proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

Carcinogenesis vol.21 no.7 pp.1355–1363, 2000 Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male descendants of mice exposed developmentally to diethylstilbestrol Retha R.Newbold 1,6 , Rita B.Hanson 5 , malignant changes in the developmentally DES-exposed Wendy N.Jefferson 1 , Bill C.Bullock 3 , Joseph Haseman 2 murine genital tract closely parallel those reported in and John A.McLachlan 4 humans (1–12). In fact, this DES-exposed animal model has both replicated and predicted lesions observed in similarly 1 Developmental Endocrinology Section, Reproductive Toxicology Group, exposed humans (13–15); however, the etiology of these Laboratory of Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology Program and various DES-induced abnormalities has remained unclear. 2 Biostatistics Branch, Environmental Diseases and Medicine Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle While many of the effects are considered teratogenic (6,10– Park, NC 27709, 3 Department of Pathology, Wake Forest University School 12) and may be associated with abnormal gene expression of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA during development (16), the pathogenesis of some of the 4 Present address: Environmental Endocrinology Lab, Tulane/Xavier Center neoplastic lesions is more difficult to discern (7,9,10,17). for Bioenvironmental Research and Department of Pharmacology, Tulane Although DES and other estrogens are known carcinogens University, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA in humans and rodents (18), the cellular and molecular 5 Present address: Environmental Health Perspectives, National Institute of mechanisms by which these hormones induce neoplasia have Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA not been fully elucidated. 6 To whom correspondence should be addressed Stimulation of cell proliferation and gene expression by Email: [email protected] binding to the estrogen receptor have been suggested to be important mechanisms in hormonal carcinogenesis (19). The Prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) is associated significance of these mechanisms is supported by our recent with reproductive tract abnormalities, subfertility and neo- study showing increased DES-induced tumor prevalence and plasia in experimental animals and humans. Studies using reduced time to tumor formation in the uteri of transgenic mice experimental animals suggest that the carcinogenic effects of DES may be transmitted to succeeding generations. To that overexpress the estrogen receptor (20). These findings are further evaluate this possibility and to determine if there consistent with other studies that suggest estrogens can be is a sensitive window of exposure, outbred CD-1 mice were epigenetic carcinogens, acting via a promoting effect related treated with DES during three developmental stages: group to cellular proliferation, mediated through the estrogen 1 was treated on days 9–16 of gestation (2.5, 5 or 10 µg/kg receptor (21–23). However, binding to the estrogen receptor maternal body weight) during major organogenesis; group and estrogenicity alone are not altogether sufficient to explain II was treated once on day 18 of gestation (1000 µg/kg the carcinogenic activity of estrogens because some estrogens maternal body weight) just prior to birth; and group III are not carcinogenic (24). was treated on days 1–5 of neonatal life (0.002 µg/pup/ Other mechanisms may be related to estrogen-induced day). DES-exposed female mice (F 1 ) were raised to maturity carcinogenesis (for review, see ref. 25). While estrogens are and bred to control males to generate DES-lineage (F 2 ) not mutagenic in many assays, they do exhibit specific types descendants. The F 2 males obtained from these matings of genotoxic activity under certain conditions. In cell culture, are the subjects of this report; results in F 2 females DES, 17β-estradiol and their metabolites have been reported have been reported previously [Newbold et al. (1998) to induce morphological and neoplastic transformation of Carcinogenesis, 19, 1655–1663]. Reproductive performance Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells; SHE cells express no of F 2 males when bred to control females was not different measurable levels of estrogen receptor, and estrogen treatment from control males. However, in DES F 2 males killed at is not mitogenic to the cells (26). Thus, estrogenic activity 17–24 months, an increased incidence of proliferative apparently does not play a role in the transformation of these lesions of the rete testis and tumors of the reproductive cells. SHE cell transformation rates do, however, correlate tract was observed. Since these increases were seen in with aneuploidy induction and DNA damage caused by DNA all DES treatment groups, all exposure periods were adducts (25). Further evidence of genetic and epigenetic effects considered susceptible to perturbation by DES. These data associated with estrogen treatment has been described in our suggest that, while fertility of the DES F 2 mice appeared studies of developmentally DES-exposed mice (27,28) and unaltered, increased susceptibility for tumors is transmitted humans (29), and in studies from other laboratories (30–32). from the DES ‘grandmothers’ to subsequent generations. These data raise the possibility that the neoplastic changes seen following developmental exposure to DES may be related to epigenetic and/or genetic changes imprinted at the molecular Introduction level. Recent reviews lend support to this hypothesis (33,34). Whether these DES-induced changes persist and are trans- For many years, research in our laboratory has centered on ferred to subsequent generations is not known, but growing studying the effects of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and other evidence in experimental animals suggests that this is indeed estrogens on differentiating reproductive tract tissues. Using a possibility; increased incidence of second generation tumors the CD-1 outbred mouse, we have shown that benign and has been reported (35–38). Although one study reported no adverse second generation effects of DES in a group of 8–12- Abbreviations: DES, diethylstilbestrol; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin. Published by Oxford University Press 1355

