
All H.A.N.D.S! Student Council Proposal for {2015-2016} Destiny M. Devone Student Service Outreach Coordinator Volunteer and Service-Learning Center East Carolina University 2014-2015

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All H.A.N.D.S! Student Council Proposal for {2015-2016}

Destiny M. Devone

Student Service Outreach Coordinator

Volunteer and Service-Learning Center

East Carolina University



Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Executive Summary 3

Problem Statement 4

Goals and Objectives 5

Methods 6

Objectives 6

Methods 6

Plan of Action 7

Evaluation 8


Appendix 10

Organizational Chart 1 10

Organizational Chart 2 11

Organizational Chart 3 12

Council Research 13

Institution Responses 16


Wichita State University 18


UNC Chapel Hill APPLES 2

Executive Summary

The All H.A.N.D.S! Student Council, purposed to better address the needs of the public,

will give the Greenville area a voice for its needs and provide opportunities for leaders in the

East Carolina community. Student leaders and volunteers will have the privilege to uplift issues

faced by the citizens of Greenville and on our campus; they will bridge the gap between students

and the community creating a functioning body of service and equality. Your consideration of

this new opportunity will give students the opportunity to address real necessities in the

community, to give these areas this council, its member organizations and its leaders as tools to

contest social issues and injustices.

The anticipative outcome of this civic engagement board is to create an organization of

dedicated and inspiring individuals who can cooperatively “set a mold” of what being involved

really means, and to further the legacy of service here at East Carolina University. Participation

could not only to increase student involvement, but to offer leadership and experience in civic

engagement, team work and volunteerism; the experience of being a part of such an association

is something that will stay with its members and participants for years to come.


Problem Statement

Students at East Carolina have so many opportunities for volunteerism and know of the

university’s reputation as a catalyst of service but, the question remains whether or not the

students serve with a purpose; a lack of targeted service affects many students here at East

Carolina University as they volunteer to meet criteria’s for memberships and courses rather than

to meet the actual needs of the community. Not only do the students lose the opportunity for real

growth through service, but the individuals that are served by our community partners suffer as


Service for students should be an opportunity to explore the needs of someone other than

themselves, whether a physical, mental or emotional need. The time, energy and effort put

towards any type of service means more to its recipients than most would ever realize; knowing

that someone, who potentially doesn’t even know you, cares about your wellbeing gives both

hope and motivation to those touched by service and it is my hope to have a student-led platform

that gives just that.

In addition to helping relieve the community of its needs, the burden placed on the

organizations and individuals must also be addressed. Though all things can be done with hard

work, realistically it takes so much time and effort to properly plan cause-targeted programs;

though the participants are willing, they may not have the time or resources, especially if they are

a smaller organization or an individual. This council would create a network that brings

organizations, community partners and volunteers together as one unit, ready and willing to help

each other accomplish the ultimate goal of serving our fellow man. The combination of ideas,

areas of expertise and general cooperation gives each piece of the functioning system the means

to succeed.


Goals and Objectives

The All H.A.N.D.S! Student Council has many objectives and goals for the students at

East Carolina University when it comes to guiding students in their service endeavors. The first

objective is to increase the level of understanding and communication of needs in the

surrounding area of West Greenville; this would give organizations the opportunity to conduct

meaningful service that is necessary in the community. Within this objective, one goal is to make

the needs of local community partners known by having student liaisons represent them during

meetings held by this engagement board; in turn, the board will combine its resources to fulfill

the needs of each community partner. The next objective is to expand the reach of East Carolina

students in engagement that fulfills those specific necessities in the community; doing so would

greater give volunteering students an idea of what it is to meaningfully give unto another for no

other purpose other than to create a better future for them. This objective focuses on the benefits

surrounding being a participating citizen of the community through outreach and service; by

meeting real needs in the community, students will be able to gain the compassion and

connection that comes with being linked to the service that is done.

