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From: Katja S. Grossmann, Aurore Giraudin, Olivier Britz, Jingming Zhang and Martyn Goulding, Genetic dissection of rhythmic motor networks

in mice. In Jean-Pierre Gossard, Réjean Dubuc and Arlette Kolta, editors: Progress in Brain Reasearch, Vol. 187, Burlington: Academic Press, 2010, pp. 19-37.

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Academic Press.

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Jean-Pierre Gossard, Réjean Dubuc and Arlette Kolta (Eds.)Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 187ISSN: 0079-6123Copyright � 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Genetic dissection of rhythmic motor networksin mice

Katja S. Grossmann1, Aurore Giraudin1, Olivier Britz, Jingming Zhangand Martyn Goulding*

Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, USA

Abstract: Simple motor behaviors such as locomotion and respiration involve rhythmic and coordinatedmuscle movements that are generated by central pattern generator (CPG) networks in the spinal cordand hindbrain. These CPG networks produce measurable behavioral outputs and thus represent idealmodel systems for studying the operational principles that the nervous system uses to produce specificbehaviors. Recent advances in our understanding of the transcriptional code that controls neuronaldevelopment have provided an entry point into identifying and targeting distinct neuronal populationsthat make up locomotor CPG networks in the spinal cord. This has spurred the development of newgenetic approaches to dissect and manipulate neuronal networks both in the spinal cord and hindbrain.Here we discuss how the advent of molecular genetics together with anatomical and physiologicalmethods has begun to revolutionize studies of the neuronal networks controlling rhythmic motorbehaviors in mice.

Keywords: locomotion; respiration; spinal cord; CPG; interneuron; mouse genetics.

Rhythmic motor outputs such as locomotion, res-piration, and mastication are, in their simplestforms, highly stereotyped motor behaviors. In fishand tadpoles, locomotion primarily consists ofrepetitive lateral bending movements of the axis,which are produced by waves of contraction andrelaxation that propagate rostrocaudally alongthe body axis. In contrast, terrestrial vertebrates

*Corresponding author, 1equal contribution.Tel.:þ1-858-453-4100-1558; Fax:þ1-858-450-2172.

19DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(10)87002-5

propel themselves by flexing and extendingtheir limbs. This more complex mode of locomo-tion requires extensive coordination between theforelimbs and hindlimbs on each side of the animaland between individual limb joints. The additionaldemands of land-based locomotion appear to havedriven the evolutionary elaboration of the spinalmotor circuitry in terrestrial vertebrates, both interms of numbers and types of neurons, as well assensory and supraspinal connectivity. In highervertebrates, the spinal locomotor system has thus

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evolved into a highly dynamic network thatproduces a varied and flexible array of motor out-puts in response to sensory feedback pathwaysand descending influences from rubrospinal,reticulospinal, vestibulospinal, and corticospinalpathways.

Rhythmic motor circuits in the hindbrainand spinal cord

The core neuronal networks that control rhythmicrespiratory and locomotor motor behaviors residein the hindbrain and spinal cord, respectively.These CPG networks generate simple organizedmotor rhythms in an autonomous manner. Initialefforts to decipher the general organization ofthese simple motor CPGs in vertebrates reliedheavily on electrophysiological and pharmacolog-ical approaches. Such efforts were greatly aidedby the development of in vitro hindbrain–spinalcord preparations in neonatal rodents (Kudoand Yamada, 1987; Smith and Feldman, 1987).In addition to enabling investigators to localizetwo rhythmic CPGs in the medulla that driverespiratory movements, the pre-Bötzinger com-plex and parafacial respiratory group (Onimaruand Homma, 1987; Smith et al., 1991; this book),this in vitro preparation has been used to mapthe hindlimb locomotor CPG. For instance, seri-ally sectioning the lumbar spinal cord, bothrostrocaudally and dorsoventrally, has definedthe minimal area needed to generate a locomotorrhythm. The area that is circumscribed encom-passes laminae VII, VIII, and X of the lumbarcord, with lumbar segments L1–L2 being parti-cularly important for rhythm generation (Bracciet al., 1996; Cazalets et al., 1995; Kjaerulff andKiehn, 1996). Forelimb movements are likewisecontrolled by networks distributed in the cervicalspinal cord (Ballion et al., 2001). Further insightsinto the organization of the spinal locomotorCPG network have come from in vitro pharmaco-logical studies. From these studies, it appears thatlocomotor rhythmogenesis is primarily reliant on

glutamatergic ipsilateral neurons (Bracci et al.,1996; Kjaerulff and Kiehn, 1997), whereas thealternating patterns of flexor–extensor andleft–right activities are secured by GABAergicand glycinergic pathways (Bracci et al., 1996;Kjaerulff and Kiehn, 1996, 1997).

Over the past few years, efforts to delineate thegenetic programs that pattern the caudal neuroaxishave provided new avenues for probing the com-position of these CPG networks. An importantthematic that has emerged has been the role thatgenetically driven developmental programs playin directing neuronal specification and differentia-tion in the hindbrain and spinal cord. Significantprogress has beenmade in understanding how suchdevelopmental programs determine neuronalidentity and how neurons are wired together intofunctional motor circuits. These studies suggestcommonalities in the cellular composition of CPGnetworks in the hindbrain and spinal cord, in sofar that these circuits are built from interneuroncell types that share a similar embryonic heritage.In this review, we will focus on genetic approachesused in mice to identify cells that are componentsof motor networks and assess their contributionto rhythmic motor behaviors, with an emphasison locomotion.

