putting down roots---main brochure

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  • 8/13/2019 Putting Down Roots---main brochure



  • 8/13/2019 Putting Down Roots---main brochure


    IMAGINE IF THIS PROJECT HELPED US TO PUT DOWN ROOTS HERE IN SPRING HILLMany new businesses (and churches) open in Spring Hill...only to close a few yearslater. Before investing their time, energy, and relationships, local families must ask,Is this church going to be around five years from now? We desire to send a strongmessage to the community that WellSpring isPutting Down Rootsand is here to stay.


    In The Externally Focused Church, Rick Rusaw tells a parable about a church buildinglocated beside a polluted stream. The churchs leaders preach against the evils of dirtystreams and eventually build their own Christian stream away from the polluters.Rusaw asks, What if the church had simply cleaned up the polluted stream? How wouldthe community have seen that churchand Jesusdifferently? Our facility will putdown roots into the stream of peoples everyday lives, instead of standing back and

    waiting for people to come to us.

    IMAGINE IF THIS PROJECT CHALLENGED PEOPLE TO PUT DOWN RELATIONAL ROOTSIn the New Testament, the Christian faith thrives in a culture that values community.As people gather to spend their time talking about and listening to the latest ideas(Acts 17:21 NIrV), the Gospel has a platform to prosper. We desire to create a similarenvironment to inspire transient residentsinside and outside our churchto putdown relational roots here in our community.

    IMAGINE IF THIS PROJECT GAVE PEOPLE ROOTS BACK TO THEIR FATHERChurch studies have shown that building a ministry facility prompts curious local residentsto come and visit. Many will be people who will connect to God for the first time during thisnext phase of our ministry. Were developing a campus that will help scores of new peopledevelop roots back to their Father. Thats a cause worth every last bit of our striving!

    We have the opportunity to spread His fame throughout our city and impact manyhouseholds both now and into eternity. Come join me in this exciting venture!

    I am so thankful to be part of the WellSpring family.As we approach this strategic time, dream with me aboutthis vital opportunity to put down roots:

    Andy Hudelson, Senior Minister

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    The Spring Hill area lookeda lot different in 2003.

    There was no Target and no Starbucks...and there was only one Kroger. However,

    there wasphenomenalgrowth. Drawn byaffordable housing and easy access to Nashville,thousands of young families chose to settle downin our community.

    It was in this environment that God plantedour church. Knowing that the huge influx ofnew residents created an urgent need for newchurches, Stadia and Franklin Christian Churchpartnered with Andy and Amy Hudelson tolaunch WellSpring. Starting in April of 2003,a core group of fifteen local believers began tomeet and pray together for God to move in ourcity. Six months later, we opened Spring HillElementary on Sunday morning for the firsttime, and over 150 people came to worshipGod together.

    Our community has grown a lot since then...and so has our church. Roughly 350 people nowgather on Sunday mornings through our two worship services, and fourteenLifeGroups meet throughout the week to deepen the spiritual and relational roots withinour church. But here's whats even more exciting: Since we were planted, 125 people havebeen baptized into Christ. Numerous marriages have been reconciled. Dozens of childrenhave been released from poverty through Compassion sponsorship. And several childrenhave even been adopted into WellSpring families in a touching expression of God's love.

    & GROWINGPlanted

    Steve Fleet came up with our churchsname. Its derived from John 4: 13-14.Before that, our support team referredto us as The Spring Hill Project.

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    SOWING SEEDSThe mission of WellSpring is: Helping People Follow Jesus.

    Check out these ministries to see how God is using WellSpring

    to sow seeds of faith in the hearts of people in our area.

    SPRING STREET CHILDRENS MINISTRYJesus said, Let the little children come to me...for the kingdom of heaven belongs tosuch as these (Matthew 19:14). So we take our childrens ministry seriously. And byseriously, of course, we mean dancing, singing, laughing, and telling wonderful stories ofGods love. Each Sunday morning, nearly forty Spring Street volunteers become like littlechildren (Matthew 18:3), joyfully doing whatever it takes to help over ninety children learn

    what it means to follow Jesus.

    WELLSPRING STUDENT MINISTRYMiddle school and high school can be a blastand a challenge. The WellSpring StudentMinistry is committed to helping students follow Jesus. Students in The Herd (Jr. High) andThe Scene (Sr. High) get to hang with each other and with adult sponsors at our Sundaymorning and Wednesday night meetings, and at numerous events held throughout the year.Its not uncommon for over thirty students to attend our Wednesday night gatherings, and fortystudents attended a summer camp with our group last year. These diverse students learn fromeach other and from our adult sponsors, open Gods Word together, and work through what itmeans to follow Christ in todays world.

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    LIFEGROUPSSunday mornings cant provide you with everything you need to enjoy a full spiritual life.

