psoriasis: the management of ·...

DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 1 of 45 Psoriasis: the management of psoriasis NICE guideline Draft for consultation, May 2012 If you wish to comment on this version of the guideline, please be aware that all the supporting information and evidence is contained in the full version.

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Psoriasis: the management of psoriasis

NICE guideline

Draft for consultation, May 2012

If you wish to comment on this version of the guideline, please be aware that

all the supporting information and evidence is contained in the full version.

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Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3

Patient-centred care ......................................................................................... 6

Key priorities for implementation ...................................................................... 7

1 Guidance ................................................................................................ 11

1.1 Principles of care .............................................................................. 11

1.2 Assessment and referral ................................................................... 13

1.3 Topical therapy ................................................................................. 18

1.4 Phototherapy .................................................................................... 24

1.5 Risk of skin cancer ............................................................................ 26

1.6 Systemic therapy .............................................................................. 28

1.7 Systemic non-biological therapy ....................................................... 29

1.8 Systemic biological therapy .............................................................. 33

2 Notes on the scope of this guideline ....................................................... 37

3 Implementation ....................................................................................... 38

4 Research recommendations ................................................................... 38

5 Other versions of this guideline ............................................................... 40

6 Related NICE guidance .......................................................................... 41

7 Updating the guideline ............................................................................ 42

Appendix A: The Guideline Development Group, National Collaborating

Centre and NICE project team ....................................................................... 43

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Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that typically follows a relapsing and

remitting course. It is associated with joint disease in a significant proportion

of people (reported in one study at 13.8%)1. The prevalence is estimated to be

around 1.3–2.2%1 in the UK. It can occur at any age, although it is uncommon

in children (0.71%), and the majority of cases occur before the age of

35 years.

Plaque psoriasis is characterised by well-delineated red, scaly plaques that

vary in extent from a few patches to generalised involvement, and is the most

common form of the condition (90% of patients). Other types of psoriasis

include guttate psoriasis and pustular (localised or generalised) forms.

Distinctive nail changes occur in around 50% of all those affected and are

more common in people with psoriatic arthritis. Healthcare professionals and

patients using the term psoriasis are usually referring to plaque psoriasis, and

unless stipulated otherwise, 'psoriasis' is used in this way in this guideline.

The phrase 'difficult-to-treat sites' encompasses the face, flexures, genitalia,

scalp, palms and soles and are so-called because psoriasis at these sites has

an especially high-impact, may result in functional impairment, requires

particular care when prescribing topical therapy and can be resistant to


Psoriasis for many people results in profound functional, psychological and

social morbidity2, with consequent reduced levels of employment and income.

Factors that contribute to these include symptoms related to the skin (for

example, chronic itch, bleeding, scaling and nail involvement), problems

related to treatments, psoriatic arthritis, and the effects of living with a highly

1 Ibrahim G, Waxman R, Helliwell PS. The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis in people with

psoriasis. Arthritis Rheum 15;61(10):1373-8 (2009) 2 Kurd SK, Troxel AB, Crits-Christoph P, Gelfand JM. The risk of depression, anxiety, and

suicidality in patients with psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 2010;146(8):891-895

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visible, stigmatising skin disease3. Even people with minimal involvement

state that psoriasis has a major effect on their life. A number of studies have

also reported that people with psoriasis, particularly those with severe

disease, may be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease4, lymphoma5 and

non-melanoma skin cancer6.

A wide variety of treatments is available, some of which are expensive and/or

accessed only in specialist care; all require appropriate monitoring:

First-line therapy describes traditional topical therapies (such as

corticosteroids, vitamin D and analogues, dithranol and tar preparations).

Second-line therapy includes phototherapy (broadband or narrowband

ultraviolet B [UVB] light and psoralen plus UVA light [PUVA]), and systemic

non-biological agents such as ciclosporin, methotrexate and acitretin.

Third-line therapy refers to systemic biological therapies such as the

tumour necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists adalimumab, etanercept and

infliximab, and the monoclonal antibody ustekinumab that targets

interleukin (IL) IL-12 and IL-23.

A recent UK audit in the adult population demonstrated wide variations in

practice, and in particular, access to specialist treatments (including biological

therapy), appropriate drug monitoring, specialist nurse support and

psychological services7. This guideline aims to provide clear

recommendations on the management of all types of psoriasis in children,

young people and adults, focusing on areas most likely to improve the

management and delivery of care for a majority of people affected, where

3 Richards HL, Fortune DG, Main CJ, Griffiths CEM. The contribution of perceptions of

stigmatisation to disability in patients with psoriasis. J Psychosom Res 2001;50:10-15. 4 O Ahlehoff. Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Disease. Dan.Med.Bull. 58 (11):B4347, 2011.

5 J. M. Gelfand, D. B. Shin, A. L. Neimann, X. Wang, D. J. Margolis, and A. B. Troxel. The risk

of lymphoma in patients with psoriasis. J.Invest.Dermatol. 126 (10):2194-2201, 2006. 6 P. Boffetta, G. Gridley, and B. Lindelof. Cancer risk in a population-based cohort of patients

hospitalized for psoriasis in Sweden. J.Invest.Dermatol. 117 (6):1531-1537, 2001. 7 Eedy DJ, Griffiths CE, Chalmers RJ, Ormerod AD, Smith CH, Barker JN et al. Care of

patients with psoriasis: an audit of U.K. services in secondary care. British Journal of Dermatology. 2009; 160(3):557-564

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practice is very varied and/or where clear consensus or guidelines on

treatments are lacking.

The guideline will assume that prescribers will use a drug’s summary of

product characteristics to inform decisions made with individual patients.

This guideline recommends some drugs for indications for which they do not

have a UK marketing authorisation at the date of publication, if there is good

evidence to support that use. In these cases informed consent should be

obtained and documented. Where recommendations have been made for the

use of drugs outside their licensed indications (‘off-label use’) these drugs are

marked with a footnote in the recommendations. Before prescribing any

intervention for use in children, healthcare professionals should refer to the

specific summary of product characteristics and the ‘British National

Formulary (BNF) for Children’.

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Patient-centred care

This guideline offers best practice advice on the care of people with psoriasis.

Treatment and care should take into account patients’ needs and preferences.

People with psoriasis should have the opportunity to make informed decisions

about their care and treatment, in partnership with their healthcare

professionals. If patients do not have the capacity to make decisions,

healthcare professionals should follow the Department of Health’s advice on

consent and the code of practice that accompanies the Mental Capacity Act.

In Wales, healthcare professionals should follow advice on consent from the

Welsh Government.