Lastly, All H.A.N.D.S! aims to be a support for students and organizations seeking to

make a change in the community through service. Through the implication of this civic

engagement board, the council aims to not only respond better to community partner’s needs, but

also with the needs of East Carolina University organizations. The All H.A.N.D.S! Student

Council will act as a tool, resource and right-hand to organizations in need of support towards

their current endeavors.



The primary objective for this endeavor by {Month} 2015 is explained below though

proposed methods; these methods have been shown to be successful in other UNC institutions as

well as universities across the nation. Through the collaboration and dedication of the Volunteer

and Service-Learning Center, student leaders, organizations and community partners, this board

can more efficiently serve the needs of the Greenville community.


To create a board of individuals that can develop and implement plans, while

communicating requests to the Volunteer and Service-Learning Center, the university and its

organizations. In addition, All H.A.N.D.S! will support the efforts and objectives of other

student service-based organizations.


Create a group of student leaders who are representatives from service based

organizations on campus;

Appoint liaisons from interested respondents to each need; liaisons should meet/contact

CP before first meeting;

The student leaders will contact community partners to identify needs, explain;

Express the opportunity for an e-Board position to students;

Board should meet to develop organization details (meet times, length, frequency etc.) for

the {2015-2016?} academic year;

Have a time specific period to create a list of projects for the beginning of {2015-2016}

academic year;


Creation of Orgsync portals and events, marketing tools and appropriate connections to

properly reserve spaces and express availabilities for projects during the {2015-2016}

academic year.

Plan of Action

This board would be given the opportunity and responsibility to manage, support and

coordinate many of the standing activities and events held by the Volunteer and Service-

Learning Center; they would also be responsible for the creation of new ideas, the market of

these new ideas as well as implementation and evaluation. Current programs/events that they

could manage include:

Make a Difference Day,

MLK Day of Service,

Service Fairs,

Alternative Spring Break and

Support details for the 5 signature programs: ECU Writes, Bright Buccaneer’s, Pirate

Playtime, Adopt a Grandparent and ECU Campus Kitchen.

New concepts to possible actualize consist of:

Having a coalition between the organizations they represent; volunteering for and with

each other as needed as well has providing support in each other’s endeavors;

Creating a weekly and monthly report of their service opportunities to be given to

Meagan Smith for a List Serve and/or the Pirate 4-1-1.



During and after the implementation of this civic engagement board, several aspects will

need to be evaluated. The first of many things that need to be evaluated is whether the work of

the board is effectively impacting the level of awareness of Greenville’s needs; when speaking of

effectiveness, the question is how much has understanding increased and how apparent is that

increase? What are the outcomes of that understanding? Next is the evaluation of student

participation in two areas: reflection and purposeful service. One of the problems stated

previously was the trend of students volunteering just to volunteer versus doing so for a purpose;

evaluation of this area will determine if the board was able to successfully make Greenville’s

needs known and whether that knowledge gave students the incentive to serve for a greater

purpose. Lastly, we will evaluate if there was change in the number of student-led, planned and

programmed service activities. East Carolina has a great number of student leaders and we hope

to give students who are not usually presented the opportunity a chance to prove themselves;

overall, has there been an increase in the number of students planning and collaborating on


To determine the effectiveness of our efforts we will conduct 3 methods of research:

survey, observation and reports. Survey data will be collected both before and after the initial

launch of projects by the civic engagement board then compared to determine effectiveness;

since the main focuses of this board are student engagement and community needs, data will be

collected from both members of the student body and distributed to community partners. Survey

data also would assist in assessing the level of understanding and awareness among the students

of East Carolina. Next, observations, including sit-ins by departmental figures as well as

members of other areas of student affairs, would allow the department to monitor the milestones


and progress of the group throughout their initial steps. To conclude, towards the end of the

group’s timeline of events, the individual(s) in advisory positions over the board would discuss

and create a report identifying the accomplishments, short comings and future possibilities of this

organization. Some aspired findings would be increased student-body service participation and

service standard; also, an increased knowledge of the volunteer and service opportunities offered

by our campus and by the community partners of Pitt County.


Needs to keep the program going:o Large scope

A meeting space VSLC 1632?

