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Purificadores de aire

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Purificadores de aireFor internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
El aire que respiramos
Si habláramos en términos de uso, el aire es con mucha diferencia, la sustancia que más consumimos.
A diario nuestros pulmones filtran entre 7000 y 8500 litros de aire.
Pero aún es más llamativo que compartimos el 74% del aire, con quienes están a nuestro alrededor.
El aire está conformado por multitud de compuestos, muchos de los cuales son nocivos para nuestro
organismo. Algunos de ellos son gases y otros son partĂ­culas en suspensiĂłn (PM)
o Gases: monĂłxido de Carbono, diĂłxido de azufre, metano, benceno..
o PM: Polvo, carbĂłn, bacterias, esporas, polen, hongos, virus, etc.
Especialmente importante es la calidad del aire en el interior. De media pasamos el 90% de nuestro
tiempo en interiores y sĂłlo el 10% en el exterior.
Al airear una vivienda conseguimos un recambio del aire interior, pero permitimos la entrada de gases
y partículas nocivas del exterior. Dependiendo de la zona, la contaminación y presencia de alérgenos y
microorganismo supone un riesgo mayor, incluso.
Los purificadores de aire, eliminan todos estos compuestos nocivos, asĂ­ como los olores, y generan un
aire limpio y sano.
Con los humidificadores se consigue mantener una humedad ambiental Ăłptima, entre el 40% y 60%,
evitando los efectos de la sequedad ambiental.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
P. 2
En el siguiente enlace puedes descargar la tabla con los valores
umbral y legales para la calidad del aire
1.- PartĂ­culas en suspensiĂłn (PM)
Según la OMS provocan 7 millones de muertes al año en el mundo
y 430.000 muertes prematuras en UE.
Participan en el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular (15%).
La OMS las hace responsables en un 25% del cáncer de pulmón.
Reducen la esperanza de vida.
Ocasionan daños respiratorios.
PM 10 (10 micras)
PM 2,5 (2,5 micras)
PM 1 (1 micra)
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
Particulate matter causes
• Damages of the respiratory tract
• PM plays a role in 25% of fatalities resulting from lung cancer (estimation by the WHO)
• PM plays a role in approx. 15% of fatalities resulting from strokes (estimation by the WHO) and
• Most likely it favours the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia
What is particulate matter?
Particulate matter (PM) consists of tiny particulates in the
air that are invisible for naked eye. Depending on their size
they are usually categorized as follows:
Particulates with a size of up to 10 µm (micrometres)
(1 micrometre = 0,001 millimetre)
Particulates with a size of up to 2.5 µm (micrometres)
Particulates with a size of less than 1 µm (micrometre)
The smaller the particulates are the more dangerous they are, since they can enter into the respiratory system deeper.
So-called ultrafine particulates (< 1µm) can enter the alveoli (air sacs) and even the blood flow.
P. 4
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
Particulate matter causes
• Damages of the respiratory tract
• PM plays a role in 25% of fatalities resulting from lung cancer (estimation by the WHO)
• PM plays a role in approx. 15% of fatalities resulting from strokes (estimation by the WHO) and
• Most likely it favours the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia
What is particulate matter?
Particulate matter (PM) consists of tiny particulates in the
air that are invisible for naked eye. Depending on their size
they are usually categorized as follows:
Particulates with a size of up to 10 µm (micrometres)
(1 micrometre = 0,001 millimetre)
Particulates with a size of up to 2.5 µm (micrometres)
Particulates with a size of less than 1 µm (micrometre)
The smaller the particulates are the more dangerous they are, since they can enter into the respiratory system deeper.
So-called ultrafine particulates (< 1µm) can enter the alveoli (air sacs) and even the blood flow.
P. 4
Cuanto menor es el tamaño de las partículas, más invasivas y peligrosas son y
pueden alcanzar los elementos mas internos del aparato respiratorio.
Las partĂ­culas ultra finas, de menos de 1 micra, pueden llegar a los alveolos
pulmonares y filtrarse a la sangre.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
2.- DiĂłxido de NitrĂłgeno (NO2)
Es un gas irritante y corrosivo que daña la mucosa del aparato respiratorio.
