proper waste management(pjo.) daryll

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  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll




  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    CHAPTER IThis research paper contains a vital information that the

    readers should determine the importance of a proper waste

    management, on how this activity should undergo in acommunity and should undertake by the citizens of the

    community. This research paper states its objectives, its

    benefits, its interpretation and analysis based on the study, and

    many others. It is also states the number of household in a

    particular community practicing the proper waste management

    such as proper disposal of human and animal wastes, properdisposal and segregation of the garbage and their awareness of

    its possible effects to their health, to their environment, and

    most especially to their own community.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    * HISTORY OF THE BARANGAY(Barangay Tayamaan, Mamburao, Occ. Mindoro)

    The name of the barangay came from a medicinal plant called tayam

    which grew abundantlyin this place during the early days. To cure chest

    pain and cough, the medicine man of the indigenous people used to boil

    the roots of the said plant and tell the sick person to drink the solution

    when asked as to where did he get the medicinal plant, the medicine man

    would answerf rom tayamaan .Due to the inward shape of the coast of this place which made it a good

    harbor, the Chinese bartered goods with the indigenous people living in

    this area during the pre-Spanish era. They avoided pirates who also

    sought at the coast of Tayamaan during stormy weather.

    When the pirates made Mamburao as their headquarters during the

    height of their piratical activities in the Philippines, they used to unloadin Tayamaan the goods they have forcibly taken from the places they


  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    The indigenous people left Tayamaan when the pirates as harbor fortheirvintaswith the exception of its coast, the wide plains of this placebecame a forest again.

    Since the sea near from Tayamaan is a good fishing ground, a few

    families from Lubang, Romblon, Panay, and Cebu decide to settle in thisplace. They built hut along the coast. Aside from fishing, they engagedin logging and farming. Despite the presence of malaria, they stayed inthis settlement until the Japanese soldiers occupied Mindoro in 1942.The people evacuated to their places, to avoid foreign invaders.

    When peace was restored, the families who evacuated to other placesreturned to Tayamaan. Years later, families of Ilocano and Bicolano

    farmers also migrated to this place. The community grew until it becamea sitio of Mamburao.

    In 1949, the people in Tayamaan requested the Municipal Council ofMamburao that their sitio created as barrio. The request was granted.Tayamaan was elevated to the status of a barrio in 1950. Sario de Lunawas elected as the first teniente del barr io

    In order that their children would not walk kilometers to be able to

    attend classes at Mamburao Elementary School, the parents requestedto the government authorities to open a Public school in Tayamaan. Thedepartment of Education granted this request. In 1960, an elementaryschool was opened in this place.

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    Due to benevolence, active service and good relationship with the people,

    Tenient e del Barr iode Luna served as the leader of Tayamaan for twenty five

    long years. He retired in 1975, during martial law. He was succeeded by

    Barangay Captain Rolando Rosales.

    During Martial Law period, when Honorable Cesar Servando served asMunicipal Mayor of Mamburao, a concrete pier was constructed in Tayamaan.

    The number of sea vessels which loaded and unloaded goods and

    passengers in this pier increased.

    During the administration of Barangay Captain Segundo Maguad, a

    number of school buildings were constructed in Tayamaan. It include the

    building donated by the officers and members of Filipino-Chinese Chambers

    of Commerce.

    In 1998, a tragic incident happened when Barangay Captain Michael

    Quintos of Tayamaan and his brother Paul, both sons of Assemblyman

    Richardo Quintos, were killed by undentified armed men in a party which

    they attended. A group of men, together with a well-known politician of

    Occidental Mindoro were tried before the court and sentenced with the

    maximum penalty allegedly the crime. The case is presently on appeal before

    the Supreme Court.

    Aside from the aforementioned leader, those who served as Barangay

    Captain of Tayamaan were Silvero Taroma, Salus Sanchez, Domingo

    Umerez, Tita Aguilar and Noberto Inmenzo. The leader of the Barangay at

    present is Barangay Captain Rocky Gupilan.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    BARANGAY OFFICIALSBarangay Captain:

    Hon. Rocky Gupilan

    Barangay Councilors:

    Hon. Alfredo Cabalagnan

    Hon. Noberto Inmenzo Jr.

