project report by reema thakur

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  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur




    (MBA IVth Semester)

    Employee Engagement and employee delight

    This Research Project is submitted for the partial fulfillment of MBA at

    School of Management.

    Project Guid:Mr.Vinod negi

    Submitted By:

    Name :Reema Thakur

    ID No.: 2011PGMB063



  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur





    Cover Page. Certificate by College. Certificate by student. Acknowledgement. Contents. About the topic / Concept. About the Company / Area. Research Methodology & Objectives.

    Data Analysis & Interpretation Findings & Recommendations. References Appendices (If any)

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur




    Certified that this project report titled Employee Engagement And

    Delightis the bonafide work of REEMA THAKURwho carr ied

    out the project work under my supervision.




  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur







    M iss Tara hetta



    ROLL NO.-063

    I n partial fulf il lment of the requirement for the award of the degree





  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur




    I take the opportuni ty to express our gratitude to all the

    concemed people who have directly or indirectly

    contr ibuted towards completion of this project. I extend

    my sincere gratitude towards Mahindra holidays resort

    india limited, located in mashobra, for providing the

    opportuni ty and resources to work on this project.

    I am extremely grateful to Miss Tara hetta(working in

    HR department) my mentor in MHRIL for her guidanceand invaluable advice dur ing the project, whose insight

    encouraged me to go beyond the scope of the project

    and this broadened me learning on this project.

    I also want to show my gratitude to my facul ty In-

    charge: Dr.Vinod Negi whose insight helped me to

    complete this project.

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    1.1 Introduction 10

    1.2 Statement Of The Problem 13

    1.3 Objectives 13


    2.1Questionnaire Design 15

    2.2 Type Of Research 16

    2.3 Information Needs 16

    2.4 Data Collection From Secondary Sources 17

    2.5 Data Collection From Primary Sources 17

    2.6 Questionnaire Pretesting 18

    2.7 Sampling Techniques 18


    3.1 Definition 20

    3.2 The Concept 22


    4.1 Analysis And Results 27

    4.1(A) Results Of Questionnaire One 27

    4.1(B) Results Of The Employee Delight Questionnaire Error! Bookmark not defined.

    4.2 Recomendations And Conclusion 634.2 (A) Questionnaire One. 63

    4.2(B) Questionnaire Two 68


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    The project is regarding one of the most flaring topics in HR today Employee

    Engagement that leads to Employee Delight. Retaining quality employees is a

    tough task for many HR professionals in todays aggressive job scenario .With the

    job market opening up slowly, the challenge now is to retain the best by offering

    incentives that ensure employee engagement and delight.

    In addition a significant part of the project deals with the novel concept of

    Employee Gratification that has been measured using the Servqual Scale. theproject focuses on the concept of employee engagement in parallel with customer

    delight and drawing a relationship between them. The company (MHRIL) is used

    as a model, for this study. The research helped the company realize its strengths

    on which it can capitalize and also identified areas of improvement.

    The project basically helped the company realize how effective its employee

    engagement activities are and suggested a few changes and recommendations. The

    project not only does help the company but also the industry as a whole, giving

    suggestions and recommendations for the same. All this was studied keeping in

    mind the basic theme of the project employee engagement and employee


    The first questionnaire on Employee Engagement helped the company identify

    the loopholes in the system as a whole .The major findings were as follows

    a) Awareness level of the employees regarding the company needed an updateand improvement.

    b) Trainings need to be practically delivered

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    c) Effective Communication techniques to be implementedd) Employee Engagement activities need to be conducted with more vigor and


    The second questionnaire was developed on Employee delight which used the

    Servqual Scale

    The result thus was an overall average of 0.3148 thus this the overall gap score

    that needs to be covered before the company can achieve employee delight over

    the five main dimensions of Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Assurance and

    Tangibles .The various factors on which the company needs to improve were

    identified as

    a) The open door policy should be an effective one.b) The promises thus made by the company should be fulfilled , credibility


    c) Employee issues and motivational level of employees need be dealt atpriority basis.

    The major conclusion thus drawn after the study was that there are certain areas

    where minuscule changes can bring about considerable results such as having a

    proper induction program, refining training programs and improving cafeteria

    food etc.

    Then there are areas where larger changes are required such as salaries and

    working hours etc. These gaps cannot be fulfilled by simply bridging a few gaps

    as these need a bottom up approach of solving the problem at the management

    level , these problems need a strategic solution .

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    Attributed to the highly dynamic global environment, India is being

    preferred for a lot of industries like IT, BPO and many others and hence the

    Indian market is expanding knowing no bounds, the service sector taking

    the lead. Contributing 55 % to the Indian GDP the service sector is one of

    the largest industries spreading its roots worldwide. Services are activities

    or benefits that one party can offer another that are essentially intangible

    and do not result in the ownership of anything. They say today all industries

    are into services only the magnitude in which they do so vary. The job

    opportunities are ever increasing and so is the need of retaining employees

    in these organizations.


    Mahindra Holidays and Resorts India limited, Indias leading leisure

    hospitality provider. Part of the Rs.24000 crore/US 6.7 billion dollar

    conglomerate Mahindra Group, Mahindra Holidays and Resorts India

    limited has proven expertise in providing world class facilities, holiday

    experiences in providing and hospitality services for over 12 years. With a

    multi brand portfolio that includes Indias No .1Holiday brand, Club

    Mahindra, Zest Breaks and Mahindra Homestays, Mahindra Holidays has a

    network of luxurious resorts and unique home stays across picturesque

    destination all over India.

    Over the years leveraging its expertise in holidays and hospitality, Mahindra

    Holidays has been successfully delighting guests who range from the best

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    corporate houses, families and groups with a diverse portfolio of unique

    getaways that include family holidays ,wellness retreats, short breaks,

    honeymoon packages and conferences. The Companys annual turnover

    about 250 crores and it employees about 2000 people across 18 resorts

    around the country this number is excluding the corporate headquarters and

    other sales offices.

    The budgeted staff of the company is about 122 employees, which includes both

    the day and the night shifts. Out of 122 about 15 are newcomers hence they have

    not been considered for the survey no one less than 20 days of joining has beenconsidered and the same number are on night shifts hence they could not be

    evaluated .Out of the remaining about 45 were evaluated for the purpose of the



    They say that India would need 150000 hotel rooms over the next three

    years in keeping with the recovery of this industry after the great recession.

    These needs would further get transformed into opportunities for those

    wanting to pursue a career in this segment. This is where human resource

    management comes into picture the more the opportunities for employees it

    is more difficult for companies to retain the already existing ones. Also with

    the growing pace of the industry the attrition rate is growing at a pace of 40

    % per year which is expected to increase with the advent of thecommonwealth games in the nation.

