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  • 7/29/2019 Pwc Looking Ahead Driving Co Creation in the Auto Industry PDF


    Looking aheadDriving co-creationin the auto industry

    At a glanceOEMs are moving toengage stakeholders likenever before using thecollaborative power of co-creation.

    May 2013

  • 7/29/2019 Pwc Looking Ahead Driving Co Creation in the Auto Industry PDF


    2 Looking ahead

    IntroductionWhile auto companies develop products and technologies to meetconsumer demands in a 24/7 world, co-creation methods can provideoutlets to engage customers, dealers, employees and suppliers.Companies that successfully tap the feedback will be able to enhance products, create in-depth customer experiences and gain a competitiveadvantage. How can companies better integrate technology solutionsto drive co-creation that results in collaboration among various stakeholders through social media and other interactive outlets?

    In recent years, existing methods of collaboration with customers have

    begun to evolve into co-creation.Stakeholders are now interactingdirectly with companies in a two-way dialogue. The most common examplesare around discussion forums andproduct design. But now, servicesand many other company processesare also taking part in the discussion.There are already many examples where automotive Original EquipmentManufacturers (OEMs) are takingthis approach.

    Social media is raising the bar onco-creation by giving companiesthe means to interact with virtually every one of their stakeholders.Some companies are already takingadvantage of channels like YouTube,Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, ordeveloping their own interactiveonline sites for customer communities.Companies that successfully tap intocustomer feedback and encourageinteractive involvement will be ableto enhance products, create in-depthcustomer experiences and improvetheir competitive position.


    Theres potential to engage otherstakeholders too, but these arent

    as common. For example, whilea number of OEMs are actively collaborating with suppliers, relatively few are connecting in true enterpriseco-creation with their supplierecosystem. Companies may be ableto reduce costs and improve quality by transforming these relationshipsand interactions. The same is true fordealerships. By involving the dealernetworks in enterprise co-creation,OEMs are likely to gain a signi cantcompetitive advantage.

    Enterprise co-creation:taking collaboration to thenext levelEnterprise co-creation is afundamentally different way of looking at value generation betweenthe organization and its customers,suppliers, dealers, partners,employees, and public sector agencies.

    It is opening up business processesand reengineering them, so that they work both ways. Tangible bene tsinclude revenue growth, improvedretention, and lower operating

    costs for enterprises, as well asincreased satisfaction and loyalty for

    stakeholders. Its an approach that canbe especially valuable for automotivecompanies, who have looked toconnect with customers, suppliers,and dealer networks for decades.

    PwC believes that co-creation isultimately about increasing valuethrough innovative dialogue andpartnerships. Co-creation can makea signi cant impact on relationshipsacross the entire automotive valuechain. From product design anddevelopment to new vehicle salesand service, co-creation fosterstrue multi-directional collaborationamong customers, suppliers,dealers, service and supportorganizations and internally amongemployees. Even brand image canbe improved when organizationsuse co-creation to increaseeffectiveness of their corporate socialresponsibility programs.

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    3Driving co-creation in the auto industry

    Co-creation can take place using a variety of engagement platforms, suchas online communities, social network sites, crowd-sourcing techniques andcontests. But co-creation is more than just getting thousands of followersor fans. A companys goal shouldbe to create an engaged, extended

    community that is committed to theproduct and company shown by theirinvolvement in collaborative activities.Its ultimately a partnership betweenthe company and an individual,fueled by innovative experiences thatcan lead to positive outcomes foreveryone involved.

    Not all platforms are equally suited togetting there. Engagement platformscan range from simple channels for

    conveying information or answeringquestions to cooperative environmentsto truly collaborative systems (seeFigure 1). Even companies thatare already well on their way toimplementing co-creation are stilllikely to have gaps in some areas, asthe graph shows.

