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your adelaide hills Prosper / Connect / Place / Explore Our strategic plan to make the Adelaide Hills a place for everyone.

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your adelaide hills Prosper / Connect / Place / Explore

Our strategic plan to make the Adelaide Hills a place for everyone.

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3 Mayor’s Message

4 What is the Strategic Plan?

6 Communityprofile

8 Trends and considerations

10 Strategic Planning Framework

12 Our Role

14 Goal 1 People and Business Prosper

18 Goal 2 Activities and Opportunities to Connect

22 Goal 3 Places for People and Nature

26 Goal 4 Exploring Ideas and Working with Others

30 What’s next?

32 Organisational sustainability

35 Map of district

Contents Mayor’s message

Aboriginal recognition The Adelaide Hills Council recognises the Peramangk and Kaurna as the region’s firstpeople.Werespecttheirongoingrelationship with the land and are committed to working together toensuretheircultureandtraditionsarepreserved.

The district has a changing population and we know that new people come with new expectations.

People now expect more oftheirCouncil.They want to connect with us in different ways and when itisconvenientforthem.They want to know we’re interested in their views andvaluetheirinput.

People also connect with each other using methods not thought of years ago and communities of interest have become as important as the communities in whichwelive.

With your input, we’ve developed a bold plan to make the Adelaide Hills a place for everyone while at the same time nurturing

what makes the Hills such an attractive place tolive,workandplay.

Our plan is ambitious and we know we can’t do everything ourselves, so we’ve made a concerted effort to be clear about what role the Council can play in meeting community expectations.

We are blessed to have one of the highest levels of community based volunteeringinthenation.We also have a vibrant business community and residents who are passionate about the place they choose to

callhome.Allofthisin a landscape that is the envy of the world!

The next four years present an exciting opportunity for us all to come together to make the Adelaide Hills the place we want it to be –aplaceforeveryone.

Bill Spragg Mayor

This Strategic Plan is dedicated to the people of the Adelaide Hills Councildistrict.Communityinputtothedevelopmentofthisplanwasintegralandwethankallofthosewhoparticipated.

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We provide a range of services

to the community such as asset

and infrastructure management,

business and community

development, community

care and safety, development



What is the strategic plan?

Adelaide Hills: a place for everyone!

Your rates go much further than just picking up waste and fixing roads...

This plan outlines the Council’s

key areas of focus for the


everything we do, but it helps

us focus on those areas

which need new or renewed

attention to address emerging


People and business

prosper• Tourism

• Agriculture• Community wellbeing

Exploring ideas and working with others

• Community leadership• Creativity and innovation• Community engagement

Places for people and

nature• Thriving ecosystems

• Functional towns and villages• Productive landscapes

Activities and opportunities

to connect• Diversity and inclusion• Culture and heritage

• Active citizenship

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Community profile

Sparse density0.5 people per hectare

Total population 40,031 (2015 ABS estimate)

District area 795km2

Age 0–17 Babies and school age 24.1% (21.5% greater Adelaide)

Age 18–34 Tertiary education, independence and young workforce 15.8% (23.2%)

Age 35–59 Parents, homebuilders, pre-retirees 39.1% (33.9%)

Age 60–69 Empty nesters and retirees 12.5% (10.2%)

Age 70+ Seniors 8.4% (11.1%)


Age segmentation

General statistics


High average income

Low unemployment

High labour participation

Modest population growth

Low levels of disability

2.9% (5.4% greater Adelaide)

High education levels

High levels of internet connectivity

Modest public transport use

High levels of home ownership

Low levels of ethnic diversity

7.0% (15.1% greater Adelaide) from non-English speaking countries

Household types

Couples with children

39.0% (28.5% greater Adelaide)

Couples without children

30.9% (25.5% greater Adelaide)

One parent families

7.7% (11.0% greater Adelaide)

Lone person

18.1% (26.7% greater Adelaide)

Work at home

7.3% (3.2% greater Adelaide)

Relatively low level of socio-economic disadvantage

New residents moved from outside the district between 2006–2011 20.1% (Total 7,756)

Volunteers 29.8% of population volunteer (17.7% greater Adelaide)


Median age42 (39 greater Adelaide)

Data based on ABS 2011 census unless otherwise indicated.