The developmental program of the caudalneuroaxis

The developmental events that pattern the caudalneural tube play a central role in assembling sen-sorimotor circuits in the hindbrain and spinal cord(Goulding, 2009; Jessell, 2000). The position thata progenitor cell occupies along the dorsoventral(DV) axis confers a specific genetic code to thesecells and thus serves as a major determinant ofcell identity (Fig. 1a). This DV patterning pro-gram segregates newborn neurons into genericpopulations that are arrayed as longitudinalcolumns along the antero-posterior axis of thehindbrain and spinal cord. As development pro-ceeds, neurons within these columns migrate

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Sim1 Nkx2-2Nkx6-1Neurog3

Olig2 Nkx6-1 Neurog2

Nkx6-1 Foxn4 Ascl1

Dbx2 Nkx6-2

Dbx1 Dbx2

Dbx2 Neurog1/2


PeripheralAcetylcholineMN Hb9

IpsilateralGABA/glycineV1 En1

IpsilateralGlutamateGABA / glycine

Commissuralfew Ipsilateral

GlutamateV3 Sim1

Commissural CommissuralIpsilateral


CommissuralGABA/glycinedI6 WT

Axonal projection


mitotic dI1














(a) (b)


















V0D ?V0V Evx1V0C Pitx2

V2a Chx10V2b Gata3

Fig. 1. Genetic classification, properties, and organization of spinal neurons. (a) Schematic cross-section through the earlyembryonic mouse spinal cord. Eleven progenitor domains (pd1-pV3) have been identified in the ventricular zone that give rise todistinct postmitotic neuronal populations (dI1-V3). Selected transcription factors expressed within the progenitor domains areshown on the left and those specific to postmitotic populations of neurons born around embryonic day E11 are depicted on theright. Postmitotic neurons that contribute to the locomotor CPG machinery are shown in color, whereas neurons implicated insensory pathways are shown in gray. (b) Summary of molecular factors as well as cellular and physiological properties thatcharacterize each locomotor neuronal class. (c) Schematic of the motor circuitry in the postnatal ventral spinal cord. The colorcode used is the same as in (a). The locations of neuron classes and their known subsets, as well as some known connectionsbetween these classes, are illustrated. p, progenitor domain. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, thereader is referred to the Web version of this chapter.)


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extensively to form the different laminae seen inthe adult cord. Many premotor commissural inter-neuron cell types, for example, migrate from theintermediate zone to lamina VIII, while ventralinterneurons that project ipsilaterally migrate lat-erally to lamina VII (Fig. 1c). Interestingly, theearly DV organization of postmitotic neuronsappears to be conserved across widely divergentvertebrate phyla from fish to mammals and itrepresents the developmental ground plan fromwhich different CPG modules in the spinal cordand hindbrain emerge (Goulding, 2009; Grillnerand Jessell, 2009).

Themolecular programs that control the acquisi-tion of DV positional identity have been exploredin some detail. In short, the graded activity ofseveral signaling molecules, sonic hedgehog (Shh)and TGF-like bonemorphogenic proteins (BMPs),retinoic acid (RA), and Wnts, initiate and orches-trate the DV patterning of dividing progenitors(Chiang et al., 1996; Liem et al., 1997; Timmeret al., 2002 and reviewed in Jessell, 2000) in partby establishing dorsoventrally restricted domainsof patterning factors, including the Pax3/7, Pax6,Nkx6-1, and Nkx2-2 transcription factors, withinthe ventricular zone of the neural tube. Thesepatterning factors function instructively in a combi-natorial manner to subdivide the neural tube into11 progenitor zones (Goulding, 2009). As notedpreviously, this developmental program operatesin all vertebrate embryos to activate the expressionof unique sets of homeodomain (HD) and basichelix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factorsin the postmitotic neurons that arise from these11 progenitor domains (Goulding, 2009; Fig. 1a).

Six classes of early born interneurons, thedI1–dI6 interneurons, are generated in the dorsalalar plate. Two additional late born populationsof dorsal neurons have been identified that areprevalent in birds and mammals, the dILA anddILB (Gross et al., 2002; Mizuguchi et al., 2006;Muller et al., 2002; Wildner et al., 2006). Thesecells are similar in molecular composition to dI4and dI5 interneurons, and it is suspected thatthey represent an evolutionary expansion of

the early born dI4 and dI5 populations in terres-trial vertebrates (Gross et al., 2002; Mizuguchiet al., 2006; Muller et al., 2002; Wildner et al.,2006). Although the majority of dorsal cell typesdifferentiate as sensory interneurons and sen-sory-relay neurons, some appear to make cellularcontributions to the locomotor CPG machin-ery. However, most of the cell types within thelocomotor CPG are derived from six generic neu-ronal classes that develop from basal plate pro-genitors: motoneurons and V0, V1, V2a, V2b,and V3 interneurons (Goulding, 2009; Jessell,2000). Derivatives of these ventral classes ofinterneurons settle in regions of the spinalcord that are known to contain locomotor CPGnetworks in quadrupedal mammals (Goulding,2009; Kiehn, 2006). Postmitotic populations ofV0, V1, V2a, V2b, and V3 interneurons aremarked by the expression of the transcriptionfactors Evx1/2, En1, Chx10, Gata2/3, and Sim1,respectively (Al-Mosawie et al., 2007; Crone-et al., 2008; Karunaratne et al., 2002; Kimuraet al., 2006; Lundfald et al., 2007; Moran-Rivardet al., 2001; Peng et al., 2007; Saueressig et al.,1999; Zhang et al., 2008; reviewed in Goulding,2009; Jessell, 2000; Fig. 1a and b). dI6 neuronsthat arise more dorsally express Lbx1, Pax2, andLhx1 and settle in lamina VIII (Gross et al.,2002; Muller et al., 2002). These cells are alsothought to contribute to the premotor circuitry(Fig. 1c). The hindbrain displays a similar DVorganization of early neuronal cell populations.Of the 14 progenitor domains described in thehindbrain, 10 are equivalent to the spinal progeni-tor domains and they generate cell types that sharemany features with their spinal cord counterparts(Gray, 2008). Antero-posterior differentiationevents that are orchestrated by the homeobox classof HD transcription factors are of primary impor-tance for the development of hindbrain nuclei thatarise from the same embryonic population.Embedded in these nuclei are circuits that controlvital autonomic functions such as respiration, aswell as mastication, audition, and the supraspinalcontrol of locomotion (Dubreuil et al., 2009;

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Fujiyama et al., 2009; Pagliardini et al., 2008;Storm et al., 2009). In the next section, we willsummarize what is currently known about theearly development of the spinal motor circuitry.

