branding is associated with personality.


A pure individual brand is based on one person, such as celebrity actor or singer. The brand can be their natural person or a carefully crafted projection.

Politicians work had to project a brand that is attractive to their electorate (and also work hard to keep their skeletons firmly in the cupboard). In a similar way, rock stars who want to appear cool also are playing to a stereotype.


Not much higher in detail than an individual is the brand of a group. In particular when this is a small group and the individuals are known, the group brand and the individual brand overlap, for example in the way that the brand of a pop group and the brand of its known members are strongly connected.

Organizations can also be linked closely with the brand of an individual, for example Virgin is closely linked with Richard Branson. 


Events have brands too, whether they are rock concerts, the Olympics, a space-rocket launch or a town-hall dance.

Event brands are strongly connected with the experience of the people attending, for example with musical pleasure or amazement at human feats.


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Product, service and other brands realize the power of event brands and seek to have their brands associated with the event brands. Thus sponsorship of events is now big business as one brand tries to get leverage from the essence of the event, such as excitement and danger of car racing.


Areas of the world also have essential qualities that are seen as characterizations, and hence also have brand. These areas can range from countries to state to cities to streets and buildings.

Those who govern or represent these geographies will work hard to develop the brand. Cities, for example, may have de-facto brands of being dangerous or safe, cultural or bland, which will be used by potential tourists in their decisions to visit and by companies in their decisions on where to set up places of employment.

Brand equity refers to the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name. And, at the root of these marketing effects is consumers' knowledge. In other words, consumers' knowledge about a brand makes manufacturers/advertisers respond differently or adopt appropriately adept measures for the marketing of the brand The study of brand equity is increasingly popular as some marketing researchers have concluded that brands are one of the most valuable assets that a company has Brand equity is one of the factors which can increase the financial value of a brand to the brand owner, although not the only one



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There are many ways to measure a brand. Some measurements approaches are at the firm level,

some at the product level and still others are at the consumer level.

Firm Level: Firm level approaches measure the brand as a financial asset. In short, a calculation

is made regarding how much the brand is worth as an intangible asset. For example, if you were

to take the value of the firm, as derived by its market capitalization - and then subtract tangible

assets and "measurable" intangible assets- the residual would be the brand equity. One high

profile firm level approach is by the consulting firm Inter brand. To do its calculation, Inter

brand estimates brand value on the basis of projected profits discounted to a present value. The

discount rate is a subjective rate determined by Inter brand and Wall Street equity specialists and

reflects the risk profile, market leadership, stability and global reach of the brand

Product Level: The classic product level brand measurement example is to compare the price of

a no-name or private label product to an "equivalent" branded product. The difference in price,

assuming all things equal, is due to the brand. More recently a revenue premium approach has

been advocated 

Consumer Level: This approach seeks to map the mind of the consumer to find out what

associations with the brand that the consumer has. This approach seeks to measure the awareness

(recall and recognition) and brand image (the overall associations that the brand has). Free

association tests and projective techniques are commonly used to uncover the tangible and

intangible attributes, attitudes, and intentions about a brand. Brands with high levels of awareness

and strong, favorable and unique associations are high equity brands


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Define the vision. Before moving ahead with the web site, create a brand positioning statement. “This isn’t just, ‘What kind of web site do we want to be?’ This is ‘Who are we?’” says Harley Manning, vice president at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass., a technology and market research firm that advises on the effects technology has on consumers and businesses. Good brand statements typically include the company’s mission, vision and values. “It’s succinct. It’s typically something that will fit on a page easily,” he says.

Build a brand worth believing in. “Do you so believe in what you’re creating that you would trademark it?” says Andrea Fitch, president and CEO of Red Carpet Creations, Inc., and national president of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, both based out of Alexandria, Va. Really consider what kind of brand could represent the business through the next decade. “Don’t have a logo that in five years you’re going to be tired of and discard for another,” she says.

Remember, the web site is the brand. “A web site is not just a communication medium,” Manning says. “It is actually a channel that must deliver on the promise.” Essentially, a web site should embody the promise that it makes to customers. If, for instance, a business claims to be innovative, the web site should look fresh and modern.

Create a cohesive experience between all mediums. Before she launched her company’s new web site, Fitch made sure it would be an event that her potential clients would never forget. Red Carpet Creations mailed 4,000 silver tubes containing scrolls that looked like rolled-up carpet. Inside the scrolls was an announcement about the web site’s launch. Once online, the web site was an extension of the invitations because it followed through on the themes of red carpet imagery and references to visitors being treated like a VIP. Customers should easily be able to recognize the company’s brand, whether it is print, online or some other form of media, Manning says.

Don’t sacrifice creativity. Once the brand’s guidelines are established, creative choices must bring those attributes to life, Manning says. Don’t let the company’s brand become so dominating that there is no room for new thoughts and ideas. Brand should be the jumping-off point for interesting ideas, not the place where every new idea dead-ends. Fitch stresses that a sense of fun and whimsy will only enhance the likelihood that people will take an interest in the web site.

Don’t communicate brand at the expense of delivering. While a web site can be a significant tool for building brand awareness, clarity and functionality are paramount. “Just be careful not to let the communication about your brand get in the way of delivering your message,” Manning says. People should be able to understand how to navigate the site without knowing a thing about the company’s catch phrases. “You can’t frustrate and annoy people into liking your brand,” he says.

Listen to the customers: They determine a brand’s true value. Pay attention to customer feedback about the site because, ultimately, it’s the customers’ opinion that counts. When it comes to building a brand, a company can incorporate everything from signature colors to catch phrases, but at the end of the day, it’s the consumer who decides what a brand is really worth. “It’s not what you say [about] yourself, it’s what others say of you,” Fitch says.



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Branding is a very powerful component in business. The brand must have a logo to make branding easier and more possible. The consumers decide if they will buy a product or use a service based on how they view the brand. The brand itself tells us or let us imagine how good or bad the product is even if we never tasted it before! All that brand promotion and advertising really do tell us how great a brand can be (like Nike). Once a customer likes your brand he/she will definitely come back for repeated services or products. The qualities of the product or services are ensured through the customers minds from the brand image. Brand is not only convenient for businesses for repeated customer purchase but also easier for customers to filter out the countless generic items. Brand gives consumers the reason to buy it and wastes less time for consumer to choose. There are ways to improve a brand from advertising such as viral campaign (more trustworthy), online ads, print ads and commercials. Another way is to improve your product or services that will reinforce the brand. This is a good way to promote your brand by always being in the cutting edge or “customer’s first image”. The qualities of your products and services will reinforce the brand. Advertise as much as possible to spread that message and make it into a cult brand. Branding doesn’t only benefit the business but you as well (yes I mean it). The brand you choose reflects who you are and expresses yourself on what you like to do and be able to join the community of like minded people. Branding is a win: win situation for both the businesses and the loyal customers.

Advantages of Brands

A strong brand offers many advantages for marketers including:

Brands provide multiple sensory stimuli to enhance customer recognition. For example, a brand can be visually recognizable from its packaging, logo, shape, etc. It can also be recognizable via sound, such as hearing the name on a radio advertisement or talking with someone who mentions the product.

Customers who are frequent and enthusiastic purchasers of a particular brand are likely to become Brand Loyal. Cultivating brand loyalty among customers is the ultimate reward for successful marketers since these customers are far less likely to be enticed to switch to other brands compared to non-loyal customers.

Well-developed and promoted brands make product positioning efforts more effective. The result is that upon exposure to a brand (e.g., hearing it, seeing it) customers conjure up mental images or feelings of the benefits they receive from using that brand. The reverse is even better.

 This “benefit = brand” association provides a significant advantage for the brand that the customer associates with the benefit sought.

Firms that establish a successful brand can extend the brand by adding new products under the same “family” brand. Such branding may allow companies to introduce new products more easily since the brand is already recognized within the market.

Brand Limitations


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Ideally, a good brand serves to enhance a sound infrastructure with a solid reputation. Branding is not a magic wand; it cannot provide a quick fix to a company’s problems or compensate for any shortcomings. Branding will help very little if your internal operations and cultural personality are opposite what you are trying to convey to the outside audience. Your internal brand personality is just as important as the external message. The average customer is not going to purchase a product or service without feeling comfortable with the company offering it.

Consumers have become alert to the “fluff” in advertising. They are also on the lookout for companies that outright lie. When-not if – the public finds out it has been deceived, the company in question will have to deal with a backlash-and the damage may very well be permanent. The best way to maintain good public relations during the brand building process is to run an ethical business. Public relations involve sharing information with the public, and that creates problems when you have something to hide. So…make sure you’re not running your brand in a way that requires you to keep secrets from any of your publics-customers, employees, shareholders, and so on.

No matter how persuasive your ad campaign or how hard-working your sales staff may be, neither can move an inferior product, coupled by a poor image, off the shelves. If a company does not does not live up to consumer expectations, negative word-of-mouth will eventually be its undoing. An eye-catching logo that represents an uninspired company or a substandard product will be quickly sniffed out by savvy buyers. In this case, branding can work to drive customers away.

Consumer brand preferenceThe essence of being in business by any business outfits is to produce for sales and profits. In order to remain in business an organization must generate enough sales from its products to cover operating costs and post reasonable profits. For many organizations, sales estimate is the starting point in budgeting or profit planning. It is so because it must be determined, in most cases, before production units could be arrived at while production units will in turn affect material purchases. However, taking decision on sales is the most difficult tasks facing many business executives. This is because it is difficult to predict, estimate or determine with accuracy, potential customers’ demands as they are uncontrollable factors external to an organization. Considering, therefore, the importance of sales on business survival and the connection between customers and sales, it is expedient for organizations to engage in programmes that can influence consumers’ decision to purchase its products. This is where advertising and brand management are relevant. Advertising is a subset of promotion mix which is one of the 4ps in the marketing mix i.e. product, price, place and promotion. As a promotional strategy, advertising serve as a major tool in creating product awareness and condition the mind of a potential consumer to take eventual purchase decision. Advertiser’s primary mission is to reach prospective customers and influence their awareness, attitudes and buying behaviour. They spend a lot of money to keep individuals (markets) interested in their products. To succeed, they need to understand what makes potential customers behave the way they do. The advertisers goals is to get enough relevant market data to develop accurate profiles of buyers-to-find the common group (and symbols) for communications this involves the study of consumers behaviour: the mental and


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emotional processes and the physical activities of people who purchase and use goods and services to satisfy particular needs and wants (Arens, 1996). Proctor et al. (1982) noted that the principal aim of consumer behaviour analysis is to explain why consumers act in particular ways under certain circumstances. It tries to determine the factors that influence consumer behaviour, especially the economic, social and psychological aspects which can indicate the most favoured marketing mix that management should select. Consumer behaviour analysis helps to determinethe direction that consumer behaviour is likely to make and to give preferred trends in product development, attributes of the alternative communication method etc. consumer behaviours analysis views the consumer as another variable in the marketing sequence, a variable that cannot be controlled and that will interpreted the product or service not only in terms of the physical characteristics, but in the context of this image according to the social and psychological makeup of that individual consumer (or group of consumers). Economic theory has sought to establish relationships between selling prices, sales achieved and consumer’s income; similarly, advertising expenditure is frequently compared with sales. On other occasion’s financial accounting principles maybe applied to analyses profit and losses. Management ratios, net profit before tax, liquidity and solvency ratios can all be investigated. Under the situations the importance of the consumer’s motivations, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs are largely ignored. The consumer is assumed to be “rational” that is, to react in the direction that would be suggested by economic theory and financial principles. However, it is often apparent that consumer behaviours does not fall neatly into these expected patterns. It is for these reasons that consumer behaviour analysis is conducted as yet another tool to assess the complexities of marketing operations. The proliferation of assorted brands of food drinks in the country has led to the cut-throat competition for increased market share being witnessed currently among the operations in the food drink industry. Today, in Nigeria, there exists more than twenty brands of food drink both local and foreign, out of which two, namely Cadbury Nigeria Plc’s Bournvita and Nestle Nigeria Plc’sMilo keenly compete for market leadership. There are quite a host of up-coming and low-price localized brands in small sachets with “Vita “suffixes springing up in every nook and cranny of the country. Existing and popular brands, therefore, face intense competition with the “affordable” localized” “Vitas” with high sugar content targeted at the low-income groups. It is, therefore, imperative for the more established brands like Bournvita to employ brilliant advertising and branding strategies to influence consumers’ behaviours in order to continue to enjoy and maintain market leadership. Given the competitive environment in the food and beverages sub sector of the economy and the high potential of advertising in helping companies realize and retain their position this paper examine the influence of advertising on a leading company in the food and beverages subsector as a case study.



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This study was done in two Indian states with the objective of exploring the dynamics of branding in rural India. The study was done through sample survey using structured questionnaire. The sample size for the study was 354. The measurement was done on brand preference at overall level for three product families namely FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods), consumer durables and agro inputs. Preference for various aspects of brands was also measured. The objective was to establish the determinants of brand preference in rural India for FMCG, durables and agro inputs and to find out whether any differential exists across product families. The collected data was analyzed using regression analysis. Findings indicated that good quality, value for money and sense of identity with brand were likely to act as key determinants of a FMCG brand in rural India. Better finish and good looks, recommendations from retailers were found be key determinants of a consumer durable brand in rural India. Only value for money emerged as significant determinant for an agro input brand in rural India. The paper discusses why a brand preference in rural India is limited to these attributes only and what rural branding means in the current context.

Brand loyaltyBrand loyalty, in marketing, consists of a consumer's commitment to repurchase or otherwise continue using the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service or other positive behaviors such as word of mouth advocacy.

Brand loyalty is more than simple repurchasing, however. Customers may repurchase a brand due to situational constraints (such as vendor lock-in), a lack of viable alternatives, or out of convenience. Such loyalty is referred to as "spurious loyalty". True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand which is then exhibited through repurchase behavior. This type of loyalty can be a great asset to the firm: customers are willing to pay higher prices, they may cost less to serve, and can bring new customers to the firm. For example, if Joe has brand loyalty to Company A he will purchase Company A's products even if Company B's are cheaper and/or of a higher quality.

An example of a major brand loyalty program that extended for several years and spread worldwide is Pepsi Stuff. Perhaps the most significant contemporary example of brand loyalty is the dedication that many Mac users show to the Apple Company and its products.

From the point of view of many marketers, loyalty to the brand — in terms of consumer usage — is a key factor:

Factors influencing brand loyalty


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It has been suggested that loyalty includes some degree of pre-dispositional commitment toward a brand. Brand loyalty is viewed as multidimensional construct. It is determined by several distinct psychological processes and it entails multivariate measurements. Customers' perceived value, brand trust, customers' satisfaction, repeat purchase behaviour, and commitment are found to be the key influencing factors of brand loyalty. Commitment and repeated purchase behaviour are considered as necessary conditions for brand loyalty followed by perceived value, satisfaction, and brand trust. Fred Reichheld, one of the most influential writers on brand loyalty, claimed that enhancing customer loyalty could have dramatic effects on profitability. Among the benefits from brand loyalty — specifically, longer tenure or staying as a customer for longer — was said to be lower sensitivity to price. This claim had not been empirically tested until recently. Recent research found evidence that longer-term customers were indeed less sensitive to price increases.

Industrial marketsIn industrial markets, organizations regard the 'heavy users' as 'major accounts' to be handled by senior sales personnel and even managers; whereas the 'light users' may be handled by the general sales force or by a dealer.

Portfolios of brands

Andrew Ehrenberg, then of the London Business School said that consumers buy 'portfolios of brands'. They switch regularly between brands, often because they simply want a change. Thus, 'brand penetration' or 'brand share' reflects only a statistical chance that the majority of customers will buy that brand next time as part of a portfolio of brands they favour. It does not guarantee that they will stay loyal.