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Trends and considerations

Population growthThe 30 year plan for greater Adelaide anticipates population growth of 560,000 people throughurbanisation.Much of the Adelaide Hills Council district is covered by the Hills Face and Watershed (Primary Production) Zones which protect those important pieces of land and restrict development.Thatbeingthe case, population growth across the district is low compared with other partsofAdelaide.Theimplication is that natural and agrarian landscapes are under less pressure from development, but the Council’s rate income base grows slowly in comparison withotherareas.

Population change20.1%ofthe2011populationlived outside the district in 2006, indicating a continued trend for ‘new’ people moving to the hills,

or returning after living elsewhereforsometime.This turnover is not high in comparison with other places,butconfirmsthatthe Adelaide Hills does have a changing population, which will bring about changingexpectations.

Housing affordabilityThe Adelaide Hills is an attractive place to live, yet development restrictions mean that housingsupplyislimited.The implication is that cost of housing in parts of the districtisrelativelyhigh.More affordable areas tend to be isolated and

poorly serviced by public transport which can create difficultyforlowerincomefamilies and individuals tolivethere.

Cultural diversityOnly7%ofthedistrict’spopulation were born in non-English speaking countries compared with 15%forgreaterAdelaide.Housing affordability, lower job vacancy rates and historic migration patterns may be barriers to people from more diverse backgrounds movingtotheHills.

AgeingThe Australian population is ageing as baby boomers enter retirement and life expectancyincreases.However, the Adelaide Hills district has a relatively low proportion of people over 70, suggesting that people tend to move out of the area astheyage.Thisislikelyduetothedifficultypeoplehavemanaging larger properties as they age, the challenges posed by the geography, limited public transport and the proximity of support services.

Young peopleThe number of school aged children in the Adelaide Hills compares well with greater Adelaide, suggesting that it is considered to be a good placetobringupchildren.

The district does however have a relative dearth in people between the ages of18-34.Thissuggestspeople growing up in the district tend to leave once theyentertheworkforce.The fact that they are not replaced by others in the same age bracket indicates a link to the housing affordability issue and/or a desire to live closer to work orthecitywhileyoung.

First home ownership in the Hillsisachallenge.Theageprofilesuggestsfamiliestend to buy in the Hills in theirlate30sand40s.

Digital connectivityThe district has high levels of internet connectivity but speed and reliability varies.Thenbn™networkis being progressively rolled out and most of the district should be covered bytheendof2017.

Workplace62.0%ofthepopulationworksoutsidethearea.Yet,there is a comparatively higher tendency for people toworkfromhome.TheCouncil needs to recognise the desire people have to work from home and respond to this cohort ‘workplace’.

Aboriginal populationJust204people(0.5%)identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, but thiswasupfrom144(0.4%)in2006.WeknowthatmanyAboriginal people with a strong connection to the landliveoutsidethedistrict.

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These typically have a 4-6 year planning horizon and include:

• Community Strategy

• Long Term Financial Plan*

• Asset Management Plan*

• Biodiversity Strategy

• Economic Development Strategy

• Communications & Marketing Plan

The Council’s Strategic Plan* is supported by a suite of subject-specific strategies and plans.

We measure our success by the achievement of the objectivesandactionsoutlinedinourstrategiesandplans.We monitor progress through regular Council reporting andsummariseachievementsinourAnnualReport.

Strategic Plan

• Prosper• Places

• Connect• Explore

Reviewed every 4 years

Corporate Plan• Leadership

• People• Resources

• Systems & Processes• Organisation Policy • Results

Reviewed every 4 years

Organisational Plans and


Specific Strategies and Plans

*Denotes that the plan is a strategic management plan for the purposes of the LocalGovernmentAct1999.

