project report on zensar pharma

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  • 8/3/2019 Project Report on Zensar Pharma





    For the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration Program


    Dr. Vinitendra Pratap Singh Mohammad Shairan

    (HOD, MBA) MBA IIIrd Sem.

    B.N. College of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow

    (Affiliated to Gautam Buddh Technical University)

    Session: 2011-2012


  • 8/3/2019 Project Report on Zensar Pharma





    PART- I


    Company Profile

    Services/Products provided by the company

    Introduction to the topic

    Analysis of the topic

    Part- II

    Research Methadology



    Data Analysis



    Suggestions & Recommendations




  • 8/3/2019 Project Report on Zensar Pharma



    Like most endeavors, preparing this project was a collaborative effort. I owe a great debtto many individuals who helped me in successful completion of this project.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to COMPANY NAME for giving me an

    opportunity to complete my summer internship program in their esteemed organization.

    I would not have completed this journey without the help, guidance and constant support

    and co-operation of certain people who acted as guides and friends along the way, I would

    like to express my deepest and sincere thanks to Dr. UPAMA Mishra ( Director , B.N.

    College of Engineering & Technology) , Dr. Vinitendra Pratap Singh ( H.O.D. ,

    M.B.A. Department), and for their invaluable guidance and help. The project could not

    have been completed without their support and guidance.

    In this connection I would like to express my gratitude to my parents and friends who

    were constant source of inspiration during my summer training project report. At last I

    thank to Almighty for giving me the power to complete this project successfully.

    Mohammad Shairan

    MBA IInd year


  • 8/3/2019 Project Report on Zensar Pharma



    The key objectives of the Study are as follows:

    To assess the build up in brand health of Zensar and the impact of the

    communication to answer the questions

    Is the advertising creating awareness and saliency for the brand?

    Is advertising being noticed?

    Is the message been picked up and comprehended?

    Is the brand been integrated with the message? Is the brand communication created a favorable disposition for the



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    Ranbaxy, a leading name in pharma and healthcare has recently started a new

    initiative in OTC drugs, with a focus to take advantage of the growing Rs

    3000 crore OTC market in India. This new division is called Ranbaxy Global

    Consumer Healthcare. Some of the erstwhile schedule H brands that have

    been transferred to the OTC umbrella include Zensar, Pepfiz, Garlic Pearls

    and Gesdyp. Zensar enjoys the flagship brand status among the switch


    The OTC brand of Zensar is being supported with a TV ad campaign

    involving three creatives. Spends have been made on both C&S and

    Doordarshan channels.

    The Brand

    Zensar is a comprehensive daily food supplement that has a balanced

    combination of vitamins, minerals & ginseng.

    Zensar was launched in 1989 as a prescription drug. The drug was promoted

    as a product for energy enhancement, anti-stress and fighting fatigue, which

    emanated from its key ingredient Ginseng.

    However with the market dynamics changing with the rise of anti oxidant

    category in prescriptions, prescription share of Zensar dropped through the

    nineties. The brand however retained its volumes owing to consumers buying

    it over the counter.

    In 1999, it was taken off Schedule H of the drug controllers and became an

    OTC product. Its currently classified as a food supplement.


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    Key markets for Zensar include lower population strata towns and rural

    markets as well.

    The Category

    The category, Adult Health Supplements, consists of Zensar, Becosule, other

    vitamin capsules, Spirulina, Brahmi and Ashwagandha poppables from

    Himalaya and other OTX drugs. (Drugs pushed by the Chemist, even if not

    prescribed the doctor) While Zensar faces competion from these drugs, the

    penetration of these brands is lowand occasional/ need based use is

    predominant. Therefore the marketing task would be category creation,

    rather than fighting for share from other players. Usage of these drugs is

    usually linked to rejuvenation, energy enhancement, anti oxidant and anti

    stress benefits. In terms of pricing, Becosule is a cheaper alternative to

    Zensar. RGCH would now like to track the impact of the TV campaign and

    other marketing activity on brand health and build up of associations with the

    brand in consumer minds.


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    The Indian pharmaceutical industry is a success story providing employment

    for millions and ensuring that essential drugs at affordable prices are

    available to the vast population of this sub-continent.

    The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry today is in the front rank of Indias

    science-based industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field

    of drug manufacture and technology. A highly organized sector, the Indian

    Pharma Industry is estimated to be worth $ 4.5 billion, growing at about 8 to

    9 percent annually. It ranks very high in the third world, in terms of

    technology, quality and range of medicines manufactured. From simple

    headache pills to sophisticated antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds,

    almost every type of medicine is now made indigenously.

    The Indian Pharmaceutical sector is highly fragmented with more than

    20,000 registered units. It has expanded drastically in the last two decades.

    The leading 250 pharmaceutical companies control 70% of the market with

    market leader holding nearly 7% of the market share. It is an extremely

    fragmented market with severe price competition and government price


    The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the country's

    demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations,

    chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals and injectibles. There are about 250 large

    units and about 8000 Small Scale Units, which form the core of the


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    pharmaceutical industry in India (including 5 Central Public Sector Units).

    These units produce the complete range of pharmaceutical formulations, i.e.,

    medicines ready for consumption by patients and about 350 bulk drugs, i.e.,

    chemicals having therapeutic value and used for production of

    pharmaceutical formulations

    Following the de-licensing of the pharmaceutical industry, industrial

    licensing for most of the drugs and pharmaceutical products has been done

    away with. Manufacturers are free to produce any drug duly approved by the

    Drug Control Authority. Technologically strong and totally self-reliant, the

    pharmaceutical industry in India has low costs of production, low R&D

    costs, innovative scientific manpower, strength of national laboratories and

    an increasing balance of trade. The Pharmaceutical Industry, with its rich

    scientific talents and research capabilities, supported by Intellectual Property

    Protection regime is well set to take on the international market.


    Competent workforce:

    India has a pool of personnel with high managerial and technical competence

    as also skilled workforce. It has an educated work force and English is

    commonly used. Professional services are easily available.

    Cost-effective chemical synthesis: Its track record of development,

    particularly in the area of improved cost-beneficial chemical synthesis for

    various drug molecules is excellent. It provides a wide variety of bulk drugs

    and exports sophisticated bulk drugs.


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    Legal & Financial Framework: India has a 53 year old democracy and

    hence has a solid legal framework and strong financial markets. There is

    already an established international industry and business community.

    Information & Technology: It has a good network of world-class

    educational institutions and established strengths in Information Technology.

    Globalisation: The country is committed to a free market economy and

    globalization. Above all, it has a 70 million middle class market, which is

    continuously growing.

    Consolidation: For the first time in many years, the international

    pharmaceutical industry is finding great opportunities in India. The process

    of consolidation, which has become a generalized phenomenon in the world

    pharmaceutical industry, has started taking place in India


    India's US$ 3.1 billion pharmaceutical industry is growing at the rate of 14

    percent per year. It is one of the largest and most advanced among the

    developing countries.

    Over 20,000 registered pharmaceutical manufacturers exist in the country.

    The domestic pharmaceuticals industry output is expected to exceed Rs260

    billion in the financial year 2002, which accounts for merely 1.3% of the

    global pharmaceutical sector. Of this, bulk drugs will account for Rs 54 bn


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    (21%) and formulations, the remaining Rs 210 bn (79%). In financial year

    2001, imports were Rs 20 bn while exports were Rs87 bn.


    Indian companies need to attain the right product-mix for sustained future

    growth. Core competencies will play an important role in determining the

    future of many Indian pharmaceutical companies in the post product-patent

    regime after 2005. Indian companies, in an effort to consolidate their

    position, will have to increasingly look at merger and acquisition options of

    either companies or products. This would help them to offset loss of new

    product options, improve their R&D efforts and improve distribution to

    penetrate markets.