Empeora la funciĂłn pulmonar y es especialmente peligroso en personas con
problemas respiratorios y en niños.
Provoca enfermedad cardiovascular (infartos e ictus).
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
b. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is very harmful to health as well:
• Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a corrosive irritant gas, that harms the mucosa in the entire respiratory system
and it irritates the eyes. Due to incurring inflammations the irritating effect of other pollutants is increased.
Source: German Federal Environment Agency
• Concerning healthy as well as concerning people already suffering from lung diseases it could be proofed
that already short-term loads of NO2 lead to worsened lung function.
Source: State office for Nature, Environment & Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia
• According to World Health Organisation in Austria NO2 pollution annually causes up to 21.000 additional
cases of bronchitis and up to 15.000 additional cases of asthma with children.
Source: World Health Organization WHO
• Among people who have been exposed to high NO2 concentrations for 6 days 45% more fatalities from
diseases of the respiratory system happened and 22% more fatalities from cardiovascular diseases
happened compared with people who have been exposed to the gas for 2 days only. “Now it is evident the
nitrogen dioxide is a killer.”
Source: European Respiratory Journal
• Regarding short-term effects in several studies, connections could be determined between increased NO2
pollution and an increase
- in hospitalisations due to emergency consultations regarding respiratory diseases and asthma as well as
- in hospitalisations due to chronic bronchitis.
Source: State office for Nature, Environment & Consumer Protection in North Rhine-Westphalia
Frankfurt am Main / Germany, summer 2016:
The smog’s colour is caused by nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The picture on the right shows pure NO2.
Sources of nitrogen dioxide
+ Microbiological reactions in soils
+ Industrial plants
+ Power plants
+ Heating plants
Combustion processes cause nitrogen oxide (NO), which
reacts with oxygen (O2) in the air to nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
P. 7
El NO2 es el responsable del color de la nube de
que emiten NO, que al reaccionar con el O2 del
aire, se transforma en NO2
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
3.- Componentes orgánicos volátiles (VOCs)
Son compuestos de carbono, que se encuentran en forma de gas a
temperatura ambiente, y se originan a partir de otros compuestos, por
evaporaciĂłn a baja temperatura.
Pueden tener un origen natural, pero también se producen como residuo
de materiales de utilizados en construcciĂłn, como pinturas, pegamentos,
moquetas, disolventes, materiales aislantes, etc.
Los sĂ­ntomas a corto plazo por exposiciĂłn a VOCs son irritaciĂłn de
mucosas, alteraciĂłn del gusto y olfato, dolor de cabeza, sequedad de las
mucosas respiratorias, en la piel, y pueden provocar insomnio…
La exposición prolongada puede provocar desde reacciones alérgicas hasta
cáncer y mutaciones (fuente: German Federal Environment Agency).
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
de purificadores de aire.
o Los purificadores también reducen la posibilidad del contagio por contacto con superficies,
al reducir el riesgo de precipitaciĂłn.
o Una buena higiene y desinfección, es una medida básica que evita el contacto y el contagio.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
SoluciĂłn: regenerar y limpiar el aire
Para poder respirar un aire más limpio, libre de contaminantes y sustancias
nocivas, utilizamos los purificadores de aire. Un purificador es un aparato eléctrico que hace pasar el aire a través de unos
filtros en los que quedan retenidas las partĂ­culas y sustancias contenidas en el
La calidad del purificador, depende del tamaño de las partículas de filtrado, y
del flujo de aire: litros de aire filtrados por minuto
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
Los purificadores de aire IDEAL, ayudan en la lucha
Contra el nuevo coronavirus. La idea general que hay
detrás de los purificadores IDEAL AP PRO, es la de
reducir significativamente la concentraciĂłn de
contaminantes, virus, y gérmenes en el aire interior.
De esta forma, también ayudan a reducir la
concentraciĂłn del coronavirus en el aire interior.
Esto disminuye el riesgo de transmisiĂłn entre personas.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
excelente, es la desinfecciĂłn y la seguridad de las personas.
Filtros Purificadores Ideal.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
P. 2
Los purificadores Ideal contienen varios elementos de filtrado sucesivo de aire.
