pulsar gravity-wave data search einstein at home written by jamaal johnson aka jjohn

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  • 8/8/2019 Pulsar Gravity-Wave Data Search Einstein at Home written by Jamaal Johnson aka Jjohn






    Presented to the

    Honors College at Southern University

    Baton Rouge, Louisiana


    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

    Honors College Degree



    Jamaal N. Johnson

    May 2006

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    Honors College

    Southern University

    Baton Rouge, Louisiana





    This is to certify that the Honors Thesis of

    Jamaal N. Johnson

    has been approved by the examining committee for the thesis requirement for theHonors College degree in Computer Science.



    ___________________________________Chairman, Honors Advisory Committee


    Dean, Honors College

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    This research was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant

    No. PHY-0101177.

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    An Abstract of a Thesis

    Presented to the

    Honors College at Southern University

    Baton Rouge, Louisiana


    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

    Honors College Degree



    Jamaal N. Johnson

    May 2006

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    And God said Let there Be Light and it was so. However, before light there

    were large bodies of Masses created and science suggests that the creation of these

    landforms emitted gravitational radiation. According to Einsteins General Theory of

    Relativity, gravity waves do in fact exist but as of date they have not been detected.

    The LIGO research project has implemented three interferometers with the

    capability to detect a gravitational wave, should one exist. With the implementation of

    these interferometers and the constant tweaking of the instruments components, the

    LIGO project has had and will have a profound impact on the world of science. This

    impact will occur whether a gravity-wave signal is ever detected or not. This holds true

    not only because of the improvements it has made in science but also on the view on

    science as we know it. If a wave is not detected, then this will cause scientists to go back

    hundreds of years and research the validity of many scientific principles that are being

    taught in curriculums around the world.


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    First and foremost I would like to give reverence and thanks to my personal Lord

    and Savior Jesus Christ for giving me strength, a sound mind, and the thirst for

    knowledge to complete my years of study. I want to also thank him for blessing me with

    a loving mother who was strong and who instilled principles of research and learning

    inside of me at a young age. I love you MOM and I want to thank you for always taking

    care of and loving hard for your children. You have done an excellent Job. I want to also

    thank my Father for providing me with a home environment suitable for obtaining a good

    education. You have always worked hard to provide for us and I will always remember

    that. You helped me to become the man I am and I want to thank you for that. Also,

    thanks Torie and Brittany, my two loving sisters who will do anything that they can for

    me. I love you both dearly.

    Next, I want to thank my Dear Aunt Beulah J. Clark. My Aunt Beulah has been

    my mentor from the moment I moved to Baton Rouge, LA at the age of 12. There is

    nothing I have asked of her that she hasnt done for me. Thanks so much Auntie. You

    are wonderful!

    Next, I want to thank the Honors College for your assistance in obtaining my

    degree. Your funding and guidance have allowed me to focus on my books and get a

    jump start on understanding what I was in college to do. I want to also thank the

    Department of Computer Science. I prefer to call it the Family of Computer Science


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    because I feel you all truly care about your students and I feel that I can come talk to

    anyone of you about anything. Especially Mrs. Betz, Mrs. Roquemore, Mrs. Johnson,

    and Mrs. Ricard. I love you all.

    Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my advisor Dr. McGuire. You helped

    to open up my mind in areas of Science that I never knew existed. You are a very

    knowledgeable person and I truly appreciate the knowledge that you have allowed me to

    obtain through this project. Thanks.