    Research and development has always taken the back seat amongst Indian

    pharmaceutical companies. In order to stay competitive in the future, Indian

    companies will have to refocus and invest heavily in R&D.

    The Indian pharmaceutical industry also needs to take advantage of the

    recent advances in biotechnology and information technology. The future of

    the industry will be determined by how well it markets its products to several

    regions and distributes risks, its forward and backward integration

    capabilities, its R&D, its consolidation through mergers and acquisitions, co-

    marketing and licensing agreements

    Current demand in the Indian pharmaceutical sector stands at about $4 to $5

    billion, and is forecast to increase at an annual rate of 15 - 20% in the future.

    Nevertheless, average per capita expenditure on pharmaceuticals in India is


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    only $3 -- compared to $412 in Japan, $222 in Germany and $191 in the US.

    This is due in part to the prevalence of alternative healing methods in India,

    such as ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy, but also because prices for

    drugs have been kept artificially low by the Indian government. In fact,

    India's pharmaceutical industry is one of the most highly regulated industries

    in the country. Price controls have a strong effect on profitability in the

    industry, and weak patent protection poses a long-term threat to investment

    in India's drug market. Foreign firms also find it difficult to operate in India

    due to arbitrary Bureau of Industrial Cost and Pricing (BICP) pricing

    changes, arbitrary local FDA decisions, high import duties (about 42%) and

    complex import procedures.

    However, while the pharmaceutical sector in India wills most likely stay

    regulated in the short term, there are plans for reform. The sheer size and

    growth of India's domestic pharmaceutical industry is making it increasingly

    difficult for the government to regulate prices for every single firm, and

    pressure from the World Trade Organization is also speeding up discussions

    within the national government to improve patent protection. As a result,

    foreign pharmaceutical firms can expect improved market opportunities in

    India's enormous drug market over next several years


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    The Indian pharmaceutical industry is highly fragmented -- there are now

    more than 20,000 domestic manufacturers of end-use pharmaceuticals,

    particularly because of the industry's low capital requirement and the lack of

    product patents. Only about 300 of these are in the organized sector. This

    structure causes intense competition, especially in the bulk drug markets,

    with profitability falling as demand expands.

    For value purposes, drugs in India are generally classified into two categories

    -- bulk drugs and formulations. Due to India's low overhead costs, bulk drugs

    comprise the largest sector in the country's pharmaceutical market. Indias

    bulk drug sector also makes up about 6% of the international bulk drug

    market. Drug intermediates are used as raw materials for the production of

    bulk drugs, which are either sold directly or retained by companies for the

    production of formulations. Formulations can be subdivided into generic

    drugs and branded or "ethical" drugs, the latter of which are made under

    process patent and sold under a separate brand name. Expected short-term

    growth for the two types of drugs has been 20% for bulk drugs and 15% for


    The import of finished pharmaceuticals is almost negligible, and confined to

    very specific types like anti-cancer drugs. In 1994, the import of drugs,

    pharmaceuticals and intermediates was estimated at $450 million, and

    included the following: antibiotics, penicillin and its salts, erythromycin and

    its preparations, vitamins and provitamins, vaccines (polio, human and


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    veterinary), preparations containing insulin, caustic and other hormones, and

    tetracycline and its preparations.

    Essential drugs comprised of antibiotics, antibacterial, anti-TB, anti-parasitic,

    and cardiovascular constitute a major portion of turnover of the industry.

    Indian companies dominate this class of drugs with a market share of 71%.

    Multinational companies are reluctant to enter these markets as most of them

    are under government price controls.


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    Zensar Technologies (Zensar) is a globally renowned software services company that

    specializes in providing a complete range ofSoftware Services and Solutions. Zensar is

    ranked amongst India's Top 20 Software Services Companiesby National Association of

    Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and is also recognized by the

    Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) for its robust in-house Research

    and Development practices and an acknowledged leader in Innovation. The Software

    services range from the traditional to the transformational Enterprise Product

    Implementation and Hosting, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, Collaboration

    and Knowledge Management Services, Business Process Outsourcing and Optimization,

    Remote Infrastructure Management and Testing, and the entire range of Software

    Application Planning, Portfolio Building, Development, Migration and Support. Zensar is

    the world's first enterprise-wide SEI CMM Level 5 Company and enjoys a strong

    presence in the United States, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions.To

    service Global Customers, Zensar has Delivery Centers in Pune and Hyderabad in India,

    China, Japan and the UK. With 6000+ associates, 400+ customers and 14 nationalities

    operating in more than 20 global locations, Zensar helps transform Global Corporations.


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    Zensar encourages challenging of opinion, of mindsets and a young and

    vibrant culture of innovation and experimentation. It consciously focuses on

    building diversity into the system whether it is of gender, region, nationality,

    background, learning or education, and then in creating a framework for a

    confluence of these different ideas, cultures and experiences to make an

    authentic global organisation that delivers value to its customers. At Zensar

    individual thinking, creativity, innovation and flexibility are celebrated and

    through that enormous diversity seeps in a 'world culture' for Zensar to

    become true transformation partners to global corporations driven by a set of

    core organisational values - that being the only place for homogeneity!

    Using the Global Delivery Model in integrating global talent including

    customer capabilities, embedding frameworks for service delivery, and by

    creating the necessary go-to-market front ends, Zensar demonstrates business

    value for its customers! This enables a true customer proximal model by

    requirements being captured by a consultant at their end with localized and

    business specific capabilities and the luxury of global sourcing and

    24X7X365 support and disaggregated software development that leverages

    talent across nations.


    Towards creating value to its customers business, Zensar has built and

    consolidated a comprehensive portfolio of services in IT and BPO, lending awide range of benefits from cost arbitrage, to unmatched quality,

    differentiated value to a holistic strategic partnership with its customers; and

    further lending a significant advantage by offering models to customers that


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    best suit their business needs traversing the context areas down to the core

    focus areas of the customer.

    Zensar enjoys enduring relationships with global leaders like Cisco,

    Assurant, Danaher Corporation, Electronics Arts, iSelect and Logitech,

    among several others. Zensar's customers are spread across various industry

    segments like Manufacturing, Retail, Banking and Insurance, High-Tech

    manufacturing and Connected Services. Zensar has also forged strategic

    technology partnerships with global technology leaders such as IBM,

    Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and Oracle. These partnerships enable Zensar

    to leverage its core competencies, ensuring comprehensive and state-of-the-

    art business solutions to its customers.


    The Company offers industry and business consulting with industry focused

    teams in Retail, Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Energy and Utilities,

    Media and Connected Services (Government, Education and Healthcare),

    bringing in best practices culled from individual and combined experiences.

    Zensar's decision enabling services lend velocity to the customer's business

    by process and technology consulting that help corporations make better

    decisions. The services include enablers like business intelligence and data

    warehousing, content and collaboration management, and knowledge


    The Business Process Outsourcing and Optimisation (BPO2) based

    services of Zensar as the name suggests involves process execution and

    optimisation to help businesses perform at optimum levels by making

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    continuous improvements possible. The services in this space span from

    accounts payable, receivables, telesales, helpdesk support, to Knowledge

    Process Outsourcing on the higher end.

    OurIT Enabling Services help companies design, develop, implement and

    test applications whether packaged or even custom-built to enable their

    business processes. Zensar has a strong engagement with Oracle being their

    platinum partner with a 1300+ consultants team; and in the SAP space

    offering focused templatised solutions in key verticals of dairy, textile,

    pharma, manufacturing and IT/operations and being the largest partner in

    certain key segments and markets. Our teams bring a strong blend of

    functional business skills and technology or package-specific expertise to

    help make swift implementations possible with minimal risk rendering

    maximum value.