    An employee is not alone driven by money but his level of commitment to

    the organization can be attributed to a lot of other factors that prevail in an

    organization These factor are responsible for the kind of believe , behavior,

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    thinking and inclination that an employee has towards the organization that

    he works for. Not only does it affect his thinking but also transfers this

    thinking into the minds of the customers he meets. Researches show

    organization with engaged employees have customers who use their

    products and services more. Hence, his engagement to the organization

    becomes an imperative. One of the repercussions of the unengaged

    workforce can be high rates of attrition

    Employee Engagement is not only important because its absence will incur

    costs to the organization but also many employees make an everlastingrelationship with the customers hence if the employee leaves, the customer

    also leaves and they say making new customers is extremely difficult in

    comparison to retaining the old ones.

    This is a research based project on employee engagement .It draws its

    parallel with the concept of customer delight. Customer delight is a

    concept which says giving a wow factor to your customers so that theproduct adoption model AIETA (Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial,

    Adoption) straight away moves into Customer loyalty . Achieving

    Customer loyalty is a very difficult task in todays dynamic environment.

    The objective of the project is to study the concept of employee engagement

    on similar lines. Wherein the study will focus on the effectiveness of

    employee engagement activities and looking at measures which canimprove their effectiveness .The project will try an establish a link between

    a few important facets of human resource .This is will include, not only

    companies should focus on giving a wow factor to their customers but

    they should employ the same concept for the employees as well. Keeping

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    the employees engaged and inculcating in them the so called organization

    citizenship behavior is of utmost importance because this is something that

    will ultimately lead to a chain reaction. Wherein a completely engrossed

    and pleased employee in his work, would pass on the same satisfaction and

    exuberance to the customers which will in turn earn profits for the

    organization on the whole. Hence the value of this concept is worth paying

    attention to. The company serves the purpose of a model on which we base

    our study.

    The project discusses the pros and cons of employee engagement as well asits relationship with other employee retention policies that are important to

    any organization as such


    To study the effectiveness of the major employee engaging activities

    prevalent in the organization .In addition to employee engagement to the

    study the gaps that the company needs to bridge before it reaches the stage

    of complete employee gratification.


    The Problem had basically three objectives to fulfill

    1. To study the employee engagement practices which leads to employeedelight which will be contrasted with customer delight, with respect to

    the hospitality industry.

    2. Identify Strengths and areas of improvement in the organisation relatedto this particular aspect of employee engagement.

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    3. Also how employee engagement can help reduce attrition rates invarious industries concentrating mainly on the service sector.



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    I. QUESTIONNAIRE ONE :This questionnaire dealt with employee engagement and its various facet

    .This was constructed keeping the organization policies and procedures in

    mind. This questionnaire was divided into the following sections, which

    were based on the different aspects of the organization that lead to

    employee engagement. These were as follows:

    a. Awareness about the companyb. Trainings and its effectivenessc. Effectiveness of Employee Engagement


    d. Effective communication in the organizatione. Organizations policiesf. Work Culturesg. Future prospect etc.

    Under this category also two separate questionnaires were designed

    1) QUESTIONNAIRE for the off roll employees

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    2) QUESTIONNAIRE for the on rolls and the HODs of each of the departments.

    Although most of the questions in both the questionnaires were used to measure

    the same factors but were put up in a different manner, in order to ensure the

    uniformity of the answers given by employees and their heads. A combined

    analysis was done of each questions ,according to the answers of both the

    categories , a comprehensive result has been prepared for all the questions.

    II. QUESTIONNAIRE TWOThis was a common questionnaire designed for all the employees based on

    the servqual scale. About a 35 people were considered for this

    questionnaire. The comprehensive result score wise has been discussed in

    the results and analysis section.


    The study involves both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The

    Qualitative technique was applied to extract as much primary data as

    possible and Quantitative technique was applied to statistically prove the

    validity of the information thus retrieved.


    The first and the foremost information needed for the project , was to know

    the awareness levels of the employees regarding the company. This was

    done in order to understand every aspect of the employee and his

    relationship with the company which is an imperative for a topic like

    employee engagement and delight.

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    Thedata thus collected from the secondary sources shaped the foundation

    for creating the questionnaire as well studying the topic in detail and

    understanding the trends in the industry. The data collected was as follows

    a) Various websites regarding the topic were surfed and the usefulmaterial was gathered.

    b) Books on the topic were consulted for the understanding of the topicc) Research papers were consulted to know the extent of the research

    conducted in this arena

    d) Various surveys were consulted to understand the topic in details.e) Official surveys were taken as reference for study purpose.


    The primary data was necessary to understand the scenario of the

    organization and to know about the effectiveness of the policies and

    procedures .Also to measure the core of the project, i.e., employee delight it

    was imperative to gather the primary data so as to measure the success of

    the scale and understand that it can be employed in other organizations as


    a) Data was collected with the help of the questionnaire using theinterview and the form filling method.

    b) Expert guidance was sought from the officials of the company. Theirviews and valuable inputs were sought for the purpose of the


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    The pretesting was done on five employees at first and then after a few

    changes and new ideas, a few more questions were sampled in andultimately 45 employees were taken as a sample size.


    Thesampling Technique thus applied was that of simple random sampling

    that allows each possible sample to have an equal probability of being

    picked and each item in the entire population to have an equal chance of

    being included in the sample. This technique although was applied for both

    the questionnaire, the questionnaire on employee delight mainly

    concentrated on employees who could actually gather the meaning of each

    of the statements given therein.

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    On searching upon Google we get 1, 64,000 hits on employee engagement and the

    master Wikipedia defines it as

    Employee engagement as quoted by Wikipedia:

    Employee engagement, also called work engagement orworker engagement,is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully

    involved in, and enthusiastic about, his or her work, and thus will act in a way that

    furthers theirorganization's interests.

    Empirical research on "employee engagement" is relatively new. "Employee

    retention has received the lion's share of the spotlight. This focus on retention

    however has spawned several studies on "engagement" - since retaining

    employees is dependent upon the need to "engage" them. Hence, engagement

    studies are beginning to take center stage. One of the most significant threads in

    the current research is the discovery that employee engagement is linked to

    customer satisfaction, which is linked to organizational financial success.

    All these and many more similar definitions are available on the net and many

    books .Today many world class companies are focusing on this concept of

    employee engagement because retaining employees is, as emphasized over and

    over again is not easy .

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    Defining this is not an easy task as the word delight itself can have varies

    implications for different people.

    Employee delight is giving the wow factor to the employees which is passed

    on to the customer as customer delight translating into profits for the


    One of the most important drivers of growth and success for any organization is its

    people. HRM practices have the power to influence employee behaviour in a

    desired manner such that it finally leads to improved organizational performance.