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    I. BACKGROUND OF STUDY...........1

    Introduction.. 1

    Overview of LIGO: Purpose of Study 2

    Significance of Study3


    High Sensitivity Accelerators for Gravity Experiments6The Computational and Storage Potential of Vol. Computing..7

    High Performance Task Distribution for Volunteer Computing...8BOINC..9


    Einstein@Home Begins...10

    Implementation of the Software...12

    What Are Pulsars..13

    The LIGO Screensaver.14

    IV DATA.. 16

    Search For Data16

    Pulsar Gravity Radiation..17

    Southern Universitys Search Credit...18


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    V. CONCLUSION/SUMMARY..................................................................20


    APPENDIX 1.....................................................................................................................26

    APPENDIX 2.....................................................................................................................29

    APPROVAL FOR SCHOLARLY DISSEMINATION....................................................30



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    Appendix Page

    1. An Interview With Dr. Stephen C. McGuire 26

    2. Interferometer Diagram 29


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    Figure Page

    1. SETI Dish Radio Telescope.... 102. Order Phase of Two Neutron Stars Colliding. 11

    3. Jocelyn Bell and Pulsar Signals.. 13

    4. Diagram of A Pulsar14

    5. Einstein@Home Screensaver..156. Rotating Pulsar18

    7. Southern Universitys Cobblestone Credits19


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    Pulsar Gravity-Wave Data Search at Southern University: Einstein @Home

    Chapter 1Background of Study


    Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientific minds in world history. Einstein

    is known as a brilliant physicist who contributed more to the scientific world than any

    other person. His theories on relativity paved the way for how science currently views

    time, space, energy, and gravity. Einstein was so advanced in his thinking that his studies

    and work set the standards for the control of scientific energy and space explorations

    currently being studied in the field of astrophysics.

    Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 as part of

    the gravitational theory of general relativity. However, it is only now through The Laser

    Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), that this investigation has begun

    to take place. As an experiment, LIGO seeks to make the first direct detections of the

    elusive gravity waves predicted by Einstein.

    According to the general theory of relativity, space and time are two different

    aspects of reality in which matter and energy are ultimately the same. Space time can be

    thought of as a fabric defined by the measuring of distances by rulers and the

    measuring of time by clocks. The presence of large amounts of mass or energy distorts

    this fabric and causes it to warp. This warpage of space-time is called gravity. Freely

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    falling objects (satellites, soccer balls, beams of starlight) simply follow the most direct

    path in this curved space-time.

    Overview of LIGO: Purpose of Study

    So, what exactly is LIGO? Well, as indicated above, the acronym itself stands for

    Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory. However, the project itself is a

    great deal more complex. The LIGO project deals with the detection of astrophysical

    sources of Gravitational Waves. There are four types of events that would emit these

    waves: The collision of extremely dense objects such as neutron stars and black holes;

    the violent explosion and collapse of stellar systems via supernovae; pulsars which are

    currently being searched for in the Einstein@Home Project; and gravity-wave remnants

    of the event that scientists believed started the physical universe (1).

    When large masses move suddenly, some of this space-time curvature propagates

    outward, very similar to ripples of a pond struck by a rock. So we can take a closer look

    at the neutron star theory. A neutron star is the burned out core often left behind after a

    star explodes. It is very dense and can carry as much mass as the sun. Yet, it is only

    about a two or three mile diameter sphere. When two objects this dense orbit each other,

    space-time is stirred and gravitational energy ripples throughout the universe.

    In order to detect these ripples, scientists must have the techniques and the

    technologies to do so. This capability is managed in LIGO. The first detectors designed

    to detect gravity-waves were built in the 1960s by J. Weber of the University of

    Maryland (2). A second generation gravity-wave detector, the LIGO interferometer, will

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    detect the ripples through the universe using a device called a laser interferometer. The

    Interferometer measures the time it takes for light to travel between suspended mirrors by

    using controlled laser light (see appendix 2). Two mirrors hanging a far distance from

    each other make up one arm of the interferometer and a perpendicular make up forms the

    other arm. The shape of the interferometer is an L. Laser light enters the arms through

    a beam splitter located at the corner of the L, dividing the light between the arms. The

    light can bounce between the mirrors many times before it returns to the beam splitter. If

    there is any difference between the lengths of the arms, some light will travel where it

    can be recorded by a photo detector. The space-time ripples cause the distance measured

    by a light beam to change as the gravitational wave passes by, and the amount of light

    falling on the photo detector to vary. This distance is exceedingly small, 10-18m, so that

    laser interferometry is needed in order to perform the measurement. The photo detector

    then produces signals that define the variation of light falling on it over time. The laser

    interferometer converts gravitational waves into electrical signals much like a

    microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals. However, there is a catch.