Generating ventral interneurons: instructiverole of progenitor domain-specifictranscription factors

As noted previously, each of the early DV pro-genitor domains expresses a unique combinationof transcription factors that play an instructiverole in generating V0, V1, V2a, V2b, and V3interneurons (Fig. 1). Changes in the expressionof these factors within each progenitor domainlead to major specification defects in their neuro-nal progeny. For instance, the HD transcriptionfactor Dbx1 is an essential factor for the specifica-tion of V0 interneurons. In Dbx1 mutant mice,neural progenitors that normally give rise to V0interneurons are respecified to produce V1 anddI6 interneurons (Lanuza et al., 2004; Pieraniet al., 2001). Ablation of Nkx6-2, a homeoboxtranscription factor specific to the V1 progenitordomain, reportedly increases V0 interneuronnumbers at the expense of V1 interneurons(Vallstedt et al., 2001). Further ventrally, Nkx2-2 regulates V3 progenitor identity. In Nkx2-2 mutants, these cells undergo a ventral-to-dorsaltransformation in fate, thereby generating mot-oneurons at the expense of V3 interneurons(Briscoe et al., 1999). These findings support theidea that transcription factors present in adjacentprogenitor domains suppress the differentiationprograms that operate in the progenitor domainsthey abut. They do so by cross-repressive inter-actions that position the boundaries betweenadjacent domains. Consequently, loss of one fac-tor often results in the expansion of an adjacentprogenitor domain and the cell types that arisefrom that domain. Other transcription factorsare expressed in more than one progenitordomain, where they are required for the genera-tion of several neuron classes. Nkx6-1 has been

shown to be important for the generation of bothV2 interneurons and motoneurons (Sander et al.,2000). Inactivation of Pax6, in addition to causinga loss of V1 interneurons, also alters the gene-ration of branchiomotoneurons in the hindbrain(Burrill et al., 1997; Ericson et al., 1997; Sapiret al., 2004).

The presence of several transcription factorswithin each progenitor domain allows further sub-specification of domains characterized by theexpression of Nkx6-1 or Pax6. The V2 progenitordomain, for example, is defined by coexpressionof the forkhead transcription factor Foxn4 andthe bHLH transcription factor Ascl1. Interest-ingly, the V2 progenitor domain, unlike othersin the spinal cord, gives rise to two intermingledbut molecularly distinct classes, termed V2a andV2b interneurons. Foxn4 and Ascl1 are criticalfor establishing V2a and V2b cell fate (Del Barrioet al., 2007; Kimura et al., 2008; Li et al., 2005;Peng et al., 2007). In V2 progenitors, Foxn4induces expression of Ascl1 and the Notch ligandDll4, which in turn activates Notch signaling inadjacent progenitors. Active Notch signaling inprogenitors undergoing a final cell division leadsto the generation of V2b interneurons, whereasan absence of Notch signaling in progenitorsresults in differentiation into V2a interneurons(Del Barrio et al., 2007; Kimura et al., 2008; Liet al., 2005; Peng et al., 2007). A similar mecha-nism involving Notch signaling has been impli-cated in the generation of dILA and dILB

interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord (Mizuguchiet al., 2006; Wildner et al., 2006).

Generating diversity: postmitotic transcriptionfactors in interneuron differentiation

Neurons upon exiting the cell cycle migrate intothe mantle zone. During this transition, their tran-scription factor profile changes and they begin toexpress factors exclusive to postmitotic neurons.These changes in gene expression mark the acqui-sition of cell type-specific properties such as cell

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Table 1. Genes enriched in V1 and V3 interneuronpopulations at E12.5

Transcriptionfactors Other

V1 enrichedgenes

En1, Foxd3, MafBOtx-like, Hoxa3,Cux2

Nrxn3, Chmp1b,Nrip3Kcnk13, Scn2a1

V3 enrichedgenes

Neurog3, Olig3,Sim1Nkx2-2, Uncx

Gtpbp6, Plekhh1,Adam11Sema5a, Slc5a6


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body position in the cord, neurotransmitter phe-notype, axonal projection pattern, and synaptictarget selection. Many V0 interneurons are com-missural neurons of mixed neurotransmitterphenotypes that extend axons rostrally in theembryonic cord (Moran-Rivard et al., 2001;Pierani et al., 2001). The postmitotic transcriptionfactor Evx1 is specific to V0V neurons that are pre-dominantly glutamatergic but is not expressedin dorsally derived GABA/glycinergic V0Dinterneurons (G. Lanuza and M. Goulding, un-published). In Evx1 mutants, a large fraction ofV0V interneurons acquire the fate of V1 inter-neurons and extend axons into the ventrolateralfuniculus instead of across the ventral midline.Consequently, Evx1 functions as a postmitoticdeterminant of V0V interneuron identity (Lanuzaet al., 2004; Moran-Rivard et al., 2001). Other post-mitotic neuron populations are also known todiverge into smaller subpopulations of neurons.This diversification probably represents the es-sential developmental and evolutionary changesneeded to meet the increased requirements highervertebrates have with respect to complex loco-motor movements and respiration.

The further specialization that occurs withinthese generic populations of interneurons is per-haps best exemplified by the V1 interneuron class.V1 interneurons are marked by their transientexpression of the HD protein En1, although En1has no discernable impact on V1 generic identityor diversification (Sapir et al., 2004; Saueressiget al., 1999). Recently, it has been shown that En1expressingV1 cells differentiate intoRenshaw cellsand Ia inhibitory interneurons (Alvarez et al.,2005; Sapir et al., 2004). Renshaw cells receivestrong excitatory innervation from motoneuronaxon collaterals and in turn inhibit motoneurons,as well as Ia inhibitory interneurons, via synapsesthat use both glycine and GABA. Remarkably,Renshaw cells and Ia inhibitory interneuronsrepresent less than 25% of all V1-derived cells,demonstrating that there are additional unchara-cterized V1-derived cell types. Current efforts tomolecularly map these V1 subpopulations have

relied on a combination of expression screens andcandidate gene approaches. We have used geneticmarking of En1 expressing V1 interneurons topurify these cells from E12.5 spinal cords. Micro-array analysis of mRNA isolated from thesecells has led to the identification of a number ofgenes that are enriched in this population(T. Hendricks and M. Goulding, unpublished).Many of them appear to be expressed in subsetsof V1 interneurons and may therefore subdividethe V1 population into functional units (Table 1).