    Zensar's IT Support Services help companies focus on their core of aligning

    IT to business needs while letting us take care of the operational

    maintenance, fixes and day-to-day support of their applications and

    technology infrastructure.


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    Our Vision

    Transformation partners to global corporations.

    Our Values

    Customer Sovereignty

    Our customers are the reason for our existence. We anticipate their needs and

    endeavor to meet and surpass their expectations.

    Passion For Excellence

    We strive to attain individual and team excellence through a spirit of

    continuous learning, lofty standards, new ideals and a commitment to high

    levels of achievement.

    Continuous Innovation

    We aspire to seek and create a 'new way.' We will continuously reengineer

    our processes and mindsets and encourage individual creativity and

    improvisation in all our actions.

    Transparency and Integrity

    We will nurture a culture of spontaneity and mutual trust. Impeccable ethics

    and morals will be the cornerstone of all our interactions and relationships.

    People Orientation

    We will accord empathy, respect and dignity to every Zensarian. We will

    create an environment where every committed and capable member of the


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    organization is given ample rewards and opportunities for growth.

    Social Responsibility

    We will recognize, abide by and add value to the social environment, while

    embracing our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen in every country

    we operate.


    Zensars Global Delivery Platform (GDP) provides collaborative solution

    delivery across shores and enterprises seamlessly. The Platform combines

    mature off-shoring processes, which emulates industry best practices and a

    community of intellect across the globe that spans multiple business domains

    using Zensars proprietary Solution Blueprint ( SBP) . SBP enables Zensars

    global delivery platform where capabilities of software professionals across

    geographies can be leveraged without physically bringing them under one

    roof. Using SBP these talented professionals will essentially focuses on

    designing whereas SBP would handle the routine software code to generation


    The global delivery platform thus significantly reduces people dependence

    and technology bondage to deliver agile, flexible and future-proof solutions

    on demand.

    Zensars SBP enabled, unique GDM is virtual, and defies the traditional need

    for brick and mortar structures to service customers.

    These solutions are provided to customers on an Opti-Shore Delivery

    Model, often tailored to suit individual customer requirements. The GDP

    provides our customers with flexibility, a choice of differentiated services,

    access to a global expertise pool, new business channels and provides

    software that is standardized and built to last. The GDP also provides access


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    to world class business and application modeling using a distributed and

    collaboration environment enabling Zensar to seamlessly deliver IT-Enabled

    Services and Solutions from global locations


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    Zensar is committed to meet customers' needs and expectations by

    delivering competitive IT and Business Process Outsourcing

    solutions. This sentiment is evident from our continuous

    perseverance to accredit ourselves with globally recognised

    industry standards and the awards we are bestowed with by various

    global institutions

    Golden Peacock Award for CSR - 2011

    Zensar Technologies has been selected as the winner of Golden Peacock

    Award for Corporate Social Responsibility for the year 2011 by the Awards

    Jury, under the Chairmanship of Justice P N Bhagwati, former Chief Justice

    of India and Member, UN Human Rights Commission. The Golden Peacock

    Awards are recognized worldwide as the hallmark of corporate excellence

    because of their independence, integrity, transparency and thorough and open

    application process. The Golden Peacock is a very prestigious and well-

    known award in the field of CSR in India.

    International Association of Outsourcing Professionals

    Zensar Technologies was recognized by the International Association of

    Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) among the Top 100 Global OutsourcingCompanies - 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Zensar was also ranked in several

    group categories - Best 20 Leaders by Industry Focus Financial Services,

    Retail, Manufacturing and Industry Specific Services IAOP 2011.


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    Named in Global Services 100 list - 2010

    Zensar has been recognized as an organization that has reacted well to

    changing demands and markets via their career development strategies and

    has implemented change management initiatives at its best

    Ranked among top 20 IT exporters in India by NASSCOM

    Zensar Technologies has been ranked among the top 20 IT Services

    Exporters for the year 2009-10 by the National Association of Software andServices Companies (NASSCOM) of India

    Investment in People Award 2010

    Zensar Technologies was awarded the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship

    Awards (AREA) Investment in People Award 2010 in New Delhi on the

    20th of November, 2010 by Enterprise Asia, a non-governmental

    organization in pursuit of entrepreneurship development across the region.

    Founded by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, the organization is supported by

    a panel of prominent industry and government leaders who truly believe in

    the mission of championing entrepreneurship in Asia. AREA recognizes and

    honors Asian Businesses for championing sustainable and responsible



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    CNBC TV 18 International Trade Award-2007, 2008, 2009

    In appreciation of its outstanding contribution to Indian trade CNBC-TV 18

    has honored Zensar with The Exporter of the Year Award for three years

    continuously for wealth creation in India's international trade community

    Winner of FICCI's CSR Special Jury Commendation Award

    Zensar has been awarded the 'Special Jury Commendation' Award by the

    President of India, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam for the outstanding commitment

    and contribution to Nation Building through CSR efforts.

    Employer Branding Awards 2007-2008

    Zensar has been recognized as an organization that has reacted well to

    changing demands and markets via their career development strategies and

    has implemented change management initiatives at its best

    Recognised by the BBB

    Zensar has been recognised by the BBB and has received the BBB online

    reliability seal. Zensar is now part of core group of businesses that support

    ethical business practices and integrity in the market place

    Trailblazer of the Year Award for Best HR Practices-2006

    In recognition of the outstanding contributions and achievements,

    particularly in the field of Human Resource & Development, the National

    HRD Network honored us with the Trailblazer of the Year Award from

    NHRD for Best HR Practices for 2006Zensar has also been recognized for its


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    unique HR practices by the Madhya Pradesh government which recently

    conferred the Golden Edge Award for Best HR practices for 2006

    Corporate Governance Business Award-2006

    For its unique contribution to the society, Zensar won the Corporate

    Governance Business for Social Responsibility Award for 2006, which was

    presented by Bombay Stock Exchange in association with Times Now


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    IT Process Consulting

    Why do 2 out of 3 Software Projects (66%) fail to deliver within Time, Cost

    and Quality parameters?

    How will streamlining processes of IT infrastructure and service

    management achieve cost benefits; at the same time improve SLA

    compliance too?

    How to identify and alleviate risk and regulatory non-compliance using

    industry accepted Governance framework?

    Why Business-IT alignment is still the CIOs top priority?

    These are some of the acute problems faced by organizations today, with one

    common thread binding them all - immature process. It is the prime cause

    for inefficiencies and ineffectiveness. It leads to duplication of work,

    inconsistency, lack of common goal, inability to scale up, silo focus, lack of

    measurement and improvement and many more.

    We, at Zensars ITPC (IT Process Consulting) practice, help you to simplify,

    optimize and thus improve maturity of the underlying processes. Our focus is


    - delivering solutions targeted at enhancing productivity

    - improve service and project delivery

    - cost optimization

    - alignment with industry recognized frameworks/standards using process


    ITPC helps you to achieve the above challenges. This is accomplished using

    our proven methodology ProZEN across the areas of IT Service Management


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    (ITSM), Software Engineering and Quality Assurance, Process Optimization

    and IT Governance.


    IT Service Management: To manage IT services and systems

    Software Engineering: For maturity of software development and


    Process Optimization: To achieve best out of your process

    IT Governance: To gain efficiency, control, compliance and business



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    Best practices we use are -

    IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) by OGC

    Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) by SEI

    People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) by SEI

    Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) by Microsoft

    Control Objective for IT (COBIT) by ISACA

    PMBOK by PMI

    Six Sigma and Lean

    ISO 20000, 27000 and 38500

    Business Process Management Suite by OMG

    SCAMPI and Goal-Question-Indicator-Measurement by SEI


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    Our Methodology ProZEN is the cornerstone for being able to deliver a

    consistent experience to all our customers. It is flexible to suit your need.

    ProZEN is a structured yet flexible methodology at each stage, meaning you

    can engage us for one or all of the distinct services depending on your needs.

