prologue - amazon s3 · (all the geese honk and honk, and get around the nest, as though they are...

1 PROLOGUE Owl 1: Welcome, everybody, to our ornitho-logical show. I’m a wise old owl … that’s a bird, I’m sure you know. Owl 2: Our story begins inside a nest, where two parents are about to try To tell their four young children they all should learn to fly. Owl 3: But this won’t be so easy, as you may have already guessed, ‘Cause flying on their own will mean leaving that cozy nest! Owl 4: So let’s all see what happens when the parents make their case. We hope our little tale will leave a smile on every face. SONG 1: Birds of a Feather The original purchaser of this disc has permission to project or reproduce and distribute print copies of the contents on the CD-ROM for educational use only. Copyright © 2015 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

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Owl 1: Welcome, everybody, to our ornitho-logical show. I’m a wise old owl … that’s a bird, I’m sure you know.

Owl 2: Our story begins inside a nest, where two parents are about to try To tell their four young children they all should learn to fly.

Owl 3: But this won’t be so easy, as you may have already guessed, ‘Cause flying on their own will mean leaving that cozy nest!

Owl 4: So let’s all see what happens when the parents make their case. We hope our little tale will leave a smile on every face.

SONG 1: Birds of a Feather

The original purchaser of this disc has permission to project or reproduce and distribute print copies of the contents on the

CD-ROM for educational use only.

Copyright © 2015 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATIONInternational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved



Papa Bird: Okay, children! Today’s the day we start your flying lessons. We’ll take it nice and easy for these beginning sessions.

Baby Bird Orville: That’s okay, Pops; no need for that, there’s nothing you should fear. We’re not flying anywhere, cause...

All Baby Birds: (continuing in rhythm) …we like it here! (they all chirp excitedly)

Papa Bird: (shocked) What?! Orville! Wilbur! Amelia! Harriet! What are you saying?

Baby Bird Wilbur: That’s right Daddy-O, no need to “catch some air.” Other birds might fly around, but we’re.....

All Baby Birds: (continuing in rhythm) ... not going anywhere! (they all chirp excitedly)

Mama Bird: Now don’t be silly, children; you can’t stay here forever.

Baby Bird Amelia: We can if you keep feeding us, you see ....

All Baby Birds: (continuing in rhythm) ...we’re very clever! (they all chirp excitedly)

Papa Bird: No! No! No! Everybody has to try, And you are no exception.

Mama Bird: And as soon as you all learn to fly, we’ll have a nice reception. (holding up worms and tempting them) I’ve got worms for treats!

Papa Bird: Now, who wants to go first? Orville? Wilbur? Come on, Amelia?

(She shakes her head.)

Papa Bird: Harriet??

(Silence. The baby birds hide their heads.)

Mama Bird: Oh come now, surely one of you is brave enough to try. Certainly one of you is brave enough to fly?

(Three of the birds point to Baby Bird Harriet.)

Birds 1, 2 and 3: She’ll go!

Baby Bird Harriet: (shocked) What? What!? What are you talking about? I’m too young to die! Someone else should try it first. I don’t want to fly!

Mama Bird: Don’t want to fly? Of course you do! That’s what birdies do. And when you do, your dad and I will be so proud of you.

Baby Bird Harriet: But....But.....

Papa Bird: Listen children, flying for the first time is scary, that’s true. You get a little push, and then it’s up to you.

SONG 2: Flying/We Like It Here



Orville: Okay! Okay! I’m ready to try. I’m ready to do my best to fly!

Parrot: Everybody! Look out below! Orville is going to give it a go!

All: 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Blast off!!

Baby Bird Orville: (jumps out and “flies” around) I’m flying!

(Cast cheers.)

Baby Birds in nest: You’re flying..... But WE still like it here! (“High five” each other.)

Mama Bird: You see! Look at Orville. He’s flying on the very first try!

Baby Bird Wilbur: Yeah, but he’s always been bigger, and I’m just a regular guy!

Papa Bird: Size is not what matters when you’re taking to the sky. Small can be a benefit when one is learning to fly.

Baby Bird Amelia: Look! Here come the hummingbirds, they’re small but they can zip. Up and down and all around, they fly on every trip.

(The hummingbirds all enter humming and “flying” all around.)

SONG 3: The Hmmming Song



Baby Bird Wilbur: Well, that was very nice. They hum when they flap their wings. (looking at his wing) I guess I’ll give it a try and see if this thing sings.

Baby Bird Harriet: Look! Here come the geese; they’ll cause a big sensation. Not only are they flying, but they’re flying in formation.

(The geese enter marching like soldiers and flapping their wings.)

Sergeant Gander: (in a rhythmic marching chant) Hep 2, 3, 4! Hep 2, 3, 4! Goose and gander fall in line!

All Geese: Goose and gander fall in line!

Sergeant Gander: Every goose is flying fine!

All Geese: Every goose is flying fine!

Sergeant: Honk off!

All Geese: Honk Honk!

Sergeant: Honk Off!