    There must be at least two widely separated detectors, operated in unison, to rule out

    false signals and to confirm that a gravitational wave has in fact passed through Earth.

    Thus, three interferometers of the same kind were built two near Richland, Washington,

    and another near Baton Rouge, LA (see Appendix 2). The idea is that because these

    gravity waves travel at a finite speed, 3.0 * 108m/s (speed of light), there is only a short

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    amount of time allowed between an occurrence in one interferometer and a showing in

    the other. This time frame is about 10 milliseconds.

    Now one may ask: what else will these interferometers and photo detectors see.

    Well, given their sensitivity to vibrations, they will pick up a variety of signals. These

    signals may be anything from earth quakes to earth tides. So, with this in mind, how will

    the LIGO detectors identify and differentiate these signals and those of gravitational

    wave ripples caused by the crashing and merging of neutron stars? The following

    paragraph will explain how.

    Along with the development and implementation of the interferometers,

    theoretical expressions have been calculated that describe the signal of a gravitational

    wave caused by such astrophysical changes in mass distributions. With the density, size,

    and speed of these neutron stars, specifications or detailed features of the event can be

    theoretically predicted so as to produce the types of signals that we expect to see. To

    even further distinguish these signals, they can be compared to supernova stars and

    quasars which produce periodic wave signals. It is expected that the signals produced by

    the gravitational wave ripples will in theory be much more a-periodic and irregular (3).

    Significance of Study

    In order to find such signals in gravitational wave data, a huge capacity of

    computing power must be used. Estimates indicate that searching gravitational data

    with the maximum possible sensitivity would require many times the computing capacity

    of even the most powerful supercomputer. This is where the Einstein @ Home Project

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    becomes a major player in the scope of the LIGO Project. Einstein @ Home searches

    data from the three observatories for any type of signal that may come from dense,

    rapidly rotating quark and neutron stars (4). According to Einsteins theory, if these stars

    are not perfectly spherical, they should continuously emit gravitational waves (4). The

    three observatories now contain enough sensitivity where they would detect signals if the

    signals were close enough to earth.

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    Chapter 2

    Literature Review

    The LIGO project is a very new project so the types of Literature wont be found

    in the traditional places where one may be accustomed to researching information. Most

    of the material that is out for research will be in the form of theses, scholarly journals,

    and magazine articles.

    High Sensitivity Accelerators for Gravity Experiments

    This thesis paper was written by Alessandro Bertolini and it talks about the first

    detection of a gravity wave signal as the main goal in this gravitational experiments;

    more specifically the LIGO project. He tells how the LIGO project uses three large laser

    interferometers to obtain data that could possibly be from gravitational waves and how

    there are many research and development groups who are constantly working to improve

    the components of the lasers, the antennas, the optical scheme, the quality of the mirror

    and their suspension system. The proper functionality of all these components is

    essential in order to properly detect a wave source from the explosion of pulsars.

    This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one gives an introduction of

    the gravitational wave principles and an overview of the possible sources where a

    gravitational wave can be detected. In Chapter two, the LIGO interferometers are

    reviewed. Here, he discusses about the principles of their operation, the components of

    the interferometers, and their limitations to sensitivity. Chapter three describes the

    Seismic Attenuation Systems attenuator design and operation. It is estimated that a

    typical gravity wave event will shake masses a few kilometers apart by a distance of .

    000000000000000001 meters or less. The aim of the earth based interferometers

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    antennas is to detect this displacement in the frequency range of a few Hz and a few kHz.