    Hon. Ernesto LiwanagHon. Teresita Robles

    Hon. Manolito Navarro

    Hon. Arnaldo Insigne

    Hon. Christopher de Luna

    Treasurer:Hon. Elsie de Luna


    Hon. Elizabeth de Guzman

    Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman:Hon. Reyghieron Gallardo

    Sangguniang Kabataan


    Hon. Rachelle Rezari

    Hon. Faireen Debie RoblesHon. Kriselle Robles

    Hon. Rainer Eugenio

    Hon. Gemma Gallardo

    Hon. John Evangelista

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll



    A descriptive study about the proper

    waste management of 218 household on

    Barangay Tayamaan (proper), Mamburao

    Occidental Mindoro and its possible effects tothe community, year 2011-2012.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll



    Generally, this research paper would

    like to identify the percentage and the total

    number of Respondents who undertakes proper

    waste management among 218 households inbarangay Tayamaan(proper), Mamburao,

    Occidental Mindoro and its possible effect to

    the community, year 2011-2012

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:Specifically, this research paper seek to:

    Define proper waste management;

    Determine how is waste management done by every households in suchBarangay;

    Give the possible effects of practicing proper waste management of wasteproduct;

    Enumerate the beneficiaries of the proper practice of the management wasteproduct;

    Provide households basic ways on how to manage waste products; Determine the reason why every community and people should make their

    own ways on practicing proper waste management;

    Render a big help for those in position to make an immediate actionconcerning the proper waste disposal in such Barangay, based on thecollected answers from the residents;

    Get the highly recommended way on how to make every barangay cleaners;

    Discover the potential of a community to have a healthy and cleanenvironment as well as its residents; and

    Explain how important is proper waste management in every household,animals, community and in global concern, by starring it in Barangay.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    SCOPE AND LIMITATION:This study focused on proper waste management

    of about 218 households in Barangay Tayamaan(proper),

    Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro, having the total number

    of population 1,254. the data was gathered for about three

    days and a half, started on January 13, 2012 and was

    completed on January 16, 2012, which was Friday up to

    Monday noon.

    This study highlights the different ways of managing

    waste products of every households in the said Barangay,

    but it doesnt cover the changes that may happen when

    this study was conducted.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    SIGNIFICANCEOFTHE STUDY: For the Researchers:

    The researchers would find out the real score in the proper waste

    management done by his/her fellow residents in his/her barangay. For the future Researchers:

    They can used this thesis as a guide and can innovate this more.They would find their own strategies to conduct and finish the research.

    For the Government:

    They were benefited because with the help of this study, they can be

    able to know the things concerning on waste management that they need tofulfill and supervise.

    For the Residents:

    The residents are the most benefited because with this study, theywould discover know-how about proper waste management. They are alsobenefited for having clean, healthy and eco-friendly community.

    For the Community:

    The Community, with the help of this study would maintaincleanliness and orderliness. May taste the real progress and satisfaction forhaving safety environment and a healthy residents.

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    Research means to search again; to take another carefully look; to find out more; is a

    term used in this study; to signify the another look taken because it is possible thatsomething maybe wrong with what we already know.


    Something that is hard to solve (problem); it was used as an indication that having

    not been collected garbages are not that knotty if only officials in position would

    implement a project involving the said condition.

    Conceive:To form an idea; indicated as; to make an idea on how to encourage children about

    the proper way of waste disposal.


    Skillfully act; noted to be referred to those in position to their people to participate

    with them.

    Barangay:Is a particular area consisting of community of people, and own government; used

    pertaining to the particular area where the survey takes place.


    Refers to the number of people living in a particular area.

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    Anything that was discovered by seeking; these are the original

    data, quantitative and otherwise, derived and taken from the original

    sources and which are results of the questionnaires.

    Imbibe:To take into the mind in a gradual process; to sink in mind.


    An activity taken to gather general details or data; a word used in

    this study for an objective of seeing a general picture of the population

    under investigation and to gather their knowledge about and behaviors

    towards the phenomena.


    A little amount of confident or ability; a word used to express the

    confidence burst up to the researchers mode.


    Concern for something; a word used to show how vigilance theevery youth for their community development.


    According to the history of the Barangay Tayamaan, it is a

    medicine for cough and chest pain; use to denote where the name of

    tayamaan came from.