Market inertia

One of the most prominent features of many markets is their overall stability — or inertia. Thus, in their essential characteristics they change very slowly, often over decades — sometimes centuries — rather than over months. This stability has two very important implications. The first is that those who are clear brand leaders are especially well placed in relation to their competitors and should want to further the inertia which lies behind that stable position. This, however, still demands a continuing pattern of minor changes to keep up with the marginal changes in consumer taste (which may be minor to the theorist but will still be crucial in terms of those consumers' purchasing patterns as markets do not favour the over-complacent). These minor investments are a small price to pay for the long term profits which brand leaders usually enjoy.

The second, and more important, is that someone who wishes to overturn this stability and change the market (or significantly change one's position in it), massive investments must be expected to be made in order to succeed. Even though stability is the natural state of markets, sudden changes can still occur, and the environment must be constantly scanned for signs of these.


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In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need In retailing, products are called merchandise. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and sold as finished goods. Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural products, but a commodity can also be anything widely available in the open market. In project management, products are the formal definition of the project deliverables that make up or contribute to delivering the objectives of the project. In general usage, product may refer to a single item or unit, a group of equivalent products, a grouping of goods or services, or an industrial classification for the goods or services. A related concept is sub product, a secondary but useful result of a production process.


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Tangible and Intangible Products

Products can be classified as tangible or intangible. A tangible product is any physical product that can be touched like a computer, automobile, etc. An intangible product is a non-physical product like an insurance policy.In its online product catalog, retailer Sears, Roebuck and Company divides its products into departments, and then presents products to shoppers according to (1) function or (2) brand. Each product has a Sears’s item number and a manufacturer's model number. The departments and product groupings that Sears’s uses are intended to help customers browse products by function or brand within a traditional department store structure.

Sizes and colors

A catalog number, especially for clothing, may group sizes and colors. When ordering the product, the customer specifies size, color and other variables. Example: you walk into a store and see a group of shoes and in that group are sections of different colors of that type of shoe and sizes for that shoe to satisfy your need.

Product line

A product line is "a group of products that are closely related, either because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges."

Many businesses offer a range of product lines which may be unique to a single organization or may be common across the business's industry. In 2002 the US Census compiled revenue figures for the finance and insurance industry by various product lines such as "accident, health and medical insurance premiums" and "income from secured consumer loans". Within the insurance industry, product lines are indicated by the type of risk coverage, such as auto insurance, commercial insurance and life insurance.


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The Product Life Cycle

A new product progresses through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity, and decline. This sequence is known as the product life cycle and is associated with changes in the marketing situation, thus impacting the marketing strategy and the marketing mix.

The product revenue and profits can be plotted as a function of the life-cycle stages as shown in the graph below:

      Product Life Cycle Diagram    

Introduction Stage

In the introduction stage, the firm seeks to build product awareness and develop a market for the product. The impact on the marketing mix is as follows:

Product branding and quality level is established and intellectual property protection such as patents and trademarks are obtained.

Pricing may be low penetration pricing to build market share rapidly, or high skim pricing to recover development costs.

Distribution is selective until consumers show acceptance of the product.

Promotion is aimed at innovators and early adopters. Marketing communications seeks to build product awareness and to educate potential consumers about the product.


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Growth Stage

In the growth stage, the firm seeks to build brand preference and increase market share.

Product quality is maintained and additional features and support services may be added. Pricing is maintained as the firm enjoys increasing demand with little competition.

Distribution channels are added as demand increases and customers accept the product.

Promotion is aimed at a broader audience.

Maturity Stage

At maturity, the strong growth in sales diminishes. Competition may appear with similar products. The primary objective at this point is to defend market share while maximizing profit.

Product features may be enhanced to differentiate the product from that of competitors. Pricing may be lower because of the new competition.

Distribution becomes more intensive and incentives may be offered to encourage preference over competing products.

Promotion emphasizes product differentiation.

Decline Stage

As sales decline, the firm has several options:

Maintain the product, possibly rejuvenating it by adding new features and finding new uses.

Harvest the product - reduce costs and continue to offer it, possibly to a loyal niche segment.

Discontinue the product, liquidating remaining inventory or selling it to another firm that is willing to continue the product.

Product Positioning StrategiesPositioning is what the customer believes about your product’s value, features, and benefits; it is a comparison to the other available alternatives offered by the competition. These beliefs tend to based on customer experiences and evidence, rather than awareness created by advertising or promotion.


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Marketers manage product positioning by focusing their marketing activities on a positioning strategy. Pricing, promotion, channels of distribution, and advertising all are geared to maximize the chosen positioning strategy.

Generally, there are six basic strategies for product positioning:

1. By attribute or benefit- This is the most frequently used positioning strategy. For a light beer, it might be that it tastes great or that it is less filling. For toothpaste, it might be the mint taste or tartar control.

2. By use or application- The users of Apple computers can design and use graphics more easily than with Windows or UNIX. Apple positions its computers based on how the computer will be used.

3. By user- Face book is a social networking site used exclusively by college students. Face book is too cool for MySpace and serves a smaller, more sophisticated cohort. Only college students may participate with their campus e-mail IDs.

4. By product or service class- Margarine competes as an alternative to butter. Margarine is positioned as a lower cost and healthier alternative to butter, while butter provides better taste and wholesome ingredients.

5. By competitor- BMW and Mercedes often compare themselves to each other segmenting the market to just the crème de la crème of the automobile market. Ford and Chevy need not apply.

6. By price or quality- Tiffany and Costco both sell diamonds. Tiffany wants us to believe that their diamonds are of the highest quality, while Costco tells us that diamonds are diamonds and that only a chump will pay Tiffany prices.

Positioning is what the customer believes and not what the provider wants them to believe. Positioning can change due the counter measures taken at the competition. Managing your product positioning requires that you know your customer and that you understand your competition; generally, this is the job of market research not just what the entrepreneur thinks is true.


Changes in design are largely dictated by whether they would improve the prospects of greater sales, and this, over the accompanying costs. Changes in design are also subject to cultural pressures. The more culture-bound the product is, for example food, the more adaptation is necessary. Most products fall in between the spectrum of "standardization" to "adaptation" extremes. The application the product is put to also affect the design. In the UK, railway engines were designed from the outset to be sophisticated because of the degree of competition, but in the US this was not the case. In order to burn the abundant wood and move the prairie debris, large smoke stacks and cowcatchers were necessary. In agricultural implements a mechanized cultivator may be a convenience item in a UK garden, but in India and Africa it may be essential


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equipment. As stated earlier "perceptions" of the product's benefits may also dictate the design. A refrigerator in Africa is a very necessary and functional item, kept in the kitchen or the bar. In Mexico, the same item is a status symbol and, therefore, kept in the living room.

Factors encouraging standardization are:

i) economies of scale in production and marketingii) consumer mobility - the more consumers travel the more is the demandiii) technologyiv) image, for example "Japanese", "made in".

The latter can be a factor both to aid or to hinder global marketing development. Nagashima1 (1977) found the "made in USA" image has lost ground to the "made in Japan" image. In some cases "foreign made" gives advantage over domestic products. In Zimbabwe one sees many advertisements for "imported", which gives the product, advertised a perceived advantage over domestic products. Often a price premium is charged to reinforce the "imported means quality" image. If the foreign source is negative in effect, attempts are made to disguise or hide the fact through, say, packaging or labelling. Mexicans are loathing taking products from Brazil. By putting a "made in elsewhere" label on the product this can be overcome, provided the products are manufactured elsewhere even though its company maybe Brazilian.

Factors encouraging adaptation are:

i) Differing usage conditions. These may be due to climate, skills, level of literacy, culture or physical conditions. Maize, for example, would never sell in Europe rolled and milled as in Africa. It is only eaten whole, on or off the cob. In Zimbabwe, kapenta fish can be used as a relish, but wilt always be eaten as a "starter" to a meal in the developed countries.

ii) General market factors - incomes, tastes etc. Canned asparagus may be very affordable in the developed world, but may not sell well in the developing world.

iii) Government - taxation, import quotas, non tariff barriers, labelling, health requirements. Non tariff barriers are an attempt, despite their supposed impartiality, at restricting or eliminating competition. A good example of this is the Florida tomato growers, cited earlier, who successfully got the US Department of Agriculture to issue regulations establishing a minimum size of tomatoes marketed in the United States. The effect of this was to eliminate the Mexican tomato industry which grew a tomato that fell under the minimum size specified. Some non-tariff barriers may be legitimate attempts to protect the consumer, for example the ever stricter restrictions on horticultural produce insecticides and pesticides use may cause African growers a headache, but they are deemed to be for the public good.

iv) History. Sometimes, as a result of colonialism, production facilities have been established overseas. Eastern and Southern Africa is littered with examples. In Kenya, the tea industry is a colonial legacy, as is the sugar industry of Zimbabwe and the coffee industry of Malawi. These facilities have long been adapted to local conditions.


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v) Financial considerations. In order to maximize sales or profits the organization may have no choice but to adapt its products to local conditions.

vi) Pressure. Sometimes, as in the case of the EU, suppliers are forced to adapt to the rules and regulations imposed on them if they wish to enter into the market.


In decisions on producing or providing products and services in the international market it is essential that the production of the product or service is well planned and coordinated, both within and with other functional area of the firm, particularly marketing. For example, in horticulture, it is essential that any supplier or any of his "out grower" (sub-contractor) can supply what he says he can. This is especially vital when contracts for supply are finalized, as failure to supply could incur large penalties. The main elements to consider are the production process itself, specifications, culture, the physical product, packaging, labelling, branding, warranty and service.

Production process

The key question is, can we ensure continuity of supply? In manufactured products this may include decisions on the type of manufacturing process - artisanal, job, batch, and flow line or


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group technology. However in many agricultural commodities factors like seasonality, perishability and supply and demand have to be taken into consideration. A checklist of questions on product requirements for horticultural products as an example Quantity and quality of horticultural crops are affected by a number of things. These include input supplies (or lack of them), finance and credit availability, variety (choice), sowing dates, product range and investment advice. Many of these items will be catered for in the contract of supply.


Specification is very important in agricultural products. Some markets will not take produce unless it is within their specification. Specifications are often set by the customer, but agents, standard authorities (like the EU or ITC Geneva) and trade associations can be useful sources. Quality requirements often vary considerably. In the Middle East, red apples are preferred over green apples. In one example French red apples, well boxed, are sold at 55 dinars per box, whilst not so attractive Iranian greens are sold for 28 dinars per box. In export the quality standards are set by the importer. In Africa, Maritim (1991), found, generally, that there are no consistent standards for product quality and grading, making it difficult to do international trade regionally.


Product packaging, labeling, physical characteristics and marketing have to adapt to the cultural requirements when necessary. Religion, values, aesthetics, language and material culture all affect production decisions. Effects of culture on production decisions have been dealt with already in chapter three.

Physical product

The physical product is made up of a variety of elements. These elements include the physical product and the subjective image of the product. Consumers are looking for benefits and these must be conveyed in the total product package. Physical characteristics include range, shape, size, color, quality, quantity and compatibility. Subjective attributes are determined by advertising, self image, labelling and packaging. In manufacturing or selling produce, cognizance has to be taken of cost and country legal requirements.

Again a number of these characteristics is governed by the customer or agent. For example, in beef products sold to the EU there are very strict quality requirements to be observed. In fish products, the Japanese demand more "exotic" types than, say, would be sold in the UK. None of the dried fish products produced by the Zambians on Lake Kariba, and sold into the Lusaka market, would ever pass the hygiene laws if sold internationally. In sophisticated markets like seeds, the variety and range is so large that constant watch has to be kept on the new strains and varieties in order to be competitive.


Packaging serves many purposes. It protects the product from damage which could be incurred in handling and transportation and also has a promotional aspect. It can be very expensive. Size,


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unit type, weight and volume are very important in packaging. For aircraft cargo the package needs to be light but strong, for sea cargo containers are often the best form. The customer may also decide the best form of packaging. In horticultural produce, the developed countries often demand blister packs for mange touts, beans, strawberries and so on, whilst for products like pineapples a sea container may suffice. Costs of packaging have always to be weighed against the advantage gained by it.

Increasingly, environmental aspects are coming into play. Packaging which is non-degradable - plastic, for example - is less in demanded. Bio-degradable, recyclable, reusable packaging is now the order of the day. This can be both expensive and demanding for many developing countries.


Labelling not only serves to express the contents of the product, but may be promotional (symbols for example Cashel Valley Zimbabwe; HJ Heinz, Africafe, Tanzania). The EU is now putting very stringent regulations in force on labelling, even to the degree that the pesticides and insecticides used on horticultural produce have to be listed. This could be very demanding for producers, especially small scale, ones where production techniques may not be standardized. Government labelling regulations vary from country to country. Bar codes are not widespread in Africa, but do assist in stock control. Labels may have to be multilingual, especially if the product is a world brand. Translation could be a problem with many words being translated with difficulty. Again labelling is expensive, and in promotion terms non-standard labels are more expensive than standard ones. Requirements for crate labelling, etc. for international transportation will be dealt with later under documentation.

Product Strategy

Product Strategy is perhaps the most important function of a company. It must take in account the capabilities in terms of engineering, of production, of distribution (sales) existing in the company or of time to acquire them (by hiring or by mergers). It must evaluate the customer’s expectations at the time of delivery. It must guest mate the   competition (including new entrants) probable moves to enter the same market.

Product strategy by Bull appeared sometimes erratic and not coordinated, especially during the periods where product lines run independently. However, it has been dominated by very old trends rooted in the Sales Network during the 1950s defining Bull's market around the business applications, and fighting against the sole IBM as competitor.

So, the company adopted its version of IBM's business model, following IBM with a variable delay, in the domain of products, price and market following. Sometimes new opportunities appeared and some innovative products were developed, (e.g. time-sharing in GE time, smart card applications) but they faded as marginalized by the Sales Network. In fact, the Sales Network was not conscious of the pressure it exerted on Planning and Engineering. Often, it focalized on IBM's short term moves, ignoring the reasons for those moves (sometimes due to legal constraints, sometimes by internal fighting inside IBM, other times because other competitors move).


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While IBM's influence on Bull was extremely important, the reverse existed sometimes (1). Dispute between IBM World Trade and IBM US domestic may have been fueled by some worry of IBM European salesmen about some Bull's (and GE's or Honeywell's) products.

The capability of Bull to match IBM's offer on the market never existed. Before the GE's merger, Bull did not address the US market directly and by consequence excluded itself from the market segments needing the quantities only addressed by a worldwide market (such as large scientific computers). Another market that was ignored (knowledgeably) early was the small scientific market; its margins did not match the corporate model.

Bull never did a comparable investment to IBM's in the technology area. Each time it (or its American associates) tries a significant move, the success did not reward it. The reasons of the failure were multiple: overestimation of the return on investment, lack of a long term perspective (that existed in architecture and software), size of market. Some more specific problems were due to the lack of experience in fundamental physics, themselves related to the isolation of the engineers.

For historical reasons related to the acquisition of a park of customers and for "political" reasons, Bull did not succeed to shut down a product line before the 1990s. Its resource limitations did not allow to embark in the simultaneous developments of more than one or a couple of compatible processors at the same time. Product Planning had to prepare several product line plans and to invent models within each product line to match the competition prices and performances. Models were developed from a single engineering design with the same manufacturing cost by slowing down the processor clock or adding dummy cycles and/or by reducing the "connectivity" of the system.When the performances exceeded IBM's target, the system was not sold at full speed to avoid the risk of undercutting IBM future announcements' price and keeping some reserve power to react against a competition "mid-life kicker".New higher models were also created by unleashing the design constraints after one year. New lower models were created by slowing down a bit already shipped processors.