If the patient is under 16, healthcare professionals should follow the guidelines

in the Department of Health’s ‘Seeking consent: working with children’.

Good communication between healthcare professionals and patients is

essential. It should be supported by evidence-based written information

tailored to the patient’s needs. Treatment and care, and the information

patients are given about it, should be culturally appropriate. It should also be

accessible to people with additional needs such as physical, sensory or

learning disabilities, and to people who do not speak or read English.

Families and carers should also be given the information and support they


Care of young people in transition between paediatric and adult services

should be planned and managed according to the best practice guidance

described in the Department of Health’s ‘Transition: getting it right for young


Adult and paediatric healthcare teams should work jointly to provide

assessment and services to young people with psoriasis. Diagnosis and

management should be reviewed throughout the transition process, and there

should be clarity about who is the lead clinician to ensure continuity of care.

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Key priorities for implementation

The following recommendations have been identified as priorities for


Assessment and referral

Assess people with all types of psoriasis for:

disease severity

the impact of disease on physical, psychological and social wellbeing

psoriatic arthritis

the presence of comorbidities. []

Following assessment in a non-specialist setting, offer referral for

dermatology specialist advice if:

there is diagnostic uncertainty or

psoriasis is severe8 or extensive, for example more than 10% of BSA

involvement or

psoriasis cannot be controlled with topical therapy or

acute guttate psoriasis requires phototherapy or

nail disease has a major functional or cosmetic impact or

any type of psoriasis is having a major impact on a person’s physical,

psychological or social wellbeing. []

As soon as psoriatic arthritis is suspected, refer the person to a

rheumatologist for assessment and advice about planning their care.


Discuss risk factors for comorbidities with people who have psoriasis of all

severities. Explain that they are at higher risk of hypertension, diabetes,

obesity and hyperlipidaemia than people without psoriasis. Offer

preventative advice and healthy lifestyle information in line with the

following NICE guidance:

‘Lipid modification’ (NICE clinical guideline 67)

8 As defined on the Static Physician’s Global Assessment.

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‘Obesity’ (NICE clinical guideline 43)

‘Preventing type 2 diabetes: population and community-level

interventions in high-risk groups and the general population’ (NICE

public health guidance 35)

‘Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level’ (NICE public

health guidance 25)

‘Alcohol-use disorders: preventing the development of hazardous and

harmful drinking’ (NICE public health guidance 24)

Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local

authorities and workplaces, particularly for manual working groups,

pregnant women and hard to reach communities’ (NICE public health

guidance 10). []

Topical therapy

Offer practical support and advice about the use and application of topical

treatments. Advice should be provided by healthcare professionals who are

trained and competent in the use of topical therapies. Support people to

adhere to treatment in line with ‘Medicines adherence’ (NICE clinical

guideline 76). []


Offer narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy to people with plaque or

guttate-pattern psoriasis that cannot be controlled with topical treatments

alone. Treatment with narrowband UVB phototherapy can be given three or

two times a week depending on patient preference. Tell people receiving

narrowband UVB that a response may be achieved more quickly with

treatment three times a week. Offer other second- or third-line treatment

options when:

narrowband UVB phototherapy results in an inadequate response or is

poorly tolerated or

there is a rapid relapse following completion of treatment (rapid relapse

is defined as greater than 50% of baseline disease severity within 3

months) or

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accessing treatment is difficult for logistical reasons (for example, travel,

distance, time off work or immobility) or

the person is at especially high risk of skin cancer. []

Healthcare professionals who are giving phototherapy should be trained

and competent in its use and should ensure an appropriate clinical

governance framework is in place to promote adherence to the indications

for and contraindications to treatment, dosimetry and national policy on

safety standards for phototherapy9. []

Systemic therapy

Be aware of the benefits of, contraindications to and adverse effects

associated with systemic treatments. Explain the risks and benefits to

people undergoing these treatments using absolute risks and natural

frequencies when possible. Support and advice should be provided by

healthcare professionals who are trained and competent in the use of

systemic therapies []

Systemic non-biological therapy

Offer systemic therapy to people with psoriasis if:

it cannot be controlled with topical therapy and

it has a significant impact on physical, psychological or social wellbeing


one or more of the following apply:

psoriasis is extensive (for example, BSA of more than 10% affected or

a PASI score of more than 10) or

psoriasis is localised and associated with significant functional

impairment and/or high levels of distress (for example severe nail

disease or involvement at high-impact sites) or

phototherapy has been ineffective, cannot be used or has resulted in

rapid relapse (rapid relapse is defined as greater than 50% of

baseline disease severity within 3 months). []

9 See The British Association of Dermatologists ‘Phototherapy Working Party Report’.

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Systemic biological therapy

Consider changing to an alternative biological drug in adults with psoriasis

in whom there is an inadequate response to a first biological drug (either

following the first 3 months of treatment [primary failure], or following an

initially adequate response [secondary failure]), or if the first biological drug

cannot be tolerated or becomes contraindicated. []

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1 Guidance

The following guidance is based on the best available evidence. The full

guideline [hyperlink to be added for final publication] gives details of the

methods and the evidence used to develop the guidance.

The guidance covers adults, young people and children of all ages with all

types of psoriasis. The recommendations were developed after discussion of

the relevance of the evidence to children, young people and adults with

psoriasis. If recommendations are age-limited or specific to disease type, they

are clearly indicated as such.

1.1 Principles of care Offer people with all types of psoriasis support and information

tailored to suit their individual needs and circumstances, in a

range of different formats, so they can confidently understand:

their diagnosis and treatment options

lifestyle risk factors that are relevant

how to recognise a flare

how to use prescribed treatments safely and effectively (for

example, how to apply topical treatments and how to minimise

the risk of side effects through safe monitoring of medicines)

when and how to seek further general or specialist review

strategies to deal with the impact of psoriasis on physical,

psychological and social wellbeing. When offering treatments to a person with any type of psoriasis:

ensure the treatment strategy is developed to meet the

individual's health goals so that the impact of their condition is

minimised and use relevant assessment tools to ensure these

goals are met

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take into account the age and individual circumstances of the

person, disease phenotype, severity and impact, co-existing

psoriatic arthritis, comorbidities and previous treatment history

discuss the risks and benefits of treatment options with the

person and where possible include use of absolute risk and

natural frequency. Assess whether support and information needs updating or

revising at every review or interaction with the person affected, in

particular during transition from children’s services to adult

services, when new interventions become available, and when the

person’s disease severity or circumstances change. Provide a single point of contact to help people with all types of

psoriasis to access appropriate information and advice about their

condition and the services available at each stage of the care

pathway. NICE has produced guidance on the components of good patient

experience in adult NHS services. All healthcare professionals

should follow the recommendations in ‘Patient experience in adult

NHS services’ (NICE clinical guideline 138). Recommendations

on shared decision making, including discussions about

investigation or treatment options and risks and benefits can be

found in section 1.5 of that guideline.