Several transcription factors exhibit more selec-tive patterns of expression. Pitx2, for example, isdifferentially expressed by a small subpopulationof ipsilaterally projecting V0 interneurons (V0Cinterneurons) that form cholinergic synaptic con-nections on motoneurons (Zagoraiou et al., 2009).In V1 interneurons, MafB is selectively expressedin Renshaw cells but is absent from other V1 cells(T. Hendricks, F. Stam, M. Goulding, unpub-lished). Glutamatergic V2a andGABA/glycinergicV2b interneuron populations are marked by theirdifferential expression of Chx10 and Gata2/3,respectively (Al-Mosawie et al., 2007; Lundfaldet al., 2007). Chx10 and Gata2/3 appear not to gov-ern the neurotransmitter identity or axonal mor-phology of the V2a and V2b interneurons;however, inactivation of Gata2 in mice suggeststhis transcription factor has a role in maintainingpostmitotic V2 cell identity (Zhou et al., 2000).V3 interneurons that express the PAS-bHLH fac-tor Sim1 can be subdivided into dorsal and ventralpopulations (Zhang et al., 2008). However, none of

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the V3-enriched genes that have been identifiedto date delineate these two populations (Table 1),even though both populations do exhibit differ-ences in their axonal morphology and electro-physiological properties (E. Geiman, Y. Zhang,and M. Goulding, unpublished). Although effortsto map the genetic pathways that establish inter-neuron diversity in the developing spinal cord arestill in their infancy, they are likely to provide aclearer picture of the interneuronal compositionof the spinal motor circuitry. This will in turn facili-tate further anatomical, physiological, and func-tional studies of specialized interneuron cell typesso as to determine their contributions to motorcontrol.

Genetically defined interneuronal populationsthat shape the locomotor rhythm

The identification of genetic markers for differentspinal interneuronal populations has laid the foun-dation for functional studies aimed at assessingthe contribution that genetically defined cell typesmake to the CPG networks controlling loco-motor or respiratory rhythmogenesis (Chapter 3in this book). These efforts have been centeredon broad interneuron classes including the V0,V1, V2a, and V3 interneurons (Stepien and Arber,2008); however, attention is now turning tosubtypes within these larger populations, such asthe V0C interneurons (Zagoraiou et al., 2009).In characterizing and determining the function ofgenetically defined interneuron populations inthe spinal cord, the following themes have emerged.

Modular nature of the mammalianlocomotor CPG

Interneurons that make up each of the earlygeneric populations in the embryonic cord typicallyshare a number of common characteristics, forexample, morphology of the primary axonal pro-cess or neurotransmitter phenotype. Moreover,

this subdivision of embryonic interneurons intodiscrete anatomical groupings has led to the sug-gestion that the spinal motor circuitry comprisesfunctional modules that are made up of geneticallydefined populations of interneurons. This proposi-tion has been confirmed by genetic studies in miceshowing that particular interneuron cell typescontrol discrete aspects of the locomotor output.Loss-of-function manipulations that target aparticular interneuron population modify specificaspects of the locomotor rhythm and pattern, andleave others unchanged. Some interneuron celltypes regulate left–right alternation, while othersdetermine the speed of stepping movements orcontrol the balance between motor outputs onthe left and right sides of the cord.

In Dbx1 null mutants, where the V0 populationis markedly depleted (Lanuza et al., 2004; Pieraniet al., 2001), intermittent episodes of left–rightsynchronous activity are seen in the locomotingcord (Fig. 2c). This deficit is selective, with ipsilat-eral flexor–extensor alternating activity beingmaintained and no major changes occurring in thestep cycle period. In addition to identifying a neu-ronal population that is required for properleft–right coordination during locomotion, thisstudy provided evidence that the locomotor CPGhas a modular composition with respect to func-tional control by genetically defined populationsof interneurons. More recently, deletion expe-riments targeting V2a excitatory neurons haverevealed an interesting twist to the story, byidentifying V2a interneurons as an ipsilateral com-ponent of the commissural pathways that secureleft–right alternation (Crone et al., 2008; Figs. 1cand 2c). Once again the effects of deleting theV2a interneurons are primarily restricted toleft–right stepping behaviors. Moreover, left–rightcoordination is only altered when mice lackingV2a interneurons step quickly or trot, whichsuggests that the V2a interneurons are primarilyactive at higher stepping speeds (Crone et al.,2009). The observation that V2a ipsilateralneurons project ontoV0 commissural interneuronsconfirms that the V2a cells are part of the CPG

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Fig. 2. Fictive locomotor activities in mice defective in ventral interneurons. (a) Schematic of an isolated spinal cord from a neonatemouse. When bathed with a cocktail of serotonin and N-methyl-D-aspartate, a fictive locomotor rhythm with left–right andflexor–extensor coordinations can be recorded from flexor L2 and extensor L5 lumbar ventral roots. (b) Schematic of locomotor-like activity observed in wild-type spinal cords. Bursts of activity are illustrated by rectangles, polar plots represent coordinationbetween two antagonistic roots. Note the strict left–right and flexor–extensor alternations. (c) Schematic of locomotor activityrecorded from spinal cords of different mutant mice. Defects in V1 or V3 interneurons disturb the locomotor step cycle resultingin a slower step cycle period or an unbalanced locomotor rhythm without affecting bilateral and flexor–extensor coordination.The absence, or ablation, of V0 and V2a interneurons results in a partial impairment of bilateral alternation, which is manifestedby episodes of left–right cocontraction. c, controlateral; i, ipsilateral; F, flexor; E, extensor; WT, wild type.


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module that controls left–right coordination. Theymost likely provide rhythmic excitatory drive tocommissural inhibitory neurons that generatereciprocating left–right flexor and left–right exten-sor activity.

When a second population of excitatory inter-neurons, the commissural Sim1þ V3 interneurons,were targeted, near-normal patterns of left–rightand flexor–extensor alternation were retained,even though there was a marked reduction in thecoherency of the locomotor rhythm. Cords inwhich Sim1þ V3 interneurons were silenced did,however, exhibit a pronounced imbalance in theduration of motor bursts on each side of the cord.This typically involved bursts from one L2 ventralroot being prolonged, while those in the other

rootwere truncated (Zhang et al., 2008 andFig. 2c).V3 excitatory pathways are therefore predisposedto balancing the locomotor output betweenboth sides of the cord, as opposed to establishingalternating patterns of left–right or flexor–extensormotor activity. Further evidence for the modularorganization of the locomotor CPG network hascome from experiments analyzing the role of theV1 class of interneurons. When V1 interneuronsare depleted in the embryonic spinal cord, markedchanges occur in the speed of locomotor rhythm(Gosgnach et al., 2006; Fig. 2). In these mice,left–right stepping and flexor–extensor recipro-cation is normal, suggesting the primary role ofthese cells in the walking CPG is to regulate bursttermination and initiation during each step cycle.