All Geese: Honk! Honk!

All Geese: Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! (rest – then say last 2 fast) Honk! Honk!

Sergeant Gander: (resume normal speaking) Papa and Mrs. Bird, it has come to our attention by and by, You have reluctant children who do not want to fly.

Mama Bird: Well, Sergeant Gander, they’re just a little afraid, you know.

Papa Bird: We’re letting them take it nice and slow.

Sergeant Gander: Slow? Slow? You can’t take it nice and slow. Full speed ahead is the way to go.

(All geese honk in agreement.)

Baby Bird Amelia: Wilbur was just about to try his first flight.

Baby Bird Wilbur: Can you give me any advice, so I just might get it right?

Sergeant Gander: Of course I can! Of course I can! I’ll tell you what to do, Just take a flying leap and we’ll all be here for you!

(All the geese honk and honk, and get around the nest, as though they are going to catch him if he falls.)

Baby Bird Wilbur: Oh! Thank you, all my feathered friends! With you here, I can do it!

Sergeant Gander: Of course you can, my chickadee. There’s really nothing to it!

All: 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! There he goes!

(There is lots of honking and cheering as Wilbur “flies” around the stage.)

Baby Bird Wilbur: I’m flying!

Baby Birds Amelia and Harriet: You’re flying … but WE still like it here.

(Give each other a “high five.”)

Mama Bird: Oh thank you, Sergeant Gander for helping our family out.

Sergeant Gander: No problem, Mama Bird. If you need more help, don’t hesitate to shout.

Goose 1: Sergeant Gander, it’s time to go. We have to go and feed.

Goose 2: But don’t forget when we line up, it is my turn to lead.

Sergeant Gander: Geese! Form up! Ten Hut!

(They come to attention in a V formation.)

Sergeant Gander: (in a rhythmic marching chant) Honk 2, 3, 4! Honk 2, 3, 4! (They all march.)

All Geese: Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!

(They honk as they exit.)

Papa Bird: (talking to the remaining two birds) Well, just you two left. Now what are we to do?

Baby Bird Amelia: Well, Papa, I think I should just stay here and take good care of you.

Baby Bird Harriet: Look out! Here come the raptors! Everybody duck! Maybe they won’t see us if we all have any luck!

Baby Bird Amelia: Whew! Saved by the buzzard.

SONG 4: Rap of the Raptors



Baby Bird Amelia: I want to be like those guys. Flapping and rapping is the best!

Papa Bird: Well, you’ll never get to do it, Amelia, ‘Til you leave this cozy nest!

Baby Bird Amelia: Okay! Okay! Here I go. Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

(She jumps out and “flies” around.)

All: Look! She’s flying!

Baby Bird Harriet: She’s flying! … But I still like it here. (She stresses “I.”)

(She tries to give somebody a “high five”, but there is no one left in the nest but her.)

Papa Bird: Of course she is, Harriet, so can you, if you only try.

Baby Bird Harriet: I really want to Papa, but I’m just too scared to fly.

Mama Bird: Everyone gets frightened when they try something new. But you don’t need to worry.

Mama and Papa: (together) We’ll be right here for you.

Flamingo: If you need a leg to stand on, a flamingo will be right here, too.

Penguin: And if you need some formal wear, a penguin’s got a suit for you.

Woodpecker: If you need a hole to recover in, this woodpecker will peck one out like that. (snaps fingers)

Ostrich: And if you need to hide your face, an ostrich will show you where it’s at.

Owl: Hoot, hoot! You see, you’re never far away from someone who will help out.

Wren: If you find your flight is in trouble, just give this wren a shout!

Bluebird: Or this bluebird!

Robin: Or this robin!

Oriole: Or this oriole!

Goldfinch: This goldfinch!

Owl 1: Listen up to what I say and look into our eyes, For owls have lots of experience and we are very wise.

SONG 5: Wing It!



Papa Bird: Growing up can be frightening, but you don’t have to do it alone!

Mama Bird: We all have lots of help around, so we never have to be on our own.

Owl 1: Aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers!

Owl 2: Friends, neighbors and plenty of others,

Owl 3: Teachers, parents and all of the rest …

Owl 4: Will help us all become our very best.

Baby Bird Harriet: Thanks everybody, I think I’m ready to try. It’s time for me to spread my wings and see if I can fly!

Parrot: Here! Sign this. (gives her a piece of paper)

Baby Bird Harriet: What is it?

Parrot: It just says I get the nest if something happens.

All: (shocked) What!?

Parrot: Just kidding, Harriet! We know you’re gonna be great! And when you come back safely, we’ll be here to celebrate!

All: Ready!

(Baby Bird Harriet spreads her wings.)

Mama Bird: (so proudly) She looks like an eagle!

All: Set!

Papa: (even more proudly) That’s my girl!

(She jumps and “flies” around.)

All: She’s flying!

Reprise: Birds of a Feather 12 & 18

NOTE: Go back and repeat Song 1, measures 16 to the end. Do not include the Solo 3 spoken line at measure 19.