    It is a known fact that satisfied, motivated and committed employees will lead to

    improved productivity and better quality of products/services delivered. This, in

    turn, will positively influence customer satisfaction and eventually organizational


    Going by this logic, if a company wishes to target customer loyalty, and for that

    matter customer delight, the same need to be achieved in-house vis--vis

    employees, to begin with. There is no doubt that a delighted employee will be

    more productive than a disgruntled one, since s/he will believe that s/he is doing

    something meaningful and worthwhile, and will feel good about giving it the best.

    The employee would be in a state where s/he feels that s/he is applying his mind

    and heart in the job that s/he is doing and will always endeavour to improvise it.

    Thus, it is important that each employee has the passion, drive and discipline to

    make the company grow.

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    Theconcept thus employed was based on the researches conducted so far on

    the topic and the factors responsible for it .The study was an amalgam of the

    all those factors responsible for employee engagement. A model was thus

    designed on these basis which laid the groundwork for entire research .It

    was with the help of this model that the questionnaire was designed .













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    The questionnaire was thus designed to know the effectiveness of the these

    factors prevailing in the organization .The organization was used as a model for

    study ,the questionnaire tried to include as many factors as possible in order to get

    the best picture available. It not only did serve the purpose of finding the

    effectiveness of the employee engagement activities but also the other HR related

    policies that actually form a part of engaging employees . Just by studying the

    employee engagement activities alone would not have served the purpose as it is

    not just dependent on any one factor but is a blend of so many other factors as the

    model above suggests.


    This novel concept was measured using a standardized scale called SERVQUAL


    The Servqual Scale initially had many attributes on which it was based but

    researchers over time have molded these attributes according to the research that

    they carry out .In this particular questionnaire the 21 service attributes of the

    Servqual Scale have been modified to 24 employee desires grouped into the five

    standard service quality dimensions which can be renamed out here to employee

    welfare and well being quality dimensions. These are namely reliability,

    responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles all these with respect to the

    organization towards its employees.

    The survey is based on two different rating attributes one reflecting the level of

    concern the employees would EXPECT from the excellent companies in a given

    sector and the other reflecting their PERCEPTION of the employees of their own

    company within that sector.

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    The difference in the scores of perception and expectations would help us identify

    the gap between employee expectation and perception of the company which will

    help calculate the zone of tolerance of each employee and hence help measure the

    gap that the company needs to bridge before its achieves employee delight. Zone

    of tolerance defined as the difference between the desired and adequate service

    levels. The definition of the desired and adequate service level is very subjective

    depending upon the type of service, the type of customer, and the situations and

    various variable factors.


    On similar lines, this concept was applied to the employees of the organizations

    wherein the employees can be substituted for the customer and the service

    provider for the employer. Hence, this gap between the desired and adequate

    service level can be utilized, as a true reflection of the expectations and

    perceptions of an employee .An expectation is something that an employee has

    from the organization when he joins it and perception is picture that he forms in

    his mind after working for the organization. Similarly, desired level of concern

    from the organization can be considered as an expectation of the employee and the

    perception can be the adequate level because of which he is still in the

    organization and working for it although there is a possibility that the adequate

    level can be the desired level or there could be a considerable gap between the

    two, the diagram below is a pictorial representation of the concept.

    Desired concern: An Expectation

    Adequate concern: Perception thus


    Zone Of Tolerance

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    Anything above the desired level will make the employee delighted anything

    below it can cause dissatisfaction, which can even lead to employee turnover.

    In services marketing anything that occurs in the region of zone of tolerance goes

    unnoticed in case of a customer. However, this can be a point of difference

    between the employee and the customer .Human psychology says that every

    incident that occurs in the process of the formation of expectations and then

    leading to the perception thus formed is a like a building block in the minds of the

    employees and this something that finally builds the feeling of his being connected

    or alienated from the organization. This zone of tolerance too can vary for an

    employee as well as it varies for the customer depending on the situation and


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    Each of the questions has been analyzed separately and a pie chart is presented

    alongside for a quantitative picture. The two questionnaires made under this

    category have been analyzed together under individual facet headings.



    The Age of the people working in an organization is a large factor in

    understanding its work culture, the young and the restless bring in a lot new ideas

    to the company, and also they are energetic and prove more efficient than the older

    ones. Whereas the older employees carry a bunch of experience which is precious

    and priceless when it comes to handling difficult situations .The rich knowledge of

    their experience cannot be substituted for anything else Although this is a never-

    ending debate, which is better than the other but a good blend of both can prove

    valuable for the organizations.

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    Seventy two percent of the employees in the organisation belong to the age group

    of 18- 30 and seventy percent of these belong to the early twenties arena .These

    are called the beginers and are an inexperineced lot usually in their first jobs .The

    new and the fresh can bring in novel and pioneering ideas to the organisation.The

    need is to analyze their ideas with a mingle of experience and make the best of it

    for the organisation as well as the employees.


    The drawback that the compnay faces is that of having very few experienced

    employees.An experienced employee can be a pool of great advices and solutions

    to many problems.Their expertise can help the inexperienced to achieve

    heights.The presence of experienced people in the organisation can make it a

    learning organisation.


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    Except the General Manager and a few other head officials everyone is in their

    youth.The problem here that the company faces is high rates of attrition because of

    many employees being in the beginers stage .As they are fresh and new,they are

    constantly being hunted by the other recrutiers thus it becomes difficult to retain

    them.The organisation should take adequate steps in having a good combination of

    both , in each department so that the attrition rates can be lowered to a certain

    extent as the chances of the mid aged and the old aged, of leaving a job decreases

    many fold in comparison to the young ones.

    Also the cost of hiring and training the new employees would reduce amd thechances of the young ones leaving the organization would also reduce when under

    the guidance of such experienced people.There will be only one time hiring

    cost.This can be implemented when the club shifts to the new property because at

    that time anyways new recruitments will take place,might as well do it keeping

    these facts in mind.


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    As the property is only a year old in this partcular place hence the reason that not

    many people can be found in the orgsanisation above 1 to 1 years tenure butthere are others who have been working with Club Mahindra for the past 5 to 6

    years no matter whether a property changes they stick to it wherever it goes.The

    larger the time a person spends within an organization the more are his chances of

    growth in that organization ,less are the chances of him leaving the organization,as

    this person has been with the company through its major ups and downs hence this

    person can prove very helpful at the time of crisis.

    In addition the company too should make an extra effort to retain any such

    employee who plans to leave because this person can act as good advocate to the

    organization and finding a replacement for a person like this can be very

    expensive in terms of opportunity costs.Hence to avoid the loss of knowledge

    ,experience and an ambassador made over time the company should make extra

    special efforts to retain them.Hence this brings into highlight the need for effective

    employee retention policies .The company does not have any such effective

    retention policies as of now this will become imperative in the near future.