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Page 1: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

Carcinogenesis vol.21 no.7 pp.1355–1363, 2000

Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in maledescendants of mice exposed developmentally to diethylstilbestrol

Retha R.Newbold1,6, Rita B.Hanson5, malignant changes in the developmentally DES-exposedWendy N.Jefferson1, Bill C.Bullock3, Joseph Haseman2 murine genital tract closely parallel those reported inand John A.McLachlan4 humans (1–12). In fact, this DES-exposed animal model has

both replicated and predicted lesions observed in similarly1Developmental Endocrinology Section, Reproductive Toxicology Group,exposed humans (13–15); however, the etiology of theseLaboratory of Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology Program andvarious DES-induced abnormalities has remained unclear.2Biostatistics Branch, Environmental Diseases and Medicine Program,

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle While many of the effects are considered teratogenic (6,10–Park, NC 27709, 3Department of Pathology, Wake Forest University School 12) and may be associated with abnormal gene expressionof Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA

during development (16), the pathogenesis of some of the4Present address: Environmental Endocrinology Lab, Tulane/Xavier Center neoplastic lesions is more difficult to discern (7,9,10,17).for Bioenvironmental Research and Department of Pharmacology, Tulane Although DES and other estrogens are known carcinogensUniversity, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA

in humans and rodents (18), the cellular and molecular5Present address: Environmental Health Perspectives, National Institute of mechanisms by which these hormones induce neoplasia haveEnvironmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA not been fully elucidated.6To whom correspondence should be addressed Stimulation of cell proliferation and gene expression byEmail: [email protected] binding to the estrogen receptor have been suggested to be

important mechanisms in hormonal carcinogenesis (19). ThePrenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) is associatedsignificance of these mechanisms is supported by our recentwith reproductive tract abnormalities, subfertility and neo-study showing increased DES-induced tumor prevalence andplasia in experimental animals and humans. Studies usingreduced time to tumor formation in the uteri of transgenic miceexperimental animals suggest that the carcinogenic effects

of DES may be transmitted to succeeding generations. To that overexpress the estrogen receptor (20). These findings arefurther evaluate this possibility and to determine if there consistent with other studies that suggest estrogens can beis a sensitive window of exposure, outbred CD-1 mice were epigenetic carcinogens, acting via a promoting effect relatedtreated with DES during three developmental stages: group to cellular proliferation, mediated through the estrogen1 was treated on days 9–16 of gestation (2.5, 5 or 10 µg/kg receptor (21–23). However, binding to the estrogen receptormaternal body weight) during major organogenesis; group and estrogenicity alone are not altogether sufficient to explainII was treated once on day 18 of gestation (1000 µg/kg the carcinogenic activity of estrogens because some estrogensmaternal body weight) just prior to birth; and group III are not carcinogenic (24).was treated on days 1–5 of neonatal life (0.002 µg/pup/ Other mechanisms may be related to estrogen-inducedday). DES-exposed female mice (F1) were raised to maturity carcinogenesis (for review, see ref. 25). While estrogens areand bred to control males to generate DES-lineage (F2) not mutagenic in many assays, they do exhibit specific typesdescendants. The F2 males obtained from these matings of genotoxic activity under certain conditions. In cell culture,are the subjects of this report; results in F2 females DES, 17β-estradiol and their metabolites have been reportedhave been reported previously [Newbold et al. (1998) to induce morphological and neoplastic transformation ofCarcinogenesis, 19, 1655–1663]. Reproductive performance Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells; SHE cells express noof F2 males when bred to control females was not different measurable levels of estrogen receptor, and estrogen treatmentfrom control males. However, in DES F2 males killed at is not mitogenic to the cells (26). Thus, estrogenic activity17–24 months, an increased incidence of proliferative apparently does not play a role in the transformation of theselesions of the rete testis and tumors of the reproductive cells. SHE cell transformation rates do, however, correlatetract was observed. Since these increases were seen in with aneuploidy induction and DNA damage caused by DNAall DES treatment groups, all exposure periods were adducts (25). Further evidence of genetic and epigenetic effectsconsidered susceptible to perturbation by DES. These data associated with estrogen treatment has been described in oursuggest that, while fertility of the DES F2 mice appeared studies of developmentally DES-exposed mice (27,28) andunaltered, increased susceptibility for tumors is transmitted humans (29), and in studies from other laboratories (30–32).from the DES ‘grandmothers’ to subsequent generations. These data raise the possibility that the neoplastic changes

seen following developmental exposure to DES may be relatedto epigenetic and/or genetic changes imprinted at the molecular

Introduction level. Recent reviews lend support to this hypothesis (33,34).Whether these DES-induced changes persist and are trans-For many years, research in our laboratory has centered on

ferred to subsequent generations is not known, but growingstudying the effects of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and otherevidence in experimental animals suggests that this is indeedestrogens on differentiating reproductive tract tissues. Usinga possibility; increased incidence of second generation tumorsthe CD-1 outbred mouse, we have shown that benign andhas been reported (35–38). Although one study reported noadverse second generation effects of DES in a group of 8–12-Abbreviations: DES, diethylstilbestrol; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin.

