lecture.xqy?q=%20sort:datedescending&id ... - hana aliyevastudent: yes i collected them and some...

YB089b 900204 Prosperity is possible Day 2 http://www.libraryofteachings.com/lecture.xqy?q=%20sort:dateDescending&id=3a84058c-d8c5-3135-f75f-b89401b4cfa0&title=Class---Prosperity-Is-Possible---Day-2 BA8A You please write us the elementary what your design is, what your focus is, what your projection is, we will send you the profile in writing, I mean to say we will lay it out for you. That's we normally do and we do it for friends and enemies at the same time. Okay, we will meditate, this is just to how to build the endurance to cope with a intuitive business what you call is commonly commonsense or intuitive sense. All right please make the index finger lock and make a fist of your hand and this is the Jupiter, the Lord of the knowledge. Left is like this, right is like this, see this is the lock. See here there is no difference, business is for all equal and simple. Now, you can either, you can keep it down, you will be depressed. No, no, I, you can test it out what I am saying it, I will stand scientifically behind it. You put it at the heart center, you will be achiever. If you put it here, you will have the most strong projection you can have. So it depends on three places, so let us start with the center. Correct. And please fix your eyes at the tip of your nose and make your face very simple and calm and totally breathe in like as you are breathing the prosperity, like you are drinking the water to the fullest and then let it go. 31 minutes (21+7+3) : You will breathe like you are drinking water, through the mouth, with a round mouth and exhale through the tip of the nose. Look at the tip of your nose, breathe through the mouth as you drink water and exhale through the nose but inhale completely and exhale completely. Students: (----) YB: Not to break them. (Students' laughter) YB: Try this, this, this, this first of all in first three minutes, you will find. Please keep the spine straight. While we are meditating, we shall be asking for opportunities inflow. There are eight facet of the magnetic field of the earth. We will invoke the energy from all eight sides. Four har, har Gobinde. This sound we are creating, guarantees prosperity. (The tape is played) YB (talks over music): Very calm, quiet, safe, sound. In three minutes it will start breaking the blocks so be steady. Drink the breath completely and exhale completely. Solidly look at the tip of the nose, perfectly inhale and exhale and keep the lock. Let your inner self find new horizons. If you yawn or sneeze it is comfortable, no problem. Don't interfere with body language. Now you are entering a era where your patterns in your head will start feeling to be changed. Your body will start relaxing and minus tension you will start finding new horizons. Please concentrate. Give your body to formulate its own identity. You have tensions of years and years and years, let that go. Drink the prana through mouth and exhale through nose. Keep the Jupiter lock and rest leave it to the vibrations. Now you shall be entering the zone of body repulses. That means certain things, which have been blocking you, shall start trembling. Please continue and get along with the experience. By the Jupiter lock you will invoke the Jupiter guidance by looking at the tip of the nose, you will control your mind to achieve that. By breathing full breathe inside the pranic energy, you will bring the result home. By the sound current, you will change the neurons of the brain to a set pattern of success. I am explaining to you stage by stage. First you are going through the body blocks being broken. In three more minutes we will be entering the mental blocks, which needs your perfect attention. Breathe prana systematically unto full strength. Now we are entering the mental zone. Now the fight starts between you and your mind. Drink the nectar of prana to widen your talent. Keep the Jupiter locked to realize the reality. Look at the tip of the nose to augment the strength of mind. If you do this once a week for sixty-two minutes by earthly time, there is hardly any possibility that you will have a problem. Keep on trying, keep on trying, keep on succeeding, keep on successfully. Reaching a result is the best, go for experience. Be in command. Now try to be steady. You have to go through this eleven minutes in future with a utmost exactness and consistency. Long, deep, slow breath. Breathing will become difficult, therefore, please deep, slowly but long and deep. Now please put your both hands over your head and continue. This you will continue exactly for seven minutes. This will establish in you the brain strength. This is to strengthen the gray matter. This is a subliminal computerized, permutation and combination in the sound to assure prosperity. Now you are creating a halo around your own forehead and forehead, which is the sign of the good luck. Three more minutes, standby. Now bring your hands before your navel point and continue. Keep on looking at the tip of the nose, keep on breathing the same way. We have one minute to go. Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate. (The tape stops) YB: Please shake your hands and shake your entire body, let the energy adjust. Please do it little harsher. Move, move, move for God sake. Come on move every part, every part, you will move will be your friend. I know it is difficult to move at this moment but that's the way it is. Move, move, move, move, move, every part, every muscle has to move that energy must flow equally and everywhere. Okay, sit down and relax.