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  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    HOW DID YOU UNDERTAKE THERESEARCH?Its Friday afternoon, the first day we started to survey, we went to the first

    target household, they refused to face us. Someone shouted that they haveno time. It was the very first day and we already taste refusal, we felt we werebusted, but still, we went on to the next target household, at last someoneface us, then a man shouted to our interview to mind first her child before thenonsense survey were doing, but still she stayed with us; at the end of thevery first day of our survey we gathered forty eight data from the householdwe surveyed.

    Until the next day came, another shameful but a bit exiting work to be done.On that sunny day, we went from house to house, for the second time aroundwe encountered households who are interested for the questionnaires webrought for them and there are also some who remained idle, but we werehappy because we accomplish the second day having another eighty sevensurveyed households. As we interviewed then they seriously answered thequestion like it was an examination, but there are some who took it only tofilled their mouth with laugh and judgment, they answered it just for fun, butstill we accepted their answers because we needed it. On our moment ofpissed from that idle respondents, we approach by a woman, she got onequestionnaire from us, while answering it she commented good andencouraging words which filled our vinegar-like gnawing stomach andderived us to continue to continue surveying.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    We stop for a while to have some rest and eat our launch. Aftermaybe an hour we started again, begun in a shanty, we didnt knew who

    lived, a little boy approach us and give us five peso coin and said thats all we have . (Maybe they thought we were soliciting, ) welaugh for that matter. Until that second day ended, were still laughing

    for that funny day.

    Our last day, was not that hard because most of the respondents

    cooperate actively and we saw in their face that they are very eager to

    participate. But on our way to a house then another house we sawmountains of soft things its kind a irritating, but we still went on until

    we gathered date from the needed numbers of respondents.

    On that survey we've done though we had encountered such bad

    moments but we still learned much as we go.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll



    We used Descriptive Research, a widely used research design. This

    study had undertaken a design called descriptive research, for the

    reason that this design aims to describe the nature of a situation in the

    existing time of the study; due to the fact that the main objective of our

    study is to obtain information by exploring the causes of a particularphenomena which is waste disposal. Another reason is, the fact that we

    had undertaken a survey for an objective of seeing a general picture of

    the population under investigation, in terms of socially and

    economically characteristics opinions and their knowledge about and

    behavior towards proper waste management. Questionnaire, personal

    interviews and observation also made it reliable that descriptive

    research had made this study.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    FEELINGSAT FIRST:Were hearing the word Thesis before, we heard that its too

    difficulty; the most difficult activity which is necessary matter to bedone to utterly accomplish the degree your taking up. We heard thisfrom junior college students, the way they pronounced the worddifficult is very intense; you would feel it even youre not the onedoing it, and yes we certainly felt it. Thats the reason why the wordThesis was glued into our mind; we should be ready!

    Then suddenly, not expecting we was astonished with what we heardfrom our professor, Mrs. Resa T. Suarez; she said that we are going tohave a Thesis.

    Wow! What a word? Thesis? Then immediately, with just only a winkof an eye, the five W questions revolved into our mind: What? When?Where? Why? How?. I thought it is done only by those junior college

    students, we are only a freshmen students, then why? How we can? Wedont have any idea about it.(we are wondering).

    These were the reactions of mine we are so much surprised with ourprofessors given work. Were kind a nervous and alittle bit excited withit.

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    TOOLS OF RESEARCH:The tool used in this study is Statistics because of the

    interpretation of the data represented by a graph.Statistics also mean Interpretation.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    INSTRUMENT USED:We used to collect information in our survey using Questionnaires as

    an instrument. We used it to supply the necessary informations to

    complete this research study. A questionnaire is a list of planned,

    written questions related to a particular topic with space provided for

    indicating the response to each questions, intended for submission to a

    number of persons for reply. It is commonly used as informative survey

    studies and in measurement of attitudes and opinions, in other words aQuestionnaire is simply a set of questions, which should be answered

    properly by a required number of proper selected respondents.

    We used this instrument, due to the fact that it is a commonly used in

    behavioral research or social research which are both took by us, the

    researchers. We had conducted a questioning method because for all

    we know, it is the most effective technique in the survey approach. Wemade the questions more reliable which are structed beforehand. The

    sample questions needed for the research problem which is about

    proper waste management.