    This is so it can be distinguished from the low frequency fluctuations of the gravity field

    of the Earths crust. This very important concept is discussed in chapter three. Chapters

    four and five discuss the horizontal accelerometer. A horizontal accelerometer is able to

    read accelerations which occur in a longitudinal direction. These chapters go into detail

    about the design features, the physics of the instrument, the materials and machining

    issues, the electronics of the accelerometer, the capacitance position sensor (determines

    the position between two opposed electrodes), the feedback system and the noise feature.

    In chapter six, preliminary applications of the accelerator are presented and in chapter

    seven, a new tunneling displacement sensor is introduced (5).

    The Computational and Storage Potential of Volunteer Computing

    This is a paper submitted for publication by David P Anderson and Gilles Fedak

    about the positive potential of a phrase they termed Volunteer Computing. It says that

    Volunteer Computing uses internet-connected computers as a source for computing

    power and storage. The computers are volunteered by their owners and they are used to

    compute large quantities of data and information to an ongoing research project. The

    paper studies the potential capacity of volunteer computing and during their research they

    analyzed measurements of over 330,000 hosts participating in a volunteer computing

    project. The measurements included processing power, memory, disk space, network

    throughput, host availability, user specified limits on resource usage, and host churn.

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    They show that volunteer computing can support applications that are significantly more

    data intensive and have larger memory and storage requirements.

    High Performance Task Distribution for Volunteer Computing

    This is a paper written by David P. Anderson, Eric Korpela, and Rom Walton. It

    discusses the task server power that is involved in Volunteer Computing (6). Volunteer

    Computer projects use a task server to manage work. Participants PCs will periodically

    communicate with the server to report completed tasks and to get new tasks. In the LIGO

    project, tasks are basically bits of information that need to be inputted and analyzed. The

    rate at which the server can dispatch tasks may limit the computing power available to

    the project. This paper discusses the design of the task server in the Berkeley Open

    Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC), which is the software used for volunteer

    computing in the LIGO Project (see p. 12).

    In this paper, they show measurements of the CPU time and the disk input and

    output used by a BOINC server. They show that a server used by a single inexpensive

    computer can distribute about 8.8 million tasks per day. With two additional computers,

    this increases to 23.6 million tasks per day.

    BOINC: A System for Public-Resource Computing and Storage.

    LIGO uses the BOINC software for Volunteer Computing. David P Andersons

    Paper on the BOINC software talks about how it makes it easy for scientist to create and

    operate public-resource computing projects. It tells how the software supports diverse

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    applications, including those that have large storage or communication requirements,

    such as the LIGO project.

    The BOINC software allows participants to be active in various BOINC projects

    and it allows them to specify how their computer resources are allocated. The paper

    describes the goals of BOINC, the design issues they confronted, and their solutions to

    these problems.

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    Chapter 3

    Methods and Materials/Methodology

    Einstein @ Home Begins

    Einstein @ Home is a project developed to search for the gravitational waves

    predicted by Einsteins Theory. It relies upon the donation of idle computer time from

    potential users around the world. The Einstein @ Home project was made available to

    the public on Saturday February 16, 2005 (7). It is a home based program that uses the

    same basic platform as SETI @ Home (8), which had about 5 million users who shared

    their computers to search for data that contained signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

    Figure 1 World's largest single dish radio telescope. Site where the SETI info is collected.


    According to Einstein, the universe is full of gravitational waves. He suggested

    that the movement of heavy objects (dense stars and black holes); create waves that

    change space and time. This idea is shown in figure 2 below.

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    Figure 2: Order phase of two neutron stars colliding (http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu).

    Einstein @ home allows users to search through data from the LIGO

    observatories that detect the possible emission of these waves. The program searches for

    faint signals that could possibly be coming from dense rapidly rotating compact quark

    stars and neutron stars which are very likely to emit continuous gravitational waves (9).

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    The basic idea behind the software, which was in beta testing for a period of time, is to

    download information from a central computer directly onto the hosts home CPU. The

    data is then automatically analyzed while the persons computer is idle and then

    uploaded directly back into the central computer. The data is chunked into 12-megabyte

    pieces and it is analyzed three times by the software for a possible gravitational signal.