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1.2 Assessment and referral

1.2.1 Assessment tools for disease severity and impact and

referral for specialist care Assess people with all types of psoriasis for:

disease severity

the impact of disease on physical, psychological and social


psoriatic arthritis

the presence of comorbidities. Assess psoriasis severity and impact:

at first presentation

before referral for specialist advice and at any referral point in

the treatment pathway

to evaluate the efficacy of interventions. When assessing the disease severity, record:

the results of a Static Physician’s Global Assessment (PGA)

(classified as clear, nearly clear, mild, moderate, severe or very


the body surface area (BSA) affected

any involvement of nails and high-impact or difficult-to-treat sites

(for example, the face, scalp, palms, soles, flexures and


any systemic upset (for example, in people with erythroderma or

generalised pustular psoriasis).


See S. R. Feldman and G. G. Krueger. Psoriasis assessment tools in clinical trials. Ann.Rheum.Dis. 64 (Suppl 2):ii65-ii68, 2005.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 14 of 45 In specialist settings, use a validated tool to assess severity, for

example the Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index (PASI)11 in

adults and for young children use the PGA. Be aware that:

PASI and BSA are not validated for use in children

erythema may be underestimated in people with darker skin

types, such as skin types V and VI on the Fitzpatrick scale12. Assess the impact of all types of psoriasis on physical,

psychological and social wellbeing by asking:

what aspects of daily living are affected by the person’s psoriasis

how the person is coping with their skin condition and any

treatments they are using, and if they need further advice or


if their psoriasis has a big impact on their mood.

In children and young people also ask about the impact on the

family and ask age-appropriate questions. In specialist settings and if practical in non-specialist settings, use

a validated tool to assess the impact of all types of psoriasis on

physical, psychological and social wellbeing, for example the:

Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)13 for adults or

Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI)14 for children

and young people. Assess whether people with any type of psoriasis are depressed

when assessing disease severity and impact, and when

escalating therapy. If appropriate offer information, advice and


See Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index. 12

Fitzpatrick scale: type I: always burns, never tans; type II: usually burns, tans with difficulty, type III: sometimes mild burn, gradually tans; type IV: rarely burns, tans with ease; type V: very rarely burns, tans very easily; type VI: never burns, tans very easily. 13

See Dermatology Life Quality Index. 14

See Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index.

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support in line with ‘Depression in adults with a chronic physical

health problem’ (NICE clinical guideline 91) for adults and

‘Depression in children and young people’ (NICE clinical guideline

28) for children and young people. Use the Nail Psoriasis Severity Index15 to assess nail disease in

specialist settings:

if there is a major functional or cosmetic impact or

before and after treatment is initiated specifically for nail disease. Following assessment in a non-specialist setting, offer referral for

dermatology specialist advice if:

there is diagnostic uncertainty or

psoriasis is severe16 or extensive, for example more than 10% of

BSA involvement or

psoriasis cannot be controlled with topical therapy or

acute guttate psoriasis requires phototherapy or

nail disease has a major functional or cosmetic impact or

any type of psoriasis is having a major impact on a person’s

physical, psychological or social wellbeing. People with unstable psoriasis, for example generalised pustular

psoriasis or erythroderma, should be referred immediately for

same-day specialist assessment and treatment. When using an assessment tool for a person with any type of

psoriasis take into account their age, any disabilities (such as

physical, visual or cognitive impairment), and any language or

other communication difficulties, and provide help and support if


See Rich P, Scher RK, Nail Psoriasis Severity Index: A useful tool for evaluation of nail psoriasis. JAAD 2003 (49) 206-212. 16

As defined on the Static Physician’s Global Assessment.

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needed. Ensure that the chosen assessment tool continues to be

a sufficiently accurate measure. Offer specialist referral to children with psoriasis at presentation.

1.2.2 Assessment and referral for psoriatic arthritis Offer annual assessment for psoriatic arthritis to people with any

type of psoriasis. Assessment is especially important within the

first 10 years of onset of psoriasis. Use a validated tool to assess adults for psoriatic arthritis in

primary care and specialist settings, for example the Psoriasis

Epidemiological Screening Tool (PEST)17. Be aware that the

PEST does not detect axial arthritis or inflammatory back pain. As soon as psoriatic arthritis is suspected, refer the person to a

rheumatologist for assessment and advice about planning their


1.2.3 Identification of comorbidities Offer a cardiovascular risk assessment using a validated risk

estimation tool to adults with severe psoriasis at presentation, and

offer further assessments every 5 years, or more frequently if

indicated following risk assessment. For further information see

‘Lipid modification’ (NICE clinical guideline 67).


See: G. H. Ibrahim, M. H. Buch, C. Lawson, R. Waxman, and P. S. Helliwell. Evaluation of an existing screening tool for psoriatic arthritis in people with psoriasis and the development of a new instrument: the Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool (PEST) questionnaire. Clin.Exp.Rheumatol. 27 (3):469-474, 2009.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 17 of 45 Discuss risk factors for comorbidities with people who have

psoriasis of all severities. Explain that they are at higher risk of

hypertension, diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidaemia than people

without psoriasis. Offer preventative advice and healthy lifestyle

information in line with the following NICE guidance:

‘Lipid modification’ (NICE clinical guideline 67)

‘Obesity’ (NICE clinical guideline 43)

‘Preventing type 2 diabetes: population and community-level

interventions in high-risk groups and the general population’

(NICE public health guidance 35)

‘Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level’ (NICE

public health guidance 25)

‘Alcohol-use disorders: preventing the development of

hazardous and harmful drinking’ (NICE public health guidance


Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local

authorities and workplaces, particularly for manual working

groups, pregnant women and hard to reach communities’ (NICE

public health guidance 10). For people with multiple comorbidities and any type of psoriasis

needing second- or third-line therapy ensure multidisciplinary

working and communication between specialties and, if needed,

interdisciplinary team working (for example when both skin and

joints are significantly affected)18.


For further information see ‘The National Service Framework for long-term conditions’.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 18 of 45 Be aware that psoriasis is a risk factor for venous

thromboembolism, especially in people with severe psoriasis and:

explain this risk to people with psoriasis

offer advice on how to minimise the risk (for example, during

hospital admission, surgery or periods of immobility)

manage the risk in line with ‘Venous thromboembolism: reducing

the risk’ (NICE clinical guideline 92).