This strategy worked well as far as the manufacturer controlled completely the customer configuration by leasing the systems. The first evolution of the model was the advent of clone’s manufacturers. They obviously attacked IBM's market but GE, Honeywell and Bull strategists ordered to take all measures, sometimes detrimental to product and service costs, to escape cloners. The architecture or the assembler of the machines remained confidential, source and object code of programs was secrete, network architecture was not available even to peripheral suppliers, peripheral interfaces were modified and the differences kept in vaults... Bull argued to the persons objecting the strategy (suppliers, other manufacturers, customers ) that it would respect the "de jure" standards (such as ISO's or ANSI's) but that it did not have to follow the "de facto" standards (such as IBM's). That changed in the 1980s when "Open Systems" became Bull's religion.

Another IBM decision impacted the business model, it was unbundling. While the IBM pricing was more or less  related to development and manufacturing costs, adopting the same price for Bull's items where software, for instance, was reproduced in far smaller number of copies, lead


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to a disconnect between decisions to produce and customers acceptation. Especially in the late 1970s and the 1980s, Bull embarked in many developments with a very low production rate, but they were asked to match the IBM's catalog. Later, in the late 1980s, the competition with open systems, lead to some re-bundling of the offer (the word was "packaging") where for instance associate a purchased data base system with a memory bank and even an additional processor.

Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity.

This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and

the properties of the world around us. It makes practical applications possible. Scientific research

is funded by public authorities, by charitable organizations and by private groups, including

many companies. Scientific research can be subdivided into different classifications according to

their academic and application disciplines.


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Research is an often-misused term, its usage in everyday language very different from the strict scientific meaning. In the field of science, it is important to move away from the looser meaning and use it only in its proper context. Scientific research adheres to a set of strict protocols and long established structures. Often, we will talk about conducting internet research or say that we are researching in the library. In everyday language, it is perfectly correct grammatically, but in science, it gives a misleading impression. The correct and most common term used in science is that we are conducting a literature review.

Research must be systematic and follow a series of steps and a rigid standard protocol. These rules are broadly similar but may vary slightly between the different fields of science.

Scientific research must be organized and undergo planning, including performing literature reviews of past research and evaluating what questions need to be answered.


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Any type of ‘real’ research, whether scientific, economic or historical, requires some kind of interpretation and an opinion from the researcher. This opinion is the underlying principle, or question, that establishes the nature and type of experiment.

The scientific definition of research generally states that a variable must be manipulated, although case studies and purely observational science do not always comply with this norm.

Types of Research

There are many different types of research methods, also called research designs that are used by psychologists in trying to find things out about behavior. This is just a quick aid to the identification of research designs. In real life, some studies may combine the features of several research designs or may contain elements not included below.

Experiment: Participants randomly assigned to different groups being studied. Groups are treated differently in one or a few very specific ways--the independent variable. Behavior resulting from this treatment difference is measured--the dependent variable. If one group gets a specific treatment and ones does not, usually the treated group is called the experimental group and other groups are called control groups. Conditions other than the independent variable are


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held as constant as possible for all groups. These constant conditions are called controls. If participants are their own control group, that is, they receive both research treatments; the design is called a within-subjects experiment. Conclusions can be taken to indicate a cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Because of this, the experiment is in a class by itself and it is a very special type of research procedure.

Quasi-experiment: Participants achieve membership in different groups as a result of characteristics other than random assignment, for example: gender, age, socioeconomic status, athletic ability, or ethnic identification. A link may be found between one or more of these characteristics and some outcome variables, but cause and effect relationships are not clearly identified. Without random assignment to groups, a researcher cannot clearly demonstrate cause.

Correlation study: In the most general sense, a correlation study investigates the relationship between two variables. Usually the data are reported as correlation coefficients. Strength and direction (positive or negative) of relationships can be demonstrated by correlation studies but causal links remain an open question.

Longitudinal study: A longitudinal study follows a group composed of the same people across a period of the life span. The behavior of these individuals is observed and/or measured at several intervals over time in an attempt to study the changes in their behavior. Longitudinal studies may cover a short time, such as a few weeks, or a long time, such as the entire life span. Longitudinal studies may additionally employ other methods, such as quasi-experimental or co relational approaches, but the defining characteristic is that the same people are studied repeatedly across time.

Cross sectional study: A cross sectional study usually examines groups of different people who belong to different age groups as a means of studying behavior development across part or all of the life span. These studies can usually be done more easily and quickly than longitudinal studies but the resulting data may be of lower quality. More rarely, the term cross sectional may be used to describe studies which divide and examine segments of society based on variables other than age, such as income, educational level or family size.

Survey: A survey is a structured list of questions presented to people. Surveys may be written or oral, face to face or over the phone. It is possible to cheaply survey large numbers of people, but the data quality may be lower than some other methods because people do not always answer questions accurately.

Interview: An interview may be highly structured or it may involve less structured narrative. It may include survey methodology. It usually involves people responding orally to questions or talking about their thoughts on a topic.

Case study: A case study involves extensive observations of a few individuals. Data collection may include watching behavior, interviews and record searching. Case studies may be


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retrospective and/or prospective. Usually case studies are employed where the behavior or situation is so rare that other methods, involving larger groups of participants, are not possible.

Naturalistic observation: Naturalistic observations can range from unstructured observations of humans or other animals to situations involving hypothesis testing or some manipulations of a natural setting. If you wanted to know if males are likely to hold doors open for females, you could watch until you had seen a number of natural occurrences of this, or you could get a female helper to follow males into buildings and watch to see what happens. It can be difficult to precisely define the natural setting, particularly when the participants are humans. Placing an actual research procedure into this category or others can involve a judgment call which might be debatable.

Demonstration: An unsystematically engineered observation of behavior, sometimes involving only one participant. The demonstration is remarkably common in the history of psychology, even though it provides only very weak evidence. It is not a recognized research method but it is a term which can be quite useful as a descriptor for studies that seem to employ no established method.


The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge, which takes three main forms

(although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be fuzzy):

Exploratory research , which structures and identifies new problems

Constructive research , which develops solutions to a problem

Empirical research , which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence

Research can also fall into two distinct types:

Primary research

Secondary research

In social sciences and later in other disciplines, the following two research methods can be

applied, depending on the properties of the subject matter and on the objective of the research:

Qualitative research

Quantitative research


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Research is often conducted using the hourglass model Structure of Research The hourglass

model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through

the methodology of the project (like the neck of the hourglass), then expands the research in the

form of discussion and results.


Qualitative research is a method of inquiry appropriated in many different academic disciplines,

traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. Qualitative

researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that

govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making,

not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often needed, rather

than large samples.

Data Collection

qualitative researchers may use different approaches in collecting data, such as the grounded theory practice, narratology, storytelling, classical ethnography, or shadowing. Qualitative methods are also loosely present in other methodological approaches, such as action research or actor-network theory. Forms of the data collected can include interviews and group discussions, observation and reflection field notes, various texts, pictures, and other materials.

Qualitative research often categorizes data into patterns as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results. Qualitative researchers typically rely on the following methods for gathering information: Participant Observation, Non-participant Observation, Field Notes, Reflexive Journals, Structured Interview, Unstructured Interview, Analysis of documents and materials

In the academic social sciences the most frequently used qualitative research approaches include

the following:

1. Ethnographic Research, used for investigating cultures by collecting and describing data that

is intended to help in the development of a theory. This method is also called “ethno

methodology” or "methodology of the people". An example of applied ethnographic research is

the study of a particular culture and their understanding of the role of a particular disease in their

cultural framework.

2. Critical Social Research, used by a researcher to understand how people communicate and

develop symbolic meanings.


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3. Ethical Inquiry, an intellectual analysis of ethical problems. It includes the study of ethics as

related to obligation, rights, duty, right and wrong, choice etc.

4. Foundational Research, examines the foundations for a science, analyses the beliefs and

develops ways to specify how a knowledge base should change in light of new information.

5. Historical Research, allows one to discuss past and present events in the context of the

present condition, and allows one to reflect and provide possible answers to current issues and

problems. Historical research helps us in answering questions such as: Where have we come

from, where are we, who are we now and where are we going?

6. Grounded Theory is an inductive type of research, based or “grounded” in the observations

or data from which it was developed; it uses a variety of data sources, including quantitative

data, review of records, interviews, observation and surveys.

7. Phenomenological Research, describes the “subjective reality” of an event, as perceived by

the study population; it is the study of a phenomenon.

8. Philosophical Research, is conducted by field experts within the boundaries of a specific

field of study or profession, the best qualified individual in any field of study to use an

intellectual analyses, in order to clarify definitions, identify ethics, or make a value judgment

concerning an issue in their field of study.

2) Quantitative marketing research

Quantitative marketing research is the application of quantitative research techniques to the field of marketing. It has roots in both the positivist view of the world, and the modern marketing viewpoint that marketing is an interactive process in which both the buyer and seller reach a satisfying agreement on the "four Ps" of marketing: Product, Price, Place (location) and Promotion.

As a social research method, it typically involves the construction of questionnaires and scales People who respond (respondents) are asked to complete the survey. Marketers use the information so obtained to understand the needs of individuals in the marketplace, and to create strategies and marketing plans.

Typical general procedure

Simply, there are five major and important steps involved in the research process:

1. Defining the Problem.2. Research Design.

3. Data Collection.


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4. Analysis.

5. Report Writing & presentation.

A brief discussion on these steps is:

1. Problem audit and problem definition - What is the problem? What are the various aspects of the problem? What information is needed?

2. Conceptualization and operationalization - How exactly do we define the concepts involved? How do we translate these concepts into observable and measurable behaviours?

3. Hypothesis specification - What claim(s) do we want to test?

4. Research design specification - What type of methodology to use? - examples: questionnaire, survey

5. Question specification - What questions to ask? In what order?

6. Scale specification - How will preferences be rated?

7. Sampling design specification - What is the total population? What sample size is necessary for this population? What sampling method to use?- examples: Probability Sampling:- (cluster sampling, stratified sampling, simple random sampling, multistage sampling, systematic sampling) & Non probability sampling:- (Convenience Sampling, Judgment Sampling, Purposive Sampling, Quota Sampling, Snowball Sampling, etc. )

8. Data collection - Use mail, telephone, internet, mall intercepts

9. Codification and re-specification - Make adjustments to the raw data so it is compatible with statistical techniques and with the objectives of the research - examples: assigning numbers, consistency checks, substitutions, deletions, weighting, dummy variables, scale transformations, scale standardization

10. Statistical analysis - Perform various descriptive and inferential techniques (see below) on the raw data. Make inferences from the sample to the whole population. Test the results for statistical significance.

11. Interpret and integrate findings - What do the results mean? What conclusions can be drawn? How do these findings relate to similar research?

12. Write the research report - Report usually has headings such as: 1) executive summary; 2) objectives; 3) methodology; 4) main findings; 5) detailed charts and diagrams. Present the report to the client in a 10 minute presentation. Be prepared for questions.

Research methods


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1. Causal Research

When most people think of scientific experimentation, research on cause and effect is most often brought to mind. Experiments on causal relationships investigate the effect of one or more variables on one or more outcome variables. This type of research also determines if one variable causes another variable to occur or change. An example of this type of research would be altering the amount of a treatment and measuring the effect on study participants.

2. Descriptive Research

Descriptive research seeks to depict what already exists in a group or population. An example of this type of research would be an opinion poll to determine which Presidential candidate people plan to vote for in the next election. Descriptive studies do not seek to measure the effect of a variable; they seek only to describe.

3. Relational Research

A study that investigates the connection between two or more variables is considered relational research. The variables that are compared are generally already present in the group or population. For example, a study that looked at the proportion of males and females that would purchase either a classical CD or a jazz CD would be studying the relationship between gender and music preference.


1. National innovative capacity: modeling, measuring and comparing national capacities

2. Designing efficient incentive systems for invention and innovation: intellectual property rights, prizes, public subsidies

3. Research in EPFL labs: new economics of science

4. New R&D methods and the production of reliable knowledge in sectors which lagged behind

5. New models of innovation: open, distributed systems and the role of users

6. Other issues to be developed


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1 - National innovative capacity: modeling, measuring and comparing national capacities

National innovative capacity is the ability of a country to produce and commercialize a flow of innovative technology over the long term. It depends on:

The strength of a nation's common infrastructure (basic research, education and training, intellectual property protection, R&D tax policies, venture capital, and so forth);

The cluster-specific innovation environment (one or many clusters involving particular factor (input) conditions; a local context that encourages investment in innovation-related activity; vigourous competition among locally based rivals; sophisticated local customers; presence of capable local suppliers and related companies).

The quality of linkages (relationship between the common innovation infrastructure and industrial clusters).

This research strand aims at building innovation indexes and measuring various dimensions of national innovation capacities. For instance:

Strategic capacity: it deals with the ability to mobilize and concentrate resources under some centralized decision making processes to achieve a critical scientific or technological objective.

Revolutionary capacities: it deals with the ability to shift resources out of areas of lower and into areas of higher productivity and greater yield. This is a capacity to manage transitions. The difficulty is that such a capacity involves various dimensions which can be conflicting (see Mowery and Simoe, 2001).

2 - Designing efficient incentive systems for invention and innovation: intellectual property rights, prizes, public subsidies

One central problem in the economics of knowledge is the design of incentive systems that both reward inventors/knowledge producers and encourage dissemination of their output. Several scholars have described the two regimes that allocate resources for the creation of new knowledge: one is the system of granting intellectual property rights, as exemplified by modern patent and copyright systems, the other is the open science regime, as often found in the realm of pure scientific research and sometimes in the realm of commercial technological innovation, often in infant industries

A large range of issues have to be addressed to elucidate the problem of designing efficient incentive systems:

What is the best solution in case of particular kind of new technologies (genomics, software, data bases)?


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What is the nature of the tension that arises when the two systems come up against each other?

How designing proper incentive systems to encourage research and innovation in areas of high social return and low private profitability (orphan drugs, malaria and other tropical diseases)?

In what condition a prize-based reward system provides a more efficient solution than granting intellectual property rights?

Is there an economic case for granting intellectual property rights in the domain of research tools, instruments, basic knowledge?

3 – Research in EPFL labs: new economics of science

CEMI will be at the forefront of the College to develop and undertake research in the field of "economics of science" with EPFL as the main case. In this perspective, several topics are obvious:

Assessing the impact of organizational practice on the productivity of university technology transfer offices

Measuring the social value of basic research and the local spillovers (regional impact). Accounting for the effects associated with mobility

Scale, scope and spillovers: the determinants of research productivity in several fields

Exploring the role of patents in knowledge transfer from EPFL

Exploring the effect of the patenting of research tools and biomedical innovation: transfer opportunities and social costs

Access policy for large scale research instrument, data bases.

All these topic should give rise to research design (research question, data collection, analysis) in close collaboration with the other EPFL Schools (life science, basic science, computer science, engineering science) in order to benefit from the great opportunity to be located in an Institute of Technology. These projects will be designed in close collaboration with Jan-Anders Manson, vice-president for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.

4 - New R&D methods and the production of reliable knowledge in sectors which lagged behind

Unequal access to pertinent knowledge bases may well constitute an important condition underlying perceptible differences in the success with which different areas of Endeavour are pursued within the same society and the pace at which productivity advances in different sectors of the economy during a given historical epoch. Today, it remains astonishing to observe the


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contrast between fields of economic activity where improvements in practice are closely reflecting rapid advances in human knowledge - such as is the case for information technologies, transportation, and certain areas of medical care (surgery and drug therapy) - and other areas where the state of knowledge appears to be far more constraining. The fact is that knowledge is not being developed to the same degree in every sector. A major policy concern is to understand the factors at the origin of such uneven development, and to implement a proper strategy in order to fill the gap between sectors with fast knowledge accumulation processes and those in which these processes remain weak.

To summarize, rapid and effective creation of know-how is most likely to occur when the following conditions converge (Nelson, Seminar at CREA, Paris, 2004):

Practice in the field needs to be well specified, sustainable, replicable, imitable; There needs to be ability to learn from experience and experiment;

The ability to experiment offline, with less expense than that would be involved in online experimentation, and to gain reliable information relevant to online use, greatly facilitates progress.