    What makes ProZEN unique is the detailed attention it provides for an end to

    end process solution while maintaining / retaining customer centricity.


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    Holistic, more complete view

    Our "Multimodal" process improvement provides more flexibility and

    agility. We can leverage the differentiating features of each model


    Effective & efficient execution using rigor of world class Project

    Management built in ProZEN methodology


    Our Assessments, coupled with benefit realization analysis help you

    identify the low hanging fruits and long term actions that are tightly

    linked with business needs and priorities


    Leveraging our own IP and considering your existing initiatives give

    you quicker turn around.

    Business Benefit RealizationOur structured approach for Organization Change Management speeds

    up the adoption rate of the new process and ensures business gain

    Cost Advantage

    We leverage our offshore team to provide you virtual consultancy very

    cost effectively.

    Our Consultants

    Depth and breadth of our consulting team will provide unsurpassed value to

    you. We have qualified consultants certified in - ITIL Managers (EXIN),

    CISA (ISACA), 6 Sigma Black Belts, PMP, IDS-Scheer ARIS, SCAMPI(B)

    Lead Appraiser and many more.


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    Impact Sourcing

    Despite the uncertain economic outlook and cash flow pressure, Zensar

    believes that the current market conditions can provide new opportunities for

    organizations that are already outsourcing, or planning to outsource, their

    processes and function to reap significant financial and non-financial benefits

    in the immediate future. Impact Sourcing is a unique methodology that will

    help drive high performance in the near and long term to organizations.

    Impact Sourcing assures 10 % cost savings within 10 months by deploying a

    best-of-breed COBIT framework & ITIL methodologies to generate a future

    roadmap tailored for organizations to meet their optimization needs. We can

    bring rigour and discipline to existing business functions and drive value by

    fixing distressed and winding processes reducing risk in complex contracts,

    and forming partnerships. We help our clients to formulate and implement

    strategies, reduce costs, increase efficiency, drive innovation and expand into

    new markets with immediate effect to costs


    Strong lineage in helping organizations create a comprehensive

    optimization plan

    Phased approach helps organizations identify the 'cost culprits'

    Best practices helping organizations benchmark with the industry

    Domain expertise, technology and process capabilities coupled with

    strong focus on quality deliverables provide added benefits to the

    customers in their optimization initiatives.

    Information Architecture Services


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    IA is the art and science of organizing and labeling websites, intranets,

    online communities and software to support usability The Information

    Architecture Institute

    At Zensars IA CoE we constantly strive to ensure the right blend of this art

    and science is achieved every time we deliver our IA services which allow

    users to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. Our Usability and IA

    services work in unison to provide an unmatched level of user comfort and

    content positioning by leveraging the rich experience of our IA architects and

    Knowledge Strategists.

    IA as we perceive is about the approach/methodology that effectively

    structures the unstructured

    The IA Practice focuses on the following Service lines:

    Business case development

    Business Solution Map

    Information needs analysis

    Information structure and page layouts Creating controlled vocabularies and metadata

    Search engine optimization

    Enhancing content management systems

    Best Fit Technology Implementation-Information Storage, Access &

    Delivery Platform



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    We help enterprises expand their businesses by Custom Application

    development and implementation services that are capable of performing

    across multiple platforms and infrastructures. Cost-effectiveness and strong

    delivery capabilities in Agile and Waterfall Methodologies are at the focus of

    our application development and maintenance strategy. Our

    matured application development services encompass all the phases of

    Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), starting from translating business

    needs into project requirements through implementation and post-production

    user support. With a rich experience of providing cost effective and quality

    custom application development services and solutions capable of consistent

    performance, Zensar can provide rapid adaptation- with minimal

    interruptions in the current processes and has worked with a Fortune 500

    clientele worldwide.


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    Value Proposition

    Use of home grown Solution BluePrint (SBP)framework during various

    phases of application development

    Use of Global Delivery Model

    Focus on using re-usable components and tools reducing cycle time

    and costs

    Alliances with reputed technology firms (Microsoft GOLD certified

    partner, Oracle Certified partner)

    Knowledge acquisition and retention using CMMI processes

    Application Support & Maintenance

    In the software lifecycle, nearly 70% of the cost goes into Application

    Support & Maintenance activities. Research suggests that large enterprises

    spend an average of 73% of their IT budget on Application Maintenance of

    existing system. Clearly, Application Management presents high potential

    for cost savings in global enterprises.

    Zensar's expertise in Application support and maintenance has seen a long

    list of partnerships with fortune 500 customers for more than a decade,

    Zensar offers a cost effective solution to customers through

    Focus on performance measures and continuous improvement besides

    Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Timely resolution of issues and root cause analysis of each issue

    Established support matrix offering Help Desk services and

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    Multi-level maintenance process using a Corrective, Preventive,

    Adaptive & Perfective approach

    Best Practices

    Continuous improvement in application support and maintenance

    services with objective of lowering Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

    Established practice focusing on defining / improving processes

    Feedback of lessons learned from projects to practice for wider


    Generating knowledge repository of issues / resolution for futurereferences.

    Value Proposition

    Experience in supporting mission critical / business critical application

    for fortune 500 customers

    Decade long relationship with most of our customers

    Single window for providing application maintenance and support

    with infrastructure management

    Providing continuous improvement against industry standards and


    Binding SLA framework with Critical Service Level (CSL) and

    Quality Process Processes in line with ISO 9000 Standards and the SEI-CMMI



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    User Experience Solutions

    Low conversion rates on your ecommerce site?

    High transaction failures on your net banking site?

    Poor user experience could be the barrier to your websites success

    Click the button below for a FREE Assessment of your site

    Zensars User Experience team helps you create positive and

    impactful experiences for your users. We design simple and effective

    interfaces for software applications, products, websites or mobiles

    Best Practices

    Some best practices we ensure in our approach to any project

    Involve end users in the design process, to the extent possible

    Use lo-fidelity prototyping extensively to set the tone for the UI


    Encourage iterative mode of prototyping to get it right!

    Our HTML aligns with W3C priority 1 accessibility guidelines

    Use informal methods of usability testing to give users a comfort


    Value Proposition

    User adoption is at highest levels - successful products/applications

    Supporting mission critical / business critical application for fortune500 customers

    Providing continuous improvement against industry standards and



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    Application Migration & Modernization

    Studies show that over 70% applications of the world are still on

    Mainframe and Legacy systems, and most businesses are in a

    desperate need to modernize and upgrade their IT applications

    environment. Zensar's Application Migration, Re-engineering &

    Modernization services help customers to modernize and migrate from

    older platforms to newer ones with minimum risks. Zensar has

    effectively modernized legacy applications by improving operational

    efficiency, reducing the cost of doing business and improving

    information assets. We have a proven track record of successfully

    modernizing large mission-critical mainframe and legacy system

    projects for Fortune 500 clients.

    Embedded Software:

    Embedded Software in Zensar is focused on design and development

    in the areas of computing systems(PC's and Servers), Networking and

    Datacom, Peripherals, Storage devices and systems, Mobile and

    multimedia applications & systems. We also specialize in

    development of automated testing tools for hardware and software

    products and systems in the systems and embedded software space.

    Completing the entire ecosystem of embedded software services there

    is a verification and validation of products and systems for

    specification conformance, performance and inter-operability. Our


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    host of embedded software services applies to Product

    Conceptualization and Development, Design Verification, Mass

    Production and Maintenance.

    Product Engineering

    Zensar has a template based approach to implement processes in rapid

    product life cycles. Innovations likeSolution BluePrint help in

    improving productivity, creating value and leading to a model driven

    approach to software product engineering services. Zensar during its

    long experience in providing software product engineering services

    has worked closely with ISVs like Informix, Microsoft and Fujitsu.