    The signals that prove to be most intriguing are flagged and then sent to the project

    scientists to be further analyzed.

    Implementation of the Software

    Implementation of the software is quite simple and anyone with a PC is able to do

    it. The name of the software is BOINC and its acronym stands for: Berkley Open

    Infrastructure for Networking Computing. There are many other projects similar to

    Einstein @ Home which use this same software. Some of these projects include:

    Climateprediction.net, which studies the change of climate in different areas; Predictor @

    Home, which studies protein related diseases; Rosetta @ Home, which helps researches

    find cures for human diseases; and SZTAKI Desktop Grid, which searches for

    generalized binary number systems.

    The first step in downloading the software is finding out which platform you will

    be using. The BOINC software can be downloaded onto Mac, Windows, and Linux

    operating systems. The Southern University Physics Department - LIGO IT uses the

    Windows operating system for its contribution to the project. Once you have figured out

    what platform you will be running the software on, you simply go to the Einstein@Home

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    homepage (http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/), and follow the instructions under Join

    Einstein@Home. As mentioned before, the main purpose of BOINC in the scope of

    LIGO and Einstein@Home is to search for gravitational wave signals generated by


    What are Pulsars?

    Pulsars are what scientists believe to be the fastest-spinning stars in the universe.

    They were first discovered by Anthony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell in 1967 (10). One

    summer while Bell was pursuing her PhD, they observed an unusual wavelength signal at

    3.7m on a radio telescope that was specifically designed to observe the twinkling

    (scintillation) of stars.

    Figure 3 Jocelyn Bell at the Cambridge site where the first Pulsar Signals were recorded.

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    She found the reading to be regular every 1.3373011 seconds and it synchronized with

    star time. Their discovery was the first known in existence and the pulsing signal became

    known as Pulsars.

    We now know that a pulsar is a neutron star that emits beams of radiation that

    cover the earths line of site. Or at least we know this in theory. The pulses of this high

    energy radiation come from a misalignment of the neutron stars rotation axis and its

    magnetic axis. Pulsars give off a pulse because of the rotation of the neutron star causes

    the radiation generated within the magnetic field to sweep in and out of our line of sight

    with a regular period (11). An illustration of this concept is shown below in figure 4.

    Figure 4 A diagram of a pulsar showing its rotation axis, its magnetic axis, and its magnetic field.

    The LIGO Screensaver

    The Einstein@Home Screensaver is a real time display that consists of many of

    the elements related to the LIGO project. The screensaver primarily consists of a rotating

    celestial sphere that contains the known constellations and the three geographic positions

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    of the three gravity wave detectors involved in the project. The positions of the detectors

    change over a period of one earth rotation and the change in position is relative to the

    stars positions in space. A picture of the screensaver can be seen below in figure 5.

    Figure 5 Einstein@Home Screensaver

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    Chapter 4


    Search For Data

    The whole purpose of the Einstein@Home LIGO experiment is to search for

    signals matching that of a pulsar gravity wave. Once this is done, the project is a success

    and the study can then continue on into other areas of exploration. However, there is one

    problem with identifying that signal. With the LIGO detectors being as sensitive as they

    are, the most sensitive made to date it is hard to distinguish a pulsar gravity wave

    signal from signals that arise from many different sources. These sources include:

    seismic ground motion, thermal vibrations of the atoms making up the detector and

    suspensions, and the particle like quantum behavior of the laser light (12). The problem

    of finding a pulsar signal amidst these other signals has been described as trying to hear a

    flute in the middle of a heavy metal concert. All of the other signals can be considered

    noise and the purpose of LIGO is to identify a known wave form among this noise of the


    The method that LIGO will use to search for this data in noise is called matched

    filtering or optimal filtering. It can be proven mathematically that this is the best

    technique to search for a known signal that is mixed up in unwanted noise. This idea is

    not very hard to comprehend. If the exact waveform of the signal is known, then it can

    be multiplied times the output of the detector and averaged over a period of time called T.