A strong body of "scientific" knowledge greatly facilitates effective offline experimentation, and also quick and reliable evaluation of varying practice online.

Part of the problem in sectors which are lagging behind deals with the limited ability to conduct experiments. The main research issue here is to analyze the impact of new experimental methods and design (essentially based on random assignment), which have the potential to profoundly transform the way reliable knowledge is produced in these sectors. For instance, one of the most significant developments in modern medicine has been the randomized controlled trial (RCT), the significance and use of which grew rapidly after its application to tuberculosis in the 1940s. Today the RCT is widely treated as the evidential 'gold standard' for demonstrating 'what works' and what is medical 'best practice'. Education might be the next sector to be profoundly transformed through the application of RCTs. The growth of RCTs as an approach in educational research has been pushed forward by three important factors: computers, statistical techniques (effect sizes and meta-analyses) and demand for accountability in both practice and research. There is, therefore, a favorable context. The question is whether this new feature can change and transform the way knowledge is produced and distributed in a sector like education.

5 – New models of innovation: open, distributed systems and the role of users

This project involves the contribution of users in the innovation process not only in terms of sending market signals (which is normally what users are supposed to do to help producer-innovators), but also in terms of actively contributing to the modification of the product.


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This project emphasizes, therefore, the functional source of innovation: while an innovation is considered a manufacturer's innovation when the developer expects to benefit by selling it, an innovation is a user innovation when the user expects to benefit by using it.

This research aims at understanding the capabilities and limitations of user innovation processes, which involve quite often an open and distributed system (in which innovations may be freely revealed to other users). Its advocates claim that user innovation, involving freely revealing, is an efficient means of producing socially desirable innovation and maximizing "spillovers," or knowledge transfer / leakage. The generation of innovation by users may be a complement or it may compete with innovations produced by manufacturers. In its role as a complement, user innovation may extend the diversity of products without endangering market positions of manufacturers and may help manufacturing firms to mitigate information asymmetry problems vis-à-vis future market needs. As a competitor, user innovation may offer products that better meet user needs.

The model involves two major deviations from the private investment model of innovation, which assumes that manufacturers innovate in products and processes to improve their competitive position and that returns to innovation result from excluding other manufacturers from adopting it. First, users of technologies, rather than manufacturers, are often the innovators. Second, user-innovators often freely reveal the proprietary knowledge they have developed at their private expense.

A host of empirical studies, mainly conducted by Eric von Hippel, his research group at MIT and his colleagues, show that user innovation is an important economic phenomenon. It constitutes the main source of knowledge in some sectors or an important contributor in others.

Deepening our understanding of the conditions leading to user innovation and of its economic impact is, therefore, a relevant issue: (i) for a better assessment both of intangibles and intellectual capital at the firm level and of innovation capacities at the national level; and (ii) for a better understanding of some new organizational forms, such as user communities, which appear to be becoming more relevant in a knowledge society. Thus our main research questions are the following:

What are the different channels through which user innovations influence the economy and how should manufacturers adapt and respond to user innovations?

What kinds of learning processes / dynamic capabilities do user innovations enable across product / technological generations?

What kind of policy issues and challenges pertain to user innovation? Given the fact that user innovations contribute significantly to productivity growth and national competitiveness, what kinds of policy should be devised to promote them.

6 - Other issues to be developed

The economics of knowledge policy:While it is relatively easy to provide a long list of policy recommendations which are of some


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relevance in the context of the knowledge economy (on patent, ICT, education), it is far more difficult to develop the welfare economics of knowledge investment in order to build a framework for addressing policy issues.

Methodology for the optimal allocation of R&D funds to new technologies:How does the R&D manager maximize the probability of developing a commercial able technology over a specific period.

Tea is the most popular non-intoxicating beverage in the world enjoyed by the rich and poor alike. Tea drinking was quite common in China as early as the 6th century B.C. Over a period of time this habit was picked up by neighboring countries in South East Asia, such as Japan. Western nations started importing tea from China only in the 17th century. The British developed India as a sourcing base in the 19th century to reduce their dependence on China. During the late 19th century and early 20th century, tea cultivation became popular in other colonies like Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, etc. In the last four decades, world production had a growth of 3% pa, which decelerated to 1.5% pa in the last decade. Tea is a caffeinated hot beverage, an infusion made by steeping the dried leaves or buds of the shrub Camellia sinensis in hot water. In addition, tea may also include other herbs, spices, or fruit flavors.

The word "tea" is also used, by extension, for any fruit or herb infusion; for example, "rosehip tea" or "camomile tea". In cases where they contain no tea leaves, some people prefer to call these beverages "tisanes" or "herbal teas" to avoid confusion. This article is concerned with the "true" tea, Camellia sinensis. The tea plant is one of the Camellia family (Camellia Sinensis) which is indigenous to China and India. The leaves are stiff, shiny and pointed, and the flowers, which resemble the buttercup in shape, are white with golden stems. The plant requires a warm, wet climate with at least 50 inches (135mm) of rain a year and well-drained soil. It grows at varying altitudes up to 7,000 feet. The

quality of tea depends on climatic conditions. At higher altitudes the growth of the plants is slower and the crops smaller, but the quality will generally be better. Only the bud and two top leaves from each stalk are picked for processing.


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Like wine, each crop reflects the character of the region in which it is grown. Soil, climate, the amount of rain and time of the year the tea is plucked influences its character. China is credited with originating tea cultivation, and tea plants now grow in about30countries. However the best quality teas come from India.

Tea is the agricultural product of the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the Camellia sinensis plant, prepared and cured by various methods. "Tea" also refers to the aromatic beverage prepared from the cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling water, and is the common name for the Camellia sinensis plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. The four types of tea most commonly found on the market are black tea, oolong tea, green tea and white tea, all of which can be made from the same bushes, processed differently, and, in the case of fine white tea, grown differently. Pu-erh tea, a post- fermented tea, is also often used medicinally. The term "herbal tea" usually refers to an  infusion  or tisane o leaves ,  flowers, fruit,  herbs or other plant material that contains no Camellia sinensis. The term "red tea" either refers


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to an infusion made from the South African rooibos plant; there are over 3000 varieties of tea, not including botanicals and fruit infusions. To be a tea, it must come from the camellia sinensis plant. There are several varieties of this plant, producing many types of teas. Types depend on the manufacturing and crafting of the leaf. The flavor profiles and quality change year to year, like wine, and is influenced by soil, temperature, rainfall, elevation and other elements in nature. Even the botanicals growing nearby can affect the flavors of the tea.

First introduced to India, by the silk caravans travelling from the Orient to Europe, tea has become an intrinsic part of daily life. As it turned out, Camellia sinensis also grew wild in India, and natives had long cultivated and consumed it as a nourishing part of their daily diet, both in pickled form as a vegetable, and as a sort of soup. Eventually they combined the leaves with buffalo or yak's milk, and added ginger and spices such as cardamom.

In the seventeenth century, the native's use of the plant was reported by a European traveler who wrote of his refreshments while in India: "we took only tea which is commonly used all over the Indies, not only among those of the country, but also among the Dutch and the English who take it as a drug".

Discovery of the Indian tea bush was regarded by the British as exciting news. Envious of China's monopoly on tea, and resentful of the money they had to spend on their habit, the British had long wished to be able to grow their own tea. The British saw the Indian jat as inferior to the Chinese bush, but thought that the evidence of local plants indicated good soil for transplanting Chinese seedlings. They immediately procured some seedlings of the Chinese variety and undertook to grow them in the Assam valley and the mountainous Darjeeling region. Fourteen

years later, and after many unsuccessful attempts were made, the British resigned themselves to growing the native jat.

Popularly known as 'Chai

Today, the upper classes drink tea with milk and sugar, in the British colonial manner, while the most common type of tea consumed is a blend of black tea, buffalo milk, sugar, and spices such as Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger and Cloves. The addition of milk and spices was initially intended to enhance the flavor of poor tea. During colonial times, almost all of the

good grade tea was intended for export, or at least reserved for British subjects, and the Indians got only what was left-over. India's busy city streets are lined with tea stalls, where people sit on


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low benches, drinking chai from small glass cups, and chatting with their neighbors. At train stations, vendors or chai wallahas, hawk small clay cups of spiced, milky to weary travelers. When empty, the clay cups are dashed on the ground, both returning the offering to the earth, and ensuring that no one from different castes will drink from the same cup.

The Origins of Indian Tea

Long before the commercial production of tea started in India in the late 1830s, the tea plant was growing wild in the jungles of north east Assam. In 1598, a Dutch traveller, Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, noted in a book about his adventures that the Indians ate the leaves as a vegetable with garlic and oil and boiled the leaves to make a brew. In 1788, the British botanist, Joseph Banks, reported to the British East India Company that the climate in certain British-controlled parts of north east India was ideal for tea growing. However, he seems to have missed the fact that the plant was a native to Bengal and suggested transplanting tea bushes from China. But his idea was ignored. In 1823 and 1831, Robert Bruce and his brother Charles, an employee of the East India Company, confirmed that the tea plant was indeed a native of the Assam area and sent seeds and specimen plants to officials at the newly established Botanical Gardens in Calcutta. But again, nothing was done - perhaps because the East India Company had a monopoly on the trading of tea from China and, as they were doing very nicely, probably saw no reason to spend time and money elsewhere. But in 1833, everything changed. The company lost its monopoly and suddenly woke up to the fact that India might prove a profitable alternative. A committee was set up, Charles Bruce was given the task of establishing the first nurseries, and the secretary of the committee was sent off to China to collect 80,000 tea seeds. Because they were still not sure that the tea plant really was indigenous to India, committee members insisted on importing the Chinese variety.


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The seeds were planted in the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta and nurtured until they were sturdy enough to travel 1000 miles to the newly prepared tea gardens. Meanwhile, up in Assam, Charles Bruce and the other pioneers were clearing suitable areas of land on which to develop plantations, pruning existing tea trees to encourage new growth, and experimenting with the freshly plucked leaves from the native bushes to manufacture black tea. Bruce had recruited two tea makers from China and, with their help, he steadily learnt the secrets of successful tea production the conditions were incredibly harsh. The area was remote and hostile, cold in winter and steamy hot in summer. Tigers, leopards and wolves constantly threatened the lives of the workers, and the primitive settlements of the tea workers were subject to regular raids by local hill tribes. But they persevered and gradually the jungle was opened up, the best tea tracts cultivated under the light shade of surrounding trees, and new seedlings planted to fill gaps and create true tea gardens.The first twelve chests of manufactured tea to be made from indigenous Assam leaf were shipped to London in 1838 and were sold at the London auctions. The East India Company wrote to Assam to say that the teas had been well received by some "houses of character", and there was a similar response to the next shipment, some buyers declaring it "excellent". Having established a successful industry in Assam's Brahmaputra valley, with factories and housing settlements, the Assam Tea Company began to expand into other districts of north east India. Cultivation started around the town of Darjeeling in the foothills of the Himalayas in the mid 1850s. By 1857, between 60 and 70 acres were under tea and, whereas the China variety of the tea plant had not liked the conditions in Assam, here at elevations of 2500 to 6000 feet, it grew well. The company pushed on into Terai and Dooars and even into the remote Kangra valley, 800 miles west of Darjeeling.In the south western tip of the country, experimental plantings had been made in 1835, while the first nurseries were being established in Assam, and by the mid 1850s tea was growing successfully alongside coffee. The climate of the Nilgiri Hills, or Blue Mountains, seemed to suit the plant, and the area under tea steadily expanded in 1853, India exported 183.4 tons of tea. By 1870, figure had increased to 6,700 tons and by 1885, 35,274 tons. Today, India is one of the world's largest producers of tea with 13,000 gardens and a workforce of more than 2 million people.


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In one popular Chinese legend, Shennong, the legendary Emperor of China and inventor

of agriculture and Chinese medicine was drinking a bowl of boiling water some time around

2737 BC when a few leaves were blown from a nearby tree into his water, changing the color.

The emperor took a sip of the brew and was pleasantly surprised by its flavor and restorative

properties. A variant of the legend tells that the emperor tested the medical properties of various

herbs on him self, some of them poisonous, and found tea to work as an antidote. Shennong is

also mentioned in Lu Yu's famous early work on the subject, Cha Jing. A similar Chinese legend

goes that the god of agriculture would chew the leaves, stems, and roots of various plants to

discover medicinal herbs. If he consumed a poisonous plant, he would chew tea leaves to

counteract the poison.

A rather gruesome legend dates back to the Tang Dynasty. In the legend, Bodhi dharma, the

founder of Chan Buddhism, accidentally fell asleep after meditating in front of a wall for nine

years. He woke up in such disgust at his weakness that he cut off his own eyelids. They fell to

the ground and took root, growing into tea bushes. Sometimes, another version of the story is

told with Gautama Buddha in place of Bodhi dharma.

Whether or not these legends have any basis in fact, tea has played a significant role in Asian

culture for centuries as a staple beverage, a curative, and a status symbol. It is not surprising,

therefore, that theories of its origin are often religious or royal in nature.


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1717 Thomas Twining converted Toim’s Coffee House into the golden Lyon, the first teashop in London.

1776 England sent the first opium to China. Opium addiction in China funded the escalating demand for tea in England. Cash trade for the drug increased until the opium wars began in 1839.

1835 The East India Company established experimental tea plantations in Assam, India.

1834 An Imperial Edict from the Chinese Emperor closed all Chinese ports to foreign vessels until the end of the First Opium War in 1842.

1838 A small amount of Indian tea sent to England was eagerly consumed due to its novelty.

1840 After noon tea was "invented" by Anna, Duchess of Bedford (1783 – 1857), wife of the 7th Duke as "a way to quell the inevitable hunger pangs between lunch and dinner".  

1856 Tea was planted in many areas of Darjeeling.

1857 Tea plantations were started in Ceylon, though their tea would not be exported until the 1870’s.

1869 A deadly fungus wiped out the coffee crop in Ceylon, shifting preference from coffee to tea.

1869 The Suez Canal opened, making the trip to China shorter and more economical by steamship.

1870 Twinning’s of England began to blend tea for consistency.

1876 Glasgow grocer, Thomas Lipton opens his first teashop.

1953 World’s first instant tea is introduced


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This tea is the unopened bud of the tealeaf. After the bud is picked, it is withered and the moisture is allowed to evaporate and dry. It is very high in antioxidants and low in caffeine. When the buds are picked, the tea farmers lose the leaves that make popular and marketable teas. This is why white tea is rare and expensive. A true white tea is only produced in Fujian China and has a silvery

and fuzzy appearance.


This tea is rarely found in the states. It is a green tea with yellow leaves that were encouraged to turn yellow by the stir-frying stage of the tea making process. We now carry yellow tea.


This tea is high in antioxidants, Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. The freshly picked leaves are allowed to dry, then are heated to stop the oxidation. This tea has antioxidants and more

caffeine than white tea. China greens have a smoky or toasty flavor and green teas from Japan have a grassy or herbal taste


Pronounced woo long. Oolongs or Black Dragon, which is its literal translation, is sometimes referred to as semi-fermented and is manufactured in China and Taiwan. The leaves are processed

immediately after plucking. They are wilted in the sunlight, shaken in bamboo baskets to bruise the edges, then shaken again and spread

out to dry until the leaf turns slightly yellow. We have two categories of oolong- fragrant and amber. Fragrant is closer to a green tea and has notes of flowers and Amber is closer to a black tea with notes of riped fruit. Our Bao Zhong is a fragrant oolong and our Amber and Plum are

Amber oolongs. 