    Letters represent particular activities or projects. These are mapped to various levelso maturity:

    1. One directional, In ormational plat orm, unsolicited in ormation

    2. Transactional plat orm where in ormation is provided (i.e. a request, and a response)

    3. Plat orm suppor ts co-operation where stakeholders work together toward their ownseparate goals with increasing interactions

    4. Plat orm suppor ts coordination where stakeholders begin to change their belie s,thoughts, and most importantly actions, based on in ormation rom other stakeholders

    5. Plat orm suppor ts ull collaboration where stakeholders work toward a common goal and

    openly share in ormation.Source: PwC analysis

    Figure 1: Example of a potential co-creation landscape for an OEM withrelatively mature activities







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    4 Looking ahead

    Moving beyond focus groupsIn the past, OEMs often relied oncustomer data obtained by surveys,focus groups, ethnography studies andsecondary market research to developnew products and redevelop existingofferings. But those approaches still

    sometimes fell short. Although focusgroups were used, some new vehicles were designed that didnt appeal toconsumers. And even when vehicles were very popular initially, somefailed to keep pace with changingconsumer preferences and wereeventually discontinued.

    Thats why companies are now lookingto go beyond background researchand focus groups in initial design

    stages. Instead, the goal is to engagecustomers in an interactive, ongoing

    While many companies are already exploring co-creation, few of them aretruly making use of all the possibilitiesco-creation offers. For example,automakers are making great stridesin co-creation with customers throughproduct development and marketing with interested fans. However,progress in other important areashas been much slower. And thoughsupplier collaboration is common,true co-creation with suppliers ismuch less prevalent. There is alsosigni cant opportunity to leveragethe power of co-creation in areas likedealer relations, after-sales serviceand support, internal processes, andenhancing the companys reputationfor corporate social responsibility.

    dialogue. Its not optional. Newcar buyers are already using onlineinformation channels extensively to research different vehicles. Thegrowing access to almost unlimitedinformation and online communicationchannels has absolutely empoweredthe consumer. That is creating a bigopportunity for automakers.

    Consumers are hungry for real-time, ongoing information sharingand active collaboration. Customerand enthusiast communities arealready emerging and beginningto have an impact on automotiveinnovation. These new and moreengaged participants in theproduct development process areproviding input into everythingfrom design concepts and technicalexpertise to design drawings andtechnical speci cations.

    Figure 2: The AutomobileA Multitude of Engagement Channels

    Co-Workers Golf Buddy

    Inn Keeper



    Store Clerks Friends Family Vacationers

    Service Mgr


    Doing Business Communicating

    Singing, TalkingHandlingBreakdowns

    Navigating,Trip Planning

    Avoiding Problems

    Eating, Sharing



    Insuring andReporting Claims

    Storing andSecuring

    Theft Reporting

    Getting Repairs

    Bad Drivers

    Injured Drivers


    Insurance Agent

    Repair Tech




    DMV Agent



    Shopping Entertainment Sports Romance Traveling

    Web Search Test Drive Purchase Trade-in App


    Call Center Dealer App Support App Store Tech

  • 7/29/2019 Pwc Looking Ahead Driving Co Creation in the Auto Industry PDF


    5Driving co-creation in the auto industry

    Co-creating new designconceptsThere are a number of examples whereOEMs are getting customers involvedin the design process. Customers andfans can participate in a virtual world

    to share ideas, participate in designcontests, suggest topics of interestand more. This is an opportunity forOEMs to gain knowledge and generateinnovative approaches to productdesign and integrated solutions.These virtual gathering places allowcustomers to rally around a newproduct launch or simply participatein the discussion. OEMs who leveragetechnology capabilities of the virtual websites can further drive traf c tothe retailer when the product comesto market.

    OEMs who leave their customers out of thedevelopment process risk falling behind thecompetition.

    Chad Mollin, PwC Management Consulting

    And while co-created design conceptsarent yet being mass-produced, the

    rst concept cars have already createda lot of interest. Launched in Brazilin 2010, Fiats concept car, Fiat Mio, was based on more than 11,000 ideassubmitted by 17,000 subscribers inmore than 120 countries. 1 Social mediasites Facebook and Twitter generatedsome of the ideas, and videos aboutthe making of the car are hostedon YouTube.