Published by Oxford University Press 1355

Page 2: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

R.R.Newbold et al.

Fig. 1. Generation of DES-lineage mice. Details are described in Materials and methods. Group I, prenatal DES treatment at a dose of 2.5, 5 or 10 µg/kg ofmaternal body weight was administered as s.c. injections on days 9–16 of gestation. Group II, prenatal DES treatment at a dose of 1000 µg/kg of maternalbody weight was injected s.c. on day 18 of gestation. Group III, neonatal DES treatment at a dose of 0.002 µg/pup/day was administered as s.c. injectionson days 1–5. Developmentally exposed DES female mice (F1) obtained from these treatment groups were mated at sexual maturity to control male mice ofthe same strain to obtain DES-lineage mice (F2). DES F2 female mice represented by the dotted line have been reported in a separate publication (40).DES-lineage males (F2) are the subjects of this study.

were supplied ad libitum. All animal procedures complied with an approvedweek-old F2 female mice, long-term abnormalities includingNIEHS/NIH animal care protocol.cancer were not examined (39). Adding support to the idea ofF1 generationa DES transgenerational effect, a recent study from ourGroup I. DES (Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis, MO) dissolved in corn oil, orlaboratory described the increased prevalence of uterinecorn oil alone (control), was administered as an s.c. injection to the pregnantadenocarcinoma in DES-lineage female mice who themselvesdam on days 9–16 of gestation at a daily dose of 2.5, 5 or 10 µg/kg ofwere never directly exposed to DES (40).maternal body weight (prenatal DES-2.5, prenatal DES-5 and prenatal DES-

The current study was designed to determine if either benign 10, respectively) as described previously (3). These doses administered underor malignant abnormalities could be transmitted along the this particular dosing scheme were previously reported to cause subfertility

but not infertility (4) and to result in reproductive tract lesions later in lifematernal germ line to DES-lineage males, as shown(3). Pregnant mice delivered their young and litters were standardized to eightpreviously for DES-lineage females (40). As described in thefemale pups each.DES-lineage female study, three windows of developmental

Group II. DES dissolved in corn oil, or corn oil alone (control), wasexposure were included to identify whether a particularly administered as a single s.c. injection to the pregnant dam on day 18 ofcritical stage of differentiation for the DES-exposed mouse gestation at a dose of 1000 µg /kg maternal body weight (prenatal DES-day

18) as described (42). This dose and treatment scheme were chosen because(F1) was essential in transmitting adverse effects: (i) DESa previous study using this protocol reported multigenerational effects (35).exposure on days 9–16 of gestation, the period of majorPregnant mice delivered their young and litters were standardized to eightorganogenesis in the mouse and a time we have shown to befemale pups.

sensitive to DES adverse effects (2,3,41); (ii) DES exposure Group III. Untreated pregnant mice delivered their young and litters wereon day 18 only, the day preceding birth, an exposure time standardized to eight female pups. Pups were injected s.c. once daily on days

1–5 of life with DES (neonatal DES) dissolved in corn oil (0.002 µg DES/that was reported by Walker (35) to be associated withpup/day; weight of pups ranged from 1 g on day 1 to 3.5 g on day 5), or cornmultigenerational effects; and (iii) DES exposure on daysoil alone (control), as described (9,10). From a pilot study which determined1–5 of neonatal life, which we have previously reported tothe fertility of female mice exposed neonatally to DES (unpublished data),

result in an increased incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma in the dose of 0.002 µg/pup/day was chosen to generate a second generation forthe F1 generation (9,10), although the tumorigenic dose used this study, since the dose of 2 µg DES/pup/day used in our previous studies

(9,10) was not compatible with fertility.previously was 1000 times higher than that used in the currentAll mice were weaned at 3 weeks of age and housed five per cage untilstudy. In the current study, we report that the increased

further study. These mice are referred to as the F1 generation. A schematicsusceptibility for reproductive tract tumors in developmentallydiagram of the experimental design for the generation of DES-lineage mice

DES-exposed female mice (F1) is passed on to their male is shown in Figure 1.descendants (F2) as reported for the female descendants (40).

