question 1

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. By Manraj Gill 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. 2. Style The style which I have used was always referred back to mixmag. As I mentioned in my blog, mixmag was my inspiration when creating this dance music magazine. By going through a handful of mixmag magazines they always used a style in which they always used a DJ or DJs as there front cover. So therefore, I decided to use this to my advantage and use the same idea by putting a close-up of DJ in my front cover. Due to this I believe that my magazine is similar due to the fact that I used a similar style in my front cover. I actually did not take any ideas and changed or developed them further in my magazine, reason being is because I felt that it wasnt needed because the style already used by mixmag is good enough to not be changed/developed.
  3. 3. Layout The layout which I have used was not entirely different from the mixmag I have looked at. The layout which I used for my double page spread on the other hand was similar to mixmag, reason why is because I used the similar layout (like a tabloid newspaper) which worked well with my Q&A show I had with a resident club DJ called Proof. Overall the majority within my magazine, the layout was changed and altered to meet my needs but their was some layouts that was similar to mixmag and my magazine such as the close up of the DJ on my front cover.
  4. 4. Images The images which I used for my magazine was completely different to the images used in mixmag (my inspiration), reason why is because the images used in mixmag are taken in pubs/clubs as well as festivals. I could not be able to duplicate them images and go into a nightclub or festival to take my images because I am underage. So I had to settle what mixmag also do in their mixmag and take images of resident nightclub DJs. So I therefore taken the ideas and changed them to suit my magazine and I also used my own knowledge and skill to get these images in way I would want them to be without any inspiration from mixmag. One of the images I used was a image of a resident DJ at a club in Ibiza and at a club in Miami called Proof.
  5. 5. Fonts The fonts which I have used was totally dissimilar to the ones that are used by mixmag for their magazines. Throughout my whole magazine I stuck to three fonts, while mixmag use a variety of fonts to go well with their whole magazine. So in some way I have taken the ideas and changed or in some way developed them further in my magazine to create my own magazine with three distinct fonts that are used consistently throughout. For an example, the fonts I used was Elephant, Bauhaus 93 and Calibri.
  6. 6. Colours The colours I have used consistently throughout my magazine is black, purple and green. Originally it was black, purple and red but after the feedback I got from my class peers, they mentioned that I would need to carry on working on front cover to get it absolutely right. So my house style is black, purple and green. The colour black I used is very much similar to what mixmag and other dance music magazines uses because in a nightclub or in a dance music festival the colours are most black because of how dark the room is. But however the other colours such as purple and green was added in by me without any inspiration form mixmag or from others. So with these two colours, I used them and changed them completely to match my own style and creation of magazine.
  7. 7. Language The language which I used within my magazine was mainly ceremonial English, but sometimes I also changed it up a little bit by adding in some slang language to match with the stereotype of dance music that mainly teenagers and the ages between 20-30 only listen to it, and they speak slang language or northern language. My magazine in terms of language is similar to mixmag, the reason being is because I decided to use what mixmag did also and put the language in formal English but also putting in a bit of slang so we can relate to our target audience.