Aunque los más relevantes, son los filtros de carbón activo y HEPA hay otros
elementos del sistema de purificaciĂłn que tienen un importante papel:
o La lámpara UV, elimina por medios físicos (radiación) los organismos vivos que hubieran
podido llegar hasta este nivel de filtrado.
o El generador de iones iones negativos interviene al final del proceso de filtrado.
Nuestra actividad diaria genera iones positivos, y produce lo que llamamos “ambiente
cargado”. La emisión de iones negativos, equilibra la carga iónica y crea un ambiente
oxigenado, además de libre de olores.
o Los filtros HEPA (alta eficiencia de retenciĂłn de partĂ­culas) actĂşa por medios fĂ­sicos y
retiene tanto partĂ­culas en suspensiĂłn, como microorganismos (virus y bacterias)
o Filtros de carbón activo. Retienen moléculas por medios físicos y químicos. Son los
responsables de la eliminaciĂłn de olores
Filtro de carbĂłn activo de Ideal
Compuesto por partĂ­culas muy porosas y con gran superficie de contacto.
1 gramo de carbĂłn activo equivale hasta a 1500 m2 de superficie.
Nuestros filtros de carbĂłn activo trabajan con una doble actividad.
Por mecanismos de absorción física, las moléculas
quedan adheridas a las partĂ­culas de carbĂłn activo. Fase de
Las moléculas se mantienen unidas por enlaces
quĂ­micos, lo que impide que se separen.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
activado pueden fil
el COVID-19?
Los filt ros HEPA desarrollados especialmente con tecnologĂ­a de filt raci Ăłn multica-
pa, eliminan los contaminantes del aire interior, incluidas las partĂ­culas respirables
y ultrafin
s (nanopart Ă­cul as) que pueden hacer te enf er ma r .
de capas mĂşltiples y
elimina la suciedad y
Ăştil del fil
partĂ­culas respIrables
(PM2.5 - PM0.3).
fuerte de los olores.
6. Filtro de 360Âş
El diseño del dispositivo de 360º garantiza su efica ci a gracias al uso total de su superfici e, así como a un alto
rendimiento de aire. El fil
Cinco capas para el máximo rendimiento en limpieza
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
activado pueden fil
el COVID-19?
Los filt ros HEPA desarrollados especialmente con tecnologĂ­a de filt raci Ăłn multica-
pa, eliminan los contaminantes del aire interior, incluidas las partĂ­culas respirables
y ultrafin
s (nanopart Ă­cul as) que pueden hacer te enf er ma r .
de capas mĂşltiples y
elimina la suciedad y
Ăştil del fil
partĂ­culas respIrables
(PM2.5 - PM0.3).
fuerte de los olores.
6. Filtro de 360Âş
El diseño del dispositivo de 360º garantiza su efica ci a gracias al uso total de su superfici e, así como a un alto
rendimiento de aire. El fil
Cinco capas para el máximo rendimiento en limpieza
Eficiencia de filtrado por tamaño de partícula
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
dor es de ai re IDEAL ayudan en la lucha cont ra el nuevo CO VID-19. La idea prin-
cipal que existe detrás de los purific
dor es IDEAL AP PRO , es la de reducir significa t ivame n -
te la concentración de contaminantes, virus y gérmenes en el aire interior .
Sars - CoV - 2
tán certific
dad ECARF para alergia. Productos
de la FundaciĂłn del Centro Europeo
de InvestigaciĂłn de Alergias.
cadores en instalaciones médicas.
Todos los modelos de purifica dor es han sido proba-
dos su uso respecto a los siguientes criterios para su
uso en áreas médicas:
poras de hongos).
• Prueba de partículas
Los purific
ayudan a reducir la
18801 - 2015.
bados por GS con respecto a la
seguridad del producto
dor es de ai re IDEAL ayudan en la lucha cont ra el nuevo CO VID-19. La idea prin-
cipal que existe detrás de los purific
dor es IDEAL AP PRO , es la de reducir significa t ivame n -
te la concentración de contaminantes, virus y gérmenes en el aire interior.