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    *descr ipt ive research design


    The survey weve done in our Barangay; we are a group of two

    individual who pool our resources and full effort to gather information

    on a 90% of the households in Barangay Tayamaan proper with the total

    population of 1,254, concerning the given phenomenon which is Proper

    Waste Disposal.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    NUMBEROF RESPONDENTSThe total number of respondents from whom we gathered

    information about proper waste management in Barangay

    Tayamaan(proper) , Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro is about 148

    households which is 90% of the total number of households.

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    *where F is stand for Frequency

    *where n is stand for number of respondents

    To determine percentage:


    *where P is stand for percentage(%)

    *the percentage is the quotient of the Frequency

    divide by 100.

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  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll










    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 116 78.38%

    no 32 21.62%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are 116 households who responded Yes and itspercentage is 78.38% while there are 32 households who

    responded no, 21.62% its percentage , consuming 148 total

    number of respondents where is equal to 100%.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll








    Response Frequency Percentage

    only one 95 64.19%

    More than

    one21 14.19%

    Total: 116 78.38%


    There are 95 households responded that there are only one

    toilet and its percentage is 64.19%, while there are only 21 households

    responded that there are more than one toilet and its percentage is

    only 14.19%. The total number of household who have toilet is 116,

    where it is equal to 78.38%.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll



    Percentagefor visitors and neigbors usage

    for personal usage




    Response Frequency Percentage

    For visitors and

    neighbors usage 3 2.03%

    for personal

    usage 7 4.73%

    Both 11 7.43%

    Total: 21 14.19%

    Interpretation:There are only 3 households responded that the usage of their

    other toilet/s is for visitors and neighbors only, 2.03% its percentage;

    while there are 7 responded that the usage of their other toilet/s is for

    personal use only, 4.73% its percentage; there are 11 households

    responded both, 7.43% its percentage. The total frequency is 21 and

    14.19% its total percentage.

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    always sometimes



    Response Frequency Percentage

    always 108 72.98%

    sometimes 8 5.40%

    Total: 116 78.38%

    Interpretation:There are 108 households responded that they always

    use their toilet/s, and its percentage is 72.98%; while there are 8

    responded sometimes and its percentage is 5.40%. The total is 116

    and the total percentage is 78.38, which is the total percentage of

    the respondents who have toile/s.

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    always sometimes



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Always 94 63.52%

    Sometimes 22 14.86%

    Total: 116 78.38%


    There are 94 households responded that they alwaysclean their toilet/s, and its percentage is 63.52%; while there are

    22 responded sometimes and 14.86% its percentage. 166 the

    total frequency and the total percentage is 78.38%.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll



    Percentageby using the neighbor's toilet

    by disposing it in any process

    by using public toilet



    Response Frequency Percentage

    By using

    neighbors toilet12 8.11%

    By disposing it inany process

    0 0

    By using public

    toilet20 13.51%

    Total: 32 21.62%

    Interpretation:There are 12 households who have no toilet

    responded that they often use the toilet of their neighbor

    which is 8.11%; while there are 20 responded that they use

    public toilet which is 13.51%. The total frequency is 32 which

    is 21.62 its total percentage.

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    along the highway

    near from the Brgy. Hall

    near from the resedential places


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Along the highway 0 0%

    Near from the Brgy. Hall 0 0%

    Near from the residentialplaces 148 100%

    Total: 148 100%


    The public toilets were placed at near from the

    residential place, having the total number of respondents which is

    148 and total percentage of 100%.

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    yes no


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 0 0%

    No 148 100%

    Total: 148 100%


    The womens toilet was not separated from mens


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    Percentagefor emergency for waste disposal



    Response Frequency Percentage

    For emergency 110 74.32%

    For waste disposal

    38 25.68%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 110 households responded that the usage of

    the public toilet is for emergency which is 74.32% its percentage;

    there are 38 responded for waste disposal which is 25.68%,

    having the total frequency of 148 and total percentage of 100%.

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll




    1 kilograms 2 kilograms

    3 kilograms more than 3 kls.





    Response Frequency Percentage

    1 kls. 23 15.54%

    2 kls. 53 35.81%

    3 kls. 23 15.54%

    More than 3 kls. 49 33.11%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 23 frequency and 15.54 % households

    responded that there is only 1 kilogram garbage that their

    household produced daily, same result to 3 kilograms of garbage.

    There are 53 households produced 2 kilograms of garbage daily

    which is 35.81% its percentage; having the total frequency of 148

    and the total percentage of 100%.

