ps3 rapid fire guide - · ps3 rapid fire guide parts...

PS3 Rapid Fire Guide Parts needed to install: -1 Small 8-Pin Micro Chip -1 Transistor -1 Button -2 Feet of Wire -1 Wireless PS3 controller Tools needed: -Small #0 or #1 Philips screw driver -Hot glue gun -15 Watt Soldering Iron -9/64 Drill Bit -Solder for Soldering Iron -30 AWG Wire Strippers -Wire Cutters -X-ACTO knife or Razor Blade

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PS3 Rapid Fire GuideParts needed to install:-1 Small 8-Pin Micro Chip-1 Transistor-1 Button-2 Feet of Wire-1 Wireless PS3 controller Tools needed:-Small #0 or #1 Philips screw driver-Hot glue gun-15 Watt Soldering Iron-9/64 Drill Bit-Solder for Soldering Iron-30 AWG Wire Strippers-Wire Cutters-X-ACTO knife or Razor Blade

Step 1You will start with taking apart the controller. You will need either a #0 or #1 philips screw driver for this part. The screws are located on the back of the controller as shown in the picture to the left.

Once all the screws are off, there is still a small clip we will have to unclip. You will have to push on the bottom part of the controller in the middle of the analog sticks to make it unclip as shown in the image to the right.

Once you push hard enough, the bottom shell will open, and can be removed. Your controller will look similar the the picture at the left. You can remove the battery, but the rapid fire can be installed while the battery is connected. You will also notice a screw holds the controller chip to the top shell. Do NOT remove the screw.

Note: Dualshock controllers will have rumble motors in the controller

Step 2 Now it is time to know your Micro Chip a little better. Pictured at the left is the Micro Chip along with the labeling of the pins. In this guide you will ONLY use Pin 1, Pin 8, and Pin 5! All other pins are not needed for this guide.

Get the Soldering Iron Hot! Cut the following wire...2 1/2" wire (Shown in Red)Strip both ends about 1/4 inch. Solder one end of that wire to Pin 1 of the Micro Chip as shown at the left. This wire will later be soldered to the Power point.

Note: For all wires you cut, you will want to strip each end 1/4 inch.

Cut the following wires...2 1/2" wire (Shown in Green)6" wire (Shown in Blue)Strip both ends of those wires. With the 2 1/2" wire, solder one end toPin 8, that wire will later be soldered to the Ground point. Then with the 6" wire, solder one end to Pin 5, this wire will later be soldered to the Button. These steps also shown in the image at the right.

Note: With your kit, you will only be given 1 color of wire, for this guide there is a variety of colors used to make it easier to understand.

Step 3You now need to find out what controller you have. This rapid fire kit works perfectly on all PS3 controllers, but it is important to know which is Power, Ground, R Common, R1, and R2 points. The following PS3 controller chips have the highlighted points you will need. Please make sure you have the correct controller otherwise you will not be able to install this kit correctly.


The controller Model shown above has a different layout from the other PS3 controllers. the Power and Ground points are on the left side of the controller, and the other models will have the Power and Ground points near the bottom the Controller chip. I will be using this model as an example on how to install this kit.

Note: The wire size, and instructions are the same for all controllers.

Note: To help identify which controller chip you have, look closely for the R Common, R1, and R2 points and the surroundings on the controller chip.

NEW SIXAXIS or 1st Generation DUALSHOCK 3

2nd Generation DUALSHOCK 3

3rd Generation DUALSHOCK 3

The controller chip shown above is the newest DUALSHOCK 3 controller. You might have some trouble soldering some wires to the R1, and R2. In order to solder a wire to either the R1 or R2 points, you will need a sharp X-ACTO knife or Razor Blade. It is easier if you have a steady hand and use a Magnifying glass if available. What you want to do with the sharp point of the knife is scrape away the green Residue that are on the small copper points for either the R1 or R2. Be very careful, and do not damage those solder points. Once you have those scrapped, you will be able to solder a wire to those points.

For the R1 point, it is located exactly between the "T's" in "TP18" and "TP19". For the R2 point, it is located above the "C9" and a little left of the cross bar of the "T" in TP17.

Step 4Now that you know your controller, you will need to glue the transistor down to the controller chip. Put a dab of Hot glue on the controller chip in the shown position with the rounded part in the Hot glue. Spread out the legs of the transistor to make it easier to solder.

Now you will need to cut the wires to the following sizes...2 1/2" wire (Shown in Yellow)5" wire (Shown in Blue)2 1/2" wire (Shown in White)Once the wires are cut, strip each end. The layout at the left shows which wires go where. The Yellow wire is 2 1/2" and goes to either the R1 or R2 points. The Blue wire is 5" and will go to one pin of the Button. The White wire is 2 1/2" and goes to the R Common point.

The picture to the right should look similar to what you will have when your transistor is properly wired. Make sure you solder your wire to only one of the points either R1 or R2. That will be the Button that will be Rapid Fire. The points for the R Common and R1/R2 will be in different locations depending on what controller chip you have.(Identify controller in Step 3) Move the 5" wire out of the way for now, you will solder it to the Button very soon.

Step 5Now for this next part, put some Hot glue on the plastic part next to the Transistor, and glue the Micro chip to it as shown in the picture. With those wires, solder them to the following...Pin 1 to PowerPin 8 to GroundPin 5 to one pin of the Button

Once your Micro Chip is secure, solder the wire from Pin 1 to the Power point. Then Solder the wire from Pin 8 to the Ground point. The Power and Ground point will be different depending on your controller model.

(Identify controller in step 3)

Step 6For this step you will need to drill a hole for the Button included in the kit.

Drill a hole where the green dot is in the picture at the left.

Note: The hole will need to be drilled higher on the shell on a Dualshock 3 controller.

The hole should now look similar to the hole in the image at the left.

Now with that hole drilled, position the Button into place, put some Hot Glue on the sides the hold the Button into position. You will add more glue later into the guide to secure the Button. Once the B4utton is glued make sure you can hear a clicking sound when pressed.

Step 7 Now with all the wires into place and the Button mounted, find the remaining two long wires. One of those wires will come from Pin 5 of the Micro Chip, the other wire will come from The middle pin of the Transistor. You will now use both of those wires to solder to the Button. Solder each wire only to one pin of the Button. Refer to the picture below...

Now that all wires are correctly soldered, it is time to secure wires, Micro Chip, and Transistor. Put Hot glue on the Button, Micro Chip , Transistor, and any other wires that may be loose.

Step 8Here is to finish up. You want to close up the controller. This can be easy, but it can also be hard. Make sure you have all the wires in the controller so they do not get in the way of any other parts. You have to close the controller carefully, and do not add any force or wires may break.

To make it easier, use some Hot glue to glue down the two long wires from the Button. Then with the controller face down, fold the bottom part on top, and start to fit it into place.

I would say this part is what will cause problems. When you are closing the controller, look at both the L2 and R2 buttons, make sure you slide the top part into the groove that is in the middle piece between the L1/R1 and L1/R2. Once that slides in, you should be able to easily close the controller. Before you close it, make sure no wires are in the way of anything else, and that all wires are inside the controller.

All looks good? Then your ready to close the controller entirely! once it is all closed, make sure the center clip between both analog sticks is clipped in, and then screw it back together!

Test and play, you are set to go!

If any problems occur, please e-mail me, and I will be able to help you!

Guide Edited By: Archi

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