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    This graph seems to speak in the favour of the firm and also contradictory to what

    has been said in the age paragraph.But the truth is rather startling in the hospitality

    industry people begin early with no great quality education or experience people

    are hired on neoptism basis.Nepotism is a great problem for the upcoming

    organisations like the one under study.This not only ruins the chances of bringing

    in a brighter chaps also it increases the chances of losing large amount ofcapabilities.Also like the other industries wherein a bare minimum qualification is

    required to ac start with , the hospitality industry does not follow this rule ,there

    are people working with highest degrees to the lower most qualification possible.

    A startling example job seekers with under 10 th qualification is also eligible to

    work only that he should know the skills required for the job he is being hired for

    .This is like compromising on the quality of work ,beacuse only a quality person

    can deliver quality work and education should be given its due share of

    importance.In addition for employees , like these the aspirations are small hence

    they would hardly add value to the organization.Thus education and pervious

    work experinece should be given its due importance while recruiting.

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    An engaged employee is one who is up to date about the organization that he is

    working for also he is well informed about all the important information about thecompany and its officials.

    The question dealing with this was basically divided into five parts and the

    answers are as follows.

    I. History

    II. Whom it belongs

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    III. Your Managing Director

    IV. Your Resort Manager

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    V. Your Divisional Head

    The last two parts of the question were eliminated for the on rolls and the HODs

    because these were obvious answers for them.

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    The purpose of this question was to know the depth of knowledge and awareness

    levels of the employees that they had about the organization as such because an

    informed employee would be an engaged one. The questions thus asked where

    regarding the history, the name of the chairperson, the Managing Director etc. The

    questions were very simple for e.g. Who is the Resort Manager and the Divisional

    Head? These questions were simple because these are the two top most people in

    the resort many people knew the name of the top boss but didnt know hisdesignation the others knew his designation but not his name .Hence, It can be

    concluded that the employees were ill informed about the organization.


    The drawback that the company faces is that of the employees having a very poor

    knowledge of the organization, especially the off roll employees who form the

    backbone of this organization. It was surprising to see that even the on rolls and

    the HODs were not pretty much clear about a few answers although most of them

    could answer but there were some problem areas. This shows that the employees

    of the organization are ignorant. The employees are confused about the person

    who heads them, it is a matter to worry about. Hence this becomes an imperative

    for the HR department to keep the employees informed. These questions reveal

    another weakness in the organization ,i.e., of communication, from time to timethe people at different posts keep on changing new designations are added and

    subtracted hence an up to date becomes a must .


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    This kind of information should be passed on effectively .Such information

    should be disbursed at the time of induction hence the need for an effective

    induction program and also a monthly up to date program which can be easily

    carried out during the monthly open house meetings. Hence, maximum

    participation of the staff should be encouraged during these meetings especially

    those who are new to the organization so that they do not feel left out or out of

    place If need be the meeting can be organized twice with two different sets of

    employees so that no one is left out.The employees of the organization who are

    well informed can also then become effective brand ambassadors of the same

    which can be of great advantage to the company.



    The vision and mission are the most important aspects about an organizations

    policymaking. The mission and vision are the directive principles that guide an

    organizations work culture and steer the organization in the right direction. Thus

    its importance needs no further enlightenment

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    The vision and mission are meant for aligning everyones work in one single

    direction and giving everyone a threshold to achieve .If that is not clear in theminds of the people who form the building blocks of the organization, it is matter

    worth considering.


    The effectiveness of the HR and the communication level here too are imperative.

    By simply putting up boards that dictate the mission and vision, do not serve the

    purpose. It should be effectively imbibed in the culture of the organization. Inaddition, it is important to keep reminding the people about the vision and the

    mission and this is not alone the duty of an HR manager but all the HODs who

    come in contact with their employees each day .From time to time the vision and

    mission should be reemphasized into the minds of the people. To stop this very

    constructive policy from becoming an ornamental one it is very important to

    understand that we live in a country where maximum people still speak our mother

    tongue hence a translation of each of these in simple and readable Hindi should be

    put up, not only Hindi but any other regional language prevalent in that particular

    region. Whenever the vision and mission are disbursed amongst employees, it

    should also be done in a language understood by all.


    This question is imperative from the employee delight point of view as well. The

    question is based on the primary data that was gathered during the general

    interaction with various employees .These are some of the very basic expectations

    that an employee has from his workplace.

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    The results are as follows.

    I. Salary

    II Type of work assigned to you

    II. Work timings and work culture

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    III Work Environment

    III. Challenging Job

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    IV. Amount of Vacations


    Perks that the company pays

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    The above two questions ( Q.6 & Q.7 ) are interlinked and were asked together for

    a purpose. These questions were asked to understand the level of expectations that

    an employee has from his job in terms of the above given attributes. It is very

    important for an organization to understand the level of expectation that its

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    employees have from it. This is important because too low an expectation does not

    speak well of the organization culture and too high expectations need to be

    tactfully handled.


    Looking at the figures above it seems that employee have hardly been inquired

    about these facts ever before. This can be one of the reasons for the high rate of

    attrition that the company is facing .While analyzing these questions many

    important facts were revealed. One being that of salary, which almost a unanimous

    reason of dissatisfaction amongst employees . The salaries are much lower than

    the average market salaries and a major source of dissatisfaction, but this is

    something that is decided by the corporate head office and is not in the hands of

    the Resort in charges. In addition, work timings are really long than the usual shift

    timings, which are 9 hours people, work for 12 to 14 hours, without overtime.

    However, everyone needs a job for life hence people work in the company for

    some time and leave as soon as they get a better opportunity to work.

    The work culture seems to be fine as all the employees are more or less

    comfortable with the work environment but many say that it is deteriorating over

    time this is due to the long working hours and high rate of attrition as people quit

    quickly, hence the already burdened employees are overburdened with more work

    as a result they get dissatisfied and leave. Hence leading to the formation of a

    vicious circle, a circle that needs to be broken soon, in order to have a stable andsustainable workforce.


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    The solutions to these problems can be many but the major one is a proper policy

    framing from the top. Instead of following a complete top down approach, a mixed

    approach would be better, because a developing company needs constant guidance

    from the top and complete support from the bottom. Its time that the company

    needs to understand its competitors and do a SWOT analysis, to understand where

    the major threat lies. One solution in this regard could be that of proper staffing

    and not only staffing but also many other HR policies need to be reframed as the

    company has grown big and the policies are still the old ones. To achieve its

    vision of becoming number one in Asia in the timeshare business these are some

    of the critical aspects that the company needs to deal with.