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    Percentagepapers plastics leaves bottles/cans




    Response Frequency Percentage

    Papers 12 8.11%

    Plastics 52 35.14%

    Leaves 64 43.24%

    Bottles/cans 20 13.51%Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 12 households responded that paper is the number one

    garbage that they produced, which is 8.11% its percentage; there are 52 responded

    that plastic is the number one that their household produced, 35.14% its

    percentage; 64 responded that leaves is the most producible garbage which is

    43.24%; and there are 20 responded that the bottle/can are the number one which is

    13.51%; having the total frequency of 148 and total percentage of 100%.

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    Percentageyes no





    Frequency Percentage

    Yes 119 80.40%

    No 29 19.60%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are 119 households responded thattheyre practicing garbage segregation, which is 80.40%;

    there are 29 household responded that they not often

    practicing garbage segregation, and 19.60% its

    percentage; having the total of 148 and the total

    percentage of 100%.

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    yes no



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 103 69.60%

    no 45 30.40%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are 103 head of households responded that they

    teach their children about garbage segregation, which is 69.60%;while there are only 45 households who did not which is 30.40%

    of the total percentage of 100% and the total number of

    respondents is 148.

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    dispose it properly

    keep it in a space provided

    burning it




    Response Frequency Percentage

    Dispose it properly 76 51.35%

    Keep it in a space 28 18.92%

    Burning garbage

    44 29.73%Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 76 households responded that they were

    disposed their garbage properly, 51.35% its percentage; 44

    households said that they were burning their garbage which is

    29.73%; and there are 28 households keeping their garbage in a

    space, which is 18.92%; the total frequency is 148 and 100% total


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    yes no


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 0 0%

    no 148 100%

    Total: 148 100%


    Therefore, their garbage did not collected by the garbage

    collector having the total number of respondents of 148 which is


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    yes no


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 148 100%

    no 0 0%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:All the households were clean their house daily having the

    total number of respondents of 148 which is 100%.


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    yes no



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 136 91.90%

    no 12 8.10%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are 136 households responded that they

    always clean their yard, 91.90% its percentage; there are only 12

    households responded that they did not clean their yard daily

    which is 8.10% of the total percentage of 100%. The total

    number of respondents is 148.


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    yes no



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 139 93.92%

    No 9 6.08%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 139 households responded that they clean the

    street in front of their house which is 93.92%; while there are only

    9 out of the total number of responded which is 148 did not clean

    the street and 6.08% its percentage of the total percentage which

    is 100%.

    19 ) D E HE H EH D P P G B GE HE EE ND

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    yes no



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 140 94.60%

    No 8 5.40%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 140 households responded that they throw

    garbage in a trash can they see which is equal to 94.60%; only 8

    household responded that they did not pick up garbage which is

    5.40%; having the total number of respondents of 148 which is

    equal to 100%.

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    PercentageThrow it immediately

    put in a pocket

    look for s trashcan




    Response Frequency Percentage

    Throw it

    immediately15 10.14%

    Put in a

    pocket51 34.46%

    Look for atrashcan

    82 55.40%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 82 households responded that they look for a trashcan

    then throw the wrappers after eating candies or snacks, 55.40% its

    percentage; there are 51 households responded that they put it in a pocket

    which is 34.46%; and only 15 households look for a trashcan before they

    throw the wrappers which is 10.14%; having the total number respondents of

    148 which is equal to 100%.

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    yes no



    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 51 34.46%

    no 97 65.54%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are only 51 households who have pet/s in theirhouse which is 34.45%; while 97 households without pet in their

    house which is 65.54%; the total frequency is 148 which is equal

    to 100%.

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    leashed caged running free


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Leashed 5 3.38%

    Caged 6 4.05%

    Running free 40 27.03%

    Total: 51 34.46%27.03%



    There are 40 households responded that their pet/s are

    leashed, 3.38% its percentage; 6 households responded that their

    pet/s are caged, 4.05% its percentage; and there are 40

    households responded that their pet/s are running free which is

    27.03% of the total percentage of 34.46%; the total number of

    households who have pet/s is 51.