1.3 Topical therapy

1.3.1 General recommendations Offer people with psoriasis topical therapy as first-line treatment

and escalate to second-line treatment (that is, phototherapy or

systemic non-biological therapy) or third-line treatment (systemic

biological therapy) if psoriasis is extensive and/or severe. Offer practical support and advice about the use and application

of topical treatments. Advice should be provided by healthcare

professionals who are trained and competent in the use of topical

therapies. Support people to adhere to treatment in line with

‘Medicines adherence’ (NICE clinical guideline 76). Be aware that continuous use of potent or very potent

corticosteroids may cause:

irreversible skin atrophy and striae

psoriasis to become unstable

systemic side effects when applied continuously to extensive


Explain the risks of these side effects to people undergoing

treatment and discuss how to avoid them. When offering a corticosteroid for topical treatment choose a low-

cost preparation.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 19 of 45 Do not use potent or very potent corticosteroids on the face or

flexures, including genital sites. Do not use very potent corticosteroids continuously at any site for

longer than 4 weeks. Do not use potent corticosteroids continuously at any site for

longer than 8 weeks. When offering topical agents take into account patient preference,

cosmetic acceptability, practical aspects of application and the

site(s) and extent of psoriasis to be treated. Discuss the variety of

formulations available and use:

cream or lotion for widespread psoriasis

lotion, solution or gel for the scalp or hair-bearing areas

ointment to treat areas with thick adherent scale.

Be aware that topical treatment alone may not provide satisfactory

disease control, especially in people with severe psoriasis. If a person with psoriasis has a physical disability or visual

impairment and needs topical therapy, offer advice and practical

support that take into account the person’s individual needs. Arrange a review appointment at 4 weeks after starting a new

topical treatment strategy to evaluate tolerability, toxicity and initial

response to treatment.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 20 of 45 Discuss with people whose psoriasis is responding to topical


the importance of continuing treatment until a satisfactory

outcome is achieved (for example clear or nearly clear) or up to

the recommended maximum treatment period for corticosteroids

(see sections 1.3.2 to 1.3.4)

that relapse occurs in most people after treatment is stopped

that topical treatments can be used as and when required to

maintain satisfactory disease control. Offer people with psoriasis a supply of their topical treatment to

keep at home for the self-management of their condition. In people whose psoriasis has not responded satisfactorily to a

topical treatment strategy, before changing to an alternative


discuss with the person whether they have any difficulties with

application, cosmetic acceptability or tolerability and where

relevant offer an alternative formulation

consider other possible reasons for non-adherence in line with

‘Medicines adherence’ (NICE clinical guideline 76).

1.3.2 Trunk and limb psoriasis Offer a potent corticosteroid applied once daily plus vitamin D or a

vitamin D analogue applied once daily (applied separately, for

example one agent applied in the morning and the other in the

evening) for a maximum period of 8 weeks as initial treatment for

psoriasis of the trunk or limbs in adults. If once-daily application of a potent corticosteroid plus vitamin D

or a vitamin D analogue does not result in clearance, near

clearance or satisfactory control of psoriasis of the trunk or limbs

in adults after 8 weeks, offer vitamin D or a vitamin D analogue

alone applied twice daily.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 21 of 45 If twice-daily application of vitamin D or a vitamin D analogue

does not result in clearance, near clearance or satisfactory control

of trunk or limb psoriasis in adults by 8–12 weeks offer either:

a potent corticosteroid applied twice daily for up to 8 weeks or

a coal tar preparation applied once or twice daily. If a twice-daily potent corticosteroid or coal tar preparation cannot

be used and a once-daily preparation would improve adherence,

offer a combined product containing calcipotriol monohydrate and

betamethasone dipropionate applied once daily for up to 8 weeks. Offer treatment with very potent corticosteroids in adults with trunk

or limb psoriasis only:

in specialist settings under careful supervision

when other topical treatment strategies have failed

for a maximum period of 4 weeks. Consider short-contact dithranol for treatment-resistant psoriasis

of the trunk or limbs and either:

give educational support for self-use or

ensure treatment is given in a day-care setting. Offer a review at least annually to people with trunk or limb

psoriasis who are using a potent or very potent corticosteroid

(either as monotherapy or in combined preparations) to assess for

the presence of steroid atrophy and other adverse effects.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 22 of 45 For children and young people with trunk or limb psoriasis

consider either:

calcipotriol applied once daily or

a potent corticosteroid19 applied once daily.

Review treatment 2 weeks after starting treatment.

1.3.3 Scalp psoriasis Offer a potent corticosteroid20 applied once daily for a maximum

period of 8 weeks as initial treatment for people with scalp

psoriasis. Choose a low-cost preparation. Show people with scalp psoriasis how to safely apply

corticosteroid topical treatment. If treatment with a potent corticosteroid21 does not result in

clearance, near clearance or satisfactory control of scalp psoriasis

after 4 weeks consider:

a different formulation of the potent corticosteroid (for example, a

shampoo or mousse) and/or

topical agents to remove adherent scale (for example, agents

containing salicylic acid, emollients and oils) before further

application of the potent corticosteroid.


At the time of publication (May 2012), potent corticosteroids had UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children only for application limited to 5 days and not for children under 1 year of age. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. 20

At the time of publication (May 2012), potent corticosteroids had UK marketing authorisation for this indication in adults, but in children licensed use was limited to 5 days and not for children under 1 year of age. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. 21

At the time of publication (May 2012), potent corticosteroids had UK marketing authorisation for this indication in adults, but in children licensed use was limited to 5 days and not for children under 1 year of age. Informed consent should be obtained and documented.

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If the response remains unsatisfactory after a further 4 weeks of

treatment offer:

a combined product containing calcipotriol monohydrate and

betamethasone dipropionate22 applied once daily for up to

8 weeks or

vitamin D or a vitamin D analogue23 applied once daily. If continuous treatment with either a combined product containing

calcipotriol monohydrate and betamethasone dipropionate applied

once daily or vitamin D or a vitamin D analogue applied daily for

up to 8 weeks does not result in clearance, near clearance or

satisfactory control of scalp psoriasis offer:

a very potent corticosteroid applied up to twice daily for 2 weeks

(up to a maximum of 4 weeks) for adults only or

coal tar applied once or twice daily or

referral to a specialist for additional support with topical

applications and/or advice on alternative treatment options. Consider topical vitamin D or a vitamin D analogue24 alone for the

treatment of scalp psoriasis only in people who:

are intolerant to or cannot use topical corticosteroids at this site


have mild-to-moderate scalp psoriasis. Do not offer coal tar-based shampoos alone for the treatment of

plaque-type scalp psoriasis.