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Post on 20-Apr-2020




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  • YB089b 900204 Prosperity is possible Day 2 http://www.libraryofteachings.com/lecture.xqy?q=%20sort:dateDescending&id=3a84058c-d8c5-3135-f75f-b89401b4cfa0&title=Class---Prosperity-Is-Possible---Day-2

    BA8A You please write us the elementary what your design is, what your focus is, what your projection is, we will send you the profile in writing, I mean to say we will lay it out for you. That's we normally do and we do it for friends and enemies at the same time. Okay, we will meditate, this is just to how to build the endurance to cope with a intuitive business what you call is commonly commonsense or intuitive sense. All right please make the index finger lock and make a fist of your hand and this is the Jupiter, the Lord of the knowledge. Left is like this, right is like this, see this is the lock. See here there is no difference, business is for all equal and simple. Now, you can either, you can keep it down, you will be depressed. No, no, I, you can test it out what I am saying it, I will stand scientifically behind it. You put it at the heart center, you will be achiever. If you put it here, you will have the most strong projection you can have. So it depends on three places, so let us start with the center. Correct. And please fix your eyes at the tip of your nose and make your face very simple and calm and totally breathe in like as you are breathing the prosperity, like you are drinking the water to the fullest and then let it go. 31 minutes (21+7+3): You will breathe like you are drinking water, through the mouth, with a round mouth and exhale through the tip of the nose. Look at the tip of your nose, breathe through the mouth as you drink water and exhale through the nose but inhale completely and exhale completely. Students: (----) YB: Not to break them. (Students' laughter) YB: Try this, this, this, this first of all in first three minutes, you will find. Please keep the spine straight. While we are meditating, we shall be asking for opportunities inflow. There are eight facet of the magnetic field of the earth. We will invoke the energy from all eight sides. Four har, har Gobinde. This sound we are creating, guarantees prosperity. (The tape is played) YB (talks over music): Very calm, quiet, safe, sound. In three minutes it will start breaking the blocks so be steady. Drink the breath completely and exhale completely. Solidly look at the tip of the nose, perfectly inhale and exhale and keep the lock. Let your inner self find new horizons. If you yawn or sneeze it is comfortable, no problem. Don't interfere with body language. Now you are entering a era where your patterns in your head will start feeling to be changed. Your body will start relaxing and minus tension you will start finding new horizons. Please concentrate. Give your body to formulate its own identity. You have tensions of years and years and years, let that go. Drink the prana through mouth and exhale through nose. Keep the Jupiter lock and rest leave it to the vibrations. Now you shall be entering the zone of body repulses. That means certain things, which have been blocking you, shall start trembling. Please continue and get along with the experience. By the Jupiter lock you will invoke the Jupiter guidance by looking at the tip of the nose, you will control your mind to achieve that. By breathing full breathe inside the pranic energy, you will bring the result home. By the sound current, you will change the neurons of the brain to a set pattern of success. I am explaining to you stage by stage. First you are going through the body blocks being broken. In three more minutes we will be entering the mental blocks, which needs your perfect attention. Breathe prana systematically unto full strength. Now we are entering the mental zone. Now the fight starts between you and your mind. Drink the nectar of prana to widen your talent. Keep the Jupiter locked to realize the reality. Look at the tip of the nose to augment the strength of mind. If you do this once a week for sixty-two minutes by earthly time, there is hardly any possibility that you will have a problem. Keep on trying, keep on trying, keep on succeeding, keep on successfully. Reaching a result is the best, go for experience. Be in command. Now try to be steady. You have to go through this eleven minutes in future with a utmost exactness and consistency. Long, deep, slow breath. Breathing will become difficult, therefore, please deep, slowly but long and deep.

    Now please put your both hands over your head and continue. This you will continue exactly for seven minutes. This will establish in you the brain strength. This is to strengthen the gray matter. This is a subliminal computerized, permutation and combination in the sound to assure prosperity. Now you are creating a halo around your own forehead and forehead, which is the sign of the good luck. Three more minutes, standby. Now bring your hands before your navel point and continue. Keep on looking at the tip of the nose, keep on breathing the same way. We have one minute to go. Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate. (The tape stops)

    YB: Please shake your hands and shake your entire body, let the energy adjust. Please do it little harsher. Move, move, move for God sake. Come on move every part, every part, you will move will be your friend. I know it is difficult to move at this moment but that's the way it is. Move, move, move, move, move, every part, every muscle has to move that energy must flow equally and everywhere. Okay, sit down and relax.