F2 generationThe implications that DES and other estrogenic chemicalAccording to a previously described protocol (4), 8–12-week-old F1 femalecarcinogens may be associated with genetic/epigenetic changesmice [group I (42 prenatal DES-2.5, 42 prenatal DES-5, 39 prenatal DES-10

that can be transmitted to subsequent generations is discussed. and 25 control); group II (99 prenatal DES-day 18 and 25 control); and groupIII (42 neonatal DES and 25 control)] were bred to proven untreated malemice of the same line (four females per male). Because the controls for allMaterials and methodsthree groups were similar, they were averaged together and the data are

F0 generation presented as a single set. (In the course of the study, a larger number offemales was determined to be necessary in group II, prenatal DES-day 18, soAs described previously (3), adult CD-1 [Crl: CD-1 (ICR) BR] mice werethat sufficient numbers of F2 animals could be generated.) Females observedobtained from Charles River Breeding Laboratories (Raleigh, NC) and bredto be pregnant were removed and housed individually until delivery. Whento male mice of the same line in the breeding facility at the National InstituteF1 female mice delivered their young, pups were counted and litters wereof Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS; Research Triangle Park, NC).standardized to eight pups per litter whenever possible. The offspring of theVaginal plug detection was considered day 0 of pregnancy. On day 9 ofF1 mice are referred to as second generation (F2) or DES-lineage mice. Allgestation, pregnant female mice were individually housed in cages withF2 mice were weaned at 3 weeks of age and held four per cage for furtherhardwood chip bedding and a cotton fiber nesting block. Pregnant mice werestudy. The F2 female littermates of the males described in this study havehoused under controlled lighting (12 h light and 12 h dark) and controlled

temperature (21–22°C) conditions. NIH-31 lab mouse chow and fresh water been reported separately (40).


Page 3: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

Multigenerational carcinogenesis

Table I. Body and reproductive tissue weights among DES-lineage (F2) male micea

F1 treatment n Body wt (g) Right testis weight (g) Left testis weight (g) Epididymis weight (g) Seminal vesicle weight (g)

Actual Relative Actual Relative Actual Relative Actual Relative

Control 10 56.0 � 1.8 0.130 � 0. 005 0.234 � 0.011 0.122 � 0.004 0.218 � 0.008 0.067 � 0.002 0.121 � 0.005 0.632 � 0.062 1.134 � 0.107Group I

Prenatal DES-2.5 4 49.3 � 5.8 0.117 � 0.010 0.243 � 0.019 0.108 � 0.010 0.225 � 0.019 0.062 � 0.008 0.126 � 0.009 0.511 � 0.186 0.950 � 0.317Prenatal DES-5 5 55.1 � 2.9 0.126 � 0.007 0.233 � 0.023 0.084 � 0.023 0.146 � 0.038 0.071 � 0.005 0.130 � 0.007 0.441 � 0.060* 0.788 � 0.083*Prenatal DES-10 7 47.8 � 2.1* 0.126 � 0.005 0.265 � 0.015 0.124 � 0.004 0.262 � 0.014* 0.078 � 0.002* 0.164 � 0.004* 0.441 � 0.038* 0.949 � 0.107

Group IIPrenatal DES-day 18 8 58.6 � 2.2 0.130 � 0.003 0.223 � 0.010 0.119 � 0.003 0.203 � 0.008 0.066 � 0.002 0.113 � 0.005 0.650 � 0.075 1.059 � 0.126

Group IIINeonatal DES 3 53.2 � 6.3 0.121 � 0.021 0.232 � 0.040 0.111 � 0.019 0.213 � 0.035 0.061 � 0.003 0.118 � 0.011 0.555 � 0.117 1.019 � 0.105

Values shown are means � SE.aF1 DES-exposed female mice were mated with untreated control male mice. The male offspring (F2) from these matings are referred to as DES-lineage male mice. Treatment of F1female mice is described in Materials and methods. These F2 males were killed at 14–15 months of age following termination of the breeding study.*P � 0.05 versus controls (Mann–Whitney U-test).

F2 breeding 10.3 � 0.6 prenatal DES-10; group II, 11.1 � 1.2 prenatalThe fertility of a subset of F2 males was determined at 11–12 months of age. DES-day 18; and group III, 10.3 � 0.5 neonatal DES. NoDES-lineage (F2) male mice (10 control; group I, four DES-2.5, five DES-5, malformed neonates (F3) were noted in any group. Thus, noseven DES-10; group II, eight DES-day 18; and group III, three neonatal

biologically significant difference in fertility between controlDES) were bred to proven untreated control females, two control females perand DES-lineage males was readily apparent.DES-lineage male. When a female mouse appeared pregnant, she was removed

from the breeding cage, weighed and individually housed. At delivery, pups At the end of the breeding period, F2 males were killed;(F3) were counted, weighed and examined for gross abnormalities. At the end body weights and reproductive tissue weights are shown inof 12 weeks, breeding was discontinued and F2 DES-lineage male mice Table I. Body weights varied, but no biologically significantwere killed. Body weights were determined, serum samples collected and

differences between DES and control groups were seen exceptreproductive tract tissues were examined and group I, prenatal DES-10, which showed a statisticallyEstradiol and testosterone levelssignificant decrease in body weight when compared withSerum samples were analyzed for total estradiol and testosterone levels ascontrols (47.8 � 2.1 g versus 56.0 � 1.8 g).described previously (4).