    Germanys Volkswagen, in Englishthe peoples car, decided to look to the worlds largest car marketfor ideas. The companys PeoplesCar Project started up in China in2011. Volkswagen asked users of aninteractive website to submit theirideas and they did.

    1. Is this the uture o Automotive Design? http:// ; Fiat-Mio-the-Worlds-First-Crowdsourced-Car-00273.html

    2. Volkswagen crowdsources its way to a hover car,

    The of cial website received over35.6 million views, nearly 13 million visitors, more than 200,000 designsubmissions, and the followers of itsof cial micro blog topped 495,767.This open-innovation platform hasactivated a nationwide dialogue aboutfuture mobility. With the PeoplesCar Project, the Volkswagen brandbecame the most digitalized autobrand in China. 2 Volkswagen turnedthree of the ideas into concept carsand launched them at the Beijing AutoShow in May 2012.

    We think that OEMs who leave theircustomers out of the developmentprocess risk falling behind thecompetition. As these examples show,some companies are already wellon their way. Automakers need toconsider how to reach out and connect with customers.
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    6 Looking ahead

    A co-created vehicle fromenthusiasts, manufacturedby handLocal Motors takes co-creation severalsteps farther. Its CEO, Jay Rogers,says the company is changing the way cars are designed, built and brought tomarket. 3 The company crowd-sources,

    or co-creates car designs and thenmanufactures the new models on asmall scale in micro-factories. Thecompany uses a co-creation approachthroughout the value chaindesignideas are crowd-sourced, and suppliersexchange information on parts via anopen-source network. 4

    Local Motors co-creative challenge-based platform, The Forge, wassuch a successful example other

    companies started using it too. PaccarsPeterbilt Division is collaborating with Local Motors to conduct anonline competition, RIG2RoadIcon Generation 2. 5 The globalcompetition sought innovative designsfor a classic heavy duty truck exteriorthat used more aerodynamic andmodern elements.

    Local Motors own rst vehicle, theRally Fighter, took just 18 months togo from a 2-D drawing to a vehicleready for pick-up. That compares to

    the industry standard of 3 to 5 years.The company wants to streamline evenfurther, with a goal of a 12 monthtimeline. Customers actually help buildtheir car; creating a unique experience.

    That was not the rst time anautomaker has put some aspect of manufacturing directly in the handsof the car buyer. General Motors hasoffered buyers of its Chevrolet Corvettethe chance to build the enginesthemselves for an extra price andunder supervisiona uniquely literaltake on co-creation. 6

    Using co-creation to market products and enhancethe brandGetting the car buyer involved in

    design and production will surely buildsigni cant brand loyalty. In fact, OEMs who collaborate with stakeholders ndmany ways to enhance both marketingand brand management.

    In Canada, Volkswagen used a co-creation strategy to engage thecompanys fans in creating the thirdin a series of ads themed Drive Untilfor the companys Golf compact car.Facebook users helped develop the

    script for the ad, choose the actors, andselect the music. Fans could choose to

    3. Wie Co-Creation in der Automobil-Industrieunktioniert: Interview mit Jay Rogers von Local


    creation-in-der-automobil-industrie- unktioniert-interview-mit-jay-rogers-von-local-motors/

    4. Das Case Local Motors: Co-creation andcollaboration in the Automotive-industrie,Universitt St. Gallen, Double Yuu, T Systems, uploads/2011/12/Local-Motors-Case-Study-FINAL1.pd

    5. Local Motors wants your help designing the nextPeterbilt rig https:// competition.php?co=68&tab=design-brie

    6. http://blogs.

    be anonymous or to be included in thecredits. This co-creative model goes well beyond traditional marketing andbuzz creation, by opening the doorto a two-way conversation with key stakeholders where their ideas areturned into reality.