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Functional redundancy and complexityin the locomotor CPG

Experiments demonstrating that the deletionof V0 interneurons produces only partial deficitsin left–right coordination reveal a degree ofredundancy in the commissural pathways thatsecure left–right alternation. While it seems likelythat additional interneuron cell types helpcoordinating left–right alternation, their identityis not known. The recent demonstration thatNetrin-1 mutant cords display a switch fromalternating left–right to synchronous left–rightlocomotor activity supports the idea that multiplecommissural interneurons control left–right step-ping (Rabe et al., 2009). Moreover, Rabe et al.(2009) also noted that the axons of glutamatergicV3 commissural neurons still cross the ventralmidline when netrin-1 is absent, demonstratingthat this excitatory commissural pathway cannotsecure left–right alternation. We also know thatwhen V3 interneurons are inactivated, left–rightalternation is not compromised (Zhang et al.,2008), arguing the contribution this pathwaymakes to left–right stepping is at best minor.The observation that misspecification of a secondclass of putative excitatory commissural neurons,the Evx1þ V0V cells, also leaves left–right step-ping behaviors intact (Moran-Rivard et al., 2001;Lanuza et al., 2004) leads us to believe that excit-atory commissural pathways in the cord do nothave essential roles in controlling left–right alter-nation. In support of this idea, when V3 transmis-sion is abrogated in the Dbx1�/� mutant cord, wesaw no further degradation of left–right alterna-tion over and above that previously describedfor the Dbx1�/� spinal cord (Lanuza et al., 2004;Y. Zhang and M. Goulding, unpublished).A second example of potential redundancy in

the interneuron pathways that control the loco-motor output has emerged from efforts to under-stand how the locomotor CPG produces analternating pattern of flexor–extensor activity.Multiple manipulations that abrogate ipsilateralinhibitory V1 interneurons function leave

flexor–extensor coordination intact in the isolatedCPG or in adult mice (Gosgnach et al., 2006).This was somewhat surprising in so far as anearlier anatomical study had shown that V1 inter-neurons give rise to cells with the features of Iadisynaptic inhibitory interneurons, a key compo-nent of the reciprocal inhibition in the stretchreflex involving flexor–extensor alternation(Alvarez et al., 2005). Experiments undertakenin the lab of Eric Frank examined the integrityof disynaptic inhibitory pathways in the spinalcord of mice lacking V1 interneurons. Theseanalyses revealed that the disynaptic inhibitorypathway between quadriceps sensory afferentsand posterior biceps and semitendinosus motorneurons is still operational in Pax6 mutantanimals (Wang et al., 2008) and in mice thatlack V1 neurotransmission (Z. Wang, J. Zhang,M. Goulding, and E. Frank, unpublished). It nowseems that an additional population of inhibi-tory interneurons act in concert with the V1population to control this aspect of the motor out-put (J. Zhang, G. Lanuza, and M. Goulding,unpublished).

With the discovery of additional interneuronmarkers such as those described in Table 1, it isnow becoming apparent that the interneuroncomposition of the spinal cord is quite complex.As noted previously, three-quarters of the V1interneurons remain unidentified (Alvarez et al.,2005; Sapir et al., 2004), and even less is knownabout the identity and function of cell types thatarise from other embryonic interneuron classes.Using functional criteria to classify spinal inter-neurons may be problematic, given the likelihoodthat several interneuron cell types may togetherregulate a particular motor behavior. Conse-quently, the loss of one cell population may notlead to pronounced behavioral deficits, especiallywhen one is assaying rudimentary motor patternssuch as those produced in the isolated spinalcord or in hindbrain slices. This is borne out byexperiments that demonstrate the slowing of thelocomotor rhythm caused by V1 depletion isnot reproduced when Renshaw cells alone are

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silenced (Myers et al., 2005). As such, the complexorganization of spinal motor circuitry in highervertebrates may prove problematic for futurefunctional studies due to redundancy and compen-sation by other spinal interneuron populationsthat have similar or overlapping functions.

Comparison with respiratory CPGs

Many of the embryonic interneuron populationsthat are present in the spinal cord form longi-tudinal columns that extend into the hindbrainwhere they contribute to other motor networksincluding those controlling respiration. Further-more, many interneuron cell types that are knownto control locomotion appear to have essentialroles in respiration, as inactivating them oftenresults in perinatal lethality. For example, inhibi-tory cell types that are derived from the V1and V2b interneuron populations also have essen-tial roles in establishing a normal respiratoryrhythm (J. M. Zhang, J. Ramirez, M. Goulding,J. Feldman, unpublished). In Lbx1 mutant mice,the altered organization of some hindbrain excit-atory nuclei results in an immature respiratoryrhythm at birth (Pagliardini et al., 2008). Amongthese Lbx1-expressing cells are Tlx3þ glut-amatergic neurons that are important for respira-tion (Cheng et al., 2004). Together, these studiesgive heft to the argument that the respiratoryand locomotor CPGs are formed from equivalentneuronal substrates in the hindbrain and spinalcord, respectively. It also highlights the potentialinsights that can be gained by comparativefunctional studies between the locomotor andrespiratory CPGs with respect to the cellular orga-nization of motor networks in the CNS. Othergroups have taken the approach of probing thesecircuits using genes that are expressed either inthe hindbrain rhombomeres from which theseCPGs develop or in populations of putative respi-ratory interneurons (Abbott et al., 2009; Dubreuilet al., 2009; Gray et al., 2001; McKay andFeldman, 2008; Tan et al., 2008; Thoby-Brisson

et al., 2009). For example, studies analyzingPhox2b mutant mice have revealed a key rolefor parafacial/retrotrapezoid nucleus in chemo-sensitivity (Dubreuil et al., 2009). Future experi-ments to genetically dissect these respiratorycircuits are likely to use combinatorial metho-dologies to selectively target particular interneuronpopulations within a single rhombomere or regionof the medulla, some of which are described in thenext section.