At the time of publication (May 2012), combined product containing calcipotriol monohydrate and betamethasone dipropionate did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. 23

At the time of publication (May 2012), calcitriol and tacalcitol did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children. Calcipotriol should be used in children. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. 24

At the time of publication (May 2012), calcitriol and tacalcitol did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children. Calcipotriol should be used in children. Informed consent should be obtained and documented.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 24 of 45 Do not use very potent corticosteroids for scalp psoriasis in


1.3.4 Psoriasis of the face, flexures and genitals Offer a short-term mild or moderate potency corticosteroid25

applied once or twice daily (for a maximum of 2 weeks) to people

with psoriasis of the face, flexures or genitals. Be aware that the face, flexures and genitals are particularly

vulnerable to steroid atrophy and that corticosteroids should only

be used for short-term treatment of psoriasis (1–2 weeks per

month). Explain the risks to people undergoing this treatment and

how to minimise them. For people with psoriasis of the face, flexures or genitals who

show an unsatisfactory response to, or require ongoing

continuous treatment with, short-term moderate potency

corticosteroids to maintain control, offer a calcineurin inhibitor26

applied twice daily for 4 weeks. Calcineurin inhibitors should be

initiated by healthcare professionals with expertise in treating

psoriasis. Do not use very potent corticosteroids in children. When prescribing topical agents at facial, flexural and genital sites

take into account that they may cause irritation, and inform people

undergoing treatment of these risks and how to minimise them.

1.4 Phototherapy Offer narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy to people with

plaque or guttate-pattern psoriasis that cannot be controlled with


At the time of publication (May 2012), moderate potency corticosteroids did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication in adults or children. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. 26

At the time of publication (May 2012), calcineurin inhibitors did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication. Informed consent should be obtained and documented.

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topical treatments alone. Treatment with narrowband UVB

phototherapy can be given three or two times a week depending

on patient preference. Tell people receiving narrowband UVB that

a response may be achieved more quickly with treatment three

times a week. Offer other second- or third-line treatment options when:

narrowband UVB phototherapy results in an inadequate

response or is poorly tolerated or

there is a rapid relapse following completion of treatment (rapid

relapse is defined as greater than 50% of baseline disease

severity within 3 months) or

accessing treatment is difficult for logistical reasons (for

example, travel, distance, time off work or immobility) or

the person is at especially high risk of skin cancer. Consider psoralen27 (oral or topical) with local ultraviolet A (UVA)

irradiation to treat palmoplantar pustulosis. Consider topical adjunctive therapy in people receiving

phototherapy with broadband or narrowband UVB who:

have plaques at sites that are resistant or show an inadequate

response (for example, the lower leg) to phototherapy alone, or

at difficult-to-treat or high-need, covered sites (for example,

flexures and the scalp)

do not wish to take systemic drugs or in whom systemic drugs

are contraindicated. Do not routinely use phototherapy (narrowband UVB, broadband

UVB or psoralen plus ultraviolet A [PUVA]) as maintenance



At the time of publication (May 2012), psoralens did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children. Informed consent should be obtained and documented.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 26 of 45 Ensure that all phototherapy equipment is safety-checked and

maintained in line with local and national policy28. Healthcare professionals who are giving phototherapy should be

trained and competent in its use and should ensure an

appropriate clinical governance framework is in place to promote

adherence to the indications for and contraindications to

treatment, dosimetry and national policy on safety standards for

phototherapy29. Do not routinely offer co-therapy with acitretin when administering


1.5 Risk of skin cancer Do not use PUVA in people with psoriasis and a genetic

predisposition to skin cancer, for example xeroderma

pigmentosum or familial melanoma. Do not use PUVA when other appropriate treatments are

available in:

people with a personal history of skin cancer or

people who have already received 150 PUVA treatments or



See The British Association of Dermatologists ‘Phototherapy Working Party Report’. 29

See The British Association of Dermatologists ‘Phototherapy Working Party Report’.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 27 of 45 Use PUVA with caution and consider other treatment options in:

people at risk of skin cancer (melanoma and non-melanoma

type) (see ‘Improving outcomes for people with skin tumours

including melanoma’ [NICE cancer service guidance])

people with lighter skin types, such as skin types I or II on the

Fitzpatrick scale30

people who are likely to require ciclosporin or long-term


young people. When considering PUVA for psoriasis (plaque or localised

palmoplantar pustulosis) discuss with the person:

other treatment options

that any exposure is associated with an increased risk of skin

cancer (squamous cell carcinoma)

that subsequent use of ciclosporin may increase the risk of skin

cancer, particularly if they have already received more than 150

PUVA treatments

that risk of skin cancer is related to the number of UV exposures. Offer lifetime skin cancer surveillance to people treated with

PUVA who have:

had more than 150 PUVA treatments or

developed skin cancer. Document (for example, in a national record) the cumulative

number of UV exposures.


Fitzpatrick scale: type I: always burns, never tans; type II: usually burns, tans with difficulty, type III: sometimes mild burn, gradually tans; type IV: rarely burns, tans with ease; type V: very rarely burns, tans very easily; type VI: never burns, tans very easily.

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1.6 Systemic therapy Only use systemic therapy in specialist settings.

1.6.2 Discussion and monitoring When offering systemic therapy, tailor the choice of agent and

dosing schedule to the needs of the person and include

consideration of:

the person’s age

disease phenotype, pattern of activity and previous treatment


disease severity and impact

the presence of psoriatic arthritis (in consultation with a


conception plans


the person’s views. Be aware of the benefits of, contraindications to and adverse

effects associated with systemic treatments. Explain the risks and

benefits to people with psoriasis undergoing these treatments

using absolute risks and natural frequencies when possible.

Support and advice should be provided by healthcare

professionals who are trained and competent in the use of

systemic therapies. Monitor people using systemic treatment for all types of psoriasis

in accordance with national and local drug guidelines and policy.

Take appropriate action in the event of laboratory abnormalities or

adverse events. Offer adjunctive topical therapy to optimise treatment outcomes. Offer people with psoriasis who are starting treatment with a

systemic non-biological or biological drug the opportunity to

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participate in long-term safety registries (for example the British

Association of Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register).