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    dispose properly no reponse


    Response FrequencyPercentage


    properly28 18.92%

    No respond 23 15.54%

    Total: 51 34.46%


    There are 28 households which is 18.92% disposed their

    pet/s properly; 23 which is 15.54% households not responding this

    statement. The total respondents who have pet/s is 51 which is


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    Percentageyes no


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 38 25.68%

    No 110 74.32%

    Total: 148 100%



    There are only 28 households which is 25.68% who have

    piggery/poultry in their house; while there are almost 110 and its

    percentage is 74.32% households without piggery/poultry in their

    house; having the total frequency of 148 which is 100%.

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    dispose properly

    do not dispose


    Response Frequency Percentage


    properly38 25.68%

    Do not

    dispose it.0 0%

    Total: 38 25.68%


    Therefore, all the respondents who have

    piggery/poultry were disposed the waste properly having the

    total frequency of 38 which is 25.68%.

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    Percentageyes no


    Response Frequency Percentage

    Yes 148 100%

    No 0% 0%

    total 148 100%


    All the respondents are aware of the possible

    effects of improper disposal of all kinds of waste, having the

    total number of respondents of 148 which is 100%.

    27 ) W

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    Percentagepractice garbage segregation

    cleaning the house

    teach the childen about wastemanagement


    23.65% 18.24%

    Response Frequency Percentage

    Practice garbage

    segregation27 18.24%

    Cleaning the house 86 58.11%

    Teach the children about

    waste management

    35 23.65%

    Total: 148 100%

    Interpretation:There are 27 households which is 18.24% think that the best

    thing they can do to make a barangay cleaner is to practice garbage

    segregation; 86 households which is 58.11% the best thing is cleaning

    their own houses; 35 households which is 23.65% teach the children

    about waste management is the best thing; having 148 total number of

    respondents which equal to 100%.


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    all the residents none


    Response Frequency Percentage

    All the residents of

    the barangay148 100%

    None 0 0%

    Total: 148 100%


    All the respondents know that all the residents of thebarangay would be benefited from waste management having

    the total of 148 which is 100%.

    29 ) W

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    Percentagesecure health

    community beautification

    maintain cleanliness

    avoid pollution

    all of the above

    Response Frequency Percentage

    Secure health 30 20%

    Community beautification 10 7%

    Maintain cleanliness 15 10%

    Avoid pollution 25 17%

    All of the above 68 46%

    Total: 148 100%


    There are 30 households which is 20% responded that securehealth is the benefit of a proper waste management; 10 which is 7%

    households responded that community beautification is the benefit; 15

    households which is 10% responded that maintain cleanliness is the

    benefit; while 25 households which is 17% avoid pollution is a benefit, 68

    which is 46% all of the above.

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    Based on the data gathered from the survey weve done

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    Based on the data gathered from the survey we ve done ,

    the following were found that:

    there are 116 households who responded that they have toilet/s and its percentage

    is 78.38% while there are 32 households who responded none, 21.62% its

    percentage , consuming 148 total number of respondents where is equal to 100%;

    there are 95 households responded that there are only one toilet and its

    percentage is 64.19%, while there are only 21 households responded that there are

    more than one toilet and its percentage is only 14.19%. The total number of

    household who have toilet is 116, where it is equal to 78.38%;

    there are only 3 households responded that the usage of their other toilet/s is forvisitors and neighbors only, 2.03% its percentage; while there are 7 responded that

    the usage of their other toilet/s is for personal use only, 4.73% its percentage; there

    are 11 households responded both, 7.43% its percentage. The total frequency is 21

    and 14.19% its total percentage;

    there are 108 households responded that they always use their toilet/s, and its

    percentage is 72.98%; while there are 8 responded sometimes and its percentageis 5.40%. The total is 116 and the total percentage is 78.38, which is the total

    percentage of the respondents who have toile/s;

    there are 94 households responded that they always clean their toilet/s, and its

    t i 63 52% hil th 22 d d ti d 14 86% it

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    percentage is 63.52%; while there are 22 responded sometimes and 14.86% its

    percentage. 166 the total frequency and the total percentage is 78.38%;

    there are 12 households who have no toilet responded that they often use the toilet

    of their neighbor which is 8.11%; while there are 20 responded that they use public

    toilet which is 13.51%. The total frequency is 32 which is 21.62 its total percentage;

    the public toilets were placed at near from the residential place, having the total

    number of respondents;

    the womens toilet was not separated from mens toilet;

    there are 110 households responded that the usage of the public toilet is for

    emergency which is 74.32% its percentage; there are 38 responded for waste

    disposal which is 25.68%, having the total frequency of 148 and total percentage of