    With development experience in multiple products and components

    ranging from back end retailing solution, story creation product,

    middleware components and drivers for database, Zensar also has

    implementation experience in creating a language independent -

    platform independent - database independent programming library for

    its customers. With product development life cycle being highly

    changeable and time to market increasingly becoming shorter,

    mechanisms like agile development and the iterative models are

    essential component in software product engineering services at

    Zensar. This learning has also led to advanced services around

    technology refresh and on-demand models (SaaS).

    With our metrics driven approach, we can set performance targets,

    measure the performance and consistently show improvement. The

    extended team approach gives complete visibility and control to the

    customer. Our methodology involves a phased approach:]

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    Independent Testing Services

    Dont let cost of poor quality burn your margins. Adopt independent


    Software testing plays a pivotal role in program assurance. The impact

    of the cost of poor quality is experienced only after systems go into

    production and is rarely considered before or during program


    Software testing has evolved into a very mature discipline and is a

    vital business-enabling function within any organization undertaking

    critical transformation programs. Software testing plays a crucial role

    in program assurance activities, helps achieve lean IT operations,

    provides business enablement and also control the Total Cost of

    Ownership (TCO).

    Zensar has setup a Testing Centre of Excellence to drive the adoption

    of a disciplined approach towards testing from a quality control and

    assurance perspective. Our processes and frameworks assist in the

    extremely efficient conduct of software testing. Enabled by

    organization level baselines and best practices, Zensars testing

    practice focuses on end user needs. Our test lab services incubate new

    solutions to meet emerging industry trends and with a plethora of both

    licensed and open source tools, we are able to suggest the most

    appropriate solution bases on customer needs.


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    Service Offerings


    Our investment in building reusable test assets translates into immediate

    benefits to the customer, in terms of increased efficiency and shorter time to

    market. Our ready made test assets in Oracle Applications, Insurance, Retail

    domains provide head start in testing projects.

    Standardized test and defect management processes are followed

    Reusable test artifacts are created and managed

    Improvements are driven by metrics data gathering and analysis

    Best Practices

    Our test lab is involved in tool based technology development and has

    indigenously developed the following tools/frameworks:


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    Robust, extensible Test Automation Framework (450 reusable

    functional libraries)

    Pre-Processor to reduce automation tool licenses for script


    Tzen - Zensar's Test Management Tool (Platform independent, Cost

    effective, Fully customizable, Extendible, Integration possibilities with

    Open Source Testing Tool Mantis)

    Risk Based Testing methodology

    Automated test case generation from use cases using Zensars SBP

    (Solution Blueprint)

    Value Proposition

    Ready availability of certified testing practitioners for deployment with

    customer projects

    State of the art test lab with licensed (IBM, HP etc), Open Source

    (OpenSTA, Jameleon) tools

    Ready made Test automation framework supporting Oracle Apps,

    Java, .Net and Web applications for a head start

    IP solutions 'Automation Preprocessor' for immediate implementation

    in test automation without application software being available

    Testing team with domain knowledge in Financial and Insurance

    Services, Retail, Manufacturing, Energy and Utilities, Shipping,Logistics and Oracle Applications

    Zensar's own test management tool (TZen) for productivity



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    In today's scenario, Insurers face issues like globalization, growing demand

    for web based services, regulatory demands, security threats and outsourcing.

    We understand the needs of the industry and offer Innovative Solutions

    which are unique, optimal and customer focused. Through a unique blend of

    domain knowledge, technology and robust processes we have successfully

    provided solutions to our leading Insurance Customers who faced challenges


    Demanding business need for new, innovative applications in the

    shortest possible time

    Striking balance between new technology adoption and the legacy


    Long term plan for Application Integration, re-engineering and


    Application and infrastructure maintenance

    Availability of skilled resources Managing dynamic regulatory compliances in the legacy environment


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    Service Offerings for Insurance

    We provide end-to-end IT services and solutions helping insurers in achieve

    operational excellence, exceed customer expectations, faster time-to-market,

    while driving their top-line revenue growth.


    Development & Maintenance Services

    We offer cost effective solutions using our dual shore, onshore, near shore,

    offshore delivery methodologies. Backed by our strong processes for

    Application Support, Development and Legacy Transformation, our core

    competencies lie in the functional areas of

    New Business and Underwriting Systems

    Policy Administration and Claims Processing

    Agency Management Systems

    Insurance Distribution Channel Management

    Web enablement/Development of websites

    Development of front-end applications to Legacy Systems


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    Finance and Accounting

    Regulatory Compliance

    Testing Services

    We provide end-to-end testing services to the Insurance Industry to ensure

    faster time-to-market by utilizing our test assets like library of test cases for

    the Insurance Industry, automation of test scenarios, and host of in-house

    developed tools. Our suites of testing services include functional testing,

    operational acceptance testing, security testing and performance testing.

    Consultancy Services

    We provide consultancy in the areas of Enterprise Architecture, Design

    Architecture, Data Migration, Usability Engineering for B2B/B2C websites,

    Offshore Advisory services, Packaged Solution and Process implementation

    services. We also provide IT staff augmentation services to Insurers who

    look for specific skills and profiles.

    Business Intelligence

    Having provided end-to-end BI solutions for several Global Insurance

    Organizations, we have been able to develop the expertise required to help

    Insurance companies achieve performance excellence with custom-made BI

    Insurance Solutions. Our solutions encompass every critical function that

    needs monitoring to improve the overall productivity and profitability of an

    Insurance Organization. These industry centric solutions, along with our

    Strategic Business Intelligence Framework provide the BI Excellence, which

    is the key to Enterprise Performance Management. Zensar's Business


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    Intelligence and Data Warehousing Solutions for the Insurance Industry

    include Channel & Product Profitability, Underwriting and Claims

    Intelligence, Broker and Delegated Billing Entities Intelligence, Finance,

    Sales Force Performance Management and Customer Service Analytics


    Banking and Financial Services Practice at Zensar is built on the strength of

    four core competencies - Domain, Process, Technology and Innovation. The

    practice is boosted by a myriad of activities like industry research and trends,

    tools evaluation, continuous process optimization, innovation leading to

    intellectual property, publishing white papers and capturing experiences in

    the form of best practices and case studies.

    Zensar's Banking and Financial Services Practice addresses the needs of

    clients by leveraging its rich industry experience and deep technology

    expertise. Our highly qualified team engages with clients to help them

    implement sustainable business strategies while maintaining cost efficiencies

    and thereby, gain competitive advantage in their marketplaces. Through a

    network of alliances and partnerships, we provide true end-to-end business

    transformation services to our clients.

    Service Offerings in Banking

    The bouquet of our service offerings cut across various horizontals like

    application development, modernization and migrations, support and

    maintenance and high-end consulting in major industry segments including

    Retail Banking, Private Banking and Wealth Management, Capital Markets,

    Compliance and Risk Management


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    Innovative Framework - Solution Blue-Print (SBP)

    SBP is an in-house developed technology framework that facilitates and

    simplifies the development and maintenance of software thus reducing costs

    and improving productivity through process automation

    Significant ROI is realized by the utilization and reuse of pre-built

    models from the Enterprise Repository

    Solution BluePrint are platform agnostic, thus enabling the

    development of multi-platform deployable solutions whenever needed

    Global Distributed Delivery Model

    Process innovation fueled by an impeccable track record for

    providing solutions to both public sector and the private sector globally

    has resulted in Zensar's Global Delivery Platform (GDP) and thus

    providing for collaborative solution delivery across shores and


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    entities seamlessly. This also enables Zensar to provide solutions to

    customer on "Opti-shore delivery model" across multiple

    geographies, often tailored to suit individual customer


    Lower cost of implementation /maintenance, faster time-to-market,

    ready pool of trained and qualified professionals, and flexible staffing

    with increased agility for ramp-up/down

    Functionality Readiness Matrix


    Helps client achieve set targets of time-to-Market for the

    Product/Service offering

    Facilitates risk based testing and gives client optimum Quality in given


    Assurance of reliable application roll out mitigating risk to Brand

    Image and Business (Revenue) Opportunity without compromising


    Strike balance between Time and Quality with optimum cost

    Identification of Functional Reliability and Business Risks

    Goal/Target setting for mitigating identified risks, test completeness

    and defect resolution

    Continuous data feeds from external processes like Test Status

    Reports, Traceability Matrix, Defect Status reports, Project

    Management Plans etc for decision making (Dynamic and periodical)

    Providing Client and Project management with a "big picture" view of



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    Energy and Utilities

    Energy and Utilities (E & U) practice of Zensar possesses deep domain

    expertise and exposure to Global Utility markets backed by 15 years of

    hands on experience in the Industry's core technologies. E & U practice has

    participated in the regulation and deregulation journey of the energy markets

    and is actively assisting customers in achieving their goals and objectives.