    From the very beginning, church was a community of believers, not a physical buildingor a Sunday morning experience. God created us to share burdens, meals and laughsencourage each other in His Wordand pray together. Its just not easyin fact, its nearlyimpossibleto get personal like that in a large group setting on Sunday mornings.The lack of strong, honest, interpersonal relationships with other believers often keepspeople from the full life that God desires. At WellSpring, these relationships are built in

    what we call LifeGroups, which consist of 10-12 adults who go through life togetherandin a waybecome a spiritual family. Right now, we have fourteen LifeGroups meeting

    throughout the week in our area.

    THE WELL OUTREACHThe Bible shows again and again that God has a heart for those who are hungry and inneed. In 2006, a group of WellSpring families realized that there was no local food pantryto serve the hungry in our community. God led them to launch The Well as a tangibledisplay of Gods love, and they provided foodand prayerfor nearly 80 hungry familiesin that first year alone. By 2009, the number of families served had increased twelve-fold,and The Well Outreach received its own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. WellSpring still hasclose ties with The Wellits office is in our Farmhouse, many of our families volunteerthere, and our church still financially supports it. But this ministry is now bigger than anyone churchits a kingdom movement. Indeed, over fifty local civic groups, churches,and organizations now partner with The Well to care for those in need in our community.

    THE JETPACK PROJECTAround 45% of the children who attend Spring Hill Elementary School benefit froma free or reduced lunch program. This ensures thatat the very leastthese children

    have one good meal each day. But those same children may not get a good meal on theweekends, when school isnt in session. When they return to school hungry and distracted,lower grades and discipline problems often follow. Recognizing the long-term implicationsof this problem (including lower quality of life, increased rates of addiction, and higherinstances of gang involvement), WellSpring partnered with The Well in 2011 to launchThe JetPack Project. This innovative program now provides nourishing weekend food forchildren who are on free and reduced lunch programs at Spring Hill Elementary School.

    Were praying for God to open doors to bring a similar program to additional area schools,

    through similar partnerships between The Well and other local churches.

    Before we built the storage shed at Spring HillElementary, all of our equipment had to beloaded out of a trailer every Sunday morning(and back into it every Sunday afternoon).

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    Could we continue doing what were doing now...meeting in a school on Sunday morningand only having our church office open to the community during the week? Perhaps.But we feel that God is calling us to put down roots...to build a ministry facility that is truly inour community and for our community. Its a way for us to tell our neighbors, Were herefor the long term. And youre welcome here throughout the week, not just on Sundays.

    This wont be a monument to ourselves; it will be a place of community and outreach...a safe place to meet Jesus for the first time.

    Imagine a property that connects to neighboring trail or sidewalksystems, so that families can walk, jog, or bike right up to ourfacility. Imagine a peaceful place where friends and neighborscan share coffee and conversation...where frazzled parents can getaway for a few minutes to pray or read a book. Imagine an auditorium

    where local families can come enjoy safe movies together at little or no cost.Most of all, imagine a building that doesnt exist solely for thebenefit of the church, but also for the benefit of those who arentyet in the church.


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    Our vision for this facility is for it to be a self-sustaining

    building that serves the city, builds community, and

    advances our mission. Heres what that means:

    SELF-SUSTAININGTo help offset the financial expense of our facility, well put it to work in creative ways.Pending budget and zoning approval, current plans and ideas include offering a Christianpre-school or mothers day out program in our childrens area, setting up a family-friendlytheater in our auditorium on weekends, and using our main lobby area as a cafe or smallbookstore.


    Throughout this process, weve asked, How can this facility serve the needs of Spring Hill?The pre-school/mothers day out idea is one example; most local options are booked tocapacity. Were also hoping to become a connection point for trails and sidewalks.If current plans materialize, a continuous network of sidewalks and trails will connectSummit High School and Chapmans Retreat Elementary School through our property.

    BUILDS COMMUNITYPeople live in one place and work somewhere else, but they spend time with friends at athird place (like a coffee shop, town square, or park). We want to become a third placefor local residents...a setting where you can bring friends who may or may not follow Jesus.It will be a facility where kids can play, neighbors can meet, and friends can share stories oflifeand faithtogether.

    ADVANCES OUR MISSIONEverything we do points back to our mission: Helping People Follow Jesus. Whether weare holding Sunday morning worship services, opening a pre-school, or pouring a cup ofcoffee, we pray that God will use it to draw people to Him.

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    PUTTING DOWN ROOTSAdmittedly, this facility is a pretty lofty dream. But its only part ofPutting Down Roots,a movement that we feel God is beginning in and for our community. This movement hasthree main tenets:

    1) We need to build relational roots with our neighbors.Many of us work in different cities, and our extended families are often hours away.

    Its not easy, but we need to build deep, meaningful relationships right here where we live.

    2) Everyone needs to be spiritually rooted to God by surrendering to(and living for) Jesus.