Sars - CoV - 2
tán certific
dad ECARF para alergia. Productos
de la FundaciĂłn del Centro Europeo
de InvestigaciĂłn de Alergias.
cadores en instalaciones médicas.
Todos los modelos de purifica dor es han sido proba-
dos su uso respecto a los siguientes criterios para su
uso en áreas médicas:
poras de hongos).
• Prueba de partículas
Los purific
ayudan a reducir la
18801 - 2015.
bados por GS con respecto a la
seguridad del producto
dor es de ai re IDEAL ayudan en la lucha cont ra el nuevo CO VID-19. La idea prin-
cipal que existe detrás de los purific
dor es IDEAL AP PRO , es la de reducir significa t ivame n -
te la concentración de contaminantes, virus y gérmenes en el aire interior .
Sars - CoV - 2
tán certific
dad ECARF para alergia. Productos
de la FundaciĂłn del Centro Europeo
de InvestigaciĂłn de Alergias.
cadores en instalaciones médicas.
Todos los modelos de purifica dor es han sido proba-
dos su uso respecto a los siguientes criterios para su
uso en áreas médicas:
poras de hongos).
• Prueba de partículas
Los purific
ayudan a reducir la
18801 - 2015.
bados por GS con respecto a la
seguridad del producto
dor es de ai re IDEAL ayudan en la lucha cont ra el nuevo CO VID-19. La idea prin-
cipal que existe detrás de los purific
dor es IDEAL AP PRO , es la de reducir significa t ivame n -
te la concentración de contaminantes, virus y gérmenes en el aire interior .
Sars - CoV - 2
tán certific
dad ECARF para alergia. Productos
de la FundaciĂłn del Centro Europeo
de InvestigaciĂłn de Alergias.
cadores en instalaciones médicas.
Todos los modelos de purifica dor es han sido proba-
dos su uso respecto a los siguientes criterios para su
uso en áreas médicas:
poras de hongos).
• Prueba de partículas
Los purific
ayudan a reducir la
18801 - 2015.
bados por GS con respecto a la
seguridad del producto
Razones para usar purificadores
Compartimos el 74% del aire que respiramos, lo que supone un alto riesgo de contagio.
Evitar Infecciones por aerosoles (gotas de aire). Muchos virus y bacterias, se transmiten por
gotas de aire, provocando graves enfermedades.
Alergias: Polen, ácaros, polvo, pelo de animales, etc.
Problemas respiratorios. Las partĂ­culas en suspensiĂłn, son especialmente nocivas para la salud, sobre todo las
de menor tamaño. Provocan problemas respiratorios, y son muy perjudiciales para los niños, y sobre todo
para personas asmáticas y con EPOC.
Hay compuestos orgánicos volátiles cuya mezcla provoca dolores de cabeza en personas sensibles.
Malos olores – El olor está compuesto por moléculas asociadas a partículas, transmitidas por el aire.
En determinados casos pueden provocar estrés.
La actividad diaria genera distintas partĂ­culas nocivas y vapores, como resultado del calor, la abrasiĂłn,
puntura, hornos, quemadores, copiadoras, etc. Muchos de ellos pueden provocar dolor de cabeza, picor de
ojos y sequedad de mucosas, entre otras afecciones.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
IDEAL AP25 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 4 7 – 55 25 – 57 hasta 250 m³/h de 15 a 35 m2 452 x 351 x 223 mm 6
IDEAL AP35 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 6 4 – 30 26 – 55 hasta 330 m³/h de 25 a 45 m² 514 x 430 x 275 mm 7,4
MODELO Fuente de
IDEAL AP35 H 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 6 4 - 25 26 - 52 300 ml/h hasta 330
m³/h de 25 a 45 m² 548 x 430 x 275 mm 9,5
MODELO Fuente de
IDEAL AP30 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 5 – 30 16,7 – 54,2 hasta 310 m³/h de 20 a 40 m² 398 x 255 x 298 mm 3,6
IDEAL AP40 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 5 – 75 16,7 – 61,7 hasta 440 m³/h de 30 a 50 m² 398 x 255 x 298 mm 3,6
IDEAL AP60 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 6 – 90 16.5 – 56.6 hasta 600 m³/h de 50 a 70 m² 668 x 468 x 275 mm 15
IDEAL AP80 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 6 – 175 18.7 – 63.4 hasta 800 m³/h de 70 a 90 m² 668 x 468 x 275 mm 15
IDEAL AP140 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 7 – 180 25,2 – 60,3 hasta 1500 m³/h de 120 a 160 m² 725 x 562 x 633 mm 51
Dimensiones (Alt .x an. x prof.) 65 x 65 x 65 mm
Peso (g) 150
Consumo de energía (mA) máx. 500
Intervalo de medida (segundos) 1
Aire puro. Vida pura.