    E & U practice has acquired, expertise in the entire value chain of Energy &

    Utilities industry's upstream, mid-stream, down-stream sectors and back

    office operations with cumulative experience of 150+ projects and

    over15000+ person years.


    Transmission Outage and Generation Availability,

    Asset Management and Maintenance

    Inventory Control

    Fuel management


    Network Analysis, MIMS

    Balancing Mechanism

    Integrated Energy Management BETTA

    Mains Risk Priority Management



    Emergency Meter Work


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    Job Issue System

    Demand Derivation system

    Field Force Device Replacement,

    Connections work management & AMR,

    Market Intelligence & Provision of Information

    Back Office Operations

    Knowledge Management

    Enterprise Collaboration

    EUC Applications Infrastructure Management


    Service Offerings

    Energy and Utilities practice has been providing the following services in

    Analyzing and implementing regulatory and de regulatory changes, Legacy

    Systems, Business process alignment and IT system improvements, Rapid

    Application development to drive business benefits, Regulatory reporting ,

    Program Assurance, Performance management, Application separation, and

    consolidation due to deregulation or mergers and Acquisition, System

    Integration and Green IT services We specialize in Advanced Meter

    Management and Energy trading with our framework based solution, for

    prototype and POC based implementation. We have local market experts as

    partners for European and Indian markets.


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    Best Practices

    Market Study: Understanding of the history, back ground , impacts and

    future of regulations and de-regulations in UK. Participated in handling

    innumerous IT system impacts due to regulation and de-regulations

    FOMSA Exit (Front office system separation)

    SOMSA Exit (System Operation Systems separation)

    Separation of IDNs and Interface building (Black water Program)

    Connection unbundling

    Regulatory reporting (Market Information provisioning projects)

    Participation in RGTA / BETTA / TMA programs implementation.

    Value Proposition


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    Framework based development for Energy Trading

    Innovative way of bridging the gap between Industry and service

    providers through Market based Advisory Councils.

    Partnership with leading Utilities domain and market experts in

    Europe to bring the Industry best practices and IT services


    Energy and Utilities practice specializes in providing cutting edge

    technology solutions in Automatic Meter Management (AMM), Asset

    and Work Management , Energy Trading, Balancing Mechanism,

    Field Force Automation, SOA based Energy Trading framework to

    implement flexibility, re-usability and competitive strategy and

    Integration of systems and processes to get STP.


    Globally manufacturing companies are undergoing a change. With

    rising customer expectations and increasing competition generating

    pressure on margins, companies are being pushed to innovate on new

    products and services with increased operational complexity.

    Companies cannot be run in the traditional way anymore. In this

    competitive market only whose who control costs , invest on product

    innovation and reduce time to market will surge ahead.

    We believe that IT can be an enabler to create the culture change to

    drive companies in that direction. We leverage on our range of

    solutions and services to engage with the customer to be a true

    'Transformation Partner'.

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    With 200+ experienced consultants in different streams have engaged

    in 50 over projects of diverse complexities. Our engagement ranges

    from many fortune 500 companies engaged with us for long periods

    upto 8-10 years which is deep and matured and also includes SMEs for

    quick short cycle implementations as well.

    We deliver enterprise class solution core to manufacturing and supply

    chain and around all related services which are extremely critical to

    make an IT enablement most effective as an end to end partner.

    Consulting Services (Consulting Practice)

    To help device IT enablement strategy based on organization's IT readiness

    and future growth plans so IT can be used as true business transformation


    Oracle ERP - Manufacturing and Supply Chain Implementation

    SAP - Implementation Solution in manufacturing and supply chain


    Product Development

    Manufacturing Operations

    Demand Driven Supply Chain - Demantra

    Supply Chain Management

    Reverse Logistics - Service Supply Chain

    Business intelligence / Enterprise performance Management

    In manufacturing and supply chain space

    Customer Operations

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    Improving customer experience in B2B , B2C and B2E mode by deploying

    internal and external portals

    Supply Chain Integrations

    SOA and EAM - The initial pitch should be a business pitch without too

    much technology.

    BPO service in Supply Chain

    Healthcare and Life Sciences

    The healthcare and life sciences industry is seeing a rapid change across the

    globe due to evolving research programs, technology advancement and

    upcoming business models and frameworks. The entire gamut of the

    healthcare & life sciences sector has become very data intensive, owing to

    the mandatory and stringent regulatory enforcements leading to multiple

    challenges in terms of providing more affordable treatment and better patient

    care. The pressure to maintain huge volumes of data and the importance to

    ensure accuracy and reliability of the data repository requires companies to

    utilize technology in order to address the increasing demand of the industry.

    Zensar Technologies helps healthcare and life sciences organizations to

    increase operational efficiencies, reduce administrative and delivery cost,

    and enhance patient health and wellness through patient-centric processes

    and inter-operable methods.

    Interoperability is the key between various service offerings. Through proven

    technologies, industry best practices, and global delivery capabilities, we

    provide high-quality healthcare and life sciences support solutions. By

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    leveraging our experience, we have developed technical expertise in

    providing services like data integration and warehousing, business

    intelligence and enterprise collaboration solutions, domain-specific

    frameworks and business models, process outsourcing and many more.

    Life Sciences

    We help in structuring yourprocesses as you embark on your success story

    of innovation from Molecule to Market.

    Share our expertise - Our industry experts continuously keep an eye on

    the industry standards & government regulations

    Leverage our experience Our years of experience can prove to be

    immensely beneficial in optimizing the lead times by accelerating the

    product release process

    Trust our confidence We have become proficient in understanding

    the support requirements in the drug development processes, and thus

    offer customized services for workflow management, tracking &

    traceability, innovative marketing and design packages


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    In today's scenario, Insurers face issues like globalization, growing demand

    for web based services, regulatory demands, security threats and outsourcing.

    We understand the needs of the industry and offer Innovative Solutions

    which are unique, optimal and customer focused. Through a unique blend of

    domain knowledge, technology and robust processes we have successfully

    provided solutions to our leading Insurance Customers who faced challenges


    Demanding business need for new, innovative applications in the

    shortest possible time

    Striking balance between new technology adoption and the legacy


    Long term plan for Application Integration, re-engineering and


    Application and infrastructure maintenance

    Availability of skilled resources

    Managing dynamic regulatory compliances in the legacy environment

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    Service Offerings

    We provide end-to-end IT services and solutions helping insurers in achieve

    operational excellence, exceed customer expectations, faster time-to-market,

    while driving their top-line revenue growth.


    Banking and Financial Services Practice at Zensar is built on the strength of

    four core competencies - Domain, Process, Technology and Innovation. The

    practice is boosted by a myriad of activities like industry research and trends,

    tools evaluation, continuous process optimization, innovation leading to

    intellectual property, publishing white papers and capturing experiences in

    the form of best practices and case studies.