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This is a compressed tea produced only in China. This tea has health benefits reputed to aid in digestion and weight loss. It also helps to lower cholesterol Puerh is shaped into nests, bricks, and

balls or sold loose. We carry Tu cha, shaped like bird’s nest. This tea is actually a living organism and improves with age. It

has an earthy flavor and the recipe is highly guarded. During the Ming dynasty, anyone found trespassing where the tea was

produced would be killed.


The methods of producing a black tea vary greatly from country to country. This tea is fully oxidized and is very high in caffeine.

There are 4 steps involved in the production of this tea; withering, rolling, oxidizing and firing or drying. It loses some of

its vitamins, trace minerals and antioxidants from the manufacturing process.


These teas are scented with the addition of flowers or herbs and can be a white, green, oolong or black tea. We carry a

White Jasmine that has been scented multiple times with the fresh blossoms of jasmine. To scent the tea, the tealeaves are

layered with jasmine, orchids or other blossoms and herbs. They are left overnight and the next day the blossoms are

removed. The tealeaf is very porous and picks up the scent of the blossom.

FLAVOREDMost teas varieties can be flavored, but a rare and complex tea should be enjoyed with no flavors added. Flavors can

come from the addition of fruits, essence and herbs.


This plant grows in Argentina and is consumed throughout South America. It is high in caffeine and slightly bitter. The traditional way of consuming this beverage is in a gourd with a bombilla straw. Many people can be seen in

the streets of Buenos Aries sipping on their bombilla.



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These are unusual teas produced in the tiny villages in China. It takes an entire day just to make 20 pieces. The shape can be balls or flowers made with many leaves tied together with silk thread. Ours opens up like a flower when steeped in hot water,

revealing 3 chrysanthemums.The following blends are called infusions. These are concoctions from herbs and fruits

and are also referred to as tisanes. These do not have actual tealeaves from the camellia sinensis plant.


An herbal can be a blend of roots, bark, flowers, leaves, and stems to produce a beverage with many health benefits. Most are caffeine-free.


This is a beverage made from the red bush from the legume family that grows in the Cedarburg Mountain

Region 150 West of Cape Town, South Africa. Rooibos is Dutch for red bush and is pronounced ROY BOSS. It has the most antioxidants known to man and is rich in

minerals and vitamins. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties and helps to protect the DNA

from free radicals.


These tisanes were developed in Europe and consist of apples, rosehips, hibiscus and a myriad of other fruits and botanicals. This is a great beverage

for kids because it is high in vitamin c and is caffeine-free. Fruit infusion can be enjoyed hot or

iced and you can even freeze into pops.

MANUFACTURE OF TEA COMPANY IN INDIA India is one the largest Tea producer in the world.   Indian tea is the finest quality   in the world.  Tea is being


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cultivated in the high ranges of North and South India and the best quality known as CTC and Orthodox Assam Tea respectively. The consumption is above 600 Million Kg mark per year.   The market consists of both Leaf Teas and Dust Teas both in the CTC and Orthodox Grades, with the Southern markets consuming more Dust Teas. The export market for Indian Teas is mainly in the Russian and CIS countries with 90 Million Kgs of the total exports in 1998 going to these countries.   This is equivalent to 43% of India's Tea exports.  The other countries for India's Tea exports include most of the European Countries, U.S.A., Japan, West Asia and the Asia Pacific Region. In fact there is hardly any country where Indian Tea is not found.

Girnar Group Tea exporters.

Dharampal Satyapal Group


Shivnath Rai Harnarain Exporters of    rice, tea

K Manibhai & Co Producer and exporter of tea

Kangra Offering hand picked Kangra Green Gold tea.

Cygnet India Pvt. Ltd Blenders and exporters of tea.

Aarkay Industries Manufactures and exports of tea

Jayalakshmi Group Processors and exporters tea

QuickSpice Offers online ordering of Indian teas

Tea Trend Home page of the Indian tea business

Tata Tea Limited Instantant tea in Tata    brand-name.

Bharti Global Industries Pvt. Ltd

International trading in tea

Manjushree Plantations Producer and exporter of tea

Prasad Business Services A exporter and trader in Indian coffee.

International Export Corporation

Manufacturers and traders of tea. 

Apple Valley Tea Industries

Manufacturers and exporters of assam tea

Premier's Tea India Ltd. Manufacturer and exporter of tea from India.

New Horizon Cafe & Pub Serving South Indian food, tea, coffee.

India Coffee House Metro area Indian community business and activity.


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Darjeeling Tea Network Containing details on Darjeeling Tea and estates.

Nand Impex Private Limited

Provides a selection of consumer and bulk teas.

Saint Augustine Tea Company

sells cassina tea, a traditional Southeast Indian tea

Elmstock Tea CompanyWholesaler and distributor of premium Ceylon and Indian teas.

D.C. Ghose & Co.Producer, blender, packer, and exporter of North and South Indian teas

Shrilalmahal GroupExporters of basmati and long grain rice, tea, spices,  and agro products

Vivant InternationalOffers Genie's Tea, blended authentic Indian tea with an array of flavours

Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Technology Corp.

(SMART)Manufacturer and exporter of tea

Aarkay Group Manufacturer of tea machinery

Agarmet Tea Exporter of Darjeeling, Assam & Nilgiri tea

Asian Tea Exports  Manufacturer of green & black tea

Balmer Lawrie & Co  Tea garden management agents

Carritt Moran Tea brokers

Dhunseri Tea Tea processor & exporter

Goodricke Tea producer

Jalinga Tea Estate Manufacturer and exporter of organic tea & herbal tea

Saharia Group Tea processors, traders and plywood producer

Limtex Tea producer and exporter


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In 2003, world tea production was 3.15 million tonnes annually. The largest producer was India,

followed by China, followed by Kenya and Sri Lanka.

Percentage of total tea production in 2003

     Tea not grown in significant quantities

     Less than 5%.     From 5 to 10%.     More than 10%

Plantation and processing

Botanically, tea is a tree. For commercial farming, tea is grown as a bonsai, by repeated pruning and clipping. Tea bushes get ready for commercial plucking in 5 years and takes about 7 years to reach maturity. Tea bushes have a life span of over 100 years. Productivity is high in the first 30-50 years. The processing involves the crushing of leaves, which leads to controlled fermentation of the present liquor. The processed tea (referred to as "made tea" in the industry) is sold either loose or in packets.

Value Addition

The most popular form of value addition is selling branded tea. This involves not only the packing of tea but also blending of other varieties to maintain consistency of taste. To arrive at a blend, expert tea tasters sample hundreds of liquors.

Convenient drinks like instant tea (soluble tea powder), tea bags (bags are dipped in hot water), ready to drink (served in cans) and flavored tea (with vanilla, strawberry flavor) are becoming popular in developed countries like the USA and Japan.


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Tea production certification

There are a number of bodies that independently certify the production of tea. Tea from

certified estates can be sold with a certification label on pack. The most important

certification schemes are Rainforest Alliance,Fairtrade, UTZ Certified, and Organic. All

these schemes certify other crops (like coffee, cocoa and fruit) as well. Rainforest

Alliance certified tea is sold by Unilever brands Lipton and PG Tips in Western Europe,

Australia and the US. Fairtrade certified tea is sold by a large number of suppliers

around the world. UTZ Certified announces a partnership in 2008 with Sara Lee

brand Pickwick tea.

Production of organic tea is rising; 3,500 tonnes of organic tea were grown in 2003. The

majority of this tea (about 75%) is sold in France, Germany, Japan, the United

Kingdom and the United States.


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The Benefits of TeaThe amazing health benefits of tea. So much in fact, that it's often difficult to separate fact from fiction. What are the scientifically recognized benefits of tea? The following is a brief synopsis of the latest findings.

AgingIf you are the type to fret over the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and other signs of growing old, oolong tea may be the answer to your worries. In a recent experiment carried out jointly by researchers from the US, Taiwan and Japan, mice which were fed tea displayed fewer signs of aging than mice that were fed water. The Straits Times, Sept. 24, 01

AllergiesThe wonder cup just got even more wonderful. Green tea, rich in antioxidant treasures that protect against heart disease and cancer, now shows promise as an allergy fighter. In laboratory tests, Japanese researchers have found that the antioxidants in green tea block the biochemical process involved in producing an allergic response. Green tea may be useful against a wide range of sneeze-starting allergens, including pollen, pet dander, and dust. Prevention, April 2003

ArthritisGreen tea cate chins are chondro protective and consumption of green tea may be prophylactic for arthritis and may benefit the arthritis patient by reducing inflammation and slowing cartilage breakdown. The Journal of Nutrition, Mar 2002Green tea may be useful in controlling inflammation from injury or diseases such as arthritis. Boston Globe, April 26, 99Bone StrengthTea flavonoids may be bone builders. A report in this week's Archives of Internal Medicine looked at about 500 Chinese men and women who regularly drank black, green, or oolong tea for more than 10 years. Compared with non habitual tea drinkers, tea regulars had higher bone mineral densities, even after exercise and calcium-which strengthen bones-were taken into account. U.S. News & World Report, May 20, 2002Cancer"Tea is one of the single best cancer fighters you can put in your body," according to Mitchell Gaynor, MD, director of medical oncology at the world-renowned Strong Cancer Prevention Center in New York City and co-author of Dr. Gaynor's Cancer Prevention Program. People who drink about 4 cups of green tea a day seem to get less cancer. Now we may know why. In recent test-tube studies, a compound called EGCG, a powerful antioxidant in tea, inhibited an enzyme that cancer cells need in order to grow. The cancer cells that couldn't grow big enough to divide self-destructed. It would take about 4 cups of green tea a day to get the blood levels of EGCG that inhibited cancer in the study. Black tea also contains EGCG, but at much lower concentrations. Prevention, Aug 1999CholesterolTea can lower 'bad' cholesterol levels. Researchers at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, asked test subjects to eat low-fat, low-calorie prepared meals and drink five cups of caffeinated tea or caffeinated and non-caffeinated placebos that mimicked the


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look of tea. Levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol dropped 10 percent among the test subjects who drank tea. Vegetarian Times, Jan 2003Heart DiseaseDrinking black tea may lower the risk of heart disease because it prevents blood from clumping and forming clots. In a recent study, researchers found that while drinking black tea, the participants had lower levels of the blood protein associated with coagulation. Better Nutrition, Jan 2002Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one,Ó says a Chinese proverb. Research is showing it may just be true. Dr. Kenneth Mukamal of Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reported that out of 1,900 heart-attack patients, those who drank two or more cups a day reduced their risks of dying over the next 3.8 years by 44 percent. Newsweek, May 20, 2002Weight LossTrying to lose weight? Reach for a cup of green tea instead of a diet beverage. Compared to the placebo and caffeine, green tea extract consumption produced a significant 4% increase in 24-hour energy expenditure. If you consume 2,000 calories per day and don't gain or lose weight (you're in energy balance), an increase of 4% would translate roughly into an 80-calorie daily difference. Over a year, this could result in 89 pounds of weight loss. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nov 1999Recent evidence shows that in the battle of fat loss, green tea may be superior to plain caffeine.


if overconsumption, may cause kidney damage

can irritate your stomach

drinking eight or nine daily duplicates the symptoms of ulcer

slows the digestion process

creates gas

causes diarrhea and constipation

affects respiratory and heart function

overexcites the nervous system and causes palpitations

If the level of caffeine is very high in our body, then it can cause insomnia, nausea or frequent urination. Frequently taking the tea can affect the liver and also kidney. The products derived from the tea contains large amount of polyphenols which are harmful to our health. It is advisable to reduce the intake of such tea or completely eliminate from the diet especially for the pregnant women. Sometimes it may cause problem in the growth of the child and may develop complications. This is because the compound EGCG is very harmful to the body. There is another component named methotrexate in the tea which is also harmful to the body as it is very reactive with the enzyme named as DHFR. This enzyme is very useful to fight against the cancerous cells. 


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Tea is one of the most refreshing and popular beverages of the world. India is one the largest Tea producer, exporter and consumer in the world. Indian tea is the finest quality in the world. It is being cultivated in the high ranges of Northern and Southern India and the best quality tea are CTC and Orthodox Assam Tea. The consumption is above 600 Million kgs per year. The market consists of both Leaf and Dust Teas both in the CTC and Orthodox Grades. There have been considerable rise in the domestic production as well as export figures since the past few years.

Tea production and exports

(mn kg)Jan-Apr 2005 Jan-Apr 2004 yoy %






North India 94.1 20.2 76.1 23.1 23.7 (12.6)

South India 55.7 32.6 51.2 26.0 8.8 25.4

All India 149.8 52.8 127.3 49.1 17.7 7.5

Source: Indian Tea AssociationExportsIndia is the largest producer of tea and ranks fourth in terms of total tea exporters in the world.

Tea Exports from India

yoy (%)(Rs mn)

North IndiaJan-Apr 05Jan-Apr 04

2,448 2,568 (4.7)

South India 2,136 1,684 26.9

All India 4,585 4,252 7.8


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Country-wise export of tea from India during 2005-06


During Jan-Mar 2005, tea imports into India increased to 4.56mn kg from 2.91mn kg in Jan-Mar 2004. Vietnam was the major exporter at 1.78mn kg.

The special incentives to boost the tea exports of Rs 930 mn will bring in the much needed support for the tea industry, which was currently facing oversupply. The fund would be released from the corpus of Rs 1.4bn created from collection of additional excise duty (AED) over two and a half years.


Tea Imports to IndiaCountries

Jan-Mar 05 Jan-Mar 04 Inc/Dec

(mn kg) (Rs/kg) (mn kg) (Rs/kg) (mn kg)

Indonesia 0.47 58.42 0.59 62.88 (0.12)

Nepal 0.22 55.55 0.73 50.47 (0.51)

Sri Lanka 0.05 92.74 0.40 97.72 (0.35)

Vietnam 1.78 36.44 0.60 26.88 1.18

Kenya 0.45 68.95 0.57 80.98 (0.12)

Others 1.59 50.08 0.02 N/A N/A

Total 4.56 45.53 2.91 59.39 1.65

Source: Indian Tea Association

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Global Tea Production: In 2007, China was the largest producer of tea followed by India, Kenya,

and Sri Lanka. Graph 1 on the next page shows the production volume of the world’s major tea


Global Tea Exports: In 2007, Kenya was the largest exporter of tea followed by Sri Lanka,

China, and India. The following graph shows the export statistics for the world’s major tea


Though, India is the second largest producer of tea in the world, the domestic consumption of tea

is quite high, resulting in India’s exports being only the fourth largest.

Highest Per Capita Consumption Markets for Tea in 2007: Turkey, Ireland, U.K., Poland,

Russia, and Japan had the highest per capita consumption rates for tea in 2007. As can be seen

from Graph 5 below, the average per capita consumption of tea in Russia was 1.3 kg, which was


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far greater than the average per capita consumption of tea both globally (0.3 kg) and in India (0.7


Global Tea Industry

Tea, as a farm crop, is more subject to geographical and natural environment. Worldwide, more than 60 countries produce tea. According to the statistics form the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), global tea planting area totaled around 2.90M hectares by the end of 2008, and is growing at an annual rate of 3.0%. In 2008, the total production of tea stood at 3.75M within global reach, about 80.0% of which was produced by five countries -- India, China, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

At present, black tea accounts for a 70.0% or so market share of all kinds of tea in the world. Its output is expected to increase annually by 1.9% worldwide to 3.10M tons per year in 2017 according to FAO forecast. In the meanwhile, green tea is likely to enjoy a more rapid annual output growth rate of 4.5% to 1.57M tons per year.


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Washing and everything related to washing has developed significantly since the beginning of history. Now a day’s people are using laundry detergents, synthetic detergents, washing machines, dryers and there are plants to treat the wastewater of washing. While in the prehistory people used to have only water and used rivers and streams as water supply, defecated in nature and their wastes had a low impact on the environment. Even though all these developments seem very familiar and normal to us nowadays, you may have asked this already to yourself: “How did we come to this level in washing?”