    there are 23 frequency and 15.54 % households responded that there is only 1kilogram garbage that their household produced daily, same result to 3 kilograms

    of garbage. There are 53 households produced 2 kilograms of garbage daily which

    is 35.81% its percentage; having the total frequency of 148 and the total

    percentage of 100%;

    there are 12 households responded that paper is the number one garbage that they

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    p p p g g y

    produced, which is 8.11% its percentage; there are 52 responded that plastic is the

    number one that their household produced, 35.14% its percentage; 64 responded

    that leaves is the most producible garbage which is 43.24%; and there are 20

    responded that the bottle/can are the number one which is 13.51%; having the total

    frequency of 148 and total percentage of 100%;

    there are 119 households responded that theyre practicing garbage segregation,

    which is 80.40%; there are 29 household responded that they not often practicing

    garbage segregation, and 19.60% its percentage; having the total of 148 and the

    total percentage of 100%;

    there are 103 head of households responded that they teach their children aboutgarbage segregation, which is 69.60%; while there are only 45 households who did

    not which is 30.40% of the total percentage of 100% and the total number of

    respondents is 148;

    There are 76 households responded that they were disposed their garbage

    properly, 51.35% its percentage; 44 households said that they were burning their

    garbage which is 29.73%; and there are 28 households keeping their garbage in aspace, which is 18.92%; the total frequency is 148 and 100% total percentage.

    therefore, their garbage did not collected by the garbage collector having the total

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    therefore, their garbage did not collected by the garbage collector having the totalnumber of respondents of 148 which is 100%;

    all the households were clean their house daily having the total number of respondentsof 148 which is 100%;

    there are 136 households responded that they always clean their yard, 91.90% itspercentage; there are only 12 households responded that they did not clean their yarddaily which is 8.10% of the total percentage of 100%. The total number of respondents is148;

    there are 139 households responded that they clean the street in front of their housewhich is 93.92%; while there are only 9 out of the total number of responded which is148 did not clean the street and 6.08% its percentage of the total percentage which is100%;

    there are 140 households responded that they throw garbage in a trash can they seewhich is equal to 94.60%; only 8 household responded that they did not pick up garbagewhich is 5.40%; having the total number of respondents of 148 which is equal to 100%;

    there are 82 households responded that they look for a trashcan then throw thewrappers after eating candies or snacks, 55.40% its percentage; there are 51 householdsresponded that they put it in a pocket which is 34.46%; and only 15 households look fora trashcan before they throw the wrappers which is 10.14%; having the total numberrespondents of 148 which is equal to 100%;

    there are only 51 households who have pet/s in their house which is 34.45%; while

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    97 households without pet in their house which is 65.54%; the total frequency is

    148 which is equal to 100%;

    there are 40 households responded that their pet/s are leashed, 3.38% its

    percentage; 6 households responded that their pet/s are caged, 4.05% its

    percentage; and there are 40 households responded that their pet/s are running

    free which is 27.03% of the total percentage of 34.46%; the total number of

    households who have pet/s is 51;

    there are 28 households which is 18.92% disposed their pet/s properly; 23 which

    is 15.54% households not responding this statement. The total respondents who

    have pet/s is 51 which is 34.46%;

    there are only 28 households which is 25.68% who have piggery/poultry in their

    house; while there are almost 110 and its percentage is 74.32% households without

    piggery/poultry in their house; having the total frequency of 148 which is 100%;

    therefore, all the respondents who have piggery/poultry were disposed the wasteproperly having the total frequency of 38 which is 25.68%;

    all the respondents are aware of the possible effects of improper disposal of all

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    all the respondents are aware of the possible effects of improper disposal of all

    kinds of waste, having the total number of respondents of 148 which is 100%;

    there are 27 households which is 18.24% think that the best thing they can do to

    make a barangay cleaner is to practice garbage segregation; 86 households whichis 58.11% the best thing is cleaning their own houses; 35 households which is

    23.65% teach the children about waste management is the best thing; having 148

    total number of respondents which equal to 100%;

    all the respondents know that all the residents of the barangay would be benefited

    from waste management having the total of 148 which is 100%; and

    there are 30 households which is 20% responded that secure health is the benefit

    of a proper waste management; 10 which is 7% households responded that

    community beautification is the benefit; 15 households which is 10% responded

    that maintain cleanliness is the benefit; while 25 households which is 17% avoid

    pollution is a benefit, 68 which is 46% all of the above.