Planning and development of the Council’s administration happens through a Corporate Plan, which aims to develop an organisation capable of delivering the Council’s long term community objectives andannualpriorities.

Each year the Council determines the priorities from its strategies and plans, and allocates resources through the budget and businessplanningprocess. The community is involved in this process through public consultationandengagement.

Business Plan & Budget• Special actions & programs

Developed annually

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LeaderCouncil leading the community or the local government sector by, for example, setting directions to meet the community’s needs or role-modelling an approach

Service Provider/OwnerCouncil directly delivering services, providing assets or managing community funds

PartnerCouncil contributing funds or resources and working collaboratively with others to deliver a service or initiative

Facilitator Council bringing together other people and partners to achieve outcomes


AdvocateCouncil making representations on behalf of the community

The Council fulfils a broad range of functions and there are a number of ways the Council can achieve its community objectives.

Our roleSouth Australian Government Economic Priority: Premium Food and Wine produced in our clean environment and exported to the world

South Australian Government Economic Priority: The best place to do business

South Australian Strategic Plan Goal: We are proud of South Australia and celebrate our diverse culture and people

South Australian Strategic Plan Goal: We are the Festival State; our festivals, cultural venues and events create a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, generating excitement!

Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Plan

Adelaide Hills Council 20YearRegionalTrailStrategy and Action Plan

Adelaide Hills Regional Strategic Tourism Plan 2015-2020

Dog and Cat Management Act 1995

National Innovation and Science Agenda

South Australian Government Eat Well Be Active Strategy 2011-16

Related regional, state & national priorities

Many of our strategic initiatives help fulfil regional, state and national priorities. These are indicated throughout our Plan.


TOUR 15-20









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Goal 1 People and business prosper

What success looks like: Thriving businesses that uniquely say ‘Adelaide Hills’. Healthy and happy people.

The Hills is known for its quality food and beverage offerings, with creative producersfindingnichemarkets at home and overseas.Weoperate in an environment free ofgeneticallymodifiedcrops.Thereareopportunities to leverage the ‘clean and green’ brand and help producers tap in to interstate and overseasmarkets.

Active lifestyles are synonymouswiththeHills.The State Government has identifiedtheregionasaninternational mountain biking destination and more needs to be done to makethisareality.There is a network of iconic walking trails and there are opportunities to connect thesewithkeydestinations.

Playing in nature is important for the young andyoungatheart. Both residents and visitors alike enjoy opportunities to spend time and explore innature.

With close proximity to Adelaide, short-stay experience tourism works well for the Adelaide Hills.Affordableandunique experiences in a natural setting are highlysoughtafter.

Itcanbedifficultforpeopletobuytheirfirsthouse or secure affordable rental properties in the Hills.Weknowthatmanypeople leave the district in their later years as they look for smaller properties closer to public transport andservices.Forpeople to prosper in the Hills, we need to make it liveable forallages.

The Adelaide Hills is a unique region, where people live among working vineyards, on viable agricultural land and in village townships and settlements. The country lifestyle and natural surrounds are key attractors for residents and visitors. Living and doing business are entwined.


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Strategy Role Related priorities

We will pursue World Heritage Listing for the Mount Lofty Ranges asaworkingagriculturallandscape.

We will work with governments and industry to achieve Pest Free Area status for the Adelaide Hillsprimaryproductionarea.

We will work towards making the Adelaide Hills the favoured tourismdestinationintheState.

We will work with the State Government to make the Adelaide Hills an international mountainbikingdestination.

Strategy Role Related priorities

We will implement the Adelaide Hills Business and Tourism Centre (Old Woollen Mill) Masterplan to stimulate local job creation, boost tourism and create a vibrant culturalhub.

We recognise that small and micro business is the backbone of our regional economy and will work with stakeholders to make iteasiertodobusinessintheHills.

We will work with other levels of government to address transport needsforbusiness.

We will connect key walking trails and cycling routes to make it easier forpeopletokeepactiveintheHills.