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The answer to this question is a long and interesting story, the “History of Washing”, starting from prehistory till the21st century. Frescoes in Pompeii show how important laundry was for the Romans. Laundry was not done at home, at least not by the wealthier Romans. It was done at the public “fulleries” – the equivalent of the modern Laundromat – by workers called “fullones.” “The large fulleries have several features in common. They contain a large hall with very large basins in the floor, communicating with one another. In these basins clothes were put to soak and cleaned. Along three sides of the hall are pressing-bowls, usually made of terracotta, often the lower half of a dolium. Here the material was further cleaned, by workers who ’jumped‘or ’danced‘on the clothes (the so-called saltus fullonicus; Seneca, Epistulae 15,4), while they leaned on small walls on either side. Detergents were used, such as the creta fullonica (fuller’s earth) that was stored in small bowls. It helped remove the grease and enhanced the colours. Urine, collected in public urinals, was used for bleaching, and so was sulphur, which was burned under wooden frames over which the cloth was suspended. After the pressing, the material was taken to the basins again, for the removal of the detergents. Fullers were organized into powerful Guilds. Clothes were cleaned by treading (fulling) in stone bowls containing clay and ammoniated water. After rinsing once, the bowls were filled once more and the clothes were rinsed again. Drying took place on bell-shaped wire frames under which sulphur was burned.” (From the Ostia Anctica web site). The Roman laundries were not a healthy work Environment: workers were constantly exposed to polluted, foul-smelling air and their skin was in constant contact with chemicals in the water. As a result they ran a high risk of developing work-related illnesses. The ancient Greeks used only water, with out soap, for laundry.

The middle of the 19th century witnessed the appearance of the first mechanical washing machines. Typically a closed tub with wooden paddles (agitators later made of metal) allowed laundresses to work In an upright position and not get their hands wet so much. Laundry was no longer the laborious and Time consuming ritual it had been in the past. The dirt and bad smells that accompanied overcrowding in the cities were less and less acceptable to people, and this led


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to steady scientific progress. But before Washing machines were generally in use, large towns installed large public wash-houses or laundries. The fixed tub with a hand-propelled rotating agitator was the forerunner of the rotating tub (gyrator) machine. The forerunner of the modern drum machine that extracts the water during a rapid spin cycle would not appear until into the 20th century. Laundry remained a ritual in the U.S. throughout the 19th century. A written testimony by a late-19th century author in Practical Housekeeping reads: “Laundry and cooking go hand in hand . . . On washing and ironing days, it is inadvisable to cook steak or fry fish, due to the smell. In addition, no spinach, split peas, green beans (which need stringing), or stewed apples [should be prepared] because these all take too long to prepare and time should be given to the laundry. More suitable dishes would be potatoes, pasta, rice and corn, with a dessert of baked apples with cream: Quick, easy and very tasty.” Developments in laundry products didn’t keep pace with the technological advances in washing machines: Until the end of the 19th century, people still washed their clothes with soap flakes. Synthetic detergents would not appear for another 10 to 20 years, during World War I. The first electric washing machine was produced in the 1908. It featured a top-mounted electric motor-driven agitator. Towards 1920, new machines were fitted with a horizontal cylinder. But this did not prevent manual machines from prospering. At the end of the 1940s, electric machines were fitted with an impeller. During the 1950s, a heating element and automatic spin cycle were added (some machines had separate spinners, alongside the wash drum). The 1960s saw the advent of automatic machines which, at the touch of a button, wash, rinse and spin in the same drum, at first mounted vertically, and later horizontally (“front loaders”).By the end of the 20th century, washing machine technology had continued to evolve. Electromechanical controls (knobs) had been replaced by electronic ones (push-buttons). The newer machines required less water and newer laundry products worked better at lower temperatures, rendering the laundry process more energy-efficient. Concentrated laundry products required less transport, less shelf-space and less packaging. New wash cycles appeared, such as. Those for silk, wool and delicates, and short wash. In some developing countries, even today, manual practices still exist, as shown in these photographs of people in India, doing the laundry on the banks of the Ganges, and of people on the African continent.

Laundry detergent, or washing powder, is a substance which is a type of detergent (cleaning agent) that is added when one is washing laundry to aid in getting the laundry cleaner. Laundry detergent has traditionally been a powdered or solid granular, but the use of liquid laundry detergents has gradually increased over the years, and the popularity of liquid detergent now rivals that of solid detergent. Some brands also manufacture laundry soap in tablets and dissolvable packets, so as to eliminate the need to measure soap for each load of laundry. In some countries where washing clothes by hand is more popular, detergent bars are more popular. Recently, environmentally friendly detergents have experienced a surge in popularity. Detergent may also be sold in pellets in some brands of laundry ball, although many others do not contain detergent. Soap substitute plants are also used as laundry detergents.


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Proctor & Gamble IndiaProcter & Gamble Co. (P&G) is an American company based in Cincinnati, Ohio that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. In India Proctor & Gamble has two subsidiaries: P&G Hygiene and Health Care Ltd. and P&G Home Products Ltd. P&G Hygiene and Health Care Limited is one of India's fastest growing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies with a turnover of more than Rs. 500 crores. It has in its portfolio famous brands like Vicks & Whisper. P&G Home Products Limited deals in Fabric Care segment and Hair Care segment. It has in its kitty global brands such as Ariel and Tide in the Fabric Care segment, and Head & Shoulders, Pantene, and Rejoice in the Hair Care segment.

Procter & Gamble's relationship with India started in 1951 when Vicks Product Inc. India, a branch of Vicks Product Inc. USA entered Indian market. In 1964, a public limited company, Richardson Hindustan Limited (RHL) was formed which obtained an Industrial License to undertake manufacture of Menthol and de mentholated peppermint oil and VICKS range of products such as Vicks VapoRub, Vicks Cough Drops and Vicks Inhaler. In May 1967, RHL introduced Clearasil, then America's number one pimple cream in Indian market. In 1979, RHL launches Vicks Action 500 and in 1984 it set up an Ayurvedic Research Laboratory to address the common ailments of the people such as cough and cold. 

In October 1985, RHL became an affiliate of The Procter & Gamble Company, USA and its name was changed to Procter & Gamble India. In 1989, Procter & Gamble India launched Whisper - the breakthrough technology sanitary napkin. In 1991, P&G India launched Ariel detergent. In 1992, The Procter & Gamble Company, US increased its stake in Procter & Gamble India to 51% and then to 65%. In 1993, Procter & Gamble India divested the Detergents business to Procter & Gamble Home Products and started marketing Old Spice Brand of products. In 1999 Procter & Gamble India Limited changed the name of the Company to Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Limited. 

P&G Home Products Limited was incorporated as 100% subsidiary of The Procter & Gamble Company, USA in 1993 and it launched launches Ariel Super Soaker. In the same year Procter & Gamble India divested the Detergents business to Procter & Gamble Home Products. In 1995, Procter & Gamble Home Products entered the Hair care Category with the launch of Pantene Pro-V shampoo. In 1997 Procter & Gamble Home Products launches Head & Shoulders shampoo. In 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products introduced Tide Detergent Powder - the largest selling detergent in the world. In 2003, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited launched Pampers - world's number one selling diaper brand. 

Today, Proctor & Gamble is the second largest FMCG Company in India after Hindustan Lever Limited.

Type of detergent

Laundry detergent: Laundry detergent, or washing powder, is a substance which is a type of detergent (cleaning agent) that is added when one is washing laundry to aid in getting the laundry cleaner. Laundry detergent has traditionally been a powdered or solid granular, but the use of liquid laundry detergents has gradually increased over the years, and the popularity of liquid


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detergent now rivals that of solid detergent. Some brands also manufacture laundry soap in tablets and dissolvable packets, so as to eliminate the need to measure soap for each load of laundry. In some countries where washing clothes by hand is more popular, detergent bars are

more popular. Detergent may also be sold in pellets in some brands of laundry ball, although many others do not contain detergent. Soap substitute plants are also used as laundry detergents. olid laundry detergent is commonly sold in paperboard cartons, corrugated fiberboard boxes and plastic tubs as a powder, although compressed tablets are also available. In many parts of the world, laundry detergent is also sold in single-use packets or sachets. This single use allows the consumer to buy

the detergent they need for the day rather than having to spend a larger amount upfront. The size of the boxes can vary from small single-use boxes sold from vending machines in land romats to large economy-size boxes. For domestic use, powder detergent is generally sold by volume in box sizes of around 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) and 3 kilograms (6.6 lb). In some cases, plastic

measuring scoops have been included inside the boxes.

quid detergent is sold in plastic bottles, usually high-density polyethylene or sometimes PET or other kinds. Again, various sizes are available. On large-size bottles, a handle to carry the bottle is often pre-formed as part of the bottle. The bottle caps are often made large enough so they can be used as cups for measuring out the liquid detergent; however this can make the cap very large as the dosage can be as much as 120 millilitres


FENA (P) LIMITED (Formerly known as Syndet & Chemical Industries Limited) is a professionally managed, fast growing company engaged in manufacturing, marketing and exporting leading brands of Detergents, Scourers and Personal products. FENA (P) LIMITED's high quality standards and competitive pricing provide outstanding value for money to the customer through over 1, 000 Redistribution Stockists servicing approximately 700, 000 retail outlets nation -wide backed by multi -location manufacturing facilities. Our products enjoy an excellent presence in the popular segment of


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detergents industry in India as per the latest retail audit survey reports available. Established in 1976 as a first generation entrepreneurial venture , the organization has achieved a consistently high rate of growth year after year - today providing employment to over 1, 000 personnel. The organization is forever committed to building core strengths of superior qualities, competitive prices, wide distribution and servicing, scientific approach, commitment to R&D and modern professional management practices.

We are offering detergent powders which ensure superior cleaning actions. These have special active dirt removing agents that keep dirt in suspension and avoid redeposit ion of dirt stuck on the clothes. Our powders can be provided to our clients in attractive packaging at competitive prices.

Tide is the name of a popular laundry detergent on the market in Canada, the United States, Morocco and other countries. It is manufactured by Procter & Gamble. Tide is marketed under various sub-brands, such as 2x Ultra Tide. First introduced in test markets in 1946 with national distribution reached in 1949, Tide was voted as "America's Washday Favorite". It quickly gained dominance in the detergent market, dwarfing the sales of other P&G products, such as Ivory Snow, as well as the competition from Rinso.

Nirma is one of the most recognizable Indian brands. Its story is a classic example of the success of Indian entrepreneurship in the face of stiff competition. Nirma took on the might of giant multinationals and wrote a new chapter in the Indian corporate history. Starting as a one-man

operation in 1969, today, Nirma has about 14, 000 employee-base and annual turnover of more than Rs. 25, 00 crores.

Rin is a very old and famous brand name for the detergent soups and even the detergent powder. It cleans all the clothes nicely and has a very good smell. Now there is a new detergent powder introduced

by the same company and it is called as Rin Super detergent powder. This detergent powder is much better than the previous one and is very effective for cleaning the dirty clothes.a product by HUL.

Superior cleaning in a choice of Two Fragrances – Ariel Spring Clean & Ariel Fresh Clean another Breakthrough Innovation from Ariel for the Indian Family Ever wished that your clothes could smell mesmerizing and fragrant like your perfumes? Procter & Gamble, the makers of leading international fragrances such as Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Old Spice and Valentino now make your wish come true, with the


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launch of Ariel in a choice of two exciting fragrances – Ariel Spring Clean with a floral fragrance, and Ariel Fresh Clean with a refreshing fragrance. The two unique fragrances of Ariel now offers Indian consumers an unbeatable combination of ‘superior cleaning’ and ‘a choice of fragrances’ with the launch of Ariel Spring Clean and Ariel Fresh Clean

NEW DELHI, Dec 22: The country's leading detergent maker Hindustan Lever Ltd (HLL) has admitted that its `Wheel' brand of detergent and cake contains no lemon (nimbu), despite its aggressive ad campaign `nimbu ke saath'. Wheel, which has been advertised with the punch line "Nimbu ke saath. Bedaag safai, super safai" (with lemon, spotless cleanliness, super cleanliness), comes packaged in a distinct green and yellow wrapper, with a lemon

prominently displayed on it. Interestingly, HLL had earlier maintained that "lemon has been part of the brand (Wheel) since 1992 and as such consumers instantaneously associate this key ingredient as part of their brand, as evidenced through consumer research."

Kanpur Trading Company's Ghadi detergent which has a dominant 40 per cent share in Uttar Pradesh [Images ] and 10 per cent nationally, sending shivers down the spines of executives at both Nirma and Hindustan Lever. Or look at Jyothi Laboratories, the makers of Jiva herbal soap and Ujjala fabric whitener. The herbal soap is cleaning up in the marketplace even as HLL's Ayush herbal offerings are floundering. And Ujjala is beating Reckitt Benckiser's Robin Blue black and blue. And CavinKare's brands -- Chik and Fairever -- continue their forward march

A wide range of detergent powder, which is suitable for both hand and machine washing of cotton, synthetic, blended and other type of clothes. Composed from harmless chemicals, our ranges of detergent powder have outstanding stain removability and meet with European benchmarks. We provide these detergent powders in different sizes and appropriate packaging’s to meet the requirements of our clients.

Surf Excel, launched in 1954, is one of the oldest detergent powders in India. Initially, the brand was positioned on the clean proposition of “washes whitest”. However, with the emergence of numerous local detergent manufacturers and the entry of other global brands, This is in line with the global communication platform of Dirt Is Good, which is a communication strategy of Unilever for its premium detergent products, sold under various brand names; such as Omo in


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Brazil and Persil in UK and France. Today, Surf Excel leads the Premium Fabric Wash Category in India. Some of the other major detergent products of Unilever in India

Mr. White was introduced in India in the mid range category as "White Giant" by the Indian subsidiary of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Germany's No.1 detergent company. After the re launch, the brand grew in volumes significantly because of greater consumer interest.The product was even more enhanced by adding green speckles to the existing blue speckles. The purpose of green speckles was to push the dirt from clothes down to the bottom of the bucket while that of blue speckles was to enhance whiteness.

VANISH Shakti O2 and VANISH Whites are international brand names of stain removers. They work with the bleaching action of oxygen that is released when VANISH is mixed in water. VANISH is mild on cloths yet very effective in removing most types of stains on laundry.

Henko an Eco-friendly detergent powder and seems to be a special formulation of Henkel of Germany. This is now made in India for Indian market and Henkel Spic markets it. Henko Stain Champion is with power pearls to add value to the product. Power pearls is nothing but an additive to

improve detergency of the product. It’s pretty good especially for all types of cloth. We are using this detergent for our normal use since long, from the day it is available in our town.

We found the most authoritative toothpaste recommendations at Consumer Reports, where editors test 41 toothpastes for stain removal, abrasiveness and fluoride content.

the Australian equivalent to Consumer Reports, compares toothpastes only for their whitening ability. Much more informal comparison reviews at Grist and Slate magazines evaluate toothpastes mostly for taste, texture and the way the mouth feels after brushing - as do most consumer-written reviews published at sites such as and We also found good information from dentists who post articles and recommendations to blogs and oral-health websites. Reading toothpaste reviews quickly reveals that consumers and dentists seem to have different priorities when choosing toothpaste. Most people look for good flavor, thickness (neither too runny nor too hard) and pleasant texture. People also want the mouth to feel clean after brushing, with sweet breath, and for teeth to look not only unstained, but as white as possible. Dentists, on the other hand, say the best toothpaste is the one that protects teeth from cavities, softened enamel and plaque. If not removed at least every 24 hours, plaque hardens into tartar,


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which builds up and makes teeth and gums even more susceptible to decay - resulting in a negative cycle that can cause first gingivitis, then serious periodontal disease. In turn, quite a few experts believe that periodontal disease may cause systemic problems, including heart problems.