    The resulting integral will have two terms. One has an expected value which grows like

    the square root of time T, coming from the random noise that comes from the detector.

    This process is also known as the random walk process (13). The random walk process

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    can be described as having a starting point, moving from one point in the path to the next

    at a constant distance, and the direction from one point to the next is picked at random.

    The other term from the matched filtering technique will grow in proportion to time T

    and is due to the pulsar signal. Since T is limited to the amount of time that data is

    actually collected, the pulsar signal must have a minimum signal strength to be detectable

    in that finite amount of time (14).

    Pulsar Gravity Radiation

    So why would a pulsar emit gravity radiation? As stated before, Pulsars are the

    fastest spinning stars in the universe and in almost all cases these stars are not perfect

    spheres so as they spin, they continue to rip through space and emit waves of radiation.

    According to News Office, in association with The Massachusetts institute of technology,

    Gravitational radiation waves are ripples in the fabric of space which was predicted by

    Albert Einstein in his Theory of Relativity.

    In an article entitled Einsteins gravitational waves may set speed limit for pulsar

    spin, an explanation was given as to why pulsars are capable of emitting gravitational

    waves. Pulsars are defined as the core remains of exploded stars. They are so dense that

    they contain the mass of the Earths sun yet they are only about 10 miles across. Imagine

    this compared to the suns radius of about 432 163.664 miles. Pulsars are known to gain

    speeds of about one revolution per millisecond or almost 20 percent that of the speed of

    light which is about 299,792,458 meters per second (15). To get an understanding of

    how astronomical these speeds are, a comparison of a pulsars rotation time with the

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    earths. It takes the earth about 24 hours to make a full rotation. Compared to a pulsars

    millisecond rotation, it is easily seen how fast these pulsars are spinning. Even though a

    pulsar has a significantly shorter radius, it is about 333000 times denser than the earth.

    With that said, scientists believe that the faster a pulsar spins, the more it will emit

    gravity waves because of its constant deformation and warping (16)

    Figure 6 Image by Dana Berry of a rotating pulsar. This image is displayed on web.mit.edu website.

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    Southern Universitys Search Credit

    As stated before, the goal of the BOINC software is to aid LIGO in the search for

    gravitational waves. Because there is so much information to be processed, the more

    people that are connected to LIGO through the BOINC software, the more likely we will

    be able to detect a gravitational wave at a faster rate. As seen the figure below, Southern

    University has received and processed 63,969 cobblestones of credit. A cobblestone is

    1/100 day of CPU time on a BOINC computer. It received the name cobblestone after

    Jeff Cobb of SETI@Home.

    Figure 7 Southern University's Cobblestone Credits

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    Chapter 5


    Summary and Conclusions

    This Honors College thesis comprises the first implementation of the LIGO

    distributed data analysis program known as Einstein@home within the Southern

    University System. Thus, a major outcome has been the initiation of Southern

    Universitys contribution to the search for gravitational radiation produced by pulsar

    astrophysical sources. At present the software is operating on several desktop computers

    within the department of physics, which serves as the academic home of the Southern

    University-LIGO Research Group, led by Dr. Stephen C. McGuire, Professor of Physics

    and Department Chair. We can anticipate that as other departments become involved

    with LIGO, they, too, will apply resources to the project and thereby increase our

    contribution to the quest to detect gravity waves.

    Further, the work of this thesis complements our pre-existing collaboration with

    the LIGO Science Education Center (SEC) co-located with the Observatory in nearby

    Livingston, Louisiana. In particular, the department of physics is revamping its physics

    education courses to help better prepare middle and high school science teachers for the

    future. As of this writing Southern University is further distinguished by being the only

    Historically Black College/University (HBCU) that is a member of the LIGO Scientific

    Collaboration (LSC), the body that recommends the research and development agenda for

    the LIGO experiment.