Testicular weights were generally similar in DES and controlF2 tumor incidencegroups. After correction for body weight differences, the meanFor tumor studies, F2 male mice were killed at 17–19 or 22–24 months of

age. At necropsy, body weights were recorded and animals were observed for left testis weight (actual and relative to body weight) wasany gross abnormalities. Reproductive tract tissues were quickly removed and decreased somewhat in group I, prenatal DES-5 as comparedfixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Other tissues including liver, lung, with controls; this was reflective of one F2 DES animal withkidneys, adrenal glands and heart were also removed and similarly fixed. All

unilateral testicular atrophy (testis weight � 0.01 g).tissues were processed, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 6 µm. AConversely, the left testis/body weight ratio was significantlystandardized sectioning method was used for testes since the rete testis had

previously been identified to be a target for DES-adverse effects (7,14). A (P � 0.05) elevated in the prenatal DES-10 group. However,mid-sagittal cut along the long axis of the testis through the hilus was made this was due entirely to the reduced body weight, since actualand both cut surfaces embedded. Ten serial sections usually yielded sections mean testis weights were virtually identical in DES-10 andthrough the tubulus rectus and the intratesticular rete testis. If the rete was

control groups. Epididymal weights were not statisticallynot observed, an additional 10 sections were made. If the rete was notobserved in the recuts, no additional sections were cut. All tissue sections different except in group I, prenatal DES-10, which waswere stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and evaluated by light statistically larger than controls. Seminal vesicle weights weremicroscopy. Additional serial sections were made on some lesions to include decreased in group I, prenatal DES-5 and prenatal DES-10the entire area of pathological change. Data from the two age groups were

when compared with controls.evaluated separately and then combined; findings are presented as a single setSerum testosterone and estrogen levels from the animals in(17–24 months). Survival rates were similar between the two age groups.

the breeding study are plotted in Figure 2. Although there isStatistical analysesa trend for testosterone levels to be lower in the DES F2 males,Mann–Whitney U-tests (43) were used to compare body weights, reproductive

tissue weights and serum hormone levels in DES and control groups. The none of the reductions was statistically significant, and anyincidences of proliferative lesions (hyperplasia and tumors) were compared difference in these levels did not apparently affect Fisher’s exact test (43). Serum estrogen levels were significantly (P � 0.05) reduced

in the prenatal DES-2.5 group relative to controls (Figure 2)Results but the biological importance is uncertain. Whether additional

animals or younger animals show a similar trend needs furtherWhen 11–12-month-old DES-lineage (F2) males were bred toexamination.control females, few differences in fertility were observed

In contrast to the lack of a demonstrable affect on fertility,between the control and DES-treated groups. One male fromDES-lineage (F2) males clearly showed an increased incidencegroup I: prenatal DES-2.5, did not impregnate any femalesin proliferative lesions of the rete testis (hyperplasia andover the 12 week breeding period, even though housed withtumors) and reproductive tract tumors as compared with controlmultiple proven partners; all other F2 DES males in themice. Abnormalities observed in DES-lineage mice at 17–24study were fertile. The average litter size (mean � SE) formonths of age are summarized in Table II.the pregnant females was 11.4 � 0.4 control; group I,

10.3 � 0.5 prenatal DES-2.5, 10.0 � 0.7 prenatal DES-5, A normal rete testis from a control mouse is illustrated in


Page 4: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

R.R.Newbold et al.