We will amend the Development Plan tomakefarmingintheHillseasier.

We will work to make the district moreage-friendly.

We will amend the Development Plan to provide more housing opportunitiesforfirsthomebuyersandthoseageinginourcommunity.

We will embrace nature play concepts inplayspacedevelopments.

We will seek opportunities to increase the wellbeing and resilience of our community to withstand, recover and growinthefaceofchallenges.

Goal 1 People and business prosper






TOUR 15-20



Leader Service Provider/Owner Partner Facilitator Regulator Advocate

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Goal 2 Activities and opportunities to connect

What success looks like: A welcoming and inclusive community where people support, respect and celebrate each other for their differences as much as for their shared values.

The Hills community values learning and sees itasalifelongpursuit.Technology has enabled people to connect with communities of interest beyond their local area, bringing new ideas and expectations.

The Adelaide Hills has nearly twice the level of volunteering than the greater Adelaide area and thisneedstobefostered.

Creative pursuits provide people with an opportunity to connect with each other and their surrounds on a more meaningful andthoughtfullevel. Art is often said to be anexpressionofculture. It demonstrates community identity, provides an important outlet for expression, is a valuable educational tool and can encourage business investment.

People wish to be heard and involved in making decisions which affect them.Opportunitiesforactive citizenship and community led approaches exist through Advisory Groups, working parties, forums and volunteering, but more can be done to strengthen community basedleadership.

We need to do more to recognise and respect theregion’sfirstpeople.Both the Peramangk and Kaurna people have connections with the Hills and we can learn byconnectingwiththem.

The Adelaide Hills is a placeforeveryone.Tobewelcoming and respecting of individual uniqueness we must strive to understand, accept andvaluedifferences.

In an increasingly fast-paced and technological world, opportunities to connect are crucial. Connection can be with a place, people, activities or ideas. A connected community is inclusive and welcoming, engaged, empowered and dynamic. Its members are confident and resilient.


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Goal 2 Activities and opportunities to connect

Strategy Role Related priorities

We recognise and respect Aboriginal culture and the descendantsofourfirst people.Wewillimplement aReconciliationActionPlan.

We recognise diversity in the community is one of our greatest strengths and we will support and promote opportunities for socialinclusion.

We will establish a community leadership program to help unlock the potential of people in the community to improve thecommunity.

Strategy Role Related priorities

We will support opportunities for learning in our community to increasetheconfidence,wellbeingandhealthofourcitizens.

We will seek to bring events to our district that have social, cultural, environmental and economicbenefits.

We will seek opportunities to improve transport options for thosewhoneeditmost.

We will improve the engagement and participation of younger peopleinourdistrict.




Leader Service Provider/Owner Partner Facilitator Regulator Advocate

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Goal 3 Places for people and nature

What success looks like: Vibrant places which contribute to increased wellbeing. Thriving ecosystems.

Good facilities provide places for people to meet, connectandparticipate.Theserangefromfields for organised sport to spaces for meeting friendsinthemainstreet.

A unique ‘sense of place’ can be created with input from people who spend time or do business in an area.Communitiesknowwhat a place needs, who will use it and how it can be enhanced.

Our plants and wildlife face a number of challenges including weed invasion, habitat fragmentation, bushfiresandclimatechange.Throughresponsible management and supporting community based activities, we can work together to improve biodiversity and enable ecosystemstothrive.

Built spaces like libraries, community centres and halls provide hubs for people to come together, learnandinteract.Thesespaces should constantly evolve to meet new and changingneeds.

Thenativefloraandfaunaof our region contribute to the character of the Adelaide Hills and are essential to our productivity, economy, health and sense of wellbeing.

The environment is continually changing —influencedbyclimate,economic considerations andhumanimpacts. We need to empower our community with the knowledge and capacity to adapt to change and secureasustainablefuture.

What makes the Adelaide Hills special is its unique landscape and places. From native vegetation and productive farming land to village townships and community facilities, the region comprises a blend of land use which allows people and nature to thrive.