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    Because LIGO is pushing the limits of technology in making the measurement of

    gravity waves a reality it is not unreasonable to expect that there will practical spin-offs

    from this project in the future. One only has to look to modern day health care to see the

    manifestations of basic physics research in our every day lives. Examples include

    nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diagnostic nuclear medicine based on the use

    of radioisotopes, radiation therapy, laser surgery and arthroscopic surgery. These are just

    a few examples where discoveries in basic science have led to major advances in

    medicine. We also note that even as LIGO evolves as an experiment, improvements in

    science and engineering are occurring. Examples include innovations in real-time data

    acquisition and analysis hardware and software systems, advances in the production and

    maintenance of high vacuum systems, operation of electromechanical systems, as well as

    improvements in high laser power optical systems and vibration isolation engineering.

    What will we learn about our universe from LIGO? What practical applications

    will stem from LIGO, exactly? Well, well have to wait and see, but they probably will

    be full of surprises. For future generations of students and faculty at Southern

    University, a foundation has been laid for them to answer these questions by making their


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    1. McGuire, Dr. Stephen C. Personal interview. 11 Apr. 2006.

    2. "Einstein@Home." University of Southern Indiana Department of Physics. 14 Mar.

    2005 .

    3. Bartusiak, Marcia. "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory - an

    Astronomical Tool of the 21st Century, a Detector Like No Other Before It."

    Online Magazine of the Israel Physical Society 01 Jan. 2005. 20 Feb. 2006


    4. "Einstein@Home." University of Southern Indiana Department of Physics. 14 Mar.

    2005 .

    5. Berolini, Alessandro. High Sensitivity Accelerators for Gravity Experiments. Diss.

    Universita di Pisa, 2001. .

    6. David P. Anderson, Eric Korpela, Rom Walton, "High-Performance Task Distribution

    for Volunteer Computing," e-science, pp. 196-203, First International Conference

    on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science'05), 2005.

    7. Boyle, Alan. "Software Sifts Through Gravity's Mysteries." MSNBC. 19 Feb. 2005


    8. "SETI@Home." SETI@Home. University of California. 16 Feb. 2006

    9. "Einstein@Home." University of Southern Indiana Department of Physics. 14 Mar.

    2005 .

    10. Bell, Jocelyn. "Petit Four." Annals of New York Academy of Science 1977: 685-689.

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    11. "Pulsars." NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA. 15 May 2005


    12. Gonzalez, Gabriela. Suspensions Thermal Noise in the LIGO Gravitational Wave

    Detector. Diss. Pennsylvania State Univ., 2000. .

    13. Weisstein, Eric W. "Random Walk-1-Dimensional." Math World. 05 Dec. 2005


    14. Saulson, Peter. "10 Years in Gravitational Wave Detection." 09 July 2001. Syracuse

    University. 06 Jan. 2006 .

    15. "Pulsars." NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. NASA. 15 May 2005


    16. "Einstein's Gravitational Waves May Set Speed Limit for Pulsar Spin." News Office.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 7 Apr. 2006


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    Appendix 1. An interview with Dr. Stephen C. McGuire

    Dr. Stephen C. McGuire is Professor and Chair of the department of physics atSouthern University and A&M College. His research interests are in the areas of

    experimental materials physics and the integration of research with teaching and

    learning. Dr. McGuire is the Principal Investigator and Director of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF)-funded project, Materials Science, Astronomy and

    Educational Outreach. The project is a collaboration between Southern University at

    Baton Rouge (SUBR) and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory(LIGO). LIGO is a major NSF experiment designed to detect and measure gravity-

    waves reaching earth from space and promises to create the entirely new field of

    gravitational astronomy (See, for example, www.ligo.caltech.edu). Dr. McGuire is theSouthern University delegate to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and leads the Southern

    University LIGO Physics Group. He is the Honors Thesis advisor to Mr. Jamaal N.