Figure 3. The irregular tubules of the rete are located at the demonstrate loss of polarity and nuclear atypia (Figure 6B).The combined incidence of proliferative lesions of the retemediastinum of the testis. The channels of the rete are lined

by cuboidal or flat epithelium. Rete testis hyperplasia (Figure testis (rete testis hyperplasia and tumors) summarized inTable III, suggests that the rete testis is a target for the4) was seen in all F2 groups but the incidence and degree of

severity was more pronounced in the DES groups as compared transgenerational effects of DES. In this study, hyperplasiaand tumors of the rete were summarized together becausewith controls. Furthermore, two tumors of the rete testis were

seen in DES F2 treated groups. In group I, prenatal DES-5, these lesions represented stages in the progression of retedisease based on prior information from DES-exposed malethe rete tumor was composed of neoplastic cells that had

focally penetrated through the basement membrane. The rete mice (7,14). Occurrence of other rare lesions in this area waswas cystic, but the lining epithelial cells were not flattened(Figure 5A and B). The other rete testis tumor was in a groupII, prenatal DES-day 18 animal (Figure 6A); the lesion hadboth solid and papillary components composed of cells which

Fig. 4. Rete testis hyperplasia in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group I,prenatal DES-5. Most of the dilated rete is lined by flattened or cuboidalcells except near the tunica, where there are pleomorphic papillaryprojections of cells with highly variable nuclei. Focal hobnail cell changeand loss of polarity can be seen. (H&E, �50.)

Fig. 2. Total testosterone (ng/ml) and total estradiol (pg/ml) levels measuredin serum from DES-lineage (F2) male mice killed at the end of the breedingstudy. *P � 0.05 versus controls (Mann–Whitney U-test).

Fig. 5. (A) Rete testis tumor in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group I,prenatal DES-5. There is a papillary growth in the rete with a cysticcomponent that has focally extended through the basement membrane.(Arrow, H&E, �5.) (B) Enlargement of (A). Tumor is composed ofFig. 3. Normal rete testis in a control male mouse. Irregular tubules of the

rete are located at the mediastinum of the testis. The channels of the rete neoplastic cells that have focally penetrated through the basementmembrane. (Arrow, H&E, X25).are lined by cuboidal or flat epithelium. (H&E, �25.)


Page 5: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

Multigenerational carcinogenesis

Table II. Abnormalities in male DES-lineage (F2) mice

Developmental dose regime F1 DES treatmenta Testisb,c Reproductive tract

Control Corn oil Interstitial cell tumor 1/68 (2) b Prostatic hyperplasia 2/68 (3)Rete hyperplasia 3/53 (6) c

Group I Prenatal DES-2.5 Interstitial cell hyperplasia 4/89 (4) Prostatic hyperplasia 4/89 (4)Tubuli recti hyperplasia 1/73 (1)Rete hyperplasia 15/73 (21)

Prenatal DES-5 Interstitial cell hyperplasia 2/100 (2) Prostatic hyperplasia 9/100 (9)Interstitial cell tumor 2/100 (2) SV hyperplasia 2/100 (2)Rete hyperplasia 26/83 (31) SV papilloma 1/100 (1)Rete tumor 1/83 (1) SV carcinosarcoma 2/100 (2)

Prenatal DES-10 Interstitial cell hyperplasia 2/62 (3)Interstitial cell tumor 2/62 (3) Prostatic hyperplasia 3/62 (5)Hemangioma 1/62 (2) Ampullary gland hyperplasia 1/62 (2)Rete hyperplasia 17/49 (35)

Group II Prenatal DES-day 18 Interstitial cell hyperplasia 1/65 (2)Interstitial cell tumor 1/65 (2) Prostatic hyperplasia 4/65 (6)Lipoid cell hyperplasia of rete 1/52 (2)Rete hyperplasia 4/52 (8)Rete tumor 1/52 (2)

Group III Neonatal DES Interstitial cell hyperplasia 2/29 (7) Prostatic hyperplasia 1/29 (3)Rete hyperplasia 7/23 (30) Prostatic neoplasia 1/29 (3)

SV hyperplasia 1/29 (3)SV sarcoma 1/29 (3)CG hyperplasia 1/29 (3)

SV, seminal vesicle; CG, coagulating gland.aAs described in Materials and methods; F1 DES-exposed female mice were mated with untreated control male mice. The male offspring from these matings are referred to asDES-lineage (F2) male mice. The F2 males were killed at 17–24 months of age.bPercentages are shown in parentheses.cThe denominator in rete lesions (hyperplasia and tumors) is lower than other lesions because tissue sections were not always available for evaluation through the rete.

Table III. Summary of rete testis proliferative lesions in DES-lineage (F2) male micea

Developmental dose regime for F1 Incidence of Statisticallesions significanceb

Control 3/53 (6) –Group I

Prenatal DES-2.5 15/73 (21) P � 0.05Prenatal DES-5 27/83 (33)c P � 0.01Prenatal DES-10 17/49 (35) P � 0.01

Group IIPrenatal DES-day 18 5/52 (10)c NS

Group IIINeonatal DES 7/23 (30) P � 0.01

aF1 female mice were exposed prenatally or neonatally to DES as described inMaterials and methods. These DES F1 females were mated with untreated control malemice to obtain the DES-lineage (F2) males. The incidence of rete abnormalities wasobserved in the F2 DES-lineage males (Figure 1).bRelative to control (Fisher’s exact test); NS, not significant.cOne of these lesions was a rete testis tumor.