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Strategy Role Related priorities

We will work with our community to encourage sustainable living andcommercialpractices.

We will strive for carbon neutrality as an organisation and encourage ourcommunitytodolikewise.

We will complete the road reserves and reserve assessments (blue marker project), leading the nation in conservation and biodiversity managementpractices.

Strategy Role Related priorities

We will reduce the impact of catsonnativefloraandfauna.

We will drive further reduction inwasteconsignedtolandfill.

We will explore options for a northernfreighttrainbypass.

We will encourage community-led place making approaches to enhance townshipsandpublicspaces.

We will investigate ‘off grid’ power opportunities for facilities and householdsinourcommunity.We’re open to the idea of whole townshipsdoingthesame.

Goal 3 Places for people and nature



Leader Service Provider/Owner Partner Facilitator Regulator Advocate

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Goal 4 Explore ideas and work with others

What success looks like: Council working with our community and others to pursue new ideas and address emerging needs.

Today’s norm was yesterday’sinnovation.Creative communities are vibrant and members have outlets to express themselves.Weneed to foster creativity in the community and embrace itasanorganisation.

Community-led approaches can achieve great community outcomes.Everyoneshouldhave the opportunity to

To meet changing community expectations the Council needs to be agile.Ourstrategies,policies, processes and systems must be current and relevant to community needs.Wemustembraceflexibilityandbepreparedtochange.Inrecognisingand realising opportunities, we manage risks so that we canachieveourobjectives.

As the world changes around us, the Council needs to be aware of the impacts on its community andadvocateaccordingly.

participateandinfluencedecisions that affect them and be empowered tocreatechange.

Two heads are better thanone.Workingtogether with community, business and other levels of government will create better outcomes and allow for knowledge sharing and learning fromoneother.

Our community is full of ideas and potential. We seek community input for important decisions and to help us set directions. The community needs the Council to be easy to work with and to act in its interest.


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Strategy Role Related priorities

We will embrace contemporary methods of engagement so it’s easyforeveryonetohavetheirsay.

We will explore the opportunities that emerging technologies present to people living, working, visiting ordoingbusinessinourdistrict.

We will offer greater access to services and realise business efficienciesthroughonlineservices.

We will foster creativity in the community and embrace itasanorganisation.

We will work with neighbouring Councils and stakeholders to ensure Council boundaries bestserveourcommunities.

We will actively pursue opportunities to share resources and partner with others for bettercommunityoutcomes.



Leader Service Provider/Owner Partner Facilitator Regulator Advocate

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What’s next?

Become a centre for ‘GREEN’ businesses

– Kathryn

Grants to young, innovative people – Jeanette

Future planning for public transport for the next 50 years

– lovethehills

Name public places with Indigenous names

– TamaraCouncil buildings

go green – Chelsea

Community Centres could provide meaningful and accessible programs

for young people every school holidays – Chelsea

As playgrounds become due for renewal, convert them to Nature Based playgrounds

– Anon

Walking trails that combine wine, food, exercise in

gorgeous scenery – Kathryn

Funny walk pedestrian crossing

– NikkiD

Better access to bus shelters would make waiting for buses more inviting

– travelle

As we pursue the actions and

commitments made in this plan

and other strategies, we will draw

upon those ideas to formulate

actions and approaches that


Our community is full of ideas! We know because we received hundreds of them when we engaged during the development of this plan and these have been captured in an ideas bank.


way into our upcoming annual


We consult every year during

this process, so look out for your

idea and keep in touch with us!

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Our organisationOur organisation needs to be agile and capable of delivering the Council’s long term community objectives and annual priorities.Builtonacontinuous improvement philosophy, our Corporate Plan seeks to develop a high performing and service focused culture through an emphasis on:

• Leadership• People• Policy and strategy• Partnerships and

resources• Systems, processes

and services

We measure our success as an organisation by monitoring a range of indicators around these areas.OurCorporate Plan will be reviewed inearly2017.