    WellSprings mission, quite simply, is: Helping People Follow Jesus. This movementis part of our larger mission.

    3) Its time for WellSpring to put down roots in Spring Hill by building a

    permanent ministry facility.After eight years of renting space for our Sunday morning worship services, were goingto build a community-oriented ministry facility. Its simply one of the best ways for us todeepen the spiritual and relational roots in our city. Its also a way to tell our neighbors,Were here to stay, and were going to be here for your family for years to come.

    Putting Down Rootsdoesnt mean that weve stopped growing. And having a buildingdoesnt mean that weve arrived or that were finally a real church. In fact, were

    confident that God is just beginning His work in our community through WellSpring.

    Weve taken church mission trips toHaiti and Mexico. Another one is inthe works for the Lakota reservationin South Dakota.

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    DIGGING DEEPThePutting Down Rootsmovement is going to stretch us all. Well be challenged to

    re-think how we view our friends and neighbors, and to consider how intentional we arein building relationships outside of our comfort zone. Well ask ourselves if we are doing allthat we can to deepen the roots of our faith, and well ask God to make us more steadfastin our commitment to help others become spiritually rooted to their Father in heaven.

    Were also going to be challenged to make a financial sacrifice in order to bring thisministry facility to fruition. If youve ever had any luck growing grass, shrubs, or trees inthe clay soil of the Spring Hill area, you know this: Lots of dedication is required on the

    front end to build the strong roots necessary for a plant to grow and thrive. The sameholds true for this facility. We have the opportunity to see something remarkablerise from the ground that will impact our community for generations tocome. But for that to happen, now is the time to dig deep, pray hard, andgive sacrificially.

    On March 11, youll receive a card at our Sunday morning worship services like the oneshown here. Youll also receive a Family Meeting Guide, which will walk your family

    through a special devotional and discussion time. At the end of this family meeting,youll record your confidential financial commitment (a one-time gift, a three-year pledge,and donations of non-cash gifts) on your card and seal it in the corresponding envelope.Be sure to bring this sealed envelope to our Sunday morning worship serviceson March 18, which is our Commitment Sunday!

    This chart shows the weekly, monthly, or yearly gift that willallow you to reach your total three-year commitment amount.

    We wont all make equal gifts, but we will all equally sacrifice.Dont be impressed (or depressed) by the numbers shownbelow; remember, God is more interested in the heart of thegiver than the gift itself!


    5 22 260 78010 44 520 1,560

    15 65 780 2,340

    20 87 1,040 3,120

    25 109 1,300 3,900

    30 130 1,560 4,680

    35 152 1,820 5,460

    40 174 2,080 6,240

    45 195 2,340 7,020

    50 217 2,600 7,800

    60 260 3,120 9,360

    70 304 3,640 10,920

    80 347 4,160 12,480

    90 390 4,680 14,040100 434 5,200 15,600

    3 Year TotalCommitment




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    Jesus tells a parable about a mustard seed. Its the smallest of all seeds, butonce itsplantedit grows to become the largest of the garden plants. Acts 4 records thatbelievers sold houses, land, and fields...then gave the proceeds to the apostles forkingdom use. Maybe you can plant a mustard seed by making a small monthly financialgift; over time, its growth will be incredible. Or maybe you can make an Acts 4 gift; perhapstheres something that you can sell or donate for kingdom purposes.

    Heres the beautiful thing: The size of the gift really doesnt matter in Gods eyes! Luke 21shows us that God cares most about the heart of the giver. He loves to see us joyfullysacrifice in faith, and to trust in His provision. We wont all make equal gifts, and thatsokay. Instead, lets just strive to equally (and joyfully) sacrifice.

    Looking to free up some cash? These ideas save thousands of dollars(really) over the course of three years:

    Dumb down your cell phone plan- Do you really need immediate access to every pieceof information at all times? Depending on your contract, you might be able to ditch yourdata plan but keep your text messaging.

    Start clipping coupons- The most valuable part of the Sunday newspaper isnt theheadlines or the sports sectionits the coupons! Contact the church office and wellput you in touch with expert couponers who can show you the ropes on how to rack upBIG savings.

    Cut your cable or ditch your dish- Television networks now transmit a free,over-the-air high definition signal. Trust us...broadcast TV still provides PLENTY ofopportunities (for better or worse) to veg out and be entertained. If youll cancel

    your cable or satellite service and commit that money toPutting Down Rootsforthree years, well try to provide the expertise needed to set you up with freeover-the-air television.

    We didnt know it when we purchased the property,but the creek on our land (where we baptize folkswhen its warm enough) is named Aenon Creek.

    Look up John 3:23 to see why thats pretty remarkable.

    & GIVING


    P U T T I N G D O W N R O O T S | A M O V E M E N T I N O U R C O M M U N I T Y , F O R O U R C O M M U N I T Y.

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