also observed. Tubuli recti hyperplasia in the testis (Figure 7)was seen in group I, prenatal DES-2.5. In this lesion, theterminal end of the seminiferous tubules was distended withan increased number of cells resembling those normally seen inthis area. However, nuclear size variation and hyperchromaticnuclei were seen. Another rare lesion, found in the rete testisof a group II, prenatal DES-day 18 animal, was lipoid cellhyperplasia (Figure 8). Cells with foamy cytoplasm wereinterspersed with the rete epithelial cells. There was extensionof the foamy cells for a short distance into the efferent

Fig. 6. (A) Rete testis tumor in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group II, ducts. The foamy cells were larger and more vacuolated thanprenatal DES-day 18. This tumor has both solid and papillary components.

interstitial cells in the same area. Elsewhere in the rete, there(H&E, �5.) (B) Enlargement of (A). Loss of cellular polarity and nuclearwere focal hobnail changes and loss of polarity (Figure 8).atypia can be seen. (H&E, �50.)

Interstitial cell hyperplasia and interstitial tumors were seen


Page 6: Proliferative lesions and reproductive tract tumors in male

R.R.Newbold et al.

Fig. 7. Tubuli recti hyperplasia in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group I,prenatal DES-2.5. The terminal end of the seminiferous tubule is distendedwith an increased number of cells that resemble those normally found inthis area. However, nuclear size variation and hyperchromatic nuclei can beseen. (H&E, �25.)

Fig. 9. (A) Seminal vesicle carcinosarcoma in a DES-lineage (F2) malemouse, group I, prenatal DES-5. (H&E, �5.) (B) Enlargement of (A). Thereare epithelial cells (E) on both sides of a mesenchymal component (M).Numerous mitotic figures and atypical nuclei can be seen. (Arrow, H&E,�50.)

Fig. 8. Lipoid cell hyperplasia in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group II,biological significance especially since female DES descend-prenatal DES-day 18. Cells with foamy cytoplasm are interspersed with the

rete epithelial cells. (Arrow, H&E, �50.) ants showed no corresponding increase (40). All other organsexamined in this study showed no significant differences inincidence of controls and all DES treatment groups; this finding is

consistent with reports of these spontaneous occurring tumorsDiscussionin this mouse strain (44,45).

Other rare tumors in reproductive tract tissues were observed While the main focus of this study was to determine theincidence of proliferative lesions in DES-lineage male mice,in the DES-lineage (F2) males. Of particular interest was a

seminal vesicle papilloma [1/100 (1%)] and two seminal the fertility of a subset of these F2 DES males was alsoexamined at 11–12 months of age. Although one DES-lineagevesicle carcinosarcomas [2/100 (2%), Figure 9A and B] in

group I, prenatal DES-5; prostatic neoplasia [1/29 (3%), Figure male from group I, prenatal DES 2.5 was not able to impregnateany females over the course of study, this is not an unusual10A and B] and seminal vesicle sarcoma [1/29 (3%)] in group

III, neonatal DES. These lesions are summarized in Table II. finding in rodent breeding colonies. Of the fertile males inthis study, no significant difference in reproductive outcomeSperm granulomas and inflammation in the epididymis were

observed in all DES-lineage (F2) groups. between control and DES-lineage males was observed. Littersizes were similar between control and all DES-lineage groups.The mammary gland was not routinely screened, but two

animals in group II, prenatal DES-day 18 had lesions identified Sex ratios of the litters were not determined. Since a recentreport described altered sex ratios in F2 litters resulting fromon gross examination; microscopic evaluation of these tumors

showed pathological changes consistent with fibrosarcomas of the prenatal hormone environment of the mother (46), thisendpoint warrants further examination. Although variations inthe milk line.

Other tissues were also screened for abnormalities. The body weights, reproductive tract tissue weights, and hormonelevels were observed across groups, the differences did notincidence of hepatocellular neoplasms was not different

between control and DES-lineage mice, but pulmonary neo- result in apparent altered reproductive outcomes. AdditionalDES-lineage animals need to be studied, however, to determineplasms occurred at approximately twice the rate [group I,

prenatal DES-2.5 (37%), prenatal DES-5 (34%), prenatal if subtle effects on fertility exist, since infertility in laboratoryanimals may not be a sensitive endpoint in detecting an adverseDES-10 (21%); group II, prenatal DES-day 18 (38%); group

III, neonatal DES (38%)] in DES-lineage (F2) males as response to reproductive toxicants (47).In contrast to the apparent lack of effects on fertility,compared with controls (12%). This finding is of uncertain