New genetic approaches for studyingmotor circuits in the spinal cord

The elaboration of a genetic classificationscheme for the interneuron cell types involved inspinal motor control has opened up new routesfor manipulating the spinal motor system anddetermining how specific motor behaviors aregenerated. The approaches used so far involvedeleting or inactivating broad interneuron classesand assessing how this affects network activity(Table 2). This is usually achieved by generatingtransgenic animals in which a recombinationevent such as Cre-mediated excision is used toexpress an effector molecule in a particular groupof neurons (Fig. 3). Class-specific promoters incombination with site-specific recombinases allowablating, silencing, or activating a population.Most of what we know about the function ofgenetically-defined spinal interneuron classescomes from in vitro analysis using the isolated spi-nal cord preparation, in which fictive locomotoractivity is determined by extracellular ventralroot recordings (Crone et al., 2008; Gosgnachet al., 2006; Lanuza et al., 2004; Zhang et al.,2008). While such studies have provided a broadfunctional overview of the cellular makeup ofthe spinal locomotor CPG, the finer aspectsof motor control have been largely ignored dueto the limitations of these approaches. None-theless an arsenal of second-generation tools isbeing assembled that builds on the lessons learntfrom these cruder studies.

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Table 2. Genetic tools for studying locomotion and respiration

Method Target of action Effect Inducer Caveats Advantages

Knock out(a–f)

Gene inactivation Loss of proteinfunction

– � Often perinatal lethal� Can affect multiple celltypes� Respecification of cells� Adaptation possible

� Many mouse mutantsavailable

DTA (b, g) Inhibition of RNAtranslation

Cell death – � Presynaptic cells maybe affected by loss oftheir target� Adaptation possible� Not neuron specific

� Highly efficient methodto remove one definedpopulation� Ablation is easy tomonitor

TeNT (h) Cleavage ofVAMP-2 synapticprotein

Silencing (synaptictransmission)

– � Adaptation possible� Silencing difficult toassess

� Targeted cells remain inthe circuit� Affects only neuronalcells

AlstR (b, h) Activation ofGIRK channel



� Cannot be injectedsystemically (does notcross BBB)� Desensitization afterprolonged exposure

� Inducible/reversiblewithin minutes� Local effect byintrathecal application ofAlst� Allows analysis of short-term effects� Allows analysis in adultmice

ChR2 (i) Expression of lightsensitive cationchannel



� High expression levelsrequired� Few transgenic micesuccessfully generated� Light penetration intodeep tissue

� Inducible/reversiblewithin milliseconds� Local excitation possible� Allows analysis of short-term effects

DTA, Diphtheria Toxin A subunit; DTR, Diphtheria Toxin Receptor; TeNT, Tetanus toxin light chain; AlstR, Allatostatin Receptor; Alst, Allato-statin; ChR2, Channelrhodopsin 2; BBB, blood–brain barrier; GIRK, G-protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium; VAMP-2, vesicle-associated-membrane protein 2 (synaptobrevin2). a, Lanuza et al., 2004; b, Gosgnach et al., 2006; c, Pagliardini et al., 2008; d, Rose et al., 2009; e, Dubreuilet al., 2009; f, Wallen-Mackenzie et al., 2006; g, Crone et al., 2008; h, Zhang et al., 2008; i, Hagglund et al., 2010.


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Defective cell generation or cell ablation

One of the routes that has been successfully usedto analyze motor circuits in the hindbrain and spi-nal cord makes use of mouse mutants in whichtranscription factors or signaling molecules that

specify neuronal identity and connectivity duringdevelopment are inactivated (Fig. 1). Althoughthese factors are required for the generation ofdistinct populations of spinal interneurons, theyare often expressed elsewhere in the developingmouse, which usually leads to perinatal lethality

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CrePromoter 1

Promoter 2

Promoter 2







Class specificmolecular


Cre expressionturns on gene

of interest

Cell lineagepermanently



Gene of interest

Gene of interest

Fig. 3. Cre-dependent manipulation of defined neuronalpopulations. (a) Two different alleles are used in combination togenetically manipulate defined populations of cells. First, the site-specific Cre recombinase is expressed from a promoter(1) specific to one neuronal class. A second allele is used toexpress a gene of interest from a promoter (2) that is, in general,constitutive and broadly active but can also be neuronal or celltype specific. Transcriptional STOP sequences flanked by loxPsites (green triangles) are interposed between the promoter andthe coding sequence such that Cre-mediated recombination ofloxP sites and excision of the STOP cassette is required to expressthe gene of interest. This strategy can be used to express areporter gene such as GFP for morphological and axonalcharacterization, and fate mapping of the genetic lineage or toexpress an effector gene like TeNT or DTA, resulting in cellsilencing or ablation for functional studies. (b) Schematic pictureshowing genetic lineage labeling in the spinal cord. The promoter(1) of a molecular marker defining a neuronal class (yellow dots)is used to drive Cre expression in the same cells (green dots).Recombination induces expression of the gene of interest (bluecircles), which is dependent on promoter (2). At later stages ofdevelopment recombined cells have migrated to settle in theirfinal location. Although these cells no longer express themolecular marker nor Cre, they are permanently labeled (bluecircles). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figurelegend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this chapter.)


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when these genes are inactivated. As locomotor-like and respiratory activity can be recorded inneonate mice using the isolated hindbrain–spinalcord preparation, such mutant animals have

proved useful for studying these behaviors(Gosgnach et al., 2006; Lanuza et al., 2004; Myerset al., 2005). An additional issue is the broadexpression of many factors within the spinal cordor hindbrain, as removing these factors typicallyaffects large neuronal populations or results incomplex cell fate changes that make interpreta-tion of any observed motor deficit difficult. Whileapproaches that selectively ablate a populationmay avoid some of the complex cell fate changesassociated with inactivating developmental con-trol genes, in many instances the effects can stillbe quite widespread. Expression of the diphtheriatoxin A protein (DTA) in molecularly definedcells has been used to selectively eliminate entireclasses of interneurons. Examples come from V1and V2a interneurons, which were successfullyablated using the Rosa-stop-DTA ablator alleleand a Chx10-stop-DTA allele, respectively (Croneet al., 2008; Gosgnach et al., 2006). However, useof this strategy is limited as molecular markers ofspinal interneurons are often also expressed innon-neuronal tissues, which causes additionalphenotypes in mice genetically modified to killone population. For this reason, cell ablationapproaches are often not possible due to collat-eral tissue damage that results in embryoniclethality. Examples of this are the V1 and V3interneuron-specific factors En1 and Sim1 thatare expressed in muscle cells or the V2b markerGata3, which is expressed in the placenta andin endothelial cells (Chen and Johnson, 2002;Coumailleau and Duprez, 2009; Ng et al., 1994).Using a neuronal driver such as Eno2-Stop-DTA allele restricts ablation to neurons, therebyavoiding the effects in nonneural tissue(Kobayakawa et al., 2007).