Advertising Shirts LCD Screens The East Carolinian Flyers List Serve

o Financial

Intern or paid position to lead Estimated budget: Could this possibly be a FWS Position or the job of a student

worker Supplies

Will be related to proposed projects Estimated budget:

o Relationships

Constant volunteer availability from organizations who wish to be represented in this board; (pg. 9, line 6) “having a coalition between the organizations they represent; volunteering for and with each other as needed as well has providing support in each other’s endeavors”

Support and partnerships between not only campus organizations but with community partners and directors personally.







Board Type # of Spots


Unique or Interesting (liked)

Disliked Rank

Governors State University

Students- Unknown

Rice University Students -AppointedEach are connected to a committee and 3-5 Organizations


Liaison to 3-5 Organizations

Use the info to create a campus wide service calendar so that events don’t overlap throughout the year and encourages orgs to help each other.Leadership Appreciation banquet

 None 1

University of South Carolina

Students- ElectedAlso includes general body members

9  Ran much like a club where there are general body members (helps everyone be a little more involved and hands on)Goals each month

 With them operating like a club, they also have club dues


Utah Valley University

Student- Selection

6 President as the UVUSA liaison (Student Affairs)

 The structure/organization

More of an independent thing rather than a support for existing orgs. (from what I can see pre-contact)


Witchita State University

Student- Elected

4  They “serve as a resource and umbrella for Community Service Efforts hosted by student

 None 2


organizationsUniversity of Utah Student-

UnknownPartners with particular orgs each month depending on need they are addressing

Council conducts monthly service activities and invites other orgs versus being a support council to existing partners


Rutgers University Students- Committee Chairs /Elected?

22 2 directors and everyone else is a committee head based on various initiatives, partners, university relations and marketing

Has a resource tab for helping orgs plan serviceVIPs for regular participationresource

  Maybe a part or conjunction of SAO? No real officers


National Youth and Leadership Council

Students- Selection

10 Community Liaisons to a National Organization

No officers; part of a much larger national organization

 Not a university so its ran a little differently; would need to be scaled down


Wartburg College Students- Elected

5 Two Liaisons: 1 to CPs and one to Student Orgs

Stated their goal was to match the individuals talent with community needs;

 1 person has all Orgs and 1 person has all CPs (that’s a lot unless they are in a small community)


Buena Vista Student- Elected

15 2 special events, 1 athletic orgs, 1 student orgs, 2 service events, 1 community relations

A huge E-Board (which I like and don’t like; it spreads responsibility which is good if everyone is dependable, bad if they’re not)


Iowa State University

Student- Election

12 Directors and Chair Persons (to organizations)

Stated that more than anything they are there as a resource to service orgs and host 6 events themselves each

 No real executive board which I feel adds organization



year in addition

Rider University want the orgs to help and support each other

 Specifically to collab between GLOs and other service organizations; does the general population have a chance to participate?


American University

Students- Election and Chairs

11 Chair persons for university offices

Has member organizations as a Coalition

 Does the coalition exclude other volunteers?


Duke University Students- Elected

10 “Connects” Strives to support; match their passions and interests; freshmen connect

 Governance organization? (maybe I just don’t like the phrasing)


UNC-Chapel Hill Students- Elected

5 A Communication Coordinator

Seek to integrate Reflection

Work with leaders to build upon last year

 “Administrative and programming responsibility”



East Carolina University SGA

1) Our mission or goal is to give back to the university and advocate for the change students

want to see on campus. We also represent the students to the community and administration.

2) The base our council on the Federal Government set up. We have the three branches which are

executive, legislative, judicial. We are a student governing body by students.

3) Can you explain what a community board looks like?

4) The first student government was started in 1920 by 7 women.

5) Thus far this semester our biggest success as been being one of the most active student

governments ECU has had in awhile. All our members sit on multiple committees campus and

community wide. We have also had the most legislation passed and money allocated in the past

few years. More initiatives are coming soon! One of the challenges has been to get out and

represent as many students as we can. We are very busy students so we try to time manage as

best as we can.