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    SUGGESTION / RECOMMENDATIONBased on the findings, it was further recommended that every

    barangay government should conceptualized an advocation focusing on

    the waste products produced by the activities done by its people and

    from its people also. In some ways Barangay officials of Barangay

    Tayamaan should have proper implementation of policies concerning

    the proper way of disposing waste products. Multa sa Bawat MalingPatatapon ng Basura strictly and effectively is a project which is

    further suggested. Barangay officials should do their maneuver in

    encouraging their people to practice garbage segregation as well as

    disposing it. It was also further recommended that SK Members

    especially the SK Chairman should assemble the youths vigilance on

    their community and fellowmen. Projects such as placing trash cans

    with labels-Biodegradable, Non-biodegradable and recyclable in eachsideways in their Barangay; Oplans-Linis with youth participation or

    youth participants and placing posts showing proper waste disposal are

    further suggested.

    Based on the tally results most of the households interviewed

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    Based on the tally results most of the households interviewed

    said and answered that Barangay Tayamaan has public toilets but

    womens are not separate from mens toilet, ergo, a further

    recommendation is accounted that it is better to have separate public

    toilets for different gender for safety and for the better. As an addition

    Barangay Officials should visit this public toilets even once a week forthe assurance, that it is a properly used and cared by the resident when

    using it. Residence should invoke to the Barangay Government or on

    the Municipal Government for Garbage Collectors for the collection of

    garbage's of every household, for them to avoid burning it to minimize

    Global warming, of course.

    it was also further recommended that households in the focusedBarangay should continue the maintenance of cleaning their toilets

    always. The head of households also continue inducing their children to

    the practice of right manner of disposing wastes. It was found out also

    that most of the households practice garbage segregation but they

    should still be responsible in the proper disposal of the segregated

    garbage's. This is not a knotty matter if only people would make the

    initiative act.

    It was highly further recommended that this kind of research

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    should be done also by some other Barangay in any other Municipality

    for the know-how, satisfaction cleanliness and progress of all.

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    CONCLUSIONIt was therefore concluded, that proper waste management has

    become ambiguous; which are the act of just throwing waste in a

    garbage can or any garbage place, and the other one is the manner of

    disposing, monitoring, collecting, transporting, managing and

    processing garbage in any appropriate way. It was ergo concluded, that

    waste management can be done by such ways like proper segregation

    whether it is Biodegradable or Non-biodegradable and recyclable. The

    right manner of practicing waste disposal render possible effects; we,as a human, would be vested with a safe and healthy life and a

    wonderful community free from perilous diseases and illness; the

    community itself for having an eco-friendly environment and satisfied

    residents. The animals with tier existence would feel really at home in

    an environment plenty and fresh air; and also the most important

    beneficiary, the next generation for the assurance of having safe, cleanand green environment, as an addition would taste the real essence of

    existence; living in an environment free from danger of early death

    (because of disease), cause of pollution in the coming years as what

    theyre longing for.

    It was also concluded that making our own simple ways showing

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    the proper manner of waste disposal would give invaluable change for

    the whole, every single persons simple moves about the matter are the

    most accounted for a stunning community. It was further concluded that

    cleaning are own house is a highly recommended way to make every

    society cleaner, for the reason that cleanliness should start from

    yourself, from your own home, it would reflect who you are and your

    Barangay. It was determined and further concluded that every

    community has the potential to acquire a healthy and clean environment

    as well as its residents, every Barangay is considered eco-friendly, if it

    has what it takes to be safe and green environment, discipline people

    are those who are responsible especially in their communitys

    cleanliness.A further conclusion should be bear, that Global community

    development as well as its cleanliness always starts in the smallest unit

    of society (household) with their weapon of Proper Waste Management.

    Republic of the Philippines

    P l t h i U i it f th Phili i

  • 7/28/2019 Proper Waste Management(Pjo.) Daryll


    Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Sablayan Campus


    A Thesis Presented


    Professor Resa T. Suarez

    Professor in Writing in the Discipline

    In Partial Fulfillment of a Final Examination


    Daryll Boy V. Zubiri


    Brendalyn U. Ruben

    Coop 1-4