1.7 Systemic non-biological therapy Offer systemic therapy to people with psoriasis if:

it cannot be controlled with topical therapy and

it has a significant impact on physical, psychological or social

wellbeing and

one or more of the following apply:

psoriasis is extensive (for example, BSA of more than 10%

affected or a PASI score of more than 10) or

psoriasis is localised and associated with significant functional

impairment and/or high levels of distress (for example severe

nail disease or involvement at high-impact sites) or

phototherapy has been ineffective, cannot be used or has

resulted in rapid relapse (rapid relapse is defined as greater

than 50% of baseline disease severity within 3 months). Offer methotrexate31 as the first choice of systemic agent for

people with psoriasis that fulfils the criteria for systemic therapy

(see recommendation except in the circumstances

described in recommendations and When considering the risks and benefits of treating any type of

psoriasis with methotrexate, be aware that methotrexate can

cause a clinically significant rise in transaminases and that long-

term therapy may be associated with liver fibrosis (see

recommendations to


At the time of publication (May 2012), methotrexate did not have an official dose recommendation for this indication in children and the summary of product characteristics states that there is no experience in young children.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 30 of 45 In people with both active psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis that

fulfils the criteria for systemic therapy (see recommendation consider the choice of systemic agent in consultation with

a rheumatologist. For further information see ‘Etanercept,

infliximab and adalimumab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis’

(NICE technology appraisal guidance 199). Offer ciclosporin32 as the first choice of systemic agent for people

with psoriasis that fulfils the criteria for systemic therapy (see

recommendation and who:

need rapid or short-term disease control (for example a psoriasis

flare) or

have palmoplantar pustulosis or

are considering conception (both men and women) and systemic

therapy cannot be avoided. Consider changing from methotrexate to ciclosporin (or vice-

versa) when response to the first-choice systemic treatment is

inadequate. Consider acitretin for adults, and in exceptional cases only for

children33, in the following circumstances:

if methotrexate and ciclosporin are not appropriate or have failed


for people with pustular forms of psoriasis.


At the time of publication (May 2012), ciclosporin did not have an official dose recommendation for this indication in children, but there was no specific contraindication for use in the age group. 33

At the time of publication (May 2012), acitretin only had UK marketing authorisation for this indication in children if the benefits outweigh the risks as it is contraindicated. Informed consent should be obtained and documented.

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1.7.2 Drug regimens Use incremental dosing of methotrexate (for example, starting

with an initial dose of 5–10 mg once a week) in adults and

gradually increase the dose up to the target dose of 25 mg a

week. Assess the treatment response after 3 months at the target

dose of methotrexate and stop treatment if the response is

inadequate (for example, a decrease of less than 75% in PASI

score or a decrease of less than 50% in PASI score and 5 points

in DLQI score). Use the lowest possible therapeutic dose of methotrexate to

maintain remission. Use 2.5–3 mg/kg a day of ciclosporin34 for adults and children.

Escalate to 5 mg/kg a day after 4 weeks only when there is no

response to the lower dose or when rapid disease control is

necessary (for example in severe unstable disease). Assess the

treatment response after 3 months at the optimum dose of

ciclosporin and stop treatment if the response is inadequate (for

example, less than a 75% decrease in PASI score or less than a

50% decrease in PASI score and less than 5 points in DLQI

score). Use the lowest possible therapeutic dose of ciclosporin to

maintain remission for up to 1 year. Consider other treatment

options when disease relapses rapidly on stopping ciclosporin

therapy (rapid relapse is defined as greater than 50% of baseline

disease severity within 3 months of stopping treatment). Do not

use ciclosporin continuously for more than 1 year unless disease

is severe or unstable and other treatment options cannot be used.


At the time of publication (May 2012), ciclosporin did not have an official dose recommendation for this indication in children, but there was no specific contraindication for use in the age group.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 32 of 45 Use incremental dosing of acitretin to minimise mucocutaneous

side effects and achieve a target dose of 25 mg daily in adults.

Consider dose escalation to a maximum of 50 mg daily when no

other treatment options are available.

1.7.3 Reviewing treatment response When reviewing response to systemic therapy, take into account:

disease severity compared with baseline (for example, PASI

baseline to endpoint score)

control of psoriatic arthritis disease activity (in consultation with a

rheumatologist if necessary)

the impact of the disease on the person’s physical, psychological

and social wellbeing

the benefits versus the risks of continued treatment

the views of the person and, in children, their family.

1.7.4 Methotrexate and monitoring for hepatotoxicity Before and during methotrexate treatment, evaluate for potential

hepatotoxicity. Use standard liver function tests and serial serum procollagen III

levels to monitor for abnormalities during treatment with

methotrexate, taking into account pre-existing risk factors (for

example obesity, diabetes and alcohol use), baseline results and

trends over time. When using serum procollagen III levels to exclude liver fibrosis or

cirrhosis, be aware that the:

test cannot be used in children

results may be unreliable in people with psoriatic arthritis

positive predictive value is 23–95% and the negative predictive

value is 89–100%.

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 33 of 45 Provide advice on modifiable risk factors for liver disease prior to

and during therapy including alcohol intake and weight reduction if

appropriate. For more information see ‘Alcohol-use disorders:

physical complications’ (NICE clinical guideline 100), ‘Alcohol-use

disorders: preventing the development of hazardous and harmful

drinking’ (NICE public health guidance 24) and ‘Obesity’ (NICE

clinical guideline 43). Seek timely specialist advice and consider referral to a clinician

with expertise in liver disease if the results of liver tests are


1.8 Systemic biological therapy Adalimumab is recommended as a treatment option for adults

with plaque psoriasis for whom anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF)

treatment is being considered and when the following criteria are

both met.

The disease is severe as defined by a total PASI of 10 or more

and a DLQI of more than 10.

The psoriasis has not responded to standard systemic therapies

including ciclosporin, methotrexate and PUVA; or the person is

intolerant of, or has a contraindication to, these treatments. Adalimumab should be discontinued in people whose psoriasis

has not responded adequately at 16 weeks. An adequate

response is defined as either:

a 75% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 75) from when

treatment started or

a 50% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 50) and a five-point

reduction in DLQI from start of treatment. When using the DLQI, healthcare professionals should ensure

that when reaching conclusions on the severity of plaque

psoriasis they take into account a person's disabilities (such as

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physical impairments) and linguistic or other communication

difficulties. In such cases, healthcare professionals should ensure

that their use of the DLQI continues to be a sufficiently accurate

measure. The same approach should apply in the context of a

decision about whether to continue the use of adalimumab in

accordance with recommendation

[These recommendations are from ‘Adalimumab for the treatment

of adults with psoriasis’ (NICE technology appraisal guidance

146).] Etanercept, within its licensed indications, administered at a dose

not exceeding 25 mg twice weekly is recommended for the

treatment of adults with plaque psoriasis only when the following

criteria are met.