6) We have been running since 1920 and with changes to our constitution and bylaws we are

able to evolve and help students through the years. Those changes to our documents happen

through the legislative branch and the passing of bills and resolutions.

7) Our members sit on Student Affairs committees externally and internally to become the most

informed about what our students are facing on campus.

8) Each branch as meetings every week. All of our meeting times can be found on the homepage

of our website.


9) There are two positions on cabinet which are the Director of Local and State Affairs as well as

the Director of Community Outreach. Together with the President and Community Affairs

Committee they try to interact and work with the Greenville community as much as possible. We

are currently working on a Frisbee Golf Course with the City to benefit the residents and

students. It will hopefully be near the dog park. We work on any issues that are presented to us.

10) Some of our events have been Homecoming, College Republicans and College Democrats

debate, blood drive, Berlin Wall, bring two speakers next semester, Movement Mondays, Market

days and Dowdy days. There are many more!

Please let me know your availability about setting up a time to meet and please feel free to stop

by the office anytime!

Any other additional information can be found on the website. I try to keep it updated as much as


Katie Swanner

Student Body Secretary 252-328-2483


Wichita State University

Hello Destiny,

My name is Taylor Gladding and I am the President of Community Service Board. If you have

any questions about all of the information below, let me know. I'll be able to explain further! 

1.    What is mission/goal of the Community Council? 

Our Motto:

Passionate Service Together (PST)

Mission Statement

Student Involvement is committed to students by intentionally creating co-curricular experiences

that complement the academic mission by providing opportunities which engage and develop

students resulting in a vibrant campus culture that enhances their journey as a Shocker!


A) To plan and administer activities and programs which increase civic engagement efforts for

WSU students, staff and faculty

B) To contribute to student development and enhance opportunities for student leadership at

Wichita State University.

C) To serve as a resource and umbrella for Community Service efforts hosted by student


D) To serve as an information and programming resource for other campus organizations and

leaders, and to support their programming efforts as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.

2.    What model that you based your council on?  Where did this idea come from? 

CSB is in its first year. This year we used this model below (from our constitution), however, we


have recently constructed a new model which is attached on this email.

This year:

Duties of CSB President

·         Chair Executive Board and all member meetings.

·         Prepare the agenda for Executive Board meetings.

·         Review and evaluate the CSB Constitution on a continual basis.

·         Serve as a resource person for other student organizations on campus.

·         Assist with the annual CSB budget development process.

·         Plan and execute annual Social Justice Effort/Immersion trip

·         Appoint CSB representatives to other campus bodies as required.

Duties of  Vice-President

·         Assume responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.

·         Plan bi-weekly membership meetings.

·         Oversee all recruitment efforts for the organization.

·         Plan educational workshops and retreats for CSB members to include semesterly membership

empowerment retreat

·         Keep official record of voting activity/minutes during Executive Board meetings.

·         Facilitate collaboration with student organizations planning community service events.

Duties of Programming Chair

·         Maintain up to date CSB event database

·         Plan monthly Service in the City events during academic year.

·         Maintain Civic Engagement calendar for all efforts facilitated by Wichita State University.

·         Serve as a resource for promotions and marketing related issues for CSB


Duties of Large Event Chair

·         Oversee campus service traditions for students, staff and faculty.

·         Plan 1 event per semester to achieve 1985 of community service hours.

·         Maintain the CSB website with forms and event information.

·         Establish and maintain relationships with community service sites in the Wichita Area.

Duties of Special Projects Chair

·         Work with the Coordinator of Leadership & Service-Learning to develop service-learning


·         Serve as a member on the Campus Read Initiative.

·         Plan on-going service opportunities for members to include but not limited to, can food drive,

service months and community outreach

Duties of Project Managers 

·         Support event operation through marketing efforts and serving as event staff.

·         Facilitate defined initiative from the executive board providing regular reports.

·         Chair meetings of their sub-committee.

·         Meet with their advisor on a regular basis.

actively recruit membership for CSB.