    This is another area where the company needs to improve. All the questions given

    under Q. 4 would not have been difficult to answer had each employee undergone

    an effective and an organized orientation. As maximum numbers of employees are

    not educated to that extent that they understand what is written in the offer letters

    in English, hence it is important to inform them about the company and its salient

    features. The saying When in Rome do as the Romans do is applicable here

    because the situation is far from ideal hence the best way is to modify the policies

    according to the staff they recruit. Orientation is necessary to familiarize the

    employees with the organization and forms a major part of the employeeengagement process.

    Hence the same drawbacks and recommendations as above are applicable out here

    as well

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    These 3 questions were group questions and they were asked just to know the

    reason why they are working in this particular organization and this particular

    industry. Sometimes people are working because of some sort of compulsion and

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    hence are not able to give their 100% and nor are completely involved in work.

    These questions were only put to the off rolls because of obvious reasons the

    Heads and the on rolls either would not fit into this category or would not answer

    them. This was identified during pilot testing and hence these questions were

    eliminated for the on rolls and the HODs


    Fortunately the company has maximum people who are internally motivated to

    work. This is a strength on which the company needs to capitalize.


    The only drawback here could be that most people are internally motivated

    because they are near home and do not want to shift. Hence the company needs to

    provide them with more strong reasons so that they stick to the organization for a

    long period of time.


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    This question was framed to know whether the company, which was in huge loss

    last year, has been able to communicate the Job Roles and Responsibilitiessuccessfully to its employees.


    Nevertheless, this is a reason to smile for the company, as maximum people are

    clear about their job roles and responsibilities. Hence, this too can be used as an

    advantage to the company.


    The company can train such employees in their respective areas and get the best

    work out of them. This would increase the productivity and hence earn profits for

    the company.


    This can be attributed to the fact that people are skilled in their work and know

    how to go about doing it without understanding the role they play and when asked

    the question they answer it positively because it is a reflection of their work.


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    This question was asked because this is the most important concept prevalent in

    the services sector especially in the hospitality industry where the employees come

    in direct contact with the customers every now and then .Although this is a

    concept that should run in the veins of a service sector employee but this stressed

    upon more on the departments which come in direct contact with the customer.

    This is the same reason why a part of the pie is green. Still the major part is

    uninformed and the percentage is high in the blue region only for the reason that

    the HODs and On rolls responses have also been included in here else the

    percentage of the blue would have been much less.


    Customer delight is a part of the job of people working in this industry especially

    the departments that directly come in contact with the customers for e.g. Front

    office, Housekeeping, F&B Service etc but unfortunately many of the employees

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    in these particular departments havent even heard of this term. Thus this can be a

    reason for the deteriorating service quality over time .


    This is something that should be communicated to the employees. It is not the

    term which is is important but idea and concept are important which should be

    communicated and explained well. They should be motivated to work on these

    lines and hence deliver the best experience to their guests.



    The question was asked to get an in depth knowledge of the functioning of the

    organization how much autonomy the employees have


    The figures above shows that except a few most of the employees have the

    required autonomy according to the capacity of their jobs. This too is a positive

    strength of the organization .Hence an important factor in engaging employees to

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    their work .This type of work culture inculcates a sense of belongingness towards

    the organization which will ultimately benefit the organization itself.


    Although autonomy is limited in most of the cases .Considering employees

    opinion is a good source of motivation and engagement for them but this should

    be done under expert supervision to avoid fatal mistakes. A topic like autonomy as

    always been a debatable one but it goes without saying excess of everything is




    These questions were framed for a specific work purpose; the dictionary definition

    of conducive is favorable. What makes a favorable environment for working is

    again very subjective what someone might like, may be disliked by the other, but

    the questions that follow are all ingredients of a favorable working environment.

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    These questions were asked just to check the general perception of the employees.

    If the organization culture is a building the following factors are the bricks and



    Although maximum people say a yes here this was one of the questions that had

    very confused responses that ended into a yes.


    This clearly depicts that there is something missing somewhere which needs to be

    handled in time because the employees themselves are not clear about the same

    .Hence the issues thus mentioned ahead should be identified from time to time and

    dealt with as soon as possible.



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    The question is a part of the above given question.They say the boss is always

    right ,but the HR says the Boss always has to be bright in order to understand the

    needs and wants of their subordinates and when need be communicate it

    effectively to the higher authorties and thereafter keep a track of the request.


    According to the above given data its seems the HODs do support the employees

    in most of the things they do hence this too is good reason why an employee

    should not leave.


    In this question a sense of fear was fealt amongst the interviees many said that

    speaking against your own HOD is a crime hence only say good things.Socially

    Desirable answers made the answers biased


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    This particular question had the most interesting statistical conclusion as both the

    pie graphs say the same thing. Companies where employees are allowed to talk

    and speak out their minds have far more engaged employees than companies

    which are more rigid and dictatorial. Hence this question had three parts for a

    reason so that almost similar questions can be asked in two differently worded

    sentences, thus to maintain the consistency of the answers thus received. The

    answer to the how often part was difficult to answer for some the answers were

    more or less similar and said that the employees could complain any time they

    wanted to and also many said that yes there is an open door policy ,they could

    speak to their managers whenever they wanted to but so far so good they did not

    have any complaints .These answers have also been included in the yes category.

    This question was put up to the subordinates and correspondingly their managers

    were asked the second question whose second part was prepared in a manner to

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    check the consistency of the answers and to have a connect between the answers

    of the subordinates and their HODs.


    This was another good news for the company as most of the people said yes they

    were allowed to complain although there were some nos in the process but mostly

    everybody said yes. Hence, this kind of organization culture is a potency to build

    upon. Treating your employee the way they are meant to , always develops an

    internal contentment in the hearts of the employee and which makes them work

    more religiously towards the organizations welfare.


    The answer could be a biased one because again speaking ill about their superiors

    will not be socially acceptable .Also the HODs would never want to say a no to

    this kind of a question because this is something that adds to their reputation .

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    The hollowness of the answers in the previous question comes out very clearly in

    this one as the figures above show an unnanimous yes about the complaints heard

    and acted upon from the HODs but the employees have almost a mixed story to

    tell .Also the next question is being discussed in this section as this too is a part of

    the open door policy effectiveness series of questions.The give example part

    was designed only for the sole purpose to know that whether the answers are a

    mere yes or no or there is some matter to support what they say.

    The suggestions part again repeat the same story a unnaimous YES from the

    HODs and a pretty much mixed response from the rest.


