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Monserrat colin González Daniela Luna Sandoval Vanessa salas Chávez STARTED

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Post on 24-May-2015



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  • 1. Monserrat colin Gonzlez Daniela Luna Sandoval Vanessa salas Chvez STARTED

2. ABOUT ME My name is Monserrat Colin Gonzlez. I like pop music. My nicknamed is Bellaca. My favorite color is pink. I lived In valle de la hacienda. My friend are called Daniela, Vanessa and Sbeidi. I like going to parties. I don't like sports. My favorite animal are pigs. I haven't a boyfriend. I have three sisters. I want to be a teacher. 3. MY PAST I was born on November 29, 1996. I was born in Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico. I study in kindergarten Alfredo del Mazo I studied in primary Jos Clemente Orozco My favorite teacher was called Jos Luis. I studied in high school Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 4. MY PRESENT I Study on the official school 67 I like the field of ethics. I like being in school whit my friends. I want study a profession. I want to study in university I am seventeen years old. I like to go to parties whit my friends I have a very large family 5. MY FUTURE I want to study in a good college. I will be a teacher primary. I will have a beautiful family. I will have a stable job. I don't want to have children young. I will have a home I will have a car I would like to have a son male. 6. MY FAREWEEL Dear colleagues, I want you to know that I will miss a lot, are part of very one special time in my life. Each and every one the best of the world deserve and although I did not know much closeness with some I will never forget, because they are all very special to me. Success to all friends! 7. THANKS Dios for letting me get to this place, let me not fall, and always enlighten. Gracias mamita por darme tu apoyo siempre, por confiar en mi y ser mam y pap siempre, te amo. Thanks for lean me, are the best group, that can exist. Thanks to all my colleagues. Thanks to my friends Daniela, Vanessa, Sbeidi and Mariel for never left me alone, for the laughs, tears and laughter we spend together. Are and will be always the best. 8. About me My name is Daniela Luna Sandoval My favorite color is blue I have two brothers I like to dance and read My pet is called tommy My birthday is January 27 My favorite animal is elephan I do not like to stand early and be punctual I like listening to all kinds of music 9. My past I was born in the state of Mexico, I tlalnepantla andy grew up with my cousin, we only took 5 days small I liked to draw, dance, read my pets when I was little I was not allowed to eat sweets during the week so weekends ate demaciados when I was little I liked to go to school 10. My present my friends are vane, and esbeidy monse step much time with my family and it is more important to me I like to read and learn new or curious things I like going for a walk I play a lot with my little brother and my son is like study high school and am about to finish 11. My future I'm going to study medicine I like writing so I will be the author of a book I'll have a big house and a car passeth lot of time with my family I would love to travel and see new places I will have a son and always take you with me I'll buy a lot of clothes 12. My fareweel always say that people leave you anything about them and I learned something from each of you finish a stage in our life where we learned many things or at least I do, I would like you to always remember me 'and I always go to remind each of you hopefully someday find ourselves and we can say that everything that we dreamed fulfilled. 13. gratitude le agradesco a cada uno de ustedes por aver comprtido su tiempo conmigo, agradesco a mis padres que fueron los que mas me apoyaron en esta etapa de mi vida ademas de que han invertido mucho dinero, agradesco a dios por haberme dejado llegar hasta aqui y por averlos puesto en mi vida. hank each of you for aver shared their time with me, thanks to my parents who were the ones I most supported at this stage of my life besides that have invested a lot of money, thank God for letting me get here and averlos placed in my life. 14. ABOUT ME I am Karla Vanessa Salas Chavez, I have 17 years and am a student I am tall with brown skin, brown eyes and short brown hair I like cats, ice cream, sweets, chocolates, apples, bags apparel, shoes and perfumes I like listening to music, dancing, going out into the streets, walking, exercising, making friends, eating, reading, singing, talking, being with my family and friends 15. MY PAST First grade school We were outside the classroom The best year, best group 1-3 At 3 years I had a cat At four years he went to the garden of children Sergio Magaa At 5 years I liked dinosaurs I liked to play with dolls I liked the sweet 16. Sophomore New grade, new people to know 2-3 17. We did not have class We were great friends We were taking pictures in the bathroom 18. PRESENT Third grade school We're in the school bathroom We were not in class 3-3 19. FUTURE I want to conclud the preparatory Ill enter university I will be engineer I will have a very good car All have a nice big house I will have two children and a pet 20. GOODBYE I always knew this day would come we'd be standing one by one with our future in our hands so many dreams so many plans always knew after all these years there'd be laughter there'd be tears but never thought that I'd walk away with so much joy but so much pain and it's so hard to say goodbye But yesterdays gone we gotta keep moving on I'm so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know the times that we had I'll keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever I'll always remember you 21. THANKS I want to thank my parents for all the support they have given me, andfor the effort they made dally by me and my brother I thank my colleagues for the good times we shared together. I thank my friends who have always been for me, for the good memories, so that makes me happy, for trusting me, for being my great friends