
Structure of an amoeba: Pseudopod: part of the amoeba used for locomotion. Cytoplasm: central part of an amoeba. Cell membrane: membrane covering an amoeba. Contractile vacuole: cavity of the amoeba that is able to contract. Food vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion. Nucleus: central organelle for an amoeba. Digestive vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion.

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Post on 30-May-2015




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Page 1: Protists

Structure of an amoeba:

Pseudopod: part of the amoeba used for locomotion.Cytoplasm: central part of an amoeba.Cell membrane: membrane covering an amoeba.Contractile vacuole: cavity of the amoeba that is able to contract.Food vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion.Nucleus: central organelle for an amoeba.Digestive vacuole: cavity of the amoeba responsible for digestion.

Page 2: Protists

Structure of a euglena: flagellate freshwater protozoan.

Reservoir: part of a euglena used for storage.Nucleus: central organelle of a euglena.Contractile vacuole: cavity of the euglena that is able to contract.Pellicle: membrane that envelops a euglena.Chloroplast: organelle of the euglena responsible for photosynthesis.Nucleolus: spherical body that contains the nucleus of a euglena.Stigma: light-sensitive part of a euglena.Flagellum: long, mobile filament used by the euglena for locomotion.

Page 3: Protists

Structure of a paramecium: Cilia: minuscule cilia that envelop the paramecium and are used for locomotion.Contractile vacuole: cavity of the paramecium that is able to contract.Food vacuole: cavity of the paramecium responsible for digestion.Micronucleus: one of the less important central organelles of a paramecium.Oral groove: canal of the paramecium used to ingest nutrients.Gullet: cavity of the pharynx.Cytoplasm: central part of a paramecium.Large nucleus: the most important central organelle of a paramecium.

Page 4: Protists

Plant cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies and Nucleus: small spherical body with the cell Chloroplast: granule of chlorophyll, which is needed for photosynthesis.Mitochondria: granule that plays an important role in the respiration and energy-releasing reactions in living cells. Cytoplasm :liquid part of the cellVacuole: space with the cytoplasm of a cell containing various substances.Cell wall: rigid wall around the cell