Where dentists and consumers do agree is that the best toothpaste should do no harm. We found quite a few complaints from sufferers with sensitive teeth, canker sores or problems with the soft tissues of the mouth. Just because toothpaste prevents cavities does not mean it won't irritate your teeth, gums or the lining of your mouth. Crest Pro-Health toothpaste , designed to control tartar, gets an especially high number of complaints from users. Some complain that the stannous fluoride stains their teeth, while others are sensitive to its tartar-control ingredient, sodium hexameta phosphate. Quite a few dentists recommend avoiding tartar-control toothpastes since they can contribute to oral problems. In most mouths, tartar only builds up if plaque is left on the teeth for 24 hours or longer.

Toothpaste -- we use it every single day. In fact, Americans brush their teeth nearly 200 billion times a year and spend more than 1.6 billion dollars on it. But, have you ever wondered exactly how it helps our teeth? And how do we go about choosing which one's right for us? Toothpaste is not a relatively modern phenomenon. In fact, as long ago as 3000-5000 BC Egyptians made a dental cream by mixing powdered ashes of oxen hooves with myrrh, burned egg shells, pumice, and water. Unfortunately, these early Egyptians didn't have toothbrushes but used chew sticks to apply their dental cream. In 1000 AD Persians added burnt shells of snails and oysters along with gypsum. Unfortunately, at this point, toothpaste was still reserved for the rich. In 18th century England a tooth cleaning "powder" containing borax was sold in ceramic pots. One of the


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problems, which lasted well into the twentieth century, was that they were often very abrasive, causing damage to teeth.

Prior to WWII, toothpaste was packaged in small lead/tin alloy tubes. The inside of the tube was coated with wax, however, it was discovered that lead from the tubes leached into the product. It

was the shortage of lead and tin during WWII that led to the use of laminated (aluminum, paper, and plastic combination) tubes. At the end of the twentieth century pure plastic tubes were used. The breakthrough that transformed toothpaste into the crucial weapon against tooth decay was the finding that fluoride could dramatically reduce cavities. Dr. William Engler tested 400 preschool children and discovered a dramatic reduction in dental cavities among children treated with fluoride. This study, along with many others done around the world, led to the widespread

introduction of fluoride in the 1950s.

Toothpaste is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush to clean and maintain the aesthetics

and health of teeth. Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene: it can aid in the removal

of dental plaque and food from the teeth, aid in the elimination and/or masking of halitosis and

deliver active ingredients such as fluoride or xylitol to prevent tooth and gum disease

(gingivitis). Some dentist recommendations include brushing your teeth at least twice a day, if

not more. In most or all developed countries, usage after each meal is encouraged by dentists.

However when cleaning teeth with a toothbrush with toothpaste, the essential cleaning is done by

the mechanical brushing, and not by the active toothpaste chemicals. Most toothpaste contains

trace amounts of chemicals which may be toxic when ingested; it is not intended to be swallowed


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The development of toothpaste began as long ago as 300/500BC in China and India. According to Chinese history, a learned man, Huang-Ti, studied the care of teeth and claimed different types of pain felt in the mouth could be cured by sticking gold and silver needles into different parts of the jaw and gum. It was theories such as these that led to the development of dental cream. First attempts at tooth cleaning included using abrasives such as crushed bone, crushed egg and oyster shells, which were used to clean debris from teeth. Tooth powders were the first noticeable advance and were made up of elements like powdered charcoal, powdered bark and some flavouring agents. This would be applied to teeth using a simple stick.

Toothpowder or dentifrice was first available in Britain in the late eighteenth century. It came in a ceramic pot and was available either as a powder or paste. The rich applied it with brushes and the poor with their fingers.

Modern toothpastes were developed in the 1800s. A dentist called Peabody was the first to add soap to toothpaste in 1824. Chalk was first added to toothpaste by John Harris in the 1850s. In 1873, toothpaste was first mass-produced into nice smelling toothpaste in a jar. In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of Connecticut was the first to put toothpaste into a collapsible tube. Sheffield's toothpaste was called Dr. Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice. Advancements in synthetic detergents (after World War II) replaced the soap used in toothpaste with emulsifying agents such as Sodium Lauryl Sulphate and Sodium Ricinoleate.

The 1960's saw the introduction of fluoride into toothpaste. This development was followed in the 1980's with the addition of soluble calcium fluoride to fluoride toothpastes. It is therefore within the last thirty years that toothpastes contain the two ingredients - calcium and fluoride. Nowadays, there are controversial views on the effectiveness and safety of fluoride toothpaste. For those who are safety conscious, the use of natural toothpaste might be a better choice.Early toothpastes

The earliest known reference to toothpaste is in a manuscript from Egypt in the 4th century A.D.,

which prescribes a mixture of iris flowers

However, toothpastes or powders did not come

into general use until the 19th century.

The Greeks, and then the Romans, improved the

recipes for toothpaste by adding abrasives such

as crushed bones and oyster shells. In the 9th

century, the Persian musician and fashion

designer Ziryab is known to have invented a type

of toothpaste, which he popularized throughout Islamic Spain. The exact ingredients of this

toothpaste are currently unknown, but it was reported to have been both "functional and pleasant

to taste". It is not known whether these early toothpastes were used alone, were to be rubbed onto

the teeth with rags, or were to be used with early toothbrushes such as neem tree twigs


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or miswak. It is known that these twigs were used by Indians from ancient times. Neem tree

twigs are said to have good medicinal effects.

Tooth powder

Tooth powders for use with toothbrushes came into general use in the 19th century in Britain.

Most were homemade, with chalk, pulverized brick, or salt as ingredients. An 1866 Home

Encyclopedia recommended pulverized charcoal, and cautioned that many patented tooth

powders that were commercially marketed did more harm than good. Recently, homemade tooth

powders are made by mixing 3 parts baking soda(cleanser) thoroughly with 1 part salt (the

abrasive). A homemade version of toothpaste can be made by mixing 3 parts baking soda and 1

part salt with: 3 teaspoons of glycerin, 10-20 drops of flavoring and 1 drop of food coloring.


An 18th century American and British toothpaste recipe containing burnt bread has been found.

Another formula around this time called for dragon's blood (a resin),cinnamon, and burnt alum.

By 1900, a paste made of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda was recommended for use with

toothbrushes. Pre-mixed toothpastes were first marketed in the 19th century, but did not surpass

the popularity of tooth-powder until World War I. In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of New

London, Connecticut, manufactured toothpaste into a collapsible tube. Sheffield's toothpaste was

called Dr. Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice. He had the idea after his son traveled to Paris and saw

painters using paint from tubes. In New York City in 1896, Colgate & Company Dental Cream

was packaged in collapsible tubes imitating Sheffield. Fluoride was first added to toothpastes in

1914, and was criticized by the American Dental Association (ADA) in 1937. Fluoride

toothpastes developed in the 1950s received the ADA's approval. To develop the first ADA-


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approved fluoride toothpaste, Procter & Gamble started a research program in the early 1940s. In

1950, Procter & Gamble developed a joint research project team headed by Dr. Joseph Muhler at

Indiana University to study new toothpaste with fluoride. In 1955, Procter & Gamble's Crest

launched its first clinically proven fluoride toothpaste. On August 1, 1960, the ADA reported

that "Crest has been shown to be an effective anti cavity (decay preventative) dentifrice that can

be of significant value when used in a conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene and

regular professional care." Countries limit and suggest different amounts of fluoride acceptable

for health. Much of Africa has a slightly higher percentage than the U.S.

Toothpaste in India

Aim toothpaste Aquafresh BlanX Close-Up Colgate Complete toothpaste Crest Cuprident Darlie Druide Elmex Euthymol Fluoride Fresh Breath Gleem Ipana Janina Whitening Toothpaste Macleans Mentadent Oral-B Pepsodent Rembrandt (whitening) Sensodyne (marketed for individuals with sensitive teeth; trademark of GlaxoSmithKline)Shane toothpaste Signal Squigle The Natural Dentist Thera Breath Tom's of Maine Ultra Brite Zendium ZephyrToothpaste Brands in Other Countries:


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Dabur, Vicco vajradanti, India Close-Up HiGeen Toothpastes Meridol, Israel Perla, Cuba NanosensitiveHCA, Germany Solidox, Norway Stomatol, Sweden Vademecum, Sweden Happee, Philippines Beam, Philippines Candida, Switzerland Lion, Japan Plidenta, Croatia Zirodent, Croatia 


Choice Laboratories Is An Indian Company, Which Offers Personal Hygiene Products. It Manufactures A Complete Range Of Toothpaste For Ad... 


Hygienic ToothpasteDaxal Cosmetics Private Ltd., An Iso 9001:2000 Company Is The Manufacturer Of An Array Of Health Care ... 

Supplier : Daxal Cosmetics Private Limited

 LovedentBhavi Recently Introduced `Lovedent` Brand Toothpaste Range To Cater The Needs Of Those Volume Buyers, Who Are Not Interested In A Part... 

Supplier : Bhavi Group Of Companies


Meswak ToothpasteBajaj Groups Is A Renowned Name In International Trade And The Leading Manufacturer And Exporter Of An Extensive Range Of Herbal Cosmet... 

Supplier : Surya International


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Supplier : Choice Laboratories


Ajanta Tooth Paste

Ajanta Associates Pvt. Ltd. Offers Ajanta Tooth Paste. They Offer Toothpastes, Which Are Used To Clean The Teeth. This Product Can Prom... 

Supplier : Ajanta Associates Pvt. Ltd.,


Herbal Tooth Powder

Shri Sanmati Udhyog Offers Herbal Tooth Powder. The Company Manufactures Natural Tooth Powder From 100% Natural Ingredients With No Syn... 

Supplier : Shri Sanmati Udhyog



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Tooth Paste With Ems Salts

J.L Morison [India] Ltd Offers Tooth Paste With Ems Salts. J.L Morison [India] Ltd Supplies Health Car... 

Supplier : J.L Morison (India) Ltd.


Calcium Enriched Herbal Toothpaste

Goran Pharma P. Ltd. Offers Calcium Enriched Herbal Toothpaste. Goran Pharma P. Ltd. Is Iso 9001:2000 ... 

Supplier : Goran Pharma P. Ltd.



Kids Toothpaste Colgate - Palmolive Offers Kids Toothpaste. This Toothpaste Strengthens Teeth And Fights Cavity. Its Light Foaming Action Makes Brushin... 

Supplier : Colgate - Palmolive (India) Ltd.


Toothpaste With Decay Protection Properties

Colgate - Palmolive Offers Colgate Strong Toothpaste. The Features Of The Toothpaste Are As Follows:Spreads Around And Penetrates... 

Supplier : Colgate - Palmolive (India) Ltd.


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Dental Cream Or Toothpaste

The Himalaya Drug Company Manufactures Dental Cream Or Toothpaste. The Himalaya Drug Company Is An Iso... 

Supplier : The Himalaya Drug Co.


Private Label Toothpaste

Bhavi Manufactures And Supply A Range Of Toothpaste [Dental Cream]. They Offers The Private Label Toothpaste. They Are Basically Manufa... 

Supplier : Bhavi Group Of Companies



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Nimboo Toothpaste

S. K. G. Cosmetices Offers Nimboo Toothpaste. The Company Manufactures Toothpaste Under The Brand Name "Nimboo". This Toothpaste Is Mad... 

Supplier : S. K. G. Cosmetices



Toothpaste With Advanced Whitening FormulaColgate - Palmolive Offers Toothpaste For White And Healthy Teeth. Colgate Advanced Whitening Formula Contains Microcrystals That Gentl... 

Supplier : Colgate - Palmolive (India) Ltd.


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Neem Gel Toothpaste Herbal protection for gums and teeth

Indication: Herbal protection for gums and teeth.

 Supplier: BAPS Swaminarayan Herbal Care 


• Product: Crest Pro-Health Enamel Shield toothpaste, Key ingredient: Stannous fluoride Supplier: Crest Pro-Health Enamel

Amar Clove Gel

Supplier: AMAR Remedies Limited

 Vicco Vajradanti Paste

  In 1952 by late Shri K.V.Pendharkar , the VICCO Group has emerged today as makers of the best internationally known products of the Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of natural medicines. Having production units

at Dombivli ,  Nagpur and Goa  in India Supplier: vicco pvt ltd

Amar Clove Gel: Clove has always been Natures best gift for the well being of teeth. Amar brings for you all the goodness of clove in gel toothpaste with all its natural anti bacterial, anti septic and disinfectant properties. Clove based Amar gel provides resistance against plaque and cavity formation..

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Anchor toothpaste Tooth Paste Manufacturers Anchor,

Tooth Paste Manufacturers Supplier:Anchor Health & Beautycare Pvt Ltd, 


Pepsodent toothpaste

Pepsodent Complete Care toothpastes Supplier : Hindustan unilever

pvt .ltd

Glister toothpasteGlister Toothpaste is a revolutionary that offers seven benefits. Multi-actionMulti-Action Toothpaste with Sylodent fluoride toothpaste

supplier : Amway Glister Toothpaste

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Promise Clove Toothpaste

Balsara Group Offers Promise Clove Toothpaste. Promise Toothpaste Is Unique Toothpaste Containing Natural And Time-tested Clove Oil. The Scientificall... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited


Non-Fluoridated Calcium Toothpaste

Goran Pharma P. Ltd. Offers Non-Fluoridated Calcium Toothpaste. Goran Pharma P. Ltd. Is Iso 9001:2000 ... 

Supplier : Goran Pharma P. Ltd.



Babool Toothpastedabur India Limited Is The Manufacturer Of Babool Toothpaste. Dabur India Limited Is An Iso 9002 Certified Company. T... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited


Babool ToothpowderBalsara Group Offers Babool Toothpowder. This Is An Attractively Packaged Tooth Powder With The Ayurvedic And Medicinal Properties Of The Babul Tree `... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited


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Promise Anti-Cavity Toothpaste

Dabur India Limited Is The Manufacturer Of Promise Anti-Cavity Toothpaste. Dabur India Limited Is An I... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited




Herbal Red ToothpowderDabur India Limited Offers Herbal Red Toothpowder. Dabur India Limited Is An Iso 9002 Certified Compan... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited


Herbal Tooth Gel PasteGoran Pharma P. Ltd. Manufactures Herbal Tooth Gel Paste. Goran Pharma P. Ltd. Is Iso 9001:2000 And Ha... 

Supplier : Goran Pharma P. Ltd.

Natural Herbal ToothpasteDabur Offers Babool. A Natural Herbal Tooth Paste Containing The Ayurvedic And Medicinal Value Of The Babool Tree. The Babool Extracts Prevent Sweelin... 

Supplier : Dabur India Limited


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- Through cleansing -- essential oils like mint or menthol provides an antibacterial effect that promote greater dental hygiene. This makes it far superior to the over the counter toothpastes. 

- Dental Protection -- tooth decay slows down the clay purifies the mouth with continued use creates a barrier to Viruses and harmful corrosive bacteria. 

- Superior Whitening - Clay toothpaste whitens teeth to a near brilliant shine in a very short period of time. 

- Healing properties - People who suffer from gingivitis, mouth ulcers and wounds in the mouth may find that using organic tooth paste helps diminish these problems. 

- Fresh breath - People often worry that organic products don’t work as well as mainstream ones. The fact is, in many cases the opposite is true. For example, the wonderful natural ingredients found in organic toothpaste can freshen the breath and keep it that way for hours. 

Data analysis


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Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains.