    In todays consumer-drivenmarketplace, providing opportunitiesfor the public to share their ideas,enthusiasm, and complaints is thekey to building strong relationships.That may mean using existing socialmedia networks like Facebook, Twitterand YouTube, participating in newcommunities set up by enthusiasticfans, or interacting on cross-industry social websites. This is a way OEMs canact as peers in these new communities,sharing ideas or just listening to whatcustomers are saying about their vehicles. Engagement platforms likethese are now shaping perceptionsof car brands, so OEMs need to takethem seriously.

    Automotive companies do not needto be constrained to existing socialmedia platforms either. Some OEMsnow have their own interactive onlinecommunities. For example, Fordsinteractive site, Ford Social helpsto build customer-loyalty, promotetwo-way interaction and help spreadkey messages.
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    7Driving co-creation in the auto industry

    Beyond the customer

    Customers are just the beginning. Co-creation has the potential to reshape

    interaction with virtually all internaland external stakeholders includingsuppliers, dealers, service and supportand internal audiences.

    Working together with suppliersCo-creation platforms have been usedfor years to enhance relationshipsbetween OEMs and their suppliers;these run the gamut from online

    information sharing websites, to co-location facilities in business parks andbusiness model transformations.

    During the design stage, co-creationplatforms have become particularly important. While in-person design workshops are still common forpartners who are located relatively

    close, virtual platforms have becomedominant. Internal Team web portals

    and supplier portals, where peopleshare everything from CAD drawingsto test results within an environmentthat can be adapted by all participants,are the most common today.

    Using co-creation strategies isone important way that OEMs areincluding their suppliers much earlierin their innovation processes, whichcan increase supplier commitment,transparency and trust, 7 which

    leads to lower pricing, increasedtechnology sharing and higher supplierrelationship rankings.

    Over the past decade, Ford has madebig improvements in its workingrelations with suppliers, 8 citingincreased collaboration with key suppliers as one important reason.

    In September 2005, Ford introducedits Aligned Business Framework

    (ABF) to strengthen collaborationand develop a sustainable businessmodel to drive mutual pro tability and technology development. 9 As partof the framework, Ford is involvingsuppliers earlier in the productdevelopment process.

    And while co-creation may oftenstart with the design phase, it doesntend there. Shared manufacturingstrategies, like just-in-sequence

    delivery and joint testing, can alsoprovide great opportunities for OEMsto co-create with their suppliers. Socan more transparency. Fords ABF alsoincludes sharing more information onforecast volumes and product plans with suppliers.

    7. 2011 PPI NA Automotive OEMSupplier WorkingRelations Study

    8. Ibid.

    9. FORD, KEY SUPPLIERS ROLL OUT INNOVATIVEBUSINESS MODEL http://media. article_display.c m?article_id=21677
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    8 Looking ahead

    Interacting with dealers A strong relationship with the dealernetwork has long been seen as criticalto OEMs success. By collaborating with dealers, companies can market vehicles more effectively. Excellentcustomer service at the dealerlevel is also critical to developing a

    strong brand.

    Its not always smooth sailing though.In the US, for example, recent hardtimes in the automotive industry drove thousands of dealerships outof business. Many OEMs found thatrelationships with the survivingdealerships were tense as a result.By implementing co-creationplatforms together with dealers,OEMs can actively foster collaboration

    downstream. That can help them reachout to the customer together withdealers, and enhance relationships with dealer networks too.

    Thats especially important, since allaround the world dealers are facingnew challenges that go well beyondthe economic environment. Consumershopping behavior is changingsigni cantly. Online informationresources mean that new and used

    car buyers now have instant accessto vehicle inventory availability andprice transparency through online

    search engines such as Auto, and means more pressure on prices,since new car buyers can comparisonshop in a way they never could have inthe past.

    In the past, the dealership was theprimary site of interaction with a carbrand, but thats expanding now.Third-party sites and the OEMs owndigital platformsparticularly mobileand socialprovide the potential fora whole host of other interactions.Making sure that dealers are linkedinto such efforts is critical. Whendealers work together with OEMs anddevelop robust co-creation platforms,they can enhance traf c into dealerstorefronts, improve how the customerinteracts with both the dealer andthe OEM, increase sales and build therelationship between the dealer andthe OEM too.