  • Now, I do not say that what is a miracle but I do say, within you there is a capacity to bring prosperity home and this kriya which we have done, it's called Jupiter kriya, it brings prosperity home. If once a week for sixty-two minutes, you do it on a fix time, that's all you need. It is powerful enough to clear out the garbage and your own electromagnetic psyche shall be tuned in with the universal electromagnetic field and shall give you special energy and competence. Student: (-----) YB: We only did seven last minutes, five minutes you were asked to be in aura and two minutes at navel point. You did it for thirty-one minutes total. That was out of kindness. Normally we expect you to go about sixty-two, no this is a truth, if it is, it is required to be done sixty-two minutes. Well, prosperity belongs to the old and beginners, whomsoever wants it. Yeah? Student: (----) YB: Now this is what I said, last seven minutes minus thirty-one minutes. When you do sixty-two minutes, then you go on and last seven minutes, this aura you have to do only for five minutes and this you have to do only for two minutes. No, no, no, around, there is a arc line yes, not like this, not like Sat Kriya but just like this. Student: (----) YB: You are right, I wanted somebody to calculate. There is no chance of fill your with this. And the tape is very set. But you have to have a auto-reverse tape. So the both side can run normally tape finishes at certain time. Huh? Student: (----) YB: Yeah? Student: (----) YB: This is very well calculated mentally. We, we spend lot of time to test it out. It's a whole thing, it's a tested formula, it is not something we made it up today and perhaps it will work or not, it's, it is sure. Yeah? Student: If we do for once, for once a week for a (?) day. YB: Huh? Student: (----) YB: Once a week you have to do it, there are fifty-two weeks in a year and there may be sixty, seventy years of your life. Question is, you want to guarantee prosperity or you just think I came here for a joke, I didn't come here for a joke. It is six thousand miles travel for me. I just wanted to set the ball rolling. My intention was, many of you cannot come to America, I took a chance to come. Simple as that is. Actually this, this trip came to you just out of pleasure. I was going to Moscow I decided to stop on the way. I shall be tomorrow here, that's my last day in... Tuesday I am leaving. If anybody has a personal counseling, not for a emotional reason but for high scientific reason. We may be in a position to accommodate few people. But anybody who wants to come and seek the interview have to bring in written the problem profile. Side B ... work. Not pick yourself up and come. Feel normal? Students: (----) YB: Well, let us stay for a while, it is not right to just get up and get out, just, just, let her adjust, yes? Student: (----) YB: Yeah, yeah, yeah, your lot of things are blurry, don't worry. You will adjust in few minutes. Student: (----) YB: Oh let us play that. Students: (----) YB: Where is he? Come on start playing. (Students are clapping) YB: You will have a very special treat, I cannot believe I never saw the collection of the gongs that much, it is amazing. You have collected yourself? Student: (----) YB: All this gong you collected yourself? Student: Yes I collected them and some people produced them in Germany at a factory in the North Germany and they are producing this kind of gongs. And it's a very new type. YB: Please play, let us see how you play. (The gong is played) (Students are clapping) YB: Gong has the power of the creativity and this is the only one sound against which mind has no defense. Absolutely, it is a therapy and it can expand the mind we call it a horizon. I am going to play the gong, into two horizon space, three moons and one sun. These are the quotes. I hope you will be here. (Students' laughter) YB: Can you stand the big one. (Students' laughter) YB: That's like a first little one in (?). (The gong is played) (Students are clapping)

  • YB: These are very tuned gongs... tuned little more. ... just wait, yeah, the sound have to be tokened, right the balance has to be adjusted with the weight of the hammer. Now, we have to rub of the solid one but like the two. (The gong is played) YB: Gong and the hammer is called husband and wife and it depends on you. ... and if you want to create the creative sound... it's very specific (?). (The gong is played) YB: This is very difficult, very difficult. At least I needed that kind of raggis, to play this. Some of these are highly tuned... Let us thank him for bringing all this. (Students are clapping) YB: Normally, normally to cleanse our mind we do in our classes play the gongs and it is almost now fifty-two years, when I started playing it, long many years. Gongs are very friendly and they do create, the celestial space sound, in which mind is expanded for goodness and extreme relaxness is experienced. It was just a treat. Thank you very much. May the longtime... (YB & Students singing, May the longtime sunshine upon you...) YB: May the mental peace lead to the internal peace. May all be in peace and let peace prevail. In our tranquility and reality, may we enjoy every moment in peace and ecstasy. May the hand of God guide us to the total peaceful living and grace. In His name we pray with love and nobility. Sat Nam. Students: Sat Nam. YB: Thank you very much. And now you are very good, now you can go home peacefully and relax and rest tonight and if possible, let us know tomorrow how was the night. We expect to hear.