The disease is severe as defined by a total PASI of 10 or more

and a DLQI of more than 10.

The psoriasis has failed to respond to standard systemic

therapies including ciclosporin, methotrexate and PUVA; or the

person is intolerant to, or has a contraindication to, these

treatments. Etanercept treatment should be discontinued in patients whose

psoriasis has not responded adequately at 12 weeks. Further

treatment cycles are not recommended in these patients. An

adequate response is defined as either:

a 75% reduction in the PASI score from when treatment started

(PASI 75) or

a 50% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 50) and a five-point

reduction in DLQI from when treatment started. It is recommended that the use of etanercept for psoriasis should

be initiated and supervised only by specialist physicians

experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis. If a

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person has both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis their treatment

should be managed by collaboration between a rheumatologist

and a dermatologist.

[These recommendations are from ‘Etanercept and efalizumab for

the treatment of adults with psoriasis’ (NICE technology appraisal

guidance 103).] Infliximab, within its licensed indications, is recommended as a

treatment option for adults with plaque psoriasis only when the

following criteria are met.

The disease is very severe as defined by a total PASI of 20 or

more and a DLQI of more than 18.

The psoriasis has failed to respond to standard systemic

therapies such as ciclosporin, methotrexate or PUVA, or the

person is intolerant to or has a contraindication to these

treatments. Infliximab treatment should be continued beyond 10 weeks only in

people whose psoriasis has shown an adequate response to

treatment within 10 weeks. An adequate response is defined as


a 75% reduction in the PASI score from when treatment started

(PASI 75) or

a 50% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 50) and a five-point

reduction in the DLQI from when treatment started. When using the DLQI healthcare professionals should take care

to ensure that they take account of a patient's disabilities (such as

physical impairments) or linguistic or other communication

difficulties, in reaching conclusions on the severity of plaque

psoriasis. In such cases healthcare professionals should ensure

that their use of the DLQI continues to be a sufficiently accurate

measure. The same approach should apply in the context of a

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decision about whether to continue the use of the drug in

accordance with recommendation

[These recommendations are from ‘Infliximab for the treatment of

adults with psoriasis’ (NICE technology appraisal guidance 134).] Ustekinumab is recommended as a treatment option for adults

with plaque psoriasis when the following criteria are met.

The disease is severe, as defined by a total PASI score of 10 or

more and a DLQI score of more than 10.

The psoriasis has not responded to standard systemic therapies,

including ciclosporin, methotrexate and PUVA, or the person is

intolerant of or has a contraindication to these treatments.

The manufacturer provides the 90 mg dose (two 45 mg vials) for

people who weigh more than 100 kg at the same total cost as for

a single 45 mg vial. Ustekinumab treatment should be stopped in people whose

psoriasis has not responded adequately by 16 weeks after

starting treatment. An adequate response is defined as either:

a 75% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 75) from when

treatment started or

a 50% reduction in the PASI score (PASI 50) and a 5-point

reduction in the DLQI score from when treatment started. When using the DLQI, healthcare professionals should take into

account any physical, sensory or learning disabilities, or

communication difficulties that could affect the responses to the

DLQI and make any adjustments they consider appropriate.

[These recommendations are from ‘Ustekinumab for the treatment

of adults with moderate to severe psoriasis’ (NICE technology

appraisal guidance 180).]

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Psoriasis: NICE guideline DRAFT (May 2012) 37 of 45 Consider changing to an alternative biological drug in adults with

psoriasis in whom there is an inadequate response to a first

biological drug (either following the first 3 months of treatment

[primary failure], or following an initially adequate response

[secondary failure]), or if the first biological drug cannot be

tolerated or becomes contraindicated. For adults in whom there is an inadequate response to a second

biological drug, seek supra-specialist advice from a clinician with

expertise in biological therapy. If a person has both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, take into

account both conditions before making changes to biological

therapy and manage their treatment in consultation with a

rheumatologist. For further information see ‘Etanercept, infliximab

and adalimumab for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis’ (NICE

technology appraisal guidance 199).

2 Notes on the scope of this guideline

NICE guidelines are developed in accordance with a scope that defines what

the guideline will and will not cover.

How this guideline was developed

NICE commissioned the National Clinical Guideline Centre to develop this

guideline. The Centre established a Guideline Development Group (see

appendix A), which reviewed the evidence and developed the


There is more information about how NICE clinical guidelines are developed

on the NICE website. A booklet, ‘How NICE clinical guidelines are developed:

an overview for stakeholders, the public and the NHS’ is available.

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3 Implementation

NICE has developed tools to help organisations implement this guidance.

Note: these details will apply when the guideline is published.

4 Research recommendations

The Guideline Development Group has made the following recommendations

for research, based on its review of evidence, to improve NICE guidance and

patient care in the future. The Guideline Development Group’s full set of

research recommendations is detailed in the full guideline (see section 5).

4.1 Assessment of disease severity and impact

What validated tools can be used in people (including children and young

people) to assess disease severity and impact in non-specialist and specialist

healthcare settings to facilitate assessment, appropriate referral, treatment

planning and measurement of outcomes?

Why this is important

Assessment of disease severity and impact is fundamental to delivering high-

quality healthcare and measuring outcomes. The evidence review indicates

that the existing tools have important limitations, and have not been validated

in relevant healthcare settings. Future research should ensure that tools are

developed that capture information on site of involvement as well as extent,

and the impact of previous treatments. Tools that can be used by patients (as

well as healthcare professionals) to assess disease severity and that

encompass new technologies should be evaluated to facilitate, when

appropriate, modern healthcare delivery models (for example, remote

monitoring of disease activity).

4.2 Identification of comorbidities

Does treating psoriasis modify the risk of cardiovascular disease and are

there any demographic, phenotypic or other biomarkers that identify those

most likely to benefit?

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Why this is important

Psoriasis is a common disease, and the evidence review indicates that in all

people affected there is a clinically relevant increase in cardiovascular

disease. If treatment of the psoriasis also improved cardiovascular morbidity

or mortality, this would be of major importance to patients, and also justify

early and/or more aggressive treatment of psoriasis.

4.3 Methotrexate and risk of hepatotoxicity

What is the impact of methotrexate compared with other approaches to care

on risk of significant liver disease in people with psoriasis and do risk factors

such as obesity, alcohol use or diabetes alter this risk?

Why this is important

The evidence review indicates that people with psoriasis may be at risk of liver

disease, and there is great uncertainty about the contributing role of

methotrexate. Clinician and patient concerns about this side effect are a

common cause of treatment discontinuation. However, existing studies are

poorly controlled for important confounders and many are very old.