    Connected carsJust how interactive will cars be? Automakers are starting to explorethe possibilities.

    Toyotas Fun Vii concept carViistands for vehicle interactive internetmade waves at the Tokyo Auto Showin 2011. Its touch screen exterior canchange to suit the drivers mood. Theconcept car can also connect to thedealers website for a check-up.

    In 2007, Ford and others developeda connectivity platform, called SYNCthat allows users to make hands-freetelephone calls, control music andperform other functions with the useof voice commands in the vehicle.Now, the automaker is working onincorporating a series of in-car healthand wellness apps and services aimedat monitoring people with chronicillnesses, into vehicles.

    In the area of diabetes, Fordresearchers have developed aprototype system that allows FordSYNC to connect via Bluetooth toa continuous glucose monitoringdevice and share glucose levels andtrends through audio alerts and visualdisplays for drivers or passengers. Thesystems envisioned would be able to

    interact with drivers other devices,like smart phones and then relay thisinformation to health care providers by storing the data in the cloud.

    Using a co-creation approach to getinput not only from customers, butalso from a whole range of otherstakeholders, will be vital in movingother innovations like these forward.

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    9Driving co-creation in the auto industry

    OEMs and suppliers are already working together to make vehicles more connectedcarsare starting to become a social product.

    Big opportunities in serviceand support In the US, a recent survey reportedthat only around 33% of customerstrust dealer repair and service facilitiesto conduct their repairs. 10 Further,over 80% of respondents indicatedthey wouldnt use dealers for out of warranty repair work. Thats a lot of lost potential opportunity for dealers.

    OEMs and suppliers are already working together to make vehiclesmore connectedcars are startingto become a social product.Theres a big opportunity to build inconnectivity with dealers and otherafter-sales support providers too. Newinfotainment and other electronicsystems should also work together with dealers and customers to identify the best way to provide transparency to the vehicle operation and servicerequirements. Theyll need to takeinto account the drivers desire forprivacy and leave freedom for selectinga preferred service location, but stillconnect interactively with dealernetworks (and potentially other serviceproviders as well). Some automakersare already working on such concepts

    (see Connected cars).

    When the tire pressure is low or theoil needs a change, for example, thecar could not only alert the driverit could potentially show possiblelocations to have the service done. If dealers see that a car will be in need of service, they can reach out to the driverand let them know. That might include

    offering a discount at the right time orincluding functionality that lets driversmake service appointments directly from the vehicles interface. Customersbene t too, by obtaining a clear viewof what their service requirements are,and can quickly identify a dealer thatcan perform necessary maintenance orrepairs at an acceptable cost.

    10. Source:
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    10 Looking ahead

    Internal collaboration andemployee innovationsCo-creation can also be a usefultool to build relationships within anorganization. Establishing the rightinteractive engagement platformsto reach out to employees can beespecially powerful as part of internal

    change programs, or as a way to fosteran innovation culture throughoutthe organization. When companiesreally engage their employees andnot only ask for their ideas, butalso implement them, employeesatisfaction and morale goes way up. And since satis ed employees are moreproductive and less likely to leave thecompany, theres a direct impact on thebottom line.

    New tools and resources cantake internal collaboration to anentirely new level. But good onlinecollaboration tools alone arent enoughto really fuel an internal culture of co-creation or gain ef ciency bene ts. Automotive companies also needto listen to the voices of employees who will actually use these tools intheir day-to-day interactions. Indeed,collaboration tools work best whenthey are co-created with employees.Implementing new HR systems tostreamline time reports, for example,can potentially save companies a lotof administrative time. But they needto make sure that systems work wellfor employees. Thats easier if staff isincluded in the development process.