    Hence only having an ornamental open door policy does not serve the purpose,its

    effective implementation is a must.Both the complaints and suggestions question

    had the same story to tell ,although more of suggestions were welcome than of

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    complaints ,which is a good sign but many of the complaints that fell on deaf ears

    were essential for engaging the employees and keepin them glued to the

    organisation.The examples have not been discussed here as they are not important

    but after many yess they were only blank faces .Hence this front should take the

    due share of its importance in the rountine of the organsiation policy framing.

    Another question asked in this series was to the HODs which was how do they

    decide the priority of complaints and suggestions that they receive the maximum

    answers received were according to the importance related to the work and the

    employee problems seem to have had taken the back seat in this case whendiscussed further in details.



    This is something that is embedded very well in the organization culture.Although

    there is not set pattern but this is done from time to time for some employees .

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    Although many people said feedback was given it was surprsing to know that a

    large percentage(29 %) had never received a feedback.This reveals another loophole in the system .


    A timely feedback whether poisitive or negative is always useful for the

    employees it gives them a push to work harder and better which will ultimately

    benefit the organization .As a golden rule in HR give positive feedback in the

    presence of many and a negative one in the private.


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    This group of question was asked to measure the effectiveness of one of the most

    enthusiastically followed policies of the organization the weekly trainings .the

    company has a policy which says conduct 8 trainings per month ,two per week.

    Now whether trainings did actually occur and occur effectively were a reason to

    worry about because a lot of time and money is invested in them ,if they do notadd value anywhere, its a complete waste .


    The answers and the observation in the organization say that due to the work

    pressure the trainings lose their effectiveness conducting two trainings per week is

    too much a load for the HODs and the departments especially during season time.

    Although the trainings do not have a time limit but usual trainings were at the max

    one to one and a half hour long. In this case the figures are completely

    contradictory from the original scenario ,following the observation this is not the

    case again bias is the problem here as well.

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    Having such a strong training policy in the organization ,is advantageous not only

    to the employees but also the organization but the only problem is in itseffectiveness and innovation. Trainings like these give employees a chance to

    grow in their organization and hence built on their own capabilities which gives

    them a reason to stay attached to the organization.


    The training modules should be suggested for each department from their head

    office .On the basis of that framework the HODs can decide on the weekly

    training modules. Trainings should be practically delivered and with full

    involvement of all the employees. The evaluation techniques should be in place

    that is completely lacking although HODs say that they follow the evaluation

    techniques such as observation and question answer sessions but how effective

    these techniques are, is questionable.



    These questions were put forward to study the efficacy of the so called employee

    engagement activities that are a part of the organization policies.


    The most startling answers came from this section ,most of the employees werent

    involved in these activities ,others hadnt heard of them ,the ones who actually

    wanted to participate in them did not get the time because of long shift hours

    .Hence a major loophole was identified at this front as most of the employees had

    either not heard of them or had not participated in them Although the Heads say

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    they encourage their employees to participate but because of the long shift hours it

    makes it almost impossible and many also say that their work suffers if they

    participate in these activities and have to extend their work timings in order to

    participate .


    A lot is being done at this front much more needs to be done (Appendix Third

    Section).The organization policies are in place regarding this but the only thing

    that is missing is the diligence to carry them ,in the manner they would be the

    most effective in.



    This was one of the major areas of concern for the top officials although daily

    morning meetings would convey all the issues to the HODs ,but how effectively.

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    were they being passed on was an issue to be dealt with hence the communication

    level in the organization was debatable


    At first, most of the people said a yes but they were not too sure what sort of

    information was being talked work related information was passed on effectively

    but the other information was passed only sometimes hence the blue area forms

    the major chunk of the pie.


    Regular departmental meetings ,else if something urgent then it should be

    communicated on priority basis. The channel of communication should be that

    effective that any important activity going on the organization ,everyone should

    feel that they are a part of it and have a role in making it successful.


    A lot of new and old suggestions came up while asking this questions those have

    been complied together in the recommendations and conclusion section of the




    This question mostly people said no and the ones that said a yes ,gave the answers

    in the following order Growth Opportunities, Type of Job, Brand Name ,Work

    Culture and salary. This shows that salary would be the last reason to stay with

    the organization and because of the growth prospects people want to stick to it

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    Many people were not sure of the rankings , hence ambiguous answers.


    The salary should be according to work (Pay for performance). If people work

    overtime, overtime should be paid.



    Although the many Recommendations have been given alongside while analysis

    of the questions an exhaustive list is provided here.


    1) People are not clear about the 5 days salary cut they should be explained indetail. A major distress causing issue.

    2) According to many employees the contract should end after a year forregular employees and they should be put on rolls.

    3) The old employees did have a formal induction by the Hr head but prior tothat no updates as well as no new comer has been given any formal induction

    only a little bit here and there about the job thats all. No information about

    the organization has been shared with them .There are even many who have

    straight away joined work without any sort of communication with their

    respective HODs. A proper induction schedule should be made.

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    4) Staff facilities should be improved not in sync with the other resorts inShimla. The facilities should be provided at all levels right from the GM to

    the lowest level (For e.g. House rent, Room rent, Medical facilities etc.)

    5) The appraisal system should be revised as it should be on the basis of theoverall performance and not certain set criterias because all the departments

    are not equal in size and strength hence parity should be maintained. For e.g.

    a department of only say 5 members would get lower ratings in attrition if

    only two of his people leave.

    6) Evaluation of all departments twice in a month. Interdepartmental meetingsto enhance co ordination amongst departments.

    7) The salary should be according to work (Pay for performance). If peoplework overtime, overtime should be paid.

    8) The staff should be taken care of and should not be pressurized to work forlonger hours.

    9) Exit Interviews should be conducted.10)Mahindra standards not maintained here. The recruitment should be proper

    only professionally qualified staff should be hired.

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    11)Customer delight is a part of the job of people working in this industryespecially the departments that directly come in contact with the customers

    for e.g. Front office, Housekeeping, F&B Service etc but unfortunately

    many of the employees in these particular departments havent even heard of

    this term. This is something that should be communicated to them. It is

    understandable that the term is not what is important but they do not have

    the idea of the concept as well.

    12)The HODs say that they are open to suggestions and the employees agreeon it .They are heard most of the time but many a times their pleas fall on

    deaf ears. When asked for examples some of the suggestions were regarding

    not only the employees but also the organization on the whole. Nothing is

    being done about that. The HoDs should communicate the reasons so as to

    if something is being done regarding the suggestion or the complaint and if

    nothing can be done about it, it should be communicated. This causes a lot of

    skepticism amongst the employees.

    13)Lack of co ordination amongst the departments a major problem. On thisfront the HoDs should have regular meetings and do something about it

    because in the presence of the guests it gets embarrassing for the

    organization as it is depicted as an example of mismanaged company.


    1) People working for the past one year here havent participated in any of themonthly trainings.