Work health and safetyWe strive to integrate health and safety into all aspects of our activities and planning and have a strong record of achievementinthisspace.

We are committed to providing a workplace that:

• Is safe and healthy for all employees, volunteers, contractors and visitors

• Understands and manages risks to minimise the potential for harm at work

• Fully complies with health and safety legislation

Financial sustainabilityThe Adelaide Hills Council has consistently met its financialsustainabilitytargets and is on track to continue this strong trend intotheforeseeablefuture.Our Long Term Financial Plan, which is reviewed annually, is built around:

• Operating within our means

• Managing debt responsibly

• Reducing the infrastructure asset renewal backlog

• Keeping rate increases low

• Funding new or enhanced services throughefficiencysavings

Customer Service CommitmentWe aim to consistently deliverexcellentservice.We do this by being:

• Available: we make it easy for you to reach us

• Helpful: we are approachable and always willing to assist

• Empathetic: we listen to your needs and appreciate your point of view

• Responsive: we respond to your needs and keep you informed

• Reliable: we are honest, accurate and consistent in all that we do

We have service standards that are regularly measured and reported, and we maintain systems which enable people to make requests, suggestions, compliments and complaints.

Risk and responsibilityWe understand that risk exposure to the Council is risk exposure to the community.Wehave a framework in place to identify, evaluate and manage risks

associated with:

• Achieving corporate objectives

• Staff welfare• Legal compliance• Financial and asset

sustainability• Service continuity• Community and

social wellbeing• The environment• Local and regional


Our highest risks are regularly reassessed and monitored by the Council’s Audit Committee and subsequentlybyCouncil.

Collaboration on public policy settingWe foster positive relationships with other Councils, relevant State Government Ministers, and government departments andagencies.Theextent to which we collaborate in public policy setting is determined on the basis of relevance to our community and the ability to allocate the necessaryresources.Ourprimary mechanisms include:

• We actively seek face to face Minister-Council interaction on an annual basis

• Council, and the Executive Leadership Team, monitors opportunities to comment on proposals of other levels of government via the Local Government Association’s regular circulars and prioritises effort and input according todistrictrelevance.

•TheChiefExecutiveOfficerand Mayor participate in the Metropolitan Local Government Group and the South and Hills Regional Local Government Association, which are regular forums for collaboration and regional decision making

• We regularly invite senior government staff to address Council and the Executive Leadership team on issues of district relevance in an informal and interactive manner

The state, national and regional objectives that were considered in the development of this plan, and the extent to which we plan to co-ordinate with State and Federal Governmentsonspecificobjectives, are outlined inthegoalareasections.

GovernanceThe Council is committed to open, participative and transparent decision making and administrative processes.Wediligentlyadhere to legislative requirements to ensure public accountability and exceed these requirements wherepossible.Weareparticularly proud that:

• Our Council Member Code of Conduct goes above and beyond the minimum legislated standards

• Members of the public can address Council Members, without notice, at any Council meeting

• Our Audit Committee considers risk and efficiencymeasures inadditiontofinancialcontrols

We are committed to fully cooperate with the State Ombudsman,OfficeforPublic Integrity, Independent Commissioner Against Corruption and other investigativeauthorities.

We are proudly a member of the Local Government Association and its mutual liability and workers compensationschemes.

Organisational sustainability

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Upper Sturt


Horsnell Gully





Humbug Scrub

Sampson Flat








Norton Summit


Basket Range



Carey Gully






Ironbank LongwoodMylor

Scott Creek

Dorset Vale

Chain Of Ponds


Mount Crawford

Cudlee Creek



Kenton Valley






Hay Valley


Mount Torrens








Mount George




City ofPlayford

City of Tea Tree


CampbelltownCity Council

City ofBurnside




Torrens ValleyWard

Marble HillWard

OnkaparingaValley Ward

Mt LoftyWard

ManoahWard Adelaide

Hills CouncilWard Areas


Ward AreaBoundaries

Adelaide HillsCouncil Area Boundary


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(08) 8408 0400

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PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244

