question 1 - in what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real...

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Question 1 In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Question 1
In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Sheena Malcolm

Did we use, develop or challenge conventions of the thriller genre?

I felt like my group and I didnt really challenge any conventions of the thriller genre, we used and slightly developed the conventions. I didnt feel like we needed to challenge them because the conventions worked really well with our opening sequence. I felt like if we were to challenge the conventions it have worked but not as well is it did by using and developing the conventions of the thriller genre.

Title sequences

From the title research that I did it was clear to see that thriller have a very dark or gothic themed background. Two examples of this is The Orphan, the title sequence for this movies is has a very intense and gothic theme allowing the audience to get a feel what is in store for them with the movie, another movie that has a dark theme to it is Se7en, the movies titling sequence uses a very intense and disturbing background. However Se7en also used a plain black background which I felt had more of an affect with the simple white writing. We decided that we would use this type of titling, of a black background with white writing because it fit well with our media product, this was because we wanted our media product to have a slight traditional feel to it. Another way we used the traditional thriller genre was by having our credits appear in random places on the screen.

Title sequences

The OrphanSe7enSound

For our opening scene and title sequence we used three different non diegetic sounds because we felt that each of them added a different tone to the different scenes. Each sound had similar impacts however if we were to of used the audio from the first scene (intimidation) for the last scene instead of the original audio it wouldnt have worked as well because the audio from the last scene (corridor) fit well with particular movements that the actress did. Corridor had particular beats to it that highlighted certain moments in the scene. For our title sequence the audio that we used had an eerie and dark undertone to it, which is similar to sound used for the thriller genre, an example of this would be Faces in the Crowd, the sound used for this movies title sequence was eerie and gave the feeling of dread.





Colours that are used for thriller movies are usually slightly pale or washed out, by doing this it gives the movies a slightly dystopian feel or gives it a more dreary and intense feel. An example of a movie that uses pale or washed out colours is Gone Girl, the colours used give the feeling that there is something disparaging about they story line. My group and I decided that we were going to use this convention as it gave our opening sequence a more dramatic and intense feeling


Thriller movies tend to use harsh lighting, this gives the movies a more intense feel, by doing this the movie gives the audience more of a feel for the dynamics, intensity and seriousness the movie a movie that does this well is Gone Girl. My group and I decided we would use harsh lighting in some scenes, we used harsh lighting when we did a panning shot of the antagonists lair. I think it worked well with the scene as it gave a more theatrical and intense feel to it.

Camera work

For our opening sequence we used different camera angles and movement to create different effects. Our opening scene we used a tilt shot to create an eerie feel, this shot was also used in the movie The Silence of the Lambs which is a well known thriller. The tilt shot added a more dynamic opening than if we were to open with the protagonist running.

We used an over the shoulder shot in two scenes. One of them was when our antagonist was on his laptop and pinning up a picture of our protagonist, the second tie was when our protagonist received an unknown phone caller. By using an over the shoulder shot it gives the illusion that there is someone watching over their shoulders, this worked extremely well with our protagonist as it fit well with what was occurring but she was unaware.

Main Title

When researching thriller main titles I realised that the majority of thriller main titles use white text with a black background, one reason is that the text no matter what size or font stands out against the black background. Another reason being it fits well with the mood and dynamics of the film meaning, that as thrillers usually have a point when the equilibrium of the movie is shaken this is normally because something has gone wrong. My group and I decided as the white text on the background suits our storyline we would use this convention as it would work in our favour than if we were to challenge this convention.

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