Manipulating cell activity

A different approach to assessing neuronal func-tion involves silencing or blocking neurotransmis-sion in selected neurons and analyzing the effectson particular behaviors. Synaptic transmission can

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be abolished in a particular spinal cell class byexpression of the light chain of the tetanus toxin(TeNT; Yamamoto et al., 2003; Zhang et al.,2008). TeNT prevents neurotransmitter releaseat the synapse, thereby blocking the activationor inhibition of postsynaptic target neurons. Thisapproach has the advantage that the geneticallytargeted cells are still present. However, expres-sion of TeNT is difficult to assess functionally.While VAMP2 expression can be used as a readout of TeNT activity, electrophysiological studiesprovide the most compelling validation of TeNTactivity. For example, experiments recentlyundertaken in the cerebellum revealed that TeNTexpression in cerebellar granule cells disruptssynaptic transmission to Purkinje cells (Kimet al., 2009). A different strategy for acute silenc-ing involves expressing the insect allatostatinG-coupled protein receptor, AlstR (Gosgnachet al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2008). Upon allatostatinligand binding, this receptor activates inwardlyrectifying Kþ channels (GIRK channels) leadingto transient hyperpolarization and decreasedexcitability of the neurons in which it is expressed(Lechner et al., 2002; Tan et al., 2008). Neuronalsignaling can also be altered by inactivating criti-cal components of the neurotransmission machin-ery. This approach was successfully used byZagoraiou et al. (2009) since they specificallyknockout choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) inPitx2þ V0C cells thus preventing synaptic trans-mission from this particular neuronal population(Zagoraiou et al., 2009). Finally, genetic systemsthat can be used to stimulate or increase the excit-ability of defined neurons are being developed inmice, and in zebrafish (Armbruster et al., 2007;Wyart et al., 2009). Neurons can be remotelyactivated by the expression of channelrhodopsin2 protein (ChR2), a microbial light sensitivemonovalent cation channel that allows entranceof Naþ ions in the cell following expositionto blue light (Luo et al., 2008; Nagel et al.,2003). Thus, illumination of ChR2 expressingneurons leads to their depolarization and activa-tion (Boyden et al., 2005). ChR2 expression was

recently targeted to VGlut2 neurons in the hind-brain and the spinal cord and illumination ofeach region was seen to induce and maintainlocomotor-likeactivity in the spinal preparation.This finding confirms that glutamatergic neuronshave a key role in elaborating the locomotorrhythm (Hagglund et al., 2010). Approaches using“designer” muscarinic GPCR receptors that canbe exclusively activated by synthetic ligands pro-vide additional avenues for selectively stimulatingparticular interneuron cell types (Armbrusteret al., 2007).

Case history: genetic manipulationsinvolving V1 interneurons

Many of the aforementioned techniques forgenetically manipulating neurons have now beentrialed, each of which has advantages and dis-advantages. However, by judiciously tailoringthe approach used, one can undertake elegantmanipulations of these spinal motor networks.Loss of cells is readily quantifiable, whereassilencing activity requires electrophysiologicaltechniques to confirm reduced activity in thetargeted neurons. In the Goulding lab, severalgenetic approaches have been used to removethe V1 class from the spinal circuits. Theseinclude developmental deficits in V1 specification(Pax6�/�), V1-specific cell ablation (En1-DTA),or blocking transmission/silencing (En1-TeNTand En1-AlstR, respectively). All four methodscause a strong slowing of the locomotor-likerhythm while preserving other aspects of themotor output: rhythmogenesis, left–right andflexor–extensor alternation (Fig. 2c). Thephenotypes of the Pax6 mutant and En1-DTAmice are very similar, whereas En1-TeNT miceproduce a comparatively slower motor rhythm.While cell “silencing” with AlstR produces a slowrhythm when compared to wild-type animals, therhythm is significantly faster than that observedin En1-TeNT cords. This, in all likelihood,represents partial silencing/inactivation of the V1

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population. The rhythm in the En1-AlstR cordsalso returns to its normal frequency approxi-mately 15 min after exposure to allatostatin,which probably reflects desensitization of theGIRK channels following prolonged exposure toallatostatin.

Studies in adult behaving mice

Functional analysis in vitro using the isolated spi-nal cord preparation usually only allows identifi-cation of gross defects in motor activity.Analyzing complex motor behaviors at adultstages in genetically manipulated mice is oftennot possible because of neonatal lethality anddeficits in more anterior regions of the CNS orin nonneuronal structures. The transcription fac-tor Lbx1 for instance, which is important forspecifying dorsal neural fate including the dI6interneurons, is expressed in the diaphragm(Gross et al., 2000; Storm et al., 2009) and hind-brain, where it is involved in respiratoryrhythmogenesis (Pagliardini et al., 2008). In someinstances, genetic approaches have been appliedto adult animals. Silencing the V3 cells in adultmice by using the AlstR system results in defectsin walking (Zhang et al., 2008). Similar to thefindings from in vitro experiments, the conditionalsilencing of these commissural interneurons inadult mice produced less stable and robust loco-motor cycles during walking, thus validating thefictive locomotion analysis performed in the neo-natal spinal cord.