Data mining is a particular data analysis technique that focuses on modeling and knowledge discovery for predictive rather than purely descriptive purposes. Business intelligence covers data analysis that relies heavily on aggregation, focusing on business information. In statistical applications, some people divide data analysis into descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, and confirmatory data analysis. EDA focuses on discovering new features in the data and CDA on confirming or falsifying existing hypotheses. Predictive analytics focuses on application of statistical or structural models for predictive forecasting or classification, while text analytics applies statistical, linguistic, and structural techniques to extract and classify information from textual sources, a species of unstructured data. All are varieties of data analysis. Data analysis is a practice in which raw data is ordered and organized so that useful information can be extracted from it. The process of organizing and thinking about data is key to understanding what the data does and does not contain. There are a variety of ways in which people can approach data analysis, and it is notoriously easy to manipulate data during the analysis phase to push certain conclusions or agendas. For this reason, it is important to pay attention when data analysis is presented, and to think critically about the data and the conclusions which were drawn. Raw data can take a variety of forms, including measurements, survey responses, and observations. In its raw form, this information can be incredibly useful, but also overwhelming. Over the course of the data analysis process, the raw data is ordered in a way which will be useful. For example, survey results may be tallied, so that people can see at a glance how many people answered the survey, and how people responded to specific questions.

In the course of organizing the data, trends often emerge, and these trends can be highlighted in the write-up of the data to ensure that readers take note. In a casual survey of ice cream preferences, for example, more women than men might express a fondness for chocolate, and this could be a point of interest for the researcher. Modeling the data with the use of mathematics and other tools can sometimes exaggerate such points of interest in the data, making them easier for the researcher to see. Charts, graphs, and textual write-ups of data are all forms of data analysis. These methods are designed to refine and distill the data so that readers can glean interesting information without needing to sort through all of the data on their own. Summarizing data is often critical to supporting arguments made with that data, as is presenting the data in a clear and understandable way. The raw data may also be included in the form of an appendix so that people can look up specifics for themselves.

When people encounter summarized data and conclusions, they should view them critically. Asking where the data is from is important, as is asking about the sampling method used to collect the data, and the size of the sample. If the source of the data appears to have a conflict of interest with the type of data being gathered, this can call the results into question. Likewise, data gathered from a small sample or a sample which is not truly random may be of questionable utility. Reputable researchers will always provide information about the data gathering techniques used, the source of funding, and the point of the data collection in the beginning of the analysis so that readers can think about this information while they review the analysis. Data


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is a precursor to data analysis, and data analysis is closely linked to data visualization and data dissemination. The term data analysis is sometimes used as a synonym for data modeling, which is unrelated to the subject of this article.

The process of data analysis

Data analysis is a process, within which several phases can be distinguished.

Data cleaning Initial data analysis (assessment of data quality)

Main data analysis (answer the original research question)

Final data analysis (necessary additional analyses and report)

Data collectionWe face problems in various fields of our life, which force us to think and discover their solutions. When we are genuinely serious about the solution of a problem faced, a thinking process starts. Statistical Thinking or Statistical Inquiry is one kind of thinking process which requires evidence in the form of some information, preferably quantitative, which is known as data/statistical information. In a statistical inquiry, the first step is to procure or collect data. Every time the investigator may not start k r n the very beginning. He must try to use what others have' already discovered, l'his will save us in cost, efforts and time. As discussed in data imply related quantitative information. They are collections of number of related observations with a predetermined goal. We can collect information on the number of T.V. sets sold by a particular salesman or a group of salesmen, on weekdays in different parts of Delhi to study the pattern of sales, lean days, and effect of competitive products, income behavior and other related matters. The information thus collected is called a data set and’ a single observation a data point. All types of information collected without proper aim or objective is of no use. For example, John's height is 5'6" or monthly wage of Mr. X on 1st January 2004were Rs. 15000/- are not data. Not all quantitative information is statistical. Isolated measurements are not statistical data. Statistics (that is in singular sense) Concerned with collection of data relevant to the solution of a particular problem. According to Simpson and Kafka (Basic Statistics),"Data have no standing in themselves; they have n basis for existence only where there is a problem".


By now you have known that data could be classified in the following three ways:


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a) Quantitative' and Qualitative Data.b) Sample and Census Data.c) Primary and Secondary data.(ij Quantitative and Qualitative data: Quantitative data are those set of information which are quantifiable and can be expressed in some standard units like rupees, kilograms, liters, etc. For example, pocket money of students of a class and income of their parents can be expressed in so many rupees; production or import of wheat can be expressed in so many kilograms or lakh quintals; consumption of petrol and diesel in India as so many lakh liters inOne year and so on. Qualitative data, on the other hand, are not quantifiable, that is, cannot be expressed in standard units of measurement like rupees, kilograms, litres, etc.This is because they are 'features', 'qualities' or 'characteristics' like eye colours, skin complexion, honesty, good or bad, etc. These are also referred to as attributes. In this case, however, it is possible to count the number of individuals (or items) possessing a particular attribute.

b) Sample and Census Data: It was discussed in Section 1.2.3 of Unit 1 that data can be collected either by census method or sample method. Formation collected through sample inquiry is called sample data and the one collected through census inquiry is called census data. Population census data are collected every ten years in India.

c) Primary and Secondary Data: As discussed very briefly in Section 1.2.2, primary data are collected by the investigator through field survey. Such data are in raw form and must be refined before use. On the other hand, secondary data are extracted from the existing published or unpublished sources, that i% from the data already collected by others. Collection of data is the first basic step towards the statistical analysis of any problem. The collected data are suitably transformed and analyses to draw conclusions about the population.


Collection of reliable and sacient data statistical information is a pre-requisite of Any statistical inquiry. This and the subsequent Sections of this Unit are devoted to data collection techniques.

Statistical Inquiry - Planning’ and ConductCollection of reliable and sacient data requires a carell planning and executionof a statistical survey. If this is not so then the result obtained may be misleading or incomplete and hence useless. They may even do more harm than good. In the following Section an attempt is made to explain planning aspect. Statistical data can be collected Gather by a survey or by performing an experiment. Surveys are more popular in social sciences like economics and business. In Physical sciences experimentation is more commonly used method of investigation. Data collected by observing various individuals or items, included in a survey, are of Yachted by a large number of uncontrollable factors. For example, wages in a country are affected by a lot of factors like skill, education and sex of worker; training and experience; and in some countries even on race to which a worker Belongs. In India low caste and historically underprivileged people like sweepers It is interesting to note that even the data obtained through experiments in physical sciences are affected by a large number of uncontrollable factors in spite of the fact that such experiments are conducted under controlled conditions. The uncontrollable factors, in this


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case, may arise due to the bias of the person(s) conducting the experiment, nature and accuracy of measuring instrument, etc. Any statistical survey consists of two stages:

1. Planning Stage2. Executing Stage

Planning Stage - Requisites of a Statistical Inquiry

Before collecting data through primary or secondary source, the investigator has to complete the following preliminaries.

a) What are the objective / aim and scope of the inquiry?Unless the investigator answers this question most satisfactorily, (s) he cannot proceed in the right direction and can go astray. Both money and efforts will be lost if data, not relevant to inquiry, are collected. Not only this, one must also be clear about how much data are required and hence ensure that only the necessary data get collected. For example, if we want to collect data on pattern of wheat production in a particular state, we need to collect data on the type of land, agricultural inputs, educational levels of farmers involved, presence or absence of defects of land tenure system, availability and cost of agricultural finance, nature of marketing, etc.

b) What shall be the source of information?The investigator has to make a choice between primary sources, where he himself collects the data, or secondary source, where he lays his hand on already collected Data’s hat is, the investigator has to make a choice between:

1) Census or Sample inquiry. In census method (s) he examines each and every tem 1 individual of the population whereas in sample method (s) he examines only the item 1 individual included in the sample. For example, in census method(s) he examines each and every person in a village, but in sample method, (s) he examines only a limited number of persons.2) Direct or Indirect inquiry, In a direct inquiry the observations can be directly obtained in quantitative terms as for example, sales of T.V. sets and the advertisement cost in rupees. On the other hand, in an indirect inquiry, like intelligence of a group of students, marks secured by them are used to judge their intelligence.3) Original or Repetitive inquiry. An inquiry conducted for the first time is it undertaken over and over again, it is repetitive. For example, population census in India is conducted every 10 years. All these inquiries must be related.4) Open or Confidential inquiry. In open inquiry the results are made public, as for example, the population and national income data. On the other hand, the results of many government inquiries are kept confidential for reasons of national security, as for example, data on defense, atomic energy, space research and development, etc.

d) What shall be the statistical units of investigation or counting?A statistical unit is an attribute or a set of attributes conventionally chosen so that individuals or objects possessing them may be counted or measured for the purpose of enquiry. Thus a statistical unit is a characteristic or a set of characteristics of an individual or item that are observed to collect information. For example, various characteristics of a person may be his height, weight, income, etc. The definition of a statistical unit means the specification of the


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characteristics of an individual or item on which data are to be collected. It must be pointed out that the result of observation of a statistical unit may be a number which is obtained-either by counting or by measurement.

Execution Stage

This stage comes after the planning stage, where the plan is put in operation.It includes:1) Setting up the central administrative machinery which prepares a’ format of questions relating to the inquiry, called a questionnaire or a question schedule. It decides the setting up of branch offices to cover large geographical

2) Selection and Training of field staff called interviewers or investigators or research staff or enumerators. They will approach the respondents in different ways as explained in Section Investigators should be properly trained, should be honest and hard working. Any error at this stage will jeopardize the whole process of investigation giving misleading results. To obtain the best possible results h m a survey, it is desirable to have the field staff who is familiar with the language of the respondents and have patience and tact of dealing with them.

3) Supervision of field staff is a must to ensure that information is actually obtained from the respondents rather than that the questionnaires are fictitiously filled up in hotel rooms. Further, there must be some experts to make clarification3 on problems faced by the investigators in the field work. While conducting field surveys the problem of non--response is common. This includes:a) Non-availability of the listed respondent. Here in no case this're~~ondent be replaced by another because it may spoil the random character of sample and the results of investigation are likely to become biased.

b) Due to non-response, a part or certain questions of the questionnaire may remain unanswered or partly answered. These should not be replaced or tempered with by the investigator.

4) After the data have been arranged, the next job is to analyses the same. The Methods of doing this are hlly described in later Blocks. Now-a-days Computers are available to do this job.

5) After analysis of data, now is the turn for writing a detailed report mentioningThe main findings of survey statistical inquiry. The main conclusions drawn and policy recommendations are duly recorded at the end of this report.


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MALES 72 36FEMALES 128 64TOTAL 200 100AGE WISE:-

AGE NUMBER %18-25 25 12.526-35 65 32.536-45 50 2545-55 35 17.556-65 20 10OTHERS 5 2.5TOTAL 200 100OCCUPATIONAL WISE:-


Category Number %Graduate 25 12.5Under Graduate 45 22.5HSC 30 15.0SSC 20 10.0Other 30 15Un Educated 50 25Total 200 100


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MALES 72 36FEMALES 128 64TOTAL 200 100

Notes : In these research we have taken a sample servey of 200 people means males are 72 and female are 128 and percentage is 36%(males)& 64% (females).




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18-25 25 12.526-35 65 32.536-45 50 2546-55 35 17.556-65 20 10OTHERS 5 2.5TOTAL 200 100

Notes : In these research we have taken a sample servey of 200 people means males are 72 and female are 128 and percentage is 36%(males)& 64% (females)and different age group .




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Notes : In these research we have taken a sample survey of 200 people means students are 60, house wife are 80, business men are 40 and working women are 20 and percentage is 20% for working women; 60-30% for students; 40% for business men and 80-40% for house wifes.

Qualification wise:-

Category Number %


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Graduate 25 12.5Under Graduate 45 22.5HSC 30 15.0SSC 20 10.0Other 30 15Un Educated 50 25Total 200 100

Notes : In these research we have taken a sample survey of 200 people means based on qualification i.e. graduate pupil are 12.5%; undergraduate pupil are 22.5%; HSC are about 15%; SSC are about 10%; and uneducated pupil are 25%.


 Brand preference of tea  TATA TEA 66SOCIETY 54TAJ MAHEL 16


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During this survey, it was noticed that TATA TEA brand is the highest preferred brand by the consumer. Society is second highest preferred brand. Then the following brands are Taj mahel, Tetley,Brook bond, Red label, Girnar, Pataka and so on.


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During the survey, it was noticed that brands manufacturer’s name was known to 44%, 39% did not know the name of the manufacturer and 17% know the wrong answer. And 172 pupil were satisfied by the product and 20 were not satisfied.


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During the survey, it was noticed that consumer mostly prefer, detergent brand is TIDE. airel is the second highest preferred brand and rin is the third highest brand.


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During the survey, it was noticed that brands manufacturer’s name was known to 50, 100 did not know the name of the manufacturer and 40 know the wrong answer.


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We asked people they use toothpaste the answer we get that 100% people are using. And Colgate toothpaste is most popular brand among the people and pepsodent is the next preference of the consumer. People use paste by seeing advertising even they did not know the company or manufacturer name of the brand





11 6 10 46 20 17 30




14 15 4 9 13 5 200

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During the survey, it was noticed that brands manufacturer’s name was known to 76, 64 did not know the name of the manufacturer and 60 know the wrong answer.


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Non satisfied consumers think that taste and size of the product should be changed.


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Conclusion:Television: TV is a very popular platform for advertising. It covers nearly all kind of audience and of all genders. Print Media Advertising: This is the advertising in which we promote the business through Newspapers, Magazines, Journals and books. This advertising covers all of people who are related directly or indirectly with above said media. This is very popular form of advertising as print media is very important. We can further categorize the print media (newspapers) into Entertainment, Careers, Classifieds, technology (Computers, Electronics, defense), Real Estate, Lifestyles, Comics and much more. It also includes hoardings and banners.

Internet: The newest and increasingly getting popular form of media is internet. As it is the widest platform for the advertisers. It covers everything from a needle to a ship. These days more and more companies are focusing on advertising through internet. Internet advertising comprises of websites, portals, gadgets, feeds and search engines.

To advertise means to inform (seen as the flow of information about a product or service from the seller to the buyer). However, advertising does not end with the flow of information alone. It goes further to influence and persuades people to take a desired action - like placing an order to buy a product. The consumer market has become highly competitive with a new brand being born almost everyday. Irrespective of the kind of product you are looking for, be it consumer durables like refrigerators,  air conditioners, washing machines or fast moving consumer products (FMCG) the number of brands available is truly mind boggling.  Naturally it is the prime concern of every marketer to promote their brand as a shade better than the competitors'. Advertising comes in handy here.

However, simply informing a customer that a brand exists is not enough. Advertising should be targeted towards the prospective audience in such a way that it forms a positive impact on the customer and in the process creates brand recognition.

First Time Users of a product - Customers who don't use that product category at all. The aim is to convince them to try that product.

First Time Users of a brand - Consumers who don't use a particular brand but might be using a competitor's brand. The aim here is to convince buyers to switch from the competition product to theirs.

Regular users of the brand - Buyers who are using the brand already. The aim is to serve as a reminder of the brand's benefits and convince them to continue using it.

Launch a new brand into the market. Irrespective of whom the ad is targeted at, a firm that plans to spend on advertising, must make sure that advertising campaign creates a positive impression of the brand in the minds of the customer, creates a need in them to try the brand and a commitment to continue using it.


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Suggestion:-The following suggestion are offered to make brand preference efficiency and purposeful.

1. The quality of the various brand of product should improve.

2. They should introduce some new innovative essence or flavor in the product timely.

3. The packaging should be attractive.

4. Quality should maintain with reasonable rate.

5. In sunflower oil the colour of the oil should be little lite.

6. In Sauce there should some more flavor may introduced.

7. The tea should little srong in flavor.

8. Advertisement should be more attractive with simple broad headlines so that those who see also read such advertisements.

9. The name of the manufacturing units should be mentioned in the advertisement so the customer can aware of it.

10.Message in the advertisement should be clear and often repeated so that consumer may recollect them...


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BibliographyA.Web sites:1. 2. 3. 4.

B. News papers

1. Times of India2. Hindustan Times 3. Daily News Analysis

C. Magazines

1. Brands

2. Consumer product

3. Data analysis