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and lipoid cell hyperplasia in group II, prenatal DES-day 18mouse. Considering the changes in the intra-testicular ductsystem of the testis, reported in this study, this area appearsto be a target for the transgenerational effects of DES withthe distal portion of the ductuli recti and rete being particularlyaffected. Together, these DES-induced changes could haveretrograde effects on the rest of the seminiferous tubule andfurther alter sperm transport resulting in sperm granulomas,which were also observed in DES-lineage males. A recentreview summarized the toxic effects of several compoundsincluding DES on the developing excurrent duct system (52);as pointed out, the rete testis and efferent ductules havereceived little attention in male reproductive toxicology in thepast; therefore, it is difficult to know if these tissues areinsensitive to toxicants or if they have been just overlooked.The transgenerational effects of DES described in this paperalong with previous reports from this lab describing adverseeffects including neoplasia of the rete testis following prenatalexposure to DES (7), suggest these tissues warrant additionalstudy.

Other interesting findings in this study were the occurrenceof rare tumors such as a seminal vesicle papilloma, two seminalvesicle carcinosarcomas, a seminal vesicle sarcoma and aprostatic neoplasm in DES-lineage mice.

The mechanisms involved in these transgenerational eventsare unknown. However, considering all the genetic/epigeneticeffects (25,27–32,53) that have been associated with DEStreatment, the possibility of germ cell alterations are feasible.In fact, one explanation for the transgenerational DES-effects

Fig. 10. (A) Prostatic neoplasia in a DES-lineage (F2) male mouse, group (36,37,40,54) is that the effect could be transmitted byIII, neonatal DES. The circumscribed lesion is located in the dorsolateralabnormally imprinting DNA methylation patterns. Interest-prostate. (Arrow, H&E, �5). (B) Enlargement of (A). There is a complexingly, a recent report from our laboratory describes imprintingmixture of polyhedral and spindle-shaped cells. The lesion is mostly a solid

tumor but it has some tubular structures. (H&E, �25.) of abnormal methylation patterns in estrogen-responsive genesin F1 females following developmental DES exposure (28);whether this is related to DES-lineage carcinogenicity remainshistological abnormalities in the genital tracts of the DES-

lineage mice (F2) evaluated at 17–24 months of age suggested to be determined. However, changes in DNA methylationpatterns are receiving renewed interest (55–57).an increased incidence of tumors in the rete testis and repro-

ductive tract tissues. While there is ample evidence that In summary, the data described in this report suggest thatirreversible changes exist in developmentally DES-exposedexposure of pregnant females to DES and other chemicals

results in tumors in their F1 offspring (18,48,49), the data in females that can be transmitted to their ‘grandsons’. Thisconcept is further strengthened by similar results in the F2this report add increasing support to the idea that exposure

to some chemical carcinogens may result in increased female siblings in which, like the males (F2) described in thisstudy, reproduction is not apparently altered but cancers areincidences of tumors in more than one generation of ‘untreated’

descendants (50). observed (40). The results obtained using this experimentalanimal model indicate that the cascade of events that lead toThe transgenerational effects reported in this study are very

interesting. As we have previously proposed for F1 DES- the appearance of a tumor may well begin before birth andperhaps before conception. The data described in this reportexposed males (7), the rete testis is a target for DES adverse

effects; this observation has further support from a recent are further significant because this animal model can be usedto study both genetic and epigenetic changes associated withstudy from another laboratory demonstrating adverse effects on

the rete testis following exposure to a number of environmental developmental exposure to DES. Using this animal model, wecan now systematically analyze and detect the changes causedestrogenic compounds (51). In the current study, the highest

rate of proliferative lesions in the rete testis was in group I, by DES, which will enable us to compare similarities anddifferences between mice and humans. The ability to detectprenatal DES-10 with 17/49 (35%) of the F2 males having

lesions at 17–24 months of age. Of particular significance, these genetic/epigenetic changes represents an importantadvancement in future cancer therapy and prevention. Further-was the occurrence of two rete tumors, one in group I, prenatal

DES-5 [1/83 (1%)] and another in group II, prenatal DES-day more, this animal model permits us to reach across speciesand learn more about mechanisms involved in cancer, in18 [1/52 (2%)]. Rete testis adenocarcinoma was reported

previously by this laboratory in 5% of prenatally DES-exposed particular, the factors underlying the genetic predispositionto cancer.F1 males (100 µg/kg maternal body weight) (7,14). Rete testis

tumors are rare and were not observed in any control malesAcknowledgementsin this study or in any other historical controls from this lab.

Other lesions in the rete testis observed in this study included The authors thank Dr J.C.Eldridge, Wake Forest School of Medicine, WakeForest University, Winston Salem, NC, for the testosterone and estradioltubuli recti hyperplasia in a group I, prenatal DES-2.5 mouse


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adenocarcinoma transplanted into nude mice: growth regulation byestradiol. Science, 219, 58–60.

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