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    2) Trainings should be practically delivered that would increase its efficiencyand it would be easier to understand because a pen a paper training cannot

    provide practical knowledge and also not everyone is capable enough of

    understanding what is taught to them , as education backgrounds are


    3) The trainings should be proper and planned and not just a formality.4)No evaluation techniques in place to measure the outcome of the trainings.


    1) Medical incentives should be paid. An in house doctor for employeesas well as the guests.

    2) People who joined Club Mahindra at the time of its opening say that,at that point in time whatever was promised was just a way to tap them

    they were told salaries would increase that did not happen .Hence a

    sense of betrayal.

    3) The HODs communicate only work but no other information sharingdone .Many of the employees do not know anything about the

    Divisional heads joining it is an example of that. They have no idea

    about activities and events of the resorts. The communication is not

    completely lacking but it is not consistent. To explain further at timesonly those people are informed who are directly related to the event

    and thats how the information passes on.

    4) Accommodation and pick and drop are a major problem faced bymany. If the night shift turns up late the previous person is stuck here

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    without any conveyance and it is very difficult to go back home hence

    they have to adjust with the local employees here. This can be done

    under normal circumstances but at times it is urgent to go back home

    then this becomes a huge problem.

    5) Long working hours the pressure increases when people leave.6) Vacations are also problem in season time holidays are not given and

    then they are carried forward and are never given.

    7) The shift hours should be fixed like in other organizations. Many saidthe law says no shift should be longer than 8 hrs and here we have towork for 12 to 14 hrs at times sometimes without breaks during the


    8)No bonuses and incentives given, probably promised earlier andnothing done about it.


    9) Participation in the employee engagement activities low becausepeople have to take time off from work to take part in them, the work

    gets affected and hence the participation low.

    10) More should be done for staff entertainment so as to break themonotony of work and rejuvenate them.

    11) Open house meetings should be well organized maximumparticipation should be encouraged and more staff gatherings and

    parties should be organized.

    12) Vision and Mission should be clear in the minds of the people so thateveryone can work together as a team towards its achievement.

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    13) The staff should be motivated and pumped up from time to time andcompany policies should be made clear.

    14) Company should provide non monetary benefits like concession forstays in resorts around India.


    15) Parity amongst salaries of employees of the same grade.16) Designation that was promised was not given.17) Flexibility in working hours.18) Food in the cafeteria should be improved.19) Many people said that the work environment earlier was good but

    now everything is deteriorating over time. Things were better earlier



    The major results and the corresponding recommendations were as follows.

    Hence the major areas that need improvement were that

    1) Promises made should be fulfilled ,nothing is more dissatisfying for anemployee more than a broken promise .

    2) The issues of the employees should be dealt at priority basis .3) The motivation level of the employees should be boasted so that they are

    ready to deliver their best anytime and anywhere.

    4) The open door policy should be an effective one and the Heads should takesufficient interest in solving them.

    5) The working hours should be reduced to the average normal working hoursand longer shifts of 12 to 13 hours should be reduced if at all if someone

    works beyond the required 9 hours of service overtime should be paid.

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    6) Infrastructure wise also a lot of scope of improvement is their but for nowthis should not be ignored as the property is on lease and the new property

    will soon be operating.

    These are some of the major gaps that the organization needs to fulfill before

    which employee delight would be difficult.

    Thus it can be concluded that both the questionnaires more or less are hinting at

    the same problems .Many of the problems given above are worthy of due attention

    and the recommendations thus provided can be useful if implemented effectively.

    In addition ,this study can serve as a model for many more researches conductedin the field of Employee Engagement and Delight.The model thus employed is a

    novel work inspired by many other researches especially the implementation of

    the Servqual scale in this particular area.

    The project can help many to measure the level of employee gratification in their

    respective organizations and hence a comparative study can be carried out.



    1. Mamoria ,C.D,Personal Management,10th Edition(1992),HimalayaPublishing House

    2. Subbarao Dr T,Human Resource Management environmentalinfluence,(1989),Chugh Publications

    3. Bennett Roger,Managing Personnel and Performance:AnAlternative Approach(1982).

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur






    3. http://www.iveybusinessjournal.com6.


    a. Off Roll EmployeesABOUT THE PERSON

    1)Name : Department: Age :Gender:

    2) Tenure:3) Previous work experience if anyABOUT THE COMPANY

    4) What all do you know about the organization you work for ?VI. History

    VII. Whom it belongs

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    VIII. Your Managing DirectorIX. Your Resort ManagerX. Your Divisional Head

    5) What is the vision and mission of the company you work in?6) Did you get what you had expected from this job in terms of

    i. Salaryii.

    Type of work assigned to you

    iii. Work timings and work cultureiv. Work Environmentv. Challenging Job

    vi. Amount of Vacationsvii. Perks that the company pays me

    7) Did anyone in the organisation ever ask you about the same?8) Did you undergo an orientation program before joining work ?PERSONAL QUESTIONS

    9) Are you here by choice or by force?10) If by force then what would you like to do?11) Are you internally motivated to do this job?ORGANIZATION POLICIES AND PRODECURES and WORK CULTURE

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    12) Are you clear about your Job ROLEs and RESPONSIBILITIES?13) Have you heard of the term customer delight? What is it ? Do you know

    that a part of your job role is dedicated to the customers? (This question imp

    only for F&B Service,FO,HK,HA)

    14) How Much Autonomy do you have in your Job? (level of interference ofyour boss)

    15) How conducive is the working environment?(strict/lenient)16) Do you think your HODs are supportive enough?17) Does the organization follow an open door policy? Are you allowed to

    complain? How often?

    18) Are the complaints heard and acted upon by the person concerned?19) Did u ever have a suggestion for the organization you worked in? Were you

    heard? if yes was it implemented?

    20) Are you given feedback of your performance from time to time?21) Give any one example of a complaint you had and it was dealt in time by

    your superiors?


    22) How effective do you think the trainings provided to you are?23) Do they add any value anywhere?24) Do you use the trainings in your daily activities?

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    25) Are you evaluated for the same?EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES

    26) How many of these activities have you participated in?IF YES

    27) Do you like them?28) Do you know the purpose of these activities?29)

    Do you think they should be conducted very often?

    30) Do you feel a sense of belongingness towards your organisation after yourparticipation in these activities?

    31) Do you feel motivated after the monthly open house meetings?32) Do you feel the monetary benefits associated with the participations in the

    programs are good source of motivation?

    33) What was the overall feeling after your participation?IF NO

    34) What is the reason behind your low participation? Were you not given achance?

    35) Do you want to be a part of such activities?36) Do you think they add some value to the organisation as a whole?ABOUT EMPLOYEE DELIGHT

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    37) Any suggestions for the organisation that you want that you think can boostyour morale and help you perform above expected service levels?