Studying locomotor behaviors in adult micecan also be used to refine observations that havebeen made using the isolated spinal cord prepara-tion. In vitro studies of V2a interneurons in theneonatal cord (Crone et al., 2008) were extendedby adult kinematic analyses showing that V2ainterneurons are needed for left–right step-ping at faster gait speeds (Crone et al., 2009).Acute silencing of lumbar level V3 interneuronswas used to confirm the altered rhythm thatoccurs in vitro following TeNT blockade of V3

transmission (Zhang et al., 2008). Finer aspectsof motor control have also been tested in behav-ing mice. For example, analysis of the V0C popu-lation in adult mice unraveled the specificfunction of these neurons during particular loco-motor behavior. EMG recordings from gastrocne-mius and tibialis anterior muscles, respectivelyankle extensor and flexor, during walking andswimming tasks revealed that in the absence ofV0C neuron activity, the task-dependent modula-tion of the gastrocnemius muscle was impaired(Zagoraiou et al., 2009). In vitro approaches wouldnot have revealed these kinds of modulatoryfunctions, particularly with respect to small neuro-nal populations.

Looking forward

A next and crucial step for understanding thefunctional contribution these spinal interneuronclasses make to motor control involves acutelyeliminating each of them locally from spinalnetworks in the adult. It is yet not clear whetherthere are developmental compensatory changesthat occur in spinal neuronal networks whena particular neuronal component is removedfrom the circuit as it is being wired. Loss of cells,especially as circuits are forming, may result innetwork rearrangements that compensate for theabsence of these cells. In particular, little isknown about the consequences on growing axonsseeking out for synaptic partners when their tar-get cells are absent. Inducing cell ablation afterthe circuits have wired and fully matured maytherefore be critical. An elegant approach is torender mouse cells susceptible to the diphtheriatoxin by specific expression of a simian or humandiphtheria toxin receptor (DTR). Selective celldeath can then be achieved by injecting the diph-theria toxin intraperitoneally at desired timepoints. Functional compensation has beenreported in the circuits controlling feeding andnociception using this strategy (Cavanaugh et al.,2009; Luquet et al., 2005).

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Most molecular markers of interneurons beingalso expressed in supraspinal neurons or other tis-sue types, new strategies need to be implementedwhere genetic targeting is restricted to neuronalclasses only in the spinal cord. This would revealthe exclusive role these subpopulations have inshaping motor output during walking, withoutaffecting the functionality of other tissues/organs,or regions of the nervous system. For this pur-pose, approaches using intersecting combinationsof expressed genes are promising. This has suc-cessfully been done using Cre driver lines in com-bination with Flp driver lines (Awatramani et al.,2003). Several dual recombinase-response alleleshave now been generated that enable cell labelingor silencing (Farago et al., 2006; Jensen et al.,2008; Kim et al., 2009; Yamamoto et al., 2009).This strategy could allow dissecting the roles ofgenetically defined cells present in multipleregions in the rostrocaudal axis. For instance,silencing of all neurons of the Atoh1 lineage,including granule cells in the cerebellum and thedI1 class of spinal cells, results in a robust motorcoordination defect in behaving mutant mice(Kim et al., 2009). Generating Flp lines specificto either the cerebellum or the spinal cord wouldallow one to test the contribution each regionmakes to motor control. The intersectional strat-egy also represents an attractive method for sub-dividing the current broad neuronal classes intosmaller subsets. Within the V1 interneuron classdefined by expression of En1, only the Renshawcells coexpress the Ca2þ binding protein calbindin(Carr et al., 1998; Sapir et al., 2004). Using thesetwo genes in a combinatorial manner to targetthis subset of V1 interneurons would thus allowto functionally testing the role of this subpopula-tion. Double recombinase approaches could alsobe helpful to unravel the functional contributionof specific cell types related to respiration.Patterning programs in the hindbrain specifyinterneurons that integrate different functionalcircuitry according to their antero-posterior local-ization. Manipulating one interneuronal popula-tion in specific rhombomeres would allow one to

unravel the roles different classes of hindbraininterneurons play in respiratory rhythmogenesis.Together with inducible systems for activationand silencing of neurons, the dual recombinaseapproach represents an elegant way to study spe-cific neuronal populations in adult mice. Never-theless, in addition to generating novel genetictools for studying locomotion, more effort needsto be invested in developing robust and precisebehavioral tests that are able to detect the subtlelocomotor phenotypes when smaller groups ofcells are inactivated in adult mice.


The delineation of the transcriptional code forneuronal cell populations in the ventral spinalcord and the emergence of several geneticapproaches to manipulate cells of interest havepaved the way for genetically and functionally dis-secting the neural circuits controlling locomotion.The embryonic building blocks that make up thesemotor circuits are shared between the networkscontrolling respiration and locomotion. Thus,understanding how neuronal cell populations thatcomprise the hindlimb locomotor CPG areorganized should provide important insights intohow other CPGs function. It is also hoped thatefforts to understand motor behaviors such aslocomotion and respiration will provide some ofthe keys for unlocking more complex neuronalnetworks.

The studies described in this chapter highlightsome of the fundamental findings that have shapedour understanding of how interneurons in theventral spinal cord form neuronal circuits thatelaborate coordinated rhythmic motor outputs.However, there is a high degree of complexity inthe composition of these circuits, with recentstudies revealing the existence of specializedsubpopulations within the generic populations ofinterneurons that emerge from the ventral spinalcord.Although, significant progress has beenmadein understanding the coarse function of large cell

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groups in controlling particular aspects of locomo-tor rhythm and pattern generation, many moreinvestigations are waiting to be undertaken whichelucidate the role of smaller subpopulations infine-tuning and shaping locomotor output. Suchefforts will depend heavily on the identificationof specialized neuronal cell types and the deve-lopment of new methodologies to geneticallytarget and manipulate them.


K. S. G. is funded by a Feodor Lynen FellowshipfromAlexander vonHumboldt Foundation. Resea-rch in the Goulding lab is supported by grants fromthe National Institutes of Health (NS031249,NS031978 and NS037075) and the Christopher andDana Reeve Foundation. We would particularlylike to thank Tim Hendricks, Floor Stam, and othermembers of theGoulding Lab for allowing us to citetheir unpublished findings.



allatostatin AlstR allatostatin receptor bHLH basic helix-loop-helix BMPs bone morphogenetic proteins ChAT choline acetyltransferase ChR2 channelrhodopsin 2 CPGs central pattern generators DTA diphtheria toxin A subunit DTR diphtheria toxin receptor DV dorsoventral EMG electromyogram GIRK G-protein-coupled inwardly

rectifying potassium channel

GPCR G-protein-coupled receptor HD homeodomain RA retinoic acid Shh sonic hedgehog TeNT light chain of the tetanus toxin TGF transforming growth factor


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