Starting Next Election Year (See Attached for Details of each Position)

1. President

2. Vice President of Membership

     Vice President of Marketing

3.   Food and Hunger Chair

      Youth and Education Chair


        Poverty and Homelessness Chair

        Health Chair 

3.    What is the organization of your community board like (executive positions,

committees, etc)? How many? Why?

Most of this is answered above, however, we also have a membership base as well. We currently

meet bi-weekly for an hour and a half. Next semester we are meeting weekly for an hour and a

half. During our meetings we do an ice breaker as a large group and sometimes have a speaker

come in and talk to us about Community Service relevant material (Kansas Food Bank, Rescue

Union Mission, etc.). After the speaker is finished, we break out into small groups. The purpose

of the small groups was to get to know our members in an efficient manner. We found that it was

difficult when we were trying to remember all 60+ members at the same time. In our small

groups we do little community service projects, arts and crafts, and/or ice breakers. 

4.    How long has this community board been in place? 

We applied and interviewed in April and started May 1st of 2014. This is our first year.

5.    What has been your biggest success/challenge? 

Right now, all of the things we do are successes because every event is our first one. I think our

largest challenge is the importance of communication. I have felt that the communication could

have been way better in the beginning, but it's all a learning experience. :) Something else that

could improve is that we are all extremely involved in many other areas of our campus and off

campus. As a president, you can't really say, "You can't join any other organization or run for

another executive board position," but it also is hard to watch CSB suffer because of over


committed students that want to conquer it all. 

6.    How long did it take to get the council up and running and how did you do this? What

was the process? 

Student Involvement (the umbrella that we are under) created the board and students applied and

interviewed for the positions. Those that were chosen took all of the ground work that SI created

and ran with it to create what we have now. 

7.    What is your connection with other student affairs departments/offices? What value

does this have within student affairs? 

Our most important connection is that we have members from all areas of the campus. They all

are able to bring their unique influences to improve CSB. 

8.    How often does this board meet?

We meet for 1.5 - 2 hours every week hours before our member meeting.

9.    How does your council/board work with the community? 

We have a great connection with United Way and they help us find locations for our events. We

also frequently get emails and calls from agencies in the community to help with their various


a.    Do you have particular organizations that you serve, or does the board service all

community partners of the universities volunteer/civic engagement center?

Everyone! :)

b.    Is it structured based on social issues? Based interest? Based on type of service? 

Not currently, but next year we have broken down interests and social issues. We did this

because we were getting so many various inquiries that we needed more board members that are

specialized in specific areas to take on all of the odd ends that were not anticipated when SI


created the board structure.

10.    What responsibilities or events does your council/board offer to campus? 

This is explained pretty well in the structure. If you have any questions about it, let me know. 

I am also open to any other information you are able or willing to share with me. Thank you in

advance for your time and consideration.

I think this is about it. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or CSB at any time. 

Thank you for reaching out! Good Luck with your Community service endeavors!



UNC-Chapel Hill APPLES

Hi Destiny,

I'm glad Leslie was able to help you with the background of our organization. This is my 4th

year with APPLES and the program has accomplished many wonderful things during that time.

With the numerous branches of our organization, it's hard to choose a single success or

challenge, but I'll do my best.

Personally, I believe the greatest success for APPLES in my time here is the growth of the

reflection and focus on communicating service learning, specifically through the alternative

breaks and courses curriculum. We have added a Reflections Committee to our core cabinet

group to facilitate and prepare presentations on reflections for groups within and outside of

APPLES; revamped our courses component of the organization to ensure effective reflection is

taking place in each of them; and also added a more substantial course/reflection and orientation

component to our shorter fall and winter breaks to ensure every participant has a firm

understanding of service learning. This is still a growing and evolving project that I've loved

watching and being apart of. Going off of that, I think the greatest challenge remains making

sure a diverse mix of students are involved and running the organization on a 'student led, staff

supported' basis. Challenges like budgets and turnover are an ongoing project for any university

organization with students involved, and equal representation and diversity has been a focus for

us as well.

If you have any more questions about APPLES or think it would be easier to discuss on the

phone, I'd be more than happy to speak with you further.