    38) Do you see yourself working for the organisation for the next 2 years ?whyor why not ?attribute to the following.

    I. SalaryII. Growth opportunities

    III. Work cultureIV. Type of JobV. Brand name of the organisation

    VI. Any other Reason (please state)COMMUNICATION

    32) Are you informed on regular basis about the major events and activities that

    are happening in your organization at a particular point in time ?

    b. For the On Rolls and Head of the DepartmentsABOUT THE PERSON

    1)Name : Department: Age :Gender:

    2) Tenure:3) Previous work experience if any


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    4) What all do you know about the organization you work for ?5) History6) Whom it belongs7) Your Managing Director8) Your Resort Manager9) Your Divisional Head10)

    What is the vision and mission of the company you work in?

    11) Did you get what you had expected from this job in terms ofi. Salary

    ii. Type of work assigned to youiii. Work timings and work cultureiv. Work Environmentv. Challenging Job

    vi. Amount of Vacationsvii. Perks that the company pays me

    12) Did anyone in the organisation ever ask you about the same?13) Did you undergo an orientation program before joining work ?


    14) Are you here by choice or by force?

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    15) If by force then what would you like to do?16) Are you internally motivated to do this job?



    17) Are you clear about your Job ROLEs and RESPONSIBILITIES?18) Have you heard of the term customer delight? What is it ? Do you

    know that a part of your job role is dedicated to the customers? (This

    question imp only for F&B Service,FO,HK,HA)

    19) How Much Autonomy do you have in your Job? (level of interferenceof your boss)

    20) How conducive is the working environment?(strict/lenient)21) Do you think your HODs are supportive enough?22) Does the organization follow an open door policy? Are you allowed

    to complain? How often?

    23) Are the complaints heard and acted upon by the person concerned?24) Did u ever have a suggestion for the organization you worked in?

    Were you heard? if yes was it implemented?

    25) Are you given feedback of your performance from time to time?26) Give any one example of a complaint you had and it was dealt in time

    by your superiors?


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    27) How effective do you think the trainings provided to you are?28) Do they add any value anywhere?29) Do you use the trainings in your daily activities?30) Are you evaluated for the same?


    31) How many of these activities have you participated in?IF YES

    32) Do you like them?33) Do you know the purpose of these activities?34) Do you think they should be conducted very often?35) Do you feel a sense of belongingness towards your organisation after

    your participation in these activities?

    36) Do you feel motivated after the monthly open house meetings?37) Do you feel the monetary benefits associated with the participations

    in the programs are good source of motivation?

    38) What was the overall feeling after your participation?IF NO

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    39) What is the reason behind your low participation? Were you notgiven a chance?

    40) Do you want to be a part of such activities?41) Do you think they add some value to the organisation as a whole?


    42) Any suggestions for the organisation that you want that you think canboost your morale and help you perform above expected service levels?

    43) Do you see yourself working for the organisation for the next 2years ?why or why not ?attribute to the following.

    I. SalaryII. Growth opportunities

    III. Work cultureIV. Type of JobV. Brand name of the organisation

    VI. Any other Reason (please state)COMMUNICATION

    44) Are you informed on regular basis about the major events andactivities that are happening in your organization at a particular point in

    time ?

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur





    Perception Statements in the Reliability Dimension.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. When my company promises to do something within a certain time

    period ,it does so

    2. When I have a problem my company shows sincere interest in

    solving it

    3. My important documents are kept confidentially and safely and can

    be easily found at the time of need.

    4. Company provides me with anything I ask for within the limits of

    my capacity and Job.

    5. My company insists on error free records.

    Statements in the Responsiveness Dimensions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. I am informed about all the activities going on in the company at a

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur



    given point in time

    2. I am motivated to deliver quick service to the customer.

    3. I am always ready to help our customers whether in my domain or


    4. My superiors are never too busy to respond to my request.

    Statements in the Assurance Dimensions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. The behavior of all the employees is good and instills confidence in


    2. I feel safe at work

    3. My colleagues are consistently courteous and trustworthy

    4. If I have any queries I am allowed to ask my superiors anytime I


    5. My supervisor or to whom so ever I ask the query is willing and has

    sufficient knowledge to answermy questions.

    Statements in the Empathy Dimensions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. There is someone at work who gives me individual attention

    2. There is someone at work who seems cares for me as a person

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    3. My company has my best interests at heart

    4. My company understands my specific needs

    5. The working hours in my company are convenient

    Statements in the Tangibles Dimensions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. My company has all modern and state of the art infrastructure and


    2. My companies physical facilities are visually appealing and neat

    3. The sitting arrangements and place surrounding me is comfortable

    4. My company is a neat and clean place to work for.

    5. The employees of the company appear neat to me


    Rating a world class company "7 " for its HR policies how would you rate

    MHRIL in terms of


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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. In fulfilling the promises made

    2. In solving any problem that the employees have.

    3. In terms of maintaining privacy and confidentiality of your


    4. In fulfilling your demands within the limits of your capacity.

    5. In keeping error free records.


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. The level of effective communication in your organization.

    2. Trains employees in delivering quick service to your customers.

    3. Motivates employees to an extent that they go out of their way to

    help customers.

    4. The responsiveness of your superiors


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. Behavior of collegues.

    2. Safety at work

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur



    3. Courteous colleagues

    4. Freedom to ask queries.

    5. Willingness and knowledge of the supervisor


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. Someone giving you personal attention

    2. Someone taking care of you as a person

    3. Keeping your best interests at heart

    4. Understanding of your specific needs

    5. Working hours


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. In terms of infrastructure

    2. Visually appealing

    3. Your sitting arena and surroundings

    4. Neatness

    5. Employee uniform and neatness.

  • 7/30/2019 Project Report by Reema Thakur





    They have a lot of Employee Engagement activities that go on during the

    year .


    1. Daily 10oclock meetings2. All employees right from the GM (called the RM-Resort Manager here) to

    the on roll staff everyone has lunch in the same cafeteria.


    1) Recently began a Cheers program wherein every week one group

    activity will be organized .

    This week they conducted a paper bag making competition


    1) Open house meetings

    This meeting is held every month which contains information regarding the

    following of the previous month

    Financials Initiatives (of all departments)

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    Proposals(of all departments) Employee of the month: Presented with certificates by the RM himself Celebrations if any

    2) Monthly Birthday Bash: Employees birthday celebrated

    3) Unity dayfrom the corporate directly.

    4) Sports activities: Held a badminton competition last month

    5) Champs show


    1) Picnic ones year for all staff members including trainees.

    2) All the Festivals celebrated.

    3) ESOPs: Employee Social Operations: This is their CSR activity .They

    organized a blood donation camp