    There are many other ways to co-create with employees. With many companiesnow operating with a smaller staff,looking to every employee as a possiblesource of new ideas and informationcan make the difference betweensurviving and thriving.

    Working with stakeholdersin the community Consumers and society in generalhave become increasingly focusedon a rms economic, social andenvironmental impact, or the triplebottom-line. With informationthat is easy to share, companies that

    dont uphold high standards in theseareas quickly suffer damage to theirreputation and subsequently theirpro tability. The continued growthof Corporate Social Responsibility programs (CSR) across many industries has shown how rmpro tability improves with thegreening of a rms business.However, while many companieshave developed CSR programs, thereis a growing sense of complacency in communicating them and theirimpacts. Further, there is a risk of theperception of greenwashingwhere what is reported in terms of impact isnot the true performance.

    With multiple reporting standardsthat can be used, such as: GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 26000and 14000 and Social Accountability International (SAI) just to name a few,there is a signi cant challenge for rmsin deciding what to report and how toreport it. Firms that have a co-creativemind set, recognize that social mediacan be a very effective platform formoving beyond the often long and dullannual CSR reports to more dynamic,transparent and targeted reporting.

    Some rms are even now beginningto utilize social media platforms suchas facebook and twitter to report theirCSR performance 11 with a goal toengage actively with participants whobecome a following to a rms CSR performance. This not only helps buildtrust with stakeholders and interestedparties but also allows rms to bettergauge overall sentiment early on.

    OEMs recognize that they are oftenunder the spotlight when it comesto the impacts that automobileshave on society at large. Cars areintimately linked to environmentalconcerns, public safety and economicsustainability. By leveraging many of the same platforms and techniquesused to reach out to consumers,suppliers and dealers, OEMs couldbuild interactive dialogues withother stakeholders that may not beso interested in what the design of a vehicle looks like, or how its puttogether, but are rather interested withthe impacts on the environment andsociety that comes with building andadding another vehicle to the road.Through cocreation and the utilizationof social media platforms, OEMs cangain the capability to quickly identify

    what needs to be communicated,gauge overall sentiment and reactearlier to concerns that may emerge.

    11. http://www. orbesleadership orum/2012/01/18/the-top-10-

    trends-in-csr- or-2012/
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    11Driving co-creation in the auto industry

    Whats next?Co-creation is already starting toemerge as a mainstream method of collaboration and idea generation in

    the automotive industry. We believethe pace of implementation willincrease signi cantly over the next ve years. Automakers should embrace thisnew level of openness and stakeholderinteraction and leverage the signi canttools and resources available. We think those that do this most effectively will be well-positioned to create asustainable leadership position forthe future.

    How PwC can support your co-creation effort We help our clients give stakeholdersmore active and direct responsibility in

    planning, innovation, operations, anddelivery. PwC Management Consultingcan work with your organization toexplore how co-creation can propel your business to the next level in various ways:

    Enterprise Co-Creation Assessment

    Customer Experience Co-Creation

    Supply Chain Co-Creation

    Product and Service Co-Creation

    Public-Sector and Multi-StakeholderPolicy Co-Creation

    New Business, Ecosystem, and

    Business Model Co-Creation

    Business Interaction Redesign

  • 7/29/2019 Pwc Looking Ahead Driving Co Creation in the Auto Industry PDF


    2013 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC re ers to the PwC network and/or one or more o its member frms, each o which is a separate legal entity. Please or urther details.

    This content is or general in ormation purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute or consultation with pro essional advisors. PwC helps organisationsand individuals create the value theyre looking or. Were a network o frms in 158 countries with more than 180,000 people who are committed to delivering qualityin assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and fnd out more by visiting us at . LA-13-0260 SL

    To hear how our services couldbeneft your organization, please contact:

    Dietmar OstermannGlobal Automotive Advisory Leader+1 313 394 [email protected]

    Doug BillingsPrincipal, Co-Creation Specialist617 530 [email protected]

    Chad MollinManager, NA Automotive ManagementConsulting Practice+1 224 622 [email protected]