Methotrexate is a low-cost intervention that is effective in an important

proportion of patients. Research in this area will properly delineate the size of

risk and how to minimise it. Future research should be adequately powered to

detect clinically relevant liver disease, use relevant tools to do so, and

properly control for relevant confounders.

4.4 Biological therapy

In people with psoriasis, does early intervention to achieve and maintain

complete disease remission alter the long-term prognosis in terms of psoriasis

severity, comorbidities, or treatment-related adverse effects, and are there

any clinical or other biomarkers that can be used to identify those most likely

to benefit from this treatment approach?

Why this is important

At present the treatment pathway for people with psoriasis follows clinical

need as no studies have been done to evaluate whether early intervention

alters prognosis. Consequently, patients with more severe disease sequence

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through all therapies in the treatment pathway, with a proportion requiring

high-cost biological interventions to maintain disease control. The evidence

indicates that there are very few treatment options for people with chronic

disease, all of them are associated with side effects, many are co-dependent

(for example escalated risk of skin cancer in people treated with the

phototherapy and ciclosporin sequence), and loss of response to biological

therapies is a significant clinical issue. If early intervention was shown to alter

the prognosis, particularly if there were markers that could stratify those likely

to benefit, this would be of major importance to patients, and likely deliver

much more cost-effective treatment strategies.

4.5 Self-management

Do structured psoriasis-focussed educational programmes improve patient

confidence, wellbeing and disease control compared with standard care?

Why this is important

Virtually all patients self-manage their condition to a greater or lesser extent

and this involves complex topical applications as well as systemic therapies to

be used over many years in response to fluctuating disease severity. The

evidence indicates that in contrast to many chronic disorders, there are no

validated programmes to help patients achieve effective self-management.

Establishing a focussed educational programme that effectively improves

outcomes for patients would be of clinical benefit and likely deliver healthcare


5 Other versions of this guideline

5.1 Full guideline

The full guideline, 'Psoriasis: the management of psoriasis' contains details of

the methods and evidence used to develop the guideline. It is published by

the National Clinical Guideline Centre and is available from our website. Note:

these details will apply to the published full guideline.

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5.2 NICE pathway

The recommendations from this guideline have been incorporated into a NICE

pathway. Note: these details will apply when the guideline is published.

5.3 ‘Understanding NICE guidance’

A summary for patients and carers (‘Understanding NICE guidance’) is


For printed copies, phone NICE publications on 0845 003 7783 or email

[email protected] (quote reference number N[XXXX]). Note: these

details will apply when the guideline is published.

We encourage NHS and voluntary sector organisations to use text from this

booklet in their own information about psoriasis.

6 Related NICE guidance


Patient experience in adult NHS services. NICE clinical guideline 138


Preventing type 2 diabetes: population and community-level interventions

in high-risk groups and the general population. NICE public health

guidance 35 (2011)

Etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab for the treatment of psoriatic

arthritis. NICE technology appraisal 199 (2010)

Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level. NICE public

health guidance 25 (2010)

Alcohol-use disorders: preventing the development of hazardous and

harmful drinking. NICE public health guidance 24 (2010)

Alcohol-use disorders. NICE clinical guideline 100 (2010)

Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk. NICE clinical guideline 92


Improving outcomes for people with skin tumours including melanoma.

NICE cancer service guidance (2010)

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Ustekinumab for the treatment of adults with moderate to severe psoriasis.

NICE technology appraisal guidance 180 (2009)

Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem. NICE clinical

guideline 91 (2009)

Medicines adherence. NICE clinical guideline 76 (2009)

Adalimumab for the treatment of adults with psoriasis. NICE technology

appraisal guidance 146 (2008)

Infliximab for the treatment of adults with psoriasis. NICE technology

appraisal guidance 134 (2008)

Lipid modification. NICE clinical guideline 67 (2008)

Smoking cessation services in primary care, pharmacies, local authorities

and workplaces, particularly for manual working groups, pregnant women

and hard to reach communities. NICE public health guidance 10 (2008)

Etanercept and efalizumab for the treatment of adults with psoriasis. NICE

technology appraisal guidance 103 (2006)

Obesity. NICE clinical guideline 43 (2006)

Depression in children and young people. NICE clinical guideline 28 (2005)

Under development

NICE is developing the following guidance:

Preventing type 2 diabetes: risk identification and interventions for individuals

at high risk NICE public health guidance (publication expected July 2012)

7 Updating the guideline

NICE clinical guidelines are updated so that recommendations take into

account important new information. New evidence is checked 3 years after

publication, and healthcare professionals and patients are asked for their

views; we use this information to decide whether all or part of a guideline

needs updating. If important new evidence is published at other times, we

may decide to do a more rapid update of some recommendations. Please see

our website for information about updating the guideline.

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Appendix A: The Guideline Development Group,

National Collaborating Centre and NICE project team

Guideline Development Group

Catherine Smith (Chair)

Consultant Dermatologist and Senior Lecturer, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London

David Chandler

Patient member

Paul Hepple

GP, Edinburgh

Karina Jackson

Nurse Consultant, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guys and St Thomas'

NHS Foundation Trust, London

Ruth Murphy

Adult and Paediatric Consultant Dermatologist, Nottingham University

Hospitals NHS Trust

Jillian Peters

Dermatology Nurse Practitioner, NHS Suffolk

Natasha Smeaton

GP, London

Claire Strudwicke

Patient member

Roderick Tucker

Community Pharmacist, East Yorkshire

Richard Warren

Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Dermatologist, University of

Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

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Christine Bundy

Consultant Health Psychologist, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS

Foundation Trust (expert advisor)

James Ferguson

Consultant Dermatologist, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee

(expert advisor – phototherapy)

Neil McHugh

Consultant Rheumatologist, Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases,

Bath (expert advisor)

National Clinical Guideline Centre

Jill Cobb

Information Scientist

Bernard Higgins

Clinical Director

Jill Parnham

Operations Director

Nancy Pursey

Senior Project Manager (until May 2012)

Silvia Rabar

Project Manager (until January 2011)

Eleanor Samarasekera

Research Fellow

Laura Sawyer

Senior Health Economist

Katrina Sparrow

Senior Research Fellow

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NICE project team

Philip Alderson

Associate Director

Sarah Dunsdon

Guideline Commissioning Manager

Natalie Boileau

Guideline Coordinator

Judith Thornton

Technical Lead

Prashanth Kandaswarmy

Health Economist

Catharine Baden-Daintree