    Johnson, undergraduate computer science major.

    1. JNJ To what other areas of science is LIGO contributing?

    SCM -- As a forefront physics effort LIGO pushes the limits of bothastrophysics and the physics of the technology that is needed to perform the

    experiment. It is in this second area that LIGO has made and continues to make

    contributions to science and technology. Specific examples includeimprovements in high laser power optical systems, advances in the production and

    maintenance of large volume, high vacuum systems, innovations in real-time

    data acquisition and analysis hardware and software systems, operation of

    electromechanical systems, as well as mechanical vibration isolation engineering.These spin off areas are a direct result of the need to bring online an instrument

    that has never existed before in the history of mankind, the LIGO Observatory

    2. JNJ - Can you comment on the stabilization of the instrumentation involvedin the LIGO experiment?

    SCM -- If by stabilization you mean the ability to continuously operate the

    interferometer in the mode in which science is being done, there has been great

    progress in this area. The most significant improvement, however, has been the

    implementation of an active vibration dampening system known as the HydraulicExternal Pre-Isolator, or HEPI, system. With the implementation of HEPI the

    duty cycle for daytime operation, for example, when there noise levels from

    human activity is the greatest, has improved significantly.

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    3. JNJ - Please comment on the types of events that are expected to produce

    signals in the interferometer. That is, what types of astrophysical events are

    expected to be seen with LIGO?


    SCM -- There are basically four types of astrophysical events that are predicted

    to generate gravity waves that may be observable with LIGO. They include the

    collision of extremely dense objects such as neutron stars and black holes, theviolent explosion and collapse of stellar systems via supernovae, pulsars such

    as that being searched for in the Einstein@home project -- and gravity-wave

    remnants of the event theorized to have started the physical universe, known as

    the big bang. All involve rapid asymmetrical redistributions of astronomicalamounts of matter and therefore are thought to be big producers of gravitational


    4. JNJ - If gravity waves are conclusively not observed by LIGO what otherresearch directions might result from this finding?

    SCM -- As an experiment, LIGO is part of the process of the scientific method

    wherein a theory, the general theory of relativity in this case, is tested. The test,

    for us, is the existence of gravity waves. There is much indirect evidence that thisphenomenon is real. We know that Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation

    doesnt explain all of what we observe. Should it be determined that gravity

    waves do not exist, then gravitational radiation theory and its interpretation will

    be revisited by the scientific community. In either case, I believe it will be asignificant find for science and will surely help point us in the direction of a more

    accurate view of our physical universe.

    5. JNJ - Do you see LIGO contributing

    in some way to the improvement of

    healthcare through advances in diagnosis and/or treatment?

    SCM -- On the one hand improvements in health care is not a goal of LIGO, it

    would not be unusual for applications of the new knowledge gained to eventuallyfind applications in that field. Notable past examples of the practical

    manifestation of pure science include nuclear magnetic resonance, or MRI as its

    called, diagnostic nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, laser surgery, arthroscopicsurgery, etc. New knowledge almost always leads to some practical uses and as

    your question suggests health care is an ongoing concern for our society. Well

    just have to wait to see over time where the applications of the new materialsscience, laser physics, and computer technology will occur.

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    6. JNJ -What type of results have been

    obtained so far from the five scienceruns

    that have taken place?

    SCM Lots. You are referred to the LIGO web site for many examples of

    papers and presentations that describe results from the approximately 500

    researchers that work worldwide on the LIGO project. 'Happy surfing!26


    Interferometer Diagram

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    The author grants to the Honors College the right to reproduce, by appropriate

    methods, upon request, any or all portions of this thesis.

    It is understood that request consists of agreement, on the part of the requesting

    party, that said reproduction is for his personal use and that subsequent reproduction will

    not occur without the written approval of the author of the thesis.

    The author of this thesis reserves the right to publish freely, in the literature, at

    any time, any or all portions of this thesis.



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