    Zensar's Banking and Financial Services Practice addresses the needs of

    clients by leveraging its rich industry experience and deep technology

    expertise. Our highly qualified team engages with clients to help them

    implement sustainable business strategies while maintaining cost efficienciesand thereby, gain competitive advantage in their marketplaces. Through a

    network of alliances and partnerships, we provide true end-to-end business

    transformation services to our clients.

    Energy and Utilities

    Energy and Utilities

    Energy and Utilities

    Energy and Utilities (E & U) practice of Zensar possesses deep domain

    expertise and exposure to Global Utility markets backed by 15 years of

    hands on experience in the Industry's core technologies. E & U practice has


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    participated in the regulation and deregulation journey of the energy markets

    and is actively assisting customers in achieving their goals and objectives.

    E & U practice has acquired, expertise in the entire value chain of Energy &

    Utilities industry's upstream, mid-stream, down-stream sectors and back

    office operations with cumulative experience of 150+ projects and

    over15000+ person years.


    Transmission Outage and Generation Availability,

    Asset Management and Maintenance

    Inventory Control

    Fuel management


    Network Analysis, MIMS

    Balancing Mechanism

    Integrated Energy Management BETTA

    Mains Risk Priority Management




    Emergency Meter Work Job Issue System

    Demand Derivation system

    Field Force Device Replacement,

    Connections work management & AMR,


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    Market Intelligence & Provision of Information

    Back Office Operations

    Knowledge Management

    Enterprise Collaboration

    EUC Applications

    Infrastructure Management



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    Globally manufacturing companies are undergoing a change. With rising

    customer expectations and increasing competition generating pressure on

    margins, companies are being pushed to innovate on new products and

    services with increased operational complexity. Companies cannot be run in

    the traditional way anymore. In this competitive market only whose who

    control costs , invest on product innovation and reduce time to market will

    surge ahead.

    We believe that IT can be an enabler to create the culture change to drive

    companies in that direction. We leverage on our range of solutions and

    services to engage with the customer to be a true 'Transformation Partner'.

    With 200+ experienced consultants in different streams have engaged in 50

    over projects of diverse complexities. Our engagement ranges from manyfortune 500 companies engaged with us for long periods upto 8-10 years

    which is deep and matured and also includes SMEs for quick short cycle

    implementations as well.

    We deliver enterprise class solution core to manufacturing and supply chain

    and around all related services which are extremely critical to make an IT

    enablement most effective as an end to end partner.


    Zensar offers innovative and cost effective Manufacturing solutions in SAP.

    The pre-configured industry solution mySAP All-in-One for the


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    Manufacturing Industry, addresses typical business challenges prevailing in

    this segment. A more focused pre-configured offering OBTEngg is an

    integrated solution that covers complete business processes needs of the

    Manufacturing industry like Machine Building, Fabrication, Component

    Manufacturing OEM, Component Manufacturing Replacements and Design

    and Development. Both these solution has enable us to offer high quality

    solution at affordable costs on a fixed time and cost basis. As a one-stop SAP

    Solution Provider, ZensarOBT offers turnkey solution consisting of SAP

    Licenses, Computer Hardware, Implementation, and Annual Maintenance to

    all its clientele.

    OBTEngg, offers comprehensive business functionalities with a ready-to-use

    reporting system, which also complies with regulatory principles. The

    solution can be implemented in little over 75 days, which means Faster

    Return on Investment. OBTEngg reduces the implementation time drastically

    while maintaining all the required functionality. Typical features of this

    product include:

    Integrated Solution for Design, Pilot launch and stabilization.

    Variant configuration to facilitate complex product manufacturing.

    Complete solution of contract manufacturing.

    Quality assurance and monitoring based on customer and Vendor

    specific quality plans.

    SPC monitoring for process improvements.

    On-line OEE and NEE calculation for quick and effective feedback for

    the management to take necessary improvement measures.


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    Preventive and Break down maintenance of machineries and

    Production resource tools.

    Effective solutions with Document management system coupled with

    Manufacturing change management for Monitoring design changes.

    Export management system with all the statutory documents required.

    Business Intelligence

    The Manufacturing world's most critical need is the ability to get a single

    enterprise view of end to end enterprise information from vendors/ suppliers

    to customers in order to fuel the realization of investments made in

    information technology. Our BIDW practice provides custom-made solutions

    for the manufacturing industry, with a special focus on High Tech, Consumer

    Electronics and Traditional Manufacturing corporations. Having provided

    end-to-end BI solutions for several Global Manufacturing Conglomerates,

    we have developed the expertise required to help Manufacturing companies

    achieve performance excellence in an increasingly challenging and complex

    industry scenario.Our solutions for this sector encompass every mission critical function that

    needs monitoring to improve the overall profitability of the Manufacturing

    Organisation. These industry centric solutions, along with our Strategic

    Business Intelligence Framework provide the BI Excellence, which is the

    key to Enterprise Performance Management. Zensar's Business Intelligence

    & Data Warehousing Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry include,

    Inbound Logistics, Planning and Production, Sales and Marketing,Finance,

    Human Resources and After Sales Services.


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    Over The Counter Products

    India continues to hold a significant pharmaceutical market potential, not

    least due to its large and rapidly expanding population. Prescription drugs

    account for around two-thirds of the total market, with over-the-counter

    (OTC) products likely to benefit from the liberalisation of retail channels

    anticipated during the forecast period. Generics represent less than 40% of

    the market by value, although intellectual property (IP) regime shortcomings

    allow for the production and use of counterfeit drugs. India's imports of

    medicines are expected to overtake its exports, resulting in a trade deficit of

    US$300mn by 2010, although foreign acquisitions by large domestic generic

    manufacturers will boost exports of cheaper drugs. The Indian drug sector

    remains highly competitive, with the state pricing policy continuing to stifle

    growth and the new drug patent law set to increase foreign company activity.

    BMI expects the pharmaceutical sector to grow by some 8% in 2006, behind

    the country's major Asian rival, China. Sales are likely to exceed US$15.2bn

    by 2010, with annual growth at around 9%. The growth of 'civilisation'

    diseases, boosted by changing demographics and rising healthcare

    expectations, will simulate the need for cardiovascular, neurological,

    metabolic and cancer drugs in particular. The treatment of infective diseases,

    especially hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, will necessitate supplies from abroad,

    while simultaneously encouraging local research and development (R&D)

    activities in this direction. Expected liberalisation of over-the-counter (OTC)

    medicine sales channels will in the short term result in shrinking profits, but

    in the longer term boost the sector's performance. However, the expected


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    price cuts will have a significant negative effect on all sectors of the industry

    and its commitment to local R&D and future launches, while potentially

    boosting trade in counterfeits.

    In regional terms, India will outperform a number of its neighbours, boosted

    by its ongoing industrial development, foreign direct investment and

    overseas activities. However, IP and pricing problems will continue to hinder

    pharmaceutical sector growth over the coming years. Indeed, the government

    is planning to reduce the prices of approximately 8% of all drugs sold in the

    country, with the most expensive treatments receiving the largest cuts.

    Nevertheless, BMI's adjusted Business Environment Rankings for Asia place

    India in sixth place, behind China.

    Indian firms continue to expand in advanced markets, both through outright

    acquisitions of overseas facilities and generic product approvals in advanced

    markets. Most recently, Venus Remedies has secured a deal to export its

    oncology products to Ukraine. International companies remain interested in

    the Indian market, which is developing due to population growth, as well as

    improvements in economic conditions and patent law. Consequently, new

    launches will become a more frequent occurrence. US-based Bristol-Myers

    Squibb has recently introduced Baraclude to meet the rising, but as yet

    unmet, medical need for chronic hepatitis B treatment in India.