Nuestros Purificadores de aire.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
IDEAL AP25 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 4 7 – 55 25 – 57 hasta 250 m³/h de 15 a 35 m2 452 x 351 x 223 mm 6
IDEAL AP35 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 6 4 – 30 26 – 55 hasta 330 m³/h de 25 a 45 m² 514 x 430 x 275 mm 7,4
MODELO Fuente de
IDEAL AP35 H 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 6 4 - 25 26 - 52 300 ml/h hasta 330
m³/h de 25 a 45 m² 548 x 430 x 275 mm 9,5
MODELO Fuente de
IDEAL AP30 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 5 – 30 16,7 – 54,2 hasta 310 m³/h de 20 a 40 m² 398 x 255 x 298 mm 3,6
IDEAL AP40 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 5 – 75 16,7 – 61,7 hasta 440 m³/h de 30 a 50 m² 398 x 255 x 298 mm 3,6
IDEAL AP60 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 6 – 90 16.5 – 56.6 hasta 600 m³/h de 50 a 70 m² 668 x 468 x 275 mm 15
IDEAL AP80 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 6 – 175 18.7 – 63.4 hasta 800 m³/h de 70 a 90 m² 668 x 468 x 275 mm 15
IDEAL AP140 Pro 220-240V, 50/60 Hz 5 7 – 180 25,2 – 60,3 hasta 1500 m³/h de 120 a 160 m² 725 x 562 x 633 mm 51
Dimensiones (Alt .x an. x prof.) 65 x 65 x 65 mm
Peso (g) 150
Consumo de energía (mA) máx. 500
Intervalo de medida (segundos) 1
Aire puro. Vida pura.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively the microorganisms contained therein can cause diseases.
5. Headache – A mixture of various pollutants in the air often is the cause, especially VOCs (volatile organic
6. Mould indoors – Older buildings or poorly ventilated rooms are, often unnoticed, contaminated with dangerous
7. Bad odours – Lead to a loss of quality of life and cause stress.
8. Air has the largest share of what we consume every day – Air has a share of 74% (beverages 18%, food 8%).
9. Dirty indoor air – Indoor air is often much more polluted than outdoor air (various chemical vapours, floor
abrasion, particulate matter from copiers and printers or wood ovens, etc.).
10. Decreased performance – Headache, burning eyes, a runny nose or fatigue that are bothering us, are often caused
by bad air.
For internal use only VERSION 01/ 2020
I. What is it all about + On average, we spend about 90% of the day indoors.
+ Air has the largest share (74%) of all the substances we consume every day (beverages 18%, food 8%).
+ Room air is full of pollutants: Small particles such as pollen, dust, particulate matter but also gases and odours, etc.
+ Substances that we breathe in, cause harm to the body, lead to malaise and chronic diseases.
+ Airing a room, often simply leads to new pollutants and particulates entering the room. Depending on the location
airing may even worsen indoor air quality.
+ Air purifiers eliminate these pollutants and particulates and create clean and healthy air.
+ With air humidification, you can maintain humidity at an optimal level of 40-60% and avoid the unpleasant effects
of too dry air.
II. 10 good reasons for air purifiers 1. Allergies – Allergens in the air (pollen, house dust, animal hair, chemical substances) cause unpleasant symptoms.
2. Respiratory problems – Air pollutants such as particulates, particulate matter, chemicals and allergens (see point 1)
impair breathing, especially with children, asthmatics, COPD patients and allergy sufferers.
3. Air pollution – Various environmental toxins stress the body and can trigger diseases.
4. Droplet infection – Droplets in the air respectively