    Countries covered: India

    India continues to hold a significant pharmaceutical market potential, not

    least due to its large and rapidly expanding population. Prescription drugs

    account for around two-thirds of the total market, with over-thecounter

    (OTC) products likely to benefit from the liberalisation of retail channels


  • 8/3/2019 Project Report on Zensar Pharma


    anticipated during the forecast period. Generics represent less than 40% of

    the market by value, although intellectual property (IP) regime shortcomings

    allow for the production and use of counterfeit drugs. Indias imports of

    medicines are expected to overtake its exports, resulting in a trade deficit of

    US$300mn by 2010, although foreign acquisitions by large domestic generic

    manufacturers will boost exports of cheaper drugs. The Indian drug sector

    remains highly competitive, with the state pricing policy continuing to stifle

    growth and the new drug patent law set to increase foreign company activity.

    BMI expects the pharmaceutical sector to grow by some 8% in 2006, behind

    the countrys major Asian rival, China. Sales are likely to exceed US$15.2bn

    by 2010, with annual growth at around 9%. The growth of civilisation

    diseases, boosted by changing demographics and rising healthcare

    expectations, will simulate the need for cardiovascular, neurological,

    metabolic and cancer drugs in particular. The treatment of infective diseases,

    especially hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, will necessitate supplies from abroad,

    while simultaneously encouraging local research and development (R&D)

    activities in this direction. Expected liberalisation of over-the-counter (OTC)

    medicine sales channels will in the short term result in shrinking profits, but

    in the longer term boost the sectors performance. However, the expected

    price cuts will have a significant negative effect on all sectors of the industry

    and its commitment to local R&D and future launches, while potentially

    boosting trade in counterfeits.

    In regional terms, India will outperform a number of its neighbours, boosted

    by its ongoing industrial development, foreign direct investment and


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    overseas activities. However, IP and pricing problems will continue to hinder

    pharmaceutical sector growth over the coming years. Indeed, the government

    is planning to reduce the prices of approximately 8% of all drugs sold in the

    country, with the most expensive treatments receiving the largest cuts.

    Nevertheless, BMIs adjusted Business Environment Rankings for Asia place

    India in sixth place, behind China.

    Indian firms continue to expand in advanced markets, both through outright

    acquisitions of overseas facilities and generic product approvals in advanced

    markets. Most recently, Venus Remedies has secured a deal to export its

    oncology products to Ukraine. International companies remain interested in

    the Indian market, which is developing due to population growth, as well as

    improvements in economic conditions and patent law. Consequently, new

    launches will become a more frequent occurrence. US based Bristol-Myers

    Squibb has recently introduced Baraclude to meet the rising, but as yet

    unmet, medical need for chronic hepatitis B treatment in India

    Ranbaxy Q1 2007 Net Profit Rises 79% to Rs.129 Crores

    Operating profit before tax doubles (Rs 1,597 Mn, up 100%); Consolidated

    Revenues at Rs.15,644 Mn; up 23% compared to corresponding quarter.


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    Generic: Amlodipine

    VAMLO Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 2.5 mg 10 Rs: 12.45

    Tablet 5 mg 10 Rs: 17.95

    Tablet 10 mg 10 Rs: 34.35

    Generic: Amlodipine + Losartan Potassium

    COVAMLO Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 Rs: 67.5

    Generic: Aspirin (Low Dose)

    ASPENT Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 60 mg 14 Rs: 9

    Generic: Atorvastatin

    STORVAS Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 mg 10 Rs: 75

    Tablet 20 mg 10 Rs: 140

    Tablet 5 mg 10 Rs: 39

    Generic: Candesartan

    CANDESAR Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 4 mg 10 Rs: 27

    Tablet 8 mg 10 Rs: 48

    Tablet 16 mg 10 Rs: 80

    Generic: Carvedilol

    CASLOT Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 12.5 mg 10 Rs: 30

    Tablet 3.125 mg 10 Rs: 9

    Tablet 6.25 mg 10 Rs: 16

    Tablet 25 mg 10 Rs: 52

    Tablet 25 mg 10 Rs: 52

    Generic: Celiprolol


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    CELIPRES Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 100 mg 10 Rs: 27.7

    Tablet 200 mg 10 Rs: 51.15

    Generic: Clopidogrel

    CERUVIN Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 75 mg 10 Rs: 57.6

    Generic: Dextromethorphan

    CHERICOF LOZENGES Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Lozenges 5 mg 8 Rs: 21

    Generic: Esomeprazole

    RACIPER Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 20 mg 10 Rs: 21.9

    Tablet 40 mg 10 Rs: 37.9

    Generic: Fenofibrate

    STANLIP Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 160 mg 10 Rs: 70

    Generic: Finasteride

    FINARA Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 5 mg 5 Rs: 95.4

    Generic: GlimepirideGLIMPID Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 1 mg 10 Rs: 53

    Tablet 2 mg 10 Rs: 82

    Tablet 4 mg 10 Rs: 103.4

    Generic: Losartan Potassium

    COVANCE Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 25 mg 10 Rs: 26

    Tablet 50 mg 10 Rs: 49


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    Generic: Losartan Potassium + Hydrochlorothiazide

    COVANCE-D Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 Rs: 57

    Generic: Metformin

    RIOMET OD Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 500 mg 10 Rs: 13

    Tablet 1000 mg 10 Rs: 25

    Generic: Montelukast

    ROMILAST Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 4 mg 10 Rs: 79.3

    Tablet 5 mg 10 Rs: 98.8

    Tablet 10 mg 10 Rs: 149.95

    ROMILAST GRANULES Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Sachet 4 mg 1 Rs: 5.85

    Generic:Montelukast +


    ROMILAST-B Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 Rs: 69

    Tablet 10 Rs: 104.6

    Generic: PioglitazonePIOGLAR Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 15 mg 10 Rs: 50

    Tablet 30 mg 10 Rs: 80

    Generic: Quetiapine Fumarate

    SOCALM Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 25 mg 10 Rs: 17

    Tablet 100 mg 10 Rs: 45

    Tablet 200 mg 10 Rs: 85


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    Generic: Rabies Immunoglobulin

    IMOGAM RABIES Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Vial 300 i.u. 2ml Rs: 3900

    Generic: Rabies Vaccine

    VERORAB Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Vial 0.5ml Rs: 304

    Generic: Ramipril

    CORPRIL Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Capsule 1.25 mg 10 Rs: 15

    Capsule 2.5 mg 10 Rs: 40

    Capsule 5 mg 10 Rs: 56.9

    Generic: Ramipril + Amlodipine

    CORPRIL AM Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 Rs: 45

    Generic: Simvastatin + Nicotinic acid

    SIMVOTIN Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 5 mg 10 Rs: 59

    Tablet 10 mg 10 Rs: 86

    Tablet 20 mg 10 Rs: 141

    Generic: Tadalafil

    FORZEST Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 10 mg 4 Rs: 78

    Tablet 20 mg 4 Rs: 118

    Generic: Tolterodine Tartarate

    ROLITEN Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Tablet 1 mg 10 Rs: 35

    Tablet 2 mg 10 Rs: 65

    Generic: Valsartan


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    STARVAL Ranbaxy Global Consumer Healthcare

    Capsule 80 mg 10 Rs: 69

    Capsule 160 mg 10 Rs: 130


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    Sample - Size = 100 Questionnaire

    Target Group -


    Age Group : 21 + years

    Male and female

    Users of Zensar and competition brands

    Non users of category

    Minimum quotas will be ensured for

    - Zensar users

    - Consumers who have seen Zensar advertising

    1. Research Design:

    A research design is a pattern or an outline of a research projects working. It is a

    statement of only the essential elements of a study, those that provide the basic guidelines

    for the details of the project. It comprises a series of prior decision that taken together

    provide master plans for executing a research projects